Why does uterine tone occur during pregnancy? Uterine tone without pregnancy? Could this be possible?

Uterine tone - normal or pathological? The article talks about situations where uterine tone threatens pregnancy, and ways to solve them.

Uterine hypertonicity is one of the unpleasant surprises that await the expectant mother during 9 months of pregnancy. Such a diagnosis, heard from a doctor, often plunges a pregnant woman into confusion, making her seriously worry about the baby in the womb and her own health. Is there really cause for concern?

What does uterine tone mean during pregnancy?

In the pelvic area of ​​a woman there is a smooth muscle organ, a “cocoon” for the fetus, the uterus. The body of this organ consists of three layers - mucous (endometrium), muscular (myometrium), serous layer (perimetry).

IMPORTANT: In a non-pregnant woman, the uterus weighs about 50 g, reaches a height of up to 8 cm, and a width of up to 5 cm. During pregnancy, its weight and size grow rapidly. So, at week 39, the uterus can weigh up to 1.5 kg, reach 38 cm in height and 25 cm in width. The muscles of the uterus are the strongest in a woman’s body; they are capable of pushing out a child during childbirth.

The uterus is a smooth muscle organ. It is characterized by periodic tension and relaxation.

The muscles of the uterus are always in good shape, they periodically contract and relax. During pregnancy, tone may be:

  • normal
  • elevated (hypertonicity)
  • decreased (hypotonicity)

IMPORTANT: The muscles of the uterus may contract during pregnancy. Normally, a woman should not feel these myometrial contractions, especially since they should not cause her discomfort.

The expectant mother should consult a doctor if:

  • she clearly feels contractions of the uterus (the lower abdomen pulls, hurts, pulsates)
  • these cuts are long lasting

Increased tone is a dangerous condition in which you should seek medical help immediately.

Such symptoms may indicate hypertonicity of the uterine muscles and a possible threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Increased tone is not an independent diagnosis; the causes of this condition are various pathological processes in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as unfavorable external factors. These reasons:

  1. Hormonal disorders. The tone may increase due to insufficient production of female estrogens and progesterone by the ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands with a simultaneous excess of male hormones
  2. Congenital malformations of the female genital organs (underdevelopment, bicornuate uterus, others)
  3. Inflammatory processes in the genital and pelvic organs of women
  4. Infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases
  5. Neoplasms in the body of the uterus (fibroids)
  6. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems of the pregnant woman's body
  7. Extragenital diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary systems, etc.)
  8. Bad habits
  9. Hard physical work, overwork
  10. Stress
  11. Depression and anxiety associated with pregnancy and upcoming birth

Why is uterine tone dangerous during pregnancy?

Uterine hypertonicity as a prolonged or constant phenomenon poses a danger throughout pregnancy.

  1. We need to start with the fact that due to hypertension, pregnancy may not occur at all. Due to intense contractions of the myometrium, the fertilized egg may not attach at all
  2. Up to 28 weeks of pregnancy, tone can provoke placental abruption and spontaneous miscarriage
  3. After the 28th week of pregnancy, premature labor may begin due to hypertension
  4. Contractions of the myometrium cause spasm of the uterine vessels, therefore, in the second and third trimesters, increased tone is fraught with hypoxia and malnutrition of the fetus with consequent disturbances in its growth and development

Video: toned uterus

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy on your own?

Usually, a pregnant woman feels hypertonicity of the uterus. These sensations are compared:

  • with pain on the first day of menstruation
  • intestinal colic
  • lower back pain

Also, spotting and spotting may be added to these sensations.

In the second and third trimester, hypertonicity is visible to the naked eye - the stomach hardens, becomes as if made of stone.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen, spotting with blood are signs of increased uterine tone.

Uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the woman’s body is just getting used to its new state, its new responsible role. At this time, tremendous changes occur in him. It is not surprising that the reaction of this stressed organism can be varied and unpredictable.

