Thigh lift methods. How is hip surgery performed?

Every woman wants to have smooth and slender legs so that men will turn around in admiration after her. However, in reality it often happens that the legs are not so slender. The inner side of the thighs especially suffers, since in ordinary life this part of the muscles is practically not used, which often leads to various cosmetic defects. Now you can make your legs beautiful again by lifting the inner thighs.

What is a thigh lift

The operation, the purpose of which is to remove folds of sagging skin and excess fat, as well as to reduce the volume of the inner thighs, is called a thigh lift.

Causes of defects

The appearance of hip defects can be caused by several reasons:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • features of the body constitution;
  • childbirth;
  • natural aging of the body;
  • unsuccessful liposuction (after removing a large amount of fat, the skin did not shrink).

Methods for tightening the skin on the thighs without surgery

Surgery is a serious step. First, you should try to correct the situation using non-surgical methods:

  • Wearing low-heeled shoes and loose clothing is necessary for the proper functioning of peripheral circulation.
  • Wear special clothing made from fabric impregnated with anti-cellulite solution for 1-2 hours a day. It heals the skin and improves the silhouette. It should be remembered that clothes must be of the appropriate size.
  • If your health allows, visit the bathhouse or sauna once a month, or preferably once a week. When using a broom, lie on your side and work the area of ​​the hips and buttocks.
  • Strengthen muscles through massage, self-massage and exercise. It should be remembered that the inner side of the thigh has very delicate skin, on which bruises and spider veins can easily appear.

  • Use honey pats, for which you lubricate problem areas with honey and lightly pat. (The direction of movement should be from the knees to the groin).
  • Avoid a static position; when working sedentary, use anti-cellulite gel.
  • Help improve blood circulation through the use of a contrast shower.
  • Stimulate the muscles and skin by rubbing the thighs for 2-3 minutes with a piece of ice.
  • Use massage mittens and massage brushes to irritate nerve fibers and improve skin turgor. It is better to do this while lathering in the shower.
  • Make mud masks and wraps using seafood.
  • Take a body wrap procedure at a beauty salon. It helps remove excess fluid from tissues and relieves swelling, affecting the structure of the skin, not the muscles. Various anti-cellulite agents and therapeutic muds are used for wraps. Procedures are carried out 2 times a week. Course – 8-10 procedures.

Hardware cosmetology and injection techniques

Lifting the inner thighs can be done using hardware cosmetology and injection procedures.

  1. Using the device, which is a cold laser, a pulsed effect is produced on fat cells, as a result of which the process of fat removal is stimulated in them. It enters the intercellular space and is excreted through the lymphatic system. Course from 6 to 9 procedures. The greater the initial amount of fat, the more significant the result. During the course it is possible to reduce the volume from 6 to 10 centimeters.
  2. Microstimulation. To increase the elasticity of the inner thighs, a procedure such as microstimulation is used. It is carried out using electrodes applied to problem areas. When an electric current is connected, muscle contraction occurs without the participation of the patient. The procedure is quite effective: after 4-5 sessions, visible skin tightening occurs, muscle elasticity increases, and the hips acquire smoother contours. The procedure is practically painless, but not particularly pleasant. It should be noted that this method has many contraindications (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and so on).
  3. Microcurrents. In this procedure, a weaker current is used than in the previous one: it does not reach the muscles. This process helps improve metabolism, which has a positive effect on the skin. If an anti-cellulite gel is used in conjunction with current, the result is more pronounced, since it penetrates the subcutaneous fat of the thigh. During this procedure, the patient experiences a slight tingling sensation.
  4. . To influence the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, the problem area is injected with special preparations. Some of them promote the breakdown of fat, others serve to improve skin contractility. This method also has many contraindications (decreased immunity, pregnancy, skin diseases, chronic diseases, and so on). The procedure is practically painless, but after it redness of the skin and bruises are possible. The recovery period lasts up to 2 weeks. The course of treatment is 4-10 procedures.

Who is indicated for a thigh lift?

Thigh lift is indicated:

  • People who have excess soft tissue along the inner thigh and have a stable weight.
  • Patients whose skin on the thighs is flabby and sagging.
  • Those wishing to improve the contour of the hips and make them more dense.
  • Slim women and men whose skin has weakened after they have lost a lot of weight.

Indications for surgery

If non-surgical methods do not help, you have to resort to surgery.
Indications for its use will be:

  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • the appearance of “dimples” on the hips;
  • weak muscles;
  • defects such as fatty “breeches”, “ears” and “pockets”;
  • constant friction and irritation of the inner thighs, caused by excess skin and fatty tissue.

Contraindications for surgery

The operation is not possible for everyone; there are a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • oncology;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diseases affecting blood clotting;
  • diseases of the vascular system and heart;
  • mental illness;
  • varicose veins in the legs;
  • pregnancy.

In cases where surgery is not possible for the reasons listed above, the patient must turn to hardware or cosmetic procedures.

