Position for conceiving a boy by ovulation. Calendar for conceiving a boy: how to calculate on what days to conceive a boy

“A husband dreams of a son” - this is how a great many messages on forums for mothers begin. “Tell me what to do to give birth to a boy?” Our author tested on herself whether methods for conceiving a baby of a certain gender work.

Experts are reluctant to talk about programming the gender of the unborn child. It's still not very ethical. Moreover, in some countries there is still such a thing as selective abortion, when only children of a certain sex are left. Barbarism, whatever one may say. However, if you really want to, then it’s probably still possible to influence nature somehow! Our author Ekaterina Rizhskaya, the mother of a wonderful boy, spoke about her experience and the experience of her friends who also have sons, and a specialist in child gender planning, Elena Mariutsa, commented on popular methods.

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Ovulation method

Let's remember the school curriculum. XX are female chromosomes, XY are male chromosomes. If a woman's egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, a girl will be born, if a sperm with a Y chromosome is fertilized, a boy will be born. It has been proven that the most active Y-sperm live a bright but short life, while the less active X, on the contrary, die much later. This means that our task is to “catch” the Y chromosomes.

On the day of ovulation, the chances of conceiving a boy are higher than on other days, since the alkaline environment is favorable for Y. All that remains is to decide on the date. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle. In a 28-day cycle, this is the 14th day. However, deviations are possible - due to simple stress or illness. So be on the lookout!

Personal experience

“I didn’t plan the sex of the child,” says the mother of a 9-year-old son. - But, looking at my personal calendar of 2007, I realized that pregnancy occurred precisely on the day of ovulation. Our Maximka was born! Coincidence."

Expert opinion

“The method has a right to exist,” notes Elena Mariutsa, a urologist and specialist in child gender planning. - Thinning the cervical mucus in the middle of the menstrual cycle actually makes it easier for sperm to penetrate through it. The strongest and fastest ones succeed – these are the “boys” (Y-spermatozoa). However, the method does not work 100 percent, at best 60-70 percent.”

Chinese calendar

The calendar was invented by sages more than seven centuries ago, and future parents not only from the Middle Kingdom look into it. How to use the table? The mother’s date of birth, in the Chinese understanding, is the date of conception, not birth, and this must be taken into account. If you were not born in January or February (the months when the new year according to the lunar calendar can begin), simply add nine months to your date of birth. If in other months, we find out when the New Year holiday happened and compare it with the date of birth. If it’s before the New Year, minus the year and add nine months to the resulting figure. And then from the intersection with the letter M we draw a line to the month in the top line (they also begin on the new moon) and... we begin to achieve the goal.

Personal experience

According to the lunar calendar, I was 35 years old at the time of conception; it happened in November. A boy comes out from the table. Top ten!

Expert opinion

Over 25 years of communicating with mothers and fathers before and after childbirth, I came up with the following statistics - only every second case hits the target. 50/50.

Japanese calendar

The Japanese consider the birth of a boy to be a gift of fate. The first son has been surrounded by truly imperial care since birth. Both adults and younger brothers and sisters emphasize its importance in every possible way. And he, happy, bathes in everyone’s attention and, as a rule, grows up to be selfish. The calendar is easy to use. First, we determine the family number - it is at the intersection of the birth lines of a man and a woman. Then, in the column numbered with this number, we find the month of conception with the maximum probability of having a boy (count the crosses).

Personal experience

I was born in July, and my husband in November, our number is 11. The son was conceived in the last month of autumn, but with the same probability a daughter could have been born - in the table there is one cross for a boy and a girl. Maxim is lucky!

Expert opinion

According to the Japanese calendar, I estimate my hopes of conceiving a boy at 50 percent. It might as well be a girl.

By blood renewal

A man with younger blood than a woman is able to conceive a son. To find out, we divide the age of the future father by four, and the age of the mother by three. We compare cycles: whoever has “fresher” blood wins. However, keep in mind that any significant blood loss will affect the calculations. If, for example, there was an operation, we begin to count not from the year of birth, but from the year of the operation. And more! It is believed that a woman’s negative Rh factor changes the picture exactly the opposite. That is, “age” rather than young blood is stronger.

