Antiviral eye drops. Antiviral eye drops

Antiviral eye drops for children will help get rid of conjunctivitis and painful redness of the whites. An ophthalmologist or pediatrician prescribes and selects a pharmaceutical drug. Many types of medications make it possible to find the optimal one - one that is effective and does not cause additional discomfort in the child from treatment with the medication.

Indications for use

Prescribing drugs in the form of drops helps relieve the patient of painful symptoms and eliminate the source of the disease - a viral or bacterial infection. Both factors can be present separately or combined. In the second case, universal antiviral eye drops will help. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor and are potent. Antibacterial and antiviral drops are prescribed for children to combat the following types of eye infections:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • uveitis;
  • keratitis;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • neuritis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis.

A viral infection causes inflammation and swelling.

Ophthalmic medications are prescribed for viral diseases - influenza and acute respiratory infections, the concomitant illness of which is conjunctivitis. Medicines eliminate the following painful symptoms that cause discomfort to the patient:

  • sour eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • pain and dryness in the eyes;
  • pain and photophobia.

For children, eye drops for the herpes virus and its derivatives are selected by a doctor; self-medication is prohibited.

Types of drugs

To get rid of the disease, a therapeutic course is prescribed, including antibacterial drops and agents against the herpes virus, adenovirus and other pathogens of conjunctivitis, keratitis and uveitis. The latest generation antiviral drugs in the form of drops combine properties to combat a wide range of microorganisms and are used for complex treatment. According to the mechanism of action, medicinal drops are divided into groups presented in the table:

The choice of treatment depends on the form of the disease and the characteristics of the body.

Medicines of these groups are contraindicated in patients with low levels of leukocytes, epilepsy and mental disorders. The ban applies to people with increased individual sensitivity to the components of pharmaceuticals and allergic reactions to them. For senior citizens and children, the possibility of using medications is agreed with a doctor.

Inflammatory eye diseases - keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, etc. - are caused by bacteria and viruses. Viral infections are most often caused by adenoviruses, and more than half of all cases of keratitis are caused by the herpes virus. Antiviral eye drops, gels and topical ointments are used for therapy; in more severe cases, systemic treatment with appropriate drugs is indicated. The article provides a comparative overview of popular effective eye drops, indicating prices and application features.

Viral eye diseases

The human body is constantly attacked from the outside by aggressive viruses, and more than 90% of the population are carriers of herpes viruses. Normally, the immune system responds in a timely manner to invasions and activation of pathogens present in the body, however, when immunity is weakened, inflammatory diseases of various localizations develop.

The most common infections in ophthalmology, for the treatment of which antiviral and antibacterial eye drops are used, are:

  • Conjunctivitis. There are two types of this pathology caused by adenoviruses - pharyngo-conjunctival fever and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. When infected, acute epidemic conjunctivitis develops.
  • Keratitis. Corneal ulcers in more than half of cases are caused by viruses: herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus or varicella-zoster.
  • Uveitis. Inflammation of the choroid is also caused by herpes viruses.

In most cases, these infections, with appropriate therapy, resolve without consequences or complications. However, lack of treatment or delay in seeing a doctor can cause irreversible deterioration and even loss of vision.

Classification of antiviral drops

Antiviral eye drops are divided into three groups according to composition and principle of action:

An ophthalmologist should decide which drops to choose for the treatment of viral eye infections. Despite the over-the-counter availability of most antiviral drugs from pharmacies, they have specific contraindications and, if used uncontrolled, can aggravate the disease.

Antiviral eye drops for adults and children

Below is a detailed overview of the most popular agents for local treatment of viral ophthalmic infections. The choice of a specific drug depends on the nature of the disease, the presence of contraindications, and the age of the patient. The table contains brief information about the composition, indications and prices for each drug.

Oftan I'm coming

Eye drops from the French pharmaceutical company Santen OY, the active ingredient of which is idoxuridine. The drug is available in 10 ml plastic dropper bottles and is a 0.1% solution. The antiviral effect of the drug is based on the integration of its molecules into the DNA chain of herpes viruses and blocking further replication.

Photo of packaging for eye drops Oftan Idu

Indications for use are superficial keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis provoked by the herpes simplex virus. You should not use Oftan Ida drops in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (due to the potential teratogenicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of idoxuridine);
  • younger children;
  • deep damage to the cornea;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • iritis

The drug should be instilled every hour during the day and at two-hour intervals at night (a drop into the conjunctival cavity). When a noticeable, lasting improvement occurs, the pause between drug administration increases by 2 times. The course of treatment is until complete healing, plus 4-5 days after. Side effects of therapy include local irritation and swelling, photophobia, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug. Clouding of the cornea, scar formation, allergies, and lacrimation are also possible.


The active components of antiviral eye drops are diphenhydramine and interferon alpha-2b (recombinant). The drug is produced by the domestic ZAO FIRN M in bottles of 5 or 10 ml. It has an immunomodulatory, antiviral and antiproliferative effect due to the content of interferon. Diphenhydramine in the composition provides an antihistamine effect, reduces itching and swelling.

Photo of the antiviral drug Oftalmoferon 10 ml drops


  • adeno- and enteroviral conjunctivitis, keratitis;
  • herpetic keratitis with and without ulcerations;
  • uveitis and keratouveitis of herpetic etiology;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • prevention of infections after surgery.

Of the contraindications, the manufacturer indicates only individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Drops can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women if the benefits of therapy outweigh the potential risks. Children's age is not a contraindication; no side effects have been identified.

In the acute phase of a viral infection, use 6 to 8 times a day is indicated (1 or 2 drops in each eye). As the condition improves, the frequency of instillations is reduced to 2-3 times. The prophylactic course lasts 10 days, during which the drug is applied twice a day, 1-2 drops for each eye. Dry eye syndrome is treated according to a similar scheme, but for 25-30 days.


The active component of Actipol antiviral eye drops is para-aminobenzoic acid (0.07 mg per 1 ml). The manufacturer, JSC Diapharm Institute of Molecular Diagnostics, produces the drug in 5-ml glass or polymer dropper bottles. The active substance of the drug is an interferon inducer, which is quickly absorbed when applied topically.

The list of indications includes:

  • viral eye infections caused by adeno- and herpesviruses;
  • keratopathy of post-operative and post-traumatic origin;
  • dystrophy of the cornea and retina;
  • burns and mechanical injuries to the eye.

Photo of eye drops Aktipol 5 ml

The drops have antiviral, regenerating, radioprotective properties, without having a toxic effect. A strict contraindication is hypersensitivity. These antiviral eye drops for the treatment of children and pregnant women are used only as indicated (due to the insufficiently studied effect on the fetus and the child’s body). Side effects such as local allergies or redness of the conjunctiva are rare. Treatment lasts at least a week after the disappearance of clinical symptoms. A single dose is 1 or 2 drops into the conjunctival cavity, the frequency of use is from 3 to 8 times a day.


A combined immunostimulating agent produced by the Russian Lance-Pharm LLC in the form of a lyophilisate for preparing a solution. The active ingredient is a combination of potassium salts of polyriboadenylic and polyribouridylic acids, which stimulates the synthesis of endogenous interferon alpha.

Photo of Poludan eye drops packaging

Indications for prescribing drops are herpetic and adenoviral conjunctivitis, superficial keratitis and combined eye inflammation of viral etiology. The use of the drug is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to its components. Due to insufficiently studied effects on the fetus and the child’s body, it is not recommended to prescribe drugs to young children and pregnant women.

The drug is prepared by diluting with distilled water to the mark on the bottle (the kit also includes a dropper cap for ease of use). Treatment of viral infections is carried out by daily instillation of 1-2 drops into each conjunctival sac 6-8 times a day. As the symptoms of the disease disappear, the frequency of drug administration is reduced to 3-4 times.

The information from the table will help you choose inexpensive but quite effective antiviral eye drops.

Name Active ingredient Indications Pregnancy, childhood Price, rub.
Oftalmoferon interferon alpha-2b+diphenhydramine Adeno-, entero- and herpesvirus eye inflammations Possible according to indications About 320 for 10 ml
Oftan I'm coming Idoxuridine Keratitis and conjunctivitis caused by herpes viruses It is forbidden About 250*
Aktipol Para-aminobenzoic acid Inflammations of herpetic and adenoviral origin Possible according to indications From 300
Poludan Potassium salts of polyriboadenylic and polyribouridylic acids Same Not recommended 430

* Note: The drug is quite rare on sale, so the latest price is indicated according to online stores.

Viral infections are one of the most common causes of inflammatory eye diseases, including conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, and uveitis.

Most often they are caused by an adenovirus; less common are infections with herpes, picarnovirus, enterovirus and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of such diseases is carried out with special antiviral drugs, which are most often produced in the form of drops. What drops are used in the treatment of viral eye diseases, and how to use them correctly?

Antiviral eye drops

Operating principle

All human infectious diseases, that is, those caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, can be divided into viral and bacterial.

There is a significant difference between viruses and bacteria, so the methods of treating diseases also differ from each other.

For bacterial infections, drugs are used that destroy foreign agents, and the therapy for viral diseases is to create favorable conditions for the body to independently fight foreign agents.

Infectious diseases are viral and bacterial

The mechanism of action of antiviral drops on pathogens is based on a special protein called interferon, which fights viruses that cause diseases. It stops the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and blocks their further activity.

Some drugs promote the production of their own interferon in tissues, while others contain this protein in finished form. A separate group includes virucidal drugs, which are most often used to treat diseases caused by the herpes virus.

Mechanism of action of antiviral drugs

Table. Groups of drugs.

Classification of immunomodulators

Attention: Most antibacterial drugs are ineffective against viruses, so therapy should be selected only after identifying the causative agent of the disease.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of antiviral eye drops include diseases caused by any viruses:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • uveitis;
  • optic neuritis.

What does conjunctivitis look like?

Contraindications to use depend on the characteristics of the particular drug, but most often these are individual hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug, disorders of the hematopoietic system, severe dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, mental disorders and central nervous system. Some drops are prohibited for use during pregnancy and childhood, but if the expected benefit outweighs the possible risk to human health, the drugs can be used under the supervision of a doctor.

General principles of treatment of all types of conjunctivitis

Side effects

Antiviral drops for the treatment of eye diseases do not have a systemic effect on the body, but can cause adverse reactions from various organs and systems:

  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • burning and discomfort in the eyes, itching, redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids;
  • deterioration in general health, decreased performance;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • fever, chills, body aches;
  • increased sweating.

Redness of the eyes

Attention: If serious side effects develop, you should immediately stop using the drops, rinse your eyes with warm water, and then consult a doctor to change the product.

Popular drugs

The range of antiviral eye drops in pharmacies is quite wide, so choosing a drug will not be difficult, but before treatment you need to consult a doctor and also carefully read the instructions.


Oftan I'm coming

Drops for the treatment of viral diseases in ophthalmology, which act directly on the structure of pathogenic microorganisms, due to which they quickly die.

The active ingredient of the drug is active against various viruses, but it is preferable to use it when infected with herpes.

The main disadvantage is the development of side effects, including burning in the eyes, increased tearing and photosensitivity; corneal clouding, development of blepharitis, and decreased visual function are rarely observed.

Oftan I'm coming

Ganciclovir (Virgan, Zirgan)

A drug that effectively fights herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr and citalomegavirus, the main indication for use is keratitis of herpetic origin. The drops are well tolerated by the body, rarely cause side effects, and are approved for use in childhood.


An antiviral agent that is active against herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, citalomegaviruses, orthoviruses, and is used for the treatment and prevention of herpetic keratitis and conjunctivitis. Not used during pregnancy, advanced forms of keratitis, can cause headaches, sometimes allergic reactions on the eyelids and eye tissues, clouding of the cornea.


Important: drugs that affect the DNA of pathogenic microorganisms slow down metabolic and regenerative processes in eye tissues, so they are best used in combination with vitamin therapy and means to improve metabolism.


One of the most effective drugs, which has not only antiviral activity, but also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, due to which it quickly eliminates the symptoms of inflammatory diseases.

It does not affect metabolic processes in tissues, does not slow down regenerative processes in tissues and does not impair visual function.

In rare cases, side effects are possible due to increased production of interferons in the body - fever, chills, pain in muscles and joints.



Drops are prescribed for diseases caused by the herpes virus and adenovirus, but can also be used in other cases.

Contains substances that promote the production of protective cells (T-killers and cytokines), increases local immunity and quickly improves the condition of patients.

After using the drops, you may experience increased blood pressure, nausea, headaches and joint pain, and in rare cases, impaired hematopoietic function. It is usually prescribed to adult patients, and use in childhood requires strict medical supervision.


A new generation medicine that has antiviral, antioxidant and radioprotective effects, that is, in addition to destroying viruses, it protects the eyes from radiation and the influence of free radicals.

It is usually used for the treatment of pathological processes caused by herpes and adenovirus, as well as for increased eye fatigue, dry eye syndrome, and during the recovery period after injuries and tissue burns. It has a minimal number of side effects and, if necessary, can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is incompatible with antibiotics based on sulfacyl sodium and is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from autoimmune disorders.


The drug does not have a direct antiviral effect, but is able to inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and activate regenerative processes, due to which the healing process is significantly accelerated.

Indications include keratitis of various etiologies (herpetic, adenoviral), burns and penetrating eye injuries.

The product increases local immunity, is highly effective and has virtually no contraindications (can be used even in people with a tendency to allergic reactions).


Powder for preparing a solution, which is sold complete with a special solvent substance.

It is considered one of the safest and most accessible means for the treatment of viral eye lesions, including keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratouveitis and other diseases. The only contraindication is individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In rare cases, side effects may develop, including burning and discomfort in the eyes, short-term blurred vision, and allergic reactions.


Attention: When using any antiviral eye drops, it is important to follow the dosage recommended by the doctor - if the dose is reduced, the therapeutic effect is significantly reduced, and if the dose is increased, adverse reactions may develop.

Children's antiviral eye drops

Viral eye diseases are more common in childhood than in adults, and the symptoms are more pronounced and are often accompanied by a deterioration in general health, fever, and headaches.

To treat inflammatory processes in children, it is best to use drugs that promote the production of interferon in the body and do not cause side effects - Oftalmoferon, Poludan, Aktipol, but before use you should definitely consult a specialist.

Rules for using antiviral drops

How to instill eye drops

Before using antiviral eye drops, you must check the expiration date of the drug - using expired drops is strictly not recommended. Wash your hands well and, if necessary, wipe your eyes with an antiseptic solution or chamomile decoction, removing discharge and crusts.

Eye drops are usually stored in the refrigerator, and before use the bottle should be slightly warmed between the palms.

The frequency of the procedure and the duration of treatment depend on the clinical characteristics of the disease and are determined by an ophthalmologist. If the effect of using drops is absent for 2-3 days, you should consult a doctor and replace the drug.

Burial rules

Antiviral eye medications are highly effective and can quickly eliminate the cause of diseases along with the symptoms, but independent use of the drugs is strictly prohibited. At the first manifestations of infection, you should contact a specialist who will select the optimal drug, taking into account the age, health status and characteristics of the patient’s body.

Video - How to treat conjunctivitis?


Antiviral eye drops for children

Viral infections are insidious. The virus can enter a child’s body not only through the nasopharynx, although this is the most common route, but sometimes through the mucous membrane of the eyes. In addition, eye diseases can be accompanied by a number of viral infections, which children suffer from quite often.

In this case, antiviral eye drops for children may be needed. What are they, how to choose them and how to use them? Will try to understand these issues.

  • For infectious diseases of the organs of vision themselves. For diagnoses that are confirmed by an ophthalmologist. This could be adenoviral conjunctivitis, herpetic eye damage, inflammation caused by cytomegalovirus, etc.
  • For viral diseases as a separate symptom. Often the mucous membrane of a child’s eyes becomes inflamed due to measles, chickenpox, rubella, against the background of infectious mononucleosis and other unpleasant ailments caused by viruses.
  • Antiviral eye drops should not be used if the infection is exclusively bacterial, caused by microbes (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and others) getting into the eyes. This must be confirmed by an ophthalmologist.
  • Antiviral drops can harm a child if a blood test of a young patient shows a significant decrease in the level of leukocytes and platelets.
  • If the child has kidney and liver diseases, serious psychiatric disorders, severe allergic reactions.
  • If your baby suffers from epilepsy.

Antiviral eye drops in the eyes act locally, increasing the production of a protein - interferon in the mucous membrane of the organ of vision. This protein is essential for activating the immune system and ultimately defeating the virus.

Some types of drops contain ready-made interferons obtained from donor blood cells and animal biomaterials by genetic engineers, but such drugs can cause many side effects in children.

There is another type of droplet - virucidal chemical compounds that independently destroy the virus.

How to administer eye drops to children? Ophthalmologist's advice.

Very often, a bacterial complication is added to a viral inflammation of the eye; the eye can begin to fester, for example. Then the doctor will reasonably suggest adding antibiotic drops or ointment to the antiviral drops and will issue an appropriate prescription.

  • "Ganciclovir." Drops that are good for eye diseases caused by cytomegalovirus and herpes virus. The antiviral drug was developed by scientists from Canada. The drug acts inside the virus - it is integrated into its DNA and prevents further synthesis. Due to the long list of possible negative consequences from taking the drug, these drops are not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age. But doctors sometimes prescribe this medicine in small individual doses.
  • "Ophthalmoferon". Drops that are effective against many viruses because they belong to the category of extended-spectrum antiviral drugs. In addition to fighting viruses, Oftalmoferon moderately relieves pain and promotes regeneration (restoration) of the mucous membrane. The medicine can be prescribed for the treatment of adenoviral and enteroviral conjunctivitis, kerotitis, and herpes eye infections. The drug is quite suitable for use in children of all ages - from newborns to teenagers. During the acute phase of inflammation, 2 drops are dripped into each eye 6-8 times a day. As you recover, the number of instillations is reduced to 3 per day.
  • "Poludan". Antiviral drops that stimulate the production of endogenous interferon. Prescribed for eye damage that accompanies influenza, ARVI, herpetic lesions and viral conjunctivitis. In pharmacies, Poludan can be purchased in the form of a dry substance in a bottle, from which it is quite easy to prepare a solution for instillation at home.

To do this, add boiled cooled water to the container up to the mark on the bottle. Shake thoroughly. The prepared solution should be stored in the refrigerator. Poludan should be dripped strictly into the conjunctival sac (the space between the eyelid and the eyeball). In case of severe inflammation, the child needs to drip 2-3 drops 6-8 times a day, when the condition improves, the number of instillations is reduced to 2-3. Due to its low toxicity, the drug is recommended for children of all age groups.

  • "Aktipol". Antiviral immunomodulator for local use. Accelerates the formation of the body's own interferon, which fights viruses. In addition, Aktipol restores damaged corneas. Drops are prescribed for viral conjunctivitis, herpes infection of the organs of vision.

During a severe inflammatory process, the child needs to drip 1-2 drops 8 times a day. Then, when the healing process begins, the dose is reduced to 2 drops three times a day for a week. Pharmacies sell ready-to-use drops. They can be given to children of any age.

  • "Oftan I'm coming." These drops are quite often used for viral eye diseases, but in themselves they are not antiviral. This is a glucocorticosteroid for topical use. "Oftan" has an anti-inflammatory effect. Drop 1-2 drops three times a day strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Manufacturers do not position the drug as a children's drug, since there is not enough clinical data on its effect on the children's body. But in pediatric practice, this drug has its place and can be prescribed to a child, naturally, not in infancy. Most often, the medicine is prescribed to children aged 6 years and older.
  • "Gludantan." These eye drops can be used for eye inflammation due to influenza type A. The drug is not antiviral, but is often prescribed for adenoviral conjunctivitis and epidemic keratoconjuntivitis.

Sometimes it is necessary to use eye ointment instead of drops. This is relevant for children with allergies and in cases where drops have proven to be ineffective. Children are prescribed antiviral eye ointments “Acyclovir” and “Zirgan” gel.

Conjunctivitis - Doctor Komarovsky's School - all parents need to know this!

  1. You cannot prescribe drops to a child yourself. Only a specialist can assess the extent of eye damage, possible consequences and risks. The child urgently needs to visit a pediatric ophthalmologist.
  2. Before instillation, it is necessary to free the child’s eyes from crusts, pus and other discharge. To do this, you can use boiled water, furatsilin solution, or a weak chamomile decoction. Rinsing should be done with warm solutions, soaking cotton pads in them. For each eye - a separate cotton pad!
  3. The drops should be warm; warm the bottle in your hands before use. This will cause less discomfort to the child.
  4. If an allergic reaction occurs (severe redness, appearance or increased swelling of the eyelids, itching, lacrimation), antiviral drops should be discontinued immediately. And again go to the doctor for a prescription for another drug.


Antiviral eye drops

In case of viral infection, antibacterial drugs do not have the desired effect. In such cases, antiviral drugs must be used to relieve inflammation.

In children and adults, the following diseases associated with viral lesions occur: keratitis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, and somewhat less frequently - iridocyclitis.

Types of antiviral eye drops

The mechanism of action of antiviral drugs is that they stimulate the production of interferons in the mucous membrane of the eye - their own proteins that help the body fight infection and prevent further proliferation of viruses. Antiviral drugs that stimulate the production of interferons include Actipol and Poludan.

In addition, there are antiviral eye drops containing ready-made human interferon, for example, “Ocoferon” and “Ophthalmoferon”.

There is also a separate group of antiviral eye medications against the herpes virus. They contain a special substance that stops DNA synthesis in the viral cell. Such antiherpes drugs include Acyclovir. For the treatment of ocular herpetic infections, it is used as an eye ointment.

Antiviral drops for children

It is typical for viral eye infections in childhood that in addition to local (ocular) symptoms, there are general manifestations of the disease: body temperature rises, runny nose and sore throat appear. For antiviral therapy in such cases, Ophthalmoferon eye drops are used, and for viral eye infections, Poludan is used.

It must be remembered that before instillation of the antiviral drug, the eyes must be rinsed from discharge and crusts using ordinary boiled water or a warm chamomile decoction.

In what cases should you not use antiviral eye drops?

Eye diseases of viral etiology are a serious problem, and in each specific situation only an ophthalmologist can accurately determine which antiviral eye drops should be used. It is not recommended to use antiviral drugs without a prescription from a specialist, especially if you have had allergic reactions in the past. Antiviral medications for the eyes cause very minor side effects, most often due to individual intolerance to the drugs.

Attention! The viral nature of an eye disease can only be determined by a specialist. Improper treatment can lead to serious consequences, including loss of vision.


Review of antiviral eye drops

To cope with viral lesions of the organs of vision, it is logical and correct to use antiviral drugs. Typically, such drugs are drops - in the article we will look at the features of drugs in this group. We will find out what effect antiviral eye drops have, review the most effective drugs, and find out whether it is possible to purchase inexpensive but high-quality products in this category.

So, antiviral eye drops are used, as you might guess, to treat diseases caused by certain viruses. Such diseases include:

  • conjunctivitis. But what you can use to wash your eyes with conjunctivitis can be seen here;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • keratitis How viral eye keratitis is treated can be found in this article;
  • neuritis;
  • uevit.

Most often, it is necessary to use antiviral drops to eliminate problems caused by adenoviruses - in this case, a person experiences conjunctivitis of varying degrees of severity. In addition, antiviral drops are often used for herpetic lesions of the cornea. But what are the symptoms of inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye, you can find out from this article.

In the video - antiviral eye drops:


All eye drops with an antiviral effect are divided into three categories according to the principle of their effect:

  • virucilide;
  • immunomodulators;
  • interferons.

Viruclide drops are designed for precise and targeted destruction of viruses that cause the inflammatory process.

Immunomodulator drops are designed to increase the level of immunity and help to quickly destroy the infection.

Interferon drops contain a substance similar to natural interferon, therefore they help to quickly and reliably cope with a viral infection. Interferon is a protein antibody that can fight harmful microbes.


Let's look at the most effective antiviral eye drops.

Oftan I'm coming

This is a virucilide drug aimed at quickly destroying the cause of the disease. The product can be used to treat both adults and children. The drug is manufactured in Finland and meets European pharmaceutical standards. The product has a uniquely powerful effect, capable of completely destroying the virus in a short time.

Oftan I'm coming

It is usually used to treat the following diseases;

  • keratitis and herpetic keratoconjunctivitis;
  • other viral eye infections;
  • tree-like corneal ulcers.

Please note that the drug has toxic components, which may cause the following side effects:

  • burning in the eyes, painful sensations;
  • photophobia and uncontrollable lacrimation.

Oftan Ida should not be used simultaneously with the use of anti-inflammatory steroid eye ointments and drops. The cost of the drug today is about 300 rubles per 10-ml bottle.

The drug must be used with extreme caution; side effects include the following: blepharitis, scarring of the conjunctiva, impaired accommodation, opacification of the epithelial tissue of the cornea.



In addition to interferon, the product also contains the following useful components:

  • diphenhydramine, which has an antiallergic effect;
  • boric acid, which increases the antiseptic characteristics of the product;
  • a special polymer that fights dry eye syndrome and moisturizes the mucous membrane.

Oftalmoferon is a popular and in demand drug. Along with the main antiviral effect, it also has other types of therapeutic effects:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • restorative;
  • pain reliever;
  • moisturizing;
  • antiallergic;
  • antimicrobial.

Due to such a wide spectrum of action, Oftalmoferon is prescribed for eye diseases more often than other drugs.

The medicine is useful in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • herpetic virus;
  • keratitis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • keratoconjunctivitis.

The product perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eye, which is important. As a result of such hydration, the discomfort, burning and pain that often accompany viral pathologies disappear. The drops contain not synthetic, but human interferon, which serves as the basis for the safety and effectiveness of the drug. The average price of Oftalmoferon today is 370-400 rubles for a 10 ml container.


A drug containing synthetic interferon. The product is sold in dry form (powder), and requires independent dilution. Okoferon is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and other viral diseases of the organs of vision.

We note the safety of these drops: they cannot be used only in case of individual sensitivity to the components. The price of the drug today is 450 rubles for a volume of the finished solution of 5 ml. By clicking on the link, you can learn more about the instructions for using such drops.


The product containing interferon has both antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Particularly effective in the treatment of eye diseases caused by the herpes virus. Typically used in adult therapy, it is quite well tolerated.

The following side effects are rare:

  • redness of the cornea;
  • burning, itching sensations;
  • increased pressure inside the eyes.

If such symptoms appear, the use of Poludan drops should be stopped. Please note that in this case, the unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own and do not require medication. The cost of the drug Poludan today is approximately 450 rubles for a 5-ml container.

It is not recommended to use Poludan simultaneously with enzyme-based medications. The fact is that enzymes have a destructive effect on interferon, so the effectiveness of instillation procedures will be significantly lower.

In the acute course of the disease, Poludan is instilled up to 8 times a day, when acute symptoms decrease - three times a day. As a rule, the duration of treatment with this drug ranges from a week to 10 days.

You can read how to use such drops for children here.


Interferon-based agent. Helps the body produce natural interferon, which significantly increases the chances of a quick recovery. Let us note that this medicine is of Russian origin and complies with all long-adopted GOSTs and other standards.

The effect of the drug is wide, Aktipol is capable of:

  • increase immunity;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • restore damaged eye tissue;
  • remove the symptom of eye fatigue;
  • reduce swelling;
  • slow down aging and vision loss.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor: it depends on the severity of the viral infection. It is allowed to drip Actipol up to 8 times a day if the disease is acute. An individual negative reaction of the body to the components of the product is possible: if such a reaction occurs, you should stop instilling Actipol. The price of the product is low - around 250 rubles per 5 ml bottle. It is also worth reading reviews about such drops

How to choose the best product

When choosing antiviral eye drops, you should first of all pay attention to the effectiveness and safety of the drug, and then to its price. The organs of vision are a delicate area, and it is necessary to eliminate eye pathologies as quickly as possible and with minimal risks.

The optimal choice for the treatment of viral eye diseases today is the drug Oftalmoferon. In this case, the balance between cost and quality of the product is most obvious. Note that it is recommended to use this particular drug during pregnancy, which also indicates its high level of safety.

Actipol is also good - in this case, the price of the drug is especially impressive; compared to analogues, it is almost half as much.

If a viral eye disease occurs against the background of a bacterial infection, it is necessary to supplement the treatment with drops or ointments containing antibiotics. It would not be superfluous to use antiseptic agents.

For children

If there is a need to treat viral eye diseases in a child, you should know that in this case it is safest to use drugs with interferon. It is interferons that can activate the child’s body’s defenses and enhance the production of antibodies. At the same time, a properly selected drug will not harm children's health and will not cause side effects.

Please note that only a doctor can prescribe antiviral eye drops to a child. You should not self-medicate, since the likelihood of negative side effects in this case is especially high, and the consequences of illiterate treatment can be severe.

Various viral diseases most often affect children rather than adults due to the fragile children's immunity. Thus, viral conjunctivitis is usually diagnosed in children aged 4-6 years: in this case, the use of antiviral drops is necessary. It is also worth learning more about what other antibacterial and antiviral eye drops there are.

The following drugs are most often used in pediatric therapy:

  • Oftalmoferon;
  • Aktipol;
  • Poludan;
  • Oftan I'm coming.

For viral diseases that occur against the background of other pathologies, the doctor may prescribe other medications along with the listed drugs.


Antiviral eye drops should not be used in the following cases:

  • in case of intolerance or sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with low levels of platelets in the blood and leukocytes;
  • for diseases of blood vessels, heart, liver, kidneys. But you can see what retinal vascular angiopathy looks like in a child here;
  • with thyroid pathologies;
  • for nervous and mental diseases, including epilepsy.

During pregnancy, many antiviral drops are prohibited, and if allowed for use, then with caution and strictly under medical supervision.

Side effects

Note that along with the high effectiveness of antiviral eye drops, some of them may have quite serious side effects. Among the most common side effects are the following:

  • severe drowsiness;
  • apathy, lack of mood, increased anxiety;
  • feverish chills;
  • weakness, severe fatigue, significant decrease in performance;
  • headache. But why there is pain in the eyeball when pressing and what the reasons may be is indicated here;
  • sweating is noticeably more intense.

So, we found out for what purposes antiviral eye drops are used. As you can see, in some cases you cannot do without drugs in this category: conjunctivitis is a common occurrence. But use drops with an antiviral effect only after examination by an ophthalmologist and only with a doctor’s prescription.

Viral conjunctivitis is one of the most common causes of inflammation and redness of the eye. To treat such pathologies, antiviral drugs are used (eye drops, ointments, solutions for intravitreal administration). There are many different groups of antiviral eye drops with their own characteristics, effects and side effects. The most relevant are interferons and their inducers.

Antiviral agents

Specific immunotherapy for viral eye lesions includes normal human immunoglobulin, chigain (purified liquid human colostrum serum) and herpetic vaccine. However, due to manufacturing difficulties, these drugs were not widely used.

In practical ophthalmology, agents that have a nonspecific immunocorrective effect are more often used. The most relevant are exogenous interferons and drugs that stimulate the production of endogenous interferons.

Interferons are endogenous low-molecular proteins produced by various cells of the body that have immunomodulatory, antiviral and antitumor activity. They use interferons produced by leukocytes of human donor blood under the influence of a virus.

Classification of drugs by groups and indications for use:

Groups of antiviral agents Drugs Indications for application
Nucleotiode analogues
  • Acyclovir
  • Ganciclovir
Herpetic eye lesions; cytomegalovirus retinitis
  • Nitroxoline
  • Tebrofen
  • Florenal
  • Virolex
Superficial forms of herpetic keratitis; viral conjunctivitis and keratitis of various etiologies (herpetic, adenoviral, enteroviral)
  • Oftalmoferon
  • Okoferon
  • Cycloferon
Conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, uveitis caused by adenoviruses and herpes simplex virus
Interferon inducers
  • Aktipol
  • Adgelon
  • Poludan
Conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, uveitis caused by adenoviruses and herpes simplex virus; iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis, optic neuritis of viral etiology

List of antiviral eye drops

There is a list of dosage forms used in the treatment of viral eye lesions: ointments, solutions for intravitreal administration, subconjunctival applications, eye films, etc. However, eye drops are the most convenient and frequently used form for treatment.

Acyclovir and Ganciclovir

These drugs interfere with the DNA replication process of the virus. They are most active against herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. Acyclovir is used in the form of an eye ointment (5%), placed in the lower conjunctival fornix 3-5 times a day for 5-10 days. For the treatment of adults, Ganciclovir is used as an intravitreal injection containing 200-2000 mcg in 0.05-0.1 ml of solution. These drugs are relatively inexpensive - about 30-40 rubles.

Oftan I'm coming

The main active ingredient is idoxuridine, its concentration is 1 mg in 1 ml of solution. The drug has the most effective effect on DNA containing viruses, as it disrupts the transcription of their protein molecules. The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy due to possible carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. Sometimes adverse reactions occur, such as pain, itching of the eyelids, photophobia, excessive lacrimation, spasm of accommodation. Do not use the drug with local glucocorticosteroids and boric acid. 1 drop of solution is used every hour during the day and every 2 hours at night. After persistent improvement of the condition, the frequency of instillations is reduced. The full course of treatment should not exceed 21 days. The drug is not used in the treatment of children.


A drug belonging to the group of interferons. It has many actions: antiviral, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antihistamine, antiallergic, decongestant, antipruritic. Ophthalmoferon owes such a wide range of effects to its composition. The main substances are human recombinant interferon alpha-2b, diphenhydramine hydrochloride (diphenhydramine) and additional excipients. It is important that Oftalmoferon plays the role of an artificial tear and reduces the discomfort that occurs with viral eye infections. The drug is well tolerated, has virtually no side effects and interacts well with antibacterial, corticosteroid, and regenerative drugs for combined lesions. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Oftalmoferon should be used with caution. In the acute period of viral infection, eye drops are used every 2-3 hours a day. As the inflammatory process decreases, the frequency of instillations is reduced to 2-3 times a day. The cost of the product is approximately 250-310 rubles.


The drug is similar to the previous one, but is available in the form of a lyophilized solution for the preparation of eye drops. Instilled into the infected eye every 2 hours during the acute period and reducing the frequency of instillations during the period of persistent improvement.

A viral infection does not choose ways to infect the human body. In some cases, the disease does not develop on the tonsils, but affects the organs of vision. For treatment, ophthalmologists recommend using antiviral eye drops. Preparations of this type help to quickly get rid of inflammation, itching and burning. But before use, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the indications, in what situations it is necessary to use and to know what the most effective drugs cope with viral eye diseases.

What are antiviral eye drops used for?

Antiviral eye drops are intended for a therapeutic effect on the inflammatory process caused by various viruses and infections.

Antiviral agents for the treatment of eye diseases are best used in the form of drops; it is problematic to put antiviral ointments for the eyes behind the lower eyelid, which significantly complicates therapy for the inflammatory process.

When the drug is instilled into the conjunctival sac, the active substance is fully and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the eyeball, which makes it possible to fully influence the infection.

The antiviral drug has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, quickly provoking a cure for the pathology.

Indications for use

Antiviral drugs are intended to eliminate the inflammatory process, which is provoked through the development of infectious diseases and viral infections. The following situations are identified in which ophthalmologists prescribe the use of medications to neutralize pathogenic agents:

  1. Conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis;
  2. Iridocyclitis;
  3. Keratitis and uveitis;
  4. Neuritis;
  5. Infections of the organs of vision caused by the herpes virus;
  6. Eye damage is inflammation caused by cytomegalovirus.

Additionally, for therapeutic effects on the eyeballs during disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed for the development of problems caused by adenoviruses, picornaviruses or enteroviruses.

Under any circumstances indicating the development of pathology, you should not choose the drug yourself; you should first consult with an ophthalmologist and undergo a series of examinations.

Pharmacological action

All antiviral medications for the treatment of eye diseases are intended for the following situations:

  1. They exert an antiviral effect, neutralizing viruses that have colonized the organs of vision at the DNA level. At the same time, significantly reducing their population in the affected area and blocking their further reproduction;
  2. They influence the increase of immunity, affecting the organs of vision for a stimulant to increase local immunity to further combat viral infection.

Antibacterial eye drops that have an antiviral effect, in addition to combating pathologies, include such functions as antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, and also have antiseptic qualities. To treat diseases caused by viral infections, you can use not only eye drops, but also gels, creams and ointments.

When instilled into the eye, you should actively blink so that the active substance is well distributed throughout the entire area and subsequently permeates the layers of the eyeball, and especially the cornea and retina. Due to the influence of the main substance on the affected area of ​​the eye, the following action is produced:

  1. The risk of developing complications after an ongoing disease is reduced;
  2. The healing process is accelerated;
  3. The patient's own immunity increases;
  4. The occurrence of re-infection is minimized;

Unpleasant signs of the disease gradually weaken, completely disappearing. The positive effect after instillation of an antiviral substance into the eye is achieved thanks to the main component - interferon. This ingredient is produced independently by the body, but with a decrease in immunity, its volume decreases, which leads to inflammation. The drug saturates the organs of vision with an artificial agent and helps block the proliferation of viral infection.

Before choosing an effective antiviral drug in the form of eye drops, you should first undergo a diagnosis and consultation with an ophthalmologist. Medicines for treating diseases associated with the eyes are selected only by a doctor who is familiar with the medical history and the results of the tests performed.

The following are inexpensive antiviral eye drops, but they differ in their rapid effect.


Prescribed for ophthalmological diseases provoked by the herpes virus, as well as adenoviruses. In addition to eliminating signs of the disease, the drug has an analgesic effect.

Depending on the severity of the ongoing problem, the frequency of instillation of the medicine is from 4 to 8 times. The course of therapeutic effects is up to 10 days.


Effectively eliminates the development of viruses and stimulates an increase in local immunity. The medication is prohibited for the treatment of young patients, while in adult patients there are practically no side effects.

Instillation is carried out in both eyes, 1 drop, no more than every 3 hours, but no more than 8 times in 24 hours. Duration of therapy is 1-1.5 weeks.

Oftan I'm coming

An antiviral drug is aimed at directly eliminating viral bacteria by changing the cellular structure of their DNA. The drug is prohibited for use by young patients, as well as women in an interesting position and young mothers.

The duration of therapy should not be less than 3 weeks. In the first days, to eliminate painful signs, it is recommended to instill 1 drop into the affected eye every hour, and at night - every 2 hours. After identifying a positive effect, the frequency of use of the medicine is reduced to 6-10 applications per 24 hours.


Prohibited for use by children, only for adult patients and on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist. Due to the strong impact of the active component, the course of treatment does not exceed 7 days. The treatment regimen is identical to Octoferon.


It is aimed at stimulating the production of interferon independently by the patient’s body, which leads to the cessation of the formation of pathogenic bacteria. The drug belongs to a new generation of drugs and has virtually no contraindications or negative effects.

Antiviral drops Aktipol are prescribed for the development of diseases caused by the herpes virus and conjunctivitis. When using the medication, it is necessary to monitor the intake of the medication and antimicrobial substances.


The medicine is not drops, but a special solution necessary for the manufacture of the medicine. The frequency and frequency of use is prescribed by the doctor, but usually it is necessary to administer the substance 1-2 drops every 2 hours.


The drug is presented in the form of eye drops, but has the properties of a solution. In this form, the active substance not only acts to eliminate the pathogenic condition of the eyes, but also accelerates recovery from ophthalmological problems.

Thanks to its main substance, Adgelon enhances local immunity. It stimulates the rapid restoration of the affected mucous membrane of the organ of vision and blocks the possibility of the risk of complications. The duration of use is fixed in a period of 14 days. For treatment, you need to follow the regimen: 7-8 times, 1-2 drops in each eye.

Inexpensive solutions

In addition to the above medications, effective and inexpensive solutions for carrying out a course of treatment to eliminate a viral infection from the organs of vision are the following:

  1. Albucid;
  2. Florenal;
  3. Levomycetin.

It is prohibited to independently prescribe medications to get rid of a virus that develops in the eyes. You should consult your doctor.

Children's medications for babies

Not all medications are suitable for treating children, who often acquire an infection or virus with dirty hands. For therapeutic effects when a pathological process is detected in newborns, various medications are prescribed, characterized by the absence of toxic substances.

Such drugs have practically no contraindications, they have no side effects. They act on the affected area gently and painlessly. The course of treatment for the patient is prescribed only by the doctor after examination and consultation. It is strictly prohibited to independently prescribe therapy in the case of a child’s illness.

There are some antiviral drugs that effectively block the development of pathogenic bacteria during viral infection of the baby.


Antibacterial medication is prescribed only for viral diseases based on the symptoms that occur. The duration of use of the product should not exceed 1.5 weeks (10 days). For children, it is allowed to use the active substance for installation in the conjunctival sac up to 6 times a day.

Before instilling the active substance, the child’s eyes should be thoroughly rinsed and purulent content removed. The process is carried out using a solution of Furacilin or an infusion of chamomile.


Recommended by ophthalmologists for the treatment of children from the moment of birth. The antiviral drug reveals a wide spectrum of action and effectively affects a wide range of virus strains. The treatment regimen corresponds to Vitabact. For therapy, the possibility of using the medication should be identified by an ophthalmologist.


It can be used for instillation into the eyes to identify problems with the visual organs that arise at the time of birth of a child. The duration of treatment is 1 drop in the morning and evening. It is advisable to carry out installations after 12 hours. If therapy with Fucithalmic within a week does not reveal a positive result, then you need to consult a doctor to change the medication to an analogue.


The drug does not have the ability to provide medicinal effects to patients under 12 years of age. Otherwise, there is a possibility of negative situations developing and a significant deterioration in the health of the little patient.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision caused by the herpes virus or cytomegalovirus. The duration of exposure should not exceed 7 days. During this period, the active substance attacks the DNA cells of the virus, completely neutralizing microorganisms. The frequency of instillation is 3-6 times, 1 drop in each eye.

Thus, for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, various antiviral drugs are used, aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also at combating the cause of the problem. To select the most effective remedy, you should seek the help of a doctor.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs