Sialor drops for runny nose. Oil drops for a runny nose - video

Sometimes it seems that a child’s runny nose is an endless process. They just cured their son or daughter, and they sniffle again. Mothers are especially worried about their babies, because they do not yet know how to blow their nose, and snot can become a serious problem. The new drug Sialor is a real salvation for babies under one year old and often sick children. It combines safety, ease of use and effectiveness, which, according to reviews, is not inferior.

Sialor has a direct antibacterial effect.

Description of the drug

SIALOR - antiseptic nasal drops. The product is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company RENEWAL. The active ingredient of the drug is silver proteinate, which is a powerful antiseptic.

Indications for use

A runny nose is an extremely unpleasant symptom: difficulty breathing, mucus secretion, complete loss of smell. To quickly relieve a child of nasal congestion, doctors usually prescribe one of the vasoconstrictor drugs (Naphthyzin, Xylometazoline). In this case, inflammation is relieved not by eliminating the pathogen, but by forcibly disrupting the blood circulation of the nasal mucosa. Therefore, frequent use of such products in childhood is not recommended: they cause addiction and atrophy of the mucous membrane.

Sialor for children is a drug with a local disinfecting effect. It is shown:

  • with adenoids;
  • for the prevention of nasal infections in the autumn-winter period, cold season;
  • for hygienic care of the nasal cavity in infants.

The drug is suitable for children from the first days of life.

Galina, 25 years old:

“I had to deal with this medicine when my baby was not even two months old. First I got sick, and then she started snorting. It was scary: the baby could not suckle normally and was breathing very hard.

The doctor recommended the medicine Protargol. Since it is prepared only in specialized pharmacies, there were difficulties in finding it. The pharmacist advised me to buy Sialor, saying that it was the same Protargol, only in a more convenient form.

Having prepared the solution as indicated in the instructions, I dropped Sialor into the child’s nose, one drop at a time. Apparently, silver dries out the mucous membrane well, because there is less discharge, and already on the first night after using the medicine, my daughter slept better.”

Mechanism of action

The disinfecting properties of silver have been known to mankind since ancient times. To keep water fresh and tasty for a long time, the ancient Egyptians kept it in silver vessels, and such great medieval scientists as Paracelsus and Avicenna used the precious metal to treat the sick.

Modern medical research has proven that silver-based products eliminate infectious agents three times more effectively than broad-spectrum antibiotics.

According to the instructions for use (), silver proteinate included in the drug:

  • has a disinfecting effect:“cleanses” the child’s nasal cavity from microbes (Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus aureus, etc.);
  • protects microflora: unlike silver proteinate, it does not destroy the body’s own non-pathogenic flora and does not disrupt metabolic processes;
  • relieves inflammation: Due to the protein complex, the drug creates a thin protective film on the surface of the nasal mucosa, which reduces swelling and irritation.

Sialor is an assistant for bacterial rhinitis.

Sialor or Protargol?

For a long time, the only silver-based antiseptic for children was Protargol. The medicine is prepared only in special prescription departments of pharmacies and has a short shelf life - only 1 month.

In 2013, Russian scientists created and patented a new form of silver proteinate - in the form of tablets for preparing a 2% solution of Sialor. Advantages of the drug:

  • possibility of industrial production;
  • long shelf life - as long as the product is not diluted and is in sealed packaging, it can be stored for 2 years;
  • ease of preparing the solution: following the instructions, mom can easily prepare the medicine herself.

Thus, Sialor is the same Protargol. But at the same time, you can buy it at any pharmacy and dilute it yourself.

Protargol - available Sialor.

Victoria, 32 years old:

“I have known Protargol for a long time, and I really like this medicine. True, it is produced in only one pharmacy, which is inconvenient to get to. Therefore, when I heard from a friend that a similar product had appeared that you could buy almost everywhere and prepare at home yourself, I was very happy. Now the whole family is being treated with Sialor: it’s better than constantly instilling Naphthyzin or giving antibiotics.”

How to dilute and use Sialor

Sialor's small bright cardboard box for children includes:

  • 200 mg (1 tablet) of silver proteinate, placed in a blister;
  • solvent - 10 ml of purified water;
  • dark glass bottle with a convenient child-sized pipette cap;
  • instructions for use.

Attention! There is also an option with a spray nozzle on sale. This bottle shape is not suitable for children under 16 years of age and is used only for adults.

Before using for its intended purpose, the product must be prepared. It's easy and takes a few minutes. Follow the step-by-step guide in our review.