In the first trimester, increased uterine tone may be temporary and completely normal. It can go away on its own if the expectant mother:

  1. I got nervous. Gynecologists note that a pregnant woman’s uterus begins to contract immediately during a visit to them, as the woman is very worried. The upcoming changes in life associated with bearing a baby and motherhood also keep me in nervous tension: relationships with my husband moving to a new level, a forced break in my career, etc. Usually, for the tone to normalize, the expectant mother just needs to rest and calm down.
  2. Overtired. In the first three months, a pregnant woman’s belly is not visible at all, but her body is already making tremendous efforts to grow a new life. The expectant mother should seriously think about the fact that she needs to relieve herself of some of the responsibilities at work and at home
  3. She had sexual intercourse. During orgasm, the uterus of both pregnant and non-pregnant women becomes toned. If the expectant mother does not have health problems, having sex will only benefit her both mentally and physically. But if there are pathologies mentioned above in the article, she will be advised to abstain from sex for a certain period or for the entire pregnancy

Unfortunately, in 60% of pregnant women in the first three months, hypertonicity is a dangerous condition, a signal that the pregnancy is proceeding with deviations from the norm. He may say:

  1. About the threat of spontaneous abortion. Then, in parallel with contractions of the uterus, the woman may experience reddish or brownish discharge from the genital tract. In this case, she immediately needs to call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where they will do everything possible to maintain the pregnancy
  2. About a frozen pregnancy. Unfortunately, it happens that due to certain conditions, the fetus freezes at some point, that is, it stops developing. A woman may not notice for days and weeks that there is no more new life in her. An indirect sign of a frozen pregnancy is hypertonicity against the background of the disappearance of other signs of pregnancy

To maintain pregnancy at home or in a hospital, a woman will be prescribed to take medications with progesterone, antispasmodics, a gentle lifestyle and more rest.

Uterine tone in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, the tone of the uterus may increase for all the previously mentioned reasons. To these are added an increase in size and a significant increase in weight in the fetus.

IMPORTANT: From the third to the seventh month of pregnancy, hypertonicity is often accompanied by isthmic-cervical insufficiency. These two conditions have common causes. Taken together, they are the most common cause of spontaneous abortion at this stage.

With isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the cervix shortens and dilates. If its length is less than 2.5 cm and its dilatation is more than 0.5 cm, the cervix is ​​sutured or a special ring or pessary is placed on it.

In the second trimester, tone can occur simultaneously with isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester, the uterus periodically becomes toned, preparing for childbirth. Training contractions are called false contractions, Braxton-Hicks contractions. They can be distinguished from premature onset of labor by the following signs:

  • false contractions should not cause unbearable pain
  • they don't last long
  • they are irregular
  • false contractions stop if you take an antispasmodic, go to the shower, change position, etc.

Tone at 7-8 months of pregnancy is a common reason for the birth of premature babies.

Otherwise, if the pregnancy is less than 37 weeks, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

How to reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy? How to treat uterine tone during pregnancy?

Uterine tone is confirmed in several ways:

  • palpation method, when the gynecologist palpates the pregnant woman’s abdomen
  • by tonuometry method - using a special apparatus
  • ultrasound method

The first thing a pregnant woman needs to do is change her lifestyle. To reduce the tone of the uterus, it needs:

  • get enough sleep
  • do not overexert yourself physically
  • don't lift weights
  • rest more while sitting and lying down
  • avoid stress
  • abstain from sex if your doctor insists on it

IMPORTANT: If hypertension threatens pregnancy, the expectant mother is prescribed bed rest

Actually, the treatment of increased uterine muscle tone is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor and comes down to taking:

  • sedatives of synthetic and plant origin
  • antispasmodic drugs (classic version - No-spa)
  • hormonal drugs
  • magnesium preparations and vitamins

During the treatment of tone, the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman herself (her heartbeat, blood pressure, blood composition) is constantly monitored.

IMPORTANT: If hypertension is strong, painful, accompanied by discharge, the expectant mother must be hospitalized in a gynecological hospital “for preservation”

With increased uterine tone, “preservation” cannot be abandoned.

Exercises to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy

Having felt the increased tone of the uterus, a pregnant woman can provide herself with first aid with the help of special breathing and relaxation exercises.

IMPORTANT: If physical exercises that involve tensing the muscles of the body are contraindicated for an expectant mother with hypertonicity, then she, on the contrary, should learn to do relaxing ones

Here are some ways to relax the myometrium:

  • It is believed that the muscles of the uterus and vagina are directly connected to the facial muscles of a woman. To reduce myometrial tone, she needs to relax her face. The woman should take a sitting position, slightly tilt her head forward, breathe evenly, relax her neck and face as much as possible
  • Knee-elbow pose. The uterus will relax if it finds itself in a suspended state. To do this, a woman needs to kneel, bend over and lean on her elbows. You can place a pillow under them for convenience. As a rule, after just a few minutes in this position, the discomfort caused by increased tone goes away.
  • Cat. While still in the same position on her knees, the woman can alternately arch her back and bend it. You need to change the position of your back while inhaling slowly, maintaining each position for 5-7 seconds.

