How to stop loving sweets. History of sugar consumption

Contrary to popular belief, not only girls love sweets. Flour and sweet foods have become firmly established in the diet of people, regardless of gender and age.

Initially, such food was not the basis of nutrition. It existed as a dessert, an addition to the main menu. Cakes, pastries, and butter pies symbolized festive food consumed on special occasions.

The diet of modern man has undergone changes. Sweets and starchy foods often replace main meals. This is breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, escape from stress, rewarding yourself for achievements.

Why do you crave sweets and starchy foods?

Many people admit that they are unable to refuse a coveted cake or sweet bun. Why is the craving for flour and sweets sometimes irresistible?

Let's consider the main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • An incorrectly formulated diet that does not saturate the body with the substances it needs. Modern man, consumes large amounts of empty calories from foods rich in simple carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, the body experiences a feeling of hunger without receiving necessary substances. Constant cravings for sweets may indicate a lack of chromium, magnesium, calcium or protein.
  • Sweet and starchy foods contribute a sharp jump blood glucose levels. A person feels a surge of strength and a lift in mood. I want to move mountains. However, this state does not last long; a decline is inevitable. The body wants to experience an explosion again positive emotions and requires another dose of simple carbohydrates. The brain quickly remembers the “sweetness - mood lifting” pattern.
  • Lack of positive emotions. In case of any stress, anxiety, or personal failures, the brain tells a person the simplest option for lifting his mood according to the scheme known to us. This way to calm down nervous system easily accessible, because your favorite gastronomic joys are always at hand.
  • Chronic fatigue. Moving to the rhythm modern life, a person solves numerous problems every day. There is not enough time not only for good rest, but also for sleep. This condition accumulates in the body and manifests itself in the desire to reinforce lost strength with a sweet medicine that acts quickly and reliably.
  • Carbohydrate hunger. It’s paradoxical, but true: when you receive pies and buns every day, the body experiences a lack of carbohydrates. Everyone's favorite gastronomic temptations consist mainly of simple carbohydrates. For the body normal operation systems and organs require B vitamins, the sources of which are complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrate hunger is also observed in the case of a passion for fashionable protein diets.

In certain cases, these products help to enhance mental activity. This happens thanks to simple carbohydrates, which are instantly absorbed by the body. Example: you can take a bar of dark chocolate with you to an important exam. The treat will give the body the quick energy it needs.

Sweets promote the production of the pleasure hormone (serotonin). Sometimes this property of these products helps in difficult times. However, you should not abuse this method of improving your mood for the reasons mentioned above.

Some sweets have beneficial properties. For example, chocolate contains valuable antioxidants, marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows contain pectin, ice cream contains protein and calcium, halva is rich healthy fats. Of course, all this can be consumed in very limited quantities.

This is where the benefits of sweets and starchy foods end.

When creating man, nature could not predict that similar products will become the basis of his diet. In ancient times, sugar was not a generally available product; it was eaten infrequently and could not harm the body.

Modern life has made adjustments. Favorite dessert treats have turned into a real threat to human health.

Quick and easy to digest

It is an established fact: our average contemporary consumes more calories than he expends. Even 30-40 years ago, everyday physical activity allowed a person to eat a bun with tea and a couple of sweets after dinner without much harm to the body.

Today, the presence of all kinds of gadgets has minimized physical labor. Cars, elevators, home delivery of goods and services are everywhere. To communicate with friends, you can stay on the couch, texting social networks. Daily movement is kept to a minimum. When receiving a large amount of instantly digestible calories, the body simply has nowhere to spend them. It stores all excess in adipose tissue.

Metabolic disorders

Simple sugars, when absorbed into the blood, provoke active work pancreas and increased production insulin. If this happens constantly, metabolic disruptions begin. Additionally, the abundance of fats in sweet flour products contributes to this.

Harm to teeth

Not only people, but also bacteria love sweets. They actively reproduce in oral cavity sweet tooth, highlighting products that destroy tooth enamel. Unpleasant smell from the mouth, tooth decay is the price to pay for the love of sweets.