Personal experience

I have a positive Rh factor, and at the time of conception my blood was a year younger than my husband’s. It was supposed to be a girl. It didn't work out!

Expert opinion

Our great-grandmothers knew about this method, but I wouldn’t trust it 100 percent. There is a strongly rooted popular belief that a woman with a negative Rh factor gives birth only to same-sex children. I say with great confidence: this is not so!

Photo: Geri Lavrov/Photographers Choice/Getty Images

Dobrotin-Freiman method

These 12 wonderful tables were published back in the 90s of the last century in the reference book for many women, “Housekeeping”. For the first three tables marked “M” and “F”, data from future parents is needed. We must write down the resulting numbers. Tables 4 and 5 – the estimated year, month and day of the baby’s conception. Using Table 6, we find the sum of all numbers and display the coefficient. If it is higher for the husband, a boy will be born, and for the wife, a girl.

Personal experience

My result is nine points from my beloved man against my zero. He won! Son!

Expert opinion

The method is interesting for inquisitive and meticulous users who want to practice mathematics. It is based, in my opinion, on knowledge about the cyclical renewal of the blood of future parents. The probability that the method will work is 90 percent.

Photo: Camille Tokerud/Taxi/Getty Images

Lunar calendar

It is believed that the Moon affects not only life and well-being, but also offspring. When she is in the male zodiac signs - Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, the likelihood of conceiving a son increases. And it is desirable for this to happen on the 11th, 15th, 19th or 21st lunar day: the son, according to astrologers, will be born smart, healthy, and energetic.

Personal experience

For me it all happened on November 11, 2007, when the Moon was in the sign of Sagittarius. Maksimka apparently knew this!

Expert opinion

I am far from astrology. But when women come to me asking whether they should trust this method, I say: “To get the full effect, try it.” And what helps in the end - the Moon, or my method, or all together - is difficult to judge. I give a 95 percent guarantee for my research; I am not responsible for Luna’s tricks.


A story from life. One day my husband heard that if a woman eats green bananas (the kind that make her mouth water) a week before and after ovulation, she will certainly give birth to a boy. I suggested that my wife try it. The girl laughed in response, but did not resist. Nine months later, the happy parents carried a blue envelope out of the maternity hospital. Dad is still convinced that the bananas helped!

And by the way, he's not crazy! There is an opinion that some trace elements affect the biochemical structure of the egg. For a boy, it is recommended to review his mother’s diet, including adding foods rich in potassium and sodium. We pay attention to bananas, oranges, peaches, mushrooms, potatoes, legumes, cereals, fish, meat, canned cucumbers, dark chocolate, egg whites, prunes, dates, bicarbonate mineral water. We follow the diet four months before conception, and then return to the usual menu. Just before you start experimenting, do not forget to consult your doctor!

Personal experience

Fortunately, my husband had never heard of green bananas or other “male” products. We lived calmly, ate as usual, and in the supermarket we bought whatever caught our eye.

Expert opinion

A girl is born with a huge number of eggs. And they constantly absorb all the “charms” of her life, activating briefly only in a certain cycle. Therefore, it is hardly possible to change the structure of the egg in a short period with the help of food. If we talk about a diet for 3-4 months, then this, in my opinion, is more relevant for a man. Sperm mature in 90 days, and during this time they can really be influenced. The number of Y cells will not increase, as many people think, but the quality and motility of sperm will improve. The probability of conceiving a boy is 60 percent.

Believe it if you want!

  • If a woman's age is divided by two, then she will be able to conceive a son in an odd month of the year (January, March, May, etc.). If it doesn’t share, then everything is the other way around.
  • To the number of years a woman will turn this year, we add the number of the month of conception (for example, August - the eighth) and one, and then divide by two. If the result comes out with a remainder, a boy will be born.
  • Skinny girls weighing less than 54 kg are most likely to give birth to a girl.
  • Sexual intercourse on “men’s” days – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – with my son.
  • If a man is older and more active than a woman, there is a greater chance of getting pregnant with a boy.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation can be calculated with some degree of probability in several ways. Many couples suggest that it is possible to find out the sex of the child. For example, they take into account the month and year of conception or use a special diet and an ovulation calculator. In fact, the main thing in determining the sex of a child is the sperm, which carries either the female X chromosome or the male Y chromosome.