  1. Make sure the product has not expired.
  2. Open the cardboard packaging and prepare all the components of the future solution.
  3. Open the container with the solvent and pour its contents into the bottle.
  4. Take out the Sialor tablet and add it to the solvent. Open the blister immediately before preparing the solution, since in fresh air silver proteinate quickly oxidizes and loses its beneficial properties.
  5. Close the bottle tightly and shake until the tablet is completely dissolved. This may take 8-10 minutes.

The finished solution acquires a rich dark brown color and a specific chemical smell. The bottle should be tightly closed after each use and Store in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days. This is due to the relative instability of the drug: when exposed to air, high temperatures and bright sunlight, the chemical bonds in the silver proteinate molecule are destroyed, and the medicine becomes useless.

Sialor in the nose for children can be instilled from birth. Before using the product for the first time, you need to conduct a sensitivity test: apply a drop of the solution to the bend of your elbow. If the skin in this area turns red and becomes covered with a rash, it means that the baby has an individual intolerance to silver-based drugs. In this case, you need to rinse your hand under running water and, if necessary, see a doctor.

But usually there is no skin reaction to Sialor, and treatment can begin. Before instilling silver proteinate solution, it is recommended to clean the nasal passages. Experienced mothers advise doing this using a regular saline solution, which can be bought at a pharmacy: using a pipette, drop 3-4 drops of liquid into the nose and ask the child to blow his nose. If the baby does not yet know how to blow his nose, any other aspirator that can suck out mucus will help.

Before using the drug, clean your baby's nose.

Which device should I choose for my child and how can I use it safely?

Sialor applied to the nasal mucosa 1-4 drops 3 times a day. Pediatricians select the dosage individually, but are usually guided by the following rule: the older the child, the more drops. For children under one year old, one drop is enough silver proteinate three times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. Usually this time is enough for the runny nose to go away completely.

The product causes virtually no side effects. Some mothers note that while instilling Sialor, their children complained of a slight burning sensation in the nose.

When the solution flows down the nasopharynx, unpleasant sensations may also occur, since the medicine has a sharp metallic taste.

Analogues of Sialor

Sialor and Protargol are the only antiseptic drops based on silver proteinate that exist on the pharmaceutical market. Several other drugs have a similar mechanism of action (disinfection and cleansing of the nasal cavity from the pathogen).

The main analogues of Sialor are presented in the table below. They can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Pros and cons of Sialor

In the reviews, among the disadvantages of the medicine, mothers note the high price and short shelf life of the finished solution: most often they manage to use a quarter or less of the product.

The medicine helps children quickly cope with a severe runny nose.

Zhanna, 29 years old:

“It’s inconvenient that the finished bottle of Sialor is stored for only a month. A course of treatment requires very little money, and it’s a shame to throw away the rest. We agreed with other mothers in the kindergarten: now we share the medicine with each other, especially since the children take turns getting sick.”

Sialor quickly helps to cope with even a severe runny nose. The advantages of the product include:

  • high efficiency: a child’s snot usually goes away in 2-3 days;
  • minimum side effects;
  • Possibility of use in newborns and infants.

Sialor is a reliable and safe “silver” medicinal formula that you can now prepare yourself.

Svetlana Sharaeva

The modern pharmacological market offers a wide range of medications intended for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Many doctors prescribe Sialor drops for children and adults for rhinitis, sinusitis, runny nose and other acute or chronic inflammation of the respiratory organs. It is important to find out the main indications for the use of this medicine and learn about how to use it.

What is Protargol Sialor

The pharmaceutical product Sialor represents a group of medications with an antiseptic, astringent effect for local use in ENT practice. The drops are produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company PFK Obnovlenye. The active ingredient Protargol is a colloidal compound of silver oxide. This medicine ranks first among drugs to combat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity. In addition to Protargol, there are other forms of the drug that differ in the composition of the solutions. This:

  • Sialor Universal is a saline solution based on sea water (contains a complex of minerals and salt). Recently, the manufacturer changed the name of the drug to Aqua. The product has a positive effect on the nasal mucosa and promotes successful therapy.
  • Sialor Rhino is a vasoconstrictor effective for the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis and other ailments that are accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa. Use the medicine with caution, observing the recommended dose, because the drug belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists.

Composition and release form

There are several forms of the drug available for sale. Their differences in composition:

Sialor Protargol

Sialor Reno

Sialor Aqua

spray (2% solution)

nasal drops (1% solution)


Transparent liquid, with a slight brown or black tint

Colorless, transparent solution

Transparent liquid with a slightly pearlescent tint

Active substance concentration

Silver proteinate – 220 mg per tablet

Silver proteinate – 200 mg per tablet

Oxymetazoline hydrochloride – 0.1; 0.25 or 0.5 mg

Sea water with trace elements (sodium;

magnesium; calcium; potassium;

acid salts of carbonic acid; salts of hydrochloric acid; salts of sulfuric acid.

