How to sleep peacefully all night. Why you can't sleep: causes of insomnia

A person cannot sleep for a long time, wakes up several times during the night every 30-40 minutes, and gets up too early in the morning. Sometimes waking up comes late, but sleep is not very deep. There are many ways in which you can influence sleep disturbances and make it normal. These include: sleeping pills, some antidepressants, as well as a folk remedy for insomnia (it has been used at home for a long time).

This article will tell you how to make your sleep sound, how to treat insomnia and what to do in case of sleep disturbances.

Causes of insomnia

There are too many reasons for poor sleep, since the ability to fall asleep normally is influenced by internal and external factors.

One of the external reasons is the bad environment around the person who went to bed. An uncomfortable place and bed, noisy conversations, and changes in the air temperature in the bedroom have an adverse effect on a person’s ability to fall asleep.

If a person at home and at work constantly faces stressful situations or is tormented by fear, anxiety and depression, this can also affect sleep. Illness accompanied sharp pain, frequent urination, severe itching skin is another cause of insomnia. What are the folk remedies for insomnia, and how to effectively cure insomnia with their help? Let's talk about this further.

Home Remedies for Insomnia

A person has every opportunity to solve the problem of poor sleep on his own. There are different folk remedies for insomnia, but if you try, it’s not difficult to find the option you need. First, make sure whether you are leading the right lifestyle; if not, then it will take more than one day or more than one week to get back on track.

Treatment of insomnia folk remedies(adviсe):

Drinking a glass of alcohol before bed is already bad. At first glance, it seems that drinking it will help you calm down, and you will be able to sleep soundly the whole night. In fact, it's quite the opposite. First, a sedative effect takes effect, the person falls asleep, as they say, on the move. But after a while there comes an awakening, and it is not possible to fall asleep until the morning. Alcohol has a bad effect on the depth of sleep, you need to remember this. You will also have to give up cigarettes; tobacco has a stimulating effect.

There are suggestions that coffee is a hindrance good sleep, since the caffeine it contains is the best invigorating agent, and it remains in the human body all day long. For the sake of sound sleep, it is better to avoid coffee and caffeine-containing products.
If you buy cold medications without a prescription, be sure to ask about the effect they have on your sleep. Some medications have the same properties as coffee in relation to the body.

Early in the morning and throughout the day you need to do physical exercise, but it is better to avoid it before bedtime, as it stimulates nervous system, which leads to sleep disturbance.

It is undesirable to sleep after noon, then in the evening you will hardly be able to fall asleep on time. Reading a book before bed will help you relax and induce sleep. Good remedy for insomnia at home - dream about something pleasant, imagine beautiful landscapes: let it be a forest, sea, beach and, of course, you in that place. Then you will definitely fall asleep. Your sleep will be peaceful and your morning will be good.

Honey is the best remedy for insomnia

Traditional medicine with the support traditional medicine believes that honey should be used to normalize sleep. There are different ways to take it. You can make delicious and healthy syrup, taking a tablespoon of honey and mineral water“Borjomi” and adding half a spoon of finely chopped lemon. You need to take this folk remedy in the morning.

Well proven folk recipe, which included honey and apple cider vinegar. Every day, when you go to bed, you need to eat two teaspoons of a mixture of three teaspoons apple cider vinegar and 200 gr. honey In less than half an hour, sleep will set in.

In order to prevent a rush of blood to the brain and calm the nervous system, it is useful to make a compress on the calves of the legs with grated horseradish mixed with honey. As an addition, drink a glass of cucumber pickle, adding a little sage honey to it.

Honey is considered a strong allergen and can cause unwanted reactions. People who are allergic to this bee product should not use it to treat sleep disorders.

Insomnia: effective treatment with folk remedies, herbal remedies

People have suffered from insomnia at different times. They knew how to fight it with the help of means traditional medicine and many medicinal plants. The effectiveness of such treatment is assessed positively.

If you consult a doctor, then anyone can treat insomnia with such means. There are no side effects observed.
Medicinal plant preparations are non-toxic and have a positive effect on the body.
A folk remedy for insomnia at home does not work side effects.

Not every person has a stable financial situation, especially in our difficult times. To save the family budget, some medicinal plants you can prepare it yourself.

There are various folk remedies for insomnia. Herbal treatment is one of them. There are a lot of recipes in which the main component is medicinal herbs, all of them deserve attention. Here are some of them:

Collection 1. The decoction, which has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps to relax, includes the following medicinal herbs: peppermint, motherwort herb, hop cones, valerian root and rhizomes in a ratio of 3:3:2:2. Recommended 10 g. Brew the mixture in 250 ml. water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then strain, if the original volume is not there, add boiled water. Three times a day, the last one just before bed, drink 0.5 cups of this decoction. It will eliminate insomnia.

Collection 2. Three times a day, drink a medicine from the herb trifoliate, hop cones, valerian, peppermint leaves, taken equally, one tablespoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Dose – 100 ml. for one appointment.

Collection 3. Traditional healers use this method. Take mint leaves and chamomile flowers in equal quantities, mix everything together with fennel fruits and valerian roots, add cumin. For 200 ml. You will need 10 grams of boiling water. collection, after which you will have to evaporate for half an hour in a water bath. After cooling, filter the broth and add cold water. boiled water to the original volume. Drink a whole glass in the morning and evening before bed. The medicine helps overcome neurosis and insomnia.

What baths to take for insomnia

There is no doubt that best helpers is to return sound sleep, are considered folk remedies for insomnia. How to effectively cure insomnia? Considering this issue, one cannot fail to note the effectiveness water procedures. The main thing is not to overdo it with the water temperature; it should not be higher than 40 degrees. Bathing should occur two hours after eating and a couple of hours before going to bed. The water should not cover the heart area.