However, it is believed that sperm containing the male chromosome are much more energetic and rapid, but their life process lasts less. The possibility of conceiving a boy occurs when the sperm and egg meet immediately. At the moment when sperm are waiting for an egg, there is a high probability of conceiving a girl. All this depends on the fact that female chromosomes in sperm are more viable and remain longer.

Do not forget that during the period of ovulation the egg does not enter the uterine cavity directly; it travels through the fallopian tubes for about 3 days, sometimes up to 6 days. Sperm can meet it anywhere, from the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity itself. This is influenced by their activity and how favorable the environment in the uterine cavity will be for them.

This method, of course, has the right to exist, but there is no guarantee. But not everyone can figure out how to conceive a boy by ovulation.

Determination of ovulation

In order to conceive a child of a particular gender on the day of ovulation, it is best to learn how to determine it. To determine the best day to conceive a child, subtract the luteal phase from the number of days in the menstrual cycle. Typically this is half the cycle. The average woman's menstrual cycle lasts exactly 28 days, which makes it clear that ovulation will occur on day 14.

When the female body approaches the period of ovulation, there is a large production of the hormone estrogen.

At the moment when estrogen reaches ovulation levels, a large release of luteinizing hormone is produced in the body. The best moment for this will be the next two days after such a release of the hormone.

In order to determine this day, special tests should be used, which are based on the amount of LH in the body. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is best to do tests 2 times a day approximately in the middle of the cycle.

There are girls who easily follow certain signals from their own body. This is a slight pain on this day, as well as a feeling of discomfort. Those who are unfamiliar with this can use a special calendar for. If your cycle is not regular, determining the best day can be a challenge. In such cases, it is best to go to a gynecologist to resolve this issue.

Help in calculating the gender of the child

Ovulation is the best day to conceive a child. After all, it is on this day that the finished egg, which is necessary to conceive a boy or girl, leaves the ovary. The egg continues to function for 24 hours.

Only at this time can she be fertilized, and the pregnancy you have been waiting for will occur. On such a day, people who do not want to have children yet need to be extremely careful.

You can conceive a boy by ovulation, using your knowledge of biology and relying on the presence of X and Y chromosomes in a man, but no one can guarantee that a boy was conceived.

Conception of a boy

If you want to calculate the sex of a child, then there are a huge number of ways to do this, but none gives a 100% guarantee of success. But this is considered an additional chance that you can take advantage of, and then just wait. What days during the period when ovulation occurs are favorable for conceiving a boy? We have already determined that the Y chromosome is more mobile, but has a short life span. This suggests that the conception of a boy will occur only on the day of ovulation, so that the egg, which has already matured, meets the Y chromosome. To conceive a boy, you need to have sexual intercourse without contraception with ejaculation either on the day you calculated ovulation, or the day before it, since the egg lives for 24 hours, and sperm with the desired chromosome lives for 2 days.

This is why many couples prefer to settle for a boy. You can also calculate when ovulation will occur in several ways.

To quickly conceive a boy, you can use tips and tricks. In order to conceive a boy, it will not be enough to carry out correct ovulation calculations. An important factor is the position in which sexual intercourse occurs. In this case, the most important thing is the penetration depth. This means that the deeper it is, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a boy. In this case, cowgirl and man-from-behind positions are best.

During sexual intercourse, which occurs on the day of your calculations, you cannot rush. A woman must feel an orgasm during sex in order for the likelihood of conception to be higher. The chances will increase due to the fact that the acidity of the vagina changes, and increased pH values ​​​​make sperm more viable.

After sexual intercourse has occurred, it is best to exclude any water procedures for a while. A few weeks before conception, you should eat more food that contains protein. These are meat, legumes, eggs and fish. It is also best to reduce your consumption of foods that are recommended if desired, such as dairy products, which are high in fiber. These data are only popular beliefs, but any detail can help in this matter.

