Hydrogen peroxide - medicinal properties, application. Hydrogen peroxide - medicinal properties

External use of hydrogen peroxide

If many doctors are ready to argue until they become hoarse with the two previous methods of using hydrogen peroxide, then its external use does not cause such complaints. On the bottle of pharmaceutical peroxide it says “for external use.” But its scope of application is much wider than what is written on the tag.

Of course, and the most ardent opponents of treatment with hydrogen peroxide will agree with this, it is an ideal remedy for treating wounds. Any cut or scar treated with peroxide will heal much faster than one lubricated with iodine or brilliant green. The point here is the same oxygen, which improves tissue regeneration (restoration). The violent reaction that occurs on the surface of the wound when peroxide is applied is the formation of oxygen. You just need to remember, and this is written in the instructions for use, that immediately after treatment with peroxide you cannot apply a bandage, the wound must be thoroughly washed and dried.

I have already said that peroxide is a powerful killer of all pathogenic microorganisms. This property manifests itself not only during intravenous infusion or use. Microbes and fungi also affect our skin, and their effect in this case is even more noticeable - you may not pay attention to a slight ailment, but it is difficult not to notice a skin rash or peeling. Pharmacies will offer you dozens of ultra-modern, super-effective (and one is better than the other) means to help cope with your problem. The price is appropriate. Meanwhile, a reliable remedy stands modestly on the shelf in your home medicine cabinet. Lubricate the signs of infection on the skin with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and you will see for yourself the effectiveness of this cheap remedy.

“I am a geologist by profession, the work is hard, especially in the field, when I often have to sleep without taking off my shoes. As a result, I developed a fungus on my feet (I had fungus in the army, so I knew the symptoms well), my feet itched terribly, and wearing shoes turned into torture. This happened during an expedition in the remote taiga; naturally, I did not have any antifungal drugs with me. I intuitively decided that hydrogen peroxide should probably help – it’s an antiseptic, after all. I treated my feet for three days, and on the fourth the itching went away. After the expedition, I went to a dermatologist and checked - there was no fungus. After that, while on vacation I became interested in peroxide, and accidentally read an article in the newspaper that you can drink it. Now I tried it, for prevention, so to speak. I’m basically a healthy person, but after a few days I noticed that I began to sleep better, wake up easier, and had more energy. Now I want to try to persuade my sister, who suffers from bronchial asthma, to try treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

A. Moskin,


Warts cause a lot of trouble, and their removal is sometimes not so easy. If lapis does not help, you have to contact a surgeon or cosmetologist, and you will have the wart removed using a painful procedure, which is also not very cheap. Or another option is to turn to some familiar healer. But all you need to do is apply hydrogen peroxide to the wart several times with a cotton swab. In a few days, the wart will not only disappear, but there will be no trace of it on the skin.

Pharmacy hydrogen peroxide, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4, can be used as rubs and compresses for muscle and joint pain. 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide per glass of water will relieve you of bad breath and will be an excellent preventive measure against periodontal diseases. 10 drops of peroxide per tablespoon of water are used for ear diseases (otitis media, hearing loss), runny nose, and sinusitis.

From the book Healing with Hydrogen Peroxide author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

External use of hydrogen peroxide If many doctors are ready to argue until they are hoarse with the two previous methods of using hydrogen peroxide, then its external use does not cause such complaints. This is what it says on the bottle of pharmaceutical peroxide - “for external

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HEALING PROPERTIES AND APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE By introducing the missing hydrogen peroxide into the body, we introduce additional “fuel” to stimulate the atomic processes occurring in the cell, encouraging them to start working and protect themselves from various damaging factors. IN

From the book Apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tinctures in the treatment and cleansing of the body author Yu. N. Nikolaev

Forms of release and traditional use of hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide (H20) is a colorless liquid (in large volumes or concentrations - slightly bluish), odorless. This is an unstable compound, highly soluble in water and decomposes on contact with

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Internal use of hydrogen peroxide Varicose veins Varicose veins are a disease accompanied by changes in the veins of the lower extremities, their uneven enlargement and bulge in the area of ​​damage to the venous wall as a result of difficulty

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Dosage of hydrogen peroxide As a rule, the more acute the disease, the greater the amount of peroxide required for treatment. For example, if we are talking about the flu, then the daily dosage can be 250 ml of a 0.0375% hydrogen peroxide solution. Total such intravenous

From the book Treatment with Hydrogen Peroxide author Larisa Stanislavovna Koneva

External use The use of hydrogen peroxide for diseases of the oral cavity and gums has long been firmly established. To rinse the mouth, use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or (as an option) apply tampons soaked in water to the sore spots.

From the author's book

Internal use of hydrogen peroxide First of all, we remind you that treatment by taking hydrogen peroxide internally is not recognized by official medicine. Internal (and, especially, intravenous, intra-arterial) use of peroxide for medicinal purposes is not

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External use Inflammation of the tongue Even with such a frivolous, at first glance, ailment as inflammation of the tongue, you should not joke: you should definitely see a doctor. But for mild symptoms of inflammation, the following recipes can help you: Recipe 1 Wash your hands thoroughly,

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DESCRIPTION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is a colorless transparent liquid with a pronounced bactericidal and sporicidal effect. Hydrogen peroxide is produced in the form of 27.5–40% solutions (perhydrol), the working concentrations of which are 3–6%, and in

From the author's book

CHAPTER 2 APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY For the first time, hydrogen peroxide found technical application as an antiseptic and bleaching agent, for example, for bleaching hair and wool, which are easily destroyed by the action of other bleaches

From the author's book

PART II APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN OFFICIAL MEDICINE CHAPTER 1 MECHANISM OF THE ANTISEPTIC ACTION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE The main mechanism of the antiseptic or disinfectant effect of hydrogen peroxide is explained by official medicine by the fact that peroxide is

From the author's book

CHAPTER 2 APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE FOR THE TREATMENT OF SPECIFIC DISEASES Hydrogen peroxide is successfully used by official medicine in the treatment of: chronic ear infections; inflammatory infections of the skin and mucous membranes, bacterial and fungal

From the author's book

CHAPTER 3 APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN COSMETOLOGY Cosmetology actively uses hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent in the care of skin, nails, oral cavity and, of course, for hair bleaching. Dr. Gott, opponent of internal use

From the author's book

CHAPTER 4 APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN VETERINARY Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in veterinary medicine: as an anthelmintic (anthelmintic) agent; for injection into places stung by gadflies (to destroy the testicles); in the treatment of gas gangrene in animals; at

From the author's book

PART III APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN NON-TRADITIONAL MEDICINE The statement that the new is the well-forgotten old fully applies to treatment with hydrogen peroxide. The experience accumulated by experimental doctors over two centuries, as it turned out, still helps

From the author's book

CHAPTER 3 THERAPEUTIC APPLICATION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Based on laboratory and clinical studies, experimental doctors found that the enrichment of body tissues with atomic oxygen, which occurs during intravenous infusion,

Hydrogen peroxide is a healing liquid that consists of water and oxygen. It is colorless and odorless, non-explosive, and mixes perfectly with water in any proportion.

Peroxide was discovered in 1818 by Louis Thénard, a French chemist and professor. The production of the product using its technology began in Germany in 1873, but initially the shelf life of the medicine was 2-3 weeks, due to the fact that it quickly decomposed into water and oxygen. This problem was later fixed.

What is hydrogen peroxide, formula

Hydrogen peroxide is the simplest compound among peroxides. It consists of two elements of the periodic table - Hydrogen and Oxygen, the formula is H2O2.

Most people believe that peroxide is only used for external treatment of wounds. In fact, the range of uses of peroxide is much wider:

  • rocket fuel is made from it;
  • it is used to bleach paper in production;
  • it “converts” sawdust and straw into complete animal feed by separating inedible lignin from cellulose;
  • it is used in cosmetology: for skin rejuvenation and hair coloring;
  • it is used as a bleaching agent in liquid laundry detergents for white clothes;
  • it is used internally to cleanse the body and treat all ailments;
  • a solution with peroxide is injected intravenously for treatment;
  • You can gargle with it, or drop it in your ears.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used in the treatment of almost all existing diseases. It destroys fungus, bacteria and viruses, fights all types of infections, participates in metabolism and stimulates the immune system. In addition, peroxide supports body functions.

It treats:

  • infectious diseases: influenza, sore throat, laryngitis and others;
  • ENT diseases: otitis media, pharyngitis – chronic and acute forms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: stroke and others;
  • sugar;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases;
  • dental diseases.

It is used internally, externally, for rinsing and injections. The effectiveness of peroxide was proven by famous scientists from the USA W. Douglas and C. Farr, as well as a specialist from Russia I. Neumyvakin. Traditional medicine only encourages rinsing and external treatment of the skin with hydrogen peroxide.

External use

Externally, H2O2 is used for compresses, rubbing and treating wounds and purulent inflammations.

Oxygen promotes tissue regeneration, so any cut, wound or abrasion will heal faster if treated with hydrogen peroxide. Please note: the bandage is applied only after cleansing the damaged area.

3% hydrogen peroxide is a good remedy to combat any rash. It doesn't matter whether it is caused by a fungus, virus or bacteria. Just soak a cotton pad in peroxide and apply it to the sore area from time to time. This is an excellent alternative to expensive pharmaceutical drugs.

Warts are also removed with peroxide. If you turn to a cosmetologist or surgeon with such a problem, you will have to undergo a painful procedure, and not a cheap one. And if you apply peroxide to the wart several times, it will disappear. In addition, there will be no scar left on the skin, and surgical intervention cannot boast of this.

A hydrogen peroxide solution helps relieve joint and muscle pain. For 1 part H2O2, take 4 parts water and mix. You can rub the solution on the sore area or use it for compresses. You can rinse your mouth with the same product once a day to prevent periodontal disease and eliminate caries.

Foot baths are indicated for diabetic feet. They help relieve the terrible pain that accompanies the disease. Take 1.5 liters of warm water, add a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to it and mix. Immerse your feet in the solution and soak in the bath for 15 minutes. The procedure is harmless - you can repeat it as needed, but be sure to do it every day.

You can also lubricate your face with peroxide every morning. This will help restore oxidative reactions that are disrupted by washing with hard water and eliminate rashes. After application, the product must be washed off.

Hydrogen peroxide in the ear

Peroxide is suitable for the treatment of ear diseases and disinfection of the auricle. The product can be used in the following cases:

  • ear plug;
  • otitis;
  • hearing loss;
  • ear pain.

Please note: you cannot instill peroxide if your eardrums are damaged. Fluid that gets into the middle ear can cause serious problems, including hearing loss. Also, avoid instillation if bypass surgery was performed in the next six months.

Turundas can be inserted to cleanse the ear of wax and disinfect it. Take a cotton swab, soak it in a 3% solution and insert it into the ear canal for 5 minutes. Then remove it and remove the remaining sulfur with a cotton swab. People with sensitive skin can dilute peroxide with water in a 1:1 ratio.

If a lot of sulfur has accumulated in the cavity, rinse it. Mix 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of water and drop this solution into each passage. Wait 5-7 minutes, then use a cotton swab dipped in warm water to remove the wax.