Preparation and performance of the operation

In order for the operation to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to follow some rules when preparing for it:

  1. Do not plan trips or any events that require active participation one and a half months before surgery.
  2. Follow a special diet recommended by your doctor.

Before the operation, the patient is examined by a surgeon, during which he determines the size of the area to be corrected and assesses the general health of the person.

The operation lasts about 2-2.5 hours. First, general anesthesia is administered, then the doctor makes an incision through which a flap of skin and fat is removed. The excess skin is then excised and the flaps are tightened and sutured.

If the need arises, . After this, cosmetic stitches are applied and drainage is installed for a week. The wound is bandaged with sterile bandages.

When lifting the inner thighs, incisions are made in the groin folds, so that later it will be possible to hide them under underwear. The incision can be made along the entire inner surface of the thighs to the knee if there is too much fatty tissue.

How is a thigh lift performed?

The operation is performed in a hospital setting (where the patient spends 2-3 days) under general anesthesia. When the anesthesia is already in effect, the surgeon makes precise markings, makes an incision and removes excess skin and subcutaneous fat. The wound is then sutured and a drainage tube is removed. The operated site is covered with a constricting sterile bandage.

Recovery after surgery

The rehabilitation period after surgery takes about 3 months. The patient stays in the hospital for 1-3 days, depending on the complexity of the operation. Over the next 2-3 weeks, bruising and swelling disappear. The preliminary result of an inner thigh lift can be assessed in 3-5 weeks.

To reduce the negative consequences of the operation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • After the operation, stop playing sports for at least 2 months.
  • Light physical activity is allowed no earlier than after 2 weeks.
  • Wear compression garments for at least 3 months.
  • Avoid any thermal procedures (sauna, steam bath) for at least a month.
  • Silicone-based ointments should be rubbed into postoperative scars to prevent stretching, speed up the healing process and maintain skin elasticity.


Like any serious intervention in the human body, lifting the inner surface of the thighs can provoke a number of complications, which is associated with large incisions performed during the operation:

  • seromas;
  • changes in skin color and postoperative scars;
  • hematomas;
  • persistent swelling of the lower leg and foot due to impaired lymphatic drainage;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • uneven contours;
  • poor healing of sutures;
  • persistent pain syndrome;
  • unsatisfactory result, that is, ripples, unevenness, unsightly seam;
  • skin necrosis;
  • noticeable asymmetrical scars.

The occurrence of such complications may be due to both the patient’s failure to comply with the rules of postoperative behavior and the low qualifications of the surgeon who performed the operation.

Side effects

Some side effects are possible after surgery:

  • moderate pain;
  • discomfort when walking;
  • bruises;
  • swelling;
  • temporary loss of sensitivity.

They usually go away within 2-3 weeks after surgery.

Operation effect

After the operation, excess skin disappears, which makes the contour of the inner thighs smooth and improves tissue tone.

Lifting the inner thighs is not the most popular among clients due to the duality of the results obtained: on the one hand, a person gets rid of excess skin and fat, on the other, he gets scars on his legs. What is more important - a toned figure or skin without scars - only the patient himself can decide.


The cost of this procedure has a fairly wide range, which depends both on the chosen clinic and on the volume of upcoming procedures. In Moscow, the price for lifting the inner thighs ranges from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles.

How long will the results last?

When performing an operation, you should take into account that a long-term effect is only possible if the figure has already been brought to the desired appearance with the help of proper nutrition and physical activity, therefore this method cannot be used during or immediately after the end of the diet. This is due to the processes occurring in the human body - with the loss of more than 2 kilograms of fat, a restructuring of metabolism occurs, the goal of which is to bring body weight to the previous level. Thus, in order to get a significant effect from an inner thigh lift, you must first lose weight and then stabilize your weight for six months before surgery.

The modern beauty industry continues to develop every year. She can offer a woman different methods to make her hips attractive and slender.

Not only age-related changes disrupt the natural contours of the hip, sometimes individual structural features need to be adjusted. Patients often come to the Beauty Doctor clinic with complaints of skin abrasions on the inner thigh: discomfort, pain, rapid wear of clothing. Thigh lift surgery is designed to solve all these problems.

Very often, women prefer to delay the moment of surgery as long as possible, preferring to wear shapewear, they try to hide imperfections under clothes, but physical discomfort still makes itself felt sooner or later. So why deny yourself the pleasure of wearing an open swimsuit this season?

Indications for surgery

Loss of skin elasticity

Significant sagging with transition to the front and back of the thigh,

Aesthetic discomfort.


Determined by your surgeon at the initial consultation. However, there is a general list of diseases when thigh lift surgery is not recommended:

Severe forms of diseases of internal organs,

Mental disorders,

Chronic diseases in the acute stage,

Bleeding disorders and diabetes mellitus.


During the operation, the skin-fat flap in the upper thighs is trimmed. It is customary to distinguish between several types of thigh lift.

Internal thigh lift (sometimes also called a mid-thigh lift).