Availability of additives

Find among the variety presented confectionery It’s difficult without chemical additives. Many of them are not only not useful, but also downright dangerous. The manufacturer simply strives to create a product that is as attractive to the consumer as possible.

Negative consequences of sugar abuse flour products nullifies the benefit of some of them. Undoubtedly, the harm from these delicacies is much greater than the benefit.

Overcome cravings for sweets and starchy foods: psychological aspect

It is obvious to everyone that such products are harmful. In practice, limiting yourself to your favorite gastronomic pleasures is much more difficult. Psychologists and nutritionists agree that craving for sweets is an addiction akin to alcohol and drugs.

We can say that a sweet tooth who decides to give up his addiction has a more difficult time than people with other addictions. Drugs, fortunately, do not stare at us from supermarket shelves. There are restrictions on the sale of alcohol. And society condemns the use of such substances.

For those with a sweet tooth, temptations await at every turn. At work - birthdays, lunch breaks with tea and cake. Girlfriends invite you to a cafe for cappuccino and cake. It’s better not to go to the supermarket at all.

In such conditions, the first place comes psychological methods combating cravings for flour and sweets.

It's all about quantity

A well-known truth: if 80% of the diet consists of healthy foods that saturate the body with everything it needs, the remaining 20% ​​will not play a decisive role and will not cause significant harm to health.

A couple of cubes of good chocolate will not be deposited on the sides if you enjoy them in the morning with a cup of coffee. Eating a small cake once a week will not add pounds. Do not replace main meals with sweets and starchy foods, and do not eat sweets every breakfast, lunch and dinner. A healthy snack is not a chocolate bar, but a handful of dried fruits, a few nuts, unsweetened yogurt, a piece of fruit.

Occasional consumption of sweets and starchy foods in small quantities will not harm your health and will help avoid attacks of uncontrollable cravings for these products.

Advice: buy expensive types of sweets and dark chocolate in small quantities, enjoy them a little at a time, savoring each bite and enjoying the process.

We live in a time of great food diversity. Under these conditions, it is stupid to limit yourself to the banal idea that dessert must contain a lot of sugar, flour and fat.

When entering a supermarket, look not for display cases with ready-made confectionery products, but for shelves with whole-ground oatmeal, buckwheat, spelled, flaxseed flour. Using these products, you can prepare many desserts that will give your body healthy vitamins and minerals. For example, spelled flour contains an average of 30 g of protein per 100 g of product.

Use honey, bananas, and dried fruits as sweeteners. You can use sweeteners, but you shouldn’t get carried away with them.

You can learn how to overcome cravings for sweets in the following video:

By reconsidering your idea of ​​what desserts should be, you can constantly have them in your diet, while receiving benefits for the body and without gaining weight. excess weight. Gradually, the craving for sweet and flour confectionery products will pass by itself, and the habit of eating only healthy treats will form.

New trend – correct image life. These include regular physical activity, a properly balanced diet and inner harmony. It’s not easy for people with a sweet tooth in this world, since an excess of sweet and starchy foods main enemy figures. Uncontrolled consumption of sweets is one of the... No matter how much you want, it is difficult to give up sweets, pastries, bread and therefore difficult to lose weight. This is due to individual needs and psychological dependence. Overcoming this addiction is difficult, but everyone has a chance. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of giving up sweets.

Why do we want sweets

In order to answer the question of how to stop eating sweets, analyze where the roots of this desire grow. If we let's understand the reason, the problem will be solved by 50 percent.

  • The most important and important reason The desire to eat sweets is a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, an illiterate diet, a strict diet, poor nutrition and the desire to lose weight. This will not lead to anything good. The body will require carbohydrates, bread and bakery products constantly.
  • Sometimes we want sweets, simply because bad habit eat. Blood sugar will rise, insulin will lower it, such surges will cause constant feeling hunger and desire to eat something sweet. All together this will lead to obesity and diabetes.
  • People with high blood pressure want sweets and bread. brain activity, since the brain is fueled by carbohydrates, it will try to maintain performance in this way.
  • Women crave sweets on certain days menstrual cycle, this is due to a decrease in the hormone estrogen. It subsequently reduces the production of the hormone serotonin, and the body demands sweets in return.

