Nutrition before donating blood. How often can you donate blood to men and women?

Is donation safe for health?

For any healthy adult, the donation process is absolutely safe and does not harm the body. On the contrary, donating blood or its components has health benefits:

  • periodic blood donation reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by five times;
  • donating blood improves metabolism and stimulates the hematopoietic system;
  • Constant free health monitoring of donors is carried out.

When donating blood or its components, it is impossible to become infected with hepatitis, HIV or other infections. All instruments, needles and transfusion systems used for donation are disposable. The packaging with instruments is opened in the presence of the donor, and after use it is immediately disposed of.

How much blood is drawn during a blood donation?

The standard donation dose is 450 ml of blood (this is approximately 10% of the total blood volume).

Is donating blood painful?

The sensations from the procedure are individual. Many donors do not detect any changes in their well-being. On the contrary, almost every donor feels a lot of positive emotions from the knowledge that he decided to do a good deed and helped save someone’s life. However, it is recommended to refrain from strenuous activity on the day of blood donation and take advantage of a well-deserved day off.

This rule is observed in the interests of the donor. It has been established that the body responds better to blood loss in the morning hours.

What blood tests are performed before donation?

Before donation, the donor is sent to the laboratory to conduct an initial laboratory blood test: determination of hemoglobin level, blood type, number of red blood cells, platelets and a number of other indicators. After donation, donor blood and its components are examined for:

How to prepare fordonating blood?

  • The day before and on the day of blood donationprohibited to use fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, sausages, as well as meat, fish and dairy products, eggs and oil (including vegetable oil), chocolate, nuts and dates. Do not donate blood on an empty stomachneed to!
  • It is better to drink sweet tea with jam, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water and eat bread, crackers, dried cereals, boiled cereals, pasta in water without oil, vegetables and fruits, except bananas
  • You should not drink alcohol 48 hours before your visit to the transfusion station, and 72 hours before you should take medications containing aspirin and analgesics.
  • In the morning you need to have a light breakfast, and immediately before the procedure the donor is given sweet tea
  • You should also refrain from smoking two hours before donating blood.
  • You should not donate blood after a night shift or just a sleepless night.
  • Do not plan to donate blood immediately before exams, competitions, a project, during a particularly intense period of work, etc.

How to behave after donating blood?

Why do you need to donate blood again within a year?

To ensure safety, blood plasma is quarantined. 6 months after donating, the donor undergoes a repeat test, according to the results of which the plasma donated by the donor is transferred to hospitals in the city. To do this, we ask donors to come to the blood transfusion department and donate blood again.

How often can you donate blood?

  • After donating blood, at least 60 days must pass before the donor can donate blood again
  • After donating blood, at least 30 days must pass before the donor can donate plasma.
  • After donating plasma, at least 14 days must pass before the donor can donate plasma or blood again
  • After five regular blood donations, it is recommended to take a break (at least 2 months)
  • Men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4 times a year

What certificates are issued to the donor after donation?

In accordance with Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on the day of donation of blood and its components, as well as on the day of the associated medical examination, the employee is released from work.

In the case of donating blood and its components during the period of annual paid leave, on a day off or a non-working holiday, the employee is given another day of rest at his request. After each day of donating blood and its components, the employee is given an additional day of rest. The specified day of rest, at the request of the employee, can be added to the annual paid leave or used at other times during the year after the day of donation of blood and its components.

Depending on the frequency of donating blood and its components, donors are divided into the following categories:

  • active (personnel) donors who have 3 or more blood (plasma, cyto-) donations per year;
  • reserve donors who have less than 3 blood (plasma, cyto) donations per year.

Regardless of what category the donor belongs to, he is provided with social support measures, including at the place of work.

Donor blood is an important material in modern medicine. The shelf life of it and its components is not so long, so replenishment of supplies is required on an ongoing basis. You need to understand that not a single operation of increased complexity, treatment of severe trauma and a number of other pathologies that occur very often can be done without blood. This is why doctors are promoting blood donation.

