Psychasthenia: anancastic and anxious personality disorder. What is psychasthenia

Scales: hypochondria, depression, hysteria, psychopathy, paranoia, psychasthenia, schizoid, hypomania

Purpose of the test

The questionnaire is aimed at identifying the most common situational or stagnant personality disorders, conditioned extreme conditions life activity.

The questionnaire contains 71 questions. The “mini-cartoon” consists of 11 scales, 3 of which are evaluative, measuring the sincerity of the subject, the degree of reliability of the test results and the amount of corrections made by the subject’s excessive caution. The remaining 8 scales are basic and assess personality traits in terms of hypochondria (Hs), depression (D), hysteria (Hu), psychopathy (Pd), paranoia (Pa), psychasthenia (Pt), schizoidity (Sc), hypomania (Ma) . In the “Mini-Mult” methodology, personality traits are not determined by the indicators “masculinity - femininity” (M) and social inversion (5). Unlike the MMPI test questionnaire, which takes 40 minutes to complete, there is no time limit for completing the “Mini-Mult” technique, but it should not be too long.

Test instructions

Carefully read the statements in the questionnaire that relate to your character. Decide whether each statement given is true or false. Don't spend too much time thinking. The most natural solution is the one that first comes to your mind. Enter your answer in the test form (the form is given after the questionnaire). If you agree with the statement, write down “+”; if you disagree, write down “-”.


1. You have a good appetite.
2. In the morning you usually feel that you have slept and rested.
3. There are many interesting things in your daily life.
4. You work under a lot of pressure.
5. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into your head that it’s better not to talk about them.
6. You are very rarely constipated.
7. Sometimes you really wanted to leave home.
8. At times you have bouts of uncontrollable laughter or crying.
9. At times you experience nausea and the urge to vomit.
10. You have the impression that no one understands you. .
11. Sometimes you feel like cursing.
12. You have nightmares every week.
13. You find it harder to concentrate than most people.
14. Strange things have happened (or are happening) to you.
15. You would achieve much more in life if people were not opposed to you.
16. As a child, at one time you committed thefts.
17. It happened that for several days, weeks or whole months you could not do anything, because it was difficult to force yourself to get involved in work.
18. You have interrupted and restless sleep.
19. When you are among people, you hear strange things.
20. Most people who know you do not consider you an unpleasant person.
21. You often had to obey someone who knew less than you.
22. Most people are more satisfied with their lives than you are.
23. Many people exaggerate their misfortunes in order to gain sympathy and help.
24. Sometimes you get angry.
25. You definitely lack self-confidence.
26. You often feel like you have done something wrong or bad.
27. You often have muscle twitching.
28. You are usually satisfied with your destiny.
29. Some people love to command so much that you want to do everything contrary, although you know that they are right.
30. You think that they are plotting something against you.
31. Most people are capable of achieving benefits in a not entirely honest way.
32. Your stomach often bothers you.
33. Often you cannot understand why the day before you were in bad mood and annoyed.
34. At times your thoughts flowed so quickly that you did not have time to express them.
35. You think that your family life is no worse than that of most of your friends.
36. At times you are convinced of your own uselessness.
37. B recent years your health was generally good.
38. You had periods during which you did something and then could not remember what it was.
39. You think that you have often been undeservedly punished.
40. You have never felt better than now.
41. You don't care what others think of you.
42. Everything is fine with your memory.
43. It is difficult for you to carry on a conversation with a person you have just met.
44. Most of the time you feel general weakness.
45. You rarely have a headache.
46. ​​Sometimes it was difficult for you to maintain your balance when walking.
47. Not everyone you know likes you.
48. There are people who try to steal your ideas and thoughts.
49. You believe that you have committed actions that cannot be forgiven.
50. You think that you are too shy.
51. You are almost always worried about something.
52. Your parents often did not approve of your dating.
53. Sometimes you gossip a little.
54. At times you feel that it is unusually easy for you to make decisions.
55. It happens to you palpitations, you often find yourself out of breath.
56. You are quick-tempered, but easy-going.
57. You have periods of such restlessness that it is difficult to sit still.
58. Your parents and other family members often find fault with you.
59. No one is particularly interested in your fate.
60. You do not condemn a person who is not averse to taking advantage of the mistakes of another.
61. Sometimes you are full of energy.
62. For lately your vision has deteriorated.
63. You often have ringing or noise in your ears.
64. There have been times in your life (maybe just one) when you felt like you were being hypnotized.
65. You have periods when you are unusually cheerful for no particular reason.
66. Even when you are in society, you usually feel lonely.
67. You believe that almost anyone can lie to avoid trouble.
68. You feel more acutely than most other people.
69. At times your head seems to work slower than usual.
70. You are often disappointed in people.
71. You abused alcohol.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Scales Answers Question number
L Incorrect (N) 5, 11, 24, 47, 53
F N 22, 24, 61
Correct (B) 9, 12, 15, 19, 30, 38, 48, 49, 59, 64, 71
KN 11, 23, 31, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 43, 51, 56, 61, 65, 67, 69, 70
1 (Hs) H 1, 2, 6, 37, 45
At 9, 18, 26, 32, 44, 46, 55, 62, 63
2 (D) Н 1, 3, 6, 11, 28, 37, 40, 42, 60,65, 61
At 9, 13, 11, 18, 22, 25, 36, 44
3 (Well) H 1, 2, 3, 11, 23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 45, 50, 56
At 9, 13, 18, 26, 44, 46, 55, 57, 62
4 (Рd) Н 3, 28, 34, 35, 41, 43, 50, 65
At 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 27, 52, 58, 71
6 (Ra) N 28, 29, 31, 67
B 5, 8, 10, 15, 30, 39, 63, 64, 66, 68
7 (Pt) H 2, 3, 42
B 5, 8, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 36, 44, 51, 57, 66, 68
8 (Se)H 3.42
B 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14,15,16,17, 26, 30, 38, 39, 46, 57, 63, 64, 66
9 (Ma) N 43
B 4, 7, 8, 21, 29, 34, 38, 39, 54, 57, 60