If you add medicinal herbs to the bath, it will be much more effective. Herbalists advise adding pre-brewed medicinal fees. For example, fragrant hay, fir cones and pine needles. Moreover, the cones and needles are boiled, then left to infuse for 15 hours. The liquid must acquire brown. The length of stay in the bath should not exceed 15 minutes.

Sleep problems can go away if you take a bath with valerian infusion for ten days in a row. Why boil 200 grams in one liter of water? its rhizomes.

Clay treatment

At first glance, such a remedy for insomnia at home as clay seems unusual. But it is very effective and interesting. It’s worth trying for at least twelve days to use it two hours before bedtime - and you can firmly say that your condition has improved. What is this clay treatment? It's very simple. This is a sculpture of various figures with rounded edges, which has a calming effect on the human brain, setting the mood for sleep.

Another great method is clay wrapping. Only 7 procedures are required. For them you need to prepare a little more than half a glass of white clay, a third of a glass hot water and 10 ml. infusion of yarrow. Place all components in an enamel bowl and mix thoroughly. Place the paste on a napkin and apply it to your forehead and temples, hold for 20 minutes.

Proper nutrition for insomnia

Following a diet is also a folk remedy for insomnia ( home method). The mode cannot be changed, it must be set once and for all. Its violation will lead to a malfunction of the systems and the body as a whole. The result is insomnia and aging.

The entire human body digestive system including requiring an overnight rest. It will be disrupted if you eat a hearty meal before bed. The last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. For dinner, the menu must include easily digestible foods such as vegetables and fruits. Fat meat food should not be on the table in the evening. It is worth giving up tea and coffee.

It's best to drink a cup before bed warm milk by adding a spoonful of honey. This folk remedy is especially effective for children who have trouble falling asleep.

People must pay attention to the intake of vitamins, especially vitamin B, which, by strengthening the nervous system, helps improve sleep and fall asleep. Rich in this vitamin: bread, nuts, oatmeal. The main source is brewer's yeast.

A great effect in the treatment of insomnia is observed from taking tea made from anise seeds. You can prepare it this way: put half a teaspoon of anise seeds in a preheated teapot, add boiling water and leave. Strain and drink half a glass before bed. Added honey won't hurt either. Sugar is not recommended before bed; it is a nervous system stimulant. Drinking liquid will also not do anything good, since frequent visit the toilet interferes with normal sleep.

When should you start taking medications for insomnia?

There are cases when a remedy for insomnia at home does not work. positive results. Then you can apply sleeping pills, consulting your doctor before taking them. Unfortunately, the pills have a lot of side effects, and you can also get used to them. It turns out that you can start taking them only in the most difficult cases of insomnia.

You should never despair. Please read the recommendations carefully and try to follow them.

What disrupts healthy sleep

The most common health problems that disrupt sleep are those that affect negative impact on the body. In this case, insomnia should not be treated with sleeping pills, but attention should be paid to the underlying disease.

Insomnia can be caused by overwork, depression and neuroses. A dinner of fatty, smoked and spicy foods also affects sleep. Violation of the work schedule, night shifts are also causes of insomnia.

Sleep hygiene

The main reason for lack of sleep and poor sleep is its improper hygiene. She has a number of simple rules that must be followed. This will help make your sleep pleasant.

  1. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  2. If you have insomnia, sleeping during the day is not recommended. Sporadic sleep will aggravate the problem.
  3. A good night's sleep is possible if the sleeping room has a cozy atmosphere.
  4. When you go to bed, throw away thoughts about TV and the Internet. Avoid reading books and newspapers. There is one rule to remember: a bed is only for sleeping.

Medications for insomnia

Sleeping pills are not as harmless as they seem. Many of them can be addictive and make it impossible to sleep without pills. This means that you don’t need to conduct experiments on your own for insomnia, but rather consult a somnologist who will help you decide on treatment. The list of pills for sleep disorders is long. Safe and effective products that are sold without a doctor's prescription are the following: valerian (tablets), motherwort (tincture), Persen, Novo-Passit and Melaxen. But this does not mean that they can be taken without a doctor’s prescription.

In many cases, you cannot do without medications, but if you know how to treat insomnia with folk remedies, why not try a harmless method, and only then move on to using medications?

Almost every person faces a serious problem - poor sleep. Disorders appear at any age, so they deserve special attention to yourself. Children often suffer from night terrors, sleepwalking, and the inability to hold urine. Adults suffer from nightmares, chronic insomnia or excessive sleepiness. The elderly also suffer from a variety of sleep disorders. But what should you do to get enough sleep?

If poor sleep is affecting your quality of life, then consultation with an experienced physician is recommended. In this situation, it becomes possible to find out exact reason, and then begin drug treatment.

Why sleep is bad: causes and variants of disturbances

Poor sleep manifests itself in different ways. In any case, the effect of a difficult night is the same: a person suffers from a lack of vital energy, weakness, fatigue, and inability to concentrate on business.

This is interesting: 10 secrets of healthy sleep.

In many situations, life gets worse due to the following unwanted problems:

  • insomnia;
  • shallow or short sleep;
  • frequent waking up in the middle of the night;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • sleep rhythm disturbances;
  • Chronic sleep deprivation.

The above symptoms lead to a significant deterioration in life, feeling unwell, absent-mindedness, nervous state.

In fact, the variety of causes of insomnia and poor sleep surprises every person. To improve the situation, it is recommended to understand what may be causing it.

Possible causes of sleep disturbance at night

  • rest during the day;
  • drinking alcohol at night;
  • going to bed at night in an angry or agitated state;
  • strong emotions;
  • drinking strong tea or coffee during dinner;
  • sports training before bedtime;
  • hard physical work.

In any case, the main task is to organize the daily routine. The ideal option is regular walks in the fresh air, which can improve your well-being and promote proper sleep.

If on on an ongoing basis There are problems with sleep; in the morning you may feel weak and tired. Moreover, this situation can lead to a general weakening of health. In this case, it is best to contact an experienced neurologist who will find out the cause and find a way to improve the situation, eliminate psychological problems and unnecessary worries.

Your doctor may prescribe effective sedatives and sleeping pills, course of psychotherapy.

The easiest advice will help positive influence on health status:

  • It is recommended to go to bed and wake up at strictly set time. You can use a sleep calculator to calculate optimal time for awakening;
  • taking a walk in the fresh air;
  • refusal of strong drinks, green tea or coffee before bed;
  • give preference to a light dinner;
  • include cocoa, herbal tea, low-fat kefir in your diet - such drinks promote relaxation and sleep;
  • stay calm in all situations.

Folk remedies for bad sleep

In many situations, folk remedies still help to cope with sleep disorders. Here are some effective methods, proven by experience and time:

  • cool shower and hot milk with a teaspoon of honey, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and try to sleep;
  • applying lavender essential oil to the temples;
  • pine bath;
  • turning on soothing music. The ideal option is the New Age music genre or sounds of nature;
  • inclusion of tea based on calendula and lemon balm in the diet;
  • inhaling the aroma of valerian root;
  • taking an infusion of hop cones and oregano;
  • taking peony root tincture;
  • a walk in the park before bed;
  • warm bath with a decoction of calendula and mint;
  • warm water with honey;
  • sleep on a pillow stuffed with laurel leaves, oregano, mint, geranium, fern, pine needles, pink petals.

We hope that you have discovered what you need to do to get enough sleep. In any case, you can use the chance to improve your sleep and guarantee a cheerful morning.

Normal sleep is the key to a successful day, fruitful work and excellent mood.

However, not everyone can boast that they fall asleep as soon as they touch the pillow, sleep peacefully all night, and wake up well rested in the morning. The modern rhythm of life often takes away from us the very opportunity to fully rest at night, and this negatively affects our entire existence.

However, if you follow some rules, you can change this trend. And today we will share with you secrets that will help you fall asleep quickly and sleep well.

1. Darkness and silence

Many people are used to going to bed with the TV on; it seems to them that the low sound and soft flickering of the screen calms them down. However, in reality this is not the case. As long as these factors are present next to the person falling asleep, the brain continues to work and digest the information entering it, even if you yourself are not aware of it.

In addition, the production of melatonin (a regulator of circadian rhythms, and also – "hormone of joy") occurs precisely during night sleep, but with sound and light interference it decreases and sometimes stops altogether, which is why you wake up in a “broken” state. Your body simply does not “recharge” overnight.

Make it a rule to go to bed in complete darkness and silence, remove even clocks with a luminous dial and those that tick loudly from the bedroom, and if a lantern shines through your window, then buy light-proof curtains. Moreover, from extraneous sounds Earplugs will help get rid of it, and if it is not possible to shield yourself from the outside world with curtains, then buy a sleep mask.

2. Fresh air

Stuffy and poorly ventilated rooms also do not contribute to falling asleep quickly. For correct and good sleep We definitely need fresh air. The contrast between the coolness in the room and the warmth that you get from your own blanket creates the very bodily comfort necessary for the command in your brain to turn on: “lights out!”

Be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, and if possible, do not close the window (window) at night. If you are disturbed by sounds from the street or you live in an area where the air can be “seen and even felt,” then install plastic windows and an air conditioner with an ozonation function. Remember that the temperature in the room in which you sleep should not exceed 18 degrees. It is she who will allow you not only fall asleep quickly, but also wake up without a headache.

3. No additional irritants

We often disrupt our own program of proper sleep by “loading” ourselves in the evening with unnecessary and even harmful irritants. It’s as if we lack our own experiences and negative emotions, and we with perseverance worthy best use, before going to bed we watch the news, sports programs, bloody detective stories and horror movies. This becomes an additional burden on the nervous system, and accordingly, it is even more difficult to relax than just after a working day.

Avoid evening viewing of news programs, broadcasts of competitions and films with aggressive themes. If you really want to know what happened in the world during the day, then get this information no later than 2 hours before bedtime, and watch all the horror stories and matches during the day on the weekend. At night, it is best to either refrain from watching TV altogether, or choose something calm and positive.

4. Avoidance of stimulants

Coffee, strong tea (including green), alcohol, spicy food, juices of some fruits and berries (grape, chokeberry, pomegranate, apricot) - all these products are also additional pathogens that do not allow the nervous system to come to a state of rest. Therefore, for a good night’s sleep, it is recommended to choose the evening menu wisely.

Replace coffee and tea herbal decoctions or infusions - tasty and soothing drinks are made from lemon balm ( lemon balm), sweet clover, oregano, thyme. Give up alcoholic drinks, and if you really want to “relax” a little after working day, then drink 1 glass (180 ml) of warmed red wine or a cup of weak tea with added sugar and herbal balm.

For dinner, choose white boiled or baked meat, fish, and cottage cheese. Do not put a lot of pepper and garlic in your food; it is better to use neutral aromatic herbs - marjoram or parsley.

5. Positive thoughts

Many people are accustomed to giving themselves a “debriefing” in the evening, that is, summing up the results of the day, looking for mistakes, and remembering unpleasant moments. Naturally, it is difficult to fall asleep after such introspection - you involuntarily re-experience everything that upset you during the day, and, figuratively speaking, you pull this negativity under the blanket.

Learn to switch between work and everyday problems for something more positive - remember only your victories and kind words, spoken to you, do not scold, but praise yourself, look for reasons to be proud of yourself. Revise photos, made by you on vacation or just in beautiful places, which you visited, try to plunge into the mood that accompanied you then.

6. Proper relaxation

Unfortunately, many people, when they come home from work, immediately find themselves from one space full of worries to another, where something also needs to be done. As a result, fatigue and nervous excitement they cross reasonable boundaries and do not allow you to enjoy a legitimate night's rest, since instead of lulling you to sleep, they provoke insomnia. Therefore, be sure to find time for yourself in the evening.

Simple procedures help you fall asleep quickly and improve your sleep quality. If you make them daily, then you will associate them exclusively with your approaching bedtime and the opportunity to get enough sleep. An acquired reflex will work, and you will actually fall asleep as soon as you find yourself under the covers.

So, we suggest you try the “sleeping aid program”:

  • The first thing to start with is a relaxing bath with aromatic oil. Essential extracts from bergamot, geranium, lavender, incense, marjoram, and clary sage have a sedative (hypnotic) effect.
    For a standard bath you will need 8-10 drops of oil. Before dissolving it in water, mix it with regular sunflower oil or milk (or cream). This is necessary to ensure that the essential oil does not accumulate in one place. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.
  • The next step is energetic relaxation. Sit comfortably. Place your clasped fingers on your solar plexus, index fingers straighten and connect their ends. Focus on breathing in the area solar plexus. Stay in this position for 4 minutes.
  • The final stage is a relaxing drink. For this purpose, it is recommended to use warm milk with the addition of honey or sugar. There is no need to drink a large cup, 150 ml is enough. It is best to do this while already in bed.

7. Thought images

We have already talked about what you should not do in the evening remember events the past day. This is also true for the moment when you are already in bed. In addition, lying under the covers, you don’t need to actively make plans for tomorrow. Leave all thoughts about business outside the bedroom threshold.

Brain activity should not be stimulated, but calmed down, so imagine soft, unobtrusive pictures - the sea, a sunny forest, a field with poppies and daisies, a leisurely journey along a calm river. Let your thoughts flow smoothly, “walk” through those places that give you a feeling of peace and tranquility, do not linger on any specific objects or images. This will help you fall asleep quickly and pleasantly.

We hope that our tips will help you quickly immerse yourself in the world of rainbow dreams, get a great night's sleep and get up in the morning in a good mood. And by the way, don't forget to celebrate World Sleep Day, which is celebrated on March 14 this year.

Nadezhda Popova specially for

Sleep disturbance is fraught with absent-mindedness, irritability, and decreased productivity. A chronic insomnia may lead to more serious problems such as apnea. Try these simple recommendations and you will sleep like a baby.

A person spends a third of his life sleeping. And that's good. After all, sleep is natural physiological process required for normal functioning body. In our sleep, we restore strength, “digest” the information accumulated during the day and fight diseases.

1. Lights out

Not only children, but also adults should maintain a sleep-wake schedule. Determine your optimal bedtime and strictly adhere to it, even on weekends.

2. Rise

Set not only the “lights out” time, but also the rise time. Otherwise the balance will be disrupted. Laid in bed an hour longer? It will be very difficult to fall asleep at the right time.

3. Diary

One of the main reasons for poor sleep is stress. We go to bed with a lot bad thoughts in my head. Because of this, we cannot fall asleep for a long time and sleep very restlessly. To improve the situation, keep a diary and at the end of the day “tell” him about everything that worries or upsets you. Psychologists have proven that keeping a diary helps you focus on the positive rather than negative aspects of life.

4. Magnesium

Another factor that affects our sleep is magnesium. Its deficiency leads to sleep disturbances. This is why it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium. For example, spinach or pumpkin seeds.

5. First aid kit

Sometimes medications can cause poor sleep. If you are taking any pills and notice that you are sleeping worse, carefully study the instructions. Are there insomnia among the side effects?

6. Coffee

Caffeine reduces adenosine levels, which makes it difficult for a person to calm down and fall asleep quickly. A cup of coffee with dinner can lead to insomnia or poor sleep quality. Therefore, try to drink coffee only in the morning.

7. Technology

To understand what exactly is preventing you from sleeping well, contact modern technologies. There are mobile applications and special devices (Zeo Personal Sleep Coach, Wakemate and others) that help track the duration and quality of sleep. For example, there is a Sleep Cycle application for iOS, and SleepBot for Android.

8. Sleep norm

The optimal duration of sleep varies from person to person. But on average it is believed that for normal life 7-8 hours is enough. Disturbance in sleep norms leads to increased levels of cortisol (the death hormone) and various serious illnesses. Therefore, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day.

9. Bonus

Having a tough week? Did you go to bed after midnight? Give yourself the bonus of an extra hour of sleep to rejuvenate and get back into your daily routine.

10. Siesta

A short afternoon nap is very good for your health. But only short - no more than 30 minutes. If you doze longer, the body will fall into deep stages sleep - it will be difficult to wake up and return to business.

11. Yula

Can't sleep? Don't turn from side to side like a spinning top. Instead, get out of bed and do some quiet activity. For example, read or listen to lounge music.