However, donating blood is not possible for everyone. On the territory of Russia there is a special law that determines the rules for collection, procurement, transportation and storage. It cannot be neglected, since its main goal is the safety of donors and recipients.

A person aged 18 to 60 years can donate blood. Everything is done voluntarily and free of charge. It cannot be given to persons suffering from any mental or physiological abnormalities. The donor's weight must exceed 50 kilograms.

According to the new amendments made to the law “On Blood Donation,” not only Russians, but also foreigners who have spent at least a year in the country on a legal basis can now donate components and the whole version on Russian territory.

According to general rules, it is recommended that the fairer sex donate blood no more than four times a year; for men this number is increased to five. In this case, collection of a whole version is possible only after 60 days have passed from the previous date. If the donor plans to donate components, the period is reduced to 30 days. These deadlines must be strictly adhered to, since violation of them can lead to health problems for the donor.

Nuances of donation

Donation refers to the procedure of a person donating blood. Before donating blood, a person goes through several preparatory stages. There are six points:

  • filling out a form at the registration desk;
  • drawing blood from a finger;
  • medical examination;
  • buffet;
  • delivery procedure;
  • issuance of documents.

The first step when donating is filling out the form provided at the registration desk. It must be immediately emphasized that all requested information must be provided in full, and only in accordance with the truth. In the questionnaire you need to answer questions about your lifestyle, the presence of certain diseases, and the times you visited certain countries of the world.

The second step is taking blood for analysis. The fence is made from a finger. This helps in determining hemoglobin levels, as well as other factors. This must be done without fail. The fact is that in some cases a person may be disqualified from donating on that particular day due to his performance.

After taking the test, you need to visit a regular doctor who will conduct an examination, ask additional questions about the condition, and study the questionnaire. The rules for collecting medical information make the information you provide confidential and are subject to the concept of medical confidentiality. However, it is important to understand that it is impossible to hide information about existing diseases, as this is fraught with criminal liability.

After the doctor has decided that you can donate today, the donor is sent to the buffet. Before the procedure, you definitely need to eat. You cannot donate blood on an empty stomach. Most often, the buffet provides a sweet bun and tea.

Submission procedure

The next stage is the blood donation itself. Now the centers use special chairs, which ensure maximum comfort. Before the procedure begins, a rubber tourniquet is applied to the forearm, the skin is disinfected, and then the sampling is performed. For the entire procedure, it is mandatory to use sterile disposable instruments.

To increase blood flow, the donor needs to make squeezing movements with his fist. Partially donated blood is sent for testing. There are no whole blood transfusions available at this time. It is divided into components for use. In most cases, modern equipment allows donation of only the necessary components. On average, the procedure, depending on what you were sent to test, can last from 15 minutes to an hour and a half. Upon completion of the sampling, a bandage is applied to the elbow. It is forbidden to get it wet or remove it for four hours.

Upon completion of the procedure, the donor has the opportunity to receive a certificate, which provides the right to a number of benefits. In addition, food costs are reimbursed. It would be right to eat.

Features of the procedure

Since now mainly blood components are taken, and not the whole version, there are several types of blood donation. The most commonly used is plasmapheresis, in which a donor donates his or her plasma. Two types of this procedure are currently used - manual and automatic.

In the manual version, blood is collected into a sterile bag, after which it is centrifuged and separated into plasma and red blood cells. After this, the red blood cells are returned to the donor. In this case, the volume of circulating blood is replenished with the help of a physiological solution, which is administered during the breakdown of the blood.

Automatic plasmapheresis involves connecting a donor to a separator system. It collects the entire blood, after which it is separated into plasma and formed elements, which are transfused back to the donor.

Depending on which device is used, the amount of blood taken within one phase may vary. However, the quantity is always less than the usual manual method. The time it takes for blood components to return may also vary. Donor plasma is used for severe burns and long-term compression syndromes, which are very common in people trapped under rubble.