Mini-cartoon: Table for converting raw points to T points

T scores Raw scores on scales
L F K 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
20 5
21 2
22 7
24 0 6 2
25 3
26 0 6 0 8
27 7
28 0 1 1 4
30 3
31 1 2 9 8
32 2 5 1
34 2
35 0 3 3 7 10 9 4
36 6
37 3
38 0 4 2 10
39 4 11
40 1 4 7 8 5
42 5 5 5 11
43 3 12
44 8 9
45 6 6
46 1 2 6 12 6
47 9 13
48 7 7
49 10 13
50 3 7 4
51 8 10 14 7
52 8 14
53 11
54 9 8
55 2 4 9 11 5
56 10 15 15
57 9 8
58 10 12
59 11 12
60 5 16 16
61 11 10 6
62 3 12 13 9
63 13 17
64 17
65 6 13 12 11
66 14 7
67 14 18
68 13 14 10
69 18
70 4 7 15 12 15 19
71 14
72 13 15 8
73 16 19
74 16 20 11
75 8 15
76 14
77 17 16 20 21
78 16 9
79 5 12
80 9 15
81 17 18 21 22
82 17
84 18 16 19 10 23
85 10 22 13
86 18
87 19 17
88 20 24
89 11
90 11 23 14
91 20 18 25
92 21 19
94 21 24
95 12 19 12 26
96 22 20 15
97 22
98 25 27
100 20 23
101 23 21 13 16
102 26 28
103 21 24
104 24
105 29
106 22
107 25 22 25 14 27 17
110 26 30
111 26 23

Correction coefficient table

K 7, 8 1 4 9
1K 0.5K 0.4K 0.2K
16 16 8 6 3
15 15 8 6 3
14 14 7 6 3
13 13 7 5 3
12 12 6 5 2
11 11 6 4 2
10 10 5 4 2
9 9 5 4 2
8 8 4 3 2
7 7 4 3 1
6 6 3 2 1
5 5 3 2 1
4 4 2 2 1
3 3 2 2 1
2 2 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0

How to use the correction scale

1. It is necessary to see how many points the respondent received on the K correction scale.
2. Find this score in column K.
3. The line opposite the found score will indicate how many points need to be added to the respondent’s raw scores on the corresponding scales.


On the K correction scale, the respondent received 6 points. We find 6 points in column K. We look at what is written in the corresponding line:

You need to add 6 points to the raw scores on scales 7 and 8;
. 3 points must be added to the raw points on scale 1;
. 2 points must be added to the raw points on the 4th scale;
. you need to add 1 point to the raw points on the 9th scale.

Analysis and interpretation of test results

“Raw” scores are calculated for all 11 indicators (evaluative and basic) in accordance with the key to the questionnaire. The number of points scored for each indicator is recorded in the test form on the right side.

Based on the testing data, the subject’s personal profile is drawn. High scores for each of the scales described above are scores in “raw” points that exceed their nominal values, corresponding to a score of 70 on the “T” scale. Low ratings those that do not exceed 40 on the “T” scale are considered.

Interpretation of indicators on scales

The Lie Scale (L) assesses the sincerity of the subject.
. The Confidence Scale (F) identifies unreliable responses. The higher the value on this scale, the less reliable the results.
. The correction scale (K) smoothes out distortions introduced by excessive caution and control of the subject during testing. High scores on this scale indicate unconscious control of behavior. The K scale is used to correct the base scales.

Basic scales

Hypochondria- “closeness” of the subject to the astheno-neurotic type. Subjects with high performance on this scale they are slow, passive, take everything on faith, are submissive to authority, are slow to adapt, do not tolerate change of situation well, easily lose their balance in social conflicts.

Depression. People who are sensitive, prone to anxiety, timid, and shy have high scores. In business they are diligent, conscientious, highly moral and obligatory, but they are not able to make decisions on their own, they do not have self-confidence, and at the slightest failure they fall into despair.

