Neoplasm of the sebaceous glands. You are here: Sebaceous gland carcinoma of the eyelid Sebaceous gland carcinoma of the eyelid

Atheromas are usually called tumor-like formations that arise due to blockage of the sebaceous gland, although this class of tumors also includes other skin cysts of different etiologies. It is extremely rare, but skin atheroma can transform into a malignant tumor, so its timely diagnosis and treatment are very important for the patient’s health. In addition, skin atheromas can be quite painful and carry a risk of infection, and therefore require careful attention from a dermatologist.

Skin atheroma gets its name from the Greek words meaning “tumor” and “gruel”, since it is a rounded formation in the form of a capsule filled with a thick yellowish or white mass with an unpleasant odor. This mass is a protein called keratin, which is produced by the walls of the capsule. Skin atheroma is more common in middle-aged women, although it can also affect men. The reasons for its development have not yet been identified, although some scientists are inclined to the idea of ​​a hereditary predisposition.

Skin atheroma is considered a tumor-like formation, an epithelial cyst, which is formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland - its excretory duct. Depending on the histological structure, these can be retention, epidermal, trichylemmyal cysts, multiple steatocystomas, but in their clinical manifestations they are practically no different, and therefore they are all called skin atheromas.

Main symptoms of skin atheroma and possible complications

Most often, skin atheroma occurs on the scalp, face, back and neck, in the groin area - where there are a large number of sebaceous glands. Blockage of the sebaceous gland is rarely a single formation; usually there are multiple skin atheromas - there can be more than ten of them in one patient.

When visiting a doctor, patients complain of a tumor that has appeared under the skin, which can move under the finger and has a dense structure. The skin over the atheroma, as a rule, is not changed, but in case of inflammation it turns red, and if the formation grows rapidly, it becomes ulcerated, and the point where the sebaceous gland is blocked appears in the center.

Skin atheroma can remain small throughout life or begin to increase in size, be located under the skin or have an excretory duct on its surface.

Complications of the disease can occur when the focus of skin atheroma is injured, as well as when immunity is reduced, personal hygiene is not observed, and in patients with diabetes. In this case, atheroma suppurates, the skin turns red, swells, the inflammation site hurts and increases in size. If therapeutic measures are not taken on time, purulent inflammation can spread to surrounding tissues, and then the formation of abscesses and the development of phlegmon are likely. The festering cyst ruptures into the subcutaneous tissue. Such complications of sebaceous gland blockage often leave rough scars after treatment. In addition, with severe suppuration of the lesion, it is not always possible to completely remove the skin atheroma capsule, and this can further provoke relapses of the disease.

In order to prevent severe complications of skin atheroma, all inflamed elements need to be sanitized surgically - the abscesses are opened and drained. Sometimes, in order to cope with the consequences of inflammation, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Treatment of skin atheroma and features of postoperative rehabilitation

It is possible to treat skin atheroma only surgically, since the only way to get rid of a blockage of the sebaceous gland is to remove the entire tumor along with the capsule in which it is enclosed.

When removing skin atheroma, local anesthesia is performed, then an incision is made over the tumor, approximately 3-4 mm in size, through which either the entire tumor is removed without opening, or its contents are first removed and then the capsule itself (in this case, a minimal incision is needed). The incision is made along the lines of force and is closed with a cosmetic suture or plaster. Methods for removing skin atheroma using biopsy instruments are described - a round section of skin with a diameter of about 5 mm is removed above the atheroma and the capsule is removed, and then the wound is sutured.

Removal can be carried out either with a scalpel or using a radio wave knife or laser beam. In the case of radio wave and laser exposure, removal of skin atheroma occurs with little trauma, without bleeding (since the vessels are immediately sealed) and with a minimal risk of wound infection).

The result of the operation depends on whether the capsule is completely removed, whether the surgical technique is followed, whether the wound is closed correctly, as well as on the characteristics of the patient’s skin and his compliance with postoperative recommendations not to wet the wound for two days, treat it daily with an antiseptic, and protect it from injury.

The most rare malignant skin tumors include cancer of the sebaceous glands. This disease, dangerous and insidious in its symptoms, requires a special attitude and the ability to identify it in time in order to begin adequate and timely treatment.

It is generally accepted that the development of sebaceous gland cancer is caused by organ defects that occur in both men and women over the age of 50. The areas on the skin affected by the disease look like dense nodes with small ulcers, the diameter of which can be up to 50 mm. With cancer of the sebaceous glands in the eyelid area, metastases may occur, while in other places where the disease develops, metastases are extremely rare. Due to inadequate treatment of tumor formation, relapses of the disease may occur.

Sebaceous gland cancer has a lobular structure, where each lobule differs in size and shape. Each lobule is separated from each other by a connecting layer. The cells of the lobes are large and have unclear boundaries. Cell nuclei are elongated or oval. The center of the cell contains a large amount of neutral fat.

With the development of a tumor, the normal maturation of the sebaceous gland is disrupted, and the formation grows into surrounding tissues. Invasive growth may be indicated by the presence of individual tumor elements at a considerable distance from the central part of the tumor process. Unlike benign tumors, sebaceous gland cancer has a clear degree of differentiation of cells that have a regular shape and clear boundaries.

Carcinoma is one of the most common malignant tumors of the sebaceous gland. This pathology most often appears from the sebaceous gland of the eyelid, although it can also develop from other sebaceous glands. In most cases, carcinoma occurs on the neck and head.

