When can you use cosmetics after rhinoplasty? When and why is it forbidden or possible to sleep on your side after rhinoplasty? Sleep, sports, sex, routine and nutrition

In the first 2-3 days after rhinoplasty, the most pronounced discomfort is observed. There is swelling and bruising on the face, the nose is breathing poorly, and the overall heaviness of the face is felt. Headaches are possible.

per day In rhinoplasty, the surgeon inserts silicone splints or cotton wool into the nasal passages. A splint or plaster is applied to the external nose. Please note: it is strictly prohibited to remove the plaster cast and remove the turundas yourself - this is fraught with serious complications! The catheter, which is installed in a vein to administer general anesthesia and postoperative drug infusion, can cause some inconvenience. It is removed when the patient is discharged and goes home. I recommend that you avoid wearing clothes that need to be pulled over your head, especially knee socks, T-shirts and jumpers with a narrow neck.

Removing turundas and removing plaster.

After 3 - 5 days The splints are removed from the nostrils. Contrary to common misconceptions, this procedure is absolutely painless. Thanks to the removal of splints, it becomes easier for the patient to breathe through the nose. True, free nasal breathing will still be partially blocked until the primary swelling subsides. During this period, patients begin to experience itching and irritation of the skin under the cast or splint. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and you just have to endure it. Do not move or remove the immobilizing bandage without permission under any circumstances! This can lead to nasal deformities and spoil the result of rhinoplasty. If the surgeon discovers traces of such actions, he has every right to decline responsibility for the outcome of rhinoplasty.

After 7 - 10 days the surgeon removes the plaster cast. What you see in the mirror after this should not scare you - your nose will be 1.5-2 times larger than planned for rhinoplasty. This is swelling that has not yet gone down. He can “walk” on his nose for up to six months. The final result of rhinoplasty is assessed after 1 year, when both external and internal swelling are neutralized. On days 7-10, the cast may fall off on its own, and this is not a big deal if you didn’t “help” it. But in this case, I advise you to contact a surgeon ahead of time.

After removing the tampons, stitches may remain in the nostrils, columella and nasal folds. Do not pull them with tweezers or remove them. This is fraught with divergence of the seams and unsightly scars. Try to avoid active facial expressions, especially laughter.

Household activities after rhinoplasty.

Mental preparation for surgery is no less important than physical preparation. First of all, you must internally agree to a number of restrictions that await you during the rehabilitation period.

Restrictions on sports and other activities after rhinoplasty

I forbid my patients to tilt their heads forward when there are splints in the nose. Heavy loads are an absolute taboo. Temporarily forget about the gym, jogging, etc. - Only walking at a moderate pace is allowed. Organize your peace. Avoid heavy lifting, including pets and children.

You can return to the gym after 2-3 months. But even during this period, it is undesirable to perform exercises that provoke a rush of blood to the head. When cleaning a house or apartment, limit downward movements of your head (as when washing floors with a rag).

Professional sports activities are excluded for the next six months.

Boxing after rhinoplasty

Boxing, hand-to-hand combat and other martial arts are an eternal limitation after surgery. The fact is that the nose becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to injury. You don't want to resort to rhinoplasty again and again, do you?

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty is extremely complex, and regeneration after it is worse.

Swimming in a pool, lake, river or sea after rhinoplasty

Swimming in pools and natural reservoirs is prohibited for 2-3 months. This is associated with an increased risk of infection. In addition, you don’t need colds now, and when swimming, their likelihood increases even in hot weather.

After this period, you can safely return to swimming.

Sleep after rhinoplasty

In the first week after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to sleep on a hard, high pillow or half-sitting - for the second option, there are special beds that are raised at the head of the bed. It is recommended to use mattresses and pillows with an orthopedic effect. Try to control yourself in your sleep, do not roll over on your side or lie face down in the pillow.

Sleeping on your back is a must for 3 weeks. Then you can carefully roll over onto your side. Your favorite position on the stomach is allowed to be taken only after 6-10 months, when healing is complete.