Incisions are made in the area of ​​the inguinal fold. This type of thigh lift surgery is the most popular because the seam is aesthetically the least noticeable.

Vertical lift. The surgeon makes an incision from the crook of the groin to the inside of the knee. This method addresses the problem of significant excess fat and skin accumulation, but is not recommended for all patients, as the stitch on the inner thigh can be very noticeable after healing.

Outdoor lift. The incision runs from the groin and through the upper thigh.

Spiral hip plastic surgery. Recommended for significant weight loss. The incision from the gluteal fold reaches the inguinal bend in the area where the thigh meets the pubis. During the surgical procedure, the anterior, posterior and inner parts of the thigh are simultaneously formed.

Laser liposuction. One of the safest and least traumatic methods of thigh lift is laser liposuction. During the operation, the surgeon performs only small punctures, which heal very quickly. Using a special device, the surgeon treats problem areas of the skin, removing fat cells, and then tightens the skin from the inside. The result is no seams, smooth and elastic skin (no bumps or irregularities), a significant reduction in volume.

Please note that laser liposuction can only be performed by a qualified surgeon. If the technology is violated, the result can be extremely unsatisfactory.


A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia, in the presence of an anesthesiologist. A prerequisite is a preliminary consultation with an anesthesiologist at the Beauty Doctor clinic, as well as the provision of all necessary tests.

Recovery period

Takes approximately 1-3 months. To achieve results, you must wear compression garments according to a schedule specifically prescribed for you by your doctor.

Patients of the Beauty Doctor clinic receive as a gift a free restorative course of procedures using the Khivamat 200 Evident device, which promotes speedy healing and reduction of swelling.

Cost of the operation

Please note that the final cost also includes the necessary list of procedures for recovery after surgery.

For one-time payment of two or more operations, a special price applies.

Doctors performing thigh lifts

Z. Bytdaev S. Kharitonov

Photo results

Hormonal and age-related changes affect not only visible areas of the body. Hips can also take on an unattractive appearance as a result of losing weight, after childbirth, or have aesthetic flaws initially. They are usually damaged by folds caused by sagging skin, increased volume, and ptosis of soft tissues. Thigh plastic surgery (femoroplasty) will help solve these and other problems. This method will give effect where diet and exercise fail.

Read in this article

What is the procedure

The operation is performed to restore smoothness, elasticity, firmness and harmony to the hips. In some cases, it is also necessary to adjust the volume, for which plastic surgery is combined with liposuction. It is also carried out for medical purposes. After all, sagging tissues in this area can interfere with walking, cause abrasions on the skin, physical discomfort, problems with choosing clothes and the need for frequent replacement due to rapid wear.

Hip correction may be needed in different areas of a given part of the body. Femoroplasty changes the appearance:

  • inner surface;
  • outdoor area;
  • full hips;
  • thighs combined with buttocks.

In accordance with the location of the problem area, incisions are made, excess tissue is excised, the remaining tissue is moved and the wound is sutured.

Useful video

To learn how and why plastic surgery of the inner thighs is done, watch this video:

Indications for use

Not all leg defects can be corrected by plastic surgery. And if the unaesthetic appearance of the hips is caused by excess excess weight, it is possible that the patient will first have to lose weight. The operation to correct them is in this case the finishing touch, and not the main method of solving the problem.

For hip plastic surgery, there are clear criteria that make it necessary:

  • stretching of the skin and the folds and unevenness caused by it;
  • rolls of fat on the outside, giving unwanted additional volume;
  • irritation on the surface of the skin caused by too close contact due to excess tissue during movement.


For any type of intervention to improve the appearance of the hips, indications alone are not enough. There must also be no reason why the operation could be dangerous for the patient. Contraindications to its implementation include:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies that interfere with blood clotting;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Preparation for the event

The most frequently performed operation is plastic surgery of the inner thigh. It, like surgical correction of other areas, requires... The first stage is an examination to determine the patient’s health status. It consists of:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • blood clotting studies;
  • tests for infections;
  • fluorography;
  • therapist consultations.

If general health allows for surgery, the patient should take measures to facilitate its success and avoid complications:

  • 2 weeks before the intervention, stop taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;
  • At the same time, eliminate alcohol from your life and forget about smoking;
  • do not go on a strict diet that weakens the body, but also do not overeat;
  • take vitamins to avoid colds;
  • Do not expose your skin to ultraviolet rays.

Plastic surgery is done on an empty stomach, that is, the last meal before it should be completed 8 hours before the start of the intervention.

How is it carried out?

Surgical correction of the hips is done under general anesthesia. In total, the operation takes 2 - 2.5 hours, unless combined with other interventions. Often, along with femoroplasty, liposuction of this area, lifting the buttocks and abdomen are performed.

