Planning pregnancy: what medications a man should take to conceive a child. What should a woman pay attention to when choosing vitamins for conceiving a child?

Unfortunately, every year the number of couples in which there is a male or female factor of infertility is only increasing. Modern medicine is constantly developing in the direction of finding various solutions to this problem. If we look at the statistics, about 15% of young married couples seek help from reproductive centers. Here, experienced specialists conduct a thorough diagnosis of the organisms of both partners and accurately determine the reason for the impossibility of conceiving a child naturally.

It often happens that the problem does not lie in physiological disorders, when a man or woman has anomalies in the development of the genital organs or disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system. In this case, doctors suggest undergoing not only drug treatment, but also taking biological supplements for conception. Let's take a closer look at the tools of this group.

Most doctors, both general practitioners and gynecologists, unanimously assure that for a successful pregnancy and subsequent bearing of a child without any complications, approximately 3-6 months before conception it is necessary to begin to prepare the body of the man and woman.

During this period, special attention should be paid not only to overall health by taking various vitamins, but also to adjusting your diet, leading an active lifestyle, and getting rid of bad habits. All this will help ensure that previously accumulated toxins leave the body, and it will be full of strength for the onset of this joyful moment.

Nowadays, various biologically active supplements for conception are especially popular among young families, since they are considered more natural than drugs, and therefore cannot harm. Since both sexual partners take part in this process, they should engage in healing together.

For example, there is a category of men who believe that pregnancy and childbearing are exclusively a woman’s business. However, this opinion can be considered erroneous, because the quality of sperm plays a fundamental role in conception. Therefore, the modern pharmacological market offers many products that will help restore or improve the reproductive abilities of both partners.

Without a doubt, you can get all the vitamins and minerals you need from food, but they are not always enough. That is why doctors may recommend, in the process of preparing for pregnancy, to take special dietary supplements for conceiving a child, which contain all the important elements.

For men

In itself, almost every dietary supplement is a complex that contains vitamins and minerals useful for the male or female body. In order for the sperm quality to be the best, and, accordingly, the child is born without any pathologies, it is worth paying attention to products that contain the following elements:

  1. Vitamin E - this substance has antioxidant properties, which creates additional protection for cells from harmful effects on them from the outside. A sufficient amount of vitamin helps protect sperm from viruses and increases their motor abilities.
  2. Folic acid must be present in sufficient quantities in the body of every representative of the stronger sex. It also takes an active part in the production of sperm with good morphology and increases their motility.
  3. Ascorbic acid is a substance that increases the level of sterol production. In addition, it takes an active part in the breakdown of folic acid, increases sperm activity, and improves their resistance.
  4. Zinc is one of the most important microelements in the male body. If there is a lack of it, the sexual partner will suffer from decreased sexual desire, erectile function also worsens and sperm quality decreases, since zinc takes an active part in the production of testosterone.
  5. Selenium – supports sexual activity in men and is responsible for maintaining stable and stable potency. The peculiarity of the substance is that it leaves the body during ejaculation, so its reserves should be regularly replenished.

Among the most well-known dietary supplements and vitamin complexes that are able to maintain the correct balance of all important substances in a man’s body, experts highlight the following: SpermaPlant, Speman and Speman Forte, Selmevit, Viardot, Zincteral, Alphabet, Duovit, Verona, Profertil.

Speman Forte - biologically active supplement for men

It is important to understand that an excess of minerals, trace elements and vitamins in the body is just as dangerous as a lack of all these substances. That is why, even if the patient decides to take a seemingly safe dietary supplement for conception, he should go for a consultation with an andrologist, as well as undergo a thorough examination of the body.

For women

No doctor can accurately determine which vitamins will be most important for women in the process of planning pregnancy. The bottom line is that each substance plays a specific role in the functioning of the body, so an integrated approach is required, including the intake of biologically active food supplements.

One of the most important elements is folic acid. If its concentration is insufficient, there is a risk of having a child with various pathologies. Also, after pregnancy, vitamin B9 will be required in order to prevent premature birth.

The next element is magnesium, which takes an active part in more than three hundred processes occurring in a woman’s body. If there is insufficient amount of it, doctors always note slow growth and development of the fetus, so before conception it is extremely important to replenish magnesium reserves.

It is highly undesirable to become pregnant if you have a cold, since such a condition of the expectant mother causes poor development of the protective function (immunity) of the child. To prevent this, you should take vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It is this element that is responsible for the level of protection of the body from the effects of infections and viruses.

Every woman who takes a responsible approach to planning a pregnancy is sent for examination to an endocrinologist. In most cases, this specialist detects a lack of iodine in the body, which results in poor functioning of the thyroid gland. In order for cell membranes to work at full strength, the deficiency of potassium iodide must be replenished. In addition, this substance normalizes the water-salt balance.