Washing your face after rhinoplasty

Washing is a real problem in the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty, because you can’t get the plaster wet and tilt your head down. At this time, try not to perform a traditional hygiene procedure at all - use soft cleansing tonics or micellar water.

The usual method of washing will become available after the cast is removed. But even now we must act with extreme caution. Do not rub your face with a towel - just gently blot it to remove excess moisture. Do not use cleansers that cause allergies.

Diet and nutrition

Rehabilitation does not involve following a specific diet, although I advise my patients to eat light and healthy foods. However, I do not prohibit any food. The only thing you should limit yourself to is pickles and smoked foods, which retain fluid in the tissues.

During the first 2-3 weeks, you should refrain from eating too cold or hot foods and drinks - for example, ice cream and coffee.

Watch your stool and avoid constipation - unnecessary stress will not do you any good.

Conclusion: eat warm, healthy food, preferably easily digestible. Minimize the amount of salt in your diet whenever possible.

Nasal rinsing after rhinoplasty

Nasal rinsing is allowed after the cast is removed, but only in consultation with the doctor and subject to the correct technique for performing the procedure.

  • Make a slight side tilt over the sink
  • Using a special pipette, pour the medicinal solution into the nostril opposite the side of your inclination
  • Blow your nose without pressing on your nose - only by lightly blowing air, always with your mouth open
  • Drop emollient oil into each nostril (peach oil is best) or lubricate the mucous membranes with ointment

Returning to work after rhinoplasty

Return to work is allowed after 2-3 weeks, after removal of the plaster and stitches. During the same period, severe bruises and swelling are neutralized. But remember that physical activity is still prohibited, so the rule applies to people with purely business activity.

Washing hair after rhinoplasty

You should wash your hair by tilting it back, as in hairdressers and beauty salons. You can contact the masters or ask for help from household members.

If you have a splint on your face, make every effort not to get it wet.

Thermal changes have a bad effect on regenerative processes, so you should not take hot baths.

Alcoholic drinks after rhinoplasty

Avoid alcoholic beverages for the entire recovery period. Before surgery, also limit your alcohol consumption - this will help protect you from bleeding and the side effects of medications that do not combine well with ethyl alcohol.

A month after the operation, it is permissible to drink wine in limited quantities.

Champagne, low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks, beer - all this is prohibited for the next 5-6 months.

Steaming and warming procedures after rhinoplasty

Any temperature fluctuations have a negative impact on rehabilitation. Avoid visiting baths and saunas, tanning (natural and artificial), and contrast showers.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and use high SPF sunscreen.

Failure to comply with this rule can lead to hyperpigmentation.

After osteotomy, you should not wear corrective glasses or sunglasses to avoid bone tissue deformations.

Wearing glasses after rhinoplasty

It is better not to wear glasses for 1.5 months. This is due to unwanted pressure on the bridge of the nose - the tissues in it have not yet been completely reorganized. Additionally, wearing glasses can cause pain. A possible result of ignoring this rule is a curvature of the back.

If you have poor vision, take care in advance of selecting and purchasing contact lenses.

Flu and colds after rhinoplasty: how to treat?

Colds and flu are best avoided completely. But if the illness begins, do not blow your nose under any circumstances. Use sanitary sticks, tampons, napkins and other devices.

You can blow your nose 1.5 months after rhinoplasty. This should be done carefully.

It is important to sneeze with your mouth open to relieve excess pressure from your inner nose.

Cosmetic procedures after rhinoplasty

It is prohibited to resort to mechanical cleaning for 2-3 months. I advise you to use soft and gentle products. It is important to moisturize dry skin, and cleanse oily skin with a fine scrub. Superficial and medium peels are available no earlier than after 2 months.

To optimize the appearance of the new nose, your doctor may prescribe a massage. You cannot do it yourself!

Rhinoplasty is accompanied by a difficult rehabilitation period. The difficulties are associated not so much with pain or discomfort, which is caused by swelling of the postoperative wound, but with an extensive set of rules, recommendations, restrictions and prohibitions. It’s not easy to remember all the rules, and it’s even harder to follow them throughout the entire recovery period. But this is necessary, because the result of rhinocorrection depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the responsibility of his patient.

Obvious difficulties

Some of the difficulties of recovery are obvious. Immediately after surgery, swelling and hematomas appear due to a violation of tissue integrity. In the first days, you should not expect positive dynamics and dramatic changes for the better - swelling may increase over the course of a week, this is a normal reaction of the body to injury.

The pain, contrary to popular belief, is mild, and in some cases even minimal. It is easily relieved with analgesics, including over-the-counter ones. However, you cannot take medications without the knowledge of your doctor - this can harm your health and affect the results of plastic surgery. You need to fight the pain with medications prescribed by the operating surgeon.

A brace or plaster splint that protects the nose from mechanical injury will have to be worn for about two weeks. As a rule, it is removed between 7 and 14 days after surgery. Cotton pads or silicone tabs, which are inserted into the nasal passages immediately after the procedure, are removed for 2-4 days (depending on the volume and specifics of the surgical intervention).

You cannot remove the retainer yourself and remove tampons from the nasal cavity. In the early postoperative period, osteochondral structures are very vulnerable. The slightest careless action can lead to unpredictable results, including complications that can only be corrected during a repeat operation.

What medications are prescribed in the early period of rehabilitation? As a rule, the patient takes antibiotics to prevent infectious complications and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the severity of edema. If necessary, the list is supplemented with painkillers. All medications are prescribed by a doctor!

A very important aspect of the rehabilitation period is caring for the nasal cavity. Many people don’t think about the fact that in ordinary life we ​​sneeze, blow our nose, rinse our nose and clean it with cotton swabs. After rhinoplasty, all of the above is prohibited!

You should not sneeze, because sneezing sharply increases air pressure, and this can injure the still fragile elements of the cartilage and bone of the nose. If you really want to sneeze, and there is no way to avoid it, you need to open your mouth wide. A simple precaution will save you from serious problems.

For the same reason (air pressure) you should not blow your nose. It is necessary to remove mucus, dust and blood clots from the nasal cavity, but this must be done with soft cotton swabs. To speed up tissue healing and minimize swelling, you should regularly treat the nasal mucosa with an ointment or cream (medicinal) with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Is it possible to use vasoconstrictor drops? Yes, but with caution. Uncontrolled instillation of drops like Naphthyzin into the nose provokes a response from the body in the form of mucosal hypertrophy. To improve nasal breathing, you can put drops in your nose 1-3 times a day, but it is better to do this if absolutely necessary, for example, if nasal congestion prevents you from falling asleep.

Sleep, sports, sex, routine and nutrition

Obvious things often go unnoticed. After rhinoplasty, there is no need to rush to go to work. The body needs rest, and the patient’s direct responsibility is to create optimal conditions for recovery. It is better to spend two to three weeks at home, observing relaxed bed rest. Sleep more, worry less. Don't watch TV for hours on end, read less, talk on the phone less.

You need to rest and sleep only on your back (!) with the head of the bed raised, on high pillows or in a reclining position. It is prohibited to use glasses, and not only with heavy frames. Any glasses, even the lightest ones, can cause deformation of the elements of the nasal bridge, which will be difficult to correct even during repeated plastic surgery.

You cannot play sports, and household activities are also contraindicated. Particularly dangerous are actions in which you have to bend your body forward (it is strictly forbidden to work in the country!). In general, it is better to take a break from household duties - they will not run away, unlike the time allotted for rehabilitation after rhinoplasty.

You need to eat natural food high in protein, vitamins and microelements. It is advisable to enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, as well as lean varieties of meat and poultry. Oily fish rich in omega-3 fats is healthy. Alcohol is contraindicated. Pickles, smoked meats and delicacies are not welcome - these “delicacies” increase tissue swelling.

Is it possible to have sex? In the first days, such a desire is unlikely to arise, but after 10-14 days the topic of intimate life may become relevant. There are no strict prohibitions on this matter, but it is strongly recommended to refrain from intimacy for 3 weeks after rhinoplasty. Then, after the early postoperative period, it will be possible to catch up.

Massage and facial expressions

An important recommendation concerns facial activity - it is advisable to limit it during the first week or two after surgery. There is no need to cry or laugh, scream, wince or grimace - your face needs peace. When the facial muscles contract, they can pull the soft tissues of the nose with them, and we don’t want this. Facial massage is contraindicated for six months, and there are no options here.

Sun, sauna, solarium

The following recommendations are relevant after any aesthetic surgery. You cannot sunbathe, neither in the solarium, nor on the beach, at the dacha or in the garden of your country residence. The fact is that the skin in the area of ​​the surgical wound is prone to increased pigment formation, and ultraviolet radiation provokes it. The second reason is due to the fact that in a solarium the body temperature rises sharply, which increases peripheral blood circulation. And the stronger the peripheral blood flow, the more pronounced the swelling.

For the same reason, bathhouses, hammams, spa treatments and saunas are contraindicated. You can’t take a hot bath at home either; you should limit yourself to a warm shower. If rehabilitation occurs during the summer period with active insolation, outdoors you need to use a protective cream with SPF filters of at least 30. You cannot wear sunglasses after rhinoplasty; this is worth reminding once again.


The issue of cosmetics is of interest exclusively to women, but it is not as relevant as it might seem. In the first days, the face is covered with a retainer, and cosmetics are out of the question. When the fixative is removed, there are still swellings and bruises that cannot be hidden with foundation. And when the swelling subsides (this happens by the end of the 3rd week), you can already start using cosmetics. If you have questions related to the procedure, contact professionals for advice: Pronose.Ru.

Instead of a conclusion

Even before the operation, it is necessary to draw up, print and hang in a visible place a set of rules and instructions for the recovery period. All points must be memorized, and then the list must be supplemented with individual recommendations received from a plastic surgeon. A systematic and well-organized approach to rehabilitation is the most important condition for the success of any plastic surgery.

Remember the 10 main “don’ts” and don’t do anything that will ruin the result. If you strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, rehabilitation will go quickly and without complications.

1. Most often, patients ask: is it possible to smoke after nose surgery? Smoking is strictly prohibited for at least 30 days before and after surgery until all tissues have completely healed and swelling has subsided. Violation of this rule complicates healing and can even lead to tissue necrosis.

2. You cannot take out the tampon and remove the bandage yourself. Only a doctor can do this. He knows how to remove the tampon and when the bandage is not needed. Independent intervention will lead to complications and will also ruin the new shape of the nose. The bandage should not be touched for two weeks, and sometimes longer.

3. You can't sleep on your stomach or side either, only on your back. Over time you will get used to it, although it will be quite uncomfortable at first, but it is necessary to avoid disturbing the new shape of the nose.

4. Reflex actions such as laughing, sneezing, coughing can cause a pressure drop, so try to do this very carefully. When blowing your nose and wiping your nose, you should not press down, as this may disrupt the new shape.

5. During the first time of rehabilitation, you should stop wearing glasses. If your vision is poor, you should switch to wearing contact lenses for at least 1-2 months. You should consult your doctor about when you can wear glasses again.

6. You are allowed to go to work no earlier than after 7 days. It is worth considering that in the 2nd week after the operation the swelling is still too noticeable and your appearance will be too unusual for your colleagues, in addition, you will have to wear tampons and a bandage. Therefore, if possible, you need to take 2-3 weeks off and stay at home. You will be more comfortable both physically and psychologically.

7. Sports activities should be limited for a while. In the first weeks, when there are tampons in the nose and bandages on top, sports are out of the question, since any physical activity is prohibited. Amateur training can begin no earlier than 2 months later. As for professional sports with heavy loads, it is better to return to such activities after six months. After rhinoplasty, it is not recommended to engage in boxing or martial arts for the reason that the operated nose takes longer to heal, and the risk of injury in these sports is very high.

8. Visiting pools, baths and saunas is prohibited for a period of at least two months, as well as swimming in reservoirs. Also, you should not sunbathe at this time.

9. Alcohol is not allowed for the first time after surgery, while there is swelling, since alcohol is incompatible with medications that the patient needs to take after surgery. In addition, alcohol slows down the process of tissue repair, promotes the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, can cause rupture of capillaries, and also provokes the appearance of swelling around the eyes.

10. In the first two months you should not eat hot food, or drink hot tea and coffee. Very cold foods and drinks such as ice water and ice cream are prohibited. During rehabilitation, you should limit yourself to salty foods, as they cause swelling.

It is incorrect to compare the rehabilitation period for yourself and others, since each operation is individual in its complexity. It happens that someone was able to go to work within a week and did not feel any discomfort, while others could not appear in public even after a month. A lot depends on the difference in how men and women perceive their appearance. If slight swelling on the face may be completely unnoticeable for a man, then for a woman it seems like a disaster, and she will never appear with such a face surrounded by colleagues.

This article describes only the main points of what not to do after rhinoplasty. After reading it, those who are seriously preparing for such a correction will certainly have additional questions. We will discuss each of them in an individual consultation.

If you have a question, ask your doctor right nowFree consultation

In the first 2-3 days after rhinoplasty, the most pronounced discomfort is observed. There is swelling and bruising on the face, the nose is breathing poorly, and the overall heaviness of the face is felt. Headaches are possible.

per day In rhinoplasty, the surgeon inserts silicone splints or cotton wool into the nasal passages. A splint or plaster is applied to the external nose. Please note: it is strictly prohibited to remove the plaster cast and remove the turundas yourself - this is fraught with serious complications! The catheter, which is installed in a vein to administer general anesthesia and postoperative drug infusion, can cause some inconvenience. It is removed when the patient is discharged and goes home. I recommend that you avoid wearing clothes that need to be pulled over your head, especially knee socks, T-shirts and jumpers with a narrow neck.

Removing turundas and removing plaster.

After 3 - 5 days The splints are removed from the nostrils. Contrary to common misconceptions, this procedure is absolutely painless. Thanks to the removal of splints, it becomes easier for the patient to breathe through the nose. True, free nasal breathing will still be partially blocked until the primary swelling subsides. During this period, patients begin to experience itching and irritation of the skin under the cast or splint. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and you just have to endure it. Do not move or remove the immobilizing bandage without permission under any circumstances! This can lead to nasal deformities and spoil the result of rhinoplasty. If the surgeon discovers traces of such actions, he has every right to decline responsibility for the outcome of rhinoplasty.

After 7 - 10 days the surgeon removes the plaster cast. What you see in the mirror after this should not scare you - your nose will be 1.5-2 times larger than planned for rhinoplasty. This is swelling that has not yet gone down. He can “walk” on his nose for up to six months. The final result of rhinoplasty is assessed after 1 year, when both external and internal swelling are neutralized. On days 7-10, the cast may fall off on its own, and this is not a big deal if you didn’t “help” it. But in this case, I advise you to contact a surgeon ahead of time.

After removing the tampons, stitches may remain in the nostrils, columella and nasal folds. Do not pull them with tweezers or remove them. This is fraught with divergence of the seams and unsightly scars. Try to avoid active facial expressions, especially laughter.

Household activities after rhinoplasty.

Mental preparation for surgery is no less important than physical preparation. First of all, you must internally agree to a number of restrictions that await you during the rehabilitation period.

Restrictions on sports and other activities after rhinoplasty

I forbid my patients to tilt their heads forward when there are splints in the nose. Heavy loads are an absolute taboo. Temporarily forget about the gym, jogging, etc. - Only walking at a moderate pace is allowed. Organize your peace. Avoid heavy lifting, including pets and children.

You can return to the gym after 2-3 months. But even during this period, it is undesirable to perform exercises that provoke a rush of blood to the head. When cleaning a house or apartment, limit downward movements of your head (as when washing floors with a rag).

Professional sports activities are excluded for the next six months.

Boxing after rhinoplasty

Boxing, hand-to-hand combat and other martial arts are an eternal limitation after surgery. The fact is that the nose becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to injury. You don't want to resort to rhinoplasty again and again, do you?

Post-traumatic rhinoplasty is extremely complex, and regeneration after it is worse.

Swimming in a pool, lake, river or sea after rhinoplasty

Swimming in pools and natural reservoirs is prohibited for 2-3 months. This is associated with an increased risk of infection. In addition, you don’t need colds now, and when swimming, their likelihood increases even in hot weather.

After this period, you can safely return to swimming.

Sleep after rhinoplasty

In the first week after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to sleep on a hard, high pillow or half-sitting - for the second option, there are special beds that are raised at the head of the bed. It is recommended to use mattresses and pillows with an orthopedic effect. Try to control yourself in your sleep, do not roll over on your side or lie face down in the pillow.

Sleeping on your back is a must for 3 weeks. Then you can carefully roll over onto your side. Your favorite position on the stomach is allowed to be taken only after 6-10 months, when healing is complete.

Washing your face after rhinoplasty

Washing is a real problem in the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty, because you can’t get the plaster wet and tilt your head down. At this time, try not to perform a traditional hygiene procedure at all - use soft cleansing tonics or micellar water.

The usual method of washing will become available after the cast is removed. But even now we must act with extreme caution. Do not rub your face with a towel - just gently blot it to remove excess moisture. Do not use cleansers that cause allergies.

Diet and nutrition

Rehabilitation does not involve following a specific diet, although I advise my patients to eat light and healthy foods. However, I do not prohibit any food. The only thing you should limit yourself to is pickles and smoked foods, which retain fluid in the tissues.

During the first 2-3 weeks, you should refrain from eating too cold or hot foods and drinks - for example, ice cream and coffee.

Watch your stool and avoid constipation - unnecessary stress will not do you any good.

Conclusion: eat warm, healthy food, preferably easily digestible. Minimize the amount of salt in your diet whenever possible.

Nasal rinsing after rhinoplasty

Nasal rinsing is allowed after the cast is removed, but only in consultation with the doctor and subject to the correct technique for performing the procedure.

  • Make a slight side tilt over the sink
  • Using a special pipette, pour the medicinal solution into the nostril opposite the side of your inclination
  • Blow your nose without pressing on your nose - only by lightly blowing air, always with your mouth open
  • Drop emollient oil into each nostril (peach oil is best) or lubricate the mucous membranes with ointment

Returning to work after rhinoplasty

Return to work is allowed after 2-3 weeks, after removal of the plaster and stitches. During the same period, severe bruises and swelling are neutralized. But remember that physical activity is still prohibited, so the rule applies to people with purely business activity.

Washing hair after rhinoplasty

You should wash your hair by tilting it back, as in hairdressers and beauty salons. You can contact the masters or ask for help from household members.

If you have a splint on your face, make every effort not to get it wet.

Thermal changes have a bad effect on regenerative processes, so you should not take hot baths.

Alcoholic drinks after rhinoplasty

Avoid alcoholic beverages for the entire recovery period. Before surgery, also limit your alcohol consumption - this will help protect you from bleeding and the side effects of medications that do not combine well with ethyl alcohol.

A month after the operation, it is permissible to drink wine in limited quantities.

Champagne, low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks, beer - all this is prohibited for the next 5-6 months.