The intervention begins with the patient receiving anesthesia. She is laid with her legs apart and raised at the knees. Then the surgeon applies markings on the skin in order to clarify the nuances of the operation (where to make incisions, what and how much tissue to remove, tighten, etc.). The doctor’s further actions depend on the area of ​​the hips that will be corrected:

  • If it is an external surface, the incision starts from the groin and goes around the hip joint. The seam is then covered with underwear.
  • If it is necessary to tighten the entire surface of the problem area, access is made through an incision from the fold under the buttocks, running along the border of the groin and ending at the edge of the junction of the thigh and pubis. It looks like a spiral.
  • The joint improvement of the buttocks and thighs dictates the need to make ellipsoidal incisions through their upper border, from one hip to the other. This allows minimizing forced tissue trauma.
  • Plastic surgery of the inner thigh is done through an incision from the inguinal folds to the knee area. This is a clearly visible area where it is difficult to disguise the seam. Access is also possible only through a dissection in the area of ​​the inguinal fold or one vertical one to the knee.


The patient's recovery after hip surgery begins from the moment he is transferred to the ward. You will have to stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days, where the sutures are taken care of and the drainage tubes are gradually removed. At first, there is pain and swelling in the thighs and bruises. But after 2 - 3 weeks these problems disappear. You can take pills to relieve pain. Compression garments will help you get rid of the syndrome faster, alleviate it, and make the entire recovery period easily bearable. It is put on immediately after the operation and worn for up to 2 months.

Sunbathing and going to the pool are prohibited for 30 days

What other features distinguish rehabilitation after hip surgery:

  • you can get up the next day if the operation was not supplemented by liposuction;
  • on the third day you are allowed to take a shower, avoiding getting water on the incision lines (genital hygiene is acceptable even earlier);
  • after 10 - 14 days, the sutures are removed, at the same time light physical activity is allowed;
  • the swelling goes away in 3 - 5 weeks, by which time you can go back to work;
  • for the first 30 days you cannot visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, or take a hot bath;
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol, it is undesirable to smoke;
  • Active physical activity is allowed no earlier than 2 months after surgery.


The effect provided by hip plastic surgery before and after gives noticeable differences. But it will finally appear after a while, when the swelling goes down and the tissues adapt to the new position. With the help of the operation it is possible to:

  • get rid of folds and loose skin;
  • eliminate “ears” on the inner thighs;
  • give this part of the legs greater harmony, which they were deprived of due to ptosis and deformation of soft tissues;
  • align the surface of the thighs.

Some time ago, it became possible not only to reduce this part of the body, but also, if necessary, to enlarge it. The need for enlargement arises due to the disproportionate size of the hips, as well as their insufficient slimness. The contours are changed using silicone implants installed through the fold under the buttock into the formed muscle pocket. The result in this case is a slight increase in the circumference of the hips and making them slim.


Since correction often has to be done in older patients, and surgery is a serious intervention in the functioning of the body, it does not exclude the possibility of complications. Failure to comply with rehabilitation conditions contributes to them.

The most common complications of femoroplasty Causes of appearance and location of lesions
Rough scars Their occurrence may be caused by the body's tendency to form hypertrophic scars. But there is an accompanying factor here - the friction of the seams on the clothing, since it sits tightly on the hips, and when moving, the contact intensifies. This can cause wounds to appear, which means longer healing
Skin necrosis The problem also occurs in the seam area. One of the reasons is too tight tissue tension due to excessive excision. The provoking factor is that there is a rather sluggish blood supply in the thigh area
Change in skin sensitivity It can be temporary, but it can also be a long-term concern. Occurs due to nerve injury, manifested by numbness or, conversely, pain
Hip asymmetry The problem appears due to uneven removal of excess subcutaneous fat.

In addition to these complications characteristic of this type of operation, there are others characteristic of many aesthetic (and not only) interventions:

  • seromas and hematomas;
  • impaired lymphatic drainage, leading to swelling of the legs;
  • infection;
  • development of thrombosis.

In addition, implants not only provide enlargement of the hips, plastic surgery with their use can result in rejection of foreign materials and their displacement.


The cost of femoroplasty varies from 130,000 to 300,000 rubles. It is determined by the type of surgical correction, the scale of the work, and the qualifications of the doctor. There is no point in saving money, especially when hip enlargement is required. These operations are performed recently; the skill of the surgeon and the accuracy of the actions are more important than ever.

Hip correction surgery is an extreme measure used to restore the beauty and slimness of this part of the body. But with good quality, it provides the most lasting results. However, to maintain it you will still need further efforts - proper nutrition and exercise.

All women dream of having unusually beautiful and straight legs that would attract the gaze of passers-by, but not everyone knows that if nature has not rewarded her with a perfect figure, a thigh lift will help correct this. This part of the body, unfortunately, is most susceptible to both age-related changes and the accumulation of fat deposits, which also greatly deforms this area.

Sometimes the female femoral part “suffers” from individual anatomical features. These problems, as well as flaws acquired during intensive weight gain or, conversely, sudden weight loss, can be solved with the help of such a procedure. Let's figure out what a thigh lift is and how it is performed.

Indications for use

A thigh lift essentially refers to certain measures during which fat folds and sagging skin are removed from this part of the body.