High-calorie confectionery and diet are incompatible

  • With a lack of attention, love, and depression, we are drawn to sweets. This is no coincidence, this is how the body protects itself from a bad mood and produces serotonin - the hormone of happiness and pleasure. Eating a portion of chocolate short time hunger sets in, and it becomes a vicious circle.
  • "The forbidden fruit is sweet." The more we forbid ourselves from sweets, the more difficult it is to stop craving them.
  • We perceive chocolate or candy as a reward. Since childhood, we have been told, “until you eat the soup, you won’t get candy” or “chocolate, only for those who behave well.” This attitude makes itself felt in adult life, and we find excuses for extra calories in the form of sweets.

Why is it harmful to eat sweets and starchy foods?

How to give up sweets and starchy foods, read below the reasons why sweets are harmful, maybe this will help you take a sober look at the situation.

  • Excess weight. Eating sweets or bread during meals large quantities you can just forget about slim figure. All sweets are simple carbohydrates and are absorbed by the body very quickly. This leads to a sharp jump in blood sugar, to which the body responds by producing insulin. As a result, insulin removes sugar from the blood, turning it into fat. If you dream of a slim figure, you need to break the habit of eating excessive amounts of chocolates and sweets.
  • Sugar ruins your teeth. How to wean yourself off sweets, you ask? Imagine that if you consume too much sugar, you will be left without teeth, and implants today are an expensive luxury that not everyone can afford. Why does tooth decay occur? When digesting sweets, the body uses up calcium and B vitamins; if carbohydrates are eaten too often, the body will not have time to replenish the reserves of these elements and will take them from the teeth. Plus sweet Wednesday best place for the development of bacteria, which make holes in our teeth.
  • How to stop loving sweets? Very simple, you want a beautiful one smooth skin? Then you need to reduce the amount of sweets you consume. ABOUT internal state gastrointestinal tract judged by the condition of the skin. All fast carbohydrates find a beneficial environment for themselves in the gastrointestinal tract, causing acne on the face.
  • Those who are unable to have a child should also give up sweets. Because of higher level sugar, the liver produces more fats, and fats displace a special protein that controls the ratio of testosterone and estrogen. If this ratio is disturbed, problems may arise during conception.
  • Colon cancer is another reason to give up sweets. According to scientists, if you eat a lot of sweets, it will lead to the formation of cancer due to the constant production of the hormone insulin.
  • If you have thrush, it is better to limit sweets so that the disease does not drag on.

Physiological ways to relieve sugar cravings

It all depends on the purpose of quitting, maybe you want to lose weight, or you want to get rid of addiction forever, maybe you want to overcome this weakness in yourself in order to appear strong in your own eyes? So how to get rid of sugar cravings?

  • Most effective way overcome cravings for sweets - eat the right amount of carbohydrates. They make up at least 40-50% of daily ration. So, if your daily calorie intake is 1200 kcal, then 600 kcal should be obtained from whole grains and fruits.
  • Be sure to have breakfast within 20-40 minutes of waking up. Proper breakfast should consist of porridge and fruits, this will protect you from carbohydrate hunger and prevent cravings for sweets.
  • Don't skip meals. Breaks between meals should not exceed 3-4 hours.
  • Eat sweets little by little; this is not the same as stopping eating cakes and pastries forever. Complete ban, will lead to breakdowns, because we need sugar in small quantities.
  • Stick to the right one balanced nutrition, this will help you lose weight and normalize the level of the hormone insulin, so it will be much easier to abstain from sweets.
  • Replace chocolate and candies with others healthy products, which taste as good as sweets.
  • You need to stop eating fast carbohydrates after three days. By eating sweets in the morning, the calories you receive can be spent. This recommendation is suitable for those who want to lose weight.
  • You can indulge in sweets just before exercise, this way you will give energy to the body and burn everything unnecessary during training.