Calculation using tables. There are several types of tables that will help calculate the gender of the child. Such tables are used even when the menstrual cycle is irregular. This is their big advantage. The ancient Chinese table is considered the best, as well as the Japanese one.

The Japanese table consists of two parts. In the first, the number is calculated. Its calculation is based on the months of birth of the mother and father. And the second part gives the decoding of the resulting number. The number you got from your calculation is in the table, and you see the months in which it is best to conceive a boy.

In the ancient Chinese table, calculations are made based only on the mother’s data. The numbers indicating the mother's age are located vertically, and the months of conception are located horizontally. When you look at the intersection of these data, it immediately becomes clear who is most likely to be born to you when you conceive in a given month.

Many parents dream of an heir, especially if the family already has a girl, or even two girls. Men always want a son, even if they don’t say it out loud. Nature gives the chances about half to half, but I want a boy. What to do?

This approach can even be called scientific. To calculate the boy’s conception calendar, let’s consider the behavior of sperm with Y (male) and X (female) chromosomes. By the way, it is the sperm that is “responsible” for the sex of the unborn child. And if instead of the long-awaited son a girl was born, there is no need, as they say, to blame the wife; next time it will definitely work out, you just need to calculate everything correctly.

The Y-sperm is more active and reaches its target faster, but it is not hardy enough. If he does not meet the egg within 48 hours, he will die, and the woman’s chance of conceiving a boy will sharply decrease. X-sperm can easily withstand an aggressive environment and is more “tenacious”. The principle of the calendar for conceiving a desired boy is based on this difference.

According to this calendar, sexual intercourse should take place on the day of ovulation, or no later than one day later. Three days before expected ovulation, it is better to refrain from unprotected contact altogether. For a healthy woman with a regular cycle, for example, 29 days, calculating ovulation is not at all difficult. The cycle is divided into two phases: before and after ovulation.

The second period is always unchanged and equal to 14 days, i.e. two weeks after ovulation occurs, your period begins. Let's do a simple mathematical calculation: 29-14=15. If you have sexual intercourse on the 15th day from the start of menstruation, the chances of conceiving a boy are quite high.

This method is well suited for women with regular cycles. The ovulation period lasts three to four days. At other times, conception is impossible. However, it should be remembered that overwork, stress, endocrine and inflammatory diseases can delay the onset of ovulation. You can take a regular calendar and paint the days suitable for conception in different colors.

Chinese calendar for conceiving a boy

There are other types of conception calendars. The calendar from China is widely used in its homeland for planning conception. The Chinese claim 85% calculation accuracy. This calendar for conceiving a boy is quite unusual, but there have been no negative reviews about it on the Internet.

The calendar is designed for women aged 18 to 35 years. To find out who will be born, you need to select the full age of the mother in one column and the expected time of birth of the baby in the second. The cell at the intersection of the lines will indicate the expected gender of the baby.

Lunar calendar for the conception of a boy

The lunar calendar will help you calculate the best time to conceive an heir. Astrologers strongly recommend choosing those days when the moon is in Aries or subsequent signs - Gemini, Leo, etc. Lunar periods, without a doubt, affect all spheres of human life, including conception. In ancient times, by the way, this method was actively used by sovereigns to obtain an heir to the throne.

Japanese calendar for conceiving a boy

This calendar is similar to Chinese and consists of two tables. From the first you need to take the code number, connecting the columns with the months of birth of the father and mother with lines. The cell in which they intersect contains the desired number. This figure will be needed to work with the second table. In its upper part we will find the desired number and vertically connect it with a line with the expected month of conception. The more crosses in the resulting cell, the more accurate the result will be.

Whatever calendar you use for conceiving a boy, don’t forget about special nutrition. It is best to eat egg whites, fish, meat, oatmeal and buckwheat, fruits and dried fruits, and vegetables. It is better to avoid dairy and seafood, as well as nuts. You shouldn't eat yeast bread either.

To accurately conceive a boy, sometimes you just need to relax and trust everything to nature, which is wiser than us and will make the only right choice.

