Which nuts are good for athletes? Whole wheat pita and hummus

Peanut called groundnut, however, today many people already know that in fact this plant is a legume. Peanut fruits - nuts - are actually “enclosed” in pods with thick, rough walls, reminiscent in shape of beans or beans. Each pod contains several nuts that have a yellowish tint and are covered with a thin pink or reddish skin.

It is assumed that peanuts, like many well-known and beloved fruits and plants today, spread throughout the world thanks to the Spanish conquistadors - Latin America is considered its homeland. From there, peanuts were brought to Africa and Asia, and only then did they come to North America.

Today nut peanut very popular in the USA, and it is used in large quantities as agricultural feed, as well as in the food industry - mainly for the production of oil. During the Second World War, peanuts were in great demand because of their nutritional value - they could feed many people, and they were very easy and convenient to store and transport.

Peanuts are now sold on the world market in some countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas, but the best quality product is considered to be Argentinean and grown in the USA.

What are the benefits of peanuts? and is it useful at all? Indeed, recently there have been many statements that this product is toxic, harmful, and simply poisonous, and it is better to refuse it so as not to harm your health. Is this really true?

Benefits and properties of peanuts, composition of peanuts

In fact, peanuts have very valuable nutritional qualities: they are nutritious and healthy. Peanuts contain carbohydrates and sugars; a lot of protein, well absorbed by the human body - from 29 to 35%; more than 50% high-quality fats, as well as most of the vitamins and minerals we need.

Peanuts are very suitable for a healthy diet due to their high content of unsaturated fatty acids; Besides, peanuts have such a taste that you don’t need to persuade them to eat them.

Peanuts are especially rich in linoleic acid, known for preventing the development of sclerosis: if the human body has enough linoleic acid, then other essential unsaturated fatty acids - arachidonic and linolenic - are synthesized independently. If these substances are present in sufficient quantities in our diet, then the level of cholesterol in the blood will always be normal, and all cells of the body will be well protected from negative influences.

The vitamin and mineral composition of peanuts is rich and varied: it contains B vitamins, vitamins C, E, D, PP; calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

Recent studies conducted in the USA have shown that peanuts contain quite a lot of antioxidants, so they are useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, slow down aging and the growth of malignant tumors.

Antioxidant properties of peanuts can be compared with the properties of red wine and strawberries, and in toasted nuts they are even enhanced. Peanuts can promote the breakdown of fats: therefore, today the peanut diet is in fashion - it is popular with many movie and show business stars.

Peanuts are useful for blood diseases: they increase blood clotting and alleviate many serious diseases - for example, hemophilia, and also reduce the likelihood of hemorrhages.

Folic acid, which peanuts are rich in, helps cells renew, and vegetable fats promote liver function and prevent the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

The functioning of the nervous system also improves if you eat peanuts regularly and correctly: a person sleeps normally, feels calm and gets less tired.

Eating 20 nuts every day is enough for peanuts to have beneficial effects on health; At the same time, wrinkles will also begin to smooth out.

Peanuts are useful for maintaining sexual function; improves attention and hearing; helps people who have suffered serious illnesses to quickly restore their health.

Peanuts have also been used in folk medicine for a long time: for example, for stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is recommended to take peanut “milk” - mix nuts ground into flour with boiled water. However, during exacerbations of these diseases, such treatment is contraindicated.

To strengthen the immune system, take a tincture of peanut husks. The nuts should be lightly fried in a small amount of oil and then peeled. Use the removed husks to prepare an infusion: 1 tsp. pour 1/4 cup of vodka and place in a dark place for two weeks. The resulting tincture is taken 7-10 drops every day, washed down with milk.

A decoction of the nut with the peel is drunk for respiratory diseases - it helps get rid of phlegm, and children with a lingering dry cough are given boiled rice with roasted peanuts several times a day.

You can eat raw peanuts, but lightly roasted or oven-dried peanuts taste better and, according to scientists, are healthier. As already mentioned, Americans love peanuts very much, and not so long ago, scientists from the USA made another discovery: the healthiest peanuts are boiled ones. It turns out that if you boil peanuts, the amount of antioxidants in them will increase 4 times. In this form, peanuts are more effective and prevent the development of cancer, coronary disease and diabetes.

Dangerous properties of peanuts

  • Raw peanuts can cause digestive problems. In addition, peanut skin is a strong allergen, so it is better to eat roasted and peeled nuts. The proteins and fatty acids contained in peanuts cause hidden allergies in some people.
  • Not recommended for gout, arthrosis, arthritis.
  • Excessive consumption of peanuts can lead to overweight and obesity.
  • A mold that sometimes settles on the surface of peanuts (during storage in places of high humidity) releases toxins that, when entering the human body, can affect any weakened organ.