According to statistics, carcinoma occurs in older women in the form of a painful, hardened, yellow-red nodule located on the surface of the upper eyelid. Often, carcinoma is mistaken for a malignant neoplasm, which causes late diagnosis of cancer.

A feature of carcinoma is its tendency to metastasize and recur. In almost a third of patients, carcinomas may recur after surgery. Metastases will appear in regional lymph nodes. In some cases, the tumor may grow into the eye socket.

When the disease is localized to the eye, an increase in tumor size and late diagnosis can lead to death. Carcinoma of the sebaceous gland of the lower eyelid area has a more favorable prognosis; however, when both eyelids are involved in the tumor process, there is also a high probability of mortality.

If sebaceous gland carcinoma is combined with malignant formations in the gastrointestinal tract, diagnosis and treatment require a special approach, since there is a risk of developing difficult-to-treat syndromes, in particular genodermatosis.

Treatment of sebaceous gland cancer is based on the use of a surgical method by removing the affected area and part of healthy tissue. Since there is a possibility of recurrence of sebaceous gland cancer after removal of the affected areas, so-called micrographic surgery is used. If patients refuse to undergo surgery or there are contraindications for anesthesia, radiotherapy may be used as an alternative. Chemotherapy is highly effective; however, as in the treatment of other types of cancer, it has a number of serious consequences for the body. Other methods are also used in the treatment of sebaceous gland cancer.

Due to the fact that the course of sebaceous gland cancer is aggressive, patients should be observed by an oncologist for several years, which will prevent the development of local relapses and distant metastasis.

Most often, 3 types of oncological pathology are found on the skin: basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer and melanoma (in descending order of frequency). There are also quite rare diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or Merkel carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma, carcinoma of the sebaceous glands, and others, which are countless.
About 40% to 50% of fair-skinned people who live over 65 years of age will develop at least one skin cancer. Learn to spot the early signs. Skin cancer can be cured if it is detected early and treatment is started.
Skin cancer can appear out of nowhere, or grow from precancerous skin lesions. Precancerous diseases are benign tumors that turn into cancer over time. In addition, there are a number of diseases that develop into melanoma and also have a characteristic appearance. Photos of precancerous diseases are mainly found in the article skin cancer initial stage.

On this page only the main types of skin cancer are mentioned and their photos are shown:

Basal cell skin cancer.

Basal cell skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) is the most common. Usually, it poses no danger. Since it is easy to treat, it grows for a long time, and practically does not metastasize. However, there are varieties of basal cell skin cancer (see photo) with blurred boundaries, unclear contours, and simply similar to completely different diseases. Due to their invisibility, they can gradually grow to very large sizes and penetrate the bones, ear, eye socket, cartilage, and nerves. It is often impossible to remove such basalioma. As you can see in the photo, skin cancer is of the basal cell variety and takes various forms. These can be light pearlescent or, as it were, cones made of wax. Often with a visible pattern of blood vessels. The ears, neck, and face are favorite places to appear. The tumors may appear as flat, scaly, flesh-colored or brown patches on the back or chest. Less commonly, in the form of a pale waxy scar.

The photo shows basal cell skin cancer of the superficial variety, initial stage. It has characteristic external features: slightly raised roller-shaped edges with a pearly sheen.

Basal cell skin cancer of the nodular variety. The photograph shows characteristic symptoms: dilated blood vessels, pearlescent shine, small bloody crusts.

Photo of basal cell skin cancer of the pigmented variety. It has dark spots, which makes it look like melanoma.

In the photo, skin cancer (second stage basal cell carcinoma) of the sclerosing variety looks like a scar. It is very dangerous due to its mild manifestations and inconspicuous course. And at the same time, it gives a large number of relapses and grows deeply.

Squamous cell skin cancer, photos, signs.

Squamous cell skin cancer can be similar to melanoma, especially non-pigmented melanoma.
The tumor is quite dangerous due to its high growth rate and the possibility of metastases. There may be various manifestations of highly differentiated and poorly differentiated cancer. Highly differentiated ones are treated better and grow longer. As can be seen in the photo, skin cancer with high differentiation often has horny masses on the surface, is denser, bleeds less often and practically does not hurt. The poorly differentiated one grows much faster, gives metastases and relapses more often, and is less treatable. In the photo, skin cancer with low differentiation looks like a bleeding node, sometimes with bloody, but not horny (yellow dense) crusts, soft to the touch.
The disease usually appears as a hard red nodule. Scales and crusts may appear on the surface of the tumor; it may hurt and bleed. Most often, as can be seen in the photo, squamous cell skin cancer appears on the nose, forehead, ears, lower lip, hands and other open areas of the body. The disease is completely curable if diagnosed and treated at an early stage. If the tumor is large, the effectiveness of treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer.

Squamous cell skin cancer in the photo (second stage). On the temporal region in the form of a weeping ulcer with a glassy surface. The outlines are uneven and unclear. Individual bloody crusts are visible.

Multiple well-differentiated skin cancer with yellow horny crusts. Firm to the touch. Doesn't grow as fast. Usually develops from actinic keratosis.

The photograph shows a dense focus of squamous cell skin cancer on the lower leg. In appearance it resembles a keratoacanthoma. The crusts on the surface have signs of being horny and bloody at the same time.

In the photo there are two types of skin cancer: early-stage basal cell carcinoma on the nose and squamous cell carcinoma on the left cheek. There is a scar on the back of the nose from previous surgical treatment.

Warty carcinoma.