A woman’s body is designed in such a way that if she is constantly depressed, has frequent mood swings, aggressive states or psycho-emotional instability, then even if her husband is healthy, conception will occur with a low degree of probability. To solve these problems, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of vitamin B6, which will also prevent toxicosis from developing after pregnancy.

Among other vitamins and substances that should be in sufficient quantities in the body of every woman who is planning a pregnancy, experts note: Zinc, vitamin A, E, B2, B12, D. To comprehensively compensate for the deficiency of these elements, you can take various biologically active supplements, for example, Sincera.

Just like men, expectant mothers are not recommended to take dietary supplements without prior medical consultation. You should be careful when purchasing these products. The fact is that they may not be available in pharmacies. They will have to be purchased from official distributors, which does not exclude the possibility of purchasing a counterfeit.

Planning conception and pregnancy is a very important period. A lot depends on the lifestyle a man and woman lead and how seriously they take their health.

During the course of an adult’s life, toxins accumulate in the body; he is affected by the environment and the food he eats. And not all of these impacts have a positive impact on reproductive health. That is why future parents are advised to cleanse themselves, put their metabolism and vitamin-mineral balance in order, several months before conceiving a baby. We will tell you in this article what vitamins those planning a pregnancy need and what medications to choose.

Effect on conception

Vitamins play a huge role in the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. The effect of individual vitamins and their combinations on the reproductive functions of men and women has long been proven. A sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals significantly improves the quality and composition of sperm and improves the quality of eggs. The fertility of each spouse increases, which means that conceiving a child quickly becomes more likely. Healthy reproductive cells of future parents largely determine the health of the baby itself.

It is usually recommended to prepare for conception six months in advance: normalize nutrition, enrich the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, give up stressful situations and bad habits. Taking vitamins and special complexes for men and women of reproductive age will also be beneficial.

The composition of the seminal fluid of men is updated every three months. The spermatogenesis cycle is longer than the egg maturation cycle, which is renewed in a woman every month. Therefore, the minimum period for restoring reproductive health for men is from 3 months, for women - from 2 months.

Thus, a couple who dreams of becoming parents should take care of choosing vitamins and dietary supplements at least three months in advance to improve the quality of their genetic material.

The best way not to make a mistake in choosing vitamins for conception is to start planning with a visit to the doctor. A woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, and a man should consult a urologist-andrologist. These specialists will help you find out the state of the reproductive health of the spouses and give individual recommendations, including the choice of vitamins that will promote quick and successful conception.

Taking any multivitamins when planning a pregnancy is not the best tactic. The balance of vitamins and minerals is a delicate and highly individual matter, and an excess of vitamins is no less harmful than their lack.

A properly selected complex will not only help increase fertility at the planning stage, but will also help avoid hypovitaminosis during pregnancy, because it is no secret that many expectant mothers suffer from brittle nails and hair, and dry skin.

For a man, preparing for conception will also bring many benefits: along with improved sperm quality, immunity will increase, metabolism will be normalized, well-being and mood will improve, and performance will increase. Below we will look at several options for the most effective and popular vitamin preparations that help not just to conceive a child, but to conceive a healthy and strong baby.

For men

Required for men B vitamins, in particular vitamin B9 - folic acid. It has a positive effect on the processes of spermatogenesis. Representatives of the stronger sex planning to become fathers cannot do without vitamin E. It improves the sperm membrane and increases the lifespan of germ cells. Under the influence tocopherol (vitamin E) sperm become stronger and more resilient, which greatly increases the likelihood of successful conception, even if the spouses do not “get there” directly on the day of ovulation.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) necessary for a man to normalize the level of sex hormones. It is this vitamin that is involved in the synthesis of testosterone, the main male sex hormone.

Not only sexual desire and sexual temperament depend on the concentration of testosterone, but also the rate of production of new young sperm, which, after maturation, will become full-fledged “combat units”.

The concentration of optimized testosterone is regulated and vitamin D It promotes the absorption of calcium from food, and is necessary not only for the health of the musculoskeletal and muscular systems. With a lack of this vitamin, a man’s calcium concentration decreases, sexual desire begins to visit him less and less, and sperm become less mobile. The low mobility of male reproductive cells makes conceiving a child very, very difficult, because sperm simply may not reach the egg at a low speed of movement.

For male reproductive health are of great importance zinc and selenium. These substances take part in the synthesis of sex hormones and indirectly affect the composition of seminal fluid, increasing the concentration of healthy, morphologically unchanged sperm. Zinc and selenium are especially needed by men over 35 years old. With increasing age, a man’s body produces fewer active and healthy sperm, which is affected by the effects of lack of sleep, alcohol, stress, harmful substances, and “exhaustive” work. Zinc and selenium in vitamin complexes will improve sperm parameters within 2-3 months after starting to take them.