Psychological ways to reduce cravings for flour

  • Motivate yourself first. Understand why you need it. It’s better not to come up with motivation for yourself, but to come to it, grow to it.
  • A hobby can help you overcome yourself and reduce the amount you eat. Sometimes we eat bread or sweets just to fill the void in our lives. To prevent this from happening, make your life brighter and more interesting.
  • Don't keep sweets at home. You will simply be too lazy to go specifically to the store for sweets.
  • When you want something sweet, do something very pleasant: take a bath, do your hair, body wrap or self-massage, have a drink herbal tea and watch an interesting film.

Here's how to eat less sweets. By following these recommendations, you can forever limit yourself to fast carbohydrates.

Sweet substitutes

It is very difficult for those with a sweet tooth to limit themselves to delicacies, and for some it is difficult to stop eating bread, but they can be helped. Help is to replace harmful sugar for other healthy foods.

What can help you wean yourself off sweets? The answer is marmalade. It contains pectin and is low in calories compared to other sweets, only 250–300 kcal per 100 grams of product. Eating dried fruits will also distract the body from cravings for sweets. Marshmallows and marshmallows are another substitute for cakes and pastries.

Find low-calorie alternatives to sweets and starchy foods. Nowadays it is very fashionable to eat properly and healthy, so find low calorie recipe brownie, ice cream or cake is no problem.

If you replace sweets with fruits, you can force yourself to forget about sweets forever. They contain fiber, pectin, vitamins and minerals. But you shouldn’t eat a lot of fruit; as a result, the number of calories you eat with fruit may be more than if you ate a couple of candies.

It’s actually not very difficult to wean yourself off sweets, especially if you hold out for a certain amount of time. This is a very individual time for everyone. But it has been proven that the less we eat sweets, the less craving we have for them.

What to do if you can't resist

If you can’t control yourself and have already decided to eat something forbidden:

  • choose the product you want most;
  • before this, it is better to eat your main diet (porridge, meat, salad, etc.)
  • try not to let anything distract you from enjoying yourself;
  • eat the sweetness slowly, feeling the full taste of the product.

Often, what we most want to eat is actually not so tasty, because in a hurry we simply do not have time to taste the food, it seems very tasty to us. But if you taste it well, the taste will not be so attractive.

How much weight can you lose if you don't eat sweets?

Bread, cakes and chocolate are the enemies of the figure. If you force yourself to abstain from these harmful things, you can lose weight. It’s difficult to answer the question of how many kilograms you can lose if you don’t eat sweets. Avoiding sweets is effective in the comprehensive fight against excess weight. I can say one thing, you will be able to lose as much weight as you try. gym and how healthy you will eat.

Pros and cons of giving up sweets

How to give up sweets and starchy foods and is it necessary?

  • The body stores excess sugar in the body along with water, that is, if we stop eating it, the brain uses up sugar reserves and releases it along with it. excess water from the body. The weight is disappearing before our eyes.
  • The less we eat sweets, the less we crave them.
  • A lot of sugar in the body leads to damage to the arterial walls, making it easier for cholesterol to get into them and form plaques, so if we eat less sweets, we reduce the risk of plaques.
  • If a person does not eat sweets, but has a lot of fat deposits, fat will become the source of energy for brain function. Because of this, toxins will accumulate in the body and the person will become irritable.
  • If there is not a lot of fat, then a person will develop apathy, lethargy and Bad mood. This condition is called non-carbohydrate flu.

Bread and sweets - allowed amount

How to stop loving sweets? And does this always need to be done? You can eat fast carbohydrates, but moderate amount. How much is this you ask? For a person who is not on a diet, but maintains his weight, you can eat both bread and chocolate. If we talk about bread, then it’s 100 grams or three pieces. Plus add two pieces of candy a day or six pieces of sugar. If you are losing weight, then you can eat bread and sweets in the same amount, but then increase physical activity And extra pounds will bypass you.

Every time when life path We meet a person who says that he doesn’t like sweets, we think that he is either a humanoid, or an inventor, or an incredibly lucky person. How can you not want a chocolate bar, a bun or chocolate spread? This seems like something out of science fiction.