Auxiliary components


  • Dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate;
  • Edetate disodium;
  • Benzalkonium chloride;
  • Purified water.

Purified water

Packaging contents

Dark bottle with spray cap

Dark bottle with dropper cap

2 or 5 pcs. polymer containers, each containing 1 or 2 ml of solution.

Ampoule with 10 ml solution

Empty bottle with spray cap

Each package contains 10, 20 individual polyethylene tube droppers of 5 ml or 10 ml of the prepared solution each, or 1 tube dropper of 10 ml, 15 ml, 20 ml.

  • Plastic ampoule with 10 ml distilled (purified) water;
  • Tablet (in blister) with active ingredient;

Instructions for use of Sialor

Mechanism of action

The active component of the drug Protargol has an antiseptic, astringent, protective therapeutic effect. This medication creates a protective protein film on the nasal mucosa, this is a barrier to the penetration and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal part, such as:

  • streptococci;
  • Moraxella catharalis and its varieties;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • staphylococci (including Staphylococcus aureus strain);
  • fungi.

Silver proteinate, which is part of Protargol, has many positive qualities. He:

  • has a disinfecting effect, kills viruses, bacteria, microbes;
  • protects microflora - unlike antibiotics, silver (proteinate) does not damage the body’s non-pathogenic (own) flora and does not disrupt metabolic processes;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces irritation and swelling.

Sea water and microelements, which are components of the Aqua drug, ensure the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa. Sea water for the nose has the following effects:

  • thins mucus;
  • promotes free nasal breathing;
  • helps maintain the natural physiological state of the inner lining of the nose;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects.

The active component of Rino - oxymetazoline hydrochloride belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic stimulants, so the drug specifically affects the adrenergic receptors of the nasal cavity, provoking certain changes:

  • has a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • improves nasal breathing;
  • increases immunity;
  • eliminates nasal discharge and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Indications for use of Sialor

Protargol nasal solution acts directly on the cause of the symptom - it effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms, but also prevents them from spreading throughout the respiratory system for a long time. The medicine is suitable for preventive use, hygienic procedures (cleansing) of the paranasal sinuses in children and the treatment of bacterial ENT infections, inflammatory processes in ophthalmology and urology. Doctors prescribe Protargol for:

  • persistent rhinorrhea;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • chronic pathologies of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx;
  • colds or infectious runny nose;
  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • hay fever;
  • nasopharyngitis in chronic or acute form;
  • allergic, acute, vasomotor rhinitis;
  • wounds that formed after surgery on the nasal mucosa;
  • inflammatory processes (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis).

According to the instructions, the medicine Rino is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • sinus inflammation;
  • runny nose;
  • allergic, vasomotor rhinitis;
  • eustachitis;
  • nasal congestion.
  • swelling of the nasal cavity.
  • cleaning the nasal passages in children;
  • washing postoperative wounds;
  • prevention of infectious diseases in the autumn-winter period, during a sharp change in climatic conditions.
  • therapy of adenoids, rhinitis, inflammatory processes.

Directions for use and dosage

Drops can only be used as prescribed by a specialist and following the instructions. The duration of therapy is from 5 to 7 days. In particularly difficult circumstances, the doctor may extend the course of treatment to 2 weeks. Before using the drug Protargol, you will need to independently prepare a solution from the components included in the package. To make a nasal mixture you need:

  1. Open the ampoule with solvent (distilled water), pour the liquid into an empty bottle.
  2. Remove the brown tablet from the blister and place it in a bottle of purified water. For small children (under 6 years old), you need to take 1/2 tablets for the same amount of water.
  3. Close the container with the components tightly with a lid and shake (5-10 minutes) until the tablet is completely dissolved and a clear liquid forms.
  4. Use the mixture as prescribed by your doctor.

To avoid allergic reactions, before using the nasal remedy Protargol or Rino for the first time, you need to do a skin test. To do this, apply a few drops of liquid on your arm in the elbow area. If after 20-30 minutes no changes occur on the skin (rash, redness), you can use the drug as directed. Nasal drops are recommended to be used after preliminary cleansing of the nasal sinuses. You need to not just blow your nose, but rinse your nasal passages well.

Sialor for children

The official guidelines for the use of the medicine Sialor Protargol do not indicate at what age this medicine can be used by children. Representatives of the World Health Organization do not recommend drips of the drug to patients under 5 years of age, but pediatricians often prescribe Protargol even to infants. The exact dose and duration of therapy for each patient is determined individually. This takes into account the child’s age and general condition:

  • from 1 to 12 months, 1 drop is prescribed. in each nostril twice a day;
  • from 1 to 4 years – the dose is doubled;
  • From 4 years old, a single dose of nasal solution is 3 drops in each nostril at a time.

The course of treatment with the Aqua pharmaceutical is 2-4 weeks; if necessary, the procedure can be repeated after a one-month break. For therapeutic purposes, Aqua is recommended to be used in the following doses:

  • infants (up to 1 year) – 1-2 drops 1-3 times a day;
  • from 1 to 7 years – 2 drops 4 times a day;
  • from 7 to 16 years – 2 drops 4-6 times a day.

For the purpose of prevention, Aqua solution is prescribed in the following proportions:

  • up to a year - 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day;
  • from 1 to 7 years – 2 drops three times a day;
  • 7-16 years old, 2 drops up to 4 times a day.

The drug Aqua is also used for hygienic purposes. To cleanse the nasal passages, soften and remove secretions, the solution is dripped repeatedly until the nasal cavity is completely clear. Excess liquid is removed with a cotton pad or soft handkerchief. For small children (up to 2 years old), it is recommended to rinse the nasal canals in a supine position, turning the baby’s head to one side.

The maximum duration of treatment with Rhino solution should not exceed 7 days. With prolonged therapy with oxymetazoline, swelling and a feeling of nasal congestion may increase. The dose of drops should be determined by a doctor. The dosage indicated in the instructions is as follows:

  • infants up to 1 year old - 0.01% solution, 1 drop. twice a day;
  • children from 1 to 6 years old – 1-2 drops of a 0.025% solution three times a day;
  • children over 6 years old – 2 drops of a 0.05% solution up to 2-3 times a day.

Sialor for adults

Depending on the form of release of the medicine, the following doses are recommended for adults:

  • Protargol. Patients over 16 years of age are prescribed the drug in the form of a spray. The average duration of therapy is 5-7 days. Adults need to inject one dose of a 2% solution into each nostril three times a day.
  • Aqua. For therapeutic purposes, adults are recommended to drip 2-3 drops of sea water 4-8 times a day, for prevention - 3 drops up to 6 times a day. The maximum duration of therapy is up to 1 month, then you need to take a thirty-day break.
  • Reno. According to the instructions, adults are recommended to drip 2 drops of the solution, no more than 3 times a day. To avoid developing addiction to the drug, the course of treatment should not exceed more than 1 week.

special instructions

Before you start using the Sialor solution, you should carefully study the instructions for use of the product. There are some special instructions that must be followed, these include:

  • The manufacturer does not recommend using Protargol in combination with medications that contain alkaloid salts or organic bases (adrenaline).
  • If after instillation there is discomfort or irritation in the nose (burning, itching), the nasal passages should be rinsed well with water for 15 minutes and consult a doctor.
  • Treatment with Protargol or Rhino drops should not exceed 7 days - the medicine can be addictive.
  • Relief from the use of nasal drops occurs quickly (1-2 days). If during 3 days of therapy with Sialor the patient’s condition has not changed or worsened, it is necessary to contact a specialist again to replace the pharmaceutical product with another more effective medication. Perhaps the drug is not suitable for a particular patient.
  • Once opened, the drops can be used for 2 weeks.
  • Rino is not recommended for use in combination with other vasoconstrictor drugs; the risk of side effects increases.
  • It is forbidden to use the same bottle of medicine to treat several patients, because you can become infected with an infectious disease.

Sialor during pregnancy

Protargol nasal solution is prohibited for use by pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy) and mothers during breastfeeding. Rhino solution can only be prescribed by a doctor who has previously assessed the risk-benefit ratio for the expectant mother and fetus. Aqua drops have no contraindications and are allowed for use without restrictions.

Side effects

Nasal drops are well tolerated by patients, but if the instructions are not followed, the shelf life of the finished solution is violated, or if it is used incorrectly, negative reactions may occur. These include:

  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • dyspnea;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • rapid pulse;
  • hives;
  • numbness of the area treated with the solution;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • dermatitis;
  • tissue swelling;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • persistent dryness of the mucous surface of the nasal passages;
  • burning in the nose;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • headache;
  • allergic manifestations and anaphylactic shock.

It is not recommended to exceed the maximum dose of the drug for a single use. If a child accidentally drinks the solution, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach and contact a specialist. In cases of overdose or accidental ingestion of the drug, the following signs are observed:

  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • argyrosis;
  • drug-induced rhinitis;
  • drowsiness;
  • anxiety;
  • bronchospasm (occurs when the medicine gets into the throat);
  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • fever.


Not all patients can use Protargol nasal drops. The solution is prohibited under the following conditions:

  • closed-angle form of glaucoma;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • tachycardia;
  • pregnancy, lactation period in women;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • surgical interventions on the meninges.

Aqua sea water is a safe drug that has virtually no restrictions on its use, the only exception being individual sensitivity to the components of the product. Contraindications to the use of Rino drops are:

  • dry rhinitis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • therapy with drugs from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors during the previous 2 weeks and within 2 weeks after the end of their use.

Terms of sale and storage

Pharmaceutical preparations are sold without a prescription, stored at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, in a place protected from exposure to sunlight. In undamaged, closed branded packaging, Plotalgor and Rino are stored for up to 2 years, Aqua for up to 3 years. Protargol drops - when prepared, retain their therapeutic properties for a short time, so follow the storage rules:

  • The finished medicine can be stored for no more than 30 days, in the refrigerator, in a dark glass bottle. On the outside of the container there is a place where you need to enter the date of manufacture of the solution.
  • The opened tablet must be diluted in distilled water for an hour.


Not all patients are suitable for Sialor, so they try to find a substitute for this medicine. The best analogues include:

  • Collargol. Antiseptic drug based on silver.
  • Aquazan. The active ingredient is povidone-iodine. Has a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect.
  • Argosulfan. The main active substance is silver sulfathiazole, available in the form of an ointment, which has a healing effect.
  • Aseptolin is a disinfectant solution.
  • Benzamycin is a gel that acts as an antiseptic.
  • Hexicon. The drug in the form of a solution is used to disinfect postoperative wounds.
  • Hexoral is a medical product used in ENT practice and has antimicrobial properties.
  • Galazolin. Nasal drops or gel; allow you to quickly get rid of nasal congestion.
  • Rhinostop. A vasoconstrictor drug is indicated for a runny nose. Available in the form of a spray or drops.
  • Resorcinol is an antimicrobial agent.
  • Otrivin is available in the form of drops or spray. The drug is used for purulent nasal discharge and severe rhinitis.

Sialor price

The medicine Sialor for children and adults is sold at any pharmacy. Its price depends on the release form. The average cost of the product in Moscow is:


During the off-season, the human respiratory tract is more susceptible to inflammatory diseases. This is due to temperature changes. And a runny nose, inflammation of the sinuses, can become quite a big problem. Various medications come to the rescue in the treatment of inflammatory processes. One of them is "Sialor". Reviews about it are very good.

What kind of drug is this?

"Sialor" is an anti-inflammatory drug with a disinfecting, antimicrobial effect, containing silver ions. By acting on the nasal mucosa, it constricts blood vessels, fights viruses and fungal diseases, and prevents the infection of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Composition and form of manufacture

There are two forms of release of the drug "Sialor". The first is in the form of a kit for mixing and obtaining a medicinal solution (tablet and sterilized water for dilution, a container with a pipette). The second is a ready-to-use nasal spray with a special pipette. Both products are intended for instillation into the nasal cavity.

The drug is based on silver proteinate (protargol) in a volume of 200 mg and polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone. The liquid substance for dissolution is water, purified in a special way. The volume of the bottle is 10 ml, there is a paper package. The solution is used for rinsing, cleansing and treating the nasal cavity, sinuses, etc.

The nasal spray is used in the same way. "Sialor" (reviews confirm this) due to its silver content is considered a unique drug with a very high therapeutic effect.

For what diseases is Sialor prescribed?

The drug "Sialor" is an antiseptic drug for topical use.

The chemical agent in the medicine, silver proteinate, has the ability to attack harmful microorganisms, have astringent and protective properties.

"Sialor" blocks further spread and growth of the virus, helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, heals microcracks and ulcers in the nasal cavity.

By acting on the human mucosa, the drug creates a thin protective layer that prevents the penetration and development of viruses, fungi and other harmful microorganisms. The medicine successfully fights streptococcal infections, staphylococcal infections, thrush, etc. Reviews about the drug "Sialor" are often found.

The drug is used both independently and in complex therapy in the treatment of colds of various types in the sinuses and nasal cavity.


The main diseases for which the drug "Sialor" is used:

  • For adenoids in adults and children.
  • For all types of rhinitis, including those caused by allergies.
  • Long-lasting, chronic diseases of the sinuses and respiratory tract.
  • Excessive dryness, violation of the integrity of the tissues of the nasal mucosa.
  • As a prophylactic for children and adults during cold epidemics, cold seasons, and changes in indoor temperature due to the use of air conditioning systems.
  • If there is excessive accumulation of dust, small chips, etc. in the air.
  • Treatment of wounds and sutures after operations performed in the nasal area.
  • After removal of tonsils, adenoids, with sinusitis, etc.
  • Cleansing the nasal cavity in adults and children (including infants).
  • Seasonal allergies, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, ARVI.

"Sialor" (reviews confirm this fact) helps reduce mucus and purulent discharge during inflammation of the sinuses. Heals small cracks, ulcers on the wings of the nose and mucous membranes. Prevents viruses from entering the nasal cavity, thus protecting against infection.

Contraindications to the use of "Sialor"

It is worth studying reviews about the drug "Sialor" before using it. The drug can be used for children. It is most important.

Doctors have not identified any special contraindications, except for the peculiarities of the human body, due to which there is increased sensitivity to silver ions and other components of the drug, the period of gestation and breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that through mother’s milk, the silver ions contained in the drug can enter the infant’s gastrointestinal tract, which is extremely undesirable.

Treatment with the drug "Sialor"

The course of treatment with Sialor for adults and children is 1-2 weeks, depending on the severity of the symptoms of nasal diseases. The first therapeutic results appear the very next day.

Before using Sialor, the nasal cavity is cleared of remnants of the inflammatory process and mucus. Rinse the sinuses with water. And only after that the medicine is instilled. Use a solution prepared from 1 tablet and 10 ml of sterile water or a ready-made nasal spray. The content of the main substance in both types of the drug is the same. Use the drug 3-4 times daily throughout the course of treatment.

The solution is instilled into adults, 2-3 drops into each nostril using a special pipette. Children - 1-2 drops in each nostril. If we are talking about a ready-made spray, then for adults - 2-3 sprays in each nostril, for children - 1-2 sprays. The treatment period for the spray and solution is the same. It is quite easy to prepare the solution. The package contains instructions with a detailed description of the process. The tablet is placed in a special bottle and filled with sterile water. Shake thoroughly to ensure complete dissolution. This takes about 10 minutes. After preparation, it is advisable to store the solution in the refrigerator, out of reach of children and out of direct light. It is recommended to shake the solution or spray well before use. Due to the natural ingredients it contains, it may settle slightly at the bottom of the bottle. The prepared solution must be used within a month. This also applies to opened nasal spray.

Main side effects

  • In case of individual intolerance to the drug, redness, itching and severe burning may occur on the nasal mucosa.
  • Increased dryness in the nasal cavity, peeling on the wings of the nose, etc.
  • There may be discomfort in the eye area in the form of redness of the cornea or burning.

In such cases, it is recommended to rinse the eyes and nose with clean water, rinsing the inside of the nose well. Take antihistamines to relieve allergy symptoms.

"Sialor" for children

Nasal drops have only positive reviews. Sialor is prescribed to children from 0 to 18 years of age. There are no contraindications.

For infants, it is used for preventive purposes, for hygiene of the nasal cavity and to increase the protective properties of the body. Treat the nasal cavity with a cotton swab using the solution.

Used for all types of colds of the nasopharynx, early rhinitis, allergic rhinitis. For infectious diseases (staphylococcus and streptococcus), various types of fungal diseases, especially in infants. For all types of rhinitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and allergic rhinitis, parents instill "Sialor" into the child's nose. Reviews are good. The course of treatment for children should not exceed 10 days.

special instructions

Before using a solution or spray, you must first apply a small amount to the mucous membrane and check the body’s reaction. If after 10-15 minutes there are no side effects or negative manifestations of the drug, it can be used.

If there is redness, itching, burning or other reaction, the drug should not be used. Especially "Sialor" for children (nasal drops).

Among the variety of remedies for the common cold, it is so easy for parents to get lost. Often the young mother waves her hand in annoyance, wondering how they used to save themselves with a “Star” and a hard-boiled egg. And it did help! And today, even the most expensive medicine does not guarantee that your beloved little nose will recover. Sialor drops are one of the products that were prepared according to a prescription in Soviet pharmacies and were then called protargol. Below are instructions for using Sialor for children, information about the active substance and side effects of its use, as well as customer reviews.

Release form and composition

The only active component of Sialor, according to the instructions, is the substance protargol. This is what silver proteinate is called in pharmacology. Turning to chemistry, we learn that this is a compound of noble metal oxide or its salts, for example, with gelatin or casein.

Previously, Protargol could be purchased in extemporaneous pharmacies - those that are mostly engaged in the manufacture of medicines rather than sales. Today, there are significantly fewer such pharmaceutical establishments and they are not found in every city. The pharmaceutical industry came to the rescue by launching the drug Sialor into industrial production. It can be purchased at almost any major pharmacy.