12. Pets

Many people like to sleep with their favorite cat or dog. But from a healthy sleep perspective, this is a bad idea. You can fall asleep cuddled with Barsik, but then it’s better to send him back to his place.

13. Alarm clock

Many people keep an alarm clock on the bedside table (and if its role is played by the phone, then right under the pillow), which is actually a mistake. Constantly keeping an eye on the time means being on edge. And stress, as you remember, equals poor sleep.

14. Curfew

Also, many spend the evening staring at a computer monitor or sitting in front of the TV. Then they turn them off and “fall” into bed. But if you are striving for truly healthy sleep, then set a curfew for all gadgets two to three hours before bedtime. The time before bed is a time for relaxation.

15. Bedroom

Your brain should automatically associate the bedroom with relaxation. Therefore, please use this room for its intended purpose. You need to relax in bed. The bedroom is about sleep and sex, not work and the Internet.

16. Comfort

For a good sleep you need to create comfortable conditions: buy a comfortable mattress, hang thick curtains on the windows, eliminate sources of noise that interfere with sleep. Don't you sleep alone? Discuss with your partner what factors affect your and his sleep, and create an environment that is comfortable for both of you.

17. Temperature

16-24ºС – this should be the temperature in the bedroom. In a stuffy and too hot room, a person often wakes up and falls asleep more poorly.

18. Light

Bright lighting, and sometimes even the “harmless” light from the TV, can also create problems with sleep. If it is impossible to eliminate light sources, then so that they do not interfere with your rest, use a sleep mask.

19. Workout

Exercise not only builds strength and endurance, but also improves sleep quality. We are talking, in particular, about aerobic exercise, saturating the body with oxygen.

20. There is a time for everything

Sport improves the quality of sleep, but you should end your workout at least 2 hours before bedtime. After all, physical exercise saturates the body not only with oxygen, but also with adrenaline, which is a bad “sleeping pill.”

21. Muscle relaxation

Before going to bed, it is better to do so-called muscle relaxation. It consists of alternately tense and relax various groups muscles. We tensed our leg muscles, counted to five, and relaxed; tense your abs, one-two-three-four-five, exhale, etc. This procedure can be done directly while lying in bed. Meditation also helps prepare your body for sleep.

22. Walks

Another secret to good sleep is evening walks. Even if it’s not very warm outside and you’re too lazy to get ready, overcome yourself. You'll be surprised how much better you'll sleep at night if you walk for half an hour before bed.

23. Hot shower or bath

Before going to bed, the body needs to relax, so before going to the kingdom of Morpheus, treat yourself to SPA treatments. Hot shower or a bath will help relieve stress and make you sleepy.

24. Music

Besides a bath, music has a very calming effect on the body. Classical, folk or jazz - each has its own melodies that give harmony. Find music that brings you peace and listen to it before bed.

25. Lavender

Fragrances also affect the quality of sleep. Lavender – excellent remedy from insomnia. Use aromatherapy candles or essential oils to fill your bedroom with the scent of lavender before bed.

26. Warmth

As you already know, it should be cool outside, but inside, on the contrary, warm. Drink a glass of warm milk, cocoa or tea before bed, and you will immediately want to sleep.

27. Chamomile tea

By the way, about tea. This is “grandmother’s” remedy for sound and healthy sleep. Chamomile has a calming effect, which means it helps fight the main cause of poor sleep – stress.

What do you do to sleep well?

What to drink before bed to sleep better is a painful question for those who suffer from insomnia. Doctors do not recommend drinking when going to bed at all: if you are thirsty, it is permissible to drink one hundred to one hundred and fifty milliliters of water, otherwise you will have to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and in the morning you will have to look at your swollen face with bruises under your eyes in the mirror. However, those who cannot fall asleep due to the habit of drinking something do not have to torture themselves: it is enough to prepare the right drink.

It is not advisable to take sleeping pills. They work well in the first few days, but then they become useless: the body gets used to it, an increase in dosage is required, and this leads to side effects. There are practically no medications without side effects.

To fall asleep, you need to be saturated with elements that have a beneficial effect on sleep.

These include:

  • tryptophan;
  • theanine;
  • apigenin;
  • potassium and magnesium;
  • B vitamins.

Tryptophan produces melatonin, which regulates daily biorhythms. Normally, this sleepy hormone is produced with the onset of darkness, but bright artificial light, poor routine and caffeine consumption interfere with its appearance.

Theanine is an amino acid that relieves stress. Excitement and Bad mood- the main allies of insomnia, and theanine actively counteracts them, bringing peace.

Apigenin is a chamomile flavonoid that helps the nervous system cope with irritation, depression and fatigue.

Potassium and magnesium relax muscles. These minerals are good for the heart, the hardest working and restless muscle in the body.

B vitamins calm and calm you if you follow your diet and daily routine, but it is difficult to fall asleep - the reason may lie in their deficiency.

So, what should you drink instead of sleeping pills? Tinctures, cocktails and teas containing these substances.

People's and official medicine agree on the usefulness of herbs brewed for good sleep.

The most popular:

Chamomile is one of the the best means in order to sleep at night. It can be a real salvation.

Chamomile tea known since ancient times as an excellent sedative. Drinking drink of these cute flowers sleep deeply and peacefully. It is enough to pour boiling water over one or two teaspoons of dried flowers, let it brew, strain, and then drink to relax and have a good rest. The main thing is that you have at least two hours left before falling asleep, otherwise you will have to get up to go to the toilet.

Lavender is the second thing you can drink after chamomile, and even better if together with it. A teaspoon of lavender with the same amount of chamomile inflorescences, brewed with boiling water, will give you a good mood and serenity. In the morning you definitely won’t need a dream book to decipher your nightmares - they simply won’t exist. A spoonful of honey added to the infusion will make your sleep sweeter.

You can also drink lemon balm before bed. Its taste is reminiscent of lemon and mint; a couple of brewed sprigs have been relieving problems with falling asleep since the Middle Ages. Anxiety will go away after just a few sips, especially if you flavor the tincture with honey.

Herbal infusions partially answered the question of whether you can drink something before going to bed. Now let's figure out why you can't drink tea or coffee.

You probably won't fall asleep after a cup of tea, even green, and even more so after coffee. It's all because of caffeine.

Caffeine is only useful in the morning. It invigorates, promotes concentration, improves mood, but in the evening, on the contrary, it is important to relax and calm down. Do you drink black tea or coffee with dinner? Insomnia is guaranteed.

Is it possible to take a sip of alcohol before bed? Highly not recommended. An exception is light wine or beer, but it is important not to exceed one hundred to one hundred and fifty milliliters, otherwise the kidneys will suffer, bladder, nervous system and daily routine.

Much more useful following products:

  • cherry juice;
  • milk;
  • banana smoothie;
  • coconut water;
  • almond milk;
  • yogurt.

Drink freshly squeezed cherry juice half an hour before going to bed - and your dreams will be vivid and your awakening will be refreshing. Warm milk flavored with honey, nutmeg or crushed almonds, in the best possible way will affect sleep due to tryptophan. Two or three spoons of yogurt forty-five minutes before going to bed will bring you easy sleep and pleasant awakening.

Banana smoothies are rich in magnesium and potassium, drink a glass of smoothie an hour before going to bed - and sleep like a baby. You'll get a similar effect if you drink coconut water: It also contains the same minerals.

So those who drink chamomile infusions or, better yet, cocktails made from honey and milk, they always know the answer to the question of what to drink before bed to sleep better. The main thing is to monitor your well-being, avoid allergies and have the right approach to your health and daily routine.

Sleep is an important process in human life. The body needs rest to full-fledged work. Without sleep, a person becomes lethargic, irritable, gets tired quickly and is subject to various diseases. But it’s not always possible to fall asleep quickly and sleep well, which can lead to poor health. This problem must be solved to avoid overworking the body. We’ll talk about how to sleep well in this article.

What interferes with healthy sleep?

If you don't know, then you are suffering from insomnia. This is a problem for many people, but not everyone knows how to deal with it. If you follow certain rules, you will be able to fall asleep quickly and easily.

    You shouldn't watch horror movies before bed. They negatively affect the nervous system and cause fear. It is difficult to sleep in this state.

    You should not drink coffee or tea three hours before bedtime.

    You need to go to bed at the same time every day.

    Before going to bed, you should not be too tired.

How to fall asleep quickly? Useful tips

Knowing how to fall asleep quickly, you can delight your body with full and healthy sleep. healthy rest. First, create a daily routine. Going to bed and waking up should always be at the same time, even on weekends. Train yourself to sleep at least 7 hours. Despite the fact that doctors talk about eight hours of sleep, everyone has their own norm. Experiment, try until you achieve results. You should get up rested and alert. Gradually, you will develop a habit that will allow you to fall asleep quickly.

Before bed rituals

There are many ways to easily fall asleep. Use them

If you are tormented by the question of how to fall asleep quickly.

    Take a warm bath before bed - this effective way relax.

    Apply a little onto skin essential oils having a calming effect.

    Drink lemon balm tea.

    Warm milk with honey will help you sleep.

    Yoga relaxes and speeds up the process of falling asleep.

    A light walk in the fresh air can replace an evening bath. It's better to combine everything.

Rules for good sleep

Now let’s talk about how to sleep correctly so that you feel cheerful and energized in the morning. First of all, do not forget to ventilate the room. Inflow fresh air will provide healthy sleep. The room should be no more than 23 degrees. It is better to cover yourself with a light blanket than to suffer from stuffiness. It is not recommended to drink alcohol at night; it helps you fall asleep quickly, but you will not sleep well. The room should be completely silent and dark. The recipe for good sleep involves creating an optimal environment so that nothing will wake you up in the middle of the night. You should have a comfortable pillow and a medium-firm mattress. Natural material will allow you to sleep peacefully and soundly. Synthetics can lead to skin irritation, allergies and other diseases. And finally, advice on how to fall asleep quickly and sleep well - you should give up bad habits, go in for sports and drink only healthy products. This way you will help your body to fully rest and prevent various diseases.

This situation occurs quite often - you went to bed, but hours pass after hours, and you toss and turn in bed from side to side, and cannot sleep. In addition, some unpleasant thoughts keep popping up in your mind, and you just can’t relax. Perhaps the problem of how to fall asleep may not seem so terrible to someone. However, imagine that you have an exam or an important meeting scheduled for tomorrow, and you need to get behind the wheel. And you need a good night's sleep from your nose, otherwise in the morning everything will fall out of your hands. What to do in such a situation? Of course, everyone’s psyche works differently, and the reasons for poor sleep can be different. If you don't know how to fall asleep quickly, you should try various ways, and perhaps you will find among them those that suit you best.

First of all, you should pay attention to the room in which you sleep. It must support optimal temperature– not too hot and not too cold. Drafts should be avoided.

The air in the room should be fresh. Therefore, it is recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed. If there is little oxygen in the room and it is filled unpleasant odors, then you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep quickly. To scent your bedroom, you can use lavender, linden and chamomile oils.

Very bright light often leads to insomnia. It is worth remembering that hormones that regulate sleep are produced only in the dark. Make sure that the windows are tightly curtained and there are no other light sources in the room. You can purchase a special sleep mask.

If you need silence to sleep, then buy earplugs at the pharmacy. Some people find that unobtrusive noise helps them fall asleep, such as the monotonous hum of a fan. You can also use relaxing music or recordings of natural sounds to fall asleep quickly.

Sometimes a person cannot sleep because he is taking uncomfortable position. Lie down so that you are comfortable. It is better to use a medium-hard pillow. If it becomes warm from your body, turn it over. Wear loose pajamas for sleep. Some people find it comfortable to sleep naked, so try this too.

Do not forget about hygiene, change your bed linen regularly. Sleeping on sweat-soaked pillows and sheets is not very pleasant. The blanket must be chosen so that it is not too light or heavy, too warm, or, conversely, does not provide good protection from the cold.

Proper food is the key to good sleep

Pay attention to what you eat for dinner. It is not recommended to eat heavily before bed, but on the other hand, going to bed on an empty stomach is also not recommended. best solution. There are products that help good sleep: banana, milk, nuts, whole grain bread, lettuce. But protein can interfere with good sleep, the same applies to caffeine-containing drinks, spicy, fatty, sweet, nicotine, and alcohol. Often a cup of warm milk or herbal tea, drunk at night.

What to do to relax your mind

Sometimes there is advice not to think about anything while lying in bed. But in practice this is impossible to achieve; moreover, during sleep, some parts of the brain work even more intensely than during wakefulness. Therefore, moderate mental stress, on the contrary, will be useful.

Some people find reading at night helps. However, moderation must be observed here. It is best to read something light, not burdensome, but not so exciting that it could force you to spend hours reading the book. You can also try making some notes or drawings. For example, write down the most pleasant impressions of the day, an opinion about a movie.

But as soon as you feel, while reading, that you are starting to feel very sleepy, immediately stop what you are doing, turn off the light and lie down. If any thoughts arise in your head, try to color these thoughts black with the help of your imagination. Meditate, let go of thoughts that bother you.

Think about something pleasant. Imagine yourself in a boat floating along a river, or you are flying in the clouds, or swimming in the ocean, or walking through a flowering field, etc. Slowly delve deeper into your fantasies, noticing more and more new details.

The advice to count some animals in your thoughts, for example, sheep or elephants, has long been known. Although the advice does not help everyone, nevertheless, it is not without meaning, since it contributes to a moderate load on both hemispheres of the brain, gradually transferring it into sleep mode. Of course, you can choose some other objects or animals, the main thing is that they do not evoke negative emotions. You can imagine a pendulum swinging from side to side and count its movements.

Lie quietly, do not move, mentally relax all muscles, starting from the tips of your toes and ending with your head. While lying in bed, stretch. Stretching helps the body relax, tension goes away, and the person falls asleep. Try holding a pillow between your knees. This helps relieve stress and even reduces pain.

Perform the complex breathing exercises. Slow deep breathing helps the body relax. Lie on your back to control how your stomach rises. By focusing on breathing, the brain is freed from extraneous thoughts.

Sleep medications

If you've had too much various methods, but still don’t understand how you can fall asleep quickly, it is recommended to use medicines. However, this must be done carefully so as not to cause addiction. It is best to consult a doctor to select a drug.

Types of drugs:

  • Based on herbs - valerian, motherwort, mint, hops, chamomile.
  • Tranquilizers are drugs that depress the nervous system and dull emotions. If insomnia is caused severe stress, may be the only way out.
  • Sleeping pills - act on nerve receptors and stimulate the production of sleep hormones.
  • Preparations containing the main sleep hormone – melatonin.
  • Vitamins. Often, chronic insomnia develops due to a lack of vitamins B and D in the body, microelements - magnesium and calcium.

What to do during the day to sleep well at night

If you play sports, then your last workout should be at least three hours before going to bed. However, walking before bed is very good for insomnia.

Water procedures at night are also a good way to relax. The best way to help in this case is a bath with special soothing additives - sea ​​salt, eucalyptus and pine oils. If you have problems falling asleep at night, then it is best not to nap during the day, but to wait until the evening and get a good night's sleep.

Find a way to cope with stress. Stress is the main problem of insomnia. Find a hobby that will relieve stress. Try to stick to a routine: go to bed at the same time. If you want to shift the mode, then change it gradually, starting with 10 minutes. Before going to bed, do not look at your phone or sit for a long time in front of the TV or monitor.

Insomnia is one of the consequences of the modern “office” lifestyle, characterized by physical inactivity, information overload, overwork and stress. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle: to resist stress, you need to get enough sleep, and to sleep well, you need to get rid of stress. It takes some time and some willpower to break this circle. In some cases, you can normalize sleep by starting to adhere to. But in most cases this is not enough and you need to use a more extensive arsenal of tools.

A little theory about sleep

You've probably heard the statement more than once that for a good night's rest you need to sleep at least 8 hours. Unfortunately, not every one of us has the opportunity to devote so much time to sleep. Yes, this is not necessary! If you organize your sleep correctly, “according to science,” you can get enough sleep in 6 hours and feel energetic all day.

It has been scientifically proven that our sleep is not uniform, but consists of several cycles, each of which consists of slow sleep and REM sleep. In turn, slow-wave sleep has 4 stages, differing in different physiological manifestations. These divisions of sleep are illustrated in more detail by this drawing:
Notice in this picture the stages 3 and 4 of slow-wave sleep, also called deep sleep. It is at the stage deep sleep happens the most full recovery and rest of our body.

REM sleep is characterized by increased activity brain During this period, the brain is engaged in analyzing, processing and “storing” the information received during the day. In this phase brain activity contributes to the “untying of vital knots”, “insights” and scientific discoveries. This mental activity is accompanied by fast chaotic movements eyeballs, which is why the British call this phase of sleep REM (Rapid Eye Movement). Interestingly, many psychologists use, in which, with the help of artificially induced eye movements mentioned above, they are treated psychological trauma and depression.

From the above, you probably already realized that how longer at night we are in the deep sleep stage, the better sleep we get and restore our strength. The quality of deep sleep is better the less brain activity during this period, the lower the body temperature and the slower the heartbeat.

As for body temperature, there is a simple pattern: our vital activity is higher, the higher the temperature. The average healthy person body temperature changes throughout the day, ranging from 36 to 37.5 degrees. To make our daily activity more fruitful, we need to maintain as much highest temperature body, but at night you need to take care of the lowest possible temperature for more efficient use of the deep sleep phases.

In addition to body temperature, important role The “vampire” hormone melatonin, produced by the pineal gland, intestines and retina of the eye, plays a role in our activity levels. The higher the level of this hormone, the more sleepy a person feels. This hormone is called “vampire” because it is produced when the eyes signal that there is insufficient light, and, conversely, when there is bright light, this hormone breaks down.

Now you can move on to practice.

1. Consistent sleep pattern

Everything is simple here: you You need to get up and go to bed at the same time every day. This recommendation ensures the clarity of the “movement” of your biological “clock”. The maximum indulgence you can afford is to sleep an hour longer on weekends than on weekdays.

Strict implementation of this recommendation will develop in your body after some time. conditioned reflex fall asleep and get up at a certain time. This will significantly speed up the processes of falling asleep and waking up, saving you precious time.

But there's one here important nuance: it is necessary that awakening occurs in the REM sleep phase. Usually this phase is easily found within a few days by setting the alarm clock to different times at intervals of 10-20 minutes. When you find that after your alarm goes off you are without special problems If you get up, it means you have “found” the REM sleep phase. In the future, always set your alarm clock for this time.

Everyone, of course, knows that they need to do exercises in the morning, but not everyone does it, and if they do, it’s half-heartedly, “for show.” Vigorous (before sweating) exercise is necessary to quickly raise body temperature, and with it the performance of the body and brain for the whole day. As an alternative (or better yet, an addition) to charging contrast shower or dousing cold water followed by vigorous rubbing of the body with a towel.

Try to ensure that the environment around you is brightly lit, starting from waking up and during the active part of the day. If there is a choice, then let it be natural sunlight.

As already mentioned, light helps to destroy the hormone melatonin, which causes sleepiness. In addition, bright light also improves your mood and well-being. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to work in a brightly lit room or your workplace is not well lit, take frequent breaks from work and go out into the light.

4. Sufficient level of physical activity

If you have the opportunity to go to the pool during the day (usually after work), gym or just go for a run in the park, don't miss this opportunity. Active physical movements raise body temperature, promoting higher body tone and brain freshness.

Since the human body is at least 60% water and everything metabolic processes occur in the body aqueous solutions, it is obvious that water is the most essential product for the body. Lack of water disrupts all processes in human body, including sleep.

To maintain optimal water balance a person needs about 2 liters of water per day. If there is enough water, the body relaxes well during sleep. Lack of water is stress for the body, negatively affecting the duration and quality of sleep. Therefore, if you have problems sleeping, make sure that your body receives sufficient quantity water.

This is perhaps the most difficult recommendation to implement. Few people have the willpower to completely avoid substances that, on the one hand, “stimulate” the body, but at the same time cause a certain dependence and negatively affect sleep.

If you cannot completely give up nicotine and alcohol, then you need to do everything to significantly limit their consumption. This must be done, otherwise it will be difficult for the body to fully rest and recover during sleep.

As for coffee and energy tonics, constantly invigorating the body with their help upsets the normal “course” of the biological “clock”, which inevitably makes night rest inferior. Instead of uncontrolled consumption of coffee and energizers, it is better to spend time and effort on normalizing your sleep and rest patterns. Then you simply will not have the need to “kick” your body. If you like coffee for its taste qualities, then drink decaffeinated coffee.

7. Lunch nap (if necessary)

But if you feel sleepy (especially after lunch), then it will be useful for you to get some sleep if possible. “A little” means that the duration of the lunch nap should be such that you wake up BEFORE the onset of the deep sleep phase. Otherwise, you may more than once regret that you gave in to the temptation to sleep. Optimal duration lunch nap – 15-20 minutes.

So short and shallow sleep enough to rest a little and gain strength to continue active work until the evening. Because during nap body temperature drops, then after waking up it is advisable to do vigorous exercises in order to quickly return to the normal working rhythm of life.

There are many reasons for poor sleep, but the most common is severe overwork of our brain, which we cannot cope with on our own. We go to bed, but the brain continues, by inertia, to process all the information that has entered it during the day. And this information is not always useful. Basically, this is informational garbage, tons of which are tossing and turning in our brains in our heads half the night.

Therefore, before going to bed, we need to create conditions in which we can calm down, relax our psyche, and relieve excessive nervous tension. A special audio meditation will help create a relaxing atmosphere, which you can listen to or download for free below.

Audio meditation before bed

In conclusion, I would like to wish you to get rid of insomnia as quickly as possible, learn to fall asleep quickly and get enough sleep, so that every morning after waking up you feel cheerful and rested. Health and all the best!

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