Places of manifestation of syphilis. What does a syphilitic rash look like?

Casual sex without the use of barrier contraception (condoms) increases the risk of contracting an STD. One of the most difficult diseases that can be acquired through unprotected sexual intercourse is syphilis. The disease is chronic and occurs with periods of exacerbations and remissions. When syphilis enters the last stage, internal organs, the nervous system, and bone tissue are affected. A high degree of danger of the disease with serious complications has been determined, so it is necessary to promptly identify the primary signs and contact a specialist. The main route of infection for a healthy woman is unprotected sexual contact, but household transmission cannot be ruled out.

The causative agent of the pathological disease is treponema pallidum (spirochete). Infection occurs immediately upon contact with a carrier of the disease during penetration. The second way of transmitting the causative agent of syphilis occurs through the use of common household items with a sick person. In this case, symptoms do not appear immediately (the duration of the incubation period depends on the type of syphilis). There are three types of disease: primary, secondary and tertiary.

The average duration of the latent period (incubation) is determined from fourteen days to six weeks. But depending on certain factors, the incubation period can be reduced to seven days or increased to three months. An increase in the duration of the latent course of the disease can occur due to the patient taking antibiotics to treat other diseases. Thus, symptoms of primary syphilis may be absent.

A long incubation period is typical for older people, people with reduced reactivity, and with simultaneous syphilis and ulcers (venereal).

Attention! A woman can infect other partners even during the incubation period of the disease. The ability to infect occurs immediately after the treponema enters the body.

Signs of syphilis

Carefully! The third stage of the disease is characterized by dangerous damage to the internal organs, since syphilides are formed on them, which are not characterized by healing. As a result, the patient faces death.

Among the most dangerous symptoms of syphilis are the following:

  1. Pathological damage to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Occurs at the last stage and can result in end-to-end destruction of the tissues of the palate and nasal septum.
  2. Soft tissues transform into gummas (specific tumors).

This is important! It is necessary to visit a gynecologist every six months and undergo a detailed diagnosis for the presence of STDs if a woman’s sex life involves frequent changes of sexual partners. The danger of syphilis can be a long asymptomatic course, up to the development of tertiary syphilis, which is deadly.

Syphilis and menstrual irregularities

It is worth noting that it is impossible to confidently confirm infection with any STD, including syphilis, if the menstrual cycle has changed dramatically. But, such a pathology is present in the symptoms of syphilis.

The initial stages of the disease are not distinguished by pronounced symptoms, so menstrual irregularities will also not be observed. But when the pathogen is activated, the pain syndrome may increase, as well as the feeling of discomfort during bleeding. This is evidence that the pathogen entered the body precisely during sexual intercourse. In this case, a distinctive sign of syphilis will be the appearance of specific ulcers on the labia, and then on the internal female organs. When internal organs are affected by syphilides, the menstrual cycle is also subject to noticeable disturbances.

Pay attention! The main method of confirming syphilis in the body is the Wasserman reaction. It is typical that during menstruation, test results may confirm the disease, but if they stop, a repeat test will give a negative result. In this case, diagnosing the disease becomes difficult. Therefore, if any atypical symptoms appear, urgent medical examination is required.

Syphilis and pregnancy

This venereal disease is a very dangerous disease for health and life. In case of pregnancy, the risk doubles, since not only the woman, but also the fetus will suffer.

During pregnancy, a woman regularly undergoes gynecological examinations and undergoes a number of necessary tests. Therefore, it is possible that syphilis may be detected in the initial months of pregnancy. This late detection of the disease is explained by the asymptomatic period of syphilis and the lack of pregnancy planning.

Attention! It is important to note the fact that syphilis is not a reason for premature artificial delivery, since medicine provides effective safe treatment during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the influence of drugs on the fetus cannot be ruled out, but the pregnancy can be maintained. In the absence of proper therapy, the chances of a favorable pregnancy outcome do not exceed 10%.

Is it possible to give birth after an illness?

Women who have had syphilis are interested in the question of whether a healthy pregnancy is possible after this disease. However, doctors cannot give a definite answer, since everything will depend on the stage and timeliness of treatment of syphilis. Early detection of syphilis and rapid treatment guarantee the absence of complications in the future. A gynecologist will help determine the safe time to conceive.

When syphilis is detected at the stage of tertiary development (the beginning of damage to internal organs), the doctor will insist on terminating the pregnancy in order to avoid serious consequences for the child. In this case, a favorable outcome is excluded.

Characteristics of household syphilis

The second route of infection is through the household; on this basis, household syphilis is determined. Infection occurs when a woman comes into contact with the personal belongings of a patient. For example, if there is a sick woman in the family, then the probability of infecting all family members through everyday contact is very high. The main household items through which the disease can be acquired are washcloths, towels, bed linen, and dishes.

Reference! Treponema, after entering the body, exists in liquids, so infection can occur through contact with urine, saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, and blood.

When there are lesions on the skin of a healthy woman, then if a small amount of secretion containing treponema gets in, infection is guaranteed. For a long time, the pathogen can only exist in a humid environment. Only high temperature can affect treponema.

Hard chancroid occurs where Treponema pallidum enters the female body (one of the first signs of syphilis). Infection can also occur during a blood transfusion if the carrier is unaware of the presence of the disease.

