The best vodka liqueurs. Cherry tincture

Continuing our search in the endless world of alcohol, we decided to turn to strong tinctures - an ancient branch of bold experiments that has grown to this day into a large-scale independent culture. How to prepare tinctures at home: choose combinations, skillfully handle ingredients and store the composition - Vyacheslav Lankin, bar manager of the Delicatessen restaurant and a well-known master of the industry, helped us with these questions.

Brief historical background

No one knows exactly when exactly a person first thought of infusing alcohol with any other ingredients, but historians believe that the first tinctures began to be produced by the ancient Chinese - around the 3rd millennium BC. e. Later, the recipe for making tinctures - both medicinal and not - reached ancient Greece and Ancient Rome through Asia, and, of course, came to Russia much later - only by the 10th century AD. e.

The first Russian tincture is considered to be the so-called “Erofeya vodka”, which was prepared on the basis of anise, nuts, mint and, of course, vodka. Later, the Russian people, already prone to experimenting with alcoholic beverages, empirically developed thousands of intricate recipes - tinctures were heated, cooled, diluted, painted (for example, with cornflower flowers) and attributed medicinal properties to them. At the same time, rowan was also in the same associative row with vodka, which was used more often than other berries as the main ingredient in tinctures and whose bitterness masked not very high-quality moonshine.

Basic rules

As in any important matter, you first need to immerse yourself in theory, even if at first glance this very matter seems obvious. So, tinctures are usually called alcoholic drinks, usually up to 45% strength, which are obtained by infusing alcohol on fruits, berries, seeds and herbs - usually with the addition of sugar and many other ingredients. Naturally, in each case, everything is a little more complicated than simply mixing alcohol and berries, but more on that later. The tincture production process can take up to seven weeks - in general, you will have to be patient and not uncork the jar ahead of time.

Do not confuse tinctures with liqueurs - these are two different categories of drinks. The latter are most often obtained by fermentation (or, conversely, simply mixing alcohol with fruit drink, if we talk about industrial quantities). They are also distinguished by the level of alcohol content - no more than 20%.

The meaning of the infusion process itself is to ensure that all the biologically active substances and essential oils of the main ingredient of the tincture are transferred into alcohol. This is exactly what the tincture needs from two to seven weeks. You can speed up this process by heating the composition to about 50 degrees. But we don’t recommend you do this - it will most likely turn out worse (on the other hand, you can experiment endlessly).

A type of alcohol close to tinctures is bitter. It includes bitters, some liqueurs and rare vermouths.

How to make your own tincture

It's worth understanding one thing in advance: tincture culture is an endless chain of trial and error. There are many classic recipes or simply guaranteed successful combinations, but some of them turn out to be frankly spoiled, and in other cases, on the contrary, they acquire additional taste bonuses. Everything will depend on the compatibility, set of ingredients and storage conditions of the tincture - each of these points guarantees you a lot of pitfalls and a whole universe for experimentation. We will try to dwell on the last point in more detail, and will also give a couple of proven recipes so that you have something to start with.

Choice of alcohol
and the main ingredient of the tincture

The easiest way to experiment is with drinks that are simpler in taste. In fact, you can also infuse simple alcohol - such drinks will be much easier to handle, but much less interesting. Another thing is more complex alcohols: gin, grappa, even rum, bourbon and whiskey.

You need to choose a pairing for such drinks more carefully. The main rule is that you need the main ingredient to either complement or completely kill the original taste of alcohol. For example, juniper gin (although it seems simple and transparent) is not so easy to curb - sweet berries are most often used for this: currants, raspberries and others.

The second important question is how many berries or fruits to put in the jar. Let’s say right away: you shouldn’t feel sorry for the product: the more berries, the brighter and richer the taste of the final potion. It is also important to understand this rule: the more berries, the more juice will be released into the tincture and the more the alcohol will drop in degree, which is usually not very good - here you will have to find a balance, and better yet, on your own, according to your personal taste.


To store the tincture, first of all, you need to get the right container: a not too narrow glass container with an airtight lid and always transparent - to monitor the process. Another important thing that you will definitely have to stock up on is your patience. Frequently opening the lid “to try” or “sniff” can lead to disastrous consequences.

Vyacheslav Lankin

bar manager of the Delicatessen restaurant

“When I set out to prepare my first similar liqueur - then it was raspberry gin - I was so captivated by it that I happily showed it to all my friends, opened the jar and let it smell. Over time, because of this, the berries that floated to the surface began to become moldy (even though the gin was 57 degrees). So remember - it is contraindicated to open it in vain. And you can fight floating berries with the help of special weights and chintz.”

Storing the magic jar is easier and best at normal room temperature - leave other options in the area of ​​experimentation. But the meaning of the temperature regime in general is quite simple: increasing the temperature increases the rate of diffusion, so the tincture is prepared faster. But it’s not always true that this is best for her.

Another important detail from the storage area is the light beams. If you leave the container in a dark closet, the tincture will turn out to be darker in color and seem to be thicker in appearance. This is a classic option. But you can go further and put it in the sun (for example, on the roof of your villa) - the color will fade, become rustier and lighter, and the tincture itself, no matter how strange it may sound, will acquire a smoky taste and smell.

You can uncork the potion after two weeks of infusion. Only after this does it make sense to at least somehow taste and smell the tincture. And only if you use juicy berries or fruits. Hard, dried ingredients or seeds and seeds will take much longer to infuse.

The easiest way to determine the degree of readiness is visually - when the color of the alcohol and berries mixes and the contents of your jar become almost 100 percent uniform, you can stop infusing. The exception is your personal experience or the seeds contained in fruits and berries, for the sake of the additional astringency of which you can continue to insist and wait a long time for the desired result.

The final stage before consumption is the separation of fruits from alcohol. First, you need to strain everything through a fine sieve, pouring in the berries soaked in alcohol, and leave it for 20–30 minutes. The question remains whether to squeeze the berries or not. Everything here is also quite simple - you can squeeze everything except the berries, which are a mush in a shell (like currants and raspberries) - these small residues will then be impossible to strain. And everything else - the tincture is ready.

A few additional tips

2. Before putting the berries in the tincture, they should be frozen - the ice will destroy the structure, and they will release juices and other elements faster.

3. There is an opinion that the readiness of the tincture should be determined by the berries that float to the surface. In fact, this is not true. In any case, this thesis should not be used.

4. Another common opinion: harmful acids are released from the seeds of berries during the infusion process. This is true, but you should not be afraid of them - the doses are too small to cause any harm to a person.

The Russian people have been able to prepare a variety of vodka-based liqueurs since ancient times. When preparing them, the centuries-old experience of healers, traditional healers and ordinary connoisseurs who love these drinks is taken into account. As a rule, 40-proof vodka is used for tinctures, on which berries, seeds, roots, and various herbs are infused. The result is not only a tasty, but also a very healthy drink. Numerous recipes for vodka tinctures have been passed down from generation to generation for decades, as people had great respect for this traditional Russian drink. Prepared drinks are used both for treatment and served to the table.

In the 16th century, the famous Vodka Chamber, which operated on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, was famous for its liqueurs. There are many legends about the healing power of vodka liqueurs, one of which is considered a historical fact. One day, one of the favorites of Empress Catherine II, Count Alexei Orlov, unexpectedly fell ill. The doctors could not cope with his illness, but the ordinary barber Erofey put him back on his feet. He prepared a vodka tincture using medicinal herbs that he brought from his trip to China. This unique medicinal product was named after the manufacturer - “Erofeich”.

Cooking principles

There are no special subtleties in making vodka tinctures, but nevertheless, every housewife or owner has her own secrets and tricks. To prepare the tincture you need: raw materials, vodka, sugar (not always).

The liqueurs are:

  • bitter - without added sugar, they are often made with alcohol and high strength, from 30 to 60%. For their preparation, herbs, roots, seeds, peels, etc. are used.
  • sweet - made with fruits or berries, depending on the amount of sugar, it can be a tincture (150-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of vodka), liqueur (300-400 g) or liqueur (400-500 g);
  • spicy - spicy herbs are used for their production: wormwood, rosemary, celery, etc., as well as spices.

Some tricks

1. The berries can first be frozen in the freezer, this will destroy the fibers and give them more juice.

2. The drink should be infused in a dark place (or a dark glass bottle), at room temperature.

3. The tincture can also be left in the sun during preparation, in which case the finished drink will be lighter, the taste will be slightly different - slightly smoked.

4. It is better not to open the tincture cap until the product is completely ready.

5. Pour vodka into the container right up to the lid to reduce the amount of oxygen.

6. The product should be infused for 2 to 6 weeks, in a dark place. The infusion temperature can be increased to 50-60°, then the liqueur will be ready faster (1 week).

The best recipes for vodka tinctures

Tincture "Erofeich"

The recipe for this tincture, unique in its healing power, has been preserved to this day. Tincture "Erofeich" includes a large number of medicinal plants, as many as 18 items. To prepare it, you need to stock up on 100 grams of lemon root and galangal roots, 50 grams of chicory, juniper berries, peony and chamomile flowers, seeds of Bogorodskaya grass, garden dawn, anise and dill. You will also need to take 25 grams of Alexandria leaf, sage and thyme, 2 handfuls of wormwood, capitol, St. John's wort, knotweed and centaury herb.

All ingredients are chopped and poured into a quarter bottle. In former times, this was the name given to a glass container, the volume of which was equal to a quarter of a bucket - 3.08 liters. 3 liters of vodka are poured into the bottle, sealed tightly and left to infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks. Then the tincture is filtered and taken a few drops before eating.

Currant tinctures

Tinctures and liqueurs are prepared from both black and red currants, as well as white ones. The results are aromatic and tasty drinks. For a richer taste, you can add cherry leaves. To add different flavors, you can add spices - cloves, cinnamon or vanilla, they are added to the syrup.


  • vodka (or diluted alcohol) – 0.5 liters;
  • black currants – 400 g (2 cups);
  • water – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 250 g.

Preparation. Boil syrup from sugar and water, as soon as the sugar dissolves, add all the berries, let it boil, keep everything on the fire for 3 minutes. After this, mash the berries with a wooden masher, let cool and mix with vodka. Pour into a container (bottle), where it will infuse until the liqueur is ready, leave in a dark place at room temperature for 3 weeks. Shake occasionally. Then strain through cheesecloth, pour into glass bottles, and store in a cool place. If desired, black currants can be replaced with red or white ones.

Cranberry tincture

The flora of dense Russian forests, vast meadows, and impenetrable swamps is truly unique. In particular, cranberry tincture with vodka is widely popular. To prepare this delicious and healing drink, you will first need to mash the berries, as is customary in old Russian recipes. Passing cranberries through modern electric meat grinders or juicers is not recommended.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • Cranberries – 1 liter;
  • Vodka – 0.5 liters;

For the syrup:

  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Water – 1 glass.

Place the mashed cranberries in a glass container, pour in vodka, seal tightly and let steep for at least 10 days. With a longer infusion period, the drink will turn out even better, its flavor richness will become richer. The tincture needs to be shaken daily. Then you need to strain it through cheesecloth and add pre-prepared sugar syrup. If desired, you can change the proportions of water and sugar, but if you stick to the 1:1 ratio, you should get a twenty-degree tincture with 20% sugar content.

Instead of cranberries, you can take lingonberries, the proportions are the same as in cranberry tincture. The result is an equally wonderful drink.

Pear tincture

This tincture turns out to be very aromatic. Pears themselves are sweet fruits, so you can add sugar, or you can do without sugar.


  • pears – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 1 bottle (0.5 l);
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 100 g.

Wash the pears, cut into small pieces, pour vodka. Let it brew for 4 weeks in a dark place. After this, strain and squeeze the tincture, add boiled and cooled sugar syrup. Let sit in the refrigerator for 3-4 days before serving.

Raspberry vodka tincture

Raspberries make a very aromatic, tasty and healthy tincture. You can cook it with or without sugar.

Sugar-free tincture. Sort out the raspberries, put clean and good berries in a jar, pour in high-quality vodka so that the liquid completely covers the berries. Place in a dark and warm place, let it brew for 2 months, then strain through cheesecloth and bottle.

Tincture with sugar. The proportions are as follows: for 300 g of berries, take 0.5 liters of vodka. Pour vodka over the raspberries so that the liquid is 2 cm above the berries. Let it brew for 2 months. Strain the tincture, put the resulting liquid in the refrigerator, and add sugar to the berries - for the specified amount of 100 g, and also put it in the refrigerator for 1.5 months. After the expiration date, remove the berries with sugar, add water (100 g), heat in a saucepan until boiling. Then let cool and strain, carefully squeezing the berries. Mix all liquids (raspberry vodka and juice with sugar). The liqueur is ready.

Cherry and rowan tinctures

No less popular are recipes for vodka tinctures made from cherry or rowan. They are very easy to prepare. To prepare cherry tincture, pour 500 grams of cherries with 500 grams of vodka and add 2 tablespoons of honey. After 5 - 7 days, the delicious tincture is ready for use.

And before preparing the rowan tincture, the berries need to be dried a little in the oven. Then mix a liter of vodka, a kilogram of berries, adding a little vanilla sugar. Infuse the drink for 3 weeks. This wonderful drink will decorate any table.

Thus, vodka tincture is the healthiest Russian national drink, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. Be healthy!

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For true gourmets who have long been tired of classic alcoholic drinks, we suggest trying a recipe for tincture with dried apricots. You can use alcohol, vodka or even moonshine as a base. The classic recipe involves using only dried apricots: take 150 grams of chopped dried apricots and pour in a liter of alcohol. To prepare the alcohol base, you can use home brew recipes for moonshine. leave for a month in a dark, warm […]

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Raspberries have long been famous not only for their wonderful taste and sweetness, but also for their beneficial properties. Raspberry tincture with vodka (alcohol, moonshine), the recipe for which is described below, is a dessert one, but a properly prepared tincture will help the body overcome fever and colds, and cope with nervous disorders. Raspberries are rich in iron, copper, organic acids, vitamins C, B1 and B12. Raspberries also […]

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Plum liqueur has always been considered an excellent dessert drink on long autumn or cold winter evenings. Vodka, alcohol, moonshine - recipes call for any alcohol base - it is almost always equally good! The main thing is to choose quality ingredients. First of all, it is, of course, a plum. It should be dense and ripe, but not too much, i.e. […]

Currently, in all stores you can buy various alcoholic drinks, not only Russian-made, but also foreign. Such as expensive cognacs, brandy, whiskey and many others, which are mainly made from various chemical additives, dyes and flavors. The assortment is, of course, huge, but some people cannot buy them due to low income or […]

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Kiwi fruits are known to contain a lot of useful substances. From a botanical point of view, kiwi is not a fruit, but a berry. It is rich in microelements, vitamins A, E and group B (pyridoxine, folic acid), and it contains even more vitamin C than oranges and lemons. But the most important property of kiwi is that […]

It's no secret that together with lemon, a shock dose of vitamin C enters the body, which perfectly allows you to cope with colds and is a good preventive measure. And of course, dishes and drinks prepared with lemon are also very healthy. One of the popular drinks is an alcoholic tincture made from lemon, which will not only decorate a festive feast, […]

At all times, homemade products have been the most delicious and healthy. In addition, food prepared at home is considered the safest and highest quality. The most common homemade dishes can rightfully be considered dumplings and all kinds of pickles. All these gastronomic delights are perfectly complemented by homemade orange liqueur, which can be prepared with vodka, moonshine or […]

Tangerine tincture with vodka, alcohol or moonshine is one of your favorite drinks that is ideal for any feast. You can make it at home. The main ingredient for making this alcohol is tangerines. It is best to choose fresh, ripe, brightly colored fruits. Overripe, soft or darkened fruits are also suitable for the recipe, but in this case the taste will be […]

Oak barrels have been used for storing alcoholic beverages since ancient times. World experience is also widely used by moonshiners, who note that if you follow the technology of the recipe for tincture of moonshine in an oak barrel, the final drink acquires noble taste and aromatic qualities. To get the desired result and improve the quality of the drink, you need to start by preparing the oak container itself. Let's look at the main stages [...]

Tincture of birch buds (also called brunki) with vodka, alcohol or moonshine is an alcohol-containing drink that has a pleasant smell reminiscent of spring. Many manufacturers make alcohol based on birch buds, but none of the purchased options compare to what is made at home. Where can I get the ingredients? Birch buds are a young shoot […]

If you are no longer a beginner in the business of moonshine, you know perfectly well how to prepare mash, distill and purify homemade alcohol, it is quite natural that you would like to learn additional skills. Learn to make unusual and medicinal drinks.

This step could be to study recipes for homemade tinctures. You can learn to prepare alcoholic drinks similar to many well-known brands yourself. Baileys, cognac, tequila, absinthe - this is not a complete list of what can be made based on homemade moonshine recipes.

You can infuse a variety of raw materials: dried fruits, nuts, fruits and berries, herbs, tree roots and bark, spices, etc. Everything is limited only by your imagination. And of course, recipes for the best tinctures will come to the rescue - you can use them to learn the basics, and then begin your own experiments. It is quite possible that you will be able to invent a new exotic drink. Such homemade alcohol on the holiday table often beats store-bought alcohol, both in price and quality.

The main component of all homemade tincture recipes is moonshine. In order for the final product to be of good quality, the moonshine must be of the highest level: double distillation, thorough purification and filtration. For these purposes, you need to buy a moonshine still, and not use a homemade one. You also need to carefully consider the choice of mash recipe for moonshine.

All homemade tinctures are divided into several categories. For example, according to the type of raw materials used: a drink made from fresh berries, fruits or their juice is called liqueur or liqueur. Most often it is sweet alcohol with a strength of about 20%. As a rule, women prefer liqueur because it is easy to drink, has a pleasant taste, and goes well with fruits and desserts.

Homemade alcohol tinctures have become very popular. Made with natural ingredients, they taste very different from drinks purchased in stores.

But you can enjoy the pleasant taste and smell of homemade liqueur by following the rules of preparation and careful selection of products.

Types of alcohol tinctures and the basics of their preparation

In cookbooks or on the Internet you can find various recipes for drinks infused with vodka, cognac or whiskey. But alcohol liqueurs are very popular. Amateur winemakers distinguish several types of tinctures:

  1. The bitter liquor has a strength of 40◦-60◦. Recipes are most often based on the use of herbs, walnuts, berries and seeds. The main feature of the drink is the minimal use of products;
  2. The strength of the sweet tincture reaches 30°. For preparation, use apples, pears, currants or rowan with the addition of granulated sugar in large quantities;
  3. Spicy tinctures have a strength from 40◦ to 60◦. Mostly spices are used, and after the drink is ready, it is passed through a moonshine still.

For a homemade drink, you can use fresh and dried berries and leaves. The product is ready when the beneficial substances and essential oils of the ingredients are completely dissolved in the alcohol solution.

The infusion time depends on the temperature of the room where the tincture will be stored. At room temperature, the product will be ready in about five weeks. At higher temperatures the time is reduced by one week.

Drinks on the leaves are prepared in dark containers for two days. If you overexpose them, the tincture will acquire a yellow tint, and the taste will be a little herbal. Homemade liqueur made with berries and roots takes no more than five weeks to prepare. And for berries such as blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, fourteen days will be enough.

Basic recipe

How to make a tincture from alcohol:

  1. A clean three-liter jar needs to be filled with washed berries and filled to the neck with alcohol;
  2. Store the jar in a dark place at room temperature with a tightly closed lid;
  3. Keep the tincture for about ten days, shaking it every three days;
  4. When the drink is ready, it must be filtered through clean gauze or a cloth;
  5. Pour the strained tincture into a clean jar and place in the refrigerator or cellar for eight weeks.

Homemade viburnum tincture


  • viburnum – 900 grams;
  • pine nuts – 20 pieces;
  • anise seeds – 1 pinch;
  • 45% alcohol – 750 milliliters;
  • sugar syrup - 1 tablespoon.

Preparation time: approximately 5 weeks.

Cooking method:

Viburnum drink with sea buckthorn


  • viburnum - 250 grams;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – 250 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 5 tablespoons;
  • 5 buds of cloves;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • alcohol - 3 liters.

Preparation time: 1 month 3 days.

Calorie content: 220 kcal/100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the sea buckthorn and viburnum berries and place them in a jar;
  2. Add sugar and spices to the berries. Mix well with a spoon so that the berries release juice;
  3. Infuse for three days at room temperature. The tincture should ferment a little;
  4. To prevent mold from appearing in the jar, the contents must be stirred several times a day;
  5. When the berries ferment, they need to be filled with alcohol and covered tightly with a lid. Leave for one month in a cool, dark place;
  6. The finished tincture is filtered through cotton wool and bottled into bottles of the required volume.

Cranberry liqueur recipe


  • 0.5 kilograms of cranberries;
  • 500 milliliters of alcohol;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 400 milliliters of water.

Preparation time: 40 days.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cranberries, dry and crush;
  2. Put berries, sugar in a jar and fill with alcohol;
  3. The tincture is aged for forty days under a tightly closed lid in a dark place;
  4. The finished tincture is filtered through a clean cloth and filtered with cotton wool;
  5. Pour the purified drink into bottles. Can be stored for nine months.

Mint tincture with alcohol


  • 90 grams of fresh mint;
  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 500 milliliters of alcohol.

Preparation time: approximately 3 weeks.

Calorie content: 200 kcal/100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Mint leaves are crushed and poured with alcohol in a saucepan;
  2. The contents of the container are infused for three hours, longer if desired. The color should change slightly;
  3. After time, strain the leaves into a suitable bottle;
  4. Granulated sugar is dissolved in one glass of water and added to the liquid;
  5. The drink is infused for three weeks;
  6. The first sample can be taken after fourteen days.



  • 450 grams of alcohol;
  • 0.5 liters of clean water;
  • 3 teaspoons of natural honey;
  • 1 red hot pepper;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 1 tablespoon coriander seeds.

Preparation time: 3 weeks.

Calorie content: 250 kcal/100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the water and dissolve honey in it. When the liquid has cooled, it needs to be poured into the prepared jar;
  2. Add alcohol to the resulting liquid;
  3. Place whole hot peppers, coriander and cloves in a jar;
  4. Infuse the preparation for three weeks in a dark place. Then strain and pour into a bottle.

Winter ginger drink


  • 2 liters of 40◦ alcohol;
  • 1 tablespoon of burnt sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger;
  • 2 clove buds;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • cinnamon;
  • a little vanilla sugar.

Preparation time: approximately 5 days.

Calorie content: 20 kcal/100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. The necessary products must be mixed in a saucepan and heated over low heat to 60°;
  2. Cover the pan with the heated liquid on all sides with a thick blanket and let cool at room temperature;
  3. When the tincture has cooled (this can take up to a day), it needs to be strained;
  4. To improve the taste, pour into transparent bottles and keep for another three days.

drunk cherry


  • 50◦ alcohol – 2 liters;
  • cherry berries – 2 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a little vanilla sugar.

Preparation time: 2 weeks.

Calorie content: 240 kcal/100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. For the tincture, you can take fresh or frozen cherries. In a separate container, the berries need to be lightly crushed;
  2. Pour berries, sugar, spices into a five-liter bottle and fill everything with alcohol;
  3. The tincture is stored at room temperature and shaken well for five days. The lid cannot be opened!;
  4. After about two weeks, the drink can be strained through cotton wool and bottled.

  1. To prepare the tincture, you can take alcohol with a strength of 40°. But for a richer taste, it is better to take sixty-degree pure alcohol;
  2. If the finished tincture is too strong, it can be diluted to the desired strength with water;
  3. In order for the berries to give more juice, they need to be frozen a little before pouring alcohol;
  4. Almost all recipes need to be infused in a dark place. But some tinctures are made in the sun, so the drink turns out light;
  5. To give a noble and aromatic taste, berries or fruits can be slightly fried beforehand;
  6. It is not recommended to open the lid when shaking the tincture daily. This will lead to the entry of oxygen and bacteria, which will spoil the future drink;
  7. If the finished drink is not aromatic and weak, you can pour it with fresh ingredients from the recipe and leave for the allotted time;
  8. The taste of the future drink can be checked using a test blend. Take all liqueur ingredients in minimal quantities and heat in a closed bottle to 60°C. When the drink has cooled, you need to take a sample. If the taste is satisfactory, you can prepare the tincture in the required quantity.

Preparing alcohol tinctures at home requires a lot of time and effort. But in the end, the result will meet your expectations. The refined and mild taste will please guests and is perfect for any feast.

Natural – 250 ml;
- boiled water – 250 ml;
- – 500 ml.

To prepare cherry juice, take 1 kg of fresh berries with the stems removed and 700 g of granulated sugar. Wash the berries, place in a wide-necked container, cover with granulated sugar, cover with gauze or a cotton napkin, tie with a cord and place in a warm place, possibly in the sun, for 30-40 days. From the resulting fermented juice, take the required amount (in this case it is 250 ml), and mix with boiled water. Pour into a beautiful bottle or decanter. Store the tincture in a cool place.

Tincture “Autumn”

- red – 500 g;
- apples – 1 kg;
- granulated sugar – 300 g;
- vodka – 1.5 l.

Apples must be ripe, aromatic, and juicy. For example, varieties such as Ranet, Saffron, White Naliv, Golden Delicious, Gala, etc. Rowan for tincture is best after the first frost.

Sort the rowan, remove any debris, rinse thoroughly and place in a colander to allow all the water to drain out. Wash the apples, dry them, remove the core and cut into rings. Place the prepared apples and rowan berries in layers in a suitable container, sprinkling each layer with granulated sugar, and pour in vodka so that it completely covers the fruit and berry mixture. Cover with gauze or a napkin and leave to “ripen” for 2-3 months at room temperature. The drink is considered ready when the rowan berries are completely discolored. Strain, bottle, and cap. Store in a cool, dark place.

Tincture “Natural”

- crushed oak bark – 1 tsp;
- coriander seeds – 0.5 tsp;
- thyme – 1 tbsp;
- St. John's wort – 1 tbsp;
- lemon balm – 1 tbsp;
- natural honey – 3 tbsp;
- vodka – 500 ml.

It is better to take herbs, bark and seeds dried. Before use, pound them in a mortar until the aroma appears.

Pour vodka over honey and stir thoroughly. Pour into a bottle, add all the other ingredients (you can add other herbs that you like), shake, and then seal tightly and store in a cool, dark place for 2-3 months. Strain, pour into a bottle or decanter, and store in the refrigerator.

Berry tincture

- berries;
- granulated sugar;
- vodka.

Take juicy ripe berries (you can even overripe them, but not rotten ones) - strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries; black, white and red currants and rinse them under the tap. Pour the berries into a convenient container in layers, sprinkling each layer with granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio. If you want it to work out, increase the amount of sand. The last layer of berries should be completely covered with sand. Cover the dish with a loose lid or napkin and place in a warm place. Possibly in the sun.

In a day or two, the berries will release juice. Drain it through cheesecloth or a sieve and put it in the refrigerator, and pour granulated sugar on top of the remaining berries - half the amount that was poured the first time. After a day or two, drain the juice again and combine it with the existing juice, and cover the berries again with sand (half the previous amount). When you have poured the berry juice for the 3rd time, you can begin preparing the tincture directly. To do this, combine the resulting strained juice and vodka in the following proportions: for 1 liter of juice, take 200-250 ml of vodka. Stir, pour into bottles, cap and store in a cool place.



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