There are two main reasons for the desire to carry out such a procedure:

  1. extreme complexion of a woman, when completely unsmooth skin and excess fat make her feel uncomfortable even in front of her beloved man, and generally prevents her from wearing the clothes she likes;
  2. medical indications, when huge fatty tissue and very sagging skin contribute to friction of the legs when walking, resulting in the formation of diaper rash, which causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, disrupting blood circulation and contributing to the occurrence of abrasions.

Therefore, this procedure is used by patients who have in the hip area:

  • ugly appearance;
  • loose sagging skin;
  • ears on the hips - fat deposits on their outer part;
  • various irregularities on the inner thighs;
  • pain and discomfort when walking.

If all these disorders or one of them are at the initial stage, that is, they are just beginning or have arisen not so long ago, they can be corrected with the help of special gymnastics or massages. If it gets worse, you will most likely have to contact a plastic surgeon.

REMEMBER! Before using surgical thigh lift techniques for body contouring, first try to pump up your legs and make them slimmer using other measures. You can always get rid of fat using liposuction or a scalpel!

Radical measures to lift the thighs

Unfortunately, in most cases, people who come to doctors need a surgical lift. The procedure eliminates fat and sagging skin on the thighs. By the way, such a radical measure is used mainly after sudden weight loss or gastric reduction surgery, or after liposuction.

If the patient, after surgical intervention to correct defects in the hip area, adheres to a healthy lifestyle and controls his weight, which is especially important, all previously lost body contours can regain almost their original appearance. But if a person does not and will not care about himself and his body, neither surgery nor more conservative methods will ever help anyone.

Contraindications for surgery

The doctor should determine what to do and how to treat for all the symptoms described above. He will also inform the patient whether plastic surgery is indicated for him or not. In most cases, after studying the clinical picture, there are no contraindications to the operation. However, in some cases, a thigh lift may be canceled. This happens when the patient has certain abnormalities:

  • the presence of severe pathologies in internal organs;
  • mental problems;
  • various types of infections;
  • high blood sugar;
  • poor blood clotting.

For these main reasons, plastic surgery may not be performed.

Ways to tighten your thighs

Like any other operation, a surgical lift is also performed using anesthesia - epidural or drug sleep. It happens that in addition to general, the patient is also given local anesthesia. This is resorted to when a very complex operation is ahead. Typical surgery lasts about 2-2.5 hours.

During the operation, the plastic doctor cuts the skin in the upper part of the thigh and tightens it in the following ways:

A lift in the inner or middle side of the thigh (in other words, femoroplasty) is the most well-known and popular method, because it leaves almost no visible seams: the surgeon makes a section of the skin in the area of ​​the inguinal folds.

Lifting the upper thigh area - using this tactic, large fatty tissues and sagging skin are perfectly removed. This method has one significant disadvantage - after such plastic surgery, a noticeable long scar remains, since the skin on the thighs is cut from the bend in the groin down to the knee.

External lift - the section is made along the top of the hip area.

Spiral lift - so called because the incision through which all the necessary manipulations are done shapes the thigh from all sides. It is usually prescribed when the patient has severely sagging, loose skin, for example, after sudden weight loss.

And another popular method is laser liposuction - the most harmless way to get rid of excess skin and fat. It is used to lift the thighs and buttocks and leaves no scars, since it involves only small punctures, which after the procedure heal quickly and become almost invisible. Liposuction is performed with a special hardware device that easily removes unnecessary subcutaneous fat and tightens the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

REMEMBER! The doctor should determine which method will restore the slimness and beauty of your legs. It will also warn about possible postoperative consequences, such as the formation of blood clots, unaesthetic appearance of external sutures, partial tissue necrosis, etc.

During the consultation, the attending surgeon should familiarize his client with various methods of hip correction and tell in detail how the operation will take place. And then warn about possible undesirable side effects.

Actions after the operation is scheduled

In addition, when the operation has already been scheduled and the preparatory period is underway, the patient must:

  • eliminate bad habits: stop drinking alcohol, smoking and other “benefits” of civilization;
  • stop taking medications that thin the blood;
  • include only healthy foods, vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

Also, during the initial consultations, the doctor must determine the layer of fatty tissue that needs to be removed, the condition of sagging skin, anatomical features and other nuances. And only after such careful preparation will it be possible to carry out surgical correction.

Thigh lift and post-operative period

After plastic surgery, the patient remains in the hospital under observation for at least another 2-3 days. During this period, wounds are treated, sutures are formed, and doctors make sure that no complications arise.

But even in the normal course of events, after being discharged from the hospital, the patient who underwent a thigh skin tightening will remain under the close attention of doctors for about 3 more months. Only he will be observed on an outpatient basis, that is, come to the appointment at the appointed time.

If the dynamics are positive and if the patient has used only one method of pulling up, he will be allowed to sit down slowly on the same day, stand up, and walk the next day. But when several methods are used, for example, if the patient underwent both surgical tightening and liposuction at the same time, the recovery time is extended, and getting up and moving is allowed much later.

A little later, at the end of the first week after plastic surgery, as a rule, certain restorative procedures are prescribed. And after about two weeks, the patient’s stitches are removed, unless the operation was performed using self-absorbable threads. A month later, people who have undergone facelift surgery return to normal life: they go to work, start playing sports, etc.

REMEMBER! Painful discomfort in the places where the incisions were made, and indeed in the entire part of the thighs, will accompany you for several months after the operation. They will be especially noticeable when walking, sitting or standing up.

A speedy recovery after surgery is facilitated by following certain rules:

  • for the first 2-3 months it is strictly forbidden to play sports and visit gyms;
  • It is not recommended to visit baths and saunas until the swelling has completely gone and the stitches have healed;
  • There is also a ban on sunbathing; do not drive or go to the beaches until a scar has formed, this will help avoid unsightly pigmentation in the area of ​​correction.

Move confidently and moderately, doctors advise, then the thigh lift will take place without complications or discomfort.

Subtleties of liposuction

This non-surgical method also has a number of its own features. Well, first of all, a woman who wants to improve her appearance through liposuction must understand that it is carried out to “polish” the final stage of a new image, after applying a balanced diet and certain physical activities. After all, without this miracle will not happen!

Therefore, before planning this procedure, remember:

  1. Initially, you must lose weight - the doctor cannot do this for you. Perhaps this is the most important limitation, because if this is not done, all the fat removed from your thighs will very quickly return, and with interest;
  2. Do not go for liposuction if you are still losing weight or have just finished going on another diet - the effect of the procedure may be zero because of this. First, stabilize your weight and only six months after that, feel free to go for the procedure;
  3. Do not try to get rid of cellulite using this method, because it removes subcutaneous fat in very small and specific areas of the skin. To get rid of cellulite crust in modern medicine and cosmetology, completely different methods are used;
  4. The same can be said about stretch marks - after liposuction they can only increase the sagging of the skin and minimize all your efforts;
  5. liposuction also has a number of serious complications, even fatal, because after it one out of 5 thousand patients necessarily develops thromboembolism and other complex reactions.

List of tests for liposuction

To prevent them, before performing this method, the patient must undergo the necessary laboratory tests. They will show how healthy a person is and whether he has any contraindications to this procedure. You, as in the case of an inner thigh lift, will have to pass:

  • urine and blood;
  • do a coagulogram test (determines blood clotting);
  • echocardiogram;
  • a thigh lift requires fluorography;
  • determine the performance of the liver and kidneys;
  • get tested for AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis.

If the person wishing to undergo this procedure has chronic illnesses, the list of tests may be increased at the doctor’s discretion.

Non-surgical correction

Various irregularities and bulges on the surface of the thighs can be corrected without plastic surgery. In the modern world there are many other ways to solve this problem. But, as mentioned above, only at the initial stage of their occurrence and when there are not too many such skin defects. A non-surgical method for the buttocks and the whole body, it also uses special training.

Let's consider several of the most effective types of exercises:

Active movements will help to significantly tighten and correct the thigh area and buttocks: running in place with high knees, jumping, intense walking and swinging your legs in different directions. Do these simple exercises daily and you will see results that will not take long to arrive;

To correct the inner thighs, professional fitness trainers recommend doing the following: lying on your back, place your hands under your buttocks and begin to lift them 30 cm in height, spreading them apart and then crossing your legs. At the same time, you will feel how much the muscles of the upper legs tense. Do this exercise three times a day and see ideal results;

Tightening your thighs with yoga involves the following: standing with your back straight, spread your legs the width of your hips. Inhale deeply and slowly lift and place, bending your right leg at the knee, its foot on your left thigh, after standing for a while, return to the original position and do the same with your left leg. Don’t be alarmed, sometimes this exercise doesn’t work out right away. Nothing, a little effort and you can do it absolutely correctly.

Sometimes massage helps to cope with problem areas on the body. Forcing the surface of the thighs is considered one of the most effective methods of combating fat deposits, but you need to “press” on the skin so that it “burns”, that is, it is red and hot, even bruising. Hurt! - you say, - but it’s effective! Thanks to this effect, some ladies prevent sagging and sagging skin, making it elastic and silky!

Other methods of thigh lift

There are many methods in the world that can solve skin problems on the legs. However, many of them today are not used by everyone and not everywhere. But let's call them anyway:

Lifting - the desired result is achieved using radio frequency radiation. During the procedure, skin cells begin to regenerate, collagen and elastin are produced, which only contributes to its elasticity;

Threads - their plexuses are applied to problem areas for tightening. But many modern clinics specializing in lifts question the effectiveness of this method. In addition, the threads can move during walking or other body movements, which will lead to terrible discomfort;

Mesotherapy is a procedure (lasting more than half an hour), during which special injections are administered to problem areas. The advantage is that the result lasts for a long time; the disadvantage is that you need to attend at least 12 such sessions;

Mesodissolution is one of the types of mesotherapy, which involves injecting lipolytic drugs into the area of ​​large fat deposits;

Myostimulation - the name speaks for itself; during the procedure, intense impact on the surface of the thighs helps to get rid of excess fat. Often, to achieve a more effective result, it is combined with massage, wraps and lymphatic drainage.