What to do with uterine tone during pregnancy: tips and reviews

Having learned about uterine hypertonicity, the expectant mother should follow all the doctor’s recommendations regarding lifestyle and treatment. If she is offered hospitalization, the situation is really serious, the tone threatens the normal course of pregnancy. By refusing to “save”, a woman puts herself and her baby at risk.

But under no circumstances should you be nervous about the tone of a pregnant woman. Tears and worries will not only not improve the situation, but will only worsen it: we must not forget that nerves are one of the reasons for overstraining the muscles of the uterus.

Video: Exercises to relieve uterine tone

Uterine tone during pregnancy is not a disease, but a symptom that may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The condition requires special treatment.

To prevent complications, it is important for a woman to know about the manifestations of hypertension, therapy and prevention methods.

The uterus is a hollow organ of 3 layers:

  • The endometrium is the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus.
  • Myometrium is smooth muscle tissue, which is the middle layer of the organ wall.
  • Perimetry – outer mucous membrane.

The myometrium is normally in a relaxed state, which is considered the normal tone of the reproductive organ.

Some women experience uterine contractions during pregnancy, but before labor begins. In this case, they talk about her hypertonicity or increased tone.

Whether the process is natural or pathological depends on a number of factors. A short-term contraction of the uterus in a pregnant woman, which does not cause any discomfort, may be a natural condition.

The problem arises if increased tone is observed for a long time. Constant tone is dangerous for the fetus and requires continued pregnancy.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms

Symptoms of hypertension depend on the stage of pregnancy:

  • First trimester. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, perineum, lower back. The pain may be constant or periodically weaken and intensify. Nausea and dizziness may occur.
  • Second and third trimesters. All of the above symptoms, to which is added the so-called “fossilization” of the abdomen. The tone and tension of the uterus can be felt from the outside if you place your palm on your stomach.

Another sign of tone at any stage is bloody discharge from the vagina. In this case, you need to immediately contact the clinic.

The condition in the later stages, when the baby becomes cramped in the uterus, should be distinguished from pathologically increased tone. It’s as if he’s stretching out, the uterus is tense. A woman can feel not only the fossilization of the abdomen, but also a change in its shape on one side, where the baby sticks out. This condition, similar to mild contractions, lasts for several seconds and is not dangerous for either the child or the expectant mother.


Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy occurs for various reasons and can occur even if the woman was completely healthy before conception.

The risk factors are as follows:

  • Experienced stressful situations.
  • Work all day in a sitting or standing position.
  • Severe toxicosis in the 1st trimester.
  • Lack of progesterone.
  • Negative Rh factor - the body can reject the embryo.
  • Multiple pregnancies - there is an excessive load on the uterine walls.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Pathologies in the structure of the organ.
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, etc.
  • Many abortions performed before pregnancy.
  • Presence of bad habits - smoking, alcoholic drinks.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - severe gas formation provokes increased tone of the uterus.

Why is it dangerous?

Why is increased uterine tone dangerous? This is, first of all, a risk for the child growing in the womb. If left untreated, the consequences may be as follows.

In the 1st trimester:

  • miscarriage or detachment of the ovum;
  • fetal death due to lack of oxygen and nutrients.

In the 1st and 3rd trimesters– discharge of amniotic fluid and premature birth due to cervical dilatation.

The child survives in this case from 36 weeks of pregnancy.


The doctor can determine whether the tone of the uterus is increased during pregnancy in the following ways:

  • Palpation or feeling the uterus with your fingers.
  • Ultrasound examination.

The doctor can palpate the uterus in the 2nd trimester through the anterior wall of the abdomen. During examination, the woman is placed on her back and asked to bend her knees. This position allows you to completely relax the abdominal muscles and feel the uterus comfortably.

Ultrasound is more of an auxiliary diagnostic method. Allows you to determine the degree of threat, increased tone of the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus, and the need for hospitalization of the pregnant woman.

Video about uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

How to remove?

What to do with uterine tone? Treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the degree of hypertension and the causes of its occurrence. If the risk is not serious, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. Otherwise, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital on bed rest, where she is treated under the supervision of doctors.

  • more rest;
  • complete refusal of sexual activity;
  • taking medications.

What is prescribed for uterine tone:

  • Antispasmodics – , Drotaverine, .
  • Gestagens – .
  • Sedatives – valerian, motherwort.
  • Magne B6;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

The reasons for the development of hypertension are taken into account, for example, in case of intestinal problems, drugs are prescribed to reduce gas formation. For bloody discharge, Tranexam or Dicinon is prescribed.

In case of severe tone and suspected lack of oxygen and nutrients for the fetus, Trental or.