The platelet mass is collected using a special separator apparatus. It releases platelets from the blood. This is an important part for carrying out oncological therapies such as intensive chemotherapy.

There is also a collection of immunized plasma. As part of this procedure, a volunteer is immunized with a strain of some infectious agent that is safe. Accordingly, such a donor will be able to provide plasma with antibodies to this pathogen, which is necessary for the manufacture of medications.

Sometimes such plasma is transfused in its pure form for patients who have weakened. Red blood cell mass is indispensable for patients with anemia and a number of other pathologies that reduce blood formation, leading to low hemoglobin levels.

We carry out the preparation

It is necessary to donate blood correctly so that it passes the appropriate tests in the future and can be used for transfusion. Therefore, you need to know what you can and cannot do before taking the test, how to properly prepare, and what foods you can eat. Most often, a reminder about the relevant prohibitions is on the stand at the blood donation center. In particular, a day before, or better yet two days before, preparation begins, which involves giving up fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods. Sausages, fish, dairy and meat products are prohibited.

It is advisable to exclude sweets, in particular chocolate, nuts, dates, eggs and oils. All this creates additional stress on the liver, which will already have to “sweat” to produce fresh blood. It is best to switch to gentle nutrition in the form of cereals, pasta in water without adding oil. You can eat vegetables and fruits. However, it is best to exclude bananas. Juices, fruit drinks, mineral water will help normalize the water balance in the body.

It is forbidden to take aspirin and any analgesics for at least three days. Alcohol is also excluded. For those who smoke, you will have to limit this habit at least an hour after you start donating blood. Ideally, you need to spend a day without a cigarette.

Blood donation is performed in the morning after a light breakfast. It is worth emphasizing once again that blood donation on an empty stomach is prohibited. Doctors have also found that it is in the first half of the day that the body reacts more easily to blood loss, which is why blood donation is carried out up to 12 hours.

You should not donate blood if you have spent a sleepless night on duty. Reschedule your blood donation to another day if tomorrow you need to take an important exam, go to a competition, or just work intensely. It is important to have a passport with you with a stamp indicating regional registration in the place where the delivery is made. It is important to emphasize that all of these points can affect your blood and its components, which will seriously deteriorate the quality of the material collected.

Actions after passing

It is worth noting that blood donation is a bit of a shock for the body, so you may feel slightly dizzy during it. This is due to the fact that hemoglobin decreases, affecting blood pressure. Usually, a healthy person does not experience any side effects.

It is recommended to rest immediately after the procedure. Sit for a quarter of an hour. If you are not feeling well, please let the staff know. The easiest way to return to normal is to lie on your back and raise your legs above your head. You can also sit down and lower your head between your knees.

You can start smoking only an hour after blood donation. Also try to limit any physical activity and stop drinking alcohol for at least a day. Over the next two days, plentiful and regular meals are recommended. At the same time, it is also recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink per day.

No earlier than ten days later, vaccination can be performed. Motorcycle drivers are subject to a two-hour driving restriction after donating blood.

It is worth noting that there is an honorary donation program on Russian territory. Individuals who have donated whole blood or its components 40 or more times can receive the corresponding badge. For those donating plasma, the limit increases to sixty times.

For those who have received the title of honorary donor, a number of benefits are provided on Russian territory. In particular, in state and municipal institutions, citizens can be provided with emergency treatment free of charge.

At the place of work, the opportunity is provided for preferential treatment at sanatorium-resort treatment. Paid leave is provided on an annual basis at a time convenient to the donor. An annual indexed payment is also expected, which last year amounted to just over 12 thousand rubles.

Is it safe, how will the body react to such blood loss. All these questions are described in detail in donation leaflets, which are easily found at Blood Donation Centers.

Today, most doctors tend to consider donation a useful procedure. There are five reasons for this. First of all, in the human body, due to this process, self-renewal of blood and its components occurs. There are many advantages from this process, in particular, the prevention of problems with the cardiovascular system, immunity, gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas.

In addition, some restructuring of mechanisms occurs in the body, which begin to react differently to blood loss. Research has proven that such training of the body allows it to react quickly in the event of an emergency, when a person actually experiences blood loss. Accordingly, a person’s blood is restored faster, which means that the chances of survival in case of serious blood loss are higher for a person who practices blood donation.

It was already noted above that donation can be a good prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Studies have proven that men who donate blood experience heart attacks and heart attacks ten times less.

It is worth noting that the products that humanity now consumes are well processed and are of high quality. Accordingly, in comparison with people in ancient times, the modern population does not need to eat something difficult to digest, and accordingly, the body does not experience a shock load from time to time.

As a result of the fact that you can now eat almost any delicacy on an ongoing basis, you need to understand that the body can be oversaturated with some useful substances. This is as harmful as a lack of certain substances. Doctors are especially concerned about the increased amount of iron in the blood. To reduce it, donation is the best possible therapy.

In addition, donation allows you to monitor what health indicators have changed since the last test. The donor can do them free of charge. At the same time, they also undergo medical examinations. Accordingly, if there is any infection or virus in the body, they will be detected as soon as possible, which will seriously reduce the recovery time.

Fast recovery

If we talk about donating whole blood, then full recovery occurs in about 30-40 days. However, you need to understand that a person’s set of blood components is updated in different ways, so it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take.

If a person donated only individual components, that is, plasma or red blood cells, then the deadlines change. After just five to six days, the body will be able to replenish the loss of plasma, but it will take at least four weeks to restore such part of the blood composition as red blood cells. This process does not happen quickly.

It is worth noting that proper nutrition after donating blood and following recommendations on general behavior and lifestyle can reduce recovery time. In particular, in the first hours you need to drink as much fluid as possible, and also choose foods with a high protein content. Some donors are advised to take an iron supplement. If a person has donated platelets, then you need to pay attention to vitamin preparations with calcium.

Immediately after submitting, you need to wait for some time. Don't get up right away. After 10-15 minutes of quiet waiting in the corridor, you will feel much better. If you feel unwell after some time, be sure to notify the medical staff.

To cope with dizziness on your own, you can do simple exercises:

  • sit down and lower your head between your knees;
  • Lie on your back and raise your legs above your head.

If you continue to feel weak, try not to make sudden movements. It's better not to drive a car. Avoid smoking in the first hour after blood donation. There are daily restrictions on excessive physical activity, carrying heavy objects, and drinking alcohol. If you are planning a vaccination, then you should avoid introducing the composition for at least ten days.

In most cases, recovery is fairly quick. After just a couple of hours, nothing reminds you of the procedure, and the person can return to their normal lifestyle. It is worth noting that donating blood is contraindicated on the eve of serious events. That is, you should not go to the Blood Collection Center before an exam or an important meeting.

Drink plenty of fluids

It was already written above that after blood donation you need to drink plenty of fluids, eat foods with a high protein content, as well as vitamins and iron. Speaking of drinking plenty of water, it is best to pay attention to compote, herbal tea, freshly squeezed and diluted juice. All these drinks will help the body restore fluid balance.

Despite the fact that the majority is in favor of giving up alcohol, after about the second day, you can turn your attention to red wine. Research has proven that one glass per day can help improve the absorption of iron in the body. However, you can only drink alcohol if there are no contraindications.

When mentioning foods rich in iron, do not forget about pomegranates. As an option, pomegranate juice is great to drink. However, when choosing in a store, pay attention to the absence of any additives, including sugar. At the same time, it is not recommended to drink the juice in its pure form; it is worth diluting the concentrate.

If you don't find high quality juice, don't worry. Just buy pomegranate fruits and eat a couple. They will help restore hemoglobin levels in the blood. By the way, many varieties of seedless pomegranate are now offered, which makes it easier to eat.


Foods like beef liver and beef also help in blood production. However, they should be consumed in moderation. The liver, by the way, is not only an excellent source of protein, but also contains a large amount of useful substances, amino acids, and actively helps restore hemoglobin levels.

For those who do not eat meat, nuts are recommended, especially walnuts. Products such as nuts contain large amounts of protein and at the same time unsaturated fatty acids. Nuts are also distinguished by a large number of minerals and trace elements that help improve metabolic processes and hematopoiesis.

It will be useful to pay attention to apples after blood donation. They act as a powerful blood cleanser and are useful for the lymphatic system, which is responsible for normal hematopoiesis. In addition, apples contain substances that help the body absorb iron. Many nutritionists note that apples need to be eaten correctly. In particular, with the peel, without cutting or heat treatment.

Buckwheat is one of the best lunch options for a donor. It contains large amounts of folic acid, which helps the body produce blood.

Legumes, such as lentils, also serve well. It has a lot of protein and minerals. In addition, it contains protein of plant origin, which is better absorbed by the human body. Don't forget about greens when it comes to recovery after blood donation. In particular, pay attention to spinach, which is rich in folate, which is involved in hematopoiesis and also helps the body's cells renew. Additionally, this vitamin acts as a protector against stroke, stabilizes blood pressure and makes the walls of blood vessels stronger.

Rules of conduct before blood donation

For the donor, as well as the future recipient, it is very important that the rules of behavior are followed not only after blood donation, but also before it. In particular, within three days it is necessary to stop taking medications that affect blood fluid. This is aspirin and any analgesics. If you are taking any medications that cannot be stopped, you should reschedule your blood donation or consult with a healthcare professional who will decide on the possibility of donation at this time.

For women, it is worth emphasizing that the rule does not apply to birth control pills. Two days before donating blood, give up alcoholic beverages; it is also advisable to limit smoking for this period. At least an hour before the procedure, the ingestion of nicotine into the body is strictly prohibited.

The night before donation, you need to get a good night's sleep and eat something light for breakfast that does not overload the body. Remember, donating blood on an empty stomach is prohibited! When selecting food products three days before blood donation, you should avoid fried, spicy, salty, and smoked foods. Bananas, dairy products, oils and eggs are also on the list of restrictions. Give preference to boiled cereals, low-fat fish, vegetables, berries and fruits. These simple rules will help you not only quickly recover after the procedure, but also provide the future recipient with high-quality blood.

If you decide to become a donor, you need to learn to take care of yourself for the sake of others. A healthy lifestyle for a donor involves proper nutrition and taking vitamins, avoiding excessive drinking of alcohol, preferably smoking, and maintaining intervals between blood donations. It is important that donation does not cause harm to either the donor or the recipient. If for some reason your doctor does not allow you to donate blood today, you need to listen to his recommendations. It is better to refrain from donating blood once than to be forced to refuse donation forever. If nothing worries you, be sure to consult a doctor at the place where you donated blood. If you follow simple rules, donation will be beneficial for your health and can become a lifestyle for many years. After all, if you are a donor, it means that you are healthy.

Any healthy citizen of Ukraine aged 18-60 years, with a body weight of at least 50 kg, can become a blood donor. Before donating blood, donors are screened and have their blood tested. Therefore, this is also a good opportunity to check your own health status.

Regular donation helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, gout and even obesity. After all, regular blood donation rejuvenates the body and improves the functioning of the immune system, liver, pancreas and other digestive organs. In addition, blood is taken only from healthy people, therefore, donation is an opportunity to check your own health status.

To be a donor, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right, avoid excessive drinking and smoking.

Preparing to donate blood.

It is important to know that you should not drink alcohol 48 hours before the procedure, and medications, especially those containing analgin, aspirin, 72 hours before the procedure!

On the eve of donating blood, you need to have dinner: you can drink sweet tea, juice, dried fruit compote, bread, crackers, boiled cereals, water-based pasta without oil, vegetables, fruits (except bananas). You need to drink more fluid.

On the eve of donating blood, during dinner you must avoid fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods, dairy products, and eggs.

It is important to have a good rest and sleep. On the day of the procedure, it is recommended to have a light breakfast.

Smoking is prohibited 2 hours before and 2 hours after the procedure!

Recovery after donating blood

After the procedure, you need to rest for 10 minutes, drink sweet tea, and eat something light.

In order for the blood composition to recover faster, it is recommended to drink more liquid (juices, tea) - at least 1-2 liters per day (alcohol is not recommended). It is necessary to eat properly: the donor’s diet should always contain protein, which determines the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Products that contain protein are meat, beets, buckwheat, lentils, beans and all legumes, fish, etc.

Complete restoration of blood composition occurs within 5-7 days.

Types of Blood Donation

There are two types of blood donation:

  • donation of whole blood - red blood cells,
  • donation of blood components (platelet, leukocyte, granulocyte, plasma).

Whole blood donation is the most common type of blood donation. Blood is taken from a vein in the arm, on average 450 ml at a time and lasts 5-10 minutes. Persons weighing less than 50 kg may be allowed to donate in exceptional cases. The volume of blood donation should not exceed 300 ml.

Plasma donation (plasmapheresis) - there are two ways to carry it out: manual (“intermittent”), when a dose of blood is taken from the donor and immediately centrifuged, separating into red blood cells and plasma; the red blood cells are returned to the donor, and the plasma is processed in a special way for further transfusion to recipients. With automatic plasmapheresis, the process occurs continuously using a special apparatus. The entire procedure lasts from 30-40 minutes to 1.5 hours. The volume of plasma taken should not exceed 600 ml in one session.

For people whose body weight does not exceed 50 kg, it is not allowed to donate more than 12% of the total circulating blood volume, which is 6.5-7% of body weight. A person cannot donate more than 12 liters of plasma per year.

Platelet donation (thrombocytapheresis) - only platelets are selectively removed from the donor’s blood, and all other components are returned to the bloodstream. The platelet mass is withdrawn in a volume of approximately 450 ml, while the total blood volume in the body is restored with saline. As a rule, platelet collection is carried out using special devices; certain preparation of the donor is required. The procedure can last more than an hour.

Donation of granulocytes (cells of the immune system) requires special preliminary preparation of the donor. The procedure for giving granulocytes is similar to giving blood for platelets, with one difference - only granulocytes are taken from the donor, all other blood components are returned.

Intervals between blood donations

Whole blood can be donated once every two to three months, but no more than 3-5 times a year: men - no more than 5 times, women - no more than 4 times.

Plasma can be donated up to 6-12 times a year at intervals of at least 2 weeks.

Intervals between different types of donation (in days)

Blood transfusion is a fairly responsible and important method of treatment. Therefore, before agreeing to such a procedure, you must ensure the professionalism and responsibility of the doctor. This is explained by the fact that there are a number of contraindications to transfusion and some features that should never be ignored.

You can become a donor only after a reliable check and passing all tests. This is because this procedure is very important for both the donor and the patient. For example, direct is prescribed exclusively for acute problems and in the presence of certain indications. This could be severe blood loss or a bleeding disorder.

When carrying out a transfusion, it is necessary to follow strict rules and a sequence of certain actions. It is mandatory to pay attention to the donor, since there is a certain norm for donating blood. On average, for women this is no more than 500 grams once every two months, and for men monthly donation is allowed within the same limits.

There is a certain sequence of actions that must be followed. It is imperative to check the bottle of donor blood. It must be hermetically sealed, have correct and clear certification, an expiration date, as well as the obligatory absence of clots and sediment. Otherwise, such change is strictly prohibited from being accepted or ordered at all.

Before prescribing a transfusion to a patient, it is necessary to determine the blood type. If everything went well and was selected correctly, then it is recommended to carry out one final check. They do what is called a partial transfusion. To begin with, the patient is injected with only 15 ml and the reaction is observed for 3 minutes. Then repeat two more times with a three-minute break. If no allergic reactions were noticed, then the main transfusion can be carried out.

Today, a procedure with single-group blood has been adopted, so anyone can be a donor, but whether such donation is suitable for a particular patient must be determined by a doctor. The rules of blood transfusion must be adhered to, otherwise the patient may not be helped, but only harmed.

Ways to verify donation

The norm for donating blood in medical practice has not changed for quite a long time and is approximately 500 g. Since almost anyone can be a donor, it is necessary to correctly check whether the patient is suitable for the first, second or third blood group.

The certainty of the Rh factor also plays a significant role. Thus, they do certain compatibility checks, even knowing about the correct choice of preliminary blood donation of a particular group. You can test for individuality, that is, the patient’s serum is taken and mixed with a small amount of the donor group. If no allergic reactions were noticed, then the transfusion can be continued. If this result does not give positive results, then a group is selected for the patient in individual centers. At such points, only exceptional individuals who have previously undergone many tests and analyzes can become donors.

You can also check for compatibility with periodic transfusion with a break of three minutes. This method is more responsible, since it is necessary to inject blood into the patient. The norm in this case is the total amount of transfusion is no more than 15 ml per minute.

Specific rules and sequence of blood donation

In order to become a full-fledged and suitable donor, you need to undergo a series of examinations and pass some tests. First of all, special procedures must be used to determine the donor’s blood group and Rh factor. Then, be sure to notify your doctor about possible previous diseases and or the presence of chronic ones. This is necessary because Only a healthy person can be a donor - even without allergic reactions. In some situations, the exception may be seasonal allergies. Such submissions must be qualitatively checked.

As for the amount of change, it is approximately the same for everyone. The donor will feel good if he donates 500 grams of blood. But in such cases, the weight of the well-wisher must be at least 50 kg. This is especially true for minor children. According to generally accepted rules, a minor child cannot become a donor. But in some situations, when there is no opportunity and time to look for someone else, they take the child’s blood with the permission of the parent.

Rules for donating blood

Indications for transfusion must be prescribed by a doctor. The amount of blood and dosage for a specific transfusion are also determined. When choosing a particular donor blood, laboratory and clinical data are taken into account. But, despite this, the doctor, in addition to all the data provided to him, must conduct another check himself. A specific delivery time is set, and control studies are carried out. This includes:

  • determination of the blood group of the donor and the patient and are compared with the results of preliminary data;
  • the group affiliation of the donor's red blood cells is determined and compared with the data that was provided on the container label;
  • tests are carried out to determine the compatibility of the donor and the patient according to the AB0 system and the Rh factor;
  • and a biological test for transfusion is mandatory.

Who cannot be a donor?

While it is necessary to undergo certain checks when donating blood, it is worth considering the limitations of certain groups of people who cannot be a donor at all. According to this review, blood donation is not possible for those persons who are sick with AIDS, have surface antigen B or syphilis. With such serious diseases, patients themselves may need blood, so the road to donation is strictly prohibited. Also included in the prohibition group are people with other colds or allergies.

It turns out that acne can be treated with blood transfusions:

It is also not recommended to donate blood to women who have had a difficult birth or abortion within the next three months. Donating blood is strictly contraindicated for people with problems with the cardiovascular system, heart problems and other similar abnormalities.

Before donating blood, you need to tell your doctor about your problems and possible allergic reactions. If the analysis does not show this, then there may be a recurrent form immediately after the transfusion. This can negatively affect the patient’s health and will only worsen his well-being. Therefore, donating blood is the most responsible procedure.

Video: blood donation - pros and cons

Who is awarded the title “Honorary Donor of Russia”:



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs