How to make ground ginger from the root. Health benefits of ground ginger, methods of use, contraindications and harm

Dried ginger is famous for its pungent taste and amazing aroma that it imparts to all dishes to which it is added. It is useful to use the spice in spring and autumn, when it appears big risk development seasonal diseases. Ground spice is significantly superior to fresh root, since in addition useful qualities has for a long time storage Permanent use dried ground ginger helps improve well-being and get rid of many ailments.

The spice has healing properties that are used to prevent and treat many ailments. Since ancient times, sailors have used ginger as a cure for seasickness.


  • has antidiarrheal and antiemetic effect. The spice is effective against poisoning and digestive problems. Helps cope with toxicosis;
  • eliminates PMS symptoms;
  • increases female libido;
  • removes cholesterol from blood vessels;
  • helps remove phlegm;
  • strong antioxidant;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps fight swelling;
  • treats inflammation in joints;
  • has a warming effect during fever;
  • promotes the removal of toxins and waste;
  • kills helminths;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • relieves inflammatory processes.
  • helps speed up metabolic processes body.

Thanks to its properties, the spice cleanses the body from the inside and helps fight aging.

How to dry at home?

You can prepare the root yourself. To do this you will need to choose the right ginger. It should be:

  • strong;
  • dense;
  • no mold;
  • no dark spots;
  • with thin skin.

In the sun

Convenient to dry naturally. This will require a large amount sun rays. Process:

  1. Chop the root. The thickness of the plate should be no more than 4 mm.
  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Lay out the plates in one layer.
  3. Place in sunlight.
  4. At night, store in a ventilated area.
  5. Turn the workpieces over periodically.

It will take several days to dry. The spice has dried out when the blades break when pressed.

In the oven

This method is suitable for any time of year.

  1. Preheat the oven. Temperature 50°.
  2. Cut the root into slices. Place on a baking sheet.
  3. Place in the oven. Turn on convection. Do not close the door all the way. Cook for 2.5 hours.
  4. Turn the workpieces over. Switch the mode to 70°.

Check workpieces periodically. Drying will take about 6-8 hours.

Using an electric dryer or air fryer

Place ginger slices in electric dryer trays at a distance from each other. 60° mode. To make the effect better, the trays are swapped every hour. It will take 8-9 hours.

The fastest drying process in an air fryer. In just 3 hours the spice will be ready. Dry at a temperature of 70°.

It is prohibited to use dried ginger children under 3 years of age, persons with fever and heart disease.

Use of ginger in cooking

The spice can be added to almost all dishes. It improves the taste:

  • soups;
  • mushroom snacks;
  • cheese;
  • vegetable dishes;
  • salads;
  • legumes

Spice improves the taste of marinades and sauces served with vegetables, fish and meat. Also added to drinks and desserts. Ginger coffee and tea have long won the hearts of many gourmets.

How much ginger do you put in the baking dough?

Powder is added to the dough at the time of kneading. Per kilogram use 4-6 g of spice.

How much ginger is added to drinks and teas?

Spice is added to the drink at the end of preparation. For a 200 ml mug of tea, use 1 g of spice. Add ginger to jelly and compotes 2 minutes before the end of cooking. Add 2 g of spice per liter of drink.

The powder can be replaced with fresh root. In this case, add 2 cm of ginger per 100 ml of liquid.

Combination of ginger with various spices

The powder is combined with:

  • cloves;
  • pepper;
  • dill;
  • star anise;
  • fennel;
  • cinnamon.

The resulting seasoning will help significantly improve taste qualities prepared dishes.

How much ginger is added to main dishes

When preparing dishes, the powder is poured into heated oil. For one serving of an adult, use a maximum of 1 g. Per kilogram of meat, you can add 4 g of powder.

What dishes should I add ground ginger to?

The use of powder in a variety of dishes has become widespread. Ginger has gained universal recognition and has become the most popular spice, which serves as an additive to salads of vegetables, fish and meat. It is used in marinades for barbecue and for making tinctures.

Confectioners use spices to improve the taste of gingerbread, cookies and cakes. At the end of cooking, cooks sprinkle fish and meat dishes.

The main condition is not to overuse the amount; an excess leads to numbness of the oral cavity.