Verrucous carcinoma is a special type of squamous cell skin cancer (see photo). It is characterized by slow growth and rarely metastasizes. Unlike classic squamous cell carcinoma, sunlight is not considered to be the main cause. But the influence of the human papillomavirus is more pronounced. Three variants of the disease have been described, associated with anatomical regions: florescent oral papillomatosis in the oral cavity, Buschke-Loewenstein tumor in the genital area and anus, and plantar verrucous carcinoma (carcinoma cuniculatum) on the surface of the palms and soles.
Plantar verrucous carcinoma is the most common warty type of squamous cell skin cancer. In photos and in life, it usually affects the plantar surface of the feet and hands. Often found in older men. The initial lesion in the form of a nodule with a horny surface is very similar to a plantar wart. In this regard, the correct diagnosis is not made immediately. Possible growth into underlying tissues, including tendons, muscles, and bones in later stages.

Warty carcinoma of the lower third of the leg and foot of the third stage. Papillary growths with a large number of yellow horny crusts are visible. Grows relatively slowly.

Plantar verrucous carcinoma. The diagnosis was not established at the initial stage due to its strong similarity to a wart.

Melanoma of the skin. Not cancer, but worse.

The worst prognosis is melanoma. Many tales and urban legends about the dangers of removing moles are associated with it. You can die even from a very small tumor, due to the high probability of metastases, even after timely surgical removal (and any treatment). Among skin cancers, melanoma is the third most common cancer. There are several types of moles that develop into melanoma. There is also a group of early forms of melanoma, some of which last for many years. More details about the precursors of melanoma, including in the photo - early signs of skin cancer. Possible signs of melanoma include a change in the appearance of the mole or the uniformity of its coloring. It is necessary to consult a doctor (oncologist, dermatologist, surgeon) if a mole changes its size, shape or color, has uneven edges, irregular shape, itches, oozes, or bleeds.

Nodular melanoma has a glossy sheen and a central raised area, unlike the pigmented variety of basal cell skin cancer. In the photo it also looks like an injured angioma.

Superficial skin melanoma. It has uneven coloring and unclear contours. In appearance it is almost indistinguishable from a dysplastic nevus. Any skin growths like this should be removed.

Merkel cell carcinoma.

Merkel cell carcinoma is also known as neuroendocrine skin cancer. This is a rare and very aggressive neoplasm that arises from Merkel cells. Merkel cells in the skin perceive pressure and touch, being mechanoreceptors. The Merkel cell polyoma virus (not papilloma!) makes a certain contribution to the development of malignancy of this type.
The tumor appears as a violet or flesh-colored lump in the skin (see photo). Skin cancer grows quickly, rising above its surface, and is painless when pressed. At the same time, there are no ulcers or erosions on the surface of Merkel cell carcinoma. Only large tumors develop ulceration.

Merkel cell carcinoma. Skin cancer from mechanoreceptors. In this photo it looks like a red bump with uneven coloring and small crusts on the surface.

Kaposi's sarcoma on the skin.

Kaposi's sarcoma is a malignant tumor characterized by multifocal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, which may be accompanied by germination into blood vessels. This is the most common sarcoma (not cancer) of the skin. Endothelial cells of lymphatic vessels, smooth muscles of the vascular wall and dendritic cells of the skin are the source of tumors. Herpes viruses type 8 and immunodeficiency play an important role in the development of neoplasms. Kaposi's sarcoma has various external manifestations with varying incidence throughout the world. Most often it looks like purple plaques, papules, nodules, multiple. Typically, the disease begins with damage to the legs and is often combined with similar rashes on the oral mucosa (see photo). Although it is not classified as skin cancer, this does not make it a minor disease.

Kaposi's sarcoma in the form of many purple-violet rashes, growths, small bumps on the back of the foot.

Photograph of Kaposi's sarcoma, which appears as many tiny papules and small nodules on the plantar surface of the foot.

Cancer of the sebaceous glands (seborrheic carcinoma).

Seborrheic carcinoma is a rare skin cancer that arises from the sebaceous glands. This is a rather dangerous tumor with aggressive biological behavior. Most often it appears on the eyelids, scalp, face, where the sebaceous glands are numerous. However, this type of skin cancer can appear almost anywhere. Seborrheic eyelid carcinoma develops from altered sebaceous glands called Meibomian glands. Rarely can it develop from a seborrheic nevus. Due to its similarity to diseases such as chalazion or chronic conjunctivitis, the diagnosis may be delayed. This skin cancer (photo below) appears as a yellow or pink lump or lump with dilated blood vessels. The tumor grows slowly and over time turns into large masses with an ulcerated surface and bleeds easily.

The photo shows skin cancer from the sebaceous glands (seborrheic carcinoma). It appears as a red node on the upper eyelid, dense, almost painless. Rarely seen.