The daily requirement for each vitamin is quite precisely regulated:

  • vitamin B9(folic acid) - at least 400 mg per day;
  • vitamin C(ascorbic acid) - at least 60-80 mg per day;
  • vitamin E- 300-400 IU per day;
  • vitamin D– 400 IU per day.

If you wish, you can take the above vitamins in daily dosages separately; they are all sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive. But men are less obligatory than women; they can confuse the dosages, forget about taking another tablet or oil solution of vitamin E, and then the preparation cannot be considered complete.

It is much easier to take combination drugs, which already include all the necessary substances in the required daily doses. The list of men's vitamins and dietary supplements is quite impressive.

  • "Alphabet for men". The complex, in addition to essential vitamins and minerals, contains Siberian ginseng extract - a remedy that improves men's health.
  • "Duovit for men." This complex includes 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. The dosage regimen is less convenient for representatives of the stronger sex, since it requires taking two tablets per day (morning and evening).
  • "Viardot Forte". It is recommended to take this drug not instead of vitamins, but together with them, since it is a dietary supplement. The composition of the supplement is optimal for improving the quality of seminal fluid.

  • "Complivit". This is a universal multivitamin preparation, which is additionally enriched with zinc and selenium. If a man is not prone to allergies, then this product will completely provide him with everything he needs.
  • "Profertil." This dietary supplement has a pronounced effect on the spermatogenesis cycle. It was developed specifically to improve sperm quality.
  • "Spermactiv". This food supplement increases libido and improves the quality of reproductive cells. The drug is most effective for men aged 36 years and older.
  • "Selzinc plus" This drug belongs to the group of antioxidants. As the name suggests, its basis is zinc and selenium; it also contains vitamins E and C. A man can drink folic acid separately.

For women

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

The female body, preparing for conception and pregnancy, requires significantly more vitamins than the male body. The fact is that representatives of the fair sex need not only to put their metabolism in order at the current moment, but also to create certain reserves of useful substances for the period of gestation.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) will help avoid the development of anemia. In addition, folic acid accumulates in the body and, after conception, plays a critical role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus. If there is a lack of folic acid, a child may develop severe defects of the brain and spinal cord, and central nervous system disorders. Some such developmental anomalies are incompatible with life.

Vitamin E is necessary in order to strengthen the walls of the body’s cells; the substance also affects cellular processes that begin to occur immediately after fertilization (for example, the formation of embryonic membranes). Vitamin D will help create calcium reserves necessary for the growth and development of fetal bones. It allows calcium to be absorbed better. Calcium deficiency can cause not only brittle nails and brittle hair in a woman, but also seizures.

For a woman to successfully conceive and bear a baby, as well as for subsequent births, she needs vitamin K. It is involved in the synthesis of proteins that are important for hemostasis and are involved in blood clotting processes. To improve the quality of the egg, it will be beneficial vitamin A and vitamin C. Retinol improves the condition of cell membranes, and vitamin C strengthens cell membranes.

Regarding vitamin A one should be extremely careful: its excess can cause fetal malformations; a woman should adhere to the dosage recommended by the doctor.

Very important for the health of the reproductive system and increasing female fertility B vitamins, especially B 6 and B 12. During pregnancy, it is also important to ensure that there are enough of these vitamins in the diet, because they are necessary to improve the functioning of the nervous system of the woman and the fetus.

Zinc It can accumulate in a woman’s body, and therefore it should be taken in advance. After conception, a sufficient amount of this substance will help the proper formation of the chorion and placenta, reducing the likelihood of developing their defects. Magnesium stimulates the growth of the baby in the mother's womb, and also prevents spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

It will be difficult to take such a large number of essential vitamins separately; it is better to choose drugs that combine all the necessary substances in the daily requirement. By the way, daily dosages for those planning to conceive should be as follows:

  • folic acid - 400 mg per day;
  • vitamin E - 300 IU per day;
  • vitamin D – 400 IU per day;
  • vitamin K - 1 mg per day;
  • vitamin A - no more than 3000 IU per day;
  • vitamin C - 60 mg per day.

There are a large number of women's vitamins and supplements that will help you prepare for pregnancy and childbirth in the best possible way.