It is produced by the Russian company PFK Obnovlenye (the RENEWAL logo is on the packaging), along with many other over-the-counter basic drugs (iodine, brilliant green, drotaverine, validol, etc.).

Today the manufacturer provides two forms of release:

  • spray for adult patients (however, the instructions do not indicate at what age patients can be considered adults);
  • nasal drops Sialor Protargol for children (the instructions also do not indicate the permitted age).

The branded cardboard box contains:

  • a bottle with a pipette or spray cap;
  • plastic ampoule with 10 ml of purified water;
  • in a blister there is one tablet of 200 (or 220 in a spray for adults) mg of active ingredient, sufficient to prepare a 2% solution;
  • an insert sheet with instructions for use or it is located directly on the inside of the cardboard box.

The drug belongs to the over-the-counter category and is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.

Operating principle of Sialor

In the very first line of the instructions, the manufacturer calls the drug Sialor a hygienic product for topical use, instead of the usual “medicine for medical use,” which is important to pay attention to when choosing a medicine against the common cold.

The use of the drug has an astringent, aseptic and barrier effect. Sialor creates a protective protein film on the nasal mucosa, which prevents the penetration and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, such as:

  • staphylococci;
  • Moraxella catharalis and its other species;
  • streptococci;
  • fungi.

The protein barrier not only prevents the development of bacterial infection, but also catalyzes the healing of minor damage to the mucosa resulting from inflammatory processes.

Indications for use

The drug Sialor for children in the form of nasal drops is prescribed for the following inflammatory conditions of the nasal mucosa:

  • nasopharyngitis in acute and chronic form;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • chronic form of rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • pharyngitis.

Protargol solution can also be used to treat conjunctivitis and otitis media, as well as to prevent blepharitis in newborns.

Instructions for use of Sialor

Before using the drug, you will need to make your own solution from the components included in the package. Detailed instructions for its preparation in accessible illustrated form are included in the package insert and shown on the cardboard box.

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • open the bottle and pour the entire contents of the ampoule with solvent into it;
  • remove the tablet from the blister (its color varies from brown to almost black, some metallic shine is allowed), drop it into the bottle;
  • Shake the container until the “silver” tablet is completely dissolved (sometimes this takes up to 10 minutes);
  • close the bottle with a pipette and use as directed.

The resulting liquid is odorless, transparent, without additional impurities, its color varies from light to dark brown. This makes the Sialor solution look like iodine, which, by the way, is not included in the medicine.

Before dropping Sialor, be sure to rinse your baby’s nose with any preparation based on sea water or salts.

At what age can children?

In the official instructions supplied by the manufacturer, there is no information about age restrictions for the use of Sialor. Turning to the World Health Organization for help in this matter, we learn that it recommends not using protargol to treat any inflammation in children under 5 years of age. However, this is only a recommendation, not a ban.

Older generation pediatricians often prescribe Sialor even to infants. This is strange, given that it is contraindicated in lactating women, due to the possibility of penetration into breast milk. Younger specialists consider protargol drugs to be outdated and prefer the new generation of drugs.

Dosage of nasal drops for children of different ages

The instructions for use give a more than vague idea of ​​the dosage in which it is permissible to use Sialor for children at different ages. According to this information insert, the prepared solution can be used for a course of no more than a week, instilling 1-3 drops into each nostril daily. The procedure must be repeated three times a day.

Therefore, despite the fact that the drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription, it is important to consult a pediatrician before using it. He will determine the extent to which it is necessary to use this particular remedy in your case and prescribe the appropriate dosage.

For infants, a less concentrated solution is prepared - not 2, but 1%. To do this, not the whole tablet, but half is diluted in the same volume of solvent.

Contraindications for use

Previously, protargol was produced only according to a doctor’s prescription. Today, this remedy is classified as an over-the-counter drug. The instructions say that Sialor has almost no restrictions on its use, with the exception of periods of bearing a child and feeding him with breast milk, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

Due to the fact that the active substance is a strong allergen, it is recommended to first apply the medicine to a sensitive area of ​​the skin to conduct an allergy test. The best places to do this are the crook of your elbow or your wrist. If, after some time, itching or burning of any intensity appears in the area of ​​application, the substance must be immediately washed off with a large volume of running water and its use should be discontinued.

However, it is worth noting that protargol preparations are prohibited for use in most European countries, as well as in the United States, due to the widespread belief in its toxicity and ability to accumulate in the body.

A side effect of uncontrolled use of silver-based drugs is a disease called argyrosis. It is characterized by the deposition of ions of this metal in human organs and tissues, which causes irreversible pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes in colors ranging from gray to bluish.

Compatibility with other drugs

Storage conditions and terms

Protargol is a substance that retains its medicinal properties for a very short period of time. This is the main reason why it has not previously been put into production on an industrial scale.

  1. The opened tablet should be diluted in a solvent within an hour.
  2. The prepared solution can be used for a month.
  3. In intact original packaging, Sialor tablets can be stored without loss of quality for up to 2 years.

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug after the expiration date. To avoid this, there is even a place on the bottle where you need to enter the date of preparation of the solution yourself.

Storage conditions require a temperature range of +2 to +8 ºС and protection from direct sunlight. Be sure to hide from children and animals.

Manufacturers and prices in Russia (data for 2017)

Sialor is a trade name. The drug is produced by the only Russian pharmaceutical company, CJSC PFK Obnovlenye. Prices for Sialor for children range from 130 to 280 rubles per bottle, depending on the region and the markup of the pharmacy.


The drug under discussion has only one analogue today - in fact, Protargol itself. You can purchase it in state pharmacies on order at a price of approximately 170 rubles.

In pharmacies you can find another drug from the same manufacturer called Sialor Rhino for children. It has nothing in common in its composition with ordinary Sialor. This drug is made on the basis of oxymetazoline and has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Nevertheless, the choice of nasal drops for children from infancy is very wide, ranging from completely safe preparations based, for example, on sea water and ending with vasoconstrictors. When choosing a medicine, pay attention to what color the child’s nasal discharge is (clear or purulent), and whether it is an allergic reaction to anything. But it is ideal if the child is prescribed nasal drops by a pediatrician.

Remember that improper treatment of a runny nose (and it is impossible to diagnose its true cause without sufficient knowledge) most often leads to chronic diseases.

Sialor is a medical drug used in ENT practice.

The drug belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists and has a vasoconstrictor, astringent and antimicrobial effect.

When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, this drug creates a protective film there that reduces the adhesion of fungi and bacteria.

Reviews about the drug can be found at the end of the article.

Indications for use

Sialor can be used in the following cases:

  • hay fever;
  • runny nose in acute respiratory diseases;
  • acute allergic rhinitis.

This drug can be used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of otitis media to relieve swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, as well as in the process of preparing the patient for diagnostic procedures in the nasal cavity.

Release form, composition

Sialor can be found on sale in the following forms:

The composition of the tablet of the drug Sialor includes silver proteinate or protargol, and the bottle with the solvent contains 10 milliliters of purified water.

Mode of application

Sialor is intended for intranasal use. Drops 0.05% are intended for use in children under six years of age. They should be placed one or two drops into each nostril once or twice during the day. Children over six years old should instill two or three drops of this medicine into each nasal passage three or four times a day.

Drops of 0.1% are used to treat adults and children over six years of age. They need to be dripped two or three drops into each nostril no more than four times throughout the day. The duration of the course of treatment can be from seven to fourteen days.

To obtain a Sialor solution from a tablet, you need to place it in a bottle, into which you first pour all the solvent, and then shake it until the tablet is completely dissolved. After this, you need to put a suitable nozzle on the bottle.

Before using Sialor, the nasal cavity should be completely cleared of mucus. The prepared solution can be instilled into children up to three times, one, two or three drops into each nostril.

Adults should spray one dose of the drug into each nostril up to three times during the day. The course of therapy should last from five days to one week.

Interaction with other drugs

Side effects

With frequent or prolonged use of Sialor, patients may experience:

  • burning in the nasal cavity;
  • tingling;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • feeling of dryness in the nose;
  • increased secretion;
  • sneezing.

Swelling of the nasal mucosa, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, abnormal heart rhythm, sleep problems, headaches, and blurred vision are extremely rare.

If you take this medicine in high doses for a long time, you may experience depression.

Sialor is not inclined to have a negative effect on the body that could affect a person’s ability to work with machinery and drive a car.


Sialor cannot be prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Angle-closure glaucoma.
  2. Tachycardia.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. Hyperthyroidism.
  5. Obvious atherosclerosis.
  6. Thyrotoxicosis.
  7. Increased sensitivity to the constituent substances of this drug.

Drops of 0.1% are prohibited for use in children under six years of age. Sialor is not used to treat patients who have ever undergone surgery on the meninges.

Sialor is prescribed with caution for:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Prostatic hyperplasia.
  4. Coronary heart disease or angina pectoris.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, Sialor can be prescribed by a doctor only after assessing the ratio of probable risk and expected benefit. Exceeding recommended doses is unacceptable.

Storage conditions and periods

The solution prepared from the tablet must be used within fourteen days.

The shelf life of nasal drops is two years, but after opening the bottle they must be used within a month.



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