Video - Symptoms of syphilis in women

Possible complications

The course of syphilis is characterized by a destructive nature, since it affects many internal organs and systems. In addition, in the absence of timely treatment, syphilis can lead to the most dangerous complications - death. If a woman becomes infected with treponema pallidum, but refuses treatment or the incubation period is prolonged for one reason or another, then the following complications are highly likely:

  • the development of neurosyphilis (brain damage) leads to destruction of the nervous system and complete (sometimes partial) loss of vision;
  • the advanced stage of the disease leads to damage to joints and bones;
  • with neurosyphilis, the development of meningitis;
  • paralysis;
  • infection of the fetus during pregnancy.

Carefully! If Treponema pallidum is not blocked in a timely manner, then tertiary syphilis can lead to irreversible processes (ulcerative formations on internal organs) and, ultimately, death.

Treatment of syphilis in women

Due to damage to the immune system, the disease can damage a woman’s health. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment must be immediate. Depending on the stage of the disease, a treatment regimen is determined.

Stage of syphilisTreatment regimen
PrimaryThe patient is prescribed injections of a drug of the penicillin group. Additional means of combating the pathogen are antihistamines. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor (on average 16 days)
SecondaryThe duration of injections increases. In the absence of positive results after Penicillin, Ceftriaxone, Doxycycline 0 are recommended

Syphilis is also classified as a sexually transmitted disease. This disease is characterized by a not very obvious manifestation. But in men, what are their routes of infection?

How is it transmitted?

There are several routes of infection. The disease is transmitted:

  1. Sexually. This is the most famous when infection occurs during sexual contact with a person suffering from syphilis. Treponema, whose habitat is liquid, can enter the body not only during traditional sex, but also during both oral and anal sex.
  2. By everyday means. This is how you can get sick only if your household does not know that one of them has found a home for treponema. For its further spread, it is enough to share dishes, towels, lipsticks and even cigarettes. So you should be careful not only when choosing a new partner for sexual relations, but also when using unfamiliar household items. But it is difficult to become infected this way, since the bacterium itself cannot live for long in the wrong environment. But there are known cases where people fell ill with syphilis after washing things that belonged to a sick person in a common container.
  3. By blood transfusion. The cause of infection is blood. This mainly happens during a transfusion - from a sick person to a healthy one. It is also possible to become infected by using a disposable syringe by more than one person.
  4. In a professional way. This way, healthcare workers can become infected. For example, gynecologists-obstetricians, dentists, surgeons, pathologists.
  5. By transplacental route. Newborn children are susceptible to this infection. If a mother has treponema in her blood, it can enter the baby’s body through the placenta, as well as through milk during breastfeeding.

Incubation period

How does syphilis manifest in men? Before describing the signs of the disease, it is worth telling about it. It lasts about three weeks. But there are also cases when this period increases from approximately a couple of months to three. It may also appear after eight days without showing any special symptoms indicating the severity of the disease.

How long does it take for syphilis to appear in men? When considering the issue, it should be noted that when during the incubation period a person used antibiotics of any kind, the manifestation of symptoms may drag on for a longer period. This also happens when a man has a venereal ulcer.

The incubation period is no less dangerous for others and sexual partners than a pronounced disease.


But how long does it take for syphilis to appear in men? There are three stages of the onset of the disease:




The main symptom in the primary stage is chancre. It can be like an ulcer or erosion. Characterized by its appearance in any place, regardless of where sexual intercourse took place. It appears immediately after the completion of the incubation period. At first, this chancre is small and does not cause any particular inconvenience. In addition, there is no feeling of pain.


Initial manifestations occur on the foreskin or head of the genital organ. Thus, the immune system signals that syphiloma has entered the body.

Primary syphilis in men manifests itself in such areas of the body as:



Upper limbs;

Oral cavity;

Anal area and others.

When you first notice chancre, you can say with confidence that the primary stage of syphilis has already begun. Although the symptoms are not so noticeable. They manifest themselves to a greater extent at the secondary stage of the development of the disease, but here one can still note an increase in lymph nodes.

If you ignore the symptoms of the first two stages, then in the third it will be difficult, since both the epidermis and internal organs, as well as the nervous system, are affected. This is only possible in cases where the disease occurs in an invisible form and appears only at the last stage. The disease is mainly detected during preventive examinations.

It should be noted that the sooner you undergo treatment for this disease, the safer it will be both for your own health and for future offspring.


Nowadays, a disease such as syphilis can be treated, regardless of the stage at which it was detected. Naturally, the sooner the better.

So at the slightest suspicion, especially after casual contacts, it is best to contact a venereologist and get tested.

If a man or woman suspects the first signs of syphilis, you need to pay attention to whether there is a rash on the body and other symptoms of the disease. A disease detected in time must be diagnosed and treated before it becomes incurable or leads to death. Familiarize yourself with the characteristic signs of the disease in men and women, find out how to identify them.

What is syphilis

Syphilis is a dangerous infectious sexually transmitted disease. Among the pathogens, Treponema pallidum is a bacteria that affects the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bones and nervous system. You can become infected with the disease through sexual intercourse - vaginal, oral and anal sex. There is also household syphilis, when bacteria penetrates through small cracks and injuries in the skin. Late congenital syphilis leads to infection of the fetus during pregnancy. Another way to become infected with an infectious agent is through a blood transfusion from a carrier of the disease.

How does syphilis manifest?

You can find out what syphilis looks like only after the incubation period has passed. The disease has four stages in total, each of which has its own symptoms. The long incubation period lasts 2-6 weeks, but sometimes the disease may not develop for years, especially if the patient took antibiotics or was treated for infectious colds. At this time, laboratory tests will not give a reliable result.