Steaming and warming procedures after rhinoplasty

Any temperature fluctuations have a negative impact on rehabilitation. Avoid visiting baths and saunas, tanning (natural and artificial), and contrast showers.

Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and use high SPF sunscreen.

Failure to comply with this rule can lead to hyperpigmentation.

After osteotomy, you should not wear corrective glasses or sunglasses to avoid bone tissue deformations.

Wearing glasses after rhinoplasty

It is better not to wear glasses for 1.5 months. This is due to unwanted pressure on the bridge of the nose - the tissues in it have not yet been completely reorganized. Additionally, wearing glasses can cause pain. A possible result of ignoring this rule is a curvature of the back.

If you have poor vision, take care in advance of selecting and purchasing contact lenses.

Flu and colds after rhinoplasty: how to treat?

Colds and flu are best avoided completely. But if the illness begins, do not blow your nose under any circumstances. Use sanitary sticks, tampons, napkins and other devices.

You can blow your nose 1.5 months after rhinoplasty. This should be done carefully.

It is important to sneeze with your mouth open to relieve excess pressure from your inner nose.

Cosmetic procedures after rhinoplasty

It is prohibited to resort to mechanical cleaning for 2-3 months. I advise you to use soft and gentle products. It is important to moisturize dry skin, and cleanse oily skin with a fine scrub. Superficial and medium peels are available no earlier than after 2 months.

To optimize the appearance of the new nose, your doctor may prescribe a massage. You cannot do it yourself!

55% report minimal to moderate bruising and only 5% of patients complain of extensive bruising that lasts two weeks or more.

There are several simple ways to promote rapid physical and aesthetic recovery after rhinoplasty surgery. We asked a plastic surgeon for some tips to help avoid or reduce.

1. Age is a risk factor in the formation of hematomas: the older the patient, the weaker his vessels and capillaries, which means the higher the risk of postoperative bruises.

2. To avoid changes in blood composition, do not take aspirin and multivitamin preparations seven days before and after surgery, and do not drink wine or strong alcohol during this entire period.

3. Stop smoking four weeks before surgery and abstain from this bad habit for as long as possible after surgery (at least a month, and preferably forever). Do not use nicotine substitutes for tobacco, such as patches or gum. If possible, eliminate passive smoking - tobacco smoke is harmful in any form.

4. Ice compresses on the forehead and cheeks in the first two days after surgery (every hour, for 20 minutes) will help avoid the formation of hematomas. At the same time, it is important not to freeze the skin, so wrap the compress bags with a thin towel, napkin or pillowcase.

5. After surgery, sleep on high pillows for two to three nights to minimize the risk of bruising. Sleep only on your back to prevent the cartilage from moving in the operated area.

6. Take dietary supplements that reduce the manifestations of hematomas - vitamin K, vitamin C, folic acid, pineapple extract capsules (Bromelain) and Arnica Montana tablets. Start the ten-day course five days before surgery, but check with your surgeon first.

7. Do not eat or drink anything the day before surgery to avoid attacks of nausea and vomiting when recovering from anesthesia. The next day after surgery, you can eat liquid food, and then switch to a diet that excludes intensive chewing. In the first three days after surgery, keep all conversations to a minimum.

8. For at least 6 months after surgery, avoid exposure to direct sunlight - do not sunbathe, wear closed clothes and a hat. Two weeks after surgery, you can use sunscreen - use creams with an SPF of 45 or more.

9. Do not blow your nose for 6 months after surgery. Don't try to suppress the urge to sneeze (this will only increase the pressure inside your nose) - sneeze with your mouth open.

10. You can return to walking within 4-7 days after surgery, but postpone serious training, sports and a full-fledged sex life for 18-21 days.

11. Avoid wearing glasses for at least a month after surgery to avoid pressure on the bridge of your nose. If you can’t do without glasses, then either glue them to your forehead or attach foam pads to the frame so that its weight shifts from the bridge of your nose to your upper cheekbones.



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