Since ancient times, the question of what gender a child will be born has worried many parents. Some want a girl, and some want a boy. What’s most interesting is that the question of how to conceive a boy arises much more often than about a girl. The reasons are different: maybe the family already has a daughter, or the dad wants an heir. Therefore, many couples initially try to plan the gender of their unborn child.

And some do it quite successfully. Therefore, it is worth understanding what the sex of the child depends on and what factors should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy, so that as a result, when discharged, the father holds his son in his arms.

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    Is the result 100% real?

    No one dares to give a categorical answer. Despite the huge number of methods that help calculate the option of conceiving a male child, there is still no guarantee of obtaining a 100% result. Therefore, if someone claims that his method gives exactly this result, you should not take such words seriously. A method that works for one couple may not work for another. When planning, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors, and few people can do this.

    It is possible to become pregnant with a male child with one hundred percent probability only in one case - when artificial insemination is carried out. Only the IVF procedure makes it possible to preserve an embryo of the chosen sex. This method is rarely used, under special specific circumstances, for example, if there is a serious pathology in the family that is passed on from generation to generation only through the female line. If there are no special prerequisites, then performing IVF solely for gender selection is impractical and too expensive.

    But today there are a huge number of methods that allow you to plan the sex of the baby with high accuracy. True, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for the process of conceiving a child. One of the most effective and popular is the method of calculating the ovulation calendar. Some calculate the period for the birth of a boy based on the date of birth or blood type.

    It’s worth figuring out how to plan the birth of a boy using the method of determining ovulation. What is this option based on and how does it work?

    Planning according to the ovulation calendar

    Planning in this way is based on the method of calculating the best day, which is in the middle of the cycle and is ideal for conceiving a male child.

    At a certain point, a mature egg is released from the ovary, and for a positive outcome it must meet with a male sperm. Fertilization must occur precisely during a specific day, because then the unfertilized cell will not be able to exist in the microflora of the female vagina and dies. For such purposes, the exact day when ovulation occurs in the body is calculated.

    The fact that the sex of a baby completely depends only on the man was understood by many a long time ago, but they were able to figure out how this happens only after the discovery of such concepts as DNA and the set of chromosomes.

    The unborn child receives a set of DNA and certain chromosomes from mom and dad equally. Every person, both men and women, has 2 chromosomes, only the mother has both XX chromosomes, but the father has both XY. Therefore, the sex of the baby depends entirely on which chromosome is in the male reproductive cell, which will participate in fertilization. In order for a long-awaited boy to be born, a sperm with a Y chromosome must participate in fertilization.

    This is the first and main point on which the method of planning a boy by ovulation is based. The second aspect that affects fertilization is the difference in the motility of sperm with Y and X chromosomes.

    It is worth noting that sperm with the X chromosome have less motility, but they are much more likely to survive in the acidic environment that is typical of a woman’s vagina. Therefore, the owners of the X chromosome will move towards the goal much longer. Their peculiarity is the possibility of conception even 2 days after entering the female body.

    At the same time, male germ cells with a Y chromosome are more mobile and swift, but they live no more than a day. If there is no ovulation within the first 24 hours after sex, fertilization will not occur. But the likelihood that male reproductive cells with a female chromosome will reach the goal is higher, since they live in the vaginal environment more, and then a girl will appear.

    How to conceive a boy?

    Few people know that a woman has the opportunity to get pregnant only once a month. There are exceptions, but they are quite rare, when women have two ovulations in one cycle. During ovulation, an egg is released from the ovaries, which is fully prepared for further fertilization, but lives only for a day. Therefore, when planning, it is important to know how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation.

    Ovulation is a rather complex physiological process in every female body, but it is not very stable. It has been established that this day is located approximately between the 11th and 21st days of the menstrual cycle. For a particular woman, it occurs at different times, since the duration of the cycle is unique for everyone. The average cycle is thought to last about 28 days.

    Today, to calculate the day of ovulation, the easiest way is to use online calculators, which, after entering certain data about the cycle, will indicate not only the day of ovulation, but also the most favorable days for conception of each sex. Such programs are very popular and easy to use, but the accuracy of such calculations is questioned, because disruptions in the cycle can occur even due to simple stress or a previous illness. But despite this, the ovulation calculator for conceiving a boy is very popular and in demand. You don’t need to think long about how to calculate the day of ovulation yourself, the calculator will do everything on its own.