  • "Elevit Pronatal". This complex contains a balanced combination of the most essential vitamins, including folic acid. But it does not contain iodine, so it is advisable for a woman to take Iodomarin at the same time. This complex is not considered the most affordable, but it is ideal for both those planning to conceive and for pregnant women. In addition, there is evidence that taking this drug reduces the likelihood of developing early toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • Vitrum Prenatal. This complex contains vitamins, minerals and iodine, and the mineral content is higher than most other vitamin complexes. Due to its mineral-enriched composition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the production of female sex hormones. This increases the ability to conceive.
  • "Alphabet Mom". This is a drug classified as a dietary supplement. The inconvenience of its use is the need to take tablets every 4 hours. A woman may forget, miss a dose, or be unable to take the drug on time if she is traveling in transport or at work at that time.
  • "Materna." This complex has an increased content of iodine and B vitamins. In some situations, especially with individual deficiency of such substances, the drug is very useful for eliminating the deficiency, but sometimes high concentrations of B vitamins can cause an allergic reaction.
  • “Complimentary Mom.” This product contains all the substances necessary to improve reproductive health, but the content of vitamins A, E and D is slightly reduced compared to other complexes. If you plan to take the drug in the fall and summer, this will be quite enough, but for winter and spring use it is better to choose a different drug.
  • “Pregnavit.” This inexpensive and popular drug, unfortunately, does not contain minerals and iodine. Therefore, they will have to be taken additionally.

Vitamins cannot be considered completely harmless and harmless drugs. A visit to a doctor is necessary so that he can use a biochemical blood test to determine exactly what vitamins and minerals a particular woman or a particular man needs. After this, it will be possible to select a complex that will cover the deficiency of the necessary substances and will not cause hypervitaminosis. Therefore, leave the choice of drug to the discretion of the doctor; do not buy complexes for conception based on reviews on the Internet and advice from a pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Vitamin complexes will be beneficial and will definitely contribute to the successful conception of a long-awaited baby only if the spouses take them in courses of 20-22 days with breaks a week for 3-6 months. It is not customary to take vitamins on an empty stomach; it is best to do this with meals. If any symptoms of individual intolerance appear (rash, eating disorders, itchy skin), you should stop taking the vitamin complex and consult a doctor.

You may need to prescribe another remedy. You should not combine several vitamin complexes at once: this will inevitably lead to an imbalance of substances in the body and the appearance of symptoms of hypervitaminosis.

Vitamins will not be useful and the likelihood of conception will not increase if the spouses take alcoholic beverages, drink a lot of coffee and strong tea during the preparation period. The fertility of women and men depends not only on vitamins. To conceive a child faster, you need to put your own weight in order, reduce it if you have extra pounds, eat right, and lead an active lifestyle.

​​​If during pregnancy planning one of the spouses gets sick and there is a need for treatment with antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anticonvulsants and psychotropic drugs, there is no need to interrupt the course of vitamin therapy. Most medications combine well with vitamin complexes. But just in case, it is worth informing the doctor about what medications are already being taken at the time of prescription in order to exclude the development of allergies.

Severe stress and living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions reduce the likelihood of conception in both spouses. That is why, already in the period of preparation for conception, everything possible should be done to ensure that the psychological background in the family is favorable and friendly. Walks in the park, away from cars, or trips to nature will also be beneficial.

Vitamin complexes do not replace proper nutrition. Foods rich in animal proteins, greens, fruits, raw vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and natural freshly squeezed juices will help you conceive a baby as soon as possible.

To learn how to prepare for conception, watch the following video.

In modern society, more and more people are preparing in advance for conceiving a child, rather than simply relying on the mercy of Mother Nature.

This is not only about giving up bad habits and avoiding the numerous stresses that surround every person.

These are also important moments in preparation for a long-awaited pregnancy, such as a full examination of the body, treatment of identified diseases, bringing tests back to normal, a healthy lifestyle, walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition and, of course, taking vitamins for conception.

So what vitamins do men need to conceive a long-awaited and healthy child?

The leaders among them are vitamins E, C and A - the strongest antioxidants. B vitamins in our case are doubly important, namely, vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B11 (L-carnitine) found in this group, and, of course, zinc. Doctors recommend taking vitamins three months before the desired moment of conception.

Now let's figure out which foods contain the necessary vitamins for men to conceive.

  • To increase fertility when planning a future baby, doctors recommend paying special attention to vitamin E, which helps increase the number of sperm and increases their viability. Vitamin E found in vegetable oils, eggs, nuts and legumes.
  • Vitamin C or ascorbic acid- This is one of the most powerful antioxidants. It increases the body's resistance to various viruses and infections and guards the immune system. Large amounts of vitamin C are found in white cabbage, cranberries, black currants and rosehip decoctions.
  • Vitamin A. Also known as retinol. Being an antioxidant, it not only prevents premature aging of a man, but also has a beneficial effect on increasing the number of sperm. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so the largest amount is found in liver and fish oil.
  • Vitamin B11 helps prevent problems with an insufficient number of live and motile sperm. Contained in meat, fish, dairy and fermented milk products, cheeses.
  • Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is important for the correct formation of full-fledged sperm. It is found in dark green plants such as parsley, spinach, and lettuce. And also in walnuts, egg yolks, cod liver.
  • Zinc is a substance that preserves sexual desire and potency, which is undoubtedly important for men for conception and for men's health in general. It is found in watermelon, pumpkin or simply sunflower seeds, oysters, sesame seeds, beef, lamb and liver.