For mere mortals, the struggle with the love of sweets becomes a lifelong endeavor. They try various diets, read ominous articles about the dangers of sugar, make appointments with nutritionists, but often all these attempts look so unconvincing in front of a delicious cake with butter cream inside. It’s a pity that this tasty invention is not as harmless as it seems.

Why with this great desire get rid of “sweet” addiction, many people fail? Firstly, and this is understandable, sweets serve as a psychological consolation for many: in difficult times, the release of endorphins into the blood helps! Secondly, the vast majority tries to fight the love of sweets, which aggravates the situation and dooms themselves to failure. Below are simple recommendations, by practicing which, not in two weeks, but over time, you will be able to normalize your diet and free yourself from harmful addiction.

First of all, let's remember the practice of yoga, in which we spend a lot of time alone important aspect– working with the mind: learning to observe, maintain a “neutral mind”, appreciate what is really important, listen to yourself, cope with negative emotions Right. This is about why most yogis and yoginis are beautiful and slender. The answer is that they know how to cope with their emotions - to be aware of them, and not to eat them. Accordingly, yoga is seen as an option for getting rid of everything that sways the mind, including junk food. In parallel with yoga, you can develop the habit of eating right, and here seven simple but valuable tips will help you.

TIP 1: Is it worth it?

Inside each of us there is a barely audible voice that always tells us the truth. When we shove another donut into our mouth, convincing ourselves that this is the last time, we don’t want to hear our inner voice. But when we ask ourselves: “Will this be worth it?”, we seem to respect ourselves, ask for advice, help and take a huge step towards progress. Therefore, this question is worth asking, even if the answer is obvious and not the most pleasant. “Well, of course it’s not worth it, but I still want to!” – this can cause great damage to our self-esteem. Therefore, try to start a conversation not with the goal of attacking yourself with accusations, but with the goal of analyzing and finding out what is causing the “eating.”

TIP 2: Eat regularly at fixed intervals

For the first time, keep a diary in which you will note the time at which your main meals will occur and what exactly you plan to eat during the day. Place real problems and don't be too hard on yourself, it will only reduce your motivation. It is better not to choose a specific time, as there is a risk of not meeting it. Designate that you should have lunch in the interval, for example, from 13:30 to 15:00 - this will be more effective.

TIP 3. Give up unhealthy foods gradually

The desire to lose weight in two weeks is born in us due to laziness. Get over it and try not to lose weight in two weeks, but to change your nutrition system forever. In the same notebook, at the beginning of each week, indicate which product or habit you are going to give up, adding the result of the second week to the first. For example, week one – refusal of fast food, week two – refusal of fast food + eating after 20:00 and so on.

TIP 4. Read labels, study ingredients

Calorie content is not an indicator at all: one banana can have as many calories as a burger, but the benefits will be different. Your goal is to look for sugar, which, unfortunately, is found in the most unexpected products: from ketchup to “healthy” yogurts and muesli. After spending a month studying the store's assortment, you will already know which products are suitable for you and which are not.

TIP 5. Don't be lazy about carrying healthy snacks with you.

Sometimes we are overcome not so much by hunger as by the desire to chew something. In such cases, vegetables, fruits and nuts are ideal, which it is advisable to always have on hand so as not to lapse into a chocolate bar from the nearest vending machine. They are rich in fiber and provide good job the body throughout the day, are quickly digested and do not cause addiction.

TIP 6. Bitter is preferable to sweet

Bitter foods are very useful as they contain various useful substances, which improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism and promote the breakdown of fat. Every time you want something sweet, eat dark chocolate, grapefruit, a salad of bitter greens - paradoxically, this not only reduces your weight, but over time it completely discourages the desire to eat something sweet.

TIP 7. Find your balance and don’t beat yourself up

There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to your favorite dessert every now and then. If you lead active image life and mainly food the right products V right time, not a single cheesecake can harm your figure and well-being. But if you eat a cake with the thought that you have reached the bottom and there is no forgiveness for you, most likely, out of grief you will only eat a few more pieces.