    For those who do not have the opportunity to use a calculator, you can calculate the required day yourself. There is a very simple formula.

    Simple calculation of ovulation manually

    It has long been studied that ovulation in any woman occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next cycle, not earlier and not later. After the start of the cycle until the day on which ovulation occurs, the period may vary, but after this date there are always 14 days before the onset of menstrual flow.

    If the expectant mother has a regular cycle and her periods occur exactly according to her female calendar, you can use the formula to calculate ovulation:

    Ovulation day = date of next menstruation – 14 days.

    Thanks to the formula, you can calculate it yourself; you don’t need a calculator. Therefore, to calculate the day of ovulation, you should calculate the end of the cycle, and then simply count 14 days from it. Using the same principle, not only a calendar is drawn up for conceiving a boy, but also for protecting against unwanted pregnancy. Despite the simplicity of such calculations, there is one significant drawback. This formula should be used only with a stable, constant cycle, in which there are no changes or disturbances from month to month. To calculate, you should draw up a schedule of menstruation over 4-6 months and use it as a basis.

    For married couples who are planning pregnancy and the imminent birth of a child, it is very important to keep an ovulation calendar with constant regularity in order to calculate the days for conceiving a boy. True, such a calculation of ovulation for conceiving a boy cannot be called very accurate. Even with a constant cycle, the day of ovulation may shift under the influence of certain factors. Such disruptions can be caused by stress, hormonal imbalances, taking antibiotics and much more.

    Therefore, when determining the day of ovulation, doctors recommend using a complex method:

    • Make a calculation;
    • Create a basal temperature chart;
    • Focus on your feelings;
    • If possible, purchase an ovulation test.

    The most correct results for determining this date are shown by ultrasound, thanks to which this day can be calculated most accurately. But not everyone has the opportunity to do it.

    Basal temperature chart

    Building such a graph will allow you to clearly see the day of ovulation. When carrying out such measurements over several cycles, you can analyze all the data from these calculations and calculate the next day of ovulation as accurately as possible. In such cases, the error is reduced to a minimum.

    It is best to start building a schedule from the very first day of the cycle. For each menstrual cycle, a new schedule should be built.

    It is considered normal when the basal temperature from the first day of the cycle is below 37 and has insignificant fluctuations. On the ovulation day, there is a significant drop in temperature, and the next day there is a sharp increase in temperature (it becomes more than 37 degrees). The moment of rise marks the second phase. The temperature remains in this range for the remaining 14 days until the end of the cycle. And on the first day of the new cycle it will fall below 37.

    To get the most reliable results, you should follow simple rules for measuring basal temperature:

    • Temperature measurements must be taken at the same time every day;
    • To take the measurement, the thermometer is carefully inserted into the rectum.
    • The measurement should be checked in the morning within 10 minutes after waking up.
    • Before you start measuring your basal temperature, you should not get out of bed, so the thermometer should be placed next to your sleeping area. This way it will always be at hand.
    • Basal temperature measurements should be taken after three hours of continuous sleep - this is the minimum at which correct data should be expected.
    • If you need to go to the toilet in the morning, you should still measure your temperature first and then get up.

    If, when planning, you build a temperature chart and draw up an ovulation calendar for conceiving a boy, you will have a greater chance of success.

    The influence of posture on the effectiveness of the result

    Few people even realize that during conception, the position in which it will occur also plays an important role. When planning the birth of a boy, you should adhere to the rule in sex: the deeper, the better. Poses with the deepest possible penetration are appropriate here, for example, “man from behind” or “woman on top.”

    It will also have a beneficial effect on conceiving a boy if the expectant mother has an orgasm. During this period, an alkaline environment is formed, which is unfavorable for sperm with the X chromosome.