There are skin manifestations of syphilis and internal lesions. Characteristic symptoms are:

  • the appearance of chancre - a smooth, painless ulcer with rounded, slightly raised edges up to a centimeter in diameter, bluish-red in color, which can sometimes hurt;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • headaches, malaise, muscle and joint pain;
  • elevated temperature;
  • decreased hemoglobin, increased leukocytes in the blood;
  • indurative edema;
  • panaritium - inflammation of the nail bed that does not heal for several weeks;
  • amygdalitis - hard, swollen, reddened tonsils, difficulty swallowing.

In women

The appearance of chancre and syphilides in women occurs on the cervix or labia - the site of penetration of a sexually transmitted infection into the body. The base contains a dense infiltrate. Another location of the formation may be the mucous membrane of the rectum, pubis, abdomen, thighs, anus. Inductive edema in girls appears on the labia majora and has a pale pink or bluish tint.

Syphilis discharge

A characteristic symptom of syphilis infection in women is the appearance of discharge. The discharge is thick in consistency, the internal and external genital organs itch and a burning sensation is felt. In appearance and consistency, the discharge resembles pus and has a strong, unpleasant odor.

In men

Syphilis on the skin of men also manifests itself as a hard chancroid located in the area of ​​the glans penis or foreskin. Sometimes the position of a saucer-shaped ulcer, meat-colored, with a cartilaginous consistency, shifts to the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the rectum, the fold of the anus, and the pubis. The chancre is covered with a white greasy coating and is the size of a five-kopeck coin. Indurative swelling appears on the foreskin. After oral contact with the patient, ulcers appear on the tongue, gums, cheeks, hard palate or tonsils.


After 3-4 weeks of the incubation period and the appearance of hard chancre, other skin rashes appear that do not cause itching, are painless, have a dark red color, dense consistency, smooth edges without peeling. Characteristic rash:

  • roseola - oval or round spots measuring 1-1.5 cm, distributed throughout the body, localized on the trunk and limbs, the boundaries are blurred, do not merge and do not rise above the skin;
  • papular - rounded skin rash, pale pink color, size 1 cm, smooth shiny surface, peeling; localization: on the palms, soles of the feet, genitals;
  • condylomas - papules connected together, covered with ulcers;
  • leucoderma - white spots against a background of darkening of the skin, acquiring a brownish-yellow hue, localization - neck, armpits, chest, arms;
  • erythematous tonsillitis - rashes on the oral mucosa, near the pharynx, on the hard palate, treponemas are located inside the papules;
  • alopecia - on the scalp, miliary rashes with a diameter of 1-2 mm, on which hair falls out.


During the incubation period, there are no clinical signs of the disease; the primary signs of syphilis are characterized by chancroid, the secondary (lasting 3-5 years) are spots on the skin. The tertiary active stage of the disease is the most severe and, if not treated promptly, leads to death. The patient's bone tissue is destroyed, his nose collapses, and his limbs are deformed.

Primary signs

After several weeks from the moment of infection, the first symptoms of syphilis appear, which include signs:

  • specific round-shaped ulcers - chancre;
  • chancre disappears after a few weeks, but this does not mean a cure, but the penetration of bacteria into the body;
  • characteristic damage to the lymph nodes;
  • Primary syphilis affects internal organs and systems.

Signs of secondary syphilis

At the 11th week of infection, clinical symptoms of secondary syphilis appear. This is characterized by the appearance of syphilitic infections in the form of spots, rashes, ulcers, and nodules on the skin. These formations are painless; if left untreated, they disappear, and the disease enters a latent stage. Over time, secondary recurrent syphilis occurs, characterized by repeated manifestations. The stage lasts up to four years, accompanied by deterioration of the condition.

Signs of tertiary syphilis

Five years after infection, tertiary symptoms appear. This is already a severe form, there is damage to internal organs, the formation of foci (threshing areas) on the skin, mucous membranes, heart, liver, brain, lungs, bones and eyes. Often the disease affects the nasal mucosa, which can lead to destruction of the nasal septum. At this stage, dementia and progressive paralysis appear. She is not undergoing treatment.


The doctor knows how to recognize syphilis at different active and chronic stages. If you suspect a disease, you should contact a dermatovenerologist. During the first examination, chancre and lymph nodes are examined; during the second examination, affected areas of the skin and papules of the mucous membranes are examined. To diagnose syphilis, bacteriological, immunological, positive serological and other tests are used. To confirm, a specific Wasserman reaction is carried out, revealing a 100% result of infection. False-positive reactions to syphilides cannot be ruled out.

For long-term treatment, drugs with the antibiotic penicillin and others from this group are used. Therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of a doctor. After the diagnosis has been made, treatment begins not only for the person who applied, but for his sexual partners, plus the risk of contracting a domestic type of disease to relatives and surrounding people is eliminated. A person who has recovered from the disease does not gain immunity; there are cases of recurrent syphilis.

After recovery, there is a risk of becoming infected again, so prevention of syphilis and its consequences is important: contraception of sexual partners, absence of promiscuity, personal hygiene. The main route of transmission is social, so you need to monitor your contacts and not use other people’s things. Self-medication should not be allowed so as not to prolong the incubation period.

Photo of syphilitic rash


Syphilis is a venereal disease, most often chronic, manifested in the form of gradual destruction of the skin, some organs and bones, and also affects the nervous system.