Src="" alt=">Cancer of the sweat and sebaceous glands">!}

Src="" alt="> Structure of the sweat gland Each sweat gland consists of a terminal part ( pars"> Строение потовой железы Каждая потовая железа состоит из концевой части (pars terminalis), или тела, и потового протока (ductus sudoriferus), открывающегося наружу потовой порой (porus sudoriferus).!}

Src="" alt="> Apocrine glands Ecrine glands Localization:"> Апокринные железы Экринные железы Локализация: подмышечная область, область лобка везде, кроме губ и некоторых участков кожа мошонки, больших половых губ, половых органов (головки и внутренней промежности, ареола (монтгомеровы поверх ности крайней плоти полового железы), ресничные (моллевские) члена, клитора и малых половых губ); железы, расположенные в веках у больше всего желез находится на ресниц, преддверные железы ладонях и подошвах. носа, железы наружного слухового прохода. выработка секрета, который, придает играют значительную роль в коже определенный запах терморегуляции частичное разрушение железистых клетки полностью сохраняют свою клеток во время секреции структуру во время секреции начинают функционировать в период полового созревания, ф-я усиливается в период беременности, лактации, а в климактерическом периоде функция этих желез угасает, железы!}

Src="" alt="> Tumors of the sweat glands Benign tumors 1) syringoadenoma - a tumor in in the form of a plaque"> Опухоли потовых желез Доброкачественные опухоли 1) сирингоаденома- опухоль в виде бляшки с бородавчатой поверхностью, исходящую из потовых протоков и эмбриональных зачатков потовой железы; 2) гидраденома- опухоль с железистой дифференцировкой и выраженной секрецией опухолевых клеток, развивающуюся из железистых трубочек (различают сосочковую, светлоклеточную и другие разновидности гидраденомы); 3) эккринную спираденома - опухоль в виде единичного плотного узелка, исходящую из концевой части потовой железы; 4) цилиндрома кожи с железистой дифференцировкой - редкая опухоль, развивающуюся из эккринных и особенно часто апокринных потовых желез и их эмбриональных зачатков в виде полушаровидных узлов различных размеров, сливающихся в сплошные узловатые разрастания; 5) эккринная порома - также редкая опухоль, связанную с внутриэпидермальным отделом потового протока и локализующуюся обычно на подошвах в виде плотного образования розоватого цвета; 6) базалиома (аденоидная), развиваюется из потовых желез и характеризующуется железистой дифференцировкой.!}

Src="" alt=">Syringoadenoma">!}

Src="" alt=">Syringoadenoma">!}

Src="" alt=">Syringoadenoma">!}

Src="" alt=">Hidradenoma">!}

Src="" alt=">Hidradenoma">!}

Src="" alt=">Acrine spiradenoma">!}

Src="" alt="> Skin cylinder with glandular differentiation. synonym: turban tumor, Spiegler's tumor, hyalinized trichobasal cell carcinoma">!}

Src="" alt=">Screen poroma">!}

Src="" alt="> Sweat gland cancer This group includes quite diverse morphological"> Рак потовой железы В эту группу включены довольно разнообразные по морфологическому строению новообразования, так как источником их роста могут быть различные в функциональном отношении элементы эккринной и апокринной потовой железы, а также их эмбриональные зачатки, находящиеся в той или иной стадии дифференцировки.!}

Src="" alt="> 1) An eccrine poroma arises from the intraepidermal part of the sweat gland duct - solid,"> 1) Из внутриэпидермальной части протока потовой железы возникает эккринная порома - солидная, состоящая из базалоидных клеток опухоль. 2) протоковая часть потовой железы источник роста сосочковых сирингоаденом и сирингоэпителиом, имеющих в основном солидное строение из клеток типа плоскоэпителиальных. 3) Из секреторной части, (эпителий с эккринной или апокринной секрецией) развиваются сосочковая гидроаденома и ее злокачественный аналог. Эккринная потовая железа служит источником роста эккринной спираденомы. Апокринная потовая железа – гидроаденома. Особое место среди опухолей потовой железы занимают новообразования, в которых имеется дифференцировка в направлении протока или секретирующих клеток (сирингогидроаденома). Более того, встречаются опухоли, состоящие из структур, свойственных и спираденоме (элементы эккринной потовой железы), и гидроаденоме (апокринной потовой железы).!}

Src="" alt=">Malignant eccrine poroma is formed from the intraepidermal part of the sweat gland duct middle age"> Злокачественная эккринная порома образуется из внутриэпидермальной части протока потовой железы средний возраст пациентов 67 лет одинаково часто у мужчин и женщин В 45 % случаев локализация опухоли на коже нижних конечностей Клиническое течение сопровождается рецидивированием и метастазированием.!}

Src="" alt="> Malignant nodular hydradenoma Malignant nodular hydradenoma (syn.: malignant"> Злокачественная нодулярная гидроаденома Злокачественная нодулярная гидроаденома (син. : злокачественная светлоклеточная гидраденома, злокачественная эккринная акроспирома, светлоклеточная папиллярная карцинома, гидроаденокарцинома, эккринная акроспирома, сирингоэпителиома, солидно-кистозная гидраденома, эккринная аденома светлоклеточного типа)- редкая придатковая опухоль с эккринной протоковой и секреторной дифференцировкой, включающей светлоклеточный компонент. Встречается, главным образом, у пожилыхлюдей обоего пола. Часто метастазирует. Как и другие злокачественные опухоли потовых желез, имеет свой доброкачественный аналог. Однако, в отличие от доброкачественной гидроаденомы, данное новообразование характеризуется наличием узлов различных размеров, глубоким инфильтрирующим ростом, увеличением митотической активности, ядерным полиморфизмом и иногда инвазией кровеносных и лимфатических капилляров.!}

Src="" alt=">Hydroadenocarcinoma">!}

Src="" alt="> Malignant hidradenoma of the vulva is a rare tumor that differs from its benign counterpart invasion"> Злокачественная гидраденома вульвы - редчайшая опухоль, отличающаяся от доброкачественного аналога инвазией и железисто-сосочковым строением паренхимы, комплексы которой имеют многослойно-многорядный эпителий. аденоид-кистозный рак, слизистый рак (муцинозная карцинома), злокачественную смешанную опухоль, цилиндрокарциному, пальцевую сосочковую аденокарциному экстрамаммарную форму болезни Педжета, Последняя форма имеет сходство с карциномой Педжета молочной железы.!}