    Features of planning the gender of the child

    Knowing the principle of planning the birth of a boy using the method of calculating ovulation, we can draw the following conclusions:

    • The chromosomes that are responsible for the direct birth of a boy are more mobile than female sperm with an X chromosome;
    • Male sperm have less ability to survive in acidic microflora. Therefore, if partners dream of having a boy, they should actively have sex on the calculated day of ovulation or before it.
    • It is also recommended to conceive a baby in positions with the deepest penetration possible.
    • It is worth remembering that if sexual intercourse occurs several days before the onset of ovulation, then there remains a very small probability that the male chromosomes will survive until the most crucial moment of fertilization.

    Alkaline environment

    The parents themselves, who dream of having a son, must help the male reproductive cells with the Y chromosome cope with their task. To do this, you need to take care to create an alkaline environment, which is most favorable for male sperm, but creates an unfavorable microflora for the X chromosomes.

    You can immediately douche a woman with a special solution of baking soda immediately before sexual intercourse. About half an hour before sex, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in a liter of slightly warmed water. The entire solution is used for douching, which should help you get pregnant with a boy.

    As noted earlier, an important condition for creating an alkaline environment is a woman’s orgasm during sex, which should occur earlier than a man’s.

    Additional points

    To increase the likelihood of having a boy, not only the woman, but also the man should prepare. He should collect as many male sperm as possible in his body, so it is worth taking a pause between sexual acts for some time.

    There are also certain rules that, if followed, will help you get pregnant with a boy. These rules should be followed by both future parents.

    • In the preparatory period for conception, both partners should stop taking too hot baths or visiting saunas or baths.
    • If spouses are accustomed to using artificial lubricants during sex, then they should be abandoned for that period.
    • After the expected conception, you should use condoms during sex for some time.
    • After sex, a woman does not need to get up immediately, but just lie down and relax for a while.

    Many experts suggest that the birth of a boy depends on the psychological state of the mother, as well as her moral readiness to become the mother of a son. Therefore, mom should follow these tips:

    • No smoking;
    • Do not reduce body weight below 55 kg;
    • Lead a calm and measured lifestyle, try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
    • Try to yield to your husband as much as possible so that he is the main one in the family;
    • Visualize your son as often as possible as a boy.

    It has also long been noted that the longer it takes to conceive a child, the greater the likelihood that a boy will be born.

    Healthy diet

    As a result of some specific studies, it has been established that certain nutrition can also affect future gender planning. If you adhere to a specific diet, you can significantly increase the likelihood of having a boy. The French were the first to draw attention to this relationship between nutrition and the sex of the child.

    According to research, it has been found that during the period of planning a child, if they want to conceive a boy, parents need to eat more food, which contains sodium and potassium in a decent amount. And this is meat and fish, sausages, peas and lentils, potatoes, beans, egg whites, semolina and rice, mushrooms, dark chocolate and cookies.

    As for fruits, you should give preference to bananas, peaches, dates and oranges. When planning to conceive a boy, it is not recommended to eat a lot of bread, nuts and greens, as well as cabbage and green beans. If possible, milk should be excluded from the diet, as well as mineral water enriched with calcium.

    Knowing how to conceive a boy by ovulation, you can begin long-term preparations for the birth of a son.

When planning a new addition to the family, parents want a child of a certain gender to be born. This article will tell you how to conceive a boy by ovulation. There are a number of ways and methods by which you can achieve the desired result.

To conceive a boy by ovulation, you must follow certain methods. The first of them is calendar. It is based on a well-known scientific fact, which says that Y-sperm are considered less active and tenacious. According to this method, you need to try to get pregnant on the day of ovulation.

A woman who is thinking about how to get pregnant with a boy due to ovulation should record observations of her health. For ease of control, an ovulation table is used to conceive a boy. It is important to measure basal temperature daily, do pharmacy tests that show whether the egg is ripe, and also monitor the formation of the follicle using computer studies. All these methods will help you learn how to calculate ovulation. In addition, you can safely navigate by the nature of the discharge. As the eggs mature, they become whiter and very viscous in structure. In order for the number of penetrating sperm to increase and their activity to become higher, experts recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse several days before the release of the egg.