Thigh lift at home

You can correct figure flaws that appear with age or weight changes at home. To do this, you need to purchase a smoothing cream based on natural ingredients, preferably with red pepper and menthol in the composition. This will help to achieve a quick effect and, by the way, not only on the hips, but also on the stomach or buttocks.

Buy yourself modeling underwear - as you know, it perfectly hides flaws in your figure and makes it smoother without visible folds. In addition, it is the corset inserts in such underwear, in combination with the above-mentioned cream and proper nutrition, that help get rid of extra pounds in the desired areas of the body.

Well, and finally, start eating right - make it a rule to eat only low-calorie foods. Completely remove all flour, fatty and sweet foods from your daily diet, eliminate alcohol - it also contributes to the accumulation of fatty deposits. Drink as much water as possible and exercise (this will help burn accumulated fat). This approach to your own health and body will, perhaps, be the most effective and miraculous method of correcting figure defects. It will help build muscles, remove fat and make your legs smoother and more graceful, and a surgical thigh lift will not be necessary.

REMEMBER! But even if you solve figure problems on your own, you definitely need to consult a trainer, cosmetologist and surgeon. They are the ones who will determine your workload and the means to help you achieve the desired result!

Don't sit back

Remember, your appearance is entirely up to you. Therefore, when you see a problem, take action immediately. If your efforts do not bring visible results, contact specialists. They will help you make your figure perfect, and you won’t be ashamed to undress on the beach or in front of your husband.

However, remember, if you cannot do without plastic surgery, then to achieve the maximum effect, lead the right lifestyle for the rest of your life, eat the right foods, and watch your weight. Because otherwise all your efforts will be completely useless.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenerology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenerology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated June 29, 2004); Confirmation of the certificate in the Federal State Institution "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate in the Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenerological patients in accordance with procedures for the provision of medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

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Thigh lift (thighplasty, femoroplasty)

What is a surgical thigh lift?

A thigh lift involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue from the inner and outer thighs. This procedure is often desirable after significant weight loss, or after surgical weight loss. It is also suitable for those who have been unable to get rid of excess tissue on the thighs as a result of dieting or exercise. As an addition to this operation, liposuction can be used to reshape the inner thighs. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and are of moderate weight, a thigh lift can help restore the desired youthful contour of your thighs.

Thigh lift: pros and cons

When should you consider a thigh lift?

If you want your hips to have a better, more proportional contour so they have a firmer look and feel.
- If you have undergone weight loss surgery or lost a lot of weight.
- If you experience discomfort due to loose, sagging skin on your thighs.
- If your clothes do not fit you well due to heavy hips.

Related procedures

Many women considering a thigh lift also consider procedures such as abdominoplasty, or body contouring after pregnancy and childbirth. Thigh lift surgery may be combined with butt lift surgery in one procedure called a lower body lift.

Making a decision

- Clothes and swimwear will look better on you.
- Your body will look slimmer and more proportional.
- Your thighs will become firmer, more youthful, and more curvy.

- Visible scars may remain
- When fatty tissue is removed through liposuction, the skin may appear depleted.
- Another subsequent operation may be required to correct the resulting irregularities.

When deciding to undergo a lower body lift, you should weigh the above three main pros and cons. If you intend to focus on those that will be unique to you, then it is advisable to contact your plastic surgeon.

Are you a candidate for a thigh lift?

Some common reasons why people decide to undergo a lower body lift include the following:
- The consequences of age, expressed in the formation of folds, cellulite, and loose skin on the thighs.
- You've successfully lost a significant amount of weight and now want slimmer thighs to match your more proportional, more toned figure.
- Because of your heavy hips, clothes don’t fit you very well.
-Your thighs are making you feel self-conscious and you want to regain your confidence in your body.

If your health is generally good and you have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, then you are likely a good candidate for this procedure.

Thigh lift: photos before and after the procedure

How is hip augmentation surgery performed?

Medial (internal) thigh lift: An incision is made in the groin area through which excess fatty tissue and skin from the inner thighs are removed. In this case, depending on individual requirements, liposuction can be used (but not necessarily). The contour of the thigh area is corrected from the groin to the knee, and then this procedure is repeated for the other thigh. If a significant amount of tissue is removed, then this procedure is often called hipplasty.

Lateral (external) thigh lift: This is a more complex procedure that usually involves reshaping the contours of the buttocks along with the outer thighs, as well as removing tissue. The scars here are more intense and the skin will be less elastic after surgery, so weight maintenance is necessary.

A thigh lift is aimed at eliminating skin folds and excess fat tissue.

Which thigh lift surgery option is right for you?