The product can also remove wax plugs. For the procedure you will need peroxide, water and a syringe. To prevent the wax plug from being pushed deeper, you must first soften it; to do this, fill a syringe (without a needle) with 3% peroxide and drop 10 drops into the ear cavity. If hissing appears, it means the sulfur is softening. Wait 10 minutes, then tilt your head so that the liquid with pieces of cork pours out. Clean your ear with a cotton swab dipped in water.

For otitis media, you need to insert a tampon soaked in peroxide into the ear several times a day for 15 minutes. During the procedure, there will be a hissing sound in the ear, which means that pathogenic microorganisms are being destroyed.

The product works well against bacteria and disinfects, but does not relieve inflammation. If there is one, be sure to consult a doctor and get advice.

Hydrogen peroxide orally according to the method of Professor Neumyvakin

Professors I. Neumyvakin and W. Douglas claim that hydrogen peroxide can also be taken orally, and for all known diseases. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not violate the dosage.

Here is the method approved by the professors.

Hydrogen peroxide should be taken with a gradual increase in dosage.

Day 1: dissolve 1 drop of 3% peroxide in 50 ml of water, drink the product prepared in this way 3 times a day, it turns out that on the first day 3 drops of peroxide will enter the body.

On the 2nd day, increase the dosage to 2 drops per 50 ml - that’s 6 drops per day, on the 3rd - to 3, and so on.

When you reach 10 drops at a time, that is, 30 drops per day, do not increase the dosage any further. Take a break for 3 days, then continue treatment, taking 30 drops per day.

You need to drink the solution on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating. You can eat after 40 minutes. The dosage should not be more than 10 drops per 50 ml of water at a time, the maximum daily volume of peroxide cannot exceed 30 drops. You can increase the effectiveness of the medicine by simultaneously taking vitamin C. During treatment, side effects are sometimes possible: acne, weakness, dizziness - don’t worry, this is a sign that toxins are being eliminated from the body.

An ordinary colorless liquid containing hydrogen and oxygen - hydrogen peroxide - H2O2 has long been known as an excellent disinfectant for the slightest injuries, where it is necessary to quickly remove dirt from the wound and stop bleeding. After peroxide, the wound heals quickly and no inflammatory processes occur. Peroxide is also good for wounds that have festered.

This happens because H2O2 kills pathogenic microorganisms, and the effect manifests itself when peroxide decomposes into atomic oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2), respectively.

Hydrogen peroxide: interesting facts

American farmers also knew that when hydrogen peroxide decomposes into its components, a lot of pure oxygen is released. They also knew about the displacement of this element necessary for plants from the atmospheric air by various toxins and pollutants. Watering even with rainwater, which the plants adore, did not give a visible effect, because... Along with water, substances harmful to them that got there from the atmosphere also penetrated into the plants. It is unknown who and when came up with the idea of ​​adding H2O2 disinfectant liquid to irrigation water, but it had such a positive effect that this method began to be actively used in American agriculture after the 50s of the last century. The plants not only received a “breath of fresh air,” but also became noticeably healthier, miraculously getting rid of many diseases along the way.

The next living organisms on which the revitalizing abilities of a 3% solution of hydroperite (solid form of hydrogen peroxide) were tested were aquarium fish. When a small amount of this substance was added to the aquarium, representatives of unwanted aquarium flora and fauna died, but the fish literally came to life, receiving a dose of free oxygen.

Since oxygen is needed not only by plants and fish, a series of experiments were carried out on animals, to which the perhydrol solution was first offered as an additive to drink. Noting that this was only beneficial for the animals, they decided to complicate the experiment by injecting a weak solution directly into a vein.

Here the scientists were somewhat disappointed: treatment of blood with diluted perhydrol turned out to be disastrous for chickens, goats and representatives of the canis family (dogs). Although, when entering the blood, peroxide decomposed, as it should, into oxygen and water, in these species, due to the low level of catalase (an enzyme that promotes the decomposition of peroxide due to iron ions), H2O2 decomposed too slowly, as a result of which in animals Pulmonary edema and methemoglobinemia—an increased concentration of methemoglobin in the blood—developed.

As is known, methemoglobin, unlike hemoglobin, cannot be a transporter of oxygen to tissues and when it increases, blood functions are sharply disrupted. Animals died. However, horses, monkeys and pigs not only tolerated the injections well, but also became significantly healthier, got rid of their “sores” and even became “younger”.

But negative effects were observed only when administered into a vein; when peroxide was used orally or externally, only positive results were noted!

Since then, perhydrol in weak solutions has been widely used by veterinarians against worms, to cure stomach ulcers, gas gangrene, pneumonia, poisoning, and for injection under the skin to destroy the eggs of blood-sucking insects.

For phosphorus and carbon monoxide poisoning, use peroxide with great caution! If a specialist has not previously used these methods, then it is better to abandon them in order to avoid the death of the animal.

Hydrogen peroxide: history of discovery

The first mention of intravenous injections of peroxide is contained in the English journal The Lancet in 1811.

This note tells how the French doctor Nysten, having “trained” on animals, noted that when a weak solution of H2O2 enters a vein, gas exchange in the lungs increases, and freely released oxygen does not disappear anywhere, dissolving in the blood, goes straight into the arterial blood and spreads throughout all tissues of the body, significantly enriching them. On this basis, Dr. Nysten concluded that treating people intravenously with peroxide would only give positive results.

In 1888, Dr. Cortelyou (USA) continued to study the “interesting” liquid and even risked using it to treat the diphtheria film in the throat of a seemingly hopeless patient. A day later the patient “breathed”, and after another 3 days he was completely healthy.