How to warn?

Measures to prevent increased uterine tone are as follows:

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections when planning pregnancy.
  • Quitting cigarettes and alcohol at the planning stage.
  • Timely registration with a gynecologist after conception.
  • Get adequate sleep – at least 8 hours a day.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Light physical activity.
  • Avoid lifting heavy substances, especially in the third trimester.
  • Avoiding stress.

Proper nutrition is important for a pregnant woman.

A balanced diet is required, which must include magnesium-containing foods:

  • Dairy products – natural yoghurts, cheeses.
  • Cereals – buckwheat, wheat, barley.
  • Greens and fresh vegetables - spinach, basil, cabbage.

Magnesium, which enters the body in sufficient quantities, relaxes smooth muscle tissue and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.

Uterine tone during pregnancy is a diagnosis heard by more than half of pregnant women. Manifestations of pathology are abdominal pain, its fossilization, and bloody discharge from the vagina. The condition is dangerous for the fetus and requires immediate contact with a gynecologist and treatment on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

Pregnancy is a wonderful state in the life of every woman. But it can be overshadowed by various health problems that threaten not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.

One of these problems is uterine tone, which occurs mainly in the initial stages of pregnancy.

Excessively active contraction of the uterine muscles can provoke either in the second and third trimester. What to do with uterine tone during pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy can be kept normal if you monitor your physical and mental condition.

The uterus is characterized as a hollow muscular organ made up of three layers: myometrium, perimetrium and endometrium.

Myometrium is tissue that can contract. The relaxed state of the myometrium is called normal tone (normotonus). Strong contractions of the myometrium occur during the birth process.

But in normal conditions, any tension in this muscle is abnormal. Therefore, when visiting a gynecologist, pregnant women hear about increased tone, that is, uncontrolled contractions of the uterus.

Normal uterine tone is ensured by the hormonal state of the body. Like other internal organs, the uterus has its own receptors that send impulses to the brain.

Receiving such signals, the body adjusts to the correct course of pregnancy. The activity of the female body will be aimed at bearing a healthy fetus.

When overexertion or anxiety occurs, the hormonal levels begin to change, which is why the uterine muscles begin to spontaneously contract and unclench. The tone of the myometrium increases and the pressure in the uterus increases. Doctors characterize this condition as increased tone.

The luminaries of Western medicine argue that increased tone cannot be considered a serious disease or pathology. There is some truth in these statements, since muscle contraction occurs even during laughter.

The main physiological feature of tone is its short-term occurrence and the absence of unpleasant sensations. If the uterus has been in good shape for a long time, we can talk about the need for treatment.

The main causes of increased uterine tone

The tone of the uterus is often caused by improper functioning of the entire body as a whole.

However, there are a number of external reasons that can provoke a dangerous condition that threatens the life of the baby and the health of the mother.

  • Development .

In such a situation, the cause of tone will be stretching of the uterus.

  • or .

The fetus puts pressure on the walls of the uterus and its contractions occur too often.

  • and strong intestinal motility.
  • Developmental defects and genital infantilism.

Malformations of the female genital organs include: agenesis and hypoplasia, uterine anomalies, the presence of intrauterine septa, bicornuate, saddle-shaped, rudimentary and double forms of the uterus.

Genital infantilism is the defective development of the organs of the reproductive system. An underdeveloped uterus can often contract due to the pressure exerted on it.

  • Tumor process.

This is the formation of benign or malignant neoplasms. Fibroids are a benign tumor that negatively affects the uterus.

This neoplasm consists of smooth muscle cells that cover the walls of the uterus, which can cause contractile activity to be impaired.

  • Endometriosis.

This is an abnormal growth of the uterine mucosa inside the muscular organ, due to which contractile activity is also impaired.

  • Bad habits.

Abuse of alcohol and drug mixtures, as well as smoking, provoke tension in the uterine muscles due to increased blood pressure.

  • Somatic diseases.

They mean unpleasant sensations that have no real physical basis.

The syndrome of somatic diseases becomes very painful for women during pregnancy. They may complain of pain in the chest, digestive tract and abdominal cavity;

  • Poor working conditions during pregnancy.

Women should avoid working in chemical plants and in X-ray rooms, that is, where there may be negative effects of radiation and chemicals

Physical overexertion and working in several shifts can provoke an increase in uterine tone;

  • Numerous abortions.

Lead to stretching and weakening of the uterine muscles;

  • Age under 18 and over 40 years old.

How to identify: symptoms and signs

At each stage of pregnancy, pathology can be determined by different signs.