Reviews of vitamin complexes for conception for men are very contradictory. Some say that a complex of vitamins will solve all problems, others argue that it is better to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, diversify your diet, and not rely on “chemicals”.

Prices for vitamins for men for conception vary from 200 to 5,000 rubles per package, depending on the chosen complex and manufacturer.

Vitamins for sperm: what to take to improve its quality

For conception, one of the most important factors is the quality of sperm. It’s no secret that irregular shape, small quantity and low motility of sperm significantly reduce the chance of becoming a father.

Many studies have proven that a lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affects spermatogenesis - the development of male germ cells. And in men who take vitamins for sperm, the amount of testosterone, the main male sex hormone, increases, which in turn increases the activity and number of sperm in the seminal fluid.

The list of vitamins and microelements in a man’s diet to improve sperm quality is not too long. It is enough to consume foods containing vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins, and microelements such as zinc, selenium, iron and folic acid.

Unfortunately, most men do not adhere to proper and nutritious nutrition. In this case, it is recommended to take vitamins for sperm.

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What should a woman pay attention to when choosing vitamins for conceiving a child?

Undoubtedly, women planning to become pregnant should definitely prepare in advance for this important and joyful moment in their lives. But every expectant mother faces many questions, one of which is: should she take vitamins to conceive a child and, if so, which ones?

All doctors unanimously agree that it is definitely worth it. After all, a properly selected vitamin and mineral complex will not only contribute to the rapid onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, but will also further eliminate the deficiency of the most important substances necessary for the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

What vitamins do women need to conceive a child? It is believed that every correct vitamin and mineral complex for women who want to get pregnant should include the main list of substances that promote rapid conception. It should include:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • folic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, C, D, E.

Women planning a pregnancy should pay attention to modern complexes containing minerals and vitamins for conceiving a child.

At the moment, on forums on the Internet you can find many reviews about various vitamins for conceiving a child, prescribed during pregnancy planning. The most popular among them are “Pregnoton”, “Elevit Pronatal”, “Alphabet Mom’s Health” and “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”.

The prices for these drugs are quite affordable and range from 300 to 1500 rubles.

Fertility medications for men: how they differ and what to choose

Fertility medications for men can be divided into medications, vitamins, also known as medicines, and dietary supplements.

  • Medicines may be needed if the andrologist detects any infection, interfering with the conception of a child, or with low hormonal levels identified at the time of the examination. In this case, a doctor's advice is simply necessary. He will prescribe treatment and under his supervision your health will soon return to normal.
  • Vitamins, or fertility drugs for men, act as biological catalysts, increasing a man’s stamina and quality of life, which has a beneficial effect not only on his health, but also increases the chance of becoming a father.
  • Dietary supplements are not drugs. Compared to vitamins, their positive effects on the body are much lower. In addition, unlike vitamin-mineral complexes, they do not undergo medical research and are not tested on volunteers in a clinical setting. For these reasons, doctors do not recommend taking dietary supplements while preparing to conceive.

The list of main drugs for men for conception includes such popular drugs as “Spematon”, “Folacin”, “Spermactin”, “Speman”, “Duovit for men”, “Verona”, “Spermaktiv” and "Orthomol Fertil plus."

Most of them are available in the form of tablets, but you can also choose a drug for men for conception in the form of powder, capsules and effervescent tablets that dissolve in water.

With such diversity, each man will be able to choose the form of reception that he will be most comfortable using.

If a man and a woman have mutually decided to become parents, then it would be right to take a responsible approach to pregnancy planning, because the health of both spouses determines how healthy the baby will be and how smoothly the period of gestation will proceed for the woman.

In this material we will tell you whether expectant fathers need to take any medications, including vitamins, before conceiving.

Why does a man need vitamins?

At the stage of conceiving a baby, two people participate in the process - a man and a woman. The success of the venture depends on the health of both. It is clear that a woman needs a larger supply of vitamins, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron and other substances to provide the child with everything necessary, because she will be the one who will carry the baby for nine months.

However The role of the father in this cannot be underestimated. The quality of sperm determines not only how quickly one can conceive a child, but also what kind of health the heir will be endowed with. That is why reproductive specialists recommend taking seriously the issues of preparing for the upcoming conception.