The causative agent of this common disease is Treponema pallidum. Today, the most popular way of contracting this disease is through sexual transmission of bacteria.

Today, syphilis can be treated, but only on condition that you do not let the disease progress.

A sexually transmitted disease (hereinafter simply STD) affects almost 50 people out of 100,000 thousand people per year.

The government of each country is trying to contribute to a significant reduction in the number of cases by informing the population about prevention and methods of protection.

Syphilis bacteria

We have known about syphilis since the beginning of the 20th century, when this disease was the most common, and every 5 people were infected with it.

At that time, this disease went by the more typical name for that time, “French disease.”

After a while, scientists concluded that this disease is bacterial in nature, and this significantly helped in its timely diagnosis and treatment.

Treponema pallidum first received this name due to the fact that when studying it under a microscope, scientists simply could not identify it.

After all, its entire structure, in fact, had no color, was simply transparent and at the same time very poorly painted by various methods.

To expose it, they used silver staining, the Gizma method, and a microscope with dark lenses.

With the help of further studies over time, it turned out that treponema can function and replicate only in a living organism.

The optimal temperature for the reproduction of this bacterium is the body temperature of a living organism 37 o C; under optimal conditions it divides every day.

Thanks to these data, a new treatment method was created: forcibly increasing body temperature to the maximum level, using the malaria virus.

Thus, it was easier for the patient to tolerate the manifestations of the underlying disease.

What does syphilis look like?

When Treponema pallidum enters the body of each of us, it goes through an incubation period, which can last from 1 week to 1.5 months.

At this time, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, so we may not even know who lives inside us.

With a simple examination during the incubation period, syphilis may not be found; all readings will be within normal limits.

During such a period, there is a high probability that one person who carries this disease in himself in the incubation phase and, not suspecting that he is a carrier, can transmit it sexually to his partners.

The disease begins to manifest itself after the incubation period has expired, when primary syphilis occurs.

The first signs of the disease appear on the skin, in the form of a rash, hard dark brown spots (ulcers), as well as on the genitals, in the oral cavity (precisely on the mucous membrane of these organs).

Transmission routes

Syphilis is classified as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Transmission is ensured through traditional sexual intercourse, anal and oral sex, even if the carrier has syphilis in the incubation phase.

After the incubation period, a small ulcer will appear at the site where the treponema pallidum bacterium passes, which will only grow if measures are not taken to treat the disease.

When caring for a patient, infection is possible through contact with his personal belongings and the carrier himself.

With this method of infection, signs of syphilis will initially appear on the skin of the legs and arms, and after chancre will form on the genitals.

This sexually transmitted disease can be transmitted, like everything else, through blood. When reusing syringes, razors and other personal hygiene items.

Differences in syphilis by gender

As for women, after an asymptomatic period (about a month after syphilis enters your body), the time comes for the disease to manifest itself in all its glory.

The first sign is the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, labia or anus. An ulcer (chancre) manifests itself as a response of our immune system to the invasion of harmful bacteria.

A chancre is an inflammatory area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane, usually round in shape and having a flat base.

At first, the growth on the skin will not show painful spasms, but later it will definitely be accompanied by a rash on different parts of the body and mucous areas.

The course of syphilis in men is no different from the manifestations of the disease in women. Most often, in men, syphilis first appears on the penis, its base and head.

But, despite this, ulcers (chancres) can also occur in the above mentioned places (oral cavity, anus).

The subsequent treatment regimen is not divided according to genital characteristics; the treatment is the same for men and women.

From the birth of syphilis to chronic disease

Not many people with the capabilities of modern medicine go through all the existing stages of development of this disease.

With the last stage, a person can live from 10 to 20 years, followed by death. Let's take a closer look at each stage of this disease.

Incubation period

Duration up to six months. During this period, there are no visible manifestations on the body or in the body itself. If infection occurs several times in different places, then this period is reduced to 7-14 days.

This stage is prolonged due to the person taking strong immunoprotective drugs, such as antibiotics for influenza.

The end of the incubation period can be taken as the appearance of an ulcer on the skin, followed by inflammation of the lymph nodes.

In the case when the penetration of syphilis bacteria occurred directly through the blood, then syphilis bypasses the primary stage and immediately passes into the second.

Primary syphilis

Symptoms of primary syphilis include the following:

  • The appearance of ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes. Initially, it will not cause any problems or complaints. In the future, it will acquire a more bluish or even purple tint, which will mean an inflammatory process that will lead to pain;
  • After 7 days, inflammation begins in the lymph nodes and in the vessels around the previously manifested ulcers. Inflamed nodes are a growth with swelling near the chancre. If the chancre is located in the mouth, then swelling of the tonsils and throat is possible, which makes it difficult to breathe and swallow saliva. The occurrence of these symptoms makes it difficult to walk, defecate, eat, etc.

The transition to the second stage of syphilis can be considered the manifestation of a syphilitic rash on visible parts of the body.

Modern medicine can diagnose such a disease after the first signs appear.

For this, modern medicine uses specialized tests:

  • ELISA is a qualitative and quantitative immunological method for isolating almost all combinations, molecules and viruses;
  • PCR is one of the biological methods that allows us to increase the density of our DNA in one sample of genetic material.

These diagnostic methods can only be prescribed by your personal therapist or venereologist.

The cost of such tests will not hit your pocket hard, but it will certainly confirm or refute the previously made diagnosis.