In many countries around the world, the Asian spice ginger is widely used. Gives an unforgettable piquant taste in cooking, is a panacea for many diseases in medicine, stands guard female beauty in cosmetology. Today, every day the spice is becoming more and more popular in our country. Many people fell in love with oriental cuisine, in which ginger root- an important component.

The spice is easy to buy in stores and supermarkets in fresh, pickled and dried form. Often consumers give their preference to dry spice; ground ginger becomes an important seasoning in the kitchens of many housewives. Every day women discover new secrets of how and where to use Asian spice. She is the highlight in different recipes: gingerbread from childhood, spicy, exquisite taste of chicken, stewed vegetables.

This powder is yellowish light color, with a pungent taste and pleasant aroma, obtained from ginger roots, pre-dried. Dried spice retains all its taste and beneficial qualities and spicy aroma for about a year.

The benefits and harms of dry ginger seasoning

Many people know how useful dried ginger root powder is; we can talk about this for a long time. It is a rich source of minerals and vitamins needed by the human body; it contains many macro- and microelements.

Whatever useful product oh him possible harm for the body it is impossible to forget. Ginger powder, like every product, has its own dosage. If overused, nausea, even vomiting, and possible intestinal upset occur. Negative consequences milk or water, if you drink at least a glass, as well as a teaspoon of soda will help neutralize the spices.

The spice should not be used: high temperature, peptic ulcers.


For human body ground ginger - helps in solving many problems:

  • Waywin headache without medications. The spice can help relieve headaches. To do this, mix dried ginger root with water until smooth. Apply it to your forehead. The compress will help relieve the pain.
  • Helpfor arthritis. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of arthritis. You need to mix and boil 2 tsp. spices and 1 tbsp. water. Let the mixture cool slightly, then drink. To soothe the pain, knee joints add the mixture (1 tbsp ginger + 1 tsp water).
  • Coldtime of year without a cold. Will help cope with the first signs of a cold. To do this, you just need to drink tea, adding ground spice, 1 tsp per half liter of water. Drink half a glass warm 3 times a day.
  • Ginger is the key to an ideal figure. Ideal figure the dream of almost every woman. Ginger powder, thanks to the elements included in its composition, accelerates metabolic processes. Extra pounds go away, albeit not as quickly as you would like, but surely and often irrevocably, if you periodically use ginger. In addition, Asian spice helps lower cholesterol. Application: 0.5 tsp. Dissolve dry spices in a glass of boiling water, let cool a little, sweeten a little with natural honey.
  • Avoid unpleasant symptoms flatulence. Dried horned root in powder will help to avoid excess accumulation of gases in the intestines. Needs to be dissolved in 1 tbsp. warm water half a teaspoon of ginger powder and black salt, a pinch of asafoetida. Drink once a day after meals.
  • Will help cope with nausea. Ginger root contains gynerol and shogalol. Thanks to these components, the spicy seasoning is one of effective ways in the fight against nausea.
  • Elixir of Youth. The precious property of ginger root is to restore youth. It helps slow down the aging process and promotes sexual desire. This gift of the plant has been used for quite a long time by the Japanese and Chinese. The miracle root is used to treat women from infertility.

Use in cooking

The horned root has the ability to change the taste of fornication, breaking the whole gamut of tastes. Ginger powder is often added to sweet dishes. It gives a unique taste to gingerbread cookies, puddings, muffins and cakes, and jellies. But even in the first and second courses he is not inferior to his position as a leader. It enriches soups with a subtle piquant flavor and makes chicken dishes original. Gives a spicy good taste fried pork, mushrooms, liver. Sauces with the addition of ginger are famous and are used not only in Japanese cuisine, but found wide application in other cuisines of the world.

In order for the dish to taste excellent, spices should be added, following some rules:

  • When stewing meat, 20 minutes before the dish is ready.
  • Sprinkle into the dough after kneading.
  • Add to sauces after boiling.
  • Into sweet fornications, drinks, in 5 minutes. until ready.

Where to buy? Price

Finding ground ginger is not difficult. On the shelves of shops and supermarkets, ground ginger can be found in any packaging from 10 grams to 1 kilogram.

Ginger powder in large quantities It’s worth buying in specialized “herbs and spices” stores, or you can order it online.

Prices vary depending on the amount of spice. The more you buy, the lower the price. Can be purchased for $0.92 per 100g. ginger powder or $1.36 for the same 100 grams. At the same time, in the first store they pack only 100 gram packages, so 1 kg will cost $9.21. The second store reduces the price depending on the quantity, the more, the cheaper, and the price is per 1 kg. – $8.61. They also sell ground horned root in convenient storage jars, the price of one is $10.86, weight is 0.34 kg. The choice always remains with the consumer.

Don’t think too long about whether to buy ginger? This purchase will always come in handy. There are many options for where and how to use it. Once you try it, you can hardly give it up.

Ginger has been known since Indian times and Ancient China. This product is very valuable due to its healing properties. There are ground ginger and fresh ginger. Ground ginger is very popular among women as a means for weight loss. This spice is quite spicy, so you shouldn’t overuse it. Fresh ginger can be brewed by adding dried berries or fruit. This drink will be very useful in the autumn-spring period, when the risk of getting sick increases. In our article we will tell you how to take ground ginger for weight loss, and also focus on its beneficial properties and contraindications.

Properties of ground ginger for health and weight loss

Ginger first appeared in India, and then its use spread throughout Asia. This product is especially popular among chefs different countries Since it adds a refined and unique taste to dishes, ginger cannot spoil the dish at all; rather, on the contrary, it will give it an unusual taste.

What are the benefits of ground ginger for the body?

Ginger has many other beneficial qualities that can be classified as medicinal properties. Let's dwell on them.

Ground ginger to strengthen immunity

The most important medicinal property ginger is its ability to increase and strengthen immunity. Ginger with citrus fruits is especially effective. Thanks to this combination, it turns out very tasty and healthy drink, helping to cope with colds. This effect is also explained by the presence in ginger large quantity essential oils.

Speed ​​up your metabolism with ground ginger

When losing weight, losing weight is important key point, an end in itself. Ginger copes with this task perfectly, as it is able to speed up metabolic processes and improve digestive functions. In addition, ginger improves appetite and normalizes stool.

Detoxifying with Ground Ginger

In addition to helping you lose weight, ginger helps get rid of toxic substances in the body. Also, the use of this product prevents the occurrence of edema due to the fact that ginger is able to remove excess fluid.

Ground ginger against women's problems

Some experts believe that consuming ginger can restore reproductive functions in women, to establish hormonal balance. It is enough to drink a couple of cups of tea with ginger so that the body receives the missing vitamins and minerals.

Except listed properties ginger also has a beneficial effect on liver function and serves as an excellent antidepressant.

Contraindications for ground ginger

In addition to the above healing properties ginger it is worth mentioning some contraindications to its use and possible side effects.

  1. Ginger should be taken with caution by people prone to allergies, high blood pressure and diseases gastrointestinal tract(peptic ulcers);
  2. Ginger is not recommended for problems with the kidneys and a tendency to form stones in them;
  3. Ginger should not be used for weight loss during breastfeeding;
  4. During menstruation, ginger should be excluded from the diet due to the fact that it may cause increased bleeding;
  5. Ginger consumption for elevated temperature may aggravate the course of the disease;
  6. You should not use ginger as a spice in dishes if you are individually intolerant to it.

TO side effects can be attributed skin rashes as a manifestation of allergies, itching, nausea and vomiting, sharp pains in the stomach. If these symptoms appear, you should stop using ginger.

Ground ginger: fragrant powder can be added to diet salads and drinks for health and weight loss

Ways to use ground ginger for weight loss

First of all, we will learn how to take ground ginger for weight loss. There are some secrets that we will tell you about now.

How to use ground ginger for weight loss?

Ground ginger is very effective in losing weight, it is absorbed faster and has strong impact to fat deposits. What is valuable is that ground ginger does not lose its beneficial properties when heat treatment, saving everything healthy vitamins: A, C, essential amino acids, magnesium, calcium and iron.

This spice is added to main courses. Vegetable stews and meat dishes are especially tasty. In addition, ground ginger can be added to drinks. For weight loss, it is useful to add garlic to tea with ginger; thanks to the combination of these spices, metabolism accelerates and the body gets rid of extra pounds faster.

Garlic can be replaced with lingonberries, in which case the drink will help get rid of excess water and reduction of edema.

Some gourmets add ground ginger to coffee. This makes the drink more spicy and invigorating.

Below we will look at some recipes for weight loss using ground ginger.

Recipes for weight loss with ground ginger

Ginger can be added to many foods and drinks as a weight loss aid. Let us dwell on the description of some of them.

Salad with cucumber and ground ginger

To prepare this dish you will need carrots, cucumber, baked beets and ground ginger.

Cut the cucumber into cubes, grate the carrots and add to the cucumber. Next add the beets cut into strips and 1 tsp. ground ginger. You can add a little orange zest to the salad or dress it lemon juice. Juice can be replaced olive oil. This is an excellent recipe for weight loss, since the vegetables in the composition have great nutritional value and are able to cleanse the body.

Kefir with cinnamon and ground ginger

Ginger should be mixed with ground cinnamon and 1 tsp. Add the resulting mixture to a glass of kefir. Kefir should be drunk 30 minutes before meals. It will fill the stomach, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger and the likelihood of overeating will be eliminated. You can add ground red pepper to the spices, but this drink can be consumed no more than 2 times a day for 7 days.

Ground ginger with honey and lemon

4 tbsp. pour boiling water over ground ginger and leave to steep for 2 hours. After this time, add lemon and 2 tsp. honey. This drink will help you lose weight without harming your health and will be an excellent assistant in the fight against colds.

Considering that the process of losing weight can take quite a long time, ginger is not the only way to get rid of unnecessary pounds. Everything works together: proper nutrition With natural products, sports, willpower and great desire. Overuse of ginger can lead to problems with the gastric mucosa; after all, this spice is quite hot. Therefore, everything is good in moderation, you need to lose weight correctly and gradually.

Ground ginger, as you know, can be purchased at any grocery store, in the spice department. However, you can prepare this seasoning yourself: homemade ground ginger is much more aromatic and tastier.

Preparing ginger powder is an absolutely simple process:

  • prepared ginger (peeled or simply well washed) is cut into thin slices, as for making chips;
  • The slices are dried in the oven, in a special dryer, or simply in the sun. Dried chips break and crumble easily;
  • Now all that’s left is to grind the chips into powder. This can be done using a coffee grinder or a hard mortar.

It is worth noting that dry seasoning bought in a store is stored much longer than prepared at home. Therefore ground ginger homemade It is necessary to immediately pour into a dry and hermetically sealed container. It is recommended to use this product within four months.

Ginger is a fairly popular spice, so it can always be used in the kitchen. Ginger is used to season baked goods, soups, mushroom and meat dishes, and vegetable stews. In addition, ginger contains many vitamins, rejuvenates the body and strengthens the immune system.

Ground ginger for weight loss

The fact that ginger powder promotes weight loss has been known for quite some time. Both fresh and ground ginger retain all its beneficial and unique properties.

For a visible weight loss effect, sometimes it is enough to add spice to almost any meal: ginger can be used to season first courses (soups, solyanka, borscht, rassolnik, cabbage soup), meat and vegetable dishes (stew, sauté, goulash, casseroles), drinks (compote, kvass , tea), as well as sauces and even some desserts.

The use of ginger for the purpose of weight loss cannot be one-sided: weight loss should be supported by regular exercise and dietary adjustments. Hoping for the “miraculous” effect of ginger and continuing to eat sweets and fatty foods illogical, to put it mildly. Any approach to solving a problem must be comprehensive.

How can ginger help you lose weight? This seasoning is known in dietetics as a means of reducing hunger, adding strength, accelerating metabolic processes (metabolism), cleansing digestive tract. If you follow the rules of a balanced diet, sometimes it is enough to replace dinner with tea with ginger supplements, and the weight loss process will go much faster and more noticeably.

Properties of ground ginger

Ginger is considered good source gingerol: this substance activates all stages of digestion and accelerates metabolic reactions, which helps get rid of excess fat deposits.

Special scientific research No studies have been conducted regarding the effect of ginger powder on the body. However, none of the specialists and nutritionists doubts the benefits of this seasoning. Ginger perfectly stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, and, in particular, the intestines, reduces cholesterol in the blood, and rids the body of accumulated toxic substances and metabolic products.

The effect of ginger on colds is multifaceted: the spice promotes the removal of mucus during a dry cough, warms the body during a fever, and has a detrimental effect on many types of pathogenic microbes.

Eastern medicine practices the use of ginger for convulsive states, PMS, paroxysmal pain and fever, joint inflammation and rheumatism. Traditional medicine recommends using this spice for poisoning by plants and mushrooms or bites of insects and vipers.

Benefits of ground ginger

Most of ginger useful elements found directly under the thin skin that we typically peel. Therefore, before drying the ginger root, it is advisable not to peel it, but simply wash it thoroughly, then the benefits from the product will be much greater.

In China, ginger root is considered a spice that gives youth: eating the root inhibits the aging of the body, improves libido, awakens sexual desire.

Ginger root inhibits the growth and reproduction of microbial cells, activates the immune system, and prepares the body to fight infection.

The antiemetic and decongestant effect of ginger allows it to be used effectively for toxicosis of pregnancy: periodic consumption of ginger tea helps women survive this period favorably.

Many vitamins, essential oils, microelements allow you to highly appreciate this product in dietetics and therapeutic nutrition. Activation of blood circulation, metabolism, decreased appetite, stabilization of digestive processes - all this can be ensured by the use of ginger, if possible, with every meal.

Ground Ginger Recipes

Ground ginger has a sharper taste than fresh ginger. Therefore, add it to your dishes little by little so as not to overdo it. This spice can be used when cooking meat (15 minutes before the end of cooking), when making baked goods (added when kneading dough), or in compote (5 minutes before removing from heat).

We'll talk about how to make ginger tea and coffee later. Now let's talk about what else useful can be prepared from ground ginger.

  • Ginger tincture. A medicine that is used for colds, ARVI, cardiac and nervous diseases. The tincture cleanses the blood, reduces the fat layer in tissues, adds strength after illnesses, enhances libido, and has a beneficial effect on vision. Use 100 g of ground ginger powder per 1 liter of high-quality vodka: mix and leave in a dark place for two weeks, stirring the mixture periodically. After straining the tincture, you can (but not necessarily) add some honey or sugar. Drink 1 teaspoon twice a day before meals, mixing with half a glass of water.
  • Ginger bath. It has a relaxing, warming effect on the body, and helps protect against colds. For 1/2 liter of water, take 4 full teaspoons of crushed dry ginger, boil for 12 minutes and add directly to the bath with moderate hot water. It is better to take a bath for 15-20 minutes, after which, without rinsing, dry off with a towel.
  • Ginger milk. Used as an antitussive. Into the cup warm milk add a quarter teaspoon of ginger powder, a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of turmeric. Drink little by little throughout the day.
  • Anti-flu drink. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of ground ginger, the same amount ground cinnamon and honey, you can add a pinch of black pepper. This infusion is drunk hot in a glass every three hours.
  • Anti-diarrhea remedy. Add a teaspoon of ground ginger and half a spoon of powder to a glass of water. nutmeg(or ground partitions walnut). Stir the mixture and drink in two doses throughout the day.
  • Ginger compress. Used for joint and muscle pain, radiculitis, neuralgia. Make a mixture of a teaspoon of ground ginger, half a spoon of turmeric, a pinch of red pepper, a drop of mustard oil, adding a little hot water. Apply the paste onto a clean cloth or thick gauze, apply to the affected area, cover with polyethylene and cover warmly. You can remove the compress after half an hour, after the procedure you should cover yourself again and lie down.
  • Remedy for PMS. Infuse 0.5 liters of boiling water with a teaspoon of ground ginger and a tablespoon dried nettle. After 15 minutes, filter and take half a glass three times a day.
  • Ginger scrub for oily hair. A tablespoon of ground ginger is mixed with two tablespoons of sesame oil. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and left for half an hour, after which the hair is thoroughly washed.

Adding ground spice to any dish is already a benefit, do not neglect it and heal your body.

Coffee with ground ginger

Ginger coffee is not only a morning boost and pleasure, but also effective fight With extra pounds. If you are a big coffee lover and also want to lose weight, then these recipes are for you:

  • for the especially lazy, add a pinch of ginger to your cup of coffee prepared in any way;
  • milk ginger coffee - add 2 pcs per 400 ml of water. cloves, a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger, table. spoon of ground coffee beans and brew. After boiling, add 400 ml of boiled milk, strain and serve;
  • Mediterranean coffee - a mixture of three tables. spoons of ground coffee, a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger, a teaspoon each of cinnamon, cocoa powder and anise, boil a little orange or lemon zest in 400 ml of water. Add sugar to taste;
  • Indian coffee - for 200 ml of water we take 3 cloves, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a chopped cardamom box, a little nutmeg, a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger, a few mint leaves, sugar and ground coffee - to taste. Brew coffee with spices, add sugar and 200 ml of milk. After a few minutes of infusion, strain and drink hot.

Ginger coffee is a unique and unforgettable drink. In the East, coffee with added spices is served to dear guests, emphasizing their good attitude towards them. You can taste, balance the composition of spices to suit your taste, remove or add spices you like, improving the drink at your discretion.

Ground green coffee with ginger

Green coffee – relatively new product, which appeared on our market only in 2012. Its effectiveness in solving the problem of weight loss has been proven by American scientific research.

Green coffee contains less caffeine than its black counterpart, but instead contains chlorogenic acid, which promotes weight loss by reducing the amount of fat.

Essentially, these are the same coffee beans that we are used to, but with a different degree of processing. After all, the more coffee beans are roasted, the less active substance chlorogen remains in them. Therefore, losing weight by drinking green coffee is much easier. By the way, this drink does not cause an increase in blood pressure and has a less pronounced invigorating effect due to low content caffeine

Adding a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger to a cup of brewed green coffee will further speed up metabolic processes by enhancing thermogenetic processes. This will help burn calories without much physical activity.

Green coffee combined with ginger reduces the body's level and need for glucose.

The drink is consumed in the amount of one cup per day, half an hour before breakfast. During the period of drinking coffee, it is recommended to increase the amount drinking water in the diet up to 2 liters.

Ginger tea made from ground ginger

Ginger tea can be used not only for weight loss, but also for stool disorders, nausea, poor digestion, cold, cough, fever.

Powdered ginger is convenient for adding to tea: it is added along with the tea leaves and left to steep for at least 5 minutes. You can drink this tea throughout the day, regardless of meals: when adding ginger, the drink may become cloudy and acquire a slightly sharp taste - this normal reaction tea for ground spice.

The basic recipe for making tea is as follows:

  • half a teaspoon of ground ginger;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • honey to taste.

Ginger is poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, after which it is infused for another 10 minutes and served with honey.

If you couldn’t appreciate the taste of the drink the first time, don’t despair: you need to get used to the strong taste of ginger. Many people add a slice of lemon or orange, a leaf of mint or lemon balm, or jasmine to this tea: this way the taste of the tea becomes less pronounced.

If you have a cold, you can add a pinch of ground black pepper to your tea. Drink tea in small sips, slowly - this way the benefits of the drink will be more noticeable.

Green tea with ground ginger

The combination of green tea and ginger is excellent complex vitamins, microelements, antioxidants and antidepressants. This rejuvenating drink cleanses the skin of the face, improves its color, stabilizes digestion and gives energy to the body.

This tea stimulates brain activity, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, increases sexual desire, and helps in the fight against extra pounds.

  • Tea from colds. Brew regular green tea, adding a quarter teaspoon of ground ginger to 100 ml of tea. Leave for 7 minutes. Add honey, cinnamon, lemon or sugar to taste.
  • Mint-ginger tea. Brew regular green tea by adding ground ginger (1/4 teaspoon per 100 ml) and a few mint leaves. Leave for 10 minutes.

Green tea and ginger are wonderful and useful combination. You can complement the taste of the drink by adding lemon, orange or apple juice, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom. Some fans add garlic to ginger - this tea is especially good for colds and the first signs of flu, especially if you add a pinch of ground black pepper to it.

How to drink ground ginger?

We have already discussed how to use ground ginger to make tea or coffee. But what other drinks can be made from ground ginger? Yes, whatever. For example:

  • Ginger lemonade. Boil half a liter of water, 300 g of sugar, a teaspoon of ground ginger and leave. Filter the mixture, add the juice of 2 lemons and dilute to taste with clean sparkling water.
  • Ginger smoothie. Prepare freshly squeezed juice from three medium carrots, two apples, add half a teaspoon of ground ginger. Mix in a blender with one peeled orange, two bananas and a few mint leaves. Serve chilled.
  • Iced ginger coffee. Brew coffee with ¼ teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Infuse the drink. After cooling, strain, add condensed milk to taste and crushed ice. Drink in small sips.
  • Ginger kefir. A unique cocktail for weight loss. For a glass of kefir or natural yogurt without additives - half a teaspoon of ground ginger and the same amount of cinnamon, you can add a little red pepper. Shake and consume before meals, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.

Unique and natural remedy, prolonging health and youth, giving slim figure, healing many diseases - ground ginger. Drink ginger tea or coffee, but don't forget about healthy life in general: regular physical activity, complete and balanced diet, compliance drinking regime. Only integrated approach will lead you to your intended goal.

In the kitchens of many modern housewives and in restaurants not only oriental cuisine you can find ginger in the most different forms– pickled, infused with vodka, fresh, dried. You can now buy dried ginger in any large supermarket, or you can prepare it yourself. Is it really that useful? Does the composition of the root crop change for the worse when it is dried?

Features of selection and storage

Dried ginger powder will help your body get rid of:

It is harmful in large quantities if you have any contraindications, for example, allergic reaction, stomach ulcer or low clotting blood.

How to properly dry a herb

Dried ginger, beneficial properties which is known to every cook, can be bought in the store. However, many housewives prefer to dry the root vegetable themselves in order to be sure of the quality of the resulting product. After all, buying ready-made dried root ginger, you do not know what quality the plant was when fresh.

How to dry ginger medicinal plant Right:

  1. When buying fresh root in the store, choose dense, smooth and long roots, with a pronounced spicy smell, without wrinkled areas.
  2. Carefully chop the ginger root. Do not forget that the layer of root vegetables under the skin contains the highest concentration useful substances, so remove the peel as thin as possible.
  3. A little secret. To prevent essential oils from stinging your eyes, it is convenient to peel ginger under running cold water or soaked in cold water with a thin knife.
  4. Place the pieces in a single layer on a clean cloth, for example, on a table in the sun.
  5. Ginger is ready when it becomes brittle - after a few days.
  6. The root vegetable dries quickly in the oven. To do this, place thin pieces on a parchment-lined baking sheet, arrange the ginger pieces in a single layer and place in the oven for several hours.
  7. After drying, you can grind the ginger to a powder in a blender, or you can put it in a jar just like that, in pieces.

Important! When cutting ginger, do not use a wooden board - wood absorbs essential oils, it is impossible to wash such a board.

Several recipes

Ginger tea recipe with dried root vegetable powder

  1. Pour a tablespoon of powder into one and a half liters of boiling water.
  2. Boil for half an hour over low heat.
  3. Before removing the drink from the heat, add lemon juice or simply add in slices.
  4. Let the tea steep and cool.

The drink is pleasant to drink chilled. In the hot season, it copes with thirst no worse than lemonade. In winter, when hot, it will give warmth, relieve cold symptoms, and add strength and energy.

Candied Ginger Recipe

  1. Soak dried large slices of root vegetables in water.
  2. Boil in syrup and roll in sugar or powdered sugar.
  3. Leave the slices to dry.

Replace candies and other sweets with dried ginger in sugar. Both children and adults will love this sweetness!

Using it in cooking, you can add the powder or dry pieces to a variety of dishes to suit your taste, from salads to baked fish. Some professional chefs rub dry spices on the meat before cooking kebab. Ginger, chopped and dried, can be used as an ingredient in a pain-relieving rub or placed in an aromatic bowl during a flu epidemic. As you can see, there are many ways, but it’s up to you to choose how to use the dry root vegetable.



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