The year is 1914. Doctor Edward Rosenow proves 100% that it is quite possible and necessary to treat arthritis with intravenous administration of “aqueous oxygen”, because this oxygen easily penetrates the lymph and disinfects it from harmful bacteria. In turn, the lymph nodes are the main suppliers of fluid to the joints.

Doctors Turcliffe and Stebbing announced in 1916 that the use of this liquid gave "reasonably good therapeutic effect" for the treatment of:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Bites of stinging and blood-sucking insects
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Various types of mycoses
  • Skin diseases such as scabies, lupus, warts, ringworm, etc.
  • Chronic otitis media and other ear diseases, including hearing loss
  • Uterine inflammation
  • For cosmetic care and maintaining dental health

By sharing with the world medical community the results of their observations in the treatment of patients with H2O2, doctors Turcliffe and Stebbing proved that peroxide can help patients in the most difficult situations, and help without resorting to expensive medications and complex surgical interventions.

A break or a step back: the discovery of penicillin

It seemed that after such evidence, treatment with perhydrol solutions would become a common, widespread practice, but in 1929, the English scientist Alexander Fleming announced that he had managed to obtain an extremely aggressive substance that kills any bacterial cells. It was the antibiotic penicillin.

“This substance,” he wrote for an article for the British journal Experimental Pathology, “has clear advantages over all other known chemical and natural antiseptics. It is capable of destroying staphylo-strepto-pneumococci in the shortest possible time, even when highly diluted. Undoubtedly, it is more effective than hydrogen peroxide, does not cause intoxication even in an undiluted state, and is very effective in treating purulent infections even in solutions of 1 to 800.”

The discovery of penicillin really led to an incredible leap in medicine at that time, and the mass production and use of antibiotics during World War II ensured their unconditional popularization on all continents.

What about hydrogen peroxide?

Has the experience of using H2O2, collected over many decades by doctors, enthusiastic doctors and experimenters, sunk into oblivion? No!

In 1940, in India, in Bombay, doctors Shah and Singh proved for the second time through their experiments that the use of perhydrol solutions stimulates the human immune system to quickly respond and relieve severe consequences after poisoning, influenza, croupous changes in the lungs, hypertension, etc., etc. .p. In their opinion, the effect is achieved by oxidation (burning) of harmful bacteria in the patient’s blood with atomic oxygen. The preservation of such oxygen in the blood tissues leads to an increase in partial pressure in the alveoli of the lungs and rapid saturation of the patient’s body with oxygen due to the combination of atomic oxygen with the atmospheric air inhaled by the patient. And who doesn’t know that pathogenic microorganisms feel best where the oxygen environment is low or absent, where body tissues experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation)?!

Unfortunately, the work of these Indian pioneering doctors did not find a proper response in official, academic medicine and their theory was rejected with contempt.

Treatment with peroxide was not forgotten only thanks to the regular reminder of it in their works and publications of such venerable “bisons” from medicine as: A.V. Melnikov (article “On the benefits of using hydrogen peroxide” in 1945), A.A. Gurevich (1966), A.A. Opokina (1981), G.V. Bondar (1986), I.V. Arsenyev (1987), D.A. Arlimova (1990), V.P. Sibnikova (1990), Ch. Farra (1991), etc.

And then, in the early 90s, the German biochemist Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for his research in the field of the development of cancer cells. He confirmed the assumption of the Bombay doctors, proving that cancer metastases affect organs in those places where their oxygen supply is disrupted, that is, in fact, healthy, normal cells degenerate into malignant tumors precisely because of hypoxia and they are transformed only in oxygen-free (anaerobic) conditions. environment. It turns out that with oxygenation (artificial saturation of cells with oxygen), humanity can forget about the scourge of the 20th century - cancer. But this is a very expensive idea in every way!

However, Dr. Charles Farr in 1998 makes a statement: “The best way to quickly saturate the tissues and cells of the body with oxygen is a long-known remedy - the injection of H2O2 solution intravenously!” And “on fingers” he explains to the incredulous that in this case the speed of the body’s metabolic processes increases by more than 2 times.

He is warmly supported by W. Douglas, V.P. Kazmina and I.P. Neumyvakin.

I. P. Neumyvakin about hydrogen peroxide

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is a full member of the Russian Academy, a State Prize laureate, an honored inventor, and most importantly, the founder of space medicine. Who, if not him, should know everything about oxygen starvation?!

In 2004 the professor writes a large work in which he talks about how 20-30 years ago treatment with perhydrol solutions was considered quackery, and this theory had no right to life.

In fact, perhydrol solutions can not only successfully fight bacteria and viruses, curing the external manifestations of infections, but also, when taken orally or when administered into a vein, cope excellently with fungal mycoses, dysbiosis, cardiovascular disorders and non-insulin-dependent diabetes .

But after studying the works of his colleagues, he confidently declares that fading humanity has not just a cheap and high-quality remedy for the treatment and long-term prevention of cancer, but also a remedy against emphysema, gangrene, leprosy, immunodeficiency and other terrible and serious diseases. And there is no need to reinvent the wheel!

According to his personal conviction and the conviction of his colleagues who are adherents of this theory, he is confident that H2O2 treatment should be widely used in combination with the methods of official, “classical” medicine.

Atomic oxygen not only burns out “all kinds of infection” and other substances that poison the cell, and not only nourishes it with oxygen:

  • it promotes the formation of mineral salts and vitamins;
  • stimulates metabolism, balancing the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • transports sugar from plasma to body cells;
  • stimulates intracellular thermogenesis;
  • is directly involved in the “respiration” of each cell.

What does this give? AIDS, cancer and emphysema have already been mentioned, but it must be added that oxygen treatment can successfully fight cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis...