Src="" alt="> Sclerosing sweat gland duct carcinoma (syn.: syringomatous carcinoma , microcystic"> Склерозирующая карцинома протоков потовых желез (син. : сирингоматозная карцинома, микрокистозная придатковая карцинома) - новообразование низкой степени злокачественности, состоящее из сирингоматозных структур, инфильтрирующих дерму. Склерозирующий рак протоков потовых желез развивается у взрослых на голове и шее, главным образом, на лице, но может встречаться и на туловище. Клинически склерозирующий рак протоков потовых желез проявляется уплотненным солитарным узлом желтовато-розового цвета, с гладкой поверхностью и телеангиэктазиями; иногда на поверхности опухоли обнаруживают шелушение, трещины, участки атрофии; изъязвление наступает редко. Опухоль плохо отграничена от окружающих тканей и малоподвижна.!}

Src="" alt=">Malignant cylindroma is a rare malignant tumor of the skin of eccrine and apocrine sweat"> Злокачественная цилиндрома - редкая злокачественная опухоль кожи из эккринных и апокринньгх потовых желез. Обычно возникает вследствие злокачественной трансформации солитарной или множественной цилиндромы и лишь иногда de novo.!}

Src="" alt="> Patient B., diagnosis:"> Больная Б. , диагноз: "Злокачественная цилиндрома, вторичный отек лица, шеи" (состояние после безуспешного комбинированного лечения)!}

Src="" alt=">Cancer of apocrine sweat glands The following types are distinguished: ductopapillary apocrine adenocarcinoma , papillary"> Рак апокринных потовых желез Выделяют следующие разновидности: дуктопапиллярную апокринную аденокарциному, папиллярную апокринную гидроаденокарциному (злокачественную сосочковую гидраденому), первичный перстневидно-клеточный рак кожи экстрамаммарная болезнь Педжета.!}

Src="" alt="> The diagnosis of cancer of the apocrine sweat glands is established based on the results of histological examination ."> Диагноз рака апокринных потовых желез устанавливается на основании результатов гистологического исследования. Основные трудности гистологической диагностики заключаются в различии между раком апокринных и раком эккринных потовых желез, при этом следует учитывать локализацию, гистологические и иммуногистохимические характеристики опухолей, особенности их течения, тип секреции и т. д. Классификации отдельных опухолей помогают данные энзимной гистохимии, иммуногистохимии и электронной микроскопии.!}

Src="" alt=">papillary apocrine hydradenocarcinoma">!}

Src="" alt="> Sebaceous glands with a holocrine type of secretion; secrete a fatty secretion."> Сальные железы с голокриновым типом секреции; выделяют жирный секрет. Развиваются из эпителия волосяных фолликулов открываются в сумки волос. выделяют кожное сало (бактерицидная защита)!}

Src="" alt="> Structure of the sebaceous gland The sebaceous gland has the appearance of a bag. A layer is visible cells lying"> Строение сальной железы Сальная железа имеет вид мешка. Виден слой клеток, лежащих на базальной мембране по краям железы. Клетки теряют свою структуру, их остатки выходят через проток железы Условные обозначения 1 - эпителиальные клетки на базальной мембране. 2 - превращение клеток-себоцитов в полости, наполненные секретом сальных желез (кожным салом). 3 - проток и устье железы!}

Src="" alt="> Sebaceous gland cells - sebocytes (histological preparation). Visible differences between cells"> Клетки сальной железы - себоциты (гистологический препарат). Видны отличия клеток по краям сальной железы и разные стадии их превращения в поости с кожным салом (увеличение в размерах, потеря ядра). Условные обозначения 1 - эпителиальные клетки на базальной мембране. 2 - превращение клеток- себоцитов в полости, наполненные секретом сальных желез (кожным салом). 3 - проток и устье железы!}

Src="" alt="> Microspecimen of the skin with a sebaceous gland and follicle located in it"> Микропрепарат кожи с расположенными в ней сальной железой и фолликулом волоса: 1 - фолликул волоса; 2 - выводной проток сальной железы; 3 - мешочек сальной железы, заполненный секретом; 4 - ростковый слой клеток сальной железы; 5 - мышца- подниматель волоса; окраска гематоксилином и эозином; × 80.!}

Src="" alt="> Benign tumor of the sebaceous gland - true adenoma of the sebaceous gland; observed rare in adults"> Доброкачественная опухоль сальной железы -истинная аденома сальной железы; наблюдается редко у взрослых и лиц пожилого возраста в виде плотного округлого, чаще единичного узелка на лице или спине, является инкапсулированной органоидной опухолью дольчатого строения. Злокачественная опухоль рак сальной железы. - редкая разновидность эпителиальной злокачественной опухоли, развивающаяся чаще из желез хряща век - мейбомиевых желез.!}

Src="" alt="> Adenoma of the sebaceous glands is a rather rare benign neoplasm (it should"> Аденома сальных желез - довольно редкое доброкачественное новообразование (его следует отличать от «аденомы сальных желез Прингла, которую тот описал как часть комбинированного аутосомно-доминантного заболевания детей). Проявляется у пожилых мужчин в виде подкожного желтоватого узелка дольчатого строения. Локализация: лицо, волосистая часть головы!}

Src="" alt=">Pringle-Bourneville disease">!}

Src="" alt="> Sebozoal carcinoma (syn.: sebaceous gland cancer) - rare malignant tumor,"> Себоцейная карцинома (син. : рак сальных желез) - редкая злокачественная опухоль, гистогенетически связанная с неизмененными сальными железами, пороками их развития и аденомами. Этиология рака сальных желез неизвестна.!}

Src="" alt=">Seborrheic carcinoma">!}

Src="" alt=">Thank you for your attention!">!}

Carcinoma or cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the epithelial tissue of various internal organs and skin. The name of the disease comes from two ancient Greek words: “καρκίνος” - crab and “ὄγκωμα” - tumor. It is called that because its appearance really resembles a crab, which is clearly visible in various photos. This is what the disease looks like in its latent initial stage, when the main signs of cancer are not yet visible.

