Lymph drainage on the face diagram. Massage exercises to strengthen the midface

In the human body, along with the cardiovascular system, there is also a complementary lymphatic system. This structure penetrates all tissues and organs with capillaries, providing movement biological fluid– lymph and promoting strengthening immune defense body.

The lymphatic system helps the body cleanse itself of toxins, waste, germs and infections, and also removes excess liquid from the intercellular space, pumping it into the vascular bed.

Lymphatic fluid is considered one of the types connective tissue and includes lymphocytes - cells of the immune system. They perform vital functions, as they are able to distinguish “their” components from “foreign” ones within the body - red and white blood cells from infections and microbes, and then break down harmful particles with the help of T-lymphocytes.

Lymph also includes:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • minerals;
  • colloidal solutions of proteins;
  • fats.

This viscous liquid resembles blood plasma in its properties. The body of an adult contains about one and a half to two liters. Circulation is ensured by contractions muscle cells in the walls of blood vessels, as well as the movement of other muscles, general position body and breathing phases.

Functions of lymph in the body

Lymph circulation performs several functions at once:

Structure diagram

The anatomical structure of the lymphatic system can be depicted schematically:

The main components of its structure:

  • capillaries and vessels;
  • nodes;
  • ducts;
  • organs.

Lymphatic capillaries and vessels penetrate almost all organs and tissues of the body. They are not found only in the spinal cord and brain, the internal tissue of the spleen, the lens of the eye, the middle ear and the placenta. The capillaries of the lymphatic system are thicker than those of the circulatory system and have permeable walls that are physiologically more adapted to the absorption of substances. They merge into large ducts - vessels that also have thin walls, but are equipped with valves that prevent reverse or retrograde flow of lymph.

The vessels slowly deliver fluid to groups of lymph nodes consisting of lymphoid tissue, which contains:

  • lymphocytes;
  • plasma cells;
  • reticulocytes are young red blood cells.

Immune cells “mature” in the nodes of the lymphatic system:

  • B lymphocytes – produce antibodies and mobilize immune system in case of threat;
  • T-lymphocytes - promote the breakdown of cells damaged by viruses.

The fluid released from the lymph nodes through large ducts enters the circulatory system. As can be seen in the diagram, there are only two lymphatic ducts in the body - right and left, which flow into the corresponding subclavian veins.

The organs of the lymphatic system are:

  • spleen;
  • thymus gland or thymus;
  • tonsils.

The movement of lymph occurs from bottom to top due to the fact that the valves of this system allow fluid to pass in only one direction. Therefore, it is important to massage in the direction of its circulation: from the fingers to the thoracic lymphatic duct, from the toes to the inguinal lymph nodes.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes

Since the lymphatic system is aimed at cleansing the body and ridding it of harmful microelements, enlarged lymph nodes always indicate the presence of pathology.

The following photo is an example of what it looks like swollen lymph node. In this case, the neck is affected.

The most common cause of enlarged lymph nodes is infection. They can be both local and generalized when inflammatory process first occurs in one lymph node and then spreads to others.

Autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation in the nodes are arthritis and lupus erythematosus.

Oncological diseases of the lymphatic system: Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Inflammation can also be caused by other types of cancer, the metastases of which spread to the lymph nodes.

Cleansing the lymphatic system

Since the lymphatic system performs a number of vital important functions, removing polluting bacteria, infections and cell breakdown products from the body, it also needs cleansing.

Sedentary lifestyle poor nutrition, technogenic influence - all this disrupts its work and leads to stagnation of lymph in the body. As a result, pathogenic substances are not removed from the body, but remain in it, which reduces general level immunity and increases the risk of autoimmune diseases.

Helps cleanse the lymphatic system healthy diet and undergoing a special massage.

The diet should include the following products:

  • fresh herbs;
  • seaweed;
  • linseed oil;
  • herbal teas.

To improve fluid outflow, you need to drink at least 7-8 glasses of clean water daily.

It will help to “revive” the processes of outflow and lymphatic drainage. However, it should only be done by a massage therapist trained in special techniques: the lymphatic system is very fragile, incorrect actions can damage the valves and cause backflow of fluid. All movements should be made in the direction of lymph flow - from bottom to top.

Lymphatic drainage:

  • promotes the penetration of fluid from tissues into the capillaries and vessels of the system;
  • accelerates lymph circulation;
  • activates the process of cleansing blood vessels from cell decay products.

A lymphatic drainage session lasts at least an hour. It begins with warming up techniques - intense stroking and rubbing. Then the massage therapist applies deeper techniques that promote the movement of lymph and are performed along lymphatic vessels. At this stage, it is important to consistently work on all parts of the body: from the toes to the pelvic area, from the fingers to the chest. The session ends with relaxing techniques - light stroking.

Learn more about techniques and features lymphatic drainage massage you can from the article

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The fluid that enters the tissue is lymph. Lymphatic systemcomponent vascular system, providing lymph formation and lymph circulation.

Lymphatic system - a network of capillaries, vessels and nodes through which lymph moves in the body. Lymphatic capillaries are closed at one end, i.e. end blindly in the tissues. Lymphatic vessels of medium and large diameter, like veins, have valves. Along their course are located lymph nodes- “filters” that retain viruses, microorganisms and the largest particles found in the lymph.

The lymphatic system begins in the tissues of organs in the form of an extensive network of closed lymphatic capillaries that do not have valves, and their walls have high permeability and the ability to absorb colloidal solutions and suspensions. Lymphatic capillaries turn into lymphatic vessels equipped with valves. Thanks to these valves, which prevent the reverse flow of lymph, it flows only towards the veins. Lymphatic vessels flow into the lymphatic thoracic duct, through which lymph flows from 3/4 of the body. The thoracic duct drains into the cranial vena cava or jugular vein. Lymph through the lymphatic vessels enters the right lymphatic trunk, which flows into the cranial vena cava.

Rice. Diagram of the lymphatic system

Functions of the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system performs several functions:

  • provides a protective function lymphoid tissue lymph nodes, producing phagocytic cells, lymphocytes and antibodies. Before entering the lymph node, the lymphatic vessel divides into small branches that pass into the sinuses of the node. Small branches also extend from the node, which unite again into one vessel;
  • the filtration function is also associated with the lymph nodes, in which various foreign substances and bacteria are mechanically retained;
  • the transport function of the lymphatic system is that through this system the main amount of fat enters the blood, which is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the lymphatic system also performs a homeostatic function, maintaining a constant composition and volume of interstitial fluid;
  • The lymphatic system performs a drainage function and removes excess tissue (interstitial) fluid located in the organs.

The formation and circulation of lymph ensures the removal of excess extracellular fluid, which is created due to the fact that filtration exceeds fluid reabsorption in blood capillaries. Such drainage function the lymphatic system becomes obvious if the outflow of lymph from some area of ​​the body is reduced or stopped (for example, when the limbs are compressed by clothing, the lymphatic vessels are blocked due to injury, they are crossed during surgery). In these cases, local tissue swelling develops distal to the compression site. This type of edema is called lymphatic.

Return to the bloodstream of albumin filtered into the intercellular fluid from the blood, especially in highly permeable organs (liver, gastrointestinal tract). More than 100 g of protein returns to the bloodstream per day with lymph. Without this return, protein loss in the blood would be irreplaceable.

Lymph is part of the system that provides humoral connections between organs and tissues. With its participation, the transport of signal molecules is carried out, biologically active substances, some enzymes (histaminase, lipase).

In the lymphatic system, the processes of differentiation of lymphocytes transported by lymph along with immune complexes, performing functions of the body's immune defense.

Protective function The lymphatic system is also manifested in the fact that in the lymph nodes foreign particles, bacteria, remains of destroyed cells, various toxins, as well as tumor cells. With the help of lymph, red blood cells released from the tissues are removed blood vessels(for injuries, vascular damage, bleeding). Often the accumulation of toxins and infectious agents in the lymph node is accompanied by its inflammation.

Lymph is involved in the transport of chylomicrons, lipoproteins and fat-soluble substances absorbed in the intestine into the venous blood.

Lymph and lymph circulation

Lymph is a filtrate of blood formed from tissue fluid. She has alkaline reaction, it lacks, but contains, fibrinogen and, therefore it is able to coagulate. Chemical composition lymph is similar to that of blood plasma, tissue fluid and other body fluids.

Lymph flowing from different organs and fabrics, has different composition depending on the characteristics of their metabolism and activity. Lymph flowing from the liver contains more proteins, lymph - more. Moving along the lymphatic vessels, lymph passes through the lymph nodes and is enriched with lymphocytes.

Lymph - a clear, colorless liquid contained in the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, in which there are no red blood cells, platelets and many lymphocytes. Its functions are aimed at maintaining homeostasis (return of protein from tissues to the blood, redistribution of fluid in the body, milk formation, participation in digestion, metabolic processes), as well as participation in immunological reactions. Lymph contains protein (about 20 g/l). Lymph production is relatively small (most of all in the liver); about 2 liters are formed per day by reabsorption from the interstitial fluid into the blood of the blood capillaries after filtration.

Lymph formation is caused by the transition of water and dissolved substances from the blood capillaries into the tissues, and from the tissues into the lymphatic capillaries. At rest, the processes of filtration and absorption in the capillaries are balanced and lymph is completely absorbed back into the blood. In case of increased physical activity in the process of metabolism, a number of products are formed that increase the permeability of capillaries for protein, its filtration increases. Filtration in the arterial part of the capillary occurs when the hydrostatic pressure increases above the oncotic pressure by 20 mm Hg. Art. During muscular activity, the volume of lymph increases and its pressure causes the penetration of interstitial fluid into the lumen of the lymphatic vessels. Lymph formation is promoted by increased osmotic pressure tissue fluid and lymph in lymphatic vessels.

The movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels occurs due to the suction force of the chest, contraction, contraction of the smooth muscles of the wall of the lymphatic vessels and due to the lymphatic valves.

Lymphatic vessels have sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation. Excitation sympathetic nerves leads to contraction of lymphatic vessels, and when parasympathetic fibers are activated, the vessels contract and relax, which enhances lymph flow.

Adrenaline, histamine, serotonin increase lymph flow. A decrease in the oncotic pressure of plasma proteins and an increase in capillary pressure increases the volume of outflowing lymph.

Lymph formation and quantity

Lymph is the fluid that flows through the lymphatic vessels and is part of internal environment body. The sources of its formation are filtered from the microvasculature into the tissues and contents of the interstitial space. In the section on microcirculation, it was discussed that the volume of blood plasma filtered into tissues exceeds the volume of fluid reabsorbed from them into the blood. Thus, about 2-3 liters of blood filtrate and intercellular fluid that are not reabsorbed into the blood vessels enter per day through the interendothelial cracks into the lymphatic capillaries, the system of lymphatic vessels and return to the blood again (Fig. 1).

Lymphatic vessels are present in all organs and tissues of the body with the exception of surface layers skin and bone tissue. The greatest number of them is found in the liver and small intestine, where about 50% of the body’s total daily lymph volume is formed.

Basic integral part lymph is water. Mineral composition lymph is identical to the composition of the intercellular environment of the tissue in which the lymph was formed. Lymph contains organic matter, mainly proteins, glucose, amino acids, free fatty acids. The composition of lymph flowing from different organs is not the same. In organs with relatively high permeability of blood capillaries, for example in the liver, lymph contains up to 60 g/l of protein. Lymph contains proteins involved in the formation of blood clots (prothrombin, fibrinogen), so it can coagulate. The lymph flowing from the intestines contains not only a lot of protein (30-40 g/l), but also a large number of chylomicrons and lipoproteins formed from aponroteins and fats absorbed from the intestines. These particles are suspended in the lymph, transported by it into the blood and give the lymph a similarity to milk. In the lymph of other tissues, the protein content is 3-4 times less than in blood plasma. Main protein component tissue lymph is a low molecular weight fraction of albumin that filters through the capillary wall into the extravascular spaces. The entry of proteins and other large molecular particles into the lymph of the lymphatic capillaries is due to their pinocytosis.

Rice. 1. Schematic structure of the lymphatic capillary. Arrows show the direction of lymph flow

Lymph contains lymphocytes and other forms of white blood cells. Their quantity in different lymphatic vessels varies and ranges from 2-25 * 10 9 / l, and in the thoracic duct it is 8 * 10 9 / l. Other types of leukocytes (granulocytes, monocytes and macrophages) are found in lymph in small numbers, but their number increases during inflammatory and other conditions. pathological processes. Red blood cells and platelets can appear in the lymph when blood vessels are damaged or tissues are injured.

Absorption and movement of lymph

Lymph is absorbed into lymphatic capillaries, which have a number of unique properties. Unlike blood capillaries, lymphatic capillaries are closed, blind-ending vessels (Fig. 1). Their wall consists of a single layer of endothelial cells, the membrane of which is fixed with collagen threads to extravascular tissue structures. Between endothelial cells there are intercellular slit-like spaces, the dimensions of which can vary widely: from a closed state to a size through which blood cells, fragments of destroyed cells and particles comparable in size to shaped elements blood.

The lymphatic capillaries themselves can also change their size and reach a diameter of up to 75 microns. These morphological features The structure of the wall of lymphatic capillaries gives them the ability to change permeability over a wide range. So, when reducing skeletal muscles or smooth muscle internal organs due to the tension of collagen threads, interendothelial gaps can open, through which intercellular fluid and the mineral and organic substances it contains, including proteins and tissue leukocytes, freely move into the lymphatic capillary. The latter can easily migrate into the lymphatic capillaries also due to their ability to amoeboid movement. In addition, lymphocytes formed in the lymph nodes enter the lymph. The entry of lymph into the lymphatic capillaries is carried out not only passively, but also under the influence of negative pressure forces that arise in the capillaries due to the pulsating contraction of the more proximal sections of the lymphatic vessels and the presence of valves in them.

The wall of lymphatic vessels is made of endothelial cells, which outside The vessels are covered in the form of a cuff by smooth muscle cells located radially around the vessel. Inside the lymphatic vessels there are valves, the structure and principle of operation of which are similar to the valves of the venous vessels. When the smooth myocytes are relaxed and the lymphatic vessel is dilated, the valve leaflets are open. When smooth myocytes contract, causing a narrowing of the vessel, the lymph pressure in this area of ​​the vessel increases, the valve flaps close, the lymph cannot move in the opposite (distal) direction and is pushed proximally through the vessel.

Lymph from the lymphatic capillaries moves into the postcapillary and then into the large intraorgan lymphatic vessels that flow into the lymph nodes. From the lymph nodes, through small extraorgan lymphatic vessels, lymph flows into larger extraorganic vessels that form the largest lymphatic trunks: the right and left thoracic ducts, through which lymph is delivered to the circulatory system. From the left thoracic duct, lymph enters the left subclavian vein in a place near its connection with the jugular veins. Most of the lymph moves into the blood through this duct. The right lymphatic duct delivers lymph to the right subclavian vein from right half chest, neck and right arm.

Lymph flow can be characterized by volumetric and linear velocities. The volumetric flow rate of lymph from the thoracic ducts into the veins is 1-2 ml/min, i.e. only 2-3 l/day. The linear speed of lymph movement is very low - less than 1 mm/min.

The driving force of lymph flow is formed by a number of factors.

  • The difference between the hydrostatic pressure of lymph (2-5 mm Hg) in the lymphatic capillaries and its pressure (about 0 mm Hg) at the mouth of the common lymphatic duct.
  • Contraction of smooth muscle cells in the walls of lymphatic vessels that move lymph towards the thoracic duct. This mechanism is sometimes called the lymphatic pump.
  • Periodic increase external pressure on lymphatic vessels, created by contraction of skeletal or smooth muscles of internal organs. For example, reduction respiratory muscles creates rhythmic changes in pressure in the chest and abdominal cavities. Decrease in pressure in chest cavity when inhaling, it creates a suction force that promotes the movement of lymph into the thoracic duct.

The amount of lymph formed per day in a state of physiological rest is about 2-5% of body weight. The rate of its formation, movement and composition depend on functional state organ and a number of other factors. Thus, the volumetric flow of lymph from the muscles during muscle work increases 10-15 times. 5-6 hours after eating, the volume of lymph flowing from the intestines increases and its composition changes. This occurs mainly due to the entry of chylomicrons and lipoproteins into the lymph.

Compression of leg veins or prolonged standing makes it difficult to return venous blood from feet to heart. At the same time, the hydrostatic blood pressure in the capillaries of the extremities increases, filtration increases and an excess of tissue fluid is created. The lymphatic system in such conditions cannot provide sufficiently its drainage function, which is accompanied by the development of edema.

The lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, capillaries and intercellular fluid. It comes from the bottom up and never reverse order! That is, from the fingertips to the thoracic lymphatic duct. Lymph in the form of intercellular fluid, like water in streams, washes every cell of our body, then through the lymphatic vessels-rivers it enters the lymph nodes. Leaving the lymph nodes and merging with each other, the lymphatic vessels form the main lymphatic ducts, from which the lymph again enters the bloodstream. In the blood and liver, the neutralization processes begun in the lymph nodes are completed.

The nodes occupy a key place in the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are wastewater treatment plants the whole body. In our body every day naturally about 1 billion cells die, at the same time the immune system destroys viruses and bacteria, and unnecessary ones penetrate with food, air and water toxic substances. All this is partially neutralized in the lymph nodes. At the exit from the nodes, the lymph appears already purified.

Lymph nodes produce lymphocytes and antibodies that protect the body from infections.
Lymph nodes contribute to the uniform movement of lymph through the vessels, facilitating entry into the tissues of internal organs nutrients, necessary for the life of cells.
In other words, the lymphatic system is responsible for transport and cleanliness of the internal environment of the body.

It's not hard to imagine what happens when this cleaning system fails. All cell waste products rush through additional pathways, for example, the skin. As a result, it may appear acne, complexion deteriorates and general condition skin. Sudden redness and age spots can also be the consequences of malfunctions of the lymphatic system.

In case of dysfunction of the lymphatic system up to 83% harmful substances accumulates in the intercellular space and as a result, contamination of the lymphatic bed is formed - lymphotoxicosis. This increases the load on all organs of elimination and detoxification: liver, intestines, kidneys. It turns out that the cleanliness of the internal environment of our body is directly related to the network of lymphatic vessels.

To prevent all these toxic factors from damaging cells, a constant outflow of intercellular fluid, or drainage, is necessary. How can we help the lymphatic system cope with the ever-increasing flow of substances poisoning our body?

Lymph cleansing points

Lymphatic system - the only system, except for the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, which is released through the mucous membranes to the outside!
This is absolutely unique phenomenon, because we cannot throw anything away through the skin! The release of poisons can only be through the mucous membranes, because they do not have a solid dead protective barrier of the epidermis.

So, the first springboard for lymphatic evacuation is the first place where bacteria corpses land outside - the vagina (in women) and the urethra (in men)!
As soon as something gets into the body, this “something” is immediately detected here: an uncomfortable state begins below, pain, stinging, etc.

As a rule, it turns out quite well: there is no discharge for three days - and then it starts again (thrush, for example). What is thrush, what is discharge from thrush? - these are the “corpses” of the fungus that were destroyed by our body with the help of leukocytes!
Therefore, we must fight not “corpses”, but living fungi! And there is only one way to fight it - by raising your immunity. Because nothing will work with other methods: you can’t kill everything living in the body...

The second landing site is the intestines, through which it is excreted huge amount poisons! There are thousands of lymph nodes open into the intestines - so they secrete it all!

The third bridgehead is sweat glands, especially in armpits. A person just has to sweat - all the poisons (hormones, toxic poisons) the body removes through the skin.

What do we do to ensure that they are never displayed? That's right, the much-hyped 24-hour deodorant! And all problems with sweat are solved: even if you scare you, even if you go on a roller coaster ride, there will be no more sweating! Where will the poisons go? To the nearest place - to the mammary gland!
And hence mastopathy, pollution of the lymphatic pool: the lymph drove everything out - and you sprayed (anointed), and now you are a fearless, never sweating (but potentially sick) James Bond!

Never use 24-hour deodorant! Only for 6 hours, and then give the body a chance to sweat - and wash everything off! Unfortunately, chemicals, splashed on the skin, constrict blood vessels according to a given program - for 12 - 24 - 48 hours. And now super-deodorants have appeared - 7-day ones. Then your work mechanism will simply be blocked sweat glands- and generally the end...

Everything is very simple: here is the knee joint - two bones with a smooth supporting surface, and around them - joint capsule(capsule). Some people have swelling in their joints... it would seem, why should there be swelling?

But it turns out that behind this joint there is a huge lymph node, and if it is thrombosed (by bacteria, for example, beta-hemolytic streptococcus), which lives in the blood, then this is where you get arthritis (rheumatoid, infectious-allergic, polyarthritis - if many joints are affected).

The temperature may rise, but ask yourself: what is it for? Yes, to fight bacteria!
Or swelling appears. Why? And the lymph node does not allow fluid to pass through. What do we usually do: warm it up, apply mud ointments, hormones, rubs - and do you think it will help? Never! - because, first of all, you need to cleanse the lymph!

But first we need to determine who “lives” there. Until we know this, neither joints, nor skin, nor kidneys will be able to be cured! To get rid of different “residents” you need different medicines: let’s say a fungus lives there, and we are prescribed a course of antibiotics, but they absolutely do not work against the fungus and even feed it! And a powerful fungal arthritis occurs, which is very difficult to cure! And after it, ankylosing spondylitis begins (when a person’s joints begin to twist at one moment), and everything you want...

The fourth bridgehead is the nose, through which the main amount is excreted airborne infection. The adenoids were cut out - they killed their defensive line!

The fifth springboard is the tonsils. They constantly swelled, got in the way - they cut off and buried another protective line!

The sixth springboard - the larynx - is laryngitis.

The seventh springboard is the trachea - the development of tracheitis.

The eighth springboard is the bronchi - the development of bronchitis.

The ninth springboard is the lungs - the development of pneumonia.

That’s it, there are no more protective barriers... A person can block or cut off everything, but it’s completely unclear how he will then secrete poisons!

Lymph is fine - thanks to exercise!

In order to cleanse the lymph, you need to purposefully influence not only the lymphatic system, but also the functioning of the liver and intestines.

Our intestines are surrounded by a very rich lymphatic network. The transport of all fats and fat-soluble substances passes through it and the removal of toxins is carried out. The process of neutralizing substances brought by lymph actively occurs in the liver.

At malfunction intestines and liver, intoxication of the body may increase. As a result, the lymph nodes may not be able to cope with the increasing flow and fail. At the same time, in those parts of the body that are “served” by these lymph nodes, stagnation of lymph will form, accompanied by swelling.

In 1955, the German doctor G.G. Rekeweg formulated the theory of slagging in the human body. Its essence is that disease is a manifestation of the body’s reaction to the effects of various toxins.

Why do those who pay attention to exercise usually have everything in order with their lymphatic system? A person does not have a separate heart for the lymphatic system, but how is a moving flow of lymph created? Here is a lymphatic vessel, and around it are muscles. The muscle contracts - the lymph is pushed through, but the valves in the lymph vessels do not allow it back. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work, where will the movement of lymph come from?..

Rules you need to know

First, never allow the lymphatic system to become clogged with toxins, as over time it will become so clogged that it will be very difficult to restore it. If the situation gets out of your control, contact a knowledgeable specialist in a timely manner.

Secondly, always monitor the condition of the small and large intestines, their complete and regular emptying. To do this, strictly follow your diet. It is also useful to massage the central area of ​​the palms of the hands, where many biological active points related to organs abdominal cavity. During bowel movements, it is useful to massage the entire intestine.

Thirdly, regularly, at least twice a year, conduct lymphatic drainage massage sessions - on your own or, if possible, with experienced specialists. If this is not possible, regularly, while visiting a bathhouse or taking a hot bath, use a hard brush or washcloth 10 to 15 times with force along the body along the lymphatic system: on the limbs, in the pelvic, abdominal and chest areas- from bottom to top and from outside to inside; on the head and neck - from top to bottom and back to front. When self-massaging, you can use special massage creams, rubbing them into the skin with your hands in a circular motion.

Fourthly, periodically monitor your weight. When overweight it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, small and large intestines, be sure to activate physical movements to enhance the movement of stagnant lymph with toxins, balance food intake and expenditure of energy received, and prevent overeating. Remember that the appearance of excess weight is a sure sign of aging.

What not to do

The lymphatic system cannot be heated; forget about quartz for the rest of your life!

You can’t put any compresses on the lymphatic system; during a massage, avoid the lymph nodes: leukocytes live there, and if you press them, go against the flow, you will simply destroy them...

If you damage the lymph node under the knee, it will swell for the rest of your life! There is such a disease as elephantiasis - lymph flows from the inside, all external procedures will not help! Lymph can be cleansed from the inside, but only active movements, muscle contractions - gymnastics.

So that the lymph does not stagnate

If you feel tired while sitting at work, it means your lymph is stagnant! Whoever moves his arms and legs even a little (hidden gymnastics for the body) - his muscles contract and lymph movement appears.

And to avoid hemorrhoids, “jump” 30-50 times on the gluteal muscles: this is a massage of the lymphatic collectors of the small pelvis. If there is no such massage, there will be prostatitis, adenoma...

Sex is also a rhythmic and orderly movement, and if it is active, then the lymphatic system is worked out, profuse sweating

Traditional methods cleansing the lymphatic system

Carry out this cleaning regularly: first once every three months, then once every six months, and then once a year. Best effect achieved in spring. It is especially useful to cleanse the lymph before a flu epidemic.

For prevention, it is useful to periodically drink tea made from apple cider vinegar. To do this, dilute 1 - 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar in 1 glass warm water, add a little honey and drink 2 - 3 glasses a day.

To cleanse the lymph, brew a handful of purple burdock flowers in 1 liter of boiling water, cool and drink as tea for a month. When you first take it, eat 3-4 raw burdock roots and 1 medium-sized celery root. Taking a decoction of partitions also helps cleanse the lymph. walnuts. 1 tsp. partitions walnut pour 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour, strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Pass 100 g of walnuts through a meat grinder and mix with 100 g of honey. Leave the mixture for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place and drink 2 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. And so - 40 days.

Fir branches - 1 kg (ground into powder), forest raspberries, roots (autumn-spring) - 0.5 kg (powder). Mix. Then put in layers in a glass bowl with honey. For 1.5 kg of mixture you need 0.5 kg of honey and 200 ml boiled water. Leave for a day, then simmer in a water bath for 8 hours, then leave for another 2 days. Drain the juice. A very aromatic, delicious drink.
Children under 14 years old should drink 1 tsp, 5 times a day before meals. Adults - 1 tbsp. l. 5 times before meals.
Use in courses of 12 days: drink for 12 days, rest for 10 days, etc.

Garlic tincture. Pass 200 g of young juicy garlic through a meat grinder and pour in 200 ml of medical alcohol.
Close tightly and place in a cool place for 10 days, then strain and squeeze.
Accepted according to the scheme.
Day 1 - 20 minutes before breakfast, 1 drop in 50 ml of milk, before lunch - 2 drops, before dinner - 3 drops in the same amount of milk.
Day 2 - take 4, 5 and 6 drops respectively before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 3 - 7, 8 and 9 drops.
Day 4 - 10, 11 and 12 drops
Day 5 - 13, 14 and 15
(6 - 10) day the number of drops is reduced in the reverse order: 15, 14, 13 and so on until the tenth day. In the following days, take 25 drops in 50 ml of milk before using all the garlic tincture.

Cut off 1 kg of shoots coniferous trees(spruce, pine, fir, cedar or larch) and dig up 0.5 kg of raspberry roots. Wash, dry, chop, mix and put in a jar, adding 0.5 kg of honey. Fold in layers: a layer of vegetable mixture and a layer of honey. Fill it all in hot water and let it brew for a day. Then simmer this mixture in a water bath over low heat for 8 hours and let it brew again for two days. You should take 1 tbsp. l. (children - 1 tsp.) 4 - 5 times a day for 2 weeks in a row.

For diseases of the lymph nodes, tincture of cinquefoil roots helps to strengthen the immune system (100 g - per 500 g of vodka, leave for 8 days, take 30 drops 3 times a day). And for external use any dry heat. The simplest and, perhaps, the most effective is a dry cloth cloth, rubbed laundry soap. Apply it to the lymph nodes, cover with something warm on top.

To maintain the lymphatic system in in good condition you need to eat right. Try to avoid food that cannot be processed by the body, which can result in intoxication of the body through the intestines. Such foods include all kinds canned food, unnatural drinks, contaminated products environment, vegetables and fruits containing excess amounts of nitrates.

An indicator of lymph cleansing will be the reduction of tonsils, adenoids, cessation of runny nose and cough, reduction skin rashes and discharge from the genital tract. But first you need to remove excess mucus-forming substances from food: starch, bread, pork, sausage, whole milk.

Massage, baths and aromatherapy

To reduce swelling and activate lymph movement, special forms of massage are effective, especially with such essential oils like geranium, juniper and rosemary. When procedures need to be carried out for a long time, rosemary can be replaced with black pepper oil, and some experts also include birch or patchouli oil.

Massage should be done in the direction from the fingers to the collarbone area, where the lymph enters the subclavian vein. Since this massage increases the amount of lymph entering the bloodstream, the amount of fluid released from the body also increases. As a result, after lymphatic massage there is increased urination, which is also enhanced by the fact that the oils used have a diuretic effect.

This type of massage can be even more beneficial if combined with a bath containing some of the same oils. After the bath, you should massage the body with a dry brush in the same direction as with a regular massage, that is, in the direction from the fingers to the collarbone. You may also need a cleansing diet.

Cancer is a contraindication for lymphatic massage. The lymphatic system is the route by which cells malignant tumor can move from one part of the body to another and cause secondary cancers (metastases). Therefore, any procedures affecting the lymphatic system are unacceptable for cancer.

Look within yourself!

From a psychosomatic point of view, problems in the lymphatic system are a warning that you should refocus on the most important thing in life: love and joy. There is blame, guilt, and a huge fear of not being “good enough.” A mad race to prove your Self - until there is no substance left in the blood to support yourself. In this race to be accepted, the joy of life is forgotten.

Among all types of massage special attention I am attracted to lymphatic facial massage. This facial rejuvenation technique has been passed down from generation to generation in Japan since ancient times. However, he gained widespread popularity after the publication of a book about him, which long time took first place in the “top ten books.” It was written by the famous Japanese stylist – Yukoko Tanaka.

Lymphatic drainage system of the face and neck

Before we begin to describe the technique, it is necessary to understand what the lymphatic system of the face and neck is.

It is represented by many capillaries, medium-sized vessels and nodes. Her main function consists of filtering lymph fluid coming from different structures of the face and neck, cleansing it of viruses, malignant cells and bacteria.
The lymph nodes of the head include:

  • mastoid;
  • parotid;
  • submandibular;
  • occipital;
  • facial;
  • mental nodes.

Lymph nodes in the neck include:

  • jugular;
  • thyroid;
  • retropharyngeal and supraclavicular;
  • as well as deep cervical nodes.

To properly perform lymphatic massage, you need to know that the parotid nodes are located in front of the upper edge of the ear, the jugular and deep cervical nodes are in front of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in the area of ​​its middle and lower third.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for performing Japanese lymphatic facial massage:

  • Sagging skin on the lower part of the face, or so-called jowls.
  • Omission upper eyelids(ptosis).
  • Dryness skin.
  • Violation of blood microcirculation in the skin of the face and neck.
  • Expression and senile wrinkles (superficial and deep).
  • Vivid expression of nasolabial folds.
  • Flabby and dry skin, due to decreased tone of blood vessels in the skin and underlying muscles.
  • Unhealthy skin tones (pallor, sallowness, presence of pigment spots).
  • Pronounced subcutaneous fat layer on the neck and face, especially in the cheeks.
  • Pastiness or swelling.
  • Double chin.
  • Not clearly defined facial contour.
  • Seasonal vitamin deficiency (in particular, deficiency of vitamins E and A).

However, this type of massage also has its own contraindications:

  • Age (such procedures are not recommended for persons under 16 years of age).
  • Fresh wounds and other injuries in the face and neck.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases skin (acne, rosacea, furunculosis, demodex, pityriasis rosea, psoriasis, strepto- and staphyloderma, etc.).
  • Fresh rhinoplasty.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphostasis, tumors).
  • High blood pressure.
  • Acute infectious diseases, predominantly of viral etiology.
  • Depressive states.
  • Spicy and chronic pathology ENT organs (tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis).
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Execution technique

Before you start directly performing the massage, you should remember the following unspoken rules: lymphatic drainage exercises for the face and neck area are recommended to be done manually, without using any improvised means (mesoscooters, special balls, etc.).

The skin should be moisturized and pre-cleaned. Can be used cosmetic oils(with caution for people prone to allergic reactions).

The video below will demonstrate the technique of performing lymphatic facial massage.

Facial massage Japanese method, which is called "Zogan" or "Yasahi", allows women to maintain a beautiful and tightened skin for a long time. The main direction of movement is from the middle of the face and neck to the edges, and then upward (that is, along the lines of the lymphatic system of the face).

Lymphatic forehead massage

The Japanese self-massage technique involves using two or three fingers from each hand (usually the ring, middle and index fingers). Three fingers from both hands should be pressed to the conditional central point of the forehead, mentally count three seconds and, with moderate pressure, move them to temporal areas. After that, turn the palmar surface of the hand at a right angle downwards and run your fingers along the lateral edges of the face towards the ears, and from them to the supraclavicular fossae.

Exercises to eliminate puffiness around the eyes

The main condition is that massage movements run along the fibers of the circular muscle of the eyes. In the area of ​​the upper eyelids - from the inner to the outer corners of the eye, in the area lower eyelids- vice versa.

Extend your arms, bent in elbow joints, in different directions, that is, parallel to the floor and lift them up - towards your face. The soft part of both middle fingers can be easily drawn from the outer to the opposite edges of the eyes along the lower eyelids. Then, moderately increasing the pressure, “draw” a semicircle along the upper part of the orbital socket towards the outer corners, and linger at the temporal point for three seconds. Make the first movements again to complete the circle.

The next stage is to change the direction: movements along the lower part of the orbit go from the inner edges to the outer, after which you should again hold your fingers on the point in the temple area in within three seconds and easily move them to your earlobe.

Massage exercises for the face area against wrinkles around the mouth

Place the third and fourth fingers at the conditional central point - the dimple on the chin. Using moderate pressure, circle your mouth with your fingers and finally bring them together above the lips, applying moderate pressure to this area. Then follows both ring fingers raise it up a little nasal septum and again hold in this position for three seconds. Finally, move both hands away from your face.

To reduce cheek volume

Place your fingers in the depressions near the wings of the nasal passages and make 5 arc-shaped movements in the directions: up and down. Slowly move your fingers to upper third the bridge of the nose, perform smoothing movements along the back of the nose, directed towards the buccal-nasal fold. Move your fingers towards the external auditory canals.

Maxillary region, area of ​​zygomatic arches and corners of the mouth

Press your fingers to your chin and move them around your mouth. Direct your movements to the corners of both eyes, and easily spread your arms to the sides - to your temples.

Exercise to improve skin tone of the lower third of the face and cheeks

Place the palm of one hand on the side of the lower jaw. With the other hand, on the opposite side, draw a line from the mandibular angle to internal point eyes and linger. Then, with light pressure, bring the line to the ear. Repeat the same technique with the other part of the face.

Massage exercises to strengthen the midface

Place the palm surfaces of your fingers on your cheeks. Press on the nostrils and move your fingers to the temporal area.

For face lift

Fix the base of the palmar surface of the hand under the chin, position the fingers so that they are directed towards the ear. With pressure, move your hand from the center of the chin to the earlobe. Repeat the same movement on the other side.

Elimination of nasolabial fold

The thumbs of the hands should be placed under the chin, and the rest will clasp the nose. With pressure, spread your palms to the side - towards temporal bones, and hold them for three seconds. The final step is to move your hands along the edges of the face to the hollows above the collarbone.

Lymphatic drainage for wrinkles in the forehead area

Three fingers of the hand make zigzag movements from left to right and vice versa, thereby smoothing the skin of the forehead. Finally, repeat the first exercise.

The video of lymphatic facial massage, which is posted below, will help you understand the technique in more detail.



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