Hysteria. This scale identifies individuals prone to neurological defensive reactions conversion type. They use symptoms somatic disease as a means of avoiding responsibility. All problems are solved by “going away” into illness. The main feature of such people is the desire to appear larger, more significant than they really are, the desire to attract attention at all costs, the thirst for admiration. The feelings of such people are superficial, their interests are shallow.

Psychopathy. High scores on this scale indicate social maladjustment. Such people are aggressive, conflictual, neglectful social norms and values. Their mood is unstable, they are touchy, excitable and sensitive. A temporary rise on this scale due to some reason is possible.

Paranoia. The main feature of people with high scores on this scale is a tendency to form “super valuable” ideas. These are one-sided, aggressive and vindictive individuals. Anyone who does not agree with them, who thinks differently, is, in their opinion, either a stupid person or an enemy. They actively propagate their views, so they have frequent contacts with others. They always overestimate the slightest successes of their own.

Psychasthenia. Diagnoses persons with an anxious-suspicious type of character, who are characterized by anxiety, timidity, indecisiveness, and constant doubts.

Schizoid. Persons with high scores on this scale are characterized by a schizoid type of behavior. They are able to subtly feel and perceive abstract images, but everyday joys and sorrows do not evoke an emotional response in them. A common feature schizoid type is a combination hypersensitivity with emotional coldness and aloofness in interpersonal relationships.

Hypomania. Individuals with high scores on this scale are characterized by an elevated mood, regardless of the circumstances. They are active, active, energetic and cheerful. They love work with frequent changes, willingly contact people, but their interests are superficial and unstable, they lack endurance and perseverance.

Exists a whole series neurotic disorders, but some of them do not have a clear ICD-10 code and are included in the group “other neurotic disorders” with code F48.8. So what is psychasthenia? Psychasthenia is a personality change that is described by many doctors as “weakness of the soul.” Having great similarities with neurosis, it still differs from it in that the symptoms of psychasthenia are more persistent and represent a distortion of personality. While neurasthenia is a transient phenomenon and under the influence of favorable factors external environment the person returns to normal. Clinical picture is diverse, patients with psychasthenia, so to speak, are overly suspicious, have low self-esteem, try to avoid any stressful situations due to their inability to be in them. From this it becomes clear that psychasthenia is a “disease” of exception. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on a number of these signs, since they are inherent in many diseases not only of the nervous system, but also of the endocrine system.

Being in chronic stress, bad habits, social and environmental ill-being destroy a person from the inside, creating a kind of vacuum. And for different people dose of stress required for the formation internal conflict, different. The threshold of perception will differ - accidentally spilled coffee, losing important documents or incorrectly spread butter on bread will have a completely different effect on two different people.

Psychasthenics are vulnerable and soft people, it is impossible to say for sure whether this quality is good or bad. Although, in modern society, this is more a minus than a plus. A person with a psychasthenic character tries to please everyone, thereby infringing on himself in many things he needs. And society, in turn, takes this for granted, which increases the demands on the psychasthenic. It is typical to exaggerate one’s achievements and capabilities: “I will do it because I can.” Often a psychasthenic can be seen doing several things at once, and sometimes it is not clear whether this is really so important to them, or whether by doing so they are trying to get obsessive thoughts out of their heads.

Indeed, people with psychasthenia, thanks to their subtle mental organization, are very capable in the field of creativity, they feel the emotions of other people, sometimes even being too hyperbolic, complementing what they see with their own thoughts. Example: a girl is afraid to wear a skirt because people will immediately pay attention to her because of her beautiful legs. On the one hand, it’s flattering, but on the other?.. “They look at me because there’s something wrong with me... Maybe the skirt is too short, or maybe I look ridiculous in it.” Conclusions are destructive; a psychasthenic will never think: “I look good, that’s why everyone pays attention to me.” Their self-esteem suffers, they are always in the imaginary center of attention, although sometimes this is not the case at all.

Classification of psychasthenia

Psychasthenic personality disorder can occur in several forms:

  • Uncast. People complain about the appearance of . One example that can explain in detail: a person has just closed front door, but turning away from it, he immediately begins to doubt: “Did I really close it? Did I really just not slam it?” Tormenting thoughts force a person to turn around and pull the handle again to make sure that no stranger will enter his apartment. Psychasthenics are the same as introverts; a person with ancastic personality disorder communicates well in a narrow circle of people, but in public they get lost and behave rather coldly;
  • Anxious. The leading symptom is the fear of criticism in their direction; such people need constant support, since, left alone with themselves, they “gnaw at themselves” for everything right and wrong that happened in their life. Psychasthenics with a predominance of anxiety disorder worry a lot about insignificant things, worry about themselves and loved ones;
  • Mixed. Obsession and anxiety periodically make themselves felt to one degree or another, which negatively affects the general well-being of the patient.


