Treating food poisoning at home. Food poisoning

This is a standard “traveler” set that should be in the luggage of all those who like to relax in the summer in warm regions or hot countries. In principle, such a kit will help cope with the first symptoms of intoxication both on hiking trips and in the country. It should be remembered that a “home first aid kit” is not an alternative to professional medical treatment. Medicines for food poisoning that should be in every home as emergency home aid medications:

  1. Packaging of activated carbon. Why packaging? Because the calculation for taking the drug is 1 tablet for every 10 kilograms of body weight, and you need to take it 3-4 times a day. This is an old, reliable way to adsorb toxins and remove them from the body.
  2. Entoban or Intetrix, which help with intestinal intoxication caused by E. coli. These are bactericidal drugs that work well against amoebas, candida and other types of microorganisms, but they are contraindicated for pregnant women and children.
  3. Polysorb or Enterosgel are excellent medicines for food poisoning. These drugs correct microbiocenosis (dysbacteriosis), absorb and remove toxins, and restore the structure of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Smecta is also effective - take a sachet of dissolved contents three times a day and a mild form of intoxication will be overcome.
  4. Linex is a drug that fights dysbiosis, as it contains three types of natural microflora components - lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococcus.
  5. Regidron is a drug that restores normal water-salt metabolism in the body and neutralizes dehydration. Regidron helps relieve acidosis (increased acidity).
  6. No-spa as a safe antispasmodic will help relieve pain due to colic.

Antibiotics for food poisoning

This is the prerogative of the doctor, since only a professional, that is, a doctor, can determine the root cause of poisoning and prescribe an adequate drug. In addition, many antibiotics have no effect on bacterial toxins at all and may even worsen bowel problems (diarrhea). This is explained by the fact that antibacterial therapy can destroy useful and necessary microbes along with harmful ones. Antibiotics for food poisoning are indicated only in extreme cases, when the exact cause of the disease has been identified, indicating the targeted effect of the drug, and the benefits of its use outweigh the risk of complications.

Levomycetin for food poisoning is indicated only for intoxication with pathogens identified in the laboratory. Just like therapy with other antibiotics, treatment with chloramphenicol should only be prescribed by a doctor. In addition, statistics say that only 10% of intoxications require the use of serious antibacterial agents. Therefore, Levomycetin for food poisoning, as well as taking Furadonin, Furazolidone and other so-called “folk” drugs not only does not help, but often harms. Such amateur activities can aggravate the severity of intoxication and lead to irreversible consequences. It should also be taken into account that the uncontrolled use of pharmaceutical prescription drugs greatly distorts the clinical picture and complicates the diagnosis of intoxication.

Enterosgel for food poisoning

This is the safest way to quickly relieve intoxication and protect the body from the spread of intestinal infection. The drug is suitable for all age categories and has no contraindications. Enterosgel is available in a very convenient form for use - a paste, which can be slightly sweetened, which allows it to be used for small children.

Thanks to its composition, Enterosgel helps remove toxins and allergens from the body, and taking the drug in the first hours after intoxication significantly increases its effectiveness. If you take Enterosgel in a timely manner for food poisoning, you can avoid the prescription and use of more serious medications, including antibiotics. The drug adsorbs and removes almost all external and internal toxins, including bacteria, allergens, heavy metal salts, poisons, and radionuclides.

Scheme for using the sorbent:

  • A tablespoon three times a day for adults.
  • A teaspoon three times a day for children under five years of age.
  • A dessert spoon three times a day - children aged 5 to 14-15 years.
  • If the condition is determined to be severe, Enterosgel for food poisoning is taken in double dose.

Activated carbon for food poisoning

This is a drug that has long been tested by many patients. Activated charcoal for food poisoning is often the first remedy that the affected person begins to take. Coal reduces the level of intoxication, as it absorbs toxins; in addition, the drug can reduce or normalize the level of creatinine and urea. In victims of poisoning, activated charcoal reduces feelings of nausea and helps cope with temporary diarrhea. The calculation for Prim is quite simple - 1 tablet for every ten kilograms of a person’s weight. You should take charcoal 2-3 times, possibly more often, it all depends on the severity of the poisoning. Don’t forget to take the drug with you, you need to drink as much as possible: dehydration will be eliminated and the charcoal will begin to act faster.

There are also contraindications - pronounced swelling, suspicion of gastrointestinal bleeding, pregnancy.

Gastric lavage for food poisoning

This treatment of food poisoning is indicated in the absence of vomiting or intensifying it. If the poisoning is determined to be severe, then emergency medical assistance should be called. Before her arrival, you can try to reduce the severity of intoxication by washing. Let’s make a reservation right away that a solution of potassium permanganate is not suitable, since crystals invisible to the eye that have not dissolved can seriously damage the already irritated mucous membranes of the esophagus. The basic rule, which involves gastric lavage during intoxication, is to drink and induce vomiting until the vomit becomes relatively clean, without any admixture of any food debris. Suitable liquids include still mineral water, simple purified water, and water with added salt (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water).

You also need to remember who is contraindicated for washing:

  • If the victim has lost consciousness. A person will not be able to drink liquid, much less vomit, in such a state; moreover, there is a risk of asphyxia.
  • Children under two years of age. Washing in small patients is hardly possible at home; rather, inpatient procedures are indicated for them.
  • All those who have previously been diagnosed with cardiac diseases, or those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. Vomiting can overload the heart and worsen the patient's condition.
  • Pregnant women.

Gastric lavage for food poisoning also involves taking laxatives if the victim shows obvious symptoms of poisoning and does not have diarrhea.

Enema for food poisoning

A very controversial method of treating food poisoning from the point of view of modern medicine, since the absorption of toxins most often occurs in the upper zone of the intestinal tract, and only a siphon procedure is considered cleansing in the sense of removing intoxication, which is practically not used at home. The siphon method of cleansing is contraindicated, as are other enemas, for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Suspicion of volvulus.
  • Symptoms that are characterized as an “acute abdomen” picture.
  • Strangulated hernia.
  • Hemorrhoidal or intestinal bleeding.
  • Acute inflammation of the appendix.

An enema is dangerous for food poisoning because the symptoms of intoxication are often similar to the conditions described above, in which diarrhea, colic, fever, and vomiting are possible. Also, during an enema, gases should escape; if this does not happen, intestinal obstruction is possible, which can only be eliminated in a hospital setting.

What to do if you have food poisoning?

Diarrhea that lasts an hour and a half should not be stopped. An exception is stool disorder in children under two years of age, since their body weight is small and intense diarrhea can cause severe dehydration. Bowel upset in adults is a natural way that the body uses to remove toxins.

You can activate the gag reflex by drinking plenty of fluids and pressing on the root of the tongue. But this method is only possible for adults: unconscious victims, small children, patients with chronic internal diseases, pregnant women - this is the group of people for whom artificially induced vomiting is contraindicated.

To prevent dehydration (dehydration) and help the body cope with intoxication, you need to drink a lot. Drinking should be done in small portions, but often. Sweet compotes and teas are not allowed. The water can be salted or sweetened, but it is best to use special pharmaceutical preparations designed to restore the water-salt balance.

In the first day after poisoning, it is better not to eat at all, so as not to provoke a new stomach upset.

The question of what to do in case of food poisoning becomes very relevant in case of severe symptoms of intoxication. In such cases, immediate medical attention is needed, especially when it comes to intoxication with mushrooms, canned food, poisonous berries or plants.

First aid for food poisoning

First aid helps reduce the rate of absorption of toxins into the intestinal tract and slows down their spread through the bloodstream throughout the body. Therefore, immediate action often saves not only the health, but also the life of the victims.

First aid for food poisoning is provided in ways that depend on what the person was poisoned with - mushrooms, food or poisonous plants: 1.

  1. Poisoning by mushrooms, which are often sources of intoxication.

Symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, upset stool, dizziness and increasing headache, pale complexion, cyanosis near the lips. Signs of mushroom poisoning do not always appear on the first day; they can “start” only on the second day after eating poisonous mushrooms.

Treatment for food poisoning is only inpatient; before the doctor arrives, you can try to rinse the stomach and induce reflex vomiting. The injured person should be put to bed and his feet should be warmed (with a warm heating pad). Neither milk nor laxatives should be taken on your own, since the origin and type of poison is unknown.

  1. Intoxication caused by low-quality products appears in the first two hours. Nausea, cramping pain and colic in the abdomen, increased body temperature, chills, vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of toxic infection.

First aid for this type of food poisoning is to drink frequently and intensify vomiting. After induced reflex vomiting, you can try to take activated charcoal or Enterosgel. It is better to use sorbents in the first 2 hours after intoxication. If the symptoms do not subside within 5-6 hours, vomiting and diarrhea become uncontrollable (mixed with blood and yellow-green mucus), blood pressure drops, you should call an ambulance.

  1. Poisoning by poisonous plants is characterized by the following symptoms:
    • Uncontrollable vomiting.
    • Loss of coordination, dizziness.
    • Abdominal pain.
    • Weakness and drop in blood pressure.
    • Vomiting foam.
    • Profuse drooling.
    • Pupil dilation.

Symptoms increase very quickly, so help with plant intoxication should be immediate. You need to urgently call emergency help, and before it arrives, give you 300-400 milliliters of purified salted water to drink and induce vomiting. You can take sorbents, but their effectiveness is unlikely, since plant poison is rapidly absorbed. It is best to use pharmaceutical preparations that should be in every home medicine cabinet - Enterosgel, Smecta, Regidron, Gastrolit. At the same time, it is necessary to put mustard plasters on the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulder area, and put a cold compress on the forehead. If a convulsive syndrome appears, you need to ensure that your tongue does not sink.

Folk remedies for food poisoning

This is the use of methods that are approved not by neighbors or relatives, but by doctors. Unfortunately, sometimes taking all kinds of infusions, warm milk or other supposedly effective remedies on the recommendation of all-knowing friends or a recipe read in a dubious newspaper leads to sad consequences. Of the truly safe methods approved by medicine, we can recommend the following folk remedies for food poisoning:

  • In the drink you are supposed to take during intoxication, you need to add a soluble form of vitamin C. In addition to the fact that ascorbic acid helps remove toxins, it activates the immune system. Vitamin C is especially effective in the first 3-4 hours after intoxication.
  • Cinnamon infusion, which is prepared in this way: 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes, filtered. The infusion should be drunk warm in small sips, the volume is up to 1.5 liters per day. Cinnamon is a good natural antispasmodic; it is able to utilize certain types of toxins, that is, it helps with mild toxic infections.
  • You can prepare a decoction of dill and honey. Dill removes toxins well and reduces the severity of vomiting without stopping it. Honey will help your heart function and reduce the level of potassium excretion when you are dehydrated. The decoction is prepared as follows: pour a teaspoon of dill seeds (or chopped fresh plant) into 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 3-5 minutes, then boil for another 2-3 minutes. Strain and add a teaspoon of honey. It is convenient to make 1 liter of infusion at once, since it must be taken throughout the first day after intoxication.

Treatment of food poisoning with folk remedies does not involve taking a decoction of oak bark, pomegranate peel, that is, fixatives, since diarrhea during intoxication in some sense helps the body remove toxins faster. If diarrhea and other symptoms develop rapidly, traditional methods will not be able to help; professional medical assistance is needed.

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as food poisoning. Most often, poisoning occurs when eating low-quality food products that have expired, or products that were prepared and stored in violation of sanitary standards. There are also frequent cases of poisoning from mushrooms, poisonous plants, consumption of poisonous animals, and chemicals.

Signs of food poisoning

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, stool disorders (diarrhea), general weakness are the main symptoms of food poisoning.

The first symptoms of poisoning may appear 30 minutes after eating low-quality foods, but sometimes more than a day may pass before signs of the disease appear. Typical signs of food poisoning:

  • painful nausea;
  • repeated vomiting of eaten food, gastric juice, and then an ineffective urge to vomit;
  • excessive salivation;
  • , smelly, contains remnants of undigested food;
  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • dysfunctions of the central nervous system, which may be characteristic of botulism.

Symptoms may persist for 1-3 days, gradually subsiding. During the week after food poisoning, victims may experience weakness, abdominal pain, and flatulence.

Help for food poisoning

  1. At the first signs of poisoning, the victim must undergo gastric lavage. To do this, you can use boiled water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda. Gastric lavage must be done until clean water begins to come out.
  2. After gastric lavage, the patient is recommended to take Enterosgel - this is a modern enterosorbent based on bioorganic silicon, which effectively absorbs and removes only toxic substances and pathogens from the stomach and intestines. Enterosgel does not interact in any way with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, unlike other sorbents that stick to the inflamed mucosa and further injure it. The drug does not cause constipation, does not cause allergies, and can be taken from the first days of life.
  3. Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to prevent dehydration as a result of fluid loss through vomit and stool. It is recommended to drink boiled water, weak sweet tea, fruit drinks, and jelly. Carbonated drinks should be avoided, and drinking alcohol is completely unacceptable.
  4. During the first 24 hours and until the symptoms of food poisoning subside, it is necessary to provide the patient with rest. If the victim is bothered by chills, you need to warm him up; the use of heating pads is allowed.

After poisoning, you should refrain from eating food for some time; from the second day, you can gradually introduce rice soups and mucous decoctions. It is not recommended to consume foods that irritate the gastric mucosa (spicy, pickled, salted, smoked) until the symptoms of food poisoning completely disappear. Symptoms of poisoning usually go away on their own within a week.

It is necessary to immediately seek medical help in case of mushroom poisoning, if botulism is suspected, and also if the patient is a small child or an elderly person. Qualified assistance is also required for victims whose symptoms of poisoning do not go away within a week, or for 1-2 days there is excessive vomiting and diarrhea that does not stop with self-medication.

How to tell if food is contaminated

First of all, you need to pay attention to the color, smell and taste of food. Spoiled foods smell unpleasant and have a sour taste. In addition, their consistency may change. One of the signs of product unsuitability is gas bubbles, which is especially noticeable on spoiled liquid food. Mold often appears on spoiled food. When opening canned food, especially homemade and baby food, you need to pay attention to the presence of a characteristic pop when opening the lid. If there was no cotton, then such a product should not be eaten.

It should be noted that you can also be poisoned by products with normal properties and expiration dates. Most often this happens when food is prepared by an infected person in conditions where sanitary standards are not met.


To avoid food poisoning, you should not eat spoiled foods or those of which you are not sure of the quality.
  • It is prohibited to eat products that have expired or were not stored or transported under proper conditions;
  • When purchasing dairy products, you should check the integrity of the packaging;
  • Do not eat unfamiliar foods;
  • thorough washing of vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • thorough washing of dishes and cutlery;
  • maintaining personal hygiene (washing hands before eating and before preparing food);
  • high-quality heat treatment of food (especially fish and meat);
  • compliance with the rules for storing food in the refrigerator (separate storage of fresh and cooked meat products; prepared food should not be stored for more than 3 days);
  • control of infection vectors (cockroaches, flies, mice).

Which doctor should I contact?

In case of severe food poisoning, you need to call an ambulance, which will take the patient to an infectious diseases hospital. If necessary, the patient will be examined by a therapist or gastroenterologist.

Gennady Malakhov about food poisoning and methods of treatment:

Low-quality and stale products contain bacteria and toxins. If they enter the stomach, heaviness in the stomach and nausea appear. The painful condition is dangerous, so first aid for food poisoning is very important. You need to act immediately, otherwise the poisons will have time to penetrate the blood and begin to destroy organs and tissues.

Main symptoms

Food poisoning in adults occurs for various reasons. Most often, the culprits of the trouble are ordinary carelessness and insufficient quality control of products. You can get poisoned at a picnic, in a catering canteen, in a cafe, and even at home if the food was stored in violation of sanitary standards. It is especially dangerous if aggressive chemicals - acids or alkalis - have entered the body and for some reason came into contact with food or utensils.

Symptoms of food poisoning in adults appear quickly. The speed at which the disease develops depends on what product caused it.

  • Spoiled food provokes nausea and vomiting 2-4 hours after consumption.
  • Poisonous plants that enter the stomach manifest themselves as colic and diarrhea after 4-12 hours.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms spread instantly. The infection becomes noticeable within 24 hours.

Food poisoning reveals itself with violent signs. If measures are not taken immediately, the intoxication of the body intensifies and begins to threaten human life. Characteristic symptoms of poisoning:

  • abdominal cramps;
  • intestinal colic;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache, weakness.

When, in addition to these signs, the temperature rises, chills, rapid pulse, excessive salivation, and central nervous system disorders are disturbing, this is a signal that acute intoxication has begun. Urgent assistance from an experienced doctor is required.

Products may contain dangerous bacteria that cause salmonellosis or botulism. Then even fresh-looking food provokes inflammation. Toxins penetrate the blood and disrupt the functioning of the heart and lungs. If a patient complains of blurred vision and has difficulty breathing, it means the nervous system is suffering. It is urgent to cleanse the body and neutralize toxins, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

Do not forget that treatment of food poisoning at home is possible only at the initial stage, when the disease is mild. If the patient’s condition worsens or a child suffers from poisoning, immediately call an ambulance.

First aid

If you experience signs of food poisoning, consider what could be causing it. Eating mushrooms, any canned food, cream cakes or fish the day before is a reason to suspect a severe form of poisoning. The problem can also be caused by seemingly harmless vegetables and fruits that have been treated with herbicides and other pesticides.

Be sure to call the hospital. While waiting for a medical team, assistance is required. It is the same as for mild poisoning from stale food.

First aid for food poisoning includes drinking plenty of fluids and gastric lavage.

  • You will need to prepare a weak solution of regular salt. A small amount should be mixed in warm, clean water.
  • Pour a full glass of liquid and drink it in slow sips. This will trigger the gag reflex.
  • If it is not observed, help yourself by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers.
  • After vomiting, rest, calm down and repeat the procedure again.
  • Usually, to cleanse the stomach of harmful contents, you need to drink at least 4-5 glasses.
  • When the vomit comes out without any food or mucus, you can stop the process, wash and rinse your mouth.

First aid for food poisoning is not over yet. Most likely, toxic substances have managed to be partially absorbed into the blood, so it is necessary to reduce intoxication with the adsorbent.

  • An affordable natural remedy is activated carbon. Take it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Sometimes medications provoke a new urge to vomit. Try to suppress it for at least half an hour. During this time, the coal will have time to do the work and adsorb toxins.
  • If you cannot control vomiting, wait until your stomach calms down, take charcoal tablets again and lie down to rest.

It is advisable to place a cool cloth soaked in a solution of salt water on your forehead. It will reduce pain in the temples, help remove toxins from the body and calm you down.

In some cases, food poisoning is not accompanied by nausea, so it is difficult to induce vomiting. This happens when spoiled food quickly leaves the stomach and lingers in the intestines. You should not provoke excessive vomiting, it will no longer help.

What to do next

Do not try to cope with diarrhea with medications and folk remedies. With its help, the intestines are cleansed of decay processes and toxins. Despite the discomfort, vomiting and diarrhea have a positive effect on the patient. The body is protected from intoxication and cleansed. Diarrhea can be stopped only with the permission of the attending physician.

But along with feces, a person loses water, the reserves of which must be replenished. Dehydration is a dangerous trend caused by food poisoning. Its symptoms are dyspepsia (dry mouth), lethargy, pallor, decreased amount of urine. First aid consists of fluid replacement. Doctors recommend that after each trip to the toilet, drink a glass of purified cool water without gas in small sips, slowly.

What should an adult do in case of food poisoning when first aid measures have ended?

  • Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary. You need to drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day.
  • If you feel heaviness in your stomach, continue to feel sick, and feel like your stomach is full of food, drink only clean water.
  • When the condition has improved, you can brew chamomile or other medicinal herbs.
  • For taste, you can add a small spoon of honey. Drink as much as possible and stay in bed.

Acute food poisoning means that after first aid you will not be able to eat for 24 hours. Stick to this rule even if you feel hungry.

When the patient’s condition worsens, he develops chills and confusion, there is no need to take risks and look for a way to treat food poisoning with fever. The symptom means that severe intoxication has begun. The person requires hospitalization and special therapy.

Toxins should be neutralized within 24 hours, so you can include light, mucous membrane-enveloping food without spices or salt in your diet.

For the entire duration of treatment, it is prohibited to consume fatty, spicy foods, smoked meats, milk, and sour cream. These products lead to exacerbation and aggravate inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the case of food poisoning in an adult, if the symptoms and treatment are quickly controlled, the problem will not lead to serious complications as long as you maintain a healthy diet. From the second day, vegetable broth and enveloping oatmeal jelly are allowed. Little by little, this menu can be expanded:

  • boiled rice, buckwheat porridge;
  • potatoes in water without oil;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • dried whole grain pieces of bread;
  • baked apples, bananas.

In order for treatment for food poisoning at home to help, meals must be divided and have a calming effect. Eat small portions every 3-4 hours. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids, and gradually the gastrointestinal tract will begin to function as normal.

When the poisoning is mild, improvement occurs on the 3rd day, but the diet should be followed much longer to restore health.


In the case of food poisoning, symptoms and treatment are interrelated. But the problem will not appear if proper prevention of the disease is carried out.

  • Be sure to wash your hands after coming from outside and before eating.
  • Buy quality products, paying attention to expiration date and appearance.
  • Completely avoid canned and smoked foods.
  • Prepare food according to technology and try to eat it right away.
  • When storing, do not allow boiled and fresh food to come into contact.
  • Maintain sterile cleanliness in the kitchen. Wash fruits in several waters, even if they are collected from your garden.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment at home using traditional recipes will help quickly neutralize food poisoning. Always consult your doctor before using such products.

Enveloping decoctions help relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

  • Take a large spoon of flaxseed, add a liter of clean water and put on fire.
  • Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes and turn off.
  • Cool, strain the broth through a sieve and drink one glass before eating.

What to do in case of poisoning to relieve stomach pain? Take advantage of healing cinnamon tea.

  • Measure out a teaspoon of ground seasoning, mix it in an enamel pan with a glass of water and boil.
  • Let it brew for 5 minutes, filter and drink one portion at a time.
  • If after three hours there is no improvement, brew a new decoction and repeat the dose.

Manifestations of intoxication can be eliminated with herbal teas.

  • Mix together half a teaspoon of dried mint, grated ginger and ground cinnamon.
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the collection, cover with a lid and wait 10-15 minutes.
  • Then put a slice of lemon in a cup and drink it hot in small sips.
  • It is useful to prepare this tea several times a day and consume it between meals.

Millet quickly soothes intestinal upset. Grind it into powder and take one teaspoon every hour throughout the day with water.

Don't forget: the problem of poisoning is easier to prevent than to treat. Be healthy and careful when purchasing groceries!

Unfortunately, each of us is susceptible to food poisoning. Even if you buy fresh food from trusted places, although this significantly reduces the risk of poisoning, it still does not eliminate it. You can be poisoned not only by homemade food, but also by food from a restaurant, retail outlets, at a party, etc., where you cannot fully control the quality of the products. If you have been poisoned, then we will tell you how to treat food poisoning further.
The article will address the following questions:

Causes of food poisoning

The most important cause of food poisoning is the entry of various bacteria and microbes into our body, which we bring along with the food we eat. Poisoning can also be caused by eating foods that contain harmful chemicals.
What foods are most likely to cause poisoning?
In view of the fact that when you are poisoned, the first thing you need to do is analyze what could have caused the poisoning, let's look at the most likely foods that led to this.
  • Fruits and vegetables

Most often we are susceptible to poisoning from fruits and vegetables. The reason for this may be either their deterioration or the presence of chemicals in them. In the summer, poisoning of fruits and vegetables most often occurs due to violation of their storage conditions, and this in turn contributes to the appearance of bacteria in them. During non-summer periods, there is a high probability of poisoning from fruits and vegetables that were treated with chemical components during cultivation.
  • Meat products

Another “risk group” is meat products. First of all, they require a special storage procedure. It is highly not recommended to store meat outside the refrigerator, as microbes can begin to actively multiply on it, especially chicken meat. In addition to meat, the most common cause of food poisoning is the consumption of fish that has been subjected to improper storage conditions. During the decomposition process, fish can release very toxic substances.

  • Mushrooms

One of the most difficult food poisonings is mushroom poisoning. The main danger lies in mushrooms that are not edible. Such mushrooms are very often collected in the forest and eaten, without knowing whether they are edible or not. Mushrooms that grow near the road are also more likely to be poisoned.
  • Fermented milk products

Fermented milk products can also cause poisoning, most often when left outside the refrigerator for a long time, when staphylococcus appears in them.
  • Canning products

Poisoning can also be caused by canned food products, since there is a certain type of microorganisms that multiply in an oxygen-free space. Such food products can be: canned food, home canned food, etc.
  • Violation of technology for the production or storage of products of non-plant origin

When purchasing products of non-plant origin, there is a possibility that they may be manufactured in violation of production technology, which in one way or another can lead to poisoning. This may include the use of low-quality components in the manufacture of the final product, violation of the integrity of the product packaging, expired product expiration date, etc.
Food poisoning due to improper storage of prepared foods
In addition to direct poisoning from specific foods, there is a high probability of poisoning from prepared foods when we ourselves violate the rules for storing them. For example, cooked borscht left on the stove in the summer or salad left on the table can become a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes and bacteria.
The cause of food poisoning can be not only food, but personal hygiene, or rather the lack thereof. Even if the products do not pose any threat of poisoning, this can be caused by unwashed hands, from which germs and bacteria get onto the food, and with it into the body.

Signs of food poisoning

In most cases, the first signs of food poisoning may appear 2 hours after the pathogen enters the body. The time at which the first symptoms begin to appear, as well as their nature, directly depends on which microbes have entered your body and in what quantity.
Poisoning can have a variety of symptoms:

  • Diarrhea;

  • Nausea and vomiting;

  • Headache;

  • Chills;

  • Increased body temperature;

  • Body aches.

In case of poisoning, paleness on the face and a feeling of thirst may appear.

Treatment of food poisoning

What to do if you have food poisoning
It is important to note that before you begin treatment for food poisoning, you should try to analyze what exactly could have caused your food poisoning. Try to remember your daily diet. If, besides you, someone else was poisoned, then think about what you ate together, and what those who were not poisoned did not eat. Please note that sometimes it happens that poisoning can occur in both everyone and representatives of the same sex. For example, if the whole family ate a spoiled product, then poisoning can only occur in males or females. This may well happen, and it is worth considering. Once you have identified the source of possible poisoning, do not leave it, but rather throw it away. If there are several possible poisoning products, then it is better not to take risks and refuse to eat all “suspected” products.
First aid for food poisoning
If the poisoning is very serious and complex, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, otherwise the consequences can be very serious. Some doctors recommend gastric lavage, but, as a rule, many refuse this, and besides, modern medications make it possible not to do this.
In case of poisoning, it is necessary to empty the stomach, so if you do not have loose stools, then you need to take a laxative. If poisoning is accompanied by diarrhea, then take activated charcoal.
Cure for food poisoning
What to take if you have food poisoning? The most effective drug for food poisoning is Smecta. Smecta is a drug in powder form in sachets. In case of poisoning, adults should take 1 sachet 3 times a day.
In any case, the course of treatment for poisoning should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Diet for food poisoning
An integral part of treating food poisoning is proper nutrition.
As a result of severe dehydration, the first step is to drink as much water as possible. The water must be still. There should be no restrictions on water intake; drink the amount of water that your body requires, but not less than 3 liters per day.
You will need to exclude all foods that are familiar to you from your diet. There is no point in listing foods that cannot be eaten, because the rule here is that everything that is not permitted is prohibited, so we will only list what can be eaten. You can only eat boiled or steamed food.
In the first few hours after poisoning, it is best to drink only water to allow the processes in the stomach to calm down. In general, after the symptomatic picture has subsided, it is recommended to abstain from eating for the first time. 6 hours after this (and if you have a strong feeling of hunger, then earlier), begin to slowly restore the normal functioning of the digestive system.
It is recommended to start eating with homemade crackers; to do this, cut white day-old bread into small cubes and place them in the oven for a few minutes. You can also drink a cup of warm, green, weak tea without sugar, or rosehip tea, also warm, unsweetened and not strong. Next meal: 100g oatmeal, without any additives. Third meal: chicken broth without salt and spices, with potatoes. Fourth meal: steamed lean fish fillet and mashed potatoes. After a day, you can return to your usual diet, but only gradually. If you have an appetite between meals, eat plain unsalted crackers.

Prevention of food poisoning

In order to avoid food poisoning, you first need to buy food from trusted places where all storage rules are followed. The same storage rules must be followed at home.
Before eating fruits and vegetables, they must be rinsed well under running water. When preparing meat products, they must be fully cooked: boiled, fried or baked.
Another very important rule: before eating any food, you must wash your hands well with soap. Soaping your hands should also include your wrists.

If poisons and toxins enter the human body, a disorder of normal life occurs - poisoning. This condition can be caused by poor-quality food, alcohol, pesticides, carbon monoxide, mushrooms and many other factors. In order to recognize a complication in time and provide first aid, you need to know the main symptoms.

The first signs of poisoning

When an illness occurs, a person’s general well-being always worsens. The first symptoms appear within 2 to 24 hours after toxins enter the body:

  • sharp, sometimes unbearable, abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea, foul-smelling watery stools with particles of undigested food;
  • bloating;
  • spasms;
  • low blood pressure;
  • weakness;
  • hallucinations, double vision.


An invariable symptom when toxins or poisons enter the blood is an increase in temperature. In this state, metabolism begins to accelerate, microcirculation improves, and blood vessels dilate. In this way, the body tries to kill pathogenic microbes, creating conditions unfavorable for them. The person becomes covered in sticky sweat and feels dizzy.

The temperature rises gradually, slowly bringing the person to a feverish state. The rate increases most quickly with food poisoning. If the thermometer shows less than 38.5 degrees, nothing needs to be done. Fever can last from 1 to 5 days. If the temperature rises above 39 degrees and lasts more than a day, you must take an antipyretic drug.

How long does it take for poisoning to appear?

The speed at which symptoms appear depends on the type of harmful substance and its dosage. If a person has eaten toxic mushrooms, for example, fly agaric, galerina, complete absorption occurs after at least 4 hours, after which the first symptom appears - diarrhea. It takes less time for symptoms to appear when a large amount of sleeping pills, for example, Zolpidem, enters the body - from 30 minutes to 2 hours. In case of food poisoning, the main symptoms appear within 24 hours, the first symptoms appear in the period from 1 to 6 hours.


The symptom does not have any pronounced features and is not decisive for diagnosis. Dizziness during poisoning can persist throughout the entire illness, intensifying with changes in body position. The symptom is non-systemic in nature, its severity depends on many factors. If a person has lesions of the vestibular apparatus, dizziness may remain even after the consequences of the disease have been eliminated.

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning

Particularly dangerous for humans are the pale toadstool, fiberweed, cobweb, pigweed, and false honey mushrooms. Symptoms appear 1.5-2 hours after consumption. Diarrhea occurs, then the condition normalizes for a while; after 2-3 days, yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes occurs. At the same time, your hands become cold and your temperature rises. Specific symptoms for poisoning with certain types of mushrooms:

  • Toadstool causes cramps, abdominal pain, very large stools, heart failure, and coma.
  • Talkers and red fly agaric lead to constriction of the pupils, lacrimation, slow heartbeat, shortness of breath, bronchoconvulsions, and hallucinations.
  • Other types of fly agaric (panther, stinking), false mushrooms cause delirium and severe hallucinations.
  • Morels lead to convulsions, loss of consciousness, toxic damage to the liver, expressed by yellowing of the skin.

Carbon monoxide

Oxygen oxide intoxication is very common in our country, often leading to death. There are many sources of danger, starting with stoves in private homes and ending with all kinds of burners and heating devices. Signs of gas poisoning in adults:

  1. In the first degree, general weakness, headache, vomiting, and cramps appear. This is how the brain reacts to oxygen starvation.
  2. At moderate degrees, these symptoms of poisoning intensify; in addition, visual impairment, hearing loss, and confusion are observed. Due to a lack of oxygen, increased cardiac activity begins, chest pain appears, and a heart attack is possible. Lung function is impaired, resulting in shallow breathing.
  3. Severe degrees are characterized by trophic skin disorders, acute renal failure, and respiratory arrest. Cerebral edema and coma develop. Areas of skin with poor blood circulation become whitish.

Signs of food poisoning

The disorder often occurs when eating low-quality food, products that are expired or stored in violation of sanitary standards. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of toxins eaten. Signs may differ in adults and children.

Symptoms in adults

Foodborne illness is characterized by a short incubation period. The first manifestations can begin within 30 minutes. Common signs of food poisoning in adults:

  • painful nausea;
  • gradual increase in body temperature to 39 degrees or more;
  • general weakness, malaise;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • excessive salivation;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • sticky sweat.

Signs in a child

In children, toxins are absorbed faster from the mucous membranes, and the body cannot fully resist external factors. Even foods that do not cause harm to other family members can cause an acute reaction. In children, the disease is more severe than in adults and is often caused by E. coli. Symptoms of food poisoning in children:

  • vomiting, frequent bowel movements;
  • stomach ache;
  • significant increase in temperature;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • dry skin due to dehydration;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • pointed facial features;
  • allergic skin rash.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning with a broken thermometer

A very fragile device is a thermometer, which can break if handled carelessly. Poisoning can occur by ingesting mercury beads or by prolonged inhalation of its vapor. Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning:

  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • nausea; stool disorder;
  • swollen, bleeding gums;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • painful swallowing.

To avoid poisoning after a thermometer falls, you need to quickly collect the mercury balls. It is convenient to do this with a syringe or brush, it is better to collect it in a jar of water.It is advisable to take the collected mercury to specialized institutions.

Signs of alcohol intoxication

Among everyday diseases, the leading position is occupied by complications after drinking alcoholic beverages, often resulting in death. If you suspect alcohol poisoning, symptoms may include:

  • Emotional arousal, increased motor activity. The person seems to be in euphoria, moving away from all problems.
  • Redness of the skin, mainly of the face.
  • Stomach pain associated with the damaging effects of ethanol contained in alcohol.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Dilated pupils due to the effect of ethanol on the nervous system.
  • Impaired thermoregulation.
  • General weakness.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Violation of water-mineral balance: increase or decrease in urination.
  • Pain in the right hypochondrium due to liver damage.
  • Breathing is noisy and rapid.
  • Inability to perceive reality.

Symptoms of ammonia poisoning

Ammonia is used as a stimulant for fainting. Inhaling pungent vapors restores consciousness. Prolonged contact may result in poisoning. Signs:

  • lacrimation;
  • increased sweating;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • sneezing;
  • cough;
  • convulsions;
  • hoarse voice;
  • sore throat;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • stomach ache;
  • hyperemia.

First aid for poisoning

If vomiting, severe abdominal pain, or diarrhea occurs, you should call a doctor; if the condition is severe, call an ambulance. Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to begin removing toxins from the body:

  1. If there was no vomiting, it must be induced artificially. A strong solution of soda or irritation of the uvula will help.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably clean water. Teas and fruit drinks are acceptable.
  3. Take sorbents - Smecta, activated carbon.
  4. In case of vapor poisoning, a person should be taken out into fresh air, given ammonia to sniff, and offered to rinse their mouth with a soda solution.

Find out more about how emergency care works.




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