What is carcinoma, what is the ICD-10 code for the disease? How does the disease develop? Is it possible to cure cancer at home? People who are faced with this terrible disease for the first time ask many questions. There are various myths surrounding this disease, and how to distinguish truth from lies in this case. In this article we will try to define and describe carcinoma, tell what types of cancer there are, what are the probable causes of its occurrence, how to diagnose and how to treat the disease.

Carcinoma and its varieties

Carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that affects cells of the mucous membranes, skin and internal organs. All malignant tumors are formed according to the same principle. The layers of epithelium covering the internal organs and skin are constantly renewed, that is, continuous cell division occurs. Any, even the most minor, failure in this process can lead to mutation at the genetic level. Next, a new growth may arise from the mutated cells, growing dynamically, occupying all available space and affecting healthy tissue.

At the next stage, the mutated epithelium spreads through the blood and lymph to other internal organs and the formation of new tumor foci there, largely distant from the primary source - metastasis.

A malignant tumor grows much faster than a benign one and can significantly increase in volume in a short time.

Carcinoma is considered one of the most common cancers. And the criteria for its danger directly depend on the type of tumor, stage of development and a number of other reasons.

Carcinoma is classified depending on which structural cellular elements it developed from. When cells in contact with the external environment mutate, squamous or cellular carcinoma occurs - a tumor that consists of multilayered epithelium. In turn, squamous cell carcinoma can be keratinizing, in which the affected cells die, forming a characteristic yellow crust on the surface of the tumor, and non-keratinizing.

Non-keratinizing cancer, or carcinoma without keratinization, is an accumulation of undifferentiated tissue, which leads to rapid tumor development, aggressive course of the disease and active metastasis. This form of cancer is considered the most malignant of all squamous cell oncologies.

Carcinoma that developed from the epithelial layers of glandular tissues (breast, salivary, bronchial glands, prostate) was called adenocarcinoma or glandular cancer.

There is also transitional cell carcinoma, a tumor that develops from transitional epithelial cells.

Classification of the tumor according to the degree of differentiation is as follows:

  • highly differentiated (G1);
  • moderately differentiated (G2);
  • low-grade (G3);
  • undifferentiated (G4);

The most dangerous of them are undifferentiated formations, since it is almost impossible to identify whether a tumor belongs to any tissue. They have a high degree of malignancy, in other words, this means that such formations have the ability to quickly form metastases.

These include trabecular type cancer, most often called solid cancer and is a form of undifferentiated carcinoma with pronounced cell atypia.

Glandular squamous cell oncology develops on those organs that, in addition to the mucous membrane, also have a glandular network. Such a tumor most often affects the uterine or pulmonary tissues of the body, progresses rapidly and rarely has a favorable prognosis.

There are also invasive and intraepithelial forms of cancer. Invasive cancer is distinguished from other types by the active and rapid growth of a tumor that affects neighboring organs, tissues and lymph nodes. With the intraepithelial variety, the lesion is localized in one of the organs without affecting other tissues.

Based on their structure, the following types of cancer are distinguished:

  • medullary carcinoma, which is characterized by a predominance of cancer cells in the tumor - parenchyma;
  • fibrous carcinoma, in which connective tissue cells predominate - stroma;
  • simple carcinoma, where stroma and parenchyma are in extremely equal proportions.

Squamous carcinoma is a type of squamous cell carcinoma, which is characterized by the development of a tumor process in the upper layers of the epithelium, caused by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or in a solarium. That is, in most cases, such cancer is formed due to excessive exposure of skin cells to ultraviolet radiation.

There are other types of carcinomas:

  • odontogenic – developing from the epithelium that forms tooth enamel;
  • verrucous - developing from epithelial cells of the upper epidermis;
  • mucoepidermoid - developing from the epithelial cells of the excretory ducts of the salivary glands;
  • mucinous – primary carcinoma of the sweat glands.

The above classification does not cover all possible types of carcinomas. Many of them are divided into several types, depending on the characteristic features, location of the tumor, degree of malignancy and other indicators.

Organs affected by carcinoma

Carcinomas according to localization are divided into the following categories:

  • primary;
  • secondary or metastatic.

Primary type carcinoma is usually localized in an organ affected by mutated cells. If the tumor has developed as a result of movement (metastasis) of the affected cells to other internal organs, then we are talking about secondary carcinoma.

With secondary formation, the following internal organs are most often affected:

  • bones;
  • lungs;
  • joints;
  • liver;
  • brain;
  • leather;
  • peritoneal carcinomatosis;
  • adrenal glands;
  • bladder.

Primary carcinoma is most often localized in the abdominal cavity, in the mouth, in the mediastinal organs, in the male and female genital organs, sebaceous glands, on the skin and other internal organs.