The causes of psychasthenia lie in many things:

  • Genetic predisposition. Indeed, psychasthenia may be the very character trait that is inherited. You should not be surprised at excessive fatigue, irritability and suspiciousness if someone close to you behaves the same way when getting into a stressful situation;
  • Unfavorable social, economic and environmental conditions;
  • Childhood trauma. Psychasthenia can be caused by any traumatic situation from childhood. Whether it’s a frivolous quarrel or a parent’s divorce, psychasthenia cannot be avoided if the child does not know how to “competently” cope with stress;
  • Educational defect. Constant suppression of a child’s desires, the inability to express one’s emotions and punishment for minor actions is a direct path to personality change and the formation of a neurotic disorder;
  • Chronic stress. Every person has his own stress threshold, and so far protective forces the body is working, the person does not pay attention to troubles. However, reserves are quickly depleted under constant pressure, then the psychasthenic begins to shift all responsibility onto other people - hysteria and a nervous breakdown, as well as mental exhaustion and the need for a long rest.


Symptoms of psychasthenia are varied, they include both mental and physical manifestations:

  • Excessive suspiciousness;
  • Fear of everything new, people with psychasthenia are conformists who are not accustomed to change;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Following moral values;
  • Shyness;
  • Responsibility;
  • Vulnerability;
  • Anxiety;
  • Pessimism;
  • Intrusive thoughts;
  • Constant doubts;
  • Increased demands on yourself and others;
  • Moral exhaustion due to constant self-analysis;
  • Irritability and fatigue;
  • Difficulty communicating with other people;
  • Excessive hard work;
  • Feeling of palpitations, a lump in the throat for no apparent reason;
  • From the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, heartburn, and stool disorders are common. This is due to constant stress what it suffers from neural regulation internal organs.

Many people are susceptible to psychasthenia, but most often people with high intellectual and moral values ​​suffer.

Features of thinking

Unlike psychoses and their inherent delusional disorders, the conclusions of psychasthenics, despite some absurdity, are very logical. A person with psychasthenia carefully weighs all the pros and cons; he is afraid of making mistakes, so he checks everything for sure. An example could be a student’s uncertainty in a class when he knows exactly the correct answer, but remains silent for fear of being ridiculed. That is why they avoid communication with other people, like to do their work alone and, almost always, cope with it successfully. However, once you get into society, such a person immediately gets lost, forgets some phrases or begins to stutter, so he prefers to remain silent. Unlike manifestations of neurosis, a person with psychasthenia is a cold rationalist; he is not interested in impulsive actions, because he calculates everything in advance. If for some reason his plan fails, he tries to get out of the situation unnoticed, without conflicts and ill-considered actions.


Diagnosis of psychasthenia is aimed at excluding other neurotic disorders or mental illness. Upon exception somatic pathology(especially with complaints about the gastrointestinal tract or heart), such patients are treated by a psychotherapist. He conducts a series of tests to find out the cause pathological condition, assesses psycho-emotional well-being at the time of the conversation and tries to help the person find harmony. Heredity, conflicts and stressful situations that can drive a person crazy.


Treatment of psychasthenia, as stated earlier, is carried out under the supervision of a psychotherapist. Sometimes a couple of sessions are enough for a person to accept and love himself, learn to better tolerate stress and pay less attention to it. In case of ineffectiveness of psychotherapy or poor dynamics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers or tranquilizers are prescribed to improve the general well-being of the patient. Unlike neurosis, psychasthenia is an already formed neurotic disorder, which is sometimes difficult to treat. Therefore, the most important thing in treating such patients is a change in worldview; only an experienced psychotherapist can correct the situation and teach a person to accept himself and the world around him. Of course, a conversation should also be held with the patient’s parents, because very often bad situation in the house has a negative impact on the patient’s psyche and interferes with his healing. None medications cannot replace a loving, friendly and warm environment. Such patients are recommended to spend more time on fresh air, get out of your “comfort zone” more often and even get a pet. It has been proven that caring for those who need you develops in a person good qualities and makes you think about the current situation sensibly. Psychasthenics need support, so sometimes they need to say good things, pay more attention and make sure that the person does not bring himself to grief. nervous breakdown endless tasks that are literally taken out of empty air. It is advisable to spend more time with him, sign up together for gym or go bowling - this will provide a good boost of energy for the whole day and allow the psychasthenic to relax.

Psychasthenia or psychasthenic psychopathy is a pathology characterized by excessive self-analysis. People susceptible to this personality disorder have high expectations of themselves, are very self-critical and have low self-esteem. Despite the fact that psychasthenia is considered a pathology, this disorder is not included in the list of diseases in the ICD. However, the Classification mentions two conditions equivalent to psychasthenic psychopathy - anxious and obsessive-compulsive.

Symptoms of psychasthenic psychopathy

The main symptoms of the disorder in this case are:

  • suspiciousness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • self-doubt.

On the way to achieving a goal, psychasthenics fear defeat. In this regard, they do not commit spontaneous, rash actions. In addition, they are characterized by indecisiveness in decision-making and pronounced pedantry. Before taking action, they develop a detailed plan, which they try to follow exactly. After being compiled detailed plan actions, psychasthenics begin to persistently move towards the intended goal. If something violates their plan, they are lost and in this state are able to refuse to continue their activities. The main motive for psychasthenics is not the desire for success, but the avoidance of failure.