But do not forget that such tests will give results and show an accurate picture only at the primary stage of the disease.

Primary syphilis is characterized by the appearance of chancres (ulcers) of varying diameters on the skin; it is hard in nature and follows as a response of the immune system to the penetration of harmful bacteria into your body.

Places of its manifestation: the oral cavity (the tongue with syphilis can also be dotted with ulcers), fingers, anus, genitals.

It doesn’t cause much concern, which most often does not contribute to an early visit to specialists at the clinic. This is followed by the development of chancre and inflammation of the lymph nodes near its location.

Associated symptoms are: frequent and severe dizziness, increased body temperature, painful condition.

When infected with Treponema pallidum through the blood, after the incubation period the second stage follows or the disease goes into a latent stage.

Second stage

The main signs of the second stage of syphilis include:

  • The skin around the chancre is dotted with spots reaching up to 1.1 cm in diameter. Such a rash can grow over time and, increasing its area, turn into large spots. In this case, it can be flat pink or red up to 5 cm in diameter, flat with conical growths along the entire diameter, or purulent pimples may form due to syphilis. You can easily find photo reports on what these symptoms of syphilis look like on the World Wide Web;
  • With the appearance of lesions on the skin, the central nervous system begins to suffer, mainly: vision, memory, attentiveness, ease and smoothness of movements. A quick response and taking measures to treat syphilis can stop further damage to the nerves, but not restore them;
  • One of the last symptoms of the second stage is hair loss. First the head: split hairs appear, then they become much thinner, and then they simply fall out. Even after intensive and timely treatment, the hairline is not restored.

Experts divide it into 4 successive phases:

  1. Early phase - begins after 2 months from the date of infection, lasting up to 14 days. During this period, our immunity begins to actively respond to the release of toxins from syphilis bacteria, that is, multiple ulcers appear on the body. The main impact falls on internal organs, the central nervous system and bone tissue. Associated symptoms: body temperature up to 38 o C, cough, painful condition, rhinitis, inflammation of the eye mucosa. Inflammation of the lymph nodes, absence of pain, mild or complete hair loss.
  2. The latent phase begins 2 months after infection. Throughout its life, Treponema pallidum bacteria can be stopped by the human immune system. The chancre no longer spreads throughout the body, and the rash is no longer observed. But this is not the end, each of us should know that in the fight against this difficult disease, the return of syphilis is always possible.
  3. Latent phase - during this period, a global resumption of the primary symptoms of the disease is possible. This is possible due to severe stress, colds, injuries, or simply poor nutrition throughout the day. In this case, absolutely all symptoms are repeated, starting from the primary stage with new formation of chancre.
  4. Primary neurosyphilis - usually this period occurs no earlier than 2 years after the disease. Its main destructive effect affects the central nervous system, brain, heart, liver, bones and joints of the human skeleton. An accompanying symptom is necessarily meningitis. Pressure increases in the blood vessels of the brain, which leads to frequent and severe headaches. When the central nervous system is damaged, abilities such as memories, attentiveness, simplicity and ease of movement begin to weaken. Such changes do not return to normal.

Third stage

It is also divided into several phases:

  1. Latent persistent syphilis – the period of manifestation is up to 20 years. It often happens that people who are carriers of syphilis at this stage are not even aware of the development of such a disease within themselves. After the next resumption of the disease, when the immune system simply cannot cope, the person may receive lifelong disability or it may end in death;
  2. Tertiary form - during this period almost the entire body suffers. There is an active formation of purulent tumors in the vessels of the brain. It is not uncommon that in the process such tumors attract many other bacteria, which subsequently lead to gangrene and abscess.
  3. The final stage lasts from 10 to 20 years and leads to a serious degree of disability followed by death. Complete damage to the central nervous system, paralysis, mental disorders, tumors of the brain and bones.

Attention, abnormal!

After the incubation period, the time comes for the formation of ulcers and, accordingly, the disease enters the first stage.

But, despite the presumptive outcome for each phase, abnormal phenomena on the skin are possible.

Based on this, unexpected manifestations are divided into several categories:

  • Damage to skin vessels that occur around syphilitic chancre. This symptom changes the color of the penis, scrotum of men and female genitalia to a darker color with a blue tint. Women are more likely to experience syphilis on the lips. It is often confused with other gynecological inflammatory processes. However, only syphilis is characterized by swelling, which during diagnosis will not show any deviations from the norm, but the person’s lymph nodes will be inflamed.
  • Idiopathic syphiloma is an inflammation that causes Treponema pallidum on the three main fingers of the hand. Pieces of skin peel off at the affected areas, which leads to slight blood loss, more similar to a recent moderate burn.
  • Syphilitic amygdalitis is an inflammation of the submandibular or cervical tonsil. With this anomaly, the structure of the tonsil itself does not change, only an inflammatory process is present, which makes it difficult to swallow saliva and food. All accompanying symptoms are more reminiscent of a sore throat (fever, pain, pain when swallowing), but in our case, inflammation is present in only one tonsil.

From birth side by side with danger

Syphilis can be transferred from mother to child during pregnancy, which negatively affects the fetus during the prenatal period.

Modern medicine has identified the main indicators by which it can be judged that syphilis affected intrauterine growth:

  • Interstitial keratitis is an inflammation of the outer mucous membrane of the eye and the eyeball. This can be observed as significant redness and suppuration of the eyes. After completing the course of treatment, traces of surgical intervention will remain on the eyeball, and leukoma (white mesh) will also appear on the eyes. Typically, such changes also lead to a significant decrease in vision, pain and tearing of the eyes.
  • Chronic hearing loss - the fetus during intrauterine growth is subject to an active attack by Treponema pallidum, as a result of which hearing loss is one of the main symptoms of a woman suffering from syphilis during pregnancy;
  • Hutchinson's teeth are unfinished development of dental tissue during pregnancy in the fetus. In this case, the teeth have an unpleasant appearance, may grow sparsely, and are not completely covered with enamel. And all this leads to their early destruction.

If a woman has undergone a course of treatment and got rid of Treponema pallidum, the child will still have a chronically weakened immune system.

But with incorrect and untimely treatment, the child will definitely have external abnormalities after birth.

Breastfeeding in the presence of syphilis is strictly prohibited for mothers; milk with Treponema pallidum bacteria automatically passes to the child, causing only harm.

A woman after treatment for syphilis can have children, but for a more accurate conclusion, you need to get a referral from your GP for the two main tests described above.

Methods of treating the disease

Since the mid-20th century, this STD has been treated with antibiotics, mainly using penicillin or analogues based on it. Since Treponema pallidum is simply not adapted to this type of antibiotics.

Syphilis is treated with this method in the initial stages, before transitioning to the neurosyphilis stage.

After this, treatment with antibiotics is continued, administered by injection, and the method of forcibly increasing the patient’s body temperature is used.

When the third stage occurs, patients with syphilis are placed in a special hospital, and subsequent treatment is carried out using highly toxic doses of drugs based on the substance bismuth.

If a person is diagnosed with the initial phase of syphilis, compulsory treatment of all his sexual partners over the past three months is necessary.

All personal belongings of the patient and things that he used in everyday life are subject to forced disinfection.

During the primary stage, immediate hospitalization of the person is not required; it is quite possible to get by with outpatient treatment.

If the patient is already in the second stage of the disease, then he will be immediately admitted to the hospital.

Otherwise, self-medication can do more harm and only give Treponema pallidum a vessel for ideal development.

Syphilis can occur in a latent form for a long time. In order to prevent transmission of the disease, it is worth knowing how syphilis manifests itself, the characteristics of its course, symptoms and treatment rules. Sexually transmitted diseases are dangerous pathologies that can lead to serious health complications. The fact is that many of them are not accompanied by symptoms at the initial stage, for this reason the disease can simply not be noticed, and at this time it gradually affects the internal organs. One of these diseases is syphilis. It can occur in women and men.

  • Reasons
  • Symptoms
  • Syphilis rash
  • Forms
    • Primary
    • Secondary
    • Tertiary
  • Diagnostics
  • Features of treatment
  • Prevention


The development of syphilis can occur for various reasons, but the most important is considered to be sexual contact. Infection often occurs during sex with an infected sexual partner. The causative agent of the disease, Treponema pallidum, penetrates the mucous membrane and damaged skin.

Subsequently, the bacteria quickly enter the structure of the lymph nodes, where they instantly multiply and, together with the blood flow, spread throughout the body. As a result, they settle in internal organs, bones, joints and the central nervous system.

The manifestation of syphilis can also be provoked by other reasons:

  • It can appear in women and men after using contaminated personal hygiene items - shower and bath products, towels, linen, brushes, washcloths, dishes with residual saliva particles;
  • the risk of infection is increased during professional contacts. This disease can be caught while working in a laboratory or in hospitals. Infection occurs especially often through careless handling of medical instruments, cutting and piercing objects, which can damage the skin of the hands, fingers and come into contact with dangerous microflora of the virus.

The disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy and for women who are planning childbirth. The fact is that an infection in the body (treponema pallidum) can develop for a long time without signs, during which time it can have a negative impact on the development of the unborn child.


The main danger of syphilis is that at the initial stage this disease does not manifest itself in any way and is not accompanied by symptoms. For this reason, many simply do not notice the presence of a pathological process, and meanwhile the infection spreads to internal organs, systems, and bone tissue.

The incubation period of the disease takes on average from 2 to 6 weeks. However, sometimes it may not develop for years; this can happen when taking antibiotic drugs, during the treatment of infectious colds. During this period, laboratory tests will not be able to give reliable results.

Syphilis manifests itself by internal and superficial lesions. Common symptoms include the following:

  • chancre and enlarged lymph nodes - these are the most important symptoms. They are the ones who 100% confirm that a pathogen has entered the body. - This is a smooth, painless ulcer, dense infiltrate. The formation has rounded, slightly raised edges with a diameter of about 1 centimeter. Accompanied by a bluish-red color and may be painful. Within a week after the onset of chancre, an increase in lymph nodes is observed;
  • headaches and symptoms of general malaise are observed;
  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • increase in temperature;
  • decreased hemoglobin level;
  • increase in leukocytes in the blood;
  • indurative edema may form;
  • felon. Accompanied by an inflammatory process of the nail bed. The condition may last for several weeks;
  • amygdalitis may occur. During it, swelling of the reddened tonsils and difficulty swallowing are observed.

It is important not to forget that syphilis infection can occur through any form of sexual intercourse. Therefore, oral sex is especially dangerous when infected, during which condoms are rarely used.

Thus, primary syphiloma is formed at the site of the introduction of pallidum treponema; with oral infection, the chancre will be located in the mouth or throat. Moreover, if your partner has a chancre in the mouth, you can become infected without sex, just through a kiss.

If the infection occurs during anal sexual intercourse, the chancre is localized in the anal area. At the same time, it often looks atypical and, in shape, is not round, but slit-like.

For infection to penetrate, contact of the pathogen with the mucous membranes is not always necessary. The skin can also become an entry point for infection, especially if it is damaged. Chancroid in such situations is often localized on the skin of the thighs, face or abdomen.

Syphilis rash

Approximately 3-4 weeks after the incubation period, skin rashes may be observed. They are not accompanied by itching or pain. Skin manifestations of syphilis are dark red in color, have a dense consistency, and straight edges without peeling.

The rash can be of different types:

  1. Rosaceae. During a rash of this type, small oval or round spots (about one and a half cm) form. They are located over the entire surface of the body, arms, legs. Their boundaries are not clearly defined, do not blur and do not rise above the skin;
  2. Papular. Round formations with a pale pink color. The size of the rash is 1 centimeter. The surface is smooth, there are slight peelings. The main locations are the area of ​​the soles of the feet, on the palms, on the surface of the mucous membranes of the genitals. Sometimes a pale rash appears all over the body;
  3. Condylomas. These are connected papules that have ulcers;
  4. Leucoderma. This condition is characterized by the appearance of white spots against the background of darkening of the skin. Over time, they acquire a brownish-yellow color. The rashes are localized on the neck, armpits, chest, arms;
  5. Arthematous sore throat. Rashes appear on the oral mucosa, near the pharynx, and on the surface of the hard palate. The Treponema pallidum bacteria themselves are located inside the cavity of the papules;
  6. Alopecia. A large number of rashes with a diameter of 1-2 mm form on the surface of the scalp. Over time, hair loss occurs in these areas.

In order to understand how the types of rash can manifest themselves and what they look like, it is worth looking at the photo.


Syphilis can occur in several forms, and each of them can have distinctive features. For this reason, it is worth taking a closer look at the manifestations of each.


The primary form is early latent syphilis. It is usually observed several weeks after the moment of infection.

Patients with primary syphilis do not immediately notice its manifestations. For this reason, the disease can spread to internal organs, tissues, systems and cause serious health complications.

During the initial form of syphilis, symptoms appear:

  • the appearance of specific ulcers with rounded shapes, which are also called chancre;
  • After about 2 weeks, the chancre completely disappears. This means that pathogenic bacteria have entered the body;
  • damage to the lymph nodes appears, and their enlargement is also observed;
  • the primary form affects internal organs and systems.


At the 11th week of infection, symptoms of secondary syphilis appear. This form is accompanied by the appearance of syphilitic infectious lesions in the form of spots, rashes, ulcers, and nodules on the skin.

The formations have no pain or discomfort. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, they will disappear completely over time. This means that the disease becomes latent. Over time, secondary syphilis may reappear, during which all the characteristic symptoms may reappear.

The secondary stage can last for 4 years. However, it is accompanied by serious health complications.


Approximately 5 years after the secondary stage, the disease becomes tertiary. It is considered the most severe, during which the following complications may occur:

  • severe damage to internal organs;
  • the appearance of lesions (threshing floors) on the skin;
  • lesions can be observed on the mucous membranes and internal organs - on the heart, liver, lungs, brain. They also attack bones and eyes;
  • Often the disease affects the nasal mucosa. Lesions lead to complete destruction of the nasal septum;
  • At this stage, dementia and progressive paralysis appear.


Diagnosis should be carried out as soon as the first symptoms of syphilis appear. Of course, this disease can occur in a latent form for a long time, but still, if you start treating it at the initial stage, you can quickly eliminate all its unpleasant manifestations.

It is also worth starting the examination if you have recently had sexual contact with a carrier of the disease. In these cases, infection is most likely to be confirmed. And in order to get the most accurate results, laboratories conduct blood tests, which are taken from a vein.

Modern serological and immunological blood tests make it possible to identify the disease with maximum accuracy within a few weeks of infection. The test allows you to detect the disease with an accuracy of 99.8-100%.

There are many types of tests that can detect the presence of a pathogen in the body. However, the diagnostic criterion for syphilis is usually serological tests.

The principle of serological reactions is to detect antibodies to Treponema pallidum in the blood. Moreover, if little time has passed since the moment of infection, the body may not yet have time to produce antibodies. This type of syphilis is called primary seronegative and is difficult to diagnose. In this case, in the presence of hard chancre, a preliminary diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and survey data. In the future, the patient needs to be tested again to confirm the infection.

At the stage of tertiary syphilis, the body's immune response may be low. However, standard research methods do not detect the presence of antibodies in the blood. This happens in about a third of cases of tertiary syphilis. To establish an accurate and definitive diagnosis in this situation, additional tests are required.

Types of tests for diagnosing syphilis

Diagnosis may require the following blood tests:

  • RPR and MP;
  • Enzyme immunoassay;
  • Immunofluorescence reaction;
  • Treponema pallidum immobilization reaction;
  • Passive hemagglutination reaction.

The previously popular classical Wasserman reaction is not used today due to its low efficiency in comparison with RPR. In the old fashioned way, this test can continue to be called RV.

Tests are divided into non-treponemal (RPR and microprecipitation reaction) and treponemal (RIF, RIBT, RPGA, ELISA).

Non-treponemal ones, that is, those that do not determine the presence of the pathogen itself, are cheaper than treponemal ones. However, such tests are less effective and require additional checks if the reactions are positive. Let us consider the principles of each of the analyzes and the degree of their effectiveness for diagnosis.