A man's sperm is regularly exposed to negative effects. Its composition and properties are affected by nicotine, alcohol, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, medications, and the environment. Sick and weak sperm can theoretically fertilize an egg, but the result can be disastrous - a large child, genetic pathologies, chromosomal abnormalities.

To improve the health of their reproductive cells, representatives of the stronger sex need about 3 months. 90 days is the period for complete renewal of the sperm supply.

It is three months before the expected conception that it is recommended to begin preparation. It is best for a man to stop drinking alcohol and minimize the number of cigarettes he smokes if he cannot give up the bad habit completely.

Nutrition for both spouses should be done balanced, rich in proteins and vitamins. Moderate active physical activity, playing sports, jogging with your spouse, skiing, visiting a skating rink, and cycling are useful.

When asked whether men need vitamins, the answer is clear - they do. Properly selected multivitamin complexes will help improve sperm quality, sperm motility, and increase their ability to fertilize.

Representatives of the stronger sex should also start taking medications approximately six months before conception. The minimum period is 3 months. Vitamins for women and men during pregnancy planning are necessary, but it is not recommended for both husband and wife to take the same drug. They need different complexes.

The wife should accumulate a supply of vitamins for bearing the baby and create the most favorable conditions for the next nine months.

Her husband needs to achieve a different goal - to ensure healthy reproductive cells at the conception stage. After this, he can relax and not take any vitamins if it is a burden to him.

Healthy sperm, which were formed while taking vitamins for men, will carry normal genetic material, devoid of mutations. The mobility of germ cells will allow spouses to become pregnant as soon as possible - already in the first or second cycle after the start of trying.

Vitamins will have a beneficial effect on the entire state of men's health - the future dad will feel more alert, healthy, vitamins help regulate the production of sex hormones, which ensure normal libido and cannot but have a positive effect on the quality of sperm.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Vitamins for future dads

The following vitamins and substances have a positive effect on the condition, composition of sperm and the level of male sex hormones.


Vitamin E (tocopherol) guards the integrity of cells, including male germ cells. They become stronger and more resilient. Spermatozoa under the influence of tocopherol acquire incredible vitality, they retain the ability to fertilize longer waiting for the release of an egg ready for intercourse.

Sex cells become more mobile. At the same time, the strength of cell membranes makes them less susceptible to any negative influences from the outside. The daily need for tocopherol is 100-400 IU per day.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is needed not only during periods of influenza or ARVI, it is necessary for the normal amount of testosterone, the male sex hormone, to be synthesized in a man’s body.

If there is not enough of it, testosterone levels remain unoptimized. Stable testosterone production is important for the formation of new germ cells. The daily requirement for ascorbic acid for men is 60 to 80 mg per day.

Vitamin D

This vitamin, in sufficient quantities, ensures the process during which the body absorbs more calcium from food. The mineral is important for men who lead an active life, engage in sports and heavy physical labor. It affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but also on the amount of the male sex hormone testosterone.

If there is not enough vitamin D, there will be less calcium, and testosterone production can significantly decrease. This will affect both sexual desire, which will begin to decrease, and the quality of sperm, which will become “lazy” and inactive.

With a lack of vitamin D, the mechanisms that maintain the influence of the female hormone estrogen on the male body will begin to weaken, as a result of which the man will begin to gain weight and his sexual functions will begin to suffer. The daily requirement for vitamin D for men is 400 IU per day.


This substance takes an active part in regulating hormonal levels in the male body. The amount of sex hormones and the quality and quantity of sperm capable of healthy conception directly depend on the degree of zinc sufficiency in the body.


This substance is necessary for a man to experience sexual desire. This is especially true for representatives of the stronger sex after 40 years.

If the age of the future dad has exceeded 36, you should make sure that the vitamins you take when planning a pregnancy include selenium.

Folic acid

The importance of this B vitamin for expectant mothers is beyond doubt - it helps in the proper formation of organs and systems of the embryo. For future dads, folic acid is no less important because it promotes the formation of sperm of the correct shape with healthy genetic content.

The vitamin also affects the mobility of male germ cells. A man's daily requirement for folic acid is 400 mcg.

It is advisable that all of the listed substances be included in vitamins for men at the stage of pregnancy planning. But if this is not possible for a number of reasons, care should be taken to ensure that a man has the opportunity to drink folic acid, since it is this B vitamin that has the main function in maintaining the reproductive system of male and female bodies.

List of drugs for expectant fathers

We've compiled a list of the best multivitamins for expectant dads. In order not to measure the required amount of individual vitamins every day, a man can simply purchase and start taking one of the following medications.