The following symptoms are typical for the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • The appearance of a sensation of muscle contraction;
  • Excessive tension of the uterus, it becomes hard;
  • Minor pain and abnormal discharge;
  • Heaviness at the bottom.

How to determine the tone of the uterus in the second and third trimester of pregnancy:

  • , extending into the spine;

Diagnosing tone in the early stages of pregnancy is quite simple, since the above symptoms are not typical for the normal state.

But starting from 7-8 months, periodic uterine contractions are not considered something unusual.

You can distinguish increased tone from training contractions by the presence of bloody discharge and severe nagging pain. Preparatory contractions are infrequent and short-lived, in contrast to the strong tone during pregnancy.

Some experts call increased tone hypertonicity. This is not true. Hypertonicity of the uterus appears only during childbirth. If untimely assistance is not provided, it often leads to...

Why is tone dangerous during pregnancy?

In the second or third trimesters, uncontrolled uterine contractions can trigger premature labor.

Very often, the problem is detected in the initial stages of pregnancy, when implantation of the fertilized egg is difficult. Muscular contractions of the uterus can lead to its complete rejection.

This is a miscarriage that usually occurs before 23-24 weeks of pregnancy. At later stages, the tone of the uterus can provoke and lead to premature birth.

In addition, tense muscles of this organ can compress the umbilical cord and prevent the baby from receiving enough oxygen. This can trigger development.

The fetus does not receive nutrients, which can cause malnutrition and developmental arrest.

Slight uterine tone in the last months of pregnancy is normal training contractions, in which there is nothing dangerous. In this way, the body prepares for childbirth.

Carrying out diagnostics

If a woman expecting a child comes to see a gynecologist with suspicion of increased uterine tone, she should tell in detail about all the unpleasant symptoms. Then the doctor will conduct a diagnosis using one of the following methods:

  • will reveal a total or local increase in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • Tonuometry uses devices with built-in sensors that accurately determine the state of the uterus;
  • Palpation is the simplest diagnostic method. A doctor palpates the abdomen of a pregnant patient.

How to relieve uterine tone at home

After diagnosing the tone of the uterus, the doctor prescribes treatment. It involves taking medications.

Home treatment is possible if the increased tone is not associated with a danger to the child’s life.

It is considered a common remedy. It replenishes the deficiency of vitamin B6 in the body, which is necessary for the normal bearing of a healthy fetus. The drug has a positive effect on the nerves of a pregnant woman.

Papaverine is prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories 3 times a day. It helps relax muscles and lower blood pressure. Gives an excellent calming effect.

Special simple exercises help relieve uterine tone.

You should get on all fours, arch your back and stay in this position for some time. Then you can slowly return to your original position and relax in a comfortable position. This exercise will help temporarily relax the uterus.

It has been proven that relaxation of the facial muscles leads to a decrease in tone. You can sit down, tilt your head and try to relax your face. As a result, the uterus will also release tension.

The above methods must be combined with the use of special medications. If the cause of increased tone is hormonal disorders (), it is necessary to take medications that contain it. If there is an excess of male hormones, their antipodes are prescribed.

If the problem is related to increased bowel function, you must follow a special diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

You can take regular sorbents like or.

Inpatient treatment

Constant uterine tone is the main indication for planned hospitalization.

Treatment in a hospital often turns out to be significantly effective, since the specialist strictly monitors the patient’s bed rest, preventing him from physical exertion, stress and overexertion.

Antispasmodic, sedative and hormonal drugs are prescribed.

First, the doctor draws up an individual medication plan for each patient. In case of acute tone, it is recommended to do intravenous injections. For good tolerability of No-shpa, Papaverine and other drugs, they are administered through a dropper with the addition of saline solution.

The advantage of being located in a hospital is the constant presence and supervision of a doctor.

The hospital will definitely monitor the patient’s pulse rate, blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and will also help reduce tone during childbirth.


If an ultrasound examination showed mild tone with rare but noticeable contractions of the uterus, the following preventive measures should be followed:

  • You shouldn’t be nervous and upset, it’s important to monitor your state of mind;
  • You should include foods high in magnesium in your diet;
  • You need to drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • You should have good, full sleep, but you should limit it a little;
  • You cannot engage in heavy physical labor;
  • It is recommended to spend more time outdoors and take short but frequent walks.

Increased uterine tone is a phenomenon that occurs among pregnant women. Constant contractions of the uterine muscles usually lead to negative consequences, including fetal loss.

During pregnancy, you need to take care of yourself so as not to provoke such problems and follow all doctor’s recommendations.



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