Let's look at the most famous and most common diseases.

Clear cell renal carcinoma is one of the most common cancers. It manifests itself to a greater extent in men over the age of fifty. This tumor is diagnosed fairly quickly and often has a favorable prognosis.

The most common cancers in women are glandular carcinoma of the breast and uterine cancer. Breast carcinoma originates from the epithelial cells of the organ and begins in the milk ducts. Next, the nipple and peripapillary area are affected. A rare and aggressive form of this cancer is inflammatory, the main signs of which are redness and swelling of the breast. There are invasive and non-invasive forms of this disease. Invasive, in turn, is divided into:

  • ductal;
  • lobular;
  • tubular.

Uterine cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the epithelial cells of the uterus, otherwise called endometrial carcinoma, or from the walls of the uterus - carcinoma of the uterine body. The most common form of endometrial cancer is adenocarcinoma.

Less common:

  • serous carcinoma;
  • clear cell;
  • papillary carcinoma.

One of the most common types of skin cancer is squamous carcinoma, which is characterized by a change in an existing lesion or the appearance of a new lesion: a mole, blister, pigment spot or growth. Most often, such a tumor is localized in the neck, on the face, and affects the arms and hands. But it can also develop on any other part of the body.

Oral squamous cell carcinoma can affect the lips, mouth, and throat. Cancer of the hard and soft palate also occurs. Most often it manifests itself as swelling of the lower jaw, outer soft tissues of the lips, pain in the parotid area, numbness in the mouth and abnormal bleeding.

Stomach cancer is a very common cancer, especially among the male population. The area of ​​its localization is the gastric mucosa

Other types of cancer include:

  • cancer of the papilla of Vater – localized in the area of ​​the bile ducts;
  • basal cell carcinoma, better known as eyelid cancer, most often affecting the lower eyelids and inner corners of the eye;
  • meibomian gland cancer, usually located in the upper part of the eye;
  • squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, which includes malignant neoplasms of the nasopharynx, larynx, oral cavity and others;
  • tonsil carcinoma - a tumor that develops in the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx;
  • cancer of the peritoneum and retroperitoneal space, most often forming in the abdomen.

There are also types of the disease such as tooth cancer, bone marrow cancer, pelvic cancer, spinal bone cancer, spleen cancer, heart cancer and even appendix cancer.

Causes of the disease

It is quite difficult to accurately determine the factors influencing the occurrence of such a disease. Patients with low resistance to cancer cells are most likely to develop and develop cancer.

The following possible causes also lead to the occurrence of malignant neoplasms:

  • radioactive exposure;
  • aggressive impact of the environmental environment;
  • abuse of ultraviolet radiation;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • predisposition to bad habits;
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system;
  • infectious lesions of HIV or HPV;
  • occupational hazard;
  • age characteristics;
  • unhealthy diet.

There are also psychological and spiritual reasons for this disease.

At risk are those who like to soak up the hot sun or regulars of solariums, especially those with fair skin, workers in the metallurgical industry, miners, residents of large cities, as well as people suffering from alcoholism and nicotine addiction.

Patients who live near industrial facilities are more susceptible to the occurrence of cancer, since industry contains carcinogens that cause cancer, people employed in nuclear production, and people who abuse X-rays and other radiation when diagnosing the body.

Main signs of the disease

Symptoms of carcinoma depend on many different factors: the location of the tumor, the presence of metastases, as well as the growth rate of the tumor and the severity of the disease.

The main signs characteristic of the manifestation of cancer can be described as follows:

  • modification of the skin in a localized area in the form of an ever-increasing swelling with a rim of pronounced hyperemia of the skin;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • voice change;
  • dry spasmodic cough;
  • difficulty passing food through the esophagus;
  • pain in the abdomen or chest;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • severe weight loss;
  • general weakness of the body not motivated by anything.

Other symptoms include increased body temperature, unpleasant taste and smell in the mouth, breast hardening, bloody discharge from the nipple, difficulty urinating, and bloody discharge from the bladder.

The clinical picture of the disease becomes most striking after the tumor has metastasized.

Course of the disease

The course and development of cancer can be divided into several stages:

  • zero or initial stage, which is characterized by the absence of a primary tumor and metastasis;
  • first stage - characterized by the presence of a tumor up to five centimeters in size and the absence of metastases;
  • second stage – there are still no metastases, the tumor increases in size and can grow into nearby organs;
  • third stage – characterized by the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes and a primary tumor of any size;
  • the fourth or last stage, which is characterized by the presence of metastases in other internal organs, while metastasis in the lymph nodes may be absent, and the tumor itself can be of any size and grow into neighboring tissues.

The early stage of the disease usually goes unnoticed. It is characterized by modification and uncontrolled cell division, their gradual transformation into cancer cells. The chance of cure in the early stages of the disease is usually ninety to one hundred percent.

As the disease progresses, the patient's chances of recovery decrease significantly. Severe stages of oncology are characterized by the predominance of metastases in the lymph nodes and other organs, tumor growth into nearby tissues and organs. Cancer at the last stage is almost impossible to cure. In such cases, a successful operation to destroy the primary tumor does not provide any guarantees to the patient, since distant metastases will gradually burn the person drop by drop.

Even the third stage of such a disease already has scanty chances of success. The life expectancy of a patient with stage 3 carcinoma depends entirely on the degree of damage caused by the tumor.