There are two different types of thigh lifts: medial (inner) and lateral (outer) lifts. This is described in detail in the paragraph “About the procedure itself.” Finding out which of these two types of lift is right for you requires a physical examination, a thorough review of your medical records, and a discussion with your plastic surgeon. It is possible that you will be offered a combined lower body lift.

What incisions and scars will remain after thigh lift surgery?

Medial (internal) thigh lift: An incision is made in the groin area. For patients who require large amounts of skin removed, a longitudinal incision may be made along the inner thigh.

Lateral thigh lift: Depending on the outer thigh lift requirements, scars may extend from the groin area, around the pelvis, and possibly down to the buttock crease. The surgeon will aim to make incisions where the scars will be hidden by clothing, but with this type of surgery the incisions will be larger than with a medial thigh lift.

Preparation and performance of the operation

How to prepare for a thigh lift procedure?

Your surgeon will provide you with preoperative instructions, answer any questions you have, write a detailed medical record, and perform a physical examination of your body to determine your readiness for surgery.

Before your surgery, your surgeon will ask you to do the following:

Stop smoking before surgery to promote better healing.
- Stop taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory medications, and certain herbal medications that may cause increased bleeding.
- Regardless of the type of operation performed, hydration of the body plays an important role for safe recovery, both before and after surgery.
- Your surgeon will want to make sure that you maintain a stable weight for a significant period of time, as weight gain can be detrimental to the effects of your thigh lift.

What should you expect on the day of your thigh lift surgery?

The operation may take place in an accredited hospital, an independent outpatient clinic, or in an office-type surgery. Most surgeries of this type last two to three hours, but it may take longer.

During the operation, you will receive medications to ensure your comfort.

As a rule, general anesthesia is used during the operation, although in some cases it is desirable to use local anesthesia or intravenous sedatives.

For your safety, various monitors will be used during the operation to monitor your heart function, blood pressure, pulse and the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Your surgeon will follow a surgical plan that he will discuss with you before surgery.

After the procedure is completed, you will be moved to a recovery room where you will continue to be closely monitored. You will have drainage tubes installed. You will wear a compression garment on the areas of your thighs where liposuction was performed. Surgical dressings will be placed over the incisions.

If you are using general anesthesia, you will remain in the facility overnight for observation. Your surgeon will discharge you when you have recovered sufficiently from the anesthesia. If your surgery was performed under local anesthesia, you may be allowed to go home after a short observation period, unless you and your surgeon have other plans for your post-operative recovery.

Care and recovery after hip surgery

Your surgeon will tell you how long it will take to return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and your caregivers will receive detailed aftercare instructions, including information on:

Drains, if installed.
- Normal symptoms you will experience.
- Any possible signs of complications

Immediately after thigh lift surgery

Although your smooth new thigh contours will be visible immediately after surgery, there will be some bruising, swelling and pain for some time. If the pain is very severe or lasts too long, contact your doctor. Contact your surgeon to find out whether the pain, bruising, and swelling you are experiencing is normal or a sign of a problem.

Recovery time frame after a thigh lift

It is extremely important that you follow all patient care instructions that your surgeon provides you with. This will include information about wearing compression garments, information about drain care, taking prescribed antibiotics, and safe levels and types of physical activity. Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions about the normal symptoms you should experience and possible signs of complications. It is important to understand that the amount of time it takes to fully recover varies greatly from person to person.

First two weeks

For the first 10-14 days, you should limit yourself to light physical activity only.
- This is a critical period for healing and you should watch for any signs of slow healing and report them to your doctor immediately.
- Heavy lifting, walking, sitting and bending cause stress in the suture areas, so you should move carefully and carefully.
- It is advisable to have someone stay with you during the first days of recovery.

From the second to the eighth week

To achieve optimal thigh contours, you may need to wear compression garments for the first month.
- The tumors should go away in three to five weeks.
- You can resume driving and walking two to three weeks after surgery, but only if such activities do not cause pain.
- Avoid heavy lifting, and hold off on jogging for the first six to eight weeks.

How long will the results of the operation last?

If you maintain a stable weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, and exercise, your results will last for a long time.

Keep in touch with your plastic surgeon

For your safety, as well as to achieve the most beautiful and healthiest results, it is important to visit your plastic surgeon's office at your scheduled time for follow-up appointments. In addition, you should contact your surgeon any time you notice changes in your hips. There is no need to hesitate. Contact your surgeon whenever you have questions or are concerned about something.

Possible complications after a thigh lift

Fortunately, serious complications from thigh lift surgery are rare. The specific risks associated with such an operation will be discussed with you during your consultation.

But any surgery carries a certain degree of risk. Some possible complications of any surgery are:

Negative reaction to anesthesia
- Hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal)
- Infection and bleeding
- Changes in sensations
- Scars
- Allergic reactions
- Damage to internal tissues
- Unsatisfactory results, which may require additional procedures.

You can minimize some of the risks by following the recommendations and instructions of your professional board-certified plastic surgeon, both before and after your thigh lift surgery.

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