Signs of a magical Russian folk tale. Signs of the fairy tale genre






Teacher I categories Weissenberg Maria Viktorovna


Lesson development

Target : Stimulate interest:

To the content and characters of a fairy tale;

To determine the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale;

Update your knowledge:

About the concept: “magic helpers”, “magic objects”, “triple repetitions”.

Update skill:

Work with the text of a fairy tale.


Reveal the meaning of the word “sign”, “features”, and use them in an active dictionary;

Correlate the content of the proverb and the main idea of ​​the fairy tale;

Identify the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and justify your opinion;

Compare fairy tales taking into account the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and display the results in a table;

Adequately interact with a partner within the educational dialogue;

Carry out mutual testing and mutual assessment when completing a learning task.

Planned results.


show interest in the content and characters of fairy tales;

consciously use the concepts of “signs” and “features” in speech;

identify the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and justify your opinion;

work with the content of fairy tales;

find signs and features of a fairy tale and write out the results in a worksheet;

adequately interact with a partner within the framework of educational dialogue when working in groups;

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard.

Name of equipment and materials




Interactive whiteboard or magnetic classroom

Multimedia presentation



Progress of the lesson

Stage 1. Organizational moment

Welcoming guests, motivating children to actively participate in the lesson.

Look at each other, smile at each other and wish each other a good day!

What works of oral folk art are you familiar with? (joke, fairy tale, proverb.....)

In the hands of the teacher is a “chest of knowledge”, from which name cards are taken. (…….)

A table of “works of oral folk art” is posted on the board and filled in as they are named.(Appendix 1)

Listen to the epigraph for our lesson from Ozhegov’s dictionary.

A narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces.”

Determine which piece of oral folk art will be discussed in the lesson? (about a fairy tale)

Right. We'll talk about a fairy tale today.Slide1

What types of fairy tales do you know? A table “Types of fairy tales” is posted on the board. Filled in as they are named.

(Appendix 2)

Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale (“Teremok”).(Appendix 3)

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Determine what type of fairy tales the Teremok fairy tale can be classified as? (about animals)

Prove your answer. (animals - characters, chain - repetition of an episode, poetic songs, reproduction of the same action).

Listen to another excerpt (“Porridge from an ax”).(Appendix 4)

What is the name of this fairy tale?

What type of fairy tale does it belong to? (household).

Prove it. ?(the real world of people, extraordinary resourcefulness, dialogue, two worlds - rich and poor, worker and master, soldier and general).

Listen to another excerpt.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (“The Frog Princess”).(Appendix 5)

What type of fairy tale can this fairy tale be classified as? (children express their hypotheses, which are written down on cloud sheets and hung on the board).

Why were there different hypotheses? (Not enough facts)

What don’t we know? (signs and features of a fairy tale).

What question in the lesson will we look for the answer to? (Students rely on “helping keys” and formulate a lesson question.)(Appendix 6)

WHAT SIGNS AND FEATURES DOES A MAGICAL TALE HAVE? The question is written down by the teacher on a piece of paper and hung on the board.

What do you need to do to answer the lesson question?

I suggest you work in groups with the famous Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”

Stage 2. Main part.

- I suggest working in groups and finding an answer to the question posed in the lesson. Each group receives a task.

(Appendix 7)

Remember the rules of working in a group. Students read an excerpt from the story and complete the worksheets and write down the conclusion of their work.

10-15 minutes are allotted for group work. As the work progresses, the group posts its number on the board, determining the order of defense of its work.

Physical education minute . Slide 3

Stage 3. Protection of work.

Each group comes to the board in turn and defends its work. The rest of the students fill out the final table on the topic “Fairy Tales”. (Appendix 8)

1 group, 2 group, 3 group, 4 group

Stage 4 Generalization.

Let's put things in order. Facts obtained by children are posted and voiced under the concept of “MAGIC TALES”.

Let's return to the lesson question. Let's read it out. "WHAT SIGNS AND FEATURES DOES A MAGICAL TALE HAVE?

A sheet of paper is hung up on which the teacher writes down the generalization formulated by the children.

“A fairy tale is a fairy tale that contains the following features and attributes: beginning, triple repetition, plot, development of action, climax, ending, fairy-tale characters, magical objects, magical transformations.”

Let's return to your hypotheses. Who correctly guessed the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale. These hypotheses are put forward for generalization. What features and signs of a fairy tale did you manage to discover in class today?

Stage 5 Summing up.

I suggest making a syncwine. Explain the meaning of this word. Theme "Fairy Tale".

The cinquain is written down by the teacher on a piece of paper from the words of the students. Read by students.

(Fairy tale,

Magical, mysterious,

Tells, fascinates, teaches,

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.)

The game will conclude today's lesson. “I’m glad that I’m a fairy tale, because.....” Students list the signs and features of a fairy tale, summing up the lesson.

Stage 6. Reflection "The magic of mood."

The teacher distributes magic objects “arrows” made of paper in advance in three colors: red - I have not learned anything, green - I have understood, not completely, yellow - everything is clear, I have learned everything. Each student chooses an object, what mood - attitude he received from the lesson, and hangs it “shoots” on a water lily leaf. Those interested can voice their opinion.(Appendix 9).

7.stage. (Homework)

The teacher invites the children to find fairy tales. Read them and complete the “Analyzing a Fairy Tale” worksheet.(Appendix 10).

"Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm" - Great Hall of the Library. The Grimm family's homeland was Hesse. The death of their father and aunt greatly affected Jacob and Wilhelm. From an early age, the first joint lessons of Jacob and Wilhelm began. A pot of porridge. With difficulty I was able to enter primary school. In 1783 he married Dorothea Zimmer, who came from a family of lawyers.

“Lesson on Pushkin’s fairy tales” - Award ceremony. Timoshenko Nadezhda Anatolyevna, primary school teacher. Say... Trough. 3. Apple. 4. Bunny. 5. Month. 6. Swan. Find out which line, continue. Quiz lesson on fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin. 1. Ship. 2. Kalinovskaya elementary school. Find out the fairy tale from the words. Find out the fairy tale from the picture.

“H.H. Andersen's fairy tales” - Medal of the State Academy of Art. Danish sculptor Edward Eriksen. I wrote plays since childhood. Monument to the Little Mermaid. Son of a shoemaker. Andersen about himself. Andersen in Copenhagen. Monuments to G.-H. Hans Christian Andersen. Danish writer. Hans Christian Andersen Author Award) and illustrators (eng. Hans Christian Andersen Award for Illustration).

“Pantry of the Sun” - Whose side is the author on? I do not agree with the opinion... I think differently... The moral essence of the relationship between Nastya and Mitrasha. Mitrasha and Nastya. Black grouse. Bludovo swamp. M.M. Prishvin “Pantry of the Sun”. Spruce and pine. In my opinion... Unlike... It seems to me... The position is closer to me... Express your opinion.

“Fairy Tale Lesson” - There is sawdust in my head, But Noisemakers and Screamers (And also Shouters, Puffers and even Nozzles and so on) I compose well And sometimes! Well done! A lesson in generalization. Yeah! Here I am, here I am! I'm a man in the prime of his life, I can't tell you anything more.

“Quiz on fairy tales” - K. Chukovsky. What is your name? Fox Alice. Yu.Moritz. Wise old man. Ilya Muromets. Wise maiden. Svyatogor. Bat. Can I land here for a minute? What is the name of the work whose excerpt you are watching? Listen to an excerpt of the work. Match the illustrations with the titles of the works. Great, let's continue the conversation.

There are a total of 32 presentations in the topic

There are a number of definitions that characterize a fairy tale. Back in the 18th century, an unknown fairy tale researcher defined this genre as follows: “A fairy tale is a narration of a fictitious incident.” In some sources you can find the following definition of a fairy tale as a genre: “A fairy tale is a type of narrative, mainly prosaic folklore, which includes works of different genres, the content of which, from the point of view of folklore bearers, lacks strict authenticity.” You can also give the following definition: “A fairy tale is a predominantly prosaic, artistic oral story of a fantastic, adventurous or everyday nature.” This definition adds elements of a typical classification of fairy tales, but does not contain the entirety of fairy tale content. There are other definitions that highlight this or that moment, but the most significant, complete and logical one seems to us to be the definition once given by the domestic researcher and collector of Russian fairy tales A.I. Nikiforov. He understood a fairy tale as follows: “Fairy tales are oral stories that exist among the people for the purpose of entertainment, containing events that are unusual in the everyday sense (fantastic, miraculous or everyday) and are distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic structure.” This definition fully expresses the scientific understanding of a fairy tale and gives all the main features that characterize it.

Along with many definitions of a fairy tale, there are a significant number of its classifications. Different types of fairy tales differ in external features, the nature of the plots, heroes, poetics, ideology, origin, history and require different methods of study. This is why the correct classification of a fairy tale is so important.

The most accurate classification of the tale was given by another domestic researcher A.N. Afanasyev, on the basis of which one of the classics of the 20th century humanities V.Ya. Propp compiled a general classification, including large categories, namely:

1) tales about animals

2) tales about people:

a) novelistic (including jokes)

b) magical

Despite genre differences, individual groups of fairy tales are constantly intertwined with each other. That is why it can be difficult to draw a clear line between them and attribute a specific text to one or another group of fairy tales.

Now, having a general idea of ​​a fairy tale, we can begin to consider the characteristics of a fairy tale itself, which is considered the most beautiful type of folk, artistic prose, which is characterized by high idealism and the desire for something sublime. A fairy tale has a distinct character and thus differs from all other types of fairy tales.

A fairy tale is the folklore text with which the concept of “fairy tale” is most associated. They are also called fairy tales proper.

First of all, it should be noted that a fairy tale must be defined using not the vague concept of magic, but its inherent patterns. A pattern appears where there is repetition. And a fairy tale really does have some specific repeatability.

A fairy tale is based on a complex composition, which has an exposition, a plot, plot development, a climax and a denouement.

The plot of a fairy tale is based on a story about overcoming loss or lack, with the help of miraculous means or magical helpers. The exposition of the fairy tale tells about all the reasons that gave rise to the plot: prohibition and violation of the ban on some actions. The premise of the tale is that the protagonist or heroine discovers a loss or shortage.

Plot development is a search for what is lost or missing.

The climax of a fairy tale is that the protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it (the equivalent of a battle - solving difficult problems that are always solved).

Denouement is overcoming loss or lack. Usually the hero (heroine) “reigns” at the end - that is, acquires a higher social status than he had at the beginning.

This is the general characteristic of a fairy tale.

They are the most popular type of folklore; they create an amazing artistic world in which all the possibilities of this genre are fully revealed. When we say “fairy tale,” we often mean a magical story that fascinates children from a very young age. Why does she captivate her listeners/readers? Let's try to understand this and thus highlight the main features of a fairy tale.

Fiction is the main feature

The most important feature of a fairy tale is that its world and all events are based solely on fiction. When listing the characteristics of a fairy tale, one should begin with the ability to tear the reader away from everyday life and transport him to a fictional world that has no resemblance to the real one. Because in the fairy-tale world the boundaries of space and time are erased, and there are many examples of this: the thirtieth state, which is located far away, or the countdown of time, which is calculated in the magical system by such concepts as many and few.

Fairytale time is a circle that closes on itself. The fairy tale begins in a magical world, a space where the usual laws of physics do not apply and time is calculated according to completely different rules. Take, for example, the most common and most beloved technique used in fairy tales - triple repetition (which occupies a leading place in the classification of “signs of a fairy tale”). It is usually used at the very beginning of fairy-tale events and allows you to slow down the development of actions. The ending, on the contrary, speeds up; by the way, it is always happy and often ends with a wedding.

Fascinating story

What other signs of a fairy tale can be identified? The plot of the fairy tale is fascinating and very complex. It consists of episodes that are directly related to the main character and his task. The hero receives a task of a high level of difficulty, for which he is promised to be showered with gold, given a princess as his wife, or fulfilled some wish. Tasks can range from searching and obtaining an exotic item to eliminating some super-strong and powerful creature. And here the most interesting part of the fairy tale begins - the journey, which is also traditionally included in the list of “signs of a fairy tale.”

It's time to hit the road

The main character goes to distant and unknown lands and overcomes various obstacles and difficulties along the way. On a difficult journey, with his good deeds he wins the hearts of his comrades, who promise to help him in this difficult task. Together, thanks to cunning, they defeat ill-wishers, of whom there are many along the way to the main goal.

By the way, characters in fairy tales are divided into two groups. One of them includes the main character along with his assistants, and the other includes the assistants of the main enemy and himself. Initially, the enemy is much stronger than the main character, and as events unfold, his advantage may even increase. But the main character always learns about the enemy’s weak point and a way to defeat him.

The effect of surprise

But with the main character’s capabilities, things are different: at first they are significantly understated. Signs of a fairy tale include the obligatory presence of a central and secondary characters and their characteristics. The nicknames of the main character can indicate weak mental abilities; sometimes it also leaves much to be desired. This way the effect of surprise is achieved.

When all the side characters - strong, smart and skillful - fail to complete a difficult task for which a reward is due, then the main character appears, who, it seems, is even more unable to cope. But still they give him a chance so as not to discriminate. This turn of events can be classified as “signs of a folk tale.”

Thanks to his courage and good deeds during the journey, the main character receives various unique magical objects or wins friends whom he saves from certain death. They often become talking animals, who subsequently help with tasks with their ideas or participate in the actions themselves.

Miracles in fairy tales are simply necessary. With their help, one can explain various phenomena, such as transformations into different creatures, instantaneous movements over any distance, and the victory of a weak positive hero over a strong negative one. All of the above can be described as signs of a folk tale.

Moral implications

The fairy tale gives lessons and develops the right actions. The actions of the main character show what a good person should be: he commits noble deeds and does not expect any reward for them. Thus, the fairy tale teaches the right things and gives a positive example to the little reader. Good must necessarily defeat evil, justice must triumph - the main idea of ​​fairy tales.

All this is described in the fairy tale in a very simple, but very colorful and poetic language. The storytelling style of many fairy tales is very similar, but each of them is unique and interesting.

Poetics of magic

Let's summarize: what signs of a fairy tale have we discovered? It has a special composition; it contains such a technique as threefold repetition; the fairy tale has unusual, magical plots in which miraculous transformations often occur; it also has negative and positive heroes, and good necessarily defeats evil.

It is not at all difficult to identify the characteristics of a fairy tale - it is a mandatory inclusion in the content of a certain attitude towards fiction, which will determine the poetics of the fairy tale. In it, two worlds exist in parallel - the real and the magical, into which the hero finds himself from the real. In a fairy tale, the motive of a journey can be traced, during which the main character will have to go through many tests and also in a fairy tale, the hero is often helped by some kind of magical assistant or accompanies him to his cherished goal. Often, the main character is given various magical objects as a gift for performing a good deed.

Fairy tales. This is the most popular and most loved genre by children. They are called magical because everything that happens in its plot fantastic and significant for the task: in such a fairy tale there is always a central positive hero. fights evil and injustice, he is helped by wizards and magical objects. Examples include Russian folk tales about Ivan Tsarevich.

The danger seems especially strong because... main opponents- villains, representatives supernatural dark forces: Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal. By winning victories over the evil spirits, the hero confirms his high human principle, closeness to the light forces of nature. In the struggle, he becomes even stronger and wiser, makes new friends and receives every right to happiness - to the satisfaction of his little listeners.

A character in fairy tales is always bearer of certain moral qualities. The hero of the most popular fairy tales is Ivan Tsarevich. He helps many people, animals and birds, who are grateful to him for this, and in turn, help him, his brothers, who often try to destroy him. He is represented in fairy tales as folk hero, embodiment highest moral qualities- courage, honesty, kindness. He is young, handsome, smart and strong. This a type of brave and strong hero.

The Russian people are characterized by the consciousness that a person always encounters life’s difficulties on his path, and with his good deeds he will certainly overcome them. A hero endowed with such qualities as kindness, generosity, honesty deeply sympathetic to the Russian people.

To match such a hero female images- Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Tsar Maiden, Marya Morevna. They are like that beautiful, that “neither can be said in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen,” and at the same time have magic, intelligence and courage. These “wise maidens” help Ivan Tsarevich escape from the sea king, find Koshcheev’s death, and complete impossible tasks. Fairytale heroines in the perfect way embody folk ideas about women's beauty, kindness, wisdom .

Characters oppose the main characters sharply negative- insidious, envious, cruel. Most often these are Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the Serpent with three to nine heads, Dashing One-Eyed. They are monstrous and ugly in appearance, insidious, cruel in confrontation with the forces of light and good. The higher the price of victory for the protagonist.

In difficult moments they come to the aid of the main character assistants. These are either magical animals (Sivka-burka, pike, Gray wolf, Golden bristle pig), or kind old ladies, wonderful guys, strong men, walkers, boletus mushrooms. There is a great variety of wonderful objects: a flying carpet, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, living and dead water. Fleeing from persecution, the hero throws a comb - and a dense forest rises; a towel or scarf turns into a river or lake.

Fantastic world The distant kingdom, the thirtieth state is multi-colored, filled with many wonders: milk rivers flow here with jelly banks, golden apples grow in the garden, “birds of paradise sing and seals meow.”

Like a fairy tale incorporates many stylistic techniques of other genres folklore Here and constant epithets, characteristic of a lyrical song (“good horse”, “dense forests”, “silk grass”, “sugar lips”), and epic hyperboles(“runs - the earth trembles, smoke comes out of the nostrils, flames blaze from the ears”), and parallelisms: “Meanwhile, a witch came and cast a spell on the queen: Alyonushka became sick, and so thin and pale. Everything in the royal court was sad; the flowers in the garden began to wither, the trees began to dry out, the grass began to fade.”

Sayings, traditional beginnings, endings. Their appointment - demarcate fairy tale from everyday life.“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state,” “once upon a time,” are the most characteristic beginnings of a Russian fairy tale. The ending, like a saying, is usually of a comic nature; it is rhythmic, rhymed, and pronounced patter. Often the storyteller ended his story with a description of the feast: “They threw a feast for the whole world, and I was there, drinking honey, drinking beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.” Obviously, the following saying is addressed to children's listeners: “Here's a fairy tale for you, and for me a bunch of bagels.”



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