Hydrogen peroxide: a panacea for all diseases?

To date, Dr. Neumyvakin and his associates have written more than 6 thousand articles on external and internal methods of using this cheap, but truly golden remedy - hydrogen peroxide H2O2. They continue to promote their ideas, supporting them by their own example, and the number of their supporters is growing.

No one doubts William Douglas’s phrase that there is a direct connection between oxygen starvation of the body’s cells and disease. And cleaning the slagged body, restoring an uninterrupted blood-lymph conveyor is a direct path to recovery. But peroxide, unfortunately, is not a panacea for all the ills of humanity, although it is a highly effective remedy.

An example of this is the professor himself

When he was 52 years old, doctors diagnosed him with an atherosclerotic process with primary damage to the heart and brain, which is considered irreversible by academic medicine. The author of more than 200 scientific papers, 85 inventions, laureate and doctor, professor decides not to just take H2O2 from time to time, in courses of 10 days once a month, but to drink and inject the solution constantly.

The experiment on myself was a complete success! At the age of 75, he is absolutely healthy, blood pressure is 125/75, he flies up to his 7th floor without shortness of breath, writes articles and poems, receives patients, and has the title “Best Traditional Healer of Russia.” He says: “What do I recommend? “Start taking hydrogen peroxide from tomorrow for the rest of your life!”

How to take hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

In the conditions of our modern life, with a disgusting environment, an unbalanced and often unhealthy diet, and the impossibility of being in the fresh air, modern man is sorely lacking a breath of fresh air - oxygen. To compensate for this deficiency, Professor Neumyvakin advises using hydroperite solutions constantly, especially since there are simply no contraindications for taking this disinfecting liquid.

The simplest recipe:
  • Day one – 2-3 drops of 3% peroxide per 1 tbsp. water. Drink 3 times a day an hour before meals.
  • Day two – 3-4 drops of 3% peroxide per 1 tbsp. water. Drink 3 times a day an hour before meals.
  • Day three – 5-6 drops……
  • Add one drop every morning, bringing the dose to 10. Drink 10 drops daily for 10 days.
  • Break.

When using the solution internally, out of habit, you may experience a burning sensation, hiccups, pulsation, or break into a sweat. Then the number of drops should not be increased for a couple of days or even reduced until the discomfort disappears.

Treatment of sinusitis

When we take a breath, part of the oxygen contained in the atmospheric air immediately enters the brain, this is the “reserve” for the gray matter, so we must make sure that the nose remains clean. If the inflammatory process has begun, then 10-15 drops of 3% H2O2 per 1 tbsp. water, and use a pipette to pour into the nostrils one by one. When mucus begins to come out profusely, blow your nose thoroughly. In the next 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, do not eat or drink anything!

Treatment of osteochondrosis

This compress is suitable for relieving pain on any part of the body.

Moisten a linen or linen napkin in a weak solution (3%) of hydroperite, apply it to the painful area of ​​the neck, cover with cellophane and hold for 15-20 minutes. After several procedures the pain will go away.

It is good to wipe the entire body with a 50 ml solution from time to time. water + 2-3 tsp. peroxide.

Treatment of sore throat

Add 1 tsp to ¼ cup of water. 3% hydrogen peroxide. When rinsing, we try to keep the liquid on the tonsils for as long as possible. The more often we carry out the process, the better.

In the same proportions, dilute peroxide for instillation into the nose for a runny nose or for ear pain.

Treatment of periodontal disease, bleeding gums, bad breath

1 tsp table soda + 10 drops of lemon juice + 15-20 drops of H2O2. Rub the mixture onto your teeth and gums with your finger or a soft swab for 2-3 minutes. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes. without rinsing! After the procedure, do not eat or drink for 15 minutes. If necessary, you can repeat it during evening brushing.

For toothache

Dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in ½ glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution for as long and as often as possible.

Intravenous injections of H2O2

This method is considered illegal in Russia. Self-medication with this method is deadly!

Do you know that...

  • You can take a monthly course of the “simplest recipe” from anyone to any age, as long as you are over 14 years old.
  • A couple of drops of a 3% hydroperite solution per glass of water replaces 3 oxygen cocktails.
  • The human body itself produces H2O2 in the cells of the immune system - granulocytes and leukocytes.
  • The peroxide solution is compatible with a wide range of herbal remedies.
  • Chemical medications cannot be combined with the solution! There should be a gap of 30 minutes between their doses.
  • 1 tsp peroxide added to 1 liter. unboiled milk, completely sterilizes it.
  • Milk can be stored for up to 5 days outside the refrigerator.

Hydrogen peroxide is a common drug in medical practice. It is a powerful antiseptic. With its help, open wounds are disinfected and minor bleeding is stopped. The chemical reaction that occurs when the substance enters a damaged area of ​​the body ensures the unhindered separation of necrotic tissue, dried blood clots and purulent growths. But not only hospitals use hydrogen peroxide. The use of the substance in folk medicine is common. You will learn more about folk remedies containing hydrogen peroxide from our article.

Forms of release of the drug

Hydrogen peroxide comes in various forms:

  1. Most often, a 3% aqueous solution is used for medical purposes.
  2. The concentrated composition of hydrogen peroxide is called perhydrol. It is used diluted as an antiseptic or in pure form to achieve a bleaching effect, for example, when changing hair color.
  3. A mixture of peroxide and urea is called hydroperite. This composition is available in tablet form. In addition to their disinfecting properties, they have an antibacterial effect.
  4. An alcohol solution of hydrogen peroxide is used as ear drops for otitis media and other inflammatory diseases of the ear canals.

