Signs to get pregnant. Traditional methods for conception

Many loving couples dream of a child and want him to appear as soon as possible. However, it is wrong to think only about how to get pregnant quickly. It is important that a healthy child is conceived, right? This means that we need to properly prepare for this important moment.

There are 7 secrets on how to get pregnant faster. This is what you need to know so that conception is not only quick, but also “healthy”, so that the child is born strong and beautiful.

Secret 1

At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, it is necessary to visit doctors, undergo examinations, etc. Preparation involves taking tests for sexually transmitted infections, HIV, syphilis, etc. By the way, not only women, but also men should be tested for diseases. During your pregnancy planning consultation, your doctor will tell you how to quickly get pregnant, as well as the vitamins and medications you need to take.

Some girls may want to get pregnant almost immediately after giving birth. You need to plan your next pregnancy with your doctor. The doctor will study the features of the course of the first pregnancy and childbirth. Physiological processes occur in such a way that you can get pregnant a month after giving birth, but given the high load on both the body and the psyche, this is hardly a good decision.

However, if you really want your children to be the same age, and you have the necessary support for such a step, you can get pregnant quickly in the absence of pathologies.

Women often use the IUD or oral contraceptives as a form of contraception. In the second case, you need to skip 2-4 cycles before you start planning. As for the IUD, it damages the inner layer of the uterus and it takes time for it to recover. Experts recommend not trying to get pregnant as quickly as possible and waiting about six months before conceiving.

“I want to get pregnant quickly: how to do this?” – girls ask each other on forums. We have collected several opinions.

“What did we not do! Nothing helped. The tests are normal, but there is no conception! We decided to completely forget about this idea. And here you go, two stripes!”

“Go to church, light a candle, pray, ask for a lalya.”

“Go to the sea. Rest works wonders."

“If you’re thinking about how to get pregnant faster, (any) advice will be meaningless. Everyone has their own body, their own situation. If less than a year has passed, don’t torture yourself or Google. Everything will come in due time. And if it doesn’t come, go to the doctor.”

So, don’t despair if you can’t get pregnant quickly at home. They say every baby chooses its mother. Perhaps your baby has already chosen you and is waiting to come to you. Wait for him too, but sometimes you can quietly ask him to come faster.

If you have been unable to get pregnant for a long time, and treatment does not produce results, we recommend that you do not fall into despair, but use folk methods and methods, which help many people become parents of a charming baby. In the end, it won’t require much effort from you, and what do we have to lose? Our grandmothers, for example, believed in the healing power of traditional medicine and eventually gave birth to our parents. So why don’t we trust the old, proven methods and test their effectiveness from our own experience? Moreover, there are a lot of folk methods to help you get pregnant, so you can use several at once, increasing your chance of becoming a happy mother. Well, let's talk?

Top 10 proven folk methods to help you get pregnant

Method No. 1

They say that if you buy a small baby item in advance, before the desired pregnancy, it will help you visualize a wish that will certainly come true. The fact is that looking at a baby’s cap or booties, you will more clearly feel the presence of the baby, and everyone knows that wishes come true if you really want it.

Method No. 2

In the old days, couples who wanted to become parents in the near future always hung several branches of willow in the house and grew ficus. It is believed that these plants contribute to successful conception.

Method No. 3

The healing marine climate can solve the problem of infertility, which lasts for many years, in a few days. The fact is that climate change has a beneficial effect on the hormonal levels of our body, so it is not surprising that many couples “bring babies” precisely after a vacation at sea.

Method No. 4

To quickly conceive, many couples use the practice of Feng Shui, which recommends creating a “wish card.” To create a card, you will need a large sheet of paper, in the center of which we must place a photo of your family with a picture of a baby. Paste pictures of pregnant women around the edges or depict yourself as pregnant. You can also draw or cut out pictures of guests welcoming a happy mother from the hospital, the baby’s first steps and other attributes symbolizing family well-being. Hang the card in a place of honor (preferably in the bedroom) and firmly believe that everything will come true.

Method No. 5

For a successful conception in the old days, women mentally turned for help to their relatives, who had many children in the family. It doesn’t matter whether relatives are alive or not - this belief about the help of “Roda” works on a subconscious level.

Method No. 6

Many psychologists recommend engaging in self-hypnosis and meditation for successful conception. To do this, take 10-15 minutes a day and be alone, imagine yourself in a very pleasant place and start a conversation with your body. Visualize your reproductive organs and ask them to work together smoothly. Fill yourself with vital energy and feel the moment of conceiving a child approaching. This self-hypnosis technique has helped many women successfully become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Method No. 7

Another of the most effective ways to give birth to your own child is to adopt someone else’s baby. This belief is valid with an accuracy of 99.9% and says: adopt someone else’s child and you will certainly have your own baby.

Method No. 8

Among the folk methods of getting pregnant, the most popular are those associated with various manipulations of the pregnant woman’s things, for example:

  • try on your pregnant friend's clothes;
  • drink from a pregnant woman's glass;
  • sit in the place of a pregnant woman;
  • stroke a pregnant woman's belly.

Method No. 9

They say that if a couple who has problems conceiving gets married, then the long-awaited baby will appear in the first year after the spiritual marriage. You can also use other rituals that correspond to the religion of the spouses.

Method No. 10

The popular way to get pregnant says: if you have sex at two in the morning, it will definitely happen. Doctors, by the way, also confirm the effectiveness of this method, since it is at 2 am that the hormonal peak occurs in both partners.

As you can see, there are a lot of methods that increase the chances of conceiving a baby. Therefore, take our recommendations into account and believe that your stork is on its way!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

From Guest

Prayer for the gift of a child helped me a lot, my daughter is 9 months old, I am sure it will help everyone who wants to get pregnant. Almighty Lord, in your word and the Holy Book of the Bible, you said that children are a reward from God. I, in the name of Jesus Christ, ask you to give this reward for me. Not according to my deeds and merits, but according to Your boundless mercy. Forgive my sins, conscious and unconscious. Forgive and clear my conscience. Do not impute my sin to me, but seeing my sincere heart, bless me with a child, for Your Glory. You said that those who hope in you will not be put to shame. Do not shame me, because I only trust in you. I am humbled before you and know that everything is in your hands. I trust in your mercy and believe in your miracles. Let your will be done in life my.Amen.

It's been a long time since your wedding took place. You are already used to living together. It takes time to get used to it and get used to it. Stormy emotions gradually lose ground, and on quiet evenings, sitting together in front of the TV, you slowly begin to realize that something is missing in life. And you realize that you want to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, see scattered toys and enjoy the roaring laughter of children.

You have been together for a long time, but for some reason pregnancy does not occur. You have thoughts that something is wrong with you. You are upset, diligently looking for a way out of the situation, rushing from one extreme to another. You start looking for methods on how to get pregnant if it doesn’t work out. Traditional methods begin to seem the most suitable.

What prevents spouses from having a child?

There are a lot of reasons, for the most part it is a whole complex of reasons that spouses have. Science has proven that bad habits negatively affect the reproductive function of spouses. For example, smoking and alcohol can lead to complete immobility of sperm, and in women the production of eggs stops. Spouses should completely abstain from alcohol and alcohol.

Doctor visits usually end well. The long-awaited pregnancy occurs and, some time later, a long-awaited baby appears in the family, and sometimes more than one. But what to do if the spouses undergo numerous examinations, take many tests, undergo expensive treatment, but there is no result?

And then the only way out for many couples becomes ancestral experience and they turn to the advice of our grandmothers, that is, to traditional medicine. This includes all kinds of medicinal plants and herbal teas. Spouses begin to pay attention to various superstitions and folk recipes on how to get pregnant. Any folk signs are thoroughly studied.

Folk remedies to get pregnant

So how to get pregnant if nothing works out? Do traditional methods of treating infertility actually work? Or is it better to look for another clinic? Herbal treatment is often very effective. If you know the dosage and do not abuse it, then herbal treatment has no side effects. The list of plants that help with infertility is not so long:

  • Red brush
  • Pumpkin
  • knotweed
  • Plantain
  • Hog queen
  • Sage

1. Sage contains a phytohormone corresponding to female sex hormones. When treated with sage, a woman’s body quickly achieves a “flushing effect”, in which all sperm gain the ability to reach the egg. The dosage for preparing the decoction is standard: a glass of boiling water per one spoon of herbs. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day. You should not drink the decoction during menstruation. Having completed one cycle of treatment, you need to repeat it after a break of 20-30 days.

2. Hog queen or ortilia unilateral is used to treat infertility. Pour two tablespoons of herb into 1/2 liter of cold water. Bring to a boil. After keeping in the cupboard for half an hour, strain. Drink one spoon 4 times a day until results are achieved. Sometimes treatment can take 4 months.

3. Red brush. This plant is widely known for its healing properties and is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of female diseases. It rejuvenates a woman’s entire body, which contributes to a successful pregnancy. Do not take together with other phytohormones and hormonal agents. A tablespoon of red brush root is poured with hot water and placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes, strain and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is from 30 to 40 days. The course can be repeated after taking a break of 10 - 15 days.

4. Indispensable for men plantain decoction, which has a beneficial effect on sperm. The seeds are used for the decoction. You need to brew two tablespoons of seeds, simmer in a water bath, cool and strain. Drink two tbsp. spoon three times a day. Plantain is also useful for women. This is a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent, which is also indispensable in curing inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

5. Can also be used collection of various herbs. You need to mix 50 grams of crushed sweet clover, coltsfoot, calendula, centaury and chamomile. Pour boiling water over a pinch of the mixture and leave for three hours. Take one third of a glass per day.

6. Pumpkin. This fruit is the carrier of the largest amount of vitamin E, which controls the hormonal balance of any organism. Pumpkin can be consumed in any form: drink pumpkin juice, bake pumpkin pies, prepare casseroles, porridges and soups. Vitamin E is also found in the following foods:

And these are not all folk remedies for conceiving a child. If you carefully study literature and communicate more closely with others, you can learn a lot more interesting and useful things.

Folk signs to get pregnant

The problem of infertility has always been relevant for any people and any country in all periods of human development. And everyone wondered how to get pregnant if it doesn’t work out. Traditional methods passed from mouth to mouth, and the best of them were preserved for centuries. Therefore, there are a great many folk recipes on how to get pregnant.

For example, there is a belief that if give a ficus tree to an infertile couple, then the long-awaited pregnancy will soon come. If no one has yet thought of bringing a ficus to your house, do not buy it yourself, but ask someone to give it to you.

There is another sign to get pregnant. For this you need more communicate with a pregnant woman. This is considered beneficial for a woman wishing to become pregnant. Going to visit a pregnant friend or relative, having lunch or dinner with her - all this can contribute to conception. If a pregnant woman sneezed on you, it means you will soon be pregnant. You can also touch her belly and even stroke it.

There are many more signs associated with infertility. For example, there is a belief that child adoption often leads to the birth of one's own. Of course, you won’t be able to get pregnant quickly from this, but for the sake of having a child, people go to any extreme.

Can shelter a homeless animal. People believe that this helps to give birth to a child. Folk ways to get pregnant include many other signs associated with the conception and birth of a child. But not a single remedy gives confidence that this will happen quickly.

Other ways to get pregnant

Sometimes as pregnancy approaches fatigue and constant stress interfere. Not just stress from work or thoughts of pregnancy. If spouses often quarrel, pregnancy may also not occur. The woman’s body turns on a natural protective reaction and blocks the birth of a child.

It’s worth a change of scenery, take a vacation to take your mind off the constant obsessive thoughts about pregnancy. Sometimes all this contributes to achieving the goal.

You should just let go of all thoughts about pregnancy and the child, try to forget about it for a while and just live, enjoying life. This is really a method proven by many women, you just need to learn to relax and take your mind off your thoughts.But it’s best to make an appointment with a psychologist or psychotherapist to receive qualified advice and assistance.

And ask your doctor to prescribe you more vitamin E and folic acid, as well as B vitamins. Just remember that these Vitamins must be taken strictly in cycles. If there are no contraindications, then a woman is usually prescribed vitamin E (tocopherol) 3 capsules of 100 mg per day. Folic acid is required up to 400–800 mg per day. The role of vitamin E is extremely high, because it helps the body produce sex hormones, regulates the cycle and hormonal levels. Recent studies have shown that only 7% of infertile women have sufficient levels of vitamin E in their bodies.

It is also important vitamin C. It increases the level of sex hormones and improves a woman's ability to conceive. Vitamin B6 also regulates hormones, as well as blood sugar levels, helps to cope with PMS easier, and makes pregnancy easier.

Should be increased consumption of foods containing zinc. This microelement controls the level of hormones in a woman: estrogen and progesterone. With a lack of zinc, a woman's ability to bear children is reduced.

What else will help you get pregnant?

There are other methods of conceiving and giving birth to a child. For example, it helped some women get pregnant therapeutic fasting. Although no one measured the percentage of the probability of pregnancy. For Muslims, in case of infertility, it is recommended to take hilba herb, but this method of treating infertility is not so widely known.

Men need to pay attention to their underwear. Do not wear synthetic swimming trunks, boxers or thongs. Wear only underwear made from natural fabrics. Don't overheat or get too cold. What else should you do to conceive a child?

To get pregnant successfully you should keep an ovulation diary, because the most favorable time for conception is the day of ovulation and the next 48 hours. You can monitor your well-being. On the day of ovulation (which is approximately the middle of the cycle), the woman’s discharge increases and her lower abdomen hurts. Ovulation can be determined by measuring basal temperature. Or buy ovulation tests at the pharmacy.

Infertility is a common problem among modern women. Often, a girl’s plans do not coincide with her reproductive age, and the environment also has a negative impact, causing problems with natural conception. Since ancient times, grandmothers knew how to get 100% pregnant using traditional methods.

It is worth noting that if you cannot get pregnant, it is better not to delay time. Of course, you can try to use your grandmother’s folk methods in complex treatment, but you should not neglect going to the doctor. It is the specialist who will be able to determine the exact cause of infertility and help the woman become a mother.

Before you begin to treat infertility, you need to determine its cause. Women cannot have children for a variety of reasons, including psychological problems and pathologies of the reproductive organs. To identify pathology, you need to visit a gynecologist, take tests and undergo a pelvic ultrasound.

Most often, a woman cannot become pregnant due to adhesions in the fallopian tubes and uterus, and inflammatory processes in the genitals. And in half of the cases of infertility in a married couple, the man is generally to blame. If everything is fine with a woman, then her partner needs to go to an andrologist and take a spermogram to assess the quality of the ejaculate.

If, based on the results of the analysis, the doctor prescribed medication or surgical treatment, then you should definitely consult about the use of folk remedies. Sometimes it happens that herbal infusions cannot be combined with medications. Such treatment can provoke allergic reactions, bleeding and other complications.

To get pregnant 100% using folk remedies, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Have sex regularly, preferably every 3-4 days, with the exception of menstruation days. It is better to do this in the missionary position, as the chances of conception are higher.
  • Do not use protection or use lubricants, as they reduce sperm motility.
  • Immediately after sex, you should not get out of bed; you need to lie down for 30 minutes, placing a pillow under your pelvis. You shouldn't urinate or wash yourself either.
  • Not only the woman should use folk remedies; she also needs to choose recipes for her partner to improve the quality of sperm.

If a woman wants to get pregnant the first time using folk remedies, she must remember that treatment is carried out while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The same as it was in the villages several centuries ago. Using grandma's recipes, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, or eat preservatives or dyes. A woman and a man must lead an active lifestyle, spend a lot of time outdoors, otherwise there will be no result.


Many women are interested in learning about their grandmother’s 10 ways to get pregnant, which have proven their effectiveness more than once. Folk beliefs, herbal decoctions and nutritional advice from village grandmothers will help you quickly conceive a baby.


Sage is one of the most famous medicinal herbs, which has been used since ancient times. Sage has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The herb has a strong effect on a woman’s endocrine system, increasing the level of sex hormones.

In addition, sage reduces menstrual pain, stops the lactation process, and promotes successful conception of a child. Sage contains phytoestrogens - these are analogues of female sex hormones.

But it is worth noting that sage is a potent substance and is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation if a woman does not want to stop breastfeeding. In addition, you should not take sage for a long time or in large doses.


To conceive a baby using traditional methods, sage is consumed orally for 7-10 days. Start drinking the decoction on the 5th day of your period and finish before expected ovulation. Treatment with sage is carried out for 3 cycles, after which you can begin to conceive a child.

To prepare the decoction, take a teaspoon of chopped herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, then filter. The finished product should be taken throughout the day, divided into 3 doses, with meals.

Hog queen

Borovaya uterus is another plant that affects a woman’s hormonal levels. In order for treatment with boron uterus to be effective, it is better to use modern diagnostic methods and get tested for hormones. Since it was found that the hog uterus is especially effective if a woman has increased estrogen and progesterone is normal.

If a woman’s estrogen level is elevated, then borovaya uterus should not be taken in the first days of the menstrual cycle. After ovulation, you can drink the grass, but only after consulting a gynecologist. In addition, during the period of treatment with boron uterus, it is forbidden to become pregnant.

Often a combination of boron uterus and sage is used to treat infertility. Taking these herbs helps normalize a woman’s endocrine system and provoke ovulation. It should be noted that herbs act more gently than synthetic hormonal drugs.

Borovaya uterus has been used in gynecology since ancient times. It is used for inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women, for adhesions in the fallopian tubes and uterus, and even for endometriosis. Many women were able to get pregnant with the help of this folk remedy.


For the treatment of infertility, tincture of boron uterus is most often used. Take 100 grams of crushed grass leaves per liter of water, mix the ingredients and place in a dark place for 3 weeks. It is better to store the tincture in a glass jar, shaking occasionally.

Tincture of boron uterus can be bought in a pharmacy in ready-made form if you do not want to prepare it yourself. Take the product 25-30 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, discontinuation during menstruation.


Since ancient times, honey has been used to treat various diseases, including gynecological ones. This sweet delicacy has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect; honey resolves stagnant processes and relieves pain.

The disadvantage of honey is that it cannot be used to treat infertility if a woman has vaginal candidiasis or thrush. Since the folk remedy with honey is used in the form of vaginal tampons. Also, women who have a history of allergies to bee products cannot treat infertility with honey.


During the period of preparation for conception, it is necessary to use honey tampons. They eliminate the inflammatory process in the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and also remove adhesions.

To prepare a tampon, you will need sterile cotton wool and a bandage. With clean hands, roll small balls of cotton wool and wrap them in a bandage. It is necessary to form a kind of comet from the head and a long tail; the tampon will subsequently have to be removed from the vagina by the tail.

The finished tampon should be soaked in natural honey. It is very important to make sure that the honey is of high quality, otherwise the treatment will not have an effect. Then the tampon must be inserted into the vagina overnight and removed in the morning. Repeat the procedure for 10 days.

Cumin oil

Black cumin oil is a well-known remedy for all diseases in the East. The oil is used to treat coughs, gastrointestinal diseases, infertility, and even oncology. But it is important to note that during pregnancy, black cumin oil is strictly contraindicated, as it can cause a miscarriage.

Take black cumin oil in the morning on an empty stomach. Start with a third of a teaspoon, increasing the dosage to a teaspoon over a week. You need to drink this amount of oil for a month. After the course of treatment, a break of 60 days is taken, after which the course can be repeated if conception does not occur.

Cumin oil has a specific taste that many people find unpleasant. To make drinking it more pleasant, you can dilute the oil with warm water and a spoonful of natural honey.


Plantain seeds are used to treat infertility for both men and women. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect, saturates the body with vitamins, strengthens the immune system and promotes conception. Psyllium seeds stimulate ovulation and improve the quality of a man's sperm. The product helps with prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

To prepare the decoction, take a tablespoon of seeds per glass of boiling water. The liquid must be simmered over low heat for 15 minutes, then wrapped in a towel and left for 2 hours. The resulting decoction should be filtered and taken a tablespoon three times a day with meals.


If a couple is interested in what needs to be done to get pregnant, then they should be recommended the simplest folk remedy - nuts. The benefits of nuts have been known since ancient times; they nourish, heal and strengthen the body, and also help a man conceive a baby. Nuts are also beneficial for women, so it is recommended for both to consume them.

Nuts have the following effects on the male body:

  • improve erection;
  • increase sexual desire;
  • help improve sperm quality;
  • strengthen the immune system and help fight inflammatory processes.

The main disadvantage of nuts is their high calorie content, so they should be consumed in small quantities. This especially applies to people who are overweight. Do not forget that excess weight has a sharply negative effect on the reproductive function of men and women.

It is healthy to eat any nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine. Coconut is useful for infertility. But peanuts are not so healthy; it is better to replace them with other types.


Folk recipes for conception cannot do without such a valuable substance as mumiyo. This remedy can be used for both male and female infertility. Shilajit has an anti-inflammatory effect, saturates the body with vitamins and strengthens the immune system, destroys pathogenic bacteria and slows down aging.

In case of infertility, mumiyo has the following effects:

  • improves potency in men;
  • restores the menstrual cycle in women;
  • resolves adhesions in the pelvis in both sexes;
  • makes sperm viable;
  • fights infections and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • calms, helps to cope with stress more easily.

But mumiyo has contraindications. Do not take the product together with other medications or alcohol. The consequences of such treatment are difficult to predict; allergies and hormonal imbalances are possible.


Currently, you can buy natural mummy, or in tablet form at the pharmacy. If the patient bought tablets, then he needs to take them in a course of 1 piece on an empty stomach, washed down with milk. The duration of treatment is a month.

If the mummy was purchased in its natural form, then it is taken according to various recipes:

  • 20 mg of the substance and egg yolk should be mixed and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Repeat the procedure for a month.
  • For women. You need to pour a tablespoon of sorrel with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the broth and strain, add 30 mg of mumiyo to it. Drink the decoction throughout the day, dividing into 3 doses.
  • Vaginal suppositories. To prepare candles, you need to mix 30 mg of mumiyo, 3 ml of sea buckthorn oil and the same amount of grams of cocoa butter. Make candles from the mixture and store them in the refrigerator. They need to be administered at night every evening, then go to bed and do not get up.

Before using mumiyo, you should definitely consult your doctor.


An old grandmother's method that helps to get pregnant, if it doesn't work out - douching with soda. Every woman knows that this folk remedy is good for thrush, but not only that.

A woman's vagina has an acidic environment, which is necessary for protection. Spermatozoa die in such an environment; the ejaculate, which envelops the gametes, helps them reach the uterus. Baking soda creates an alkaline environment and helps sperm survive, resulting in a significantly increased chance of conception.


Douching with soda is carried out half an hour before sexual intercourse. It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of the substance in a liter of warm water. The solution must be taken into a syringe and injected into the vagina several times.

It is worth noting that frequent douching with soda can lead to vaginal dysbacteriosis. Therefore, this method is used no more than once every two weeks.


To treat infertility using traditional methods, you can use flaxseed and oil. It is better to purchase products at a pharmacy to be sure of their quality. Flaxseed oil and seeds have a positive effect on the reproductive function of men and women.

These products do not require the preparation of special decoctions. The oil should be used to season salads, and the seed can be added to cereals, soups, and baked goods. If desired, the seeds can be mixed with honey and eaten one teaspoon per day.

Thus, there are a large number of folk recipes that help you get pregnant if it doesn’t work out. You should not use everything together, and it is also not recommended to self-medicate. If you want to try traditional medicine recipes on yourself, it is better to first undergo an examination and consult with a reproductologist.

Pregnancy is the greatest happiness in the life of every family. The birth of a child is an event that completely changes the vector of parental behavior, forces them to be more attentive and sensitive, support each other and learn to interact at a new level.

Unfortunately, sometimes some families have problems conceiving, despite the fact that both are healthy and completely ready for this step. After numerous attempts, many couples give up. In vain. There are many ways to help make your dream come true and give the world a new little person.

It is not for nothing that grandmothers are associated with wisdom and experience, since it is this person who can give the most valuable life advice. We have collected all the methods of successful conception that are respected and revered among the people, so that you can be sure that with such an arsenal of tools you will definitely succeed!

Many women trying to cope with the scourge at home come to the conclusion how important it is to organize the right menu and supply their body with all the substances necessary for bearing a fetus.


To conceive, a woman requires slightly more fat than for normal daily activities. Fatty acids are found in foods such as:

  • fish: salmon, herring;
  • vegetable oil: olive, flaxseed;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • fermented milk products.

It is a common belief that in many countries, in preparation for conceiving a child, it is customary to eat buckwheat, since it contains a large amount of useful substances and different groups of vitamins. Among other things, this cereal is an excellent preventive measure against anemia.

To get the desired result, you need to consume buckwheat correctly - this is done without milk. The fact is that dairy products contain calcium, which prevents the body from absorbing iron from buckwheat. As an alternative dish, grandmothers advise eating pancakes made from buckwheat flour.

A woman’s diet must include green vegetables, as well as:

  • cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • turnip.

There is such a plant as the pine forest or forest uterus. Among the positive effects that this herb has are improvements in ovarian function, preparation of the uterus for pregnancy, and elimination of inflammation.

The hog uterus is also approved by modern medicine, which uses a folk remedy to combat gynecological diseases, infertility, toxicosis and many other ailments. A significant advantage of the plant is that its use does not have negative consequences for the female body. To promote conception, it is necessary to use an infusion of boron uterus.


  • grass – 100 grams;
  • 70% alcohol – 1 liter.

Step by step instructions:

  • place the grass in a container;
  • fill with alcohol;
  • cover with a lid;
  • insist for thirty days;
  • shake the tincture every day;
  • Take tincture 40 drops daily.

When conceiving, do not underestimate the importance of the correct position of the bodies of future parents. This helps much more effectively than artificial means such as douching or hygienic soap, which disrupt the internal microenvironment of the female body.

After sexual intercourse, you should not get up immediately. There are several actions that are recommended after sex:

  • lie on your side;
  • raise your legs high and stand on the “birch tree”;
  • stand on all fours.

The partner is usually involved in observing these rules. Of course, this will not have any effect on him, but it will be fun and not offensive for a woman to indulge in these fun alone. In addition, your loved one can help you keep your legs at the right angle, because after physical activity there is such a great temptation to “hack” a little.

There is no need to pretend to be a gymnast and stretch your legs until it hurts - just take a position in which sperm cannot flow out.

Other Features

Energy of flowers

It has been proven over the years and by experience that indoor plants located in rooms where people spend a lot of time have a tremendous impact on the condition of the body.
If you want to get pregnant quickly, place a ficus in your bedroom and start caring for it as if it were a small and defenseless child. As a thank you, the plant will produce special substances that:

  • relieve irritability and aggression;
  • promote calm and tranquility;
  • gives determination and purposefulness.

Plant amulets include:

  • fruit tree bark;
  • variegated carnation.

There are legends that if a girl, desperate to give birth, touches the things of a pregnant woman or tries them on herself, the couple will soon be able to conceive. The same effect is obtained from stroking the belly of a woman carrying a child. Many folk sages convince us that for greater effectiveness, you still need to sit in the place where the expectant mother sat.

It is believed that such an innocent action as buying an element of a child’s wardrobe will contribute to conception. You can buy a hat or socks, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to always carry the little thing with you. Thus, dreams take on material form and thoughts concentrate on the feeling that the baby is already nearby.

Many mothers claim that a family trip to the south contributed to the conception of their baby. Even experts who treat couples for infertility recommend going to the seashore, changing the climate, having a good rest and focusing on the most important thing.

There is a very well-known and effective sign associated with homeless animals. According to her, you need to take home a kitten or a dog. However, not any animal will do, but only the one that “nailed” to you. You need to treat him very tenderly and reverently. Otherwise the method will not work.

When a woman fails to get pregnant, she usually hears the same advice - try to distract yourself. Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a very valuable recommendation, because sometimes desires need to be let go. As soon as you can turn your attention to something else, your chance of getting pregnant will increase significantly.

In addition, it is very important to maintain a positive attitude and drive away bad thoughts. The fact is that negativity inhibits the functioning of the reproductive system and creates a negative atmosphere around. Listen to funny music, watch comedies, walk more.

In order for a child to choose a woman as his mother, she must fully implement the motherhood program even before conceiving the baby. It is best to avoid using cosmetics and wearing vulgar, provocative clothing. You need to stop swearing. This does not suit any girl, especially an expectant mother.

Folk sages are convinced that problems with conception are solved with the help of spiritual marriage. The best thing to do is go to church and get married. The main thing is to believe in success, and you will succeed!

Video – Treating infertility



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