"Duovit for men"

The drug is available in the form of red and blue tablets. Red tablets contain essential vitamins necessary for the male body, and blue tablets contain essential minerals, macroelements and chemical elements (calcium, zinc, etc.). In total it contains 11 vitamins and 7 elements.

In the morning, after breakfast, a man can take a red pill, and in the evening, after dinner, a blue pill. The course lasts 21 days, after which you need to take a week's break and repeat the course.

"Alphabet for men"

This drug contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, and it also contains Siberian ginseng, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of the stronger sex. The daily dose is three tablets of different colors.

One contains only vitamins, the other contains minerals and vitamin D, the third contains herbal auxiliary components and additives. This improves the absorption of each group of substances. The dosage of the components corresponds to the daily requirement for each substance.

"Viardot" or "Viardot Forte"

These drugs are not considered vitamin complexes; they are classified as biologically active additives (dietary supplements). Both products are available in capsules, but Viardot Forte is more convenient to take, because one capsule of the drug replaces three capsules of the usual Viardot.

The drug with the prefix “Forte” in the name is taken with meals, 1 capsule up to four times a day. The usual drug "Viardot" is taken 3 capsules with the same frequency. The course is 3-4 weeks, after a short break the intake can be resumed.


The complex contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. Each tablet contains the daily volume of all substances necessary for representatives of the stronger sex. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins only once a day, after meals, with a small amount of water.


This is a dietary supplement to stimulate fertility in both men and women. The tool was originally created and developed to improve the quality of sperm of representatives of the stronger sex. The male version of the drug contains all the necessary substances, including folic acid, selenium and zinc.

It is recommended to take 2 capsules per day after meals. The course is three months (until the end of the period of spermatogenesis). If necessary, the course can be extended until pregnancy; the capsules will not cause any harm to the man.

Taking fertility drugs for men is an important condition for successful fertilization and the birth of a healthy baby. Today, pregnancy planning is becoming increasingly popular. However, couples often make one mistake: they focus exclusively on preparing the female body. Before conception, it is important to improve men's health. A representative of the stronger sex who dreams of becoming a father will come to the aid of vitamin and mineral complexes, drugs that increase fertility, and a healthy lifestyle.

When planning, a man must carefully monitor his health

Planning starts with giving up bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect sperm quality, which can delay conception indefinitely. Under the influence of substances that poison the body, sperm can be destroyed, half of them become defective. This is fraught with infertility. A father's bad habits also increase the risk of the unborn baby developing various pathologies. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, the first thing a man needs to do is give up alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. “Healthy” sperm will mature within three months after the disappearance of bad habits.

It is important to make other changes to your lifestyle. The future dad needs to watch his diet. It is recommended to avoid fatty and fried foods, foods with preservatives and dyes, and soda. Instead, the menu should include a lot of fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget physical education: sports can improve the general condition of the body, which is important for successful conception.

When thinking about adding to the family, a man should give up frequent trips to the bathhouse/sauna. Regular overheating worsens sperm quality. It is not recommended to wear tight trousers or synthetic underwear.

Why you need to visit a doctor

If a couple decides to take a responsible approach to the issue of procreation, then they need to check the condition of their own body in advance. This applies not only to women, but also to men. If we are planning a baby, then we will visit the doctor together. All couples need to remember this axiom, because often when planning, women go for examinations, while men turn to a specialist only when they have been unable to conceive a baby for a long time. This is the wrong approach.

A man must undergo a full examination as soon as he decides to become a dad. This will help you identify problems (if any) and take steps to resolve them. This way, the chances of a quick conception increase, and the likelihood of pathologies appearing in the unborn baby is minimized. Naturally, provided that the partner also undergoes a full examination.

What tests should a man undergo when planning? The following help to objectively assess the state of the body and reproductive function:

The doctor assesses the condition of the body based on test results. If the examination shows the presence of a disease, the doctor develops a treatment plan. When no serious violations are detected, the doctor gives useful recommendations on how to strengthen the immune system and improve sperm quality. By listening to the doctor’s advice, you will be able to conceive a child much faster.

The importance of vitamin-mineral complexes

The male body is subjected to great stress. Stress, the rhythm of life, and the environment are to blame for this. If you add to this an unbalanced diet, bad habits and various diseases, you get a deplorable picture. All these factors indirectly affect conception: they weaken the body and negatively affect the reproductive function of a man.

Vitamin and mineral complexes will help correct the situation. Their goal is to provide support to the body, restore internal resources, and reduce the effect of unfavorable factors. You can use vitamin-mineral complexes only after consulting a doctor. He selects medications taking into account what substances are missing in the man’s body. This allows you to get maximum results. After restoration, the long-awaited two stripes will not keep you waiting.