Most psychasthenics are well-read, educated people who, despite their strong intellectual base, do not like publicity. In situations where their performance is required, even though they have perfect knowledge of all the information, they are capable of forgetting it. They find it difficult to make decisions. Before choosing a path, they ask for help and support, but only from people they trust. Symptoms of the disorder include being selective in choosing friends. The social circle of psychasthenics is limited. They communicate only with trusted people. They do not like to communicate with strangers for fear of being misunderstood and being branded incompetent.

Psychasthenics are characterized by petty punctuality and pedantry, which irritate those around them. However, they are compensated by hard work, reliability and punctuality. Usually it is these qualities that are used by work colleagues who burden psychasthenics with their problems. In addition, such individuals are characterized by increased suspicion of their health, which over time can degenerate into. Psychasthenics tend to develop various phobias. Most often they have:

  • fear of pollution;
  • cancerophobia – fear of getting sick cancer. This type of phobia pushes a person to endless examinations in order to exclude the disease or detect it in the early stages.

Psychasthenic psychopathy in children

Symptoms of a psychasthenic are found in childhood at the beginning schooling. However, some signs, such as anxiety, appear already in early childhood. IN junior classes psychasthenia manifests itself in the form of weak mechanical memory, which causes difficulty in assimilation educational material. Such children constantly recheck their work and therefore fall behind other students. At public speaking they react sharply to the assessment of others.

At an older age, analytical skills allow them to achieve the desired result. They manage to get to the bottom of things with their minds, understand the material well, and logically summarize the material they have studied. Their intellectual talent also develops in adulthood.

Often psychasthenics experience problems in establishing contact with the opposite sex. They get along with their peers slowly, selecting for communication only those who will not bring them suffering. Symptoms of psychasthenia in adolescents manifest themselves in avoidance of participation in group events.

Factors in the development of the disorder

Predisposition plays a major role in the development of the disorder. Exogenous factors only provoke the onset of psychasthenia and aggravate its course. This fact distinguishes psychasthenia from neurasthenia, which develops in people out of nowhere under the influence of unfavorable circumstances. As for psychasthenia, experts say that the origin of the disorder is influenced by upbringing and the moral environment in childhood. According to scientists, the disorder is based on a psychasthenic character. I.P. Pavlov, believed that psychasthenia is a derivative of weak general type, combined with thinking. The scientist described the nature of the disorder, which is based on weak activity of the subcortex. In his opinion, in psychasthenics the second signaling system prevails over the first and works, as it were, breaking away from it.

Features of treatment

Despite the fact that psychasthenia is not recognized as a disease, this pathology personality needs correction. People suffering psychasthenic psychopathy, experience difficulties in communication, they are considered “black sheep”. Treatment of the disorder in this case is aimed at reducing affective and paranoid manifestations, eliminating obsessive fears and reduction of anxiety.

There is no cure for this personality disorder. The psychasthenic will remain as he is. However, treatment, or rather, correction of the condition, will help get rid of affective manifestations and will contribute to the successful socialization of the individual.

Therapy involves drug treatment and the use of psychotherapeutic techniques. Medicines designed to eliminate signs of anxiety, prevent the development of phobias, eliminate suspicion and mood swings. However, medications can only correct symptoms. Treatment involves prescribing the following drugs:

  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics;
  • mood-stabilizing drugs;
  • antidepressants.

Psychotherapy is the main method of helping psychasthenics accept themselves. Thanks to her sessions, they get the opportunity to develop successful socialization skills and make adjustments to the perception of their own “I”. Psychotherapy helps you find your place in life and use your characteristics for the benefit of personal self-improvement. The specific method is selected depending on the symptoms and individual characteristics personality. The best results are achieved by psychotherapy used in conjunction with medications.

Prevention of psychasthenia involves the creation of favorable, spiritual and material conditions for development. The main role in this is given to the family. Love, support and respect of parents are the foundations that will not allow you to develop mental pathologies. In case congenital features only parents are able to help their child undergo a painless and productive adaptation to society.

All inhabitants of planet Earth experience stress every day. various reasons. Scientists have proven that constant excitement extremely harmful to the body as a whole. It is also worth noting that all people are completely different, or rather their psyches. For some it is strong, such individuals are usually without special problems They can withstand the frantic pace of life, while others have a weak one; such people most often cannot be full-fledged participants in society. This article will tell you information about this type of disease such as psychasthenia, and how dangerous it is for physical and mental health.

Today, combined with many mental and psychological problems, many methods of curing certain diseases have appeared, as well as specialists who carry them out. Even if you have no money, but need psychotherapeutic help, there are special medical centers who are ready to help for free. In such situations, the most important thing is not to give up and not let depression take over.

What is psychasthenia?

Psychasthenia (from the ancient Greek ψυχή - soul and ἀσθένεια - impotence, weakness) is a type of mental disorder in which the patient has weak mental qualities. Basically, such people consider themselves completely powerless; they try to be as inconspicuous as possible so that others do not pay attention to their shortcomings. In fact, such an illness belongs to the class of neurasthenia; it is characterized not only by suppressed self-esteem and a feeling of one’s own uselessness, but also by the habit of exaggerating the reality, making it worse for oneself.