RPR– screening research method. It is used to diagnose early asymptomatic forms of the disease. It is this study that is used in preventive tests.

RPR is not accurate enough for a definitive diagnosis.

A positive RPR is not a diagnostic criterion and requires additional testing. In some cases, such an analysis can give false positive results:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Alcohol and drug abuse;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Acute inflammatory diseases;
  • Recent vaccination;
  • Pregnancy.

Eating fatty foods and alcohol before the test can also cause a false positive result.

ELISA– the most accurate analysis for seropositive forms of syphilis. It detects the presence of antibodies, which is a clear criterion for diagnosis.

REEF, or the immunofluorescence reaction detects the presence of pale treponema themselves in the blood. This is a complex and expensive test, so it is used only when there is a clear indication. For example, with severe symptoms and negative RPR and ELISA.

RIBT- another complex study that most accurately determines the presence of infection. During this procedure, the blood is examined under a microscope for the presence of pathogens, which are previously immobilized with special antibodies.

RIBT is highly effective against syphilis. It is used even if other tests did not give a positive result.

RPGA- an accurate treponemal test, quite often used to diagnose the disease. When it is carried out, sheep red blood cells, processed in a special way, are introduced into the serum. Red blood cells stick together and settle to the bottom if the result is positive.

Features of treatment

Syphilis that appears on the skin is usually treated with penicillin-based drugs. Treponema pallidum, unlike other bacteria, has not lost its sensitivity to this substance; for this reason, penicillin and its derivatives are prescribed to treat this disease.

Features of treatment:

  • if there are ulcers with a hard frame on the skin, then penicillin preparations are prescribed. Injections are given daily;
  • Injections are given in two buttocks at once. First, injections of Penicillin are given, and then Bicillin-3;
  • the use of antihistamines is additionally prescribed;
  • in the primary form, injections are given within 16 days;
  • during the secondary form, injections of water-soluble Penicillin or Doxycycline are prescribed, and it is also recommended to use Ceftriaxone;
  • in the secondary form, injections are given for 32 days, while antibiotics are taken.
  • the tertiary form is treated with injections of Penicillin with Bioquinol. The course is long, it is determined by the doctor.

Syphilis therapy requires monitoring.

The effectiveness of antibiotics is checked using ELISA - the criterion is a decrease in antibody titers to Treponema pallidum.

If the titer does not decrease, this means that the antibiotic is ineffective against this strain of pathogen. In this case, the attending physician changes the drug and treatment regimen.

After completing the course of therapy, the patient takes tests again to confirm the absence of infection. Sometimes there are cases of so-called sero-resistant syphilis. This is a form of the disease in which, despite complete recovery, serological tests remain positive. Such cases require special attention to the level of titers: if they are reduced by less than four times, additional treatment is required.

If, after six months of therapy, tests show an infection, but the reagin titer is reduced by four times or more, they speak of a slowdown in seroreactions. Observation of such patients continues for another six months.

Restorative treatment may be recommended at the discretion of the physician. In general, additional therapy for true or relative seroresistance can last from six months to one and a half years. Additionally, such patients undergo consultations with an immunologist - seroresistant syphilis can be a consequence of pathologies of the immune system.


It is imperative to follow preventative measures that will help protect against this dangerous disease. This also applies to women who are planning to have children; a successful pregnancy and childbirth depends on this. Otherwise, in the future we can expect congenital syphilis in children, which can cause serious harm to a fragile child’s body.

The following preventive measures must be observed:

  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • protected sexual intercourse, use of barrier contraception (condoms);
  • you should not have a promiscuous sex life;
  • use of personal hygiene items;
  • regular visits to the doctor.

People who are sexually active are recommended to take an RPR screening test for syphilis at least once every six months. Since infection through unprotected oral sex poses a great risk, it is important to remember the need for barrier contraception during any sexual contact.

If the giving partner is a man, regular condoms are used.

When it comes to a woman, you can use the so-called “female condoms”. They are a thin latex napkin that is used to cover the female genitals during oral sex.

Emergency prevention of syphilis

In addition to early prevention, there is also emergency prevention. It is aimed at preventing the development of the disease after dangerous contact has occurred.

The primary stage of such prevention consists of thoroughly washing and douching the mucous membranes. For douching, antiseptic solutions are used, for example, Chlorhexidine and Miramistin.

The next stage requires antibiotic therapy and is carried out strictly as prescribed by a venereologist. In this situation, a specialist prescribes a loading dose of antibacterial drugs, which are taken once. Treatment can be done with tablets or injections.

Remember! You should not take antibiotics on your own or without advice.

A person without medical education does not know the exact and correct dosages of drugs. Not all antibiotics are effective against Treponema pallidum. In addition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics is associated with the risk of developing allergic reactions and complications from their use.

Prevention of syphilis in pregnant women

If a woman has been exposed to syphilis during pregnancy, prevention is necessary. In this case, the possible negative impact of antibiotics on the fetus is lower than the potential harm of syphilis for the unborn child.

In this case, antibiotics are taken strictly under the supervision of doctors. To prevent syphilis in pregnant women, drugs with the least toxic effect on the fetus are used.

It is imperative to remember that syphilis is a dangerous disease that causes serious health problems. This disease can be cured at almost any stage, but the sooner the better. Moreover, in the early stages, the disease is eliminated with maximum accuracy without health problems.



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