When are vitamin complexes needed? The doctor must prescribe them if:

  • the immune system is weakened (for example, you recently had an illness);
  • spermogram showed poor results;
  • the man did not eat a balanced diet or adhered to a strict therapeutic diet for the last six months;
  • there are regular stresses (for example, stressful work);
  • the body constantly receives significant physical activity.

The vitamin-mineral complex taken must be selected correctly. Independent choice of vitamins is fraught with aggravation of the situation: only the doctor knows which substances are in short supply, and no one has canceled the danger of hypovitaminosis.

You need to take vitamins in a course. Its duration is determined by the doctor. After pregnancy, the expectant father may refuse medications. However, if the body is weakened, it is better to continue vitamin therapy until the time recommended by the doctor: the baby needs a healthy dad.

Vitamins and minerals that improve sperm

There are a number of vitamins and minerals that can help you conceive. They improve the quality and quantity of sperm. The body of a man planning to become a father in the near future should receive the following substances in sufficient quantities:

Seeing a doctor

Although elements that are important for the reproductive system can be obtained from food, this is often not enough. Even if the diet is as balanced as possible, it is far from a fact that the need for minerals/vitamins will be satisfied one hundred percent.

If the body is weakened, there are factors that reduce fertility, and it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time, then the couple must take synthetic vitamin and mineral complexes. The doctor will select suitable medications that meet the needs of the female and male body. You should not make a decision on taking complexes on your own: at best it will not give results, at worst it will harm your health.

Do men need folic acid?

Everyone knows about the importance of folic acid during the planning period for the female body. It is vitamin B9 that is responsible for successful fertilization, prepares the female body for stress, and ensures the normal development of the baby. For men to conceive, folic acid is needed no less than for women.

A healthy lifestyle brings your dreams closer to reality

What is the value of this element for the stronger sex? Folic acid:

  • involved in the formation of sperm structure;
  • increases sperm motility;
  • minimizes the appearance of defective sperm.

With a sufficient amount of this important substance in the body of both partners, the chances of conception increase many times over. Folic acid is the first assistant in the fight against infertility. Sperm with defects can be formed in the body of a completely healthy man. Pathological processes of spermatogenesis are triggered by smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy eating habits.

B9 is found in large quantities in beans, lentils, spinach, dark green vegetables, and raisins. The daily intake of the substance is on average 300 mcg. If it is not possible to conceive a baby for a long time, then the norm of folic acid for men is increased to 1000 mg. It is very difficult to obtain this important substance from foods in such a volume, so you need to take medications for men containing that same folic acid. A doctor will help you choose them. It is important to remember that nicotine destroys B9: before taking a multivitamin or a monocomponent drug, you need to get rid of the addiction.

How to find the "magic" pill?

The pharmacological market offers many drugs for the treatment and prevention of male infertility. It is advisable not to wait until the problem becomes obvious, but to act proactively: start taking multivitamins and other preventive medications a couple of months before the expected conception.

The doctor will tell you what pills a man should take. It is impossible to choose a “magic pill” on your own, thanks to which fertilization will occur the first time. In principle, there are no pills with an instant effect, and effective multivitamin complexes can be chosen only after assessing the condition of the body. Naturally, only a doctor can objectively assess health, based on the results of a full examination.

Depending on the problem, men are prescribed various synthetic drugs, vitamins and even complex hormones. Such pharmacological products contain substances that promote conception. A prerequisite is the presence of folic acid and tocopherol in complex preparations. Together, these elements greatly increase the quality and quantity of sperm, which increases the likelihood of successful fertilization.

“Male” drugs that promote conception are taken in a course. To select pills, you should consult a doctor in advance: a couple of months before the start of “work” on procreation. This way the body will have time to recover, and by the hour “X” the sperm will be of better quality, which gives hope for successful fertilization. Each drug comes with instructions that are important to follow. The duration of taking the complex is determined by the doctor: do not ignore his recommendations.

Folk remedies to help

Folk remedies can also help increase your chances of conceiving. It is important to choose those that will definitely not harm your health. To increase your chances of conceiving, for example, you can drink quince juice. Drink a tablespoon of it every evening. The vitamin and mineral composition of the fruit helps improve sperm quality. Vitamin E, which stimulates spermatogenesis, can be obtained by taking rose petal tincture.

If conception does not occur due to low sperm motility, then it is recommended to drink a decoction of plantain seeds or knotweed tincture. However, it is important to consult your doctor about the possibility of using folk remedies based on these or other herbal components.

A responsible approach to procreation issues can speed up conception and reduce the risk of pathologies in the unborn baby. When planning, paying attention to the preparation of the male body is no less important than the female one.



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