We can say that a person suffering from this disease tries to be as inconspicuous as possible, avoids society and is afraid of being affected. The literal translation of psychasthenia from ancient Greek is a person with a weak soul. It is these people who can be called soft, they are somewhat naive and easily influenced. Unfortunately, in modern world These qualities can rarely be called good; most often they simply create inconvenience.

Another feature characteristic of psychasthenics is their constant modeling possible situations and an endless search for solutions to please everyone. Unfortunately, the eternal search for the “right” solutions significantly affects the person himself; he becomes insecure and withdrawn. The fact that the patient constantly has to choose also affects his determination, because when choosing options, large number doubts that do not allow you to decide on your own. Even fully healthy people very often subject to doubts, but what to do if there are many times more of these doubts?

Causes of psychasthenia

According to scientific research, the causes of psychasthenia can be varied. Each of them influences a person’s personality in one way or another.

Most common cause the appearance of psychasthenia is moral and physical injuries that happened to a person in childhood. This is because it is in childhood that the child’s psyche has become stronger and can easily be external stimuli. If you don’t carry out correct therapy after the incident, the consequences can be dire. It is certainly good if a child is able to overcome his fear on his own, but more often than not, help is required.

Another reason may be that the child was raised in conditions where his will was constantly suppressed and he could not decide anything on his own. Then a person does not develop the independence that will allow him to make important or not so important decisions throughout his life without problems.

Also, the cause of psychasthenia may be that a person constantly experiences nervous tension. Unfortunately, sooner or later the nervous system cannot stand it and a nervous breakdown occurs. Then turn on protective functions organism, when a person no longer wants to decide anything on his own, it is easier for him when everything is done for him, taking on the burden of responsibility. So to speak, this disease can make a person’s character completely opposite.

Diagnostics emergence psychasthenia more than important, this will allow you to accurately determine suitable look treatment and will allow you to achieve success.

Symptoms of psychasthenia

Psychasthenia is a disease of uncertainty, which is why the patient develops a pathological fear of the new and unknown. Psychasthenia is characterized by such features as: suspiciousness, irritability, vulnerability, shyness, anxiety, timidity, indecisiveness, lack of initiative and a pessimistic attitude. All these signs are expressed in symptoms of psychasthenia, or rather in the patient’s behavior. It is very important to stop this disease, because a person can drive himself crazy because he is tormented by constant doubts.

Detailed symptoms of psychasthenia:

  • pedantry;
  • numerous doubts;
  • slowness in action;
  • strict control over the actions taken;
  • rigidity of thinking;
  • torment during self-analysis;
  • reasoning that is not directly related to reality;
  • strong receptivity to the information received;
  • feeling of inadequacy of life;
  • irritability;
  • susceptibility to influence;
  • fatigue;
  • moral;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • suspiciousness;
  • difficulty making decisions;
  • punctuality;
  • hard work;
  • striving for perfection in everything.

Very often, smart and educated people, that is, of a thinking mindset, suffer from psychasthenia. It is still quite difficult to understand why intellectuals are susceptible to this disease more often than ordinary people, but the fact remains a fact.

How do psychasthenics think?

The thinking of psychasthenics can amaze with its logic. Due to the fact that they are highly susceptible to doubt, they carefully approach the solution of this or that problem, necessarily compare all the pros and cons, put in an incredible amount of effort, but still cannot solve it on their own. It would seem that the logical answer is obvious, but the patient’s internal uncertainty does not allow him to see the answer that lies on the surface.

It’s a shame that such reflections and conclusions are almost never used; psychasthenics, although smart and educated people, are so afraid of criticism from society that they almost never speak in public. Such people very rarely become public figures, politicians and celebrities, because they believe that they will never be worthy of this.

Also, you will never expect psychasthenics to act rashly. Due to the nature of the disease, they always think of their actions in advance. All their actions are guaranteed to be subject to logic. If everything does not happen “according to plan,” then they try to become as inconspicuous as possible so as not to do something that they will greatly regret later.

Moreover, psychasthenics always strive to develop, because they always evaluate themselves lower than they really are. Therefore, they try to become better, but it doesn’t work special effect, because as soon as they have achieved their goal, they again find that ideal against which they consider themselves completely worthless. This can continue throughout the patient's life, thereby worsening his condition.

Examples of psychasthenia

Examples of manifestations of psychasthenia can be found quite often, because main feature of this disease there are many doubts. But we should also not forget that to an ordinary person doubts are also inherent, but not in such quantities and not so often. Below we would like to provide examples of psychasthenia, which seem to test will allow you to determine the presence or absence psychasthenia at home, family or friends.

Example No. 1 Before us is an ordinary third-year student S., for three years he studied with maximum scores, always answered questions correctly and ideally completed the tasks assigned to him. But few people know that in front of everyone practical exercise he is on the verge of fainting, because he is worried that he will not cope with the given question or task, because of which he will begin to be despised in the group. Only student S.’s closest and dearest know about this peculiarity, and thanks to the fact that he arrives exactly at the start time of class, no one notices his problem. S. Understands that his worries are groundless, because he has carefully learned all the material, but panic attacks before speaking in public do not stop.

Example No. 2 Girl A., who has been working at a prestigious job for more than 10 years, ranks high leadership position. Previously, she had no problems with strong doubts about her profession, but after experiencing a nervous breakdown, problems began. A. begins to understand that her chosen profession does not bring her pleasure at all, but it is there that she has a stable good earnings. Thoughts about the wrong choice visit her chaotically, so she is not able to accurately decide anything for herself. Due to the fact that the girl is constantly tormented by doubts, the quality of her work, relationships with her family and health have deteriorated. In order to overcome this condition, she turned to a specialist who could help her.

Example No. 3 Teenage girl N. is very dependent on public opinion. Because of this, she tries to behave like everyone else, dress like everyone else and spend time in the same places. She is trying with all her might to live up to the fashionable ideal that society has put forward. She is terribly afraid of criticism and dissatisfaction not only from people from her circle of acquaintances, but also from ordinary people she meets. Due to the fact that she constantly hides herself, she does not have such close friends who would know her true nature. She communicates closely only with her parents, who fully understand and support her in her desire to overcome psychasthenia.

Example No. 4 Young man V. has been suffering from rhinitis for a week, but does not have the opportunity to see a specialist at a medical institution. He also lives alone and is not used to treating this on his own, because previously in similar cases there was someone next to him who helped him. He was treated with the methods that he knew, and also guaranteed recovery. But he couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety that the illness was more serious than it actually was. Therefore, he decided to look for answers on the World Wide Web, and having learned the necessary and unnecessary information, he began to think too much and subconsciously convince himself that everything was bad. This all happened due to psychasthenia, which did not allow a person to think rationally.

These are just some of the few examples of psychasthenia, and there is no doubt that this illness can significantly complicate a person’s life. This disease is especially difficult to overcome and develops at an accelerated pace when a person is lonely, because there is no moral support, which often works better than the most expensive medicines.

Classification of psychasthenia

There is no official division of psychasthenia, but two pathologies – anxious (avoidant) and anancastic (obsessive-compulsive) personality disorder – are considered to be its subtypes.

With anancastic personality disorder, people tend to constant emergence obsessive thoughts(for example, they think whether they turned off electrical appliances, closed the door, took everything they needed, etc.). Such individuals are prone to various phobias, the occurrence of which can occur for absolutely any reason. Also, patients with anancastic personality disorder are usually very friendly and loyal with people close to them, but when in contact with strangers they behave completely without emotion.

For people who have anxiety disorder personalities are characterized by fear of any criticism in their direction. Patients with this type of psychasthenia need to be constantly supported and encouraged, given useful tips and carefully guide you towards the goal. In no case should you criticize or accuse them of something; they already do it all the time themselves. They are also the most susceptible to depression, so support from family and friends is always needed.

Treatment of psychasthenia

Unfortunately, psychasthenia impossible to cure. This disease accompanies a person throughout his life, but with proper treatment treatment it won't cause any inconvenience. It is also important not to panic, try to think sensibly and not focus on the disease.

Treatment methods can be varied, usually it all depends on which specialist you contact. Also, do not forget that you can alleviate the symptoms of psychasthenia yourself or with the help of family and friends.

All therapies are united by approximately the same principles of their composition. It is necessary to devote more time to rest and properly plan sleep time, and also not to abuse physical and mental stress. A good option will sign up for a gym or massage, physical activity in combination with good relaxation will relieve accumulated stress and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Don't forget about self-motivation. If the patient subconsciously self-destructs himself, but does not want to continue this, then it is necessary to support him in his desire to be treated. Indeed, in the entire treatment process, it is important to distract him from destructive thoughts, teach him that life should be enjoyed, and be supported in every possible way.

If you use medications in treatment, it can be used not only official drugs(amitriplitine, tofranil, clomipramine), but also natural medicines from medicinal herbs(preparations that contain valerian, motherwort, chamomile, etc.). But in no case should we forget to carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations and medication instructions.

In case of any illness, a person should never give up, because life was given to each of us for a reason. If you are looking how to get rid of psychasthenia, then you are sure to find a solution. Never forget about your health and the health of your family and friends!

Psychasthenia, unlike neurasthenia ( nervous weakness), is a “mental weakness”, which most often affects people belonging to the “thinking” type mental activity, which is opposed to the hysterical type. Psychasthenics - owners of an anxious and suspicious character, are mainly in state of mind, described by them as outside the world around them and perceive it as if from the outside (“in a dream”), without being sufficiently penetrated into their actions, they do not have the ability to make a definite decision in important life situations. Symptoms of psychasthenia are characterized by other manifestations characteristic of it, which are always accompanied obsessive states or hypochondriacal disorders. Treatment of psychasthenia consists primarily of eliminating the accompanying mental disorders, with which at the initial stage, the person suffering psychasthenia able to cope on his own.

Symptoms of psychasthenia

People suffering psychasthenia characterized by increased modesty and shyness, constantly being in state of mind, characterized as anxious suspiciousness.