Today we will talk about one of my favorite treats, namely on the topic - nuts in bodybuilding. Many may think that this is not tasty at all, not satisfying and not healthy, but I assure you that after reading the article you will change your point of view. So, in the course of this article we will learn everything we can about this unusual snack.

Take your seats, ladies and gentlemen, let's kill the worm.

Nuts in bodybuilding: is it necessary?

As you know, there are not so many goodies in the diet of bodybuilders and fitness ladies, I would even say that there are only one or two of them. Yes, it’s true, a person watching his figure should not eat the food of mere mortals) and in particular, this applies to sweets - various buns, cheesecakes, sweets and cakes. However, sometimes, passing by some tasty treat in the supermarket, you just want to wrap it up, along with the wrapper. Only by an effort of will do you restrain yourself so as not to wear off this alluring uselessness. By the way, for many beginning “body builders” and especially women with a sweet tooth, this task is a very heavy burden. When you buy yourself grain bread and lean chicken breast, and next to you at the checkout there are crowds of people selling various cakes and ice creams, you want to quickly run away from the supermarket so as not to succumb to temptation.

So, the problem is obvious - I want to eat something unusual (not everyday), tasty and at the same time healthy for maintaining your figure. Moreover, it is desirable that there is one product, and it can be used in different dishes and under different “sauces”. And there is a way out - nuts. It would seem that they are not sweet by themselves, but a couple of touches and they can turn into an excellent alternative to dessert. Adding them to your morning porridge will make the dish more satisfying, and a handful in transport will saturate the body with healthy fats and charge it with energy. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves and take everything in order.

Nuts are a natural, universal, balanced source of nutrition that simply must be in the grocery basket of any person who watches their figure. And here's why:

  • they contain the right sources of fats - PUFAs (omega-3/6/9);
  • they help reduce appetite and promote weight loss;
  • are a good source of protein for vegetarians;
  • goes well with most products;
  • You don’t need to tinker with them, somehow process or prepare them.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Nuts in bodybuilding: benefits and benefits

We have heard a lot about the benefits of nuts, but when it comes to specifics, we can give little substantive answers. So remember, nuts:

  • contain unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients that help reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • it is one of the best plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are also found in and;
  • contain fiber, which makes a person more full and allows you to eat less;
  • contain vitamin E, which helps stop the development of plaque in the arteries and expand the channels for delivering blood and nutrients to cells;
  • contain L-arginine, which increases the body's production of nitric oxide and makes the walls of blood vessels more flexible.

For bodybuilders, fitness ladies and people watching their figure, you need to remember the following properties:

  1. the relatively high protein content helps, together with a proper diet, to build muscle mass;
  2. Regular consumption of nuts in moderate quantities helps to minimize the appearance of excess weight and the body's production of fat;
  3. charge the human body with the necessary energy;
  4. help increase insulin sensitivity;
  5. increase antioxidant status and the function of regulating enzymatic activity (cellular metabolism) body.

Now let's look at the most healthy nuts in more detail.

Nuts in bodybuilding: TOP 6 best nuts in a bodybuilder’s diet

In fact, there are many types of nuts, but we will focus only on the very best and start with...

No. 1. Almond

Almonds ( almonds) is one of the highest protein nuts, and therefore its presence in an athlete’s diet is very important. It contains a large amount of healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. 30 gram of almonds provides 10 gr mono-i 3 g of polyunsaturated fats, while the content of saturated fats is total 1,5 gr. Almonds also contain oleic acid and omega-9 FAs. Fat provides the body with energy and also plays a structural role. Helps regulate the production of an important hormone in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine is a key player in proper brain development, memory enhancement, and mood enhancement.

A quick tip - to get the most nutritional benefits from almonds, soak them in water overnight. By morning it will swell and you can eat it.

The nutritional value and nutrient composition of almonds is as follows.

No. 2. Walnut

Walnuts- the smartest nut, which is extremely useful for improving brain function and increasing its activity. When used, it is adjusted, and the athlete is able to lift weights more effectively. Walnuts are extremely rich in essential fatty acids, in particular alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids. It has one of the highest concentrations of omega-3 FAs, which regulate the blood lipid profile. It is also a rich source of melatonin, which helps normalize sleep.

The nutritional value and nutrient composition of walnuts is as follows.

No. 3. Brazil nut

Brazil nuts- giants among nuts. Very rich in selenium - a compound that allows the body to better absorb proteins from nuts. Selenium has a positive effect on libido, significantly increasing sexual desire. This nut is very useful for strengthening men's health. Minerals in the nut, such as magnesium and zinc, have a positive effect on the nervous and muscular systems. Brazil nuts are very high in calories and have a high content of all types of fat, so they can be used by athletes during the period of mass gain (especially).

The nutritional value and nutrient composition of Brazil nuts are as follows:

No. 4. Ground nut, peanut

Peanuts- one of the most “energetic” nuts with a high content of protein, dietary fiber and antioxidants. It increases the body's natural production of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels. As a result, blood and nutrients “disperse” throughout the body faster (including more actively entering the muscles). Recent studies have shown that peanuts help reduce the risk of weight gain. Peanuts contain high levels of manganese, which helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Peanuts also improve brain function, promote memory development and help fight depression. Nuts are a good source of dietary protein with the necessary set of essential amino acids.

It is especially popular among bodybuilders. Many athletes include it in their diet during the period of muscle gain and grow well.

The nutritional value and nutrient composition of peanuts is as follows.

No. 5. Pistachio

Pistachio and beer - a familiar picture to everyone (it turned out just like a poem :)). Nuts are quite high in protein and fiber. Provide 18% the body's daily requirement for vitamin B6. Pistachios can reduce and maintain blood sugar levels at a stable level. It has high antioxidant properties and perfectly destroys and removes free radicals from the body. These nuts are a storehouse of minerals: copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. 100 g nuts provide 144% from the daily recommended level of copper. The latter is an important trace element in the processes of neurotransmission, metabolism, and the synthesis of red blood cells.

The nutritional value and nutrient composition of pistachios is as follows

No. 6. Hazelnut, hazelnut

Hazelnuts contains a large amount of B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9. The latter perform various important functions, such as repairing damaged DNA, regulating the functions of the nervous and digestive systems. Hazelnuts also contain 86% from the recommended daily intake of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on skin health and its elasticity. Nuts have a very high energy value, they are high in calories and are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), as well as essential fatty acids (linoleic acid). Hazelnuts are an exceptional source of folate (100 g fresh nuts contain 113 mcg, which is about 28% recommended daily dose of this vitamin).

Nutritional value and nutrient composition of hazelnuts

To create a complete nutritional picture for all nuts and some types of seeds, I will provide the following summary and comparative table.

It is also useful for general development to eat other types of nuts - chestnut, cashew, pecan, etc.

In conclusion, I will give a reminder " 12 the most popular types of nuts, benefits and harms." Always look at it if you forget something.

Nuts in bodybuilding: basic reminders

Nuts, memo No. 1: peanuts, Brazilian, walnuts, chestnuts

Nuts, memo No. 2: pine, cashew, coconut, hazelnut.

Nuts, memo No. 3: almonds, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Nuts in bodybuilding: when and how to eat

Firstly, when eating nuts, you must remember that this is a high-calorie product and you should not eat them in unlimited quantities, even if they are very healthy. Secondly, some types of nuts are fried in oil with the addition of salt to give them a marketable appearance and taste, so it is better to buy “clean” (raw) nuts.

On average you need to eat per day 1-1,5 handfuls of nuts, and it’s better if it’s a different mix. For scrupulous comrades who love special precision down to the nut, I will give the following quantitative parting words.

Now I’ll tell you how the process of gobbling up nuts happens for me.

Option #1.

I often buy different nuts at the market at a time - almonds, walnuts, pine. All of them are not fried or salted - clean. Then I wash them, dry them, then put different types of nuts in a small pouch bag and put dragees in there (more than one) M&M's. I usually take this mixture after training in addition to a carbohydrate-protein shake at closing.

Option #2.

Another option that you can always take with you as a healthy snack is a mix of nuts plus fish oil capsules. This mixture will charge you with energy and properly suppress the feeling of hunger. A very convenient way for those who are constantly on wheels, on the road and who have long breaks between meals.

Option #3.

At the beginning of the article I stuttered about sweets. So, you can make an excellent tasty treat from nuts. To prepare it, you need to grind the nuts through a meat grinder. (most often I use walnuts and pistachios) and add 1-1,5 tbsp honey (depending on the number of nuts). Can be taken both after training and before (especially for thin people), and just during periods when the temptation to eat sweets reaches a critical point :).

Well, now you have your own list of healthy sweets, and now your workouts will be much more fun. It’s even more pleasant to know that after hard work in the gym you deserve a small sweet present. And because this doesn't happen that often (after all, training is all 2-3 once a week), then you get many times more pleasure from the process of gobbling it up. You can “go” for pleasure and stock up on nuts and dried fruits at the specialized store Oreshkoff.rf, but you won’t be able to find everything there :).

Actually, that's all I would like to talk about. All we have to do is summarize all this crap information and say goodbye.


Today we answered the question about what role do nuts play in bodybuilding? I am sure that after reading you have a complete picture of what, when and in what quantities it is better to use to create even more refined forms. Well, now let’s go to the forest to buy nuts and include them in our diet, let’s move!

PS. I’m always happy to receive feedback from my readers, so don’t be shy and leave your messages for posterity, comment!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Surely the vast majority of adherents of an active and healthy lifestyle have heard about the beneficial properties of omega-6 and omega-3 fats. The fact is that these substances must necessarily enter the body not only of athletes, but also of ordinary people.

Based on this, a completely logical question follows: what foods contain these fats? First of all, in nuts. Therefore, it makes sense to analyze the main benefits of nuts and find out whether they are really so healthy.

Almonds - beneficial properties for athletes

Almonds are an incredibly healthy product. It contains many useful proteins - they account for 18%. In addition, almonds do not contain carbohydrates, therefore, they are an indispensable element in the diet of diabetics.

Oddly enough, it is even more useful for bodybuilders, because the structure of almonds is an ideal ratio of proteins and fats. After consuming it, the feeling of hunger instantly disappears, control over sugar levels is established, not to mention the fact that additional vascular support is provided due to increased cholesterol removal.

In addition, almonds contain protein, vitamins E and a number of useful elements, in particular iron, magnesium, zinc, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium. Athletes who are lactose intolerant can use almonds as a source of all of the above substances. This is especially true in light of the fact that studies are increasingly documenting poor absorption of calcium from dairy products.

Almonds are a high-calorie product, but despite this, they are actively used by nutritionists in the process of creating a healthy diet for weight loss. This nut is able to control appetite and helps suppress the feeling of hunger.

Recently, studies have been conducted that have proven that people who include nuts, especially almonds, in their diet are much lighter in weight than those who do not consume them. In China, almonds are used medicinally to reduce inflammation and spasms, and are often used as a tonic. Almonds should be present in the daily diet of athletes and those who adhere to a strict diet.

There is also almond butter; it retains its usefulness, just like whole nuts. But there are more variations in use in paste. When choosing such a product, it is important to pay attention to the components included in the mixture: only nut kernels should be present, only then can the product be considered dietary. Oil, sugar and water should not be used during production.

What are the benefits of peanuts?

Peanuts are not a nut, as many are accustomed to believe, but the seed of a herbal plant belonging to the legume family. Peanut butter is the main attribute of the diet for a professional athlete. It is worth noting that peanuts are considered indispensable during the weight gain course.

Peanut butter is a source of protein, although there is slightly less protein in peanuts than in almonds. But it contains vitamins E and B3, as well as magnesium and arginine. Don't forget about dietary fiber.

Peanut butter contains a huge amount of calories - exactly what you need to gain weight. Professional bodybuilders include it in their diet even while preparing for competitions.

In the United States of America, the paste is considered dietary and is prescribed for the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

Nutela is the only company producing natural peanut and almond butter, which is available to residents of the post-Soviet space. To buy the original, you will have to visit vegetarian stores. If you buy such a product in a supermarket, it will contain sugar or oil, and this is unacceptable for you. You can make your own peanut butter.

You will need peanuts as they are the staple. It needs to be fried, then ground so that the grind is as fine as possible - the consistency of the resulting mass will depend on this. If you can grind it to the smallest grains, the paste will be soft. But at home you will have to add a small amount of vegetable oil, without it the paste will be dry.

What are the benefits of walnuts?

This nut is the most common and inexpensive. But he, like his brothers, is rich in protein. About sixty percent of the nut is fat. The rest is given over to vitamins of groups A, E, B, P and C. Walnuts are generous with potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine and calcium. Phosphorus deserves special attention, since it is the main assistant for the smooth functioning of the human brain in the process of mental activity.

Walnut is indispensable for professional athletes. It has a positive effect on internal organs, namely the liver and heart, which become stronger during consumption of the product.

This nut can even relieve nervous tension. If you feel stressed, eat a dozen walnut kernels.

Pine nuts - benefits

This type of nut is very difficult to grow in a summer cottage, but it’s worth a try. Because this is a small goldmine of essential substances for the human body. A distinctive feature of pine nuts is that the nut fat contains linoleic acid. It is also rich in protein, and the amino acid composition has an increased level of arginine.

If we talk about vitamins, there is a considerable amount of vitamin B, which is responsible for normalizing the nervous system, helps improve blood composition, and affects the growth of the body as a whole. Minerals such as copper, cobalt and zinc are present. The main advantage of pine nuts is its easily digestible configuration of vitamins and minerals.

Hazelnut - benefits

If we compare hazelnuts and walnuts, they differ in composition. Hazelnuts contain a small amount of protein, but they contain provitamin A and B vitamins. This type of nut is rich in microelements such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper and phosphorus.

Similar characteristics include the fact that hazelnuts are considered food for the brain. Eastern medicine is confident that hazelnuts have the power to crush kidney stones. Therefore, such a nut will always find its place in your diet.

Benefits of cashew nuts

Let's get acquainted with the latest representatives of the nut family. We bring to your attention our favorite pistachios and cashews. Thanks to research, it is known that they contain standard sets of vitamins and minerals. Cashews differ from pistachios in the presence of vitamin B6 - they contain the same amount of this element as in beef liver.

Pistachios fight extra pounds, just like almonds. And for representatives of the stronger sex, this is an excellent product for increasing potency.

Cashew differs from its relatives in its considerable supply of carbohydrates, so it is impossible to classify it as a dietary product. Despite the fact that its use is undesirable for us, cashews are actively used in store-bought mixtures. Therefore, it is necessary to know about it.

In the medical field, cashews are great for treating toothache, and everyone knows that this is the worst kind of pain. The nut contains substances that fight bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. In countries where there are many poisonous snakes, this nut acts as an antidote.

In supermarkets you can find paste and whole cashew nuts; the first option is easy and simple to apply to bread. This representative is often included in cocktails and sauces.

This product can be consumed raw as a snack or as an additional supplement during breakfast or lunch. Don’t forget about all kinds of dishes where the main ingredient, a taste stimulant, is a nut. But this topic deserves a separate discussion.

So, after we analyzed the nut family, we can come to the conclusion that these products must be present in the diet of every person, especially professional athletes.

Video about the benefits of nuts:

After a workout, the body needs two things: protein and carbohydrates, and eggs have both. They are low in calories, only 70 kcal per piece, high in protein and natural vitamin D, which strengthens bones. By the way, there is a myth that raw eggs are much healthier than cooked ones. This is not true: in fact, the body absorbs twice as much protein from cooked eggs.


Even brown rice can't compare to quinoa in terms of vitamins, nutrients, protein and fiber. Moreover, the vegetable protein contained in this cereal has a special balance of amino acid composition. Thanks to him, quinoa is indicated for both athletes and those who experience great mental stress. And this cereal cooks quickly - only 10-15 minutes.


Orange juice is called a natural energy drink. It contains vitamin C and potassium, which helps develop muscles, including the heart. Potassium regulates blood pressure and improves oxygen flow to the brain. The result is an instant restoration of energy. For greater workout benefits, mix orange juice with a protein shake and drink during exercise.


One cup of kefir contains 11-13 grams of whey protein. This is a protein concentrate that is obtained after the curdling process. Whey protein helps quickly build muscle mass and burn fat. Therefore, a mix of kefir, fresh berries and cereals after training helps to quickly achieve the desired shape.


Bananas are a storehouse of healthy carbohydrates. These substances instantly increase glycogen levels in the body and restore muscles damaged during training.


Salmon can provide a large portion of protein and omega-3 acids. The latter are responsible for the tone of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, cleanse the body of harmful substances and reanimate muscles.


Blueberries speed up the body's recovery three times after intense training. It also consists exclusively of dietary substances - proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, so it fits perfectly into the diet of those who want to lose weight.


This vegetarian dish comes together in just a minute. Hummus is made from chickpeas, which are peas rich in protein and carbohydrates. In turn, pita is a source of slow carbohydrates. This snack is best taken after strength training: muscles will grow faster and energy will be fully restored.


Don't have time to cook something? Two handfuls of dried fruits and nuts will give you a quick boost of energy. Soy nuts are especially useful for gaining weight: they contain a huge amount of protein - 34 grams per half cup of the product. Therefore, if your goal is sculpted muscles, feel free to introduce soy nuts into your diet.


The main advantage of this fruit is the substance bromelain. This is an anti-inflammatory enzyme that accelerates muscle recovery after injury and damage, heals bruises and sprains. Vitamin C, which is found in abundance in pineapples, will also speed up the recovery of the body and give energy.


Sweet potatoes are especially loved by bodybuilders because they are made entirely of complex carbohydrates that nourish muscles. It has been shown to relieve muscle pain and spasms after strength training. In addition, it contains vitamins B6, C, D, magnesium and calcium.


Do not peel the skin from the kiwi - this is the healthiest part of the fruit. It contains the most vitamin C and antioxidants, which help reduce muscle pain.


Impaired water balance in the body due to training remains among the top most common problems. To avoid experiencing a loss of energy, drink 2-3 glasses of water during exercise.


Many girls do not eat after training, thinking that this will make the training more effective. And in vain. The body loses a lot of energy, which needs to be replenished within an hour or two after finishing training. If your muscles can't recover, all the hard work you've done will be for nothing. To make matters worse, not eating can be detrimental to your health.

Hello bodybuilders! I was thinking: we ate, we ate peanuts, some thought they were nuts. Suddenly it has become fashionable to say that peanuts are not healthy and are not a nut at all. But what about the content of vitamins of almost all group B? Full filling with potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron?

The change in status did not affect its benefits against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Peanut butter is generally an American national product. Let's talk about it from the point of view of peanuts, calorie content, nutritional value, harm or benefit to people.

So nuts or beans

Well, an underground groundnut from the legume family. So, noticed in connections, so to speak. These connections do not discredit him, but quite the contrary. This plant grows so much that its fruits, when ripe, sink to the ground and bury themselves in the ground.

It is correct to call the subject of our consideration leguminous grass. Wikipedia says so. For us, even call it a pot, just don’t put it in the oven. We are interested in the product itself, because it is a real treasure trove of elements beneficial to the body.

Calorie content of peanuts – per 100 grams 662 kcal, 1 pc. fried without oil, salted, in chocolate contains 5-6 kcal. With such activity, imagine that it is included in weight loss programs, since a handful of fruits makes an excellent snack, will add strength, and serotonin will correct a gloomy mood. I said about vitamins, I said about macroelements.

How is it harmful? – Firstly, you should not eat peanuts with brownish husks. This is where the strong allergen is! Be sure to clean. We must remember that peanuts are digested slowly and it is not recommended to eat them in large quantities, so as not to clog your stomach.

Knowing its high calorie content, obese people should refuse such a delicacy. Peanuts will also not be beneficial for patients with gout and arthritis, diabetes, and varicose veins. Pregnant women should abstain.

Types of Peanuts Matter

About 60 cultivated species are known. Small-kerneled Spanish varieties with a high oil content are used to prepare the famous peanut treat, which is talked about a lot in American films and works of fiction.

Varieties "Valencia", "Virginia" and "Runner" are used in cooking. They have large kernels and have excellent taste.

Retail offers consumers fried peanuts, raw in shells for self-roasting, and salted peanuts for beer. The “sweet group” is also in demand: peanuts in coconut glaze, sugar, sesame, coconut and cocoa, nougat, and candied fruits. Peanuts are added to sweets and kozinaki are made from them.

A handful of raw, shelled peanuts tossed into the batter will add health benefits to a cookie, cake or pie. It will affect the immune system for the better and increase resistance to disease.

Peanuts and bodybuilding

Peanuts are always present in an athlete’s diet. He:

  • filling, quickly suppresses hunger, excellent source of protein, omega-3-6 fats;
  • energetic, produces nitrogen oxides, dilates blood vessels, quickly replenishes expended energy;
  • easy to use, does not require additional processing.

In addition, peanuts serve as an antidepressant and develop the brain and memory. 100 grams of peanuts contain 26 grams of protein, 45 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates.

Due to their better calorie content compared to other nuts, athletes choose peanuts first. Omega-3-6 fats help fat burning when cutting. No more than 50 grams per day have a positive effect.

Many athletes prefer peanut butter when gaining muscle mass. So this is a completely legal sports supplement that can be taken regardless of the circumstances - before, during, after training.

In addition, scientists emphasize the role of peanuts in solving pressing men's problems. For example, with baldness. Peanuts contain biotonin, which dissolves in water and carries sulfur to the hair roots, strengthening the hair follicle.

Well, prostate adenoma, infertility and decreased potency are on the list of researchers who note the positive effect of consuming peanuts and milk crushed in a blender.

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