With stage IV cancer, even after removal of the primary malignant tumor, the patient’s death occurs in almost one hundred percent of cases. They die in the last stages of cancer within a few years.

Diagnosis of cancer

Diagnosis of cancer includes various examination methods that help make the correct diagnosis, such as:

  • palpation, initial examination and other physical examination methods;
  • PET – positron emission tomography;
  • endoscopic diagnostics, including endoscopy, and other methods;
  • blood test for tumor markers that determine the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • biopsy and subsequent morphological and histological studies;
  • computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • laboratory diagnostics: general and clinical blood tests, biochemical analysis;
  • Ultrasound of various internal organs;
  • molecular diagnostics or genetic DNA test;
  • biochip for rapid cancer diagnostics.

The SCC antigen is one of the markers, the norm of which in the blood is 1.5 ng/ml. An excess of such a tumor marker indicates that the patient has a very high probability of cancer. In such cases, the patient must be x-rayed and sent for a computed tomography scan and endoscopic examination to identify the lesion.

Innovative technologies do not stand still. All over the world they are struggling with the consequences of this problem. The newest and most successful method is a biochip for diagnosing cancer. This procedure will take little time, about an hour and a half. This method makes it possible to detect cancer even at an early stage.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of cancer involves the use of various therapy methods:

  1. Radiation therapy, which involves exposure to gamma rays as treatment.
  2. Surgical intervention, which is aimed at removing the primary tumor and metastatic structures. However, in such cases, relapse occurs quite often.
  3. Chemotherapy, which uses anticancer drugs, hormonal or antihormonal drugs, immune and enzyme drugs, and other drugs that destroy cancer cells or slow their growth and development. Most often used in the later stages of the disease.

The best modern therapy for carcinoma today is complex therapy, which includes all of the above methods.

If a small tumor is present, surgery is usually prescribed to remove the tumor, followed by a prophylactic course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

A large, inoperable tumor is usually treated with radiation to shrink the tumor so that the tumor may disintegrate, followed by a course of chemotherapy against the remaining cancer cells.

Consequences of the disease

Oncological diseases, if promptly sought help from specialists, respond well to treatment and have a high chance of full recovery.

But in advanced stages, even after professional treatment, oncology is quite dangerous and entails unpleasant and serious consequences, which include:

  • anatomical inferiority;
  • disability;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • dysfunction of the organ affected by the disease;
  • infertility;
  • psychological trauma;
  • physical and emotional exhaustion of the entire human body.

In the initial stages, after cessation of treatment, patient survival is quite high. In the last stages of the disease, a stable remission usually occurs, during which the cancer enters the chronic stage, sometimes causing relapses that require prolongation of therapy. No one can predict when and how this will happen. In some cases, they even talk about spontaneous remission, when the tumor disappears on its own, without any treatment. But even with long-term remission, patients live a normal life, and once every six months they have to visit and take tests to detect cancer cells.

Preventive measures for oncology

General prevention of carcinoma includes the use of medications, treatment with traditional medicine methods, proper nutrition and other measures.

There are primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of the disease. Primary includes changes in diet and lifestyle. It is aimed at eliminating contact with carcinogenic substances. Secondary is a complex of examinations aimed at identifying and eliminating the disease. Tertiary treatment is aimed at preventing relapses of the disease and the return of the disease in cured patients.

To avoid recurrent disease, alternative medicine suggests taking vitamins, as well as the little-known medicine ASD, along with traditional treatment of the disease. But it should immediately be clarified that alternative treatment methods cannot replace professional therapy and they will not be able to completely cure diseases.

Often, in order to prevent cancer, folk remedies are used, which include various medicinal plants, herbs and infusions. Most often used for this are chaga mushroom, hemlock and. To prevent and treat the disease, it is recommended to drink a tincture of such herbs, use, or rather its solution, and other traditional medicine.

For preventive purposes, medications are often used: Metformin, Ibuprofen and regular Aspirin. These pills help strengthen the immune system and also stop the growth of cancer cells.

As a preventive measure for the treatment of cancer-dependent patients, a cancer vaccination is used - the William Coley vaccine, or its Japanese analogue Picibanil. This medicine causes the activation of killer cells in the human body, attacking cells affected by the disease, and also promotes the production of cytokines.

A cancer diet should contain mostly vegetables, and only one-third of the diet should be protein foods. In the fight against cancer, ordinary foods are quite effective, helping to increase immunity, having antidepressant effects and stopping the development of cancer cells. These products include: onions and brown algae, fruit seeds and nuts, tomatoes, fish, Japanese and Chinese mushrooms, eggs, berries and citrus fruits, and black tea. If you eat such foods daily, the risk of developing the disease is significantly reduced.

Is the disease transmitted?

Carcinoma is a dangerous and fatal disease, so many patients are interested in the question: is cancer inherited and is it contagious?

Official medicine does not consider carcinoma a disease that can be infected, and it is certainly not transmitted by contact. Therefore, it is impossible to contract cancer from a sick person.

However, there is a hereditary predisposition for this disease. This means that some types of cancer can be inherited by offspring: leukemia, retinoblastoma and others. Be that as it may, if someone in the family has cancer, then other family members are at risk, which means they need to be vigilant and take measures to avoid such a disease. This applies to both adults and children.

In conclusion

Cancer is a serious disease caused by the development of a malignant tumor that affects the skin or various internal organs. Although this is a dangerous and fatal disease, timely contact with an oncologist and qualified therapy significantly increase the chances of recovery, and carcinoma detected in the early stages almost always leads to a complete cure.



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