Medicinal properties

Hydrogen peroxide has a formula similar to water - H2O2. But the properties of the substance differ significantly from H2O. In the body, peroxide enters into oxidative reactions, as a result of which it is formed. It is thanks to such reactions that hair bleaching occurs and skin pigmentation is eliminated. Oxidative processes have a detrimental effect on various types of pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi. When taken orally, the substance enriches the blood with oxygen, accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes cell nutrition, restores acid-base balance, and is an antioxidant.

Thanks to these properties of the substance, hydrogen peroxide and traditional medicine came together and were sold in the form of medicinal products that can be made and used independently at home.

Use in folk medicine

There are external and internal methods of using hydrogen peroxide. They are not recognized by traditional medicine, have not undergone the necessary tests and have no scientific proof. But the recipes, which have been used in every family for more than one generation, are trusted no less than the world’s leading lights of medicine. Reviews of many of these folk remedies speak of their effectiveness and relative safety. in folk medicine involves the use of aqueous solutions, rather than a pure composition. This approach reduces the risk of skin burns while taking the drug.

Injections with the drug

Intravenous administration of peroxide helps enrich the blood with oxygen, accelerate metabolic processes, and destroy pathogenic organisms. But such a procedure can only be performed by a qualified doctor. To carry out injections with the drug, you must strictly follow the proportions and dosages of drug administration. Self-medication in this case is contraindicated.

Taking peroxide internally

A Russian academician has developed a whole method for oral administration of peroxide solution. He believes that an aqueous solution of the drug, when used correctly, cures a whole “bouquet” of various diseases: diabetes, hypertension, problems with blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional medicine confirms the effectiveness of this method: it helps people cope with serious diseases that cannot be treated with traditional drugs. But official medicine does not recognize this method of healing and warns patients to self-medicate, especially by ingesting hydrogen peroxide. This is dangerous due to burns and intoxication of the body.

How to take hydrogen peroxide using the Neumyvakin method

According to Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, peroxide must be taken daily throughout life to prevent diseases of the body. But this must be done by following the recommendations of the founder of the method, namely:

  1. You should not consume more than 30 drops of H2O2 per day. When taken three times daily, the maximum single dose of the substance should not exceed 10 drops.
  2. You need to use only a purified 3% solution.
  3. The medicine must be taken on an empty stomach. More than 3 hours should pass after eating food.
  4. You need to start taking it with one drop of hydrogen peroxide diluted in a tablespoon of boiled warm water three times a day. Then add one drop at a time every day. As a result, the maximum allowable dose should be 10 drops. After completing such a course, you must take a break for 5 days.
  5. The next course can already be started with the maximum dosage. It is no longer possible to increase the amount of peroxide with this dosage regimen. You need to take a course of 10 days, 30 drops daily.

Neumyvakin, in his work on the study of the beneficial qualities of hydrogen peroxide, talks about possible adverse reactions: signs of intoxication of the body, allergies, elevated body temperature, insomnia and others. The professor explains this effect by removing toxic substances and decay products of pathogenic microorganisms from the human body. The technique states that such side effects should decrease after some time.

External use

For many diseases, hydrogen peroxide is used externally. Use in folk medicine involves compresses, washing, applications, rubbing, making cosmetics and healing ointments. For external use, a 3% peroxide solution or hydroperite in tablet form is also most often used. Incorrect concentration of the drug or prolonged use can lead to severe chemical burns to the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to use the substance with all precautions and carefully monitor the dosage of the drug.

We will tell you in more detail how hydrogen peroxide is used externally in folk medicine.

Nasal rinsing

Hydrogen peroxide will help with a runny nose and sinusitis. The substance destroys bacteria, relieves inflammation, reduces swelling, removes purulent discharge and mucus. To treat such diseases, the method of instillation or rinsing of the nasal passages is used.

To make nasal drops, dissolve in 1 tbsp. l. water 15 drops of peroxide solution. Place a dropper full of the resulting mixture into each nostril. After 20 minutes, blow your nose to remove mucus and pus from your sinuses.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine in its form has been known since the Soviet era. To prepare such a product you will need a less concentrated solution. It is necessary to dissolve 20 drops of peroxide in half a glass of boiled water. Rinse each nostril with the resulting mixture using special devices or a teapot.


Treatment with hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine is also carried out for diseases such as sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. The substance will clear the throat, tonsils, and oral cavity. To carry out the procedure, you will need two solutions. The first is a chamomile decoction, and the second is a mixture of a tablespoon of H2O2 and half a glass of water. First, gargle with peroxide mixture. After the glass with the solution is empty, rinse your mouth with a decoction of medicinal herbs to relieve inflammation and soothe the mucous membrane.

Treatment of dental diseases

The substance is often used to treat diseases of the gums, teeth, and also for whitening procedures. Hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine has mixed reviews: some talk about the high effectiveness of the substance for dental diseases, while others claim that the use of the solution harms the enamel, and the condition of the teeth worsens as a result of such procedures. Doctors also do not recommend self-medicating oral diseases using hydrogen peroxide, citing the unsafety of such methods.

It should be noted how rich traditional medicine is in various recipes. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine involves rinsing and local applications for dental diseases. For example, to reduce toothache, use the following recipe: dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in warm water (100 ml) and rinse your mouth with the composition for a minute.

Caries is treated using this remedy: mix 20 drops of an aqueous solution of the substance with a pinch of soda. Brush your teeth with this mixture twice a day. After the procedure, it is not recommended to drink or eat food for 20 minutes.

Bleeding gums can be eliminated using the following remedy: mix 50 g of water and 2 tsp. H2O2 solution. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and lubricate the gums with driving movements. Carry out the procedure daily until complete healing.

Various recipes are used to whiten teeth:

  1. The simplest and most affordable way to whiten teeth with H2O2 is to rinse your mouth daily with a 3% solution of the substance. Place a few tablespoons of peroxide in your mouth and gargle for a minute. Then clean with water and brush your teeth.
  2. You can prepare a tooth whitening paste. To do this, mix 10 ml of the substance with 3 teaspoons of soda, a pinch of fine-grained salt and a small amount of toothpaste. Apply the resulting mixture to your teeth, leave for a few minutes, then rinse your mouth with water.
  3. To remove plaque from a small area of ​​a tooth, you need to dip a cotton swab in peroxide and wipe the problem area of ​​tooth enamel with it.

Cosmetology procedures

Hydrogen peroxide is also often used in cosmetology. Use in folk medicine involves curing acne, warts, enlarged pores, oily skin, and hyperpigmentation. In addition, the substance is used to whiten skin and bleach hair.

Rash, warts, boils are treated with lotions. For this procedure you will need the following medicinal composition: 2 tsp. Mix H2O2 solution with 50 ml of water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the affected areas of the body for half an hour.

To reduce the appearance of freckles, improve complexion, combat acne and other skin problems, you can dilute a peroxide solution in a 1:1 ratio with cosmetic tonic or milk and wipe the skin with the product twice a day.

To eliminate facial skin problems, therapeutic masks are made. For example, you can mix a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of aloe juice and 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply this mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The product will whiten the skin, relieve inflammation, and reduce the appearance of acne and acne.

To bleach excess hair on the body or face, you need to prepare the following product: add a couple of drops of ammonia and 20 drops of peroxide to a tablespoon of shaving cream. Apply the cream to the desired area, leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse. After the first procedure, the hairs will become discolored, and with regular use of this homemade depilatory cream, they will become thinner.

Oxygen baths

Hydrogen peroxide is used to relieve fatigue, reduce headaches and fight skin diseases. The use of a bath with hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine helps saturate the body with oxygen. In order to enjoy a session of this procedure, you will need 100 g of soda, 2 g of potassium permanganate and 200 ml of an aqueous solution of H2O2. Add all ingredients to a water-filled bath and mix thoroughly. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide: use in folk medicine. Consumer Reviews

As mentioned above, official medicine does not accept traditional methods of treatment using hydrogen peroxide. Incorrect dosage of this drug often leads to various kinds of diseases: from burns to malignant neoplasms. Doctors recommend using H2O2 in the form of an aqueous 3% solution for external use only. Taking the drug orally is prohibited.

However, among the people there are a large number of different recipes that help against many diseases. Numerous reviews indicate that peroxide effectively whitens teeth and helps with throat diseases and dental problems. Traditional medicine recommends hydrogen peroxide for the stomach, improving the condition of blood vessels, and accelerating metabolism.

We talked about the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide. The use of this substance in folk medicine is not always justified, useful and safe. To use folk remedies or give preference to official medicine is an individual choice. However, remember about the possible side reactions and consequences that may occur after taking such an active and aggressive substance for the body as hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide, peroxide, hydrogen peroxide is a universal colorless liquid substance, soluble in ether, alcohol and water (chemical formula H 2 O 2), with a metallic taste, decomposing into atomic oxygen and water, having redox properties. Peroxide in various concentrations is widely used in industry, medicine, cosmetology, everyday life, gardening, and vegetable gardening.

It is produced both in the form of aqueous solutions with concentrations from 1% to 98%, and in tablet form (solid clathrate with urea is called hydroperide, a thirty percent aqueous solution of peroxide with sodium phosphates to stabilize the formula is called perhydrol). Almost any first aid kit contains a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide - a proven and effective antiseptic, disinfectant, wound cleaner and other skin damage.

Never throw away expired peroxide bottles. The solution, of course, is no longer suitable for use for medical purposes, but for vegetable growing and household needs it is just right.

Use of hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes

Treatment of minor injuries as an antiseptic

The most common way to use hydrogen peroxide is to treat wounds, abrasions, minor scratches, nail plates and ridges after manicure and pedicure for disinfection purposes. A 3% solution destroys germs and bacteria that have entered the wound, sanitizes the surrounding tissue and accelerates the healing of damaged areas.

Treatment of purulent wounds of all types before introducing the main antiseptic into the cavity

Preliminary treatment with hydrogen peroxide of deep purulent wounds, swellings, phlegmons, the sanitation of which poses serious difficulties, is also effective.

Due to the formation of a large amount of foam upon contact with peroxidase (enzyme), a natural softening of pathological formations occurs: necrotic areas, blood clots, purulent accumulations, which are subsequently easily removed by introducing a basic (medicinal) antiseptic solution into the wound.

Cleaning the ears

Peroxide is often used to get rid of wax accumulated in the ear canals. For this purpose, drop 2-3 drops of 3% peroxide into each ear, wait 3 minutes, inject 1-2 drops of olive or sea buckthorn oil, hold for 1 minute and cleanse the softened wax with a cotton swab. Cotton swabs soaked in solution are inserted into the ears for various infectious and non-infectious diseases (use only after consultation with an otolaryngologist).

Rinsing the mouth and throat

Sore throat, gum problems, stomatitis, ulcers on the mucous membrane are treated by rinsing with the following solution: 15-20 ml of 3% peroxide per 100 ml of clean water.

Rinsing allows you to get rid of halitosis (unpleasant oral odor), due to the suppression of pathogenic microflora and the dissolution of food debris, as well as preventing the formation of plaque, which subsequently turns into stones on the teeth.

Dermatological diseases

There is a practice of treating eczema and psoriasis by treating the affected skin areas with 3% hydrogen peroxide twice a day. Opened ulcers or pimples are also wiped with peroxide.

Powerful antiseptic qualities make it possible to use peroxide to treat nail and skin fungus on the feet, hands and other places, as well as get rid of warts. Treatment with a 3% solution is carried out 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Some patients note a slowdown in the growth of birthmarks with regular lubrication with the composition.

Taking peroxide orally

One alternative medicine technique involves taking hydrogen peroxide internally to restore health without drugs. A key role in treatment is played by atomic oxygen released during decay. When additional oxygen enters the body, ongoing functions are normalized and the functionality of all organs and systems is restored.

According to experienced healers, hydrogen peroxide is effective for:

— neoplasms, including oncological ones;

- diseases of the vascular system and heart;

- allergies;

— viral pathologies, including all types of influenza.

The treatment method using hydrogen peroxide is described in detail in the works of a famous and popular Russian and is as follows:

  1. Reception begins only after measures to cleanse the intestines (colon hydrotherapy, therapeutic enemas, intake of sorbents, fiber and other methods of detoxification and release of accumulated metabolites and fecal debris).
  2. Treatment begins with 1 drop (3% pharmaceutical solution) in a quarter glass of purified water three times a day, always half an hour before main meals.
  3. Add 1 drop daily, thus arriving at a dosage of 10 k. three times a day on the tenth day.
  4. After a three-day break, the course is resumed, constantly taking 10 parts of peroxide three times a day, taking breaks of 2-3 days, depending on the state of the body, individual reaction and well-being.
  5. Remember that you can take no more than 10 k at a time, and the daily dose should never exceed 30 k.
  6. If any negative manifestations occur (dizziness, nausea, epigastric pain, burning, etc.), reduce the dose by half or discontinue treatment.
  7. During the period of taking peroxide, eat foods with a high content of ascorbic acid (rose hips, bell peppers, garlic, black currants, citrus fruits, leafy greens, etc.) or drink pharmaceutical complexes with vitamin C.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in cosmetology

Most often, peroxide is used to lighten hair and whiten teeth. Currently, there is a huge selection of more gentle hair dyes on sale, but the use of peroxide in hairdressing has still not lost its relevance. Remember that the composition partially destroys the structure of the curl shafts, so do not forget to actively use nourishing hair care products to soften the effect of perhydrol.

The effect of peroxide on tooth enamel is also unsafe. Penetrating into the deep layers of the tooth coating, peroxide can leave damage and destroy the enamel. You should not whiten your teeth if you have thin enamel or gum problems. There are a sufficient number of modern and safe products on sale.

For those who want to lighten their teeth and get rid of plaque and yellowness, the old-fashioned way, cheaply and effectively, experts recommend wiping them daily with a cotton swab soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide for no more than three weeks, then brushing them with regular paste/powder, after which rinse your mouth thoroughly for at least a minute.

A safer method of whitening, but not as effective, is rinsing with a peroxide solution after each brushing (20-22 drops per quarter glass of drinking water, rinse for at least two minutes, rinse with plain water).

The use of hydrogen peroxide in a summer cottage

Experienced gardeners always keep several bottles of hydrogen peroxide in their country house, actively using the solution not only to sanitize wounds and disinfect cuts, but also in the process of cultivating fruit and vegetable crops.

Firstly, peroxide successfully replaces traditional potassium permanganate, a solution of which is used to treat seed material for disinfection before planting in beds or seedlings. For sanitation, seeds are soaked for a quarter of an hour in a 10% peroxide solution or for an hour in 3%.

Also, treating planting material with peroxide is an effective procedure that activates growth processes and increases the immunity of all plants. Hard-germinating seeds of parsley, carrots, basil, petunia, beets, etc. soaked before sowing in the ground for a day in a peroxide solution (0.4%).

Secondly, iodine solution with the addition of hydrogen peroxide - prevention and control of late blight of nightshade crops. 2-3 weeks after planting tomato and eggplant seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse, systematic spraying of the plantings with the following solution begins: dilute 40 drops of alcoholic iodine tincture and a tablespoon of 3% peroxide in a standard bucket of water. The treatment is repeated at intervals of 12-14 days until the end of the growing season.

Thirdly, Thanks to the oxygen released, peroxide is indispensable for house plants. If you find that your green pets have slowed down, begun to fade, or do not bloom for a long time, then watering with a peroxide solution (20 ml per liter of settled water) will help.

First you need to remove faded inflorescences, dried, yellowed, wilted leaves and loosen the soil in the flowerpot. Watering is carried out three times with an interval of 5 days. Oxygen water for indoor flowers is a growth stimulator, prevention of root rot and disinfection of the soil.

Use of hydrogen peroxide for domestic purposes

The bleaching properties of peroxide are successfully used in the household. You can remove yellow stains from sweat or stubborn stains from white fabrics by pouring regular peroxide on the problem areas for 15-30 minutes, and then washing the product in the usual way.

Treating the bathroom, tiles and other places with peroxide eliminates not only yellowness and plaque, but also fungus, mold, and old stains.

Using 3-10% peroxide, kitchen work surfaces, cutting boards, trash cans, etc. are disinfected.

Carefully! Hydrogen peroxide itself is non-toxic, but contact with concentrated forms of the composition causes burns to the skin, mucous membranes or respiratory tract. Insufficiently purified peroxide in high concentrations is explosive. Ingestion of a 30% solution of perhydrol (from 50 to 100 ml) into the body leads to destructive changes, reminiscent of the action of alkali, and death.

We have collected the most popular and effective ways to use hydrogen peroxide, which will be useful to any thrifty housewife. Share this collection on social media. networks and do not forget about the cheap remedy at hand that can replace many expensive means and medications.



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