Scientists also shared their thoughts on this topic. According to experts from Italy, in order to become pregnant with a boy, a woman needs to weigh at least 54-55 kilograms. Research by scientists from Tokyo proves that smoking before intimate relations reduces the likelihood of the birth of a future man. According to official statistics, boys are often born to parents without bad habits. German researchers concluded that the likelihood of conception increases if you are less nervous.

If the girl is already pregnant, then you can use it, which will accurately calculate the period she is in pregnancy.

Tables for calculating the sex of a child

You can get pregnant with a boy, including using tables. They come in the following types:

  • Japanese;
  • Chinese;
  • conception by blood type.

The Japanese table is based on a comparison of the months of future parents. Using this method is not difficult. Vertically you need to find the month of birth of the future woman in labor, and horizontally - her sexual partner. At the intersection of two lines there is a number. It, in turn, must be looked for in table No. 2. Below it, months are listed in a column, and opposite them there are crosses. The more marks, the more favorable the period of conception of a boy.

Table 1
Table 2

If we talk about the Chinese method of predicting the sex of a baby, it also answers the question of how to get pregnant with a boy. The vertical axis indicates the age of the expectant mother, and the horizontal axis indicates the period. The intersection will show the best month to conceive a son.

Table 3

A method based on comparing the Rh factor of the blood of future parents will also help predict the gender of the child. By the way, if they have different blood groups, then the chance of having a boy increases significantly.

Table 4

Blood renewal

The theory of blood renewal suggests that in men this process occurs every four years, and in women the frequency is three years. The couple in whom this process last took place with the father will be able to conceive a boy. To determine this indicator, it is necessary to understand which parent has “younger” blood. The count must be made from birth or from the day of injury, childbirth, abortion or surgery, when a person loses a large amount of liquid connective tissue. The diagram in this method is as follows:

  • the father's age must be divided by four;
  • The mother's age is usually divided by three;
  • compare balances. If a man’s indicator is 1, and a woman’s is 2, then the father’s blood is “younger”.

Poses for conceiving a boy

You can conceive a boy in those positions in which the deepest penetration of the male reproductive organ into the vagina occurs. It must be remembered that sperm with male chromosomes are less tenacious, so in order for a boy to be born after 9 months, two conditions must be met. It's about stimulation and depth.

Sometimes the efforts of future parents are so persistent that twins will be born. The “man from behind” and “general” positions will help a married couple conceive a boy, suggesting that the woman’s legs should be on the shoulders of the sexual partner.

After completing sexual intercourse, a woman needs to lie on her back for several minutes so that the sperm are fixed in the uterus and begin to perform the function of fertilization.

Diet for conceiving a boy

To successfully conceive a boy, both partners need to adhere to a certain diet. Expectant parents are recommended to consume the following products:

  • sausages, any types of meat, smoked meats;
  • fish;
  • egg white;
  • tea, coffee, water, beer;
  • porridge and release;
  • potatoes, beans, mushrooms, lentils, peas;
  • all fruits;
  • prunes, dates, dried apricots.

You should avoid dairy products, mineral water, rich bread, salad, dill and nuts.

Folk signs

There are many ways to conceive a boy, based on folk superstitions. It is believed that before sexual contact, so-called “male objects” should be placed in the bed. They can be an ax or a knife. It is recommended to postpone conception to the morning or afternoon. It is worth giving preference to the beginning of the week or the weekend.

If we talk about the time of year, in most cases you get a boy if you try to conceive him in the summer. During this period, young parents have the opportunity to walk barefoot more often - on the beach, in the country, at home, and this factor is favorable for achieving the goal.

A woman should also prepare to conceive a son. 5 days before an intimate relationship, you need to drink 200 milligrams of cranberry jelly before bed. Before sex, you should wrap a regular thread around the little finger of your left hand, and for a man, around your left testicle.

For even greater confidence, you need to lie with your head to the north side.

With the help you can determine the date of conception of the child.


To conceive a boy, many factors must be taken into account. There are ways to help you achieve your goal. However, none of them gives 100% results. If a woman is interested in how to conceive a boy by ovulation, then she needs to calculate the exact day the egg is formed and build on that.



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