Psychiatrists of the last century characterized psychasthenia, as “the insanity of doubt,” which consists of repeatedly checking an already completed task or work that does not require additional double-checking. Moreover, the psychasthenic realizes that his additional actions are absolutely useless, but against this background, the awareness of his inferiority or even inferiority pushes him to new double-checks.

People suffering psychasthenia, are concerned not only existing problem, but also even one that may appear in the future, changing it state of mind, tormented by thoughts of upcoming troubles, mentally imagining their actions. They can reflect on completely abstract topics, without letting the imaginary situation out of their mental control. In reality, such individuals, when problems arise, in any case avoid solving them.

Symptoms of psychasthenia especially expressed by doubts and indecision precisely in professional activities, manifest themselves as painful doubts about the correctness of performing a particular work task. Psychasthenia in most cases accompanied obsessive states And hypochondriacal manifestations that are already evident in at a young age, first appearing already in puberty (puberty). In some cases, the development of this kind of ear condition contribute to psychotraumatic life situations. In this case symptoms of psychasthenia may have moderate character until the moment of serious psychological trauma, after which the severity of symptoms psychasthenia becomes dominant.

Anxiety neurosis and phobias- This various shapes manifestations psychasthenia, in which there is an alternation of anxiety with panic attacks . Psychasthenia may be provoked chronic stress associated with, for example, fear of divorce or dismissal. Psychasthenics against the background of altered state of mind experience physical discomfort, which is expressed by increased sweating body (hyperhidrosis), increased heart rate , indigestion And painful sensations in the chest area.

Treatment of psychasthenia

On initial stages This state of mind does not pose a particular danger to the patient and can be eliminated independently by eliminating first of all the causes that caused psychasthenia, otherwise, with increasing symptoms of psychasthenia the disease can take a serious form. For treatment of psychasthenia indirect suggestive (suggestion and self-hypnosis) psychotherapy and restorative therapy are indicated. Hypnosis is not used in the treatment of psychasthenia.

Self-doubt, the main manifestation psychasthenia, become a favorable factor for the development of neurotic pathology, and also cause a number of addictions, among which may be alcoholism, drug addiction, cause sexual disorders: women often suffer from frigidity and anorgasmia, in men it leads to psychogenic impotence, which may end in the future depression.

A good prevention of psychasthenic disorders is exercise, healthy image life, stress prevention both at home and in professional activities.

General strengthening therapy includes taking vitamin complexes to increase general tone body and mood. Vitamin complexApitonus P, which includes pollen (bee pollen) and royal jelly will provide the body useful substances(macro- and microelements, amino acids, natural proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins of the main groups, enzymes), which allows you to restore cardiac activity and digestive function, the disorder of which is often accompanied psychasthenia. Action natural products beekeeping enhances vitamin C, vitamin E And dihydroquercetin (a reference natural antioxidant derived from the bark of Siberian larch), allowing to improve blood circulation and metabolic reactions in the body, eliminate asthenia and the hypochondriacal component. Important V treatment of psychasthenia– choosing work that is feasible and interesting. Vitamins Apitonus P help reduce fatigue and weakness in various mental And physical activity, including at elevated levels.

To improve adaptive abilities during psychasthenia, taking medications based on herbal adaptogens will help: Eleutherococcus And Leuzea safflower . Drugs Eleutherococcus P And Levzeya P, in which the adapting effect is enhanced by vitamin C, which frees the body from the effects free radicals formed due to stress.

Biologically active complex Elton P(based on Eleutherococcus) and Leveton P(based on Leuzea safflower), including pollen, vitamin C and vitamin E, allow you to tone up the functioning of the nervous system, improve the process of learning and memory, conditioned reflex reaction, which allows you to get positive dynamics in treatment of psychasthenia.

During periods of exacerbation psychasthenia recommended sanatorium treatment in special institutions for psychasthenics and appointment herbal preparations(based on valerian officinalis And motherwort), providing a mild tranquilizing effect.

Drugs Valeriana P(holder gold medal exhibition "Medicine and Health", received in 2008) and Motherwort P, which contain vitamin C, will eliminate exacerbation psychasthenia, avoid development psychogenic depression, sleep disorders, the occurrence of an unreasonable state of anxiety.

Reduce such symptoms of psychasthenia such as anxiety, fear, doubt, sleep disturbances, appearance obsessive states and ideas, development of phobias ( social phobia, agoraphobia), increased attention to your health ( cancerophobia), pronounced during the period of exacerbation, will allow the biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, which includes a fee medicinal plants, which have a mild tranquilizing and anxiolytic effect. Nervo-Vit contains blue cyanosis, which has a higher tranquilizing and anxiolytic action than valerian officinalis (10 times), motherwort and lemon balm , allowing to reduce the time to achieve the tranquilizing effect, and valerian officinalis, the action of which allows the duration of the tranquilizing effect. Action medicinal herbs as part of Nervo-Vit enhances vitamin C, which improves the adaptive properties of the body, increases level of stress resistance . Biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, which is one of 100



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