Proper nutrition is of great importance in a person’s life. It's about not so much about ideal figure, so much about health and well-being, especially within the framework of yoga practice. All that is required of us is to take small but significant steps towards proper nutrition and try to gradually curb your gluttony.

Milk chocolate with raisins, cookies with nuts, cocoa with cinnamon, eclairs, cakes and oriental sweets that ooze with honey - is it possible to give up all this once and for all? And not torment yourself, resisting with all your might the desire to eat dessert, but stop loving sweets? It turns out that it is possible. Let's try?

1. Don't starve. If you have a sweet tooth, then the first thing you need to do is stabilize your blood sugar levels. Irresistible craving to sweets and cakes, as a rule, is caused by sudden changes in sugar. Firstly, try to include complex carbohydrates in every meal - they are slowly absorbed by the body, and glucose gradually enters the blood. Secondly, eat small and frequent meals. Ideal option– 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Thanks to fractional meals Sugar will remain at a stable level throughout the day.

2. Get enough sleep. If you don't get enough sleep for a long time, your body doesn't have enough strength. How to quickly replenish energy? Of course, eat something sweet or fatty. Try to monitor your reactions. If you are tired, haven’t had enough sleep and are nervous, you want to eat more and crave food. harmful products? Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, and your cravings for sweets will subside.

3. Search useful replacement sweet products. There are many sweet-tasting foods that do not contain added sugar. Fruits, dried fruits, dried berries can help you out when you really want to pamper yourself with something.

4. Don't give up sweets completely. Think about what time of day you usually crave something sweet the most. In the morning? After lunch? When the working day has not yet ended, but you are already very tired? Give yourself permission to eat a small dessert during this time.

5. Read labels carefully. Many products contain added sugar, including those that do not seem sweet at all - pickles, sauces, processed foods, bread. Try to reduce the amount of foods with added sugar to a minimum, and you can afford a couple of sweets without harming your figure.

6. Avoid sugary drinks. Sodas and packaged juices contain huge amount Sahara. Give them up once and for all! Drink water and tea, and keep the amount of coffee to a minimum - caffeine also disrupts the balance of glucose in the blood.

7. Do not keep sweets at home or on your desk. When you need to walk to the store to eat chocolate or ice cream, it is quite possible that you will decide to abandon this idea. But if candy is always at hand, it is much more difficult to resist the temptation.

8. Test your willpower. Many people claim that if you completely give up sweets for 4-5 days, then after that the craving for desserts either disappears altogether or is significantly reduced.

Seven steps to ending your addiction to sweets, cakes and sugar in tea.

Doctors agree: having decided to end the excessive consumption sweets, first you need to understand: what does sugar addiction give you? Some people eat sweets to improve brain performance (short-term, when sugar is released into the blood), for some, sweets invigorate, for others it turns out to be a kind of antidepressant.

“Men are much less likely to become addicted to sweets than women because testosterone production prevents it. In women, sometimes the love for sweets is really a sublimation sex life, says sexologist Alexander Poleev. - Not always, of course. Each case must be analyzed separately. But it is a fact that women are more often in love with buns, chocolates and other sweets, since they cause them a state of mild euphoria. Of course, even the highest quality Swiss chocolate bar cannot become a sex drug. But it has been scientifically proven that women who lack euphoric sensations from sex are more susceptible to sugar abuse. At the same time, it has been proven that as a result of isolating certain hormones, that is, with good sex, the craving for sweets is suppressed. An elementary example: women who drink tea and cake before sex, after good sex They drink the same tea without any cakes and other sweets. Well, besides, regular rich sex life not only has a good effect on the general mental state of a person - it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a man or a woman - it plays a big role in normalizing metabolism.

It has also been scientifically proven that regular sex controls not only the consumption of sweets, but also salty, hot, and spices. The need for carbohydrates decreases, and in men, the need for fish protein simultaneously increases. And as you know, eating fish increases your desire for sex. In general, more sex and fish, and you will gradually forget about sweets.”

Step 1. Set goals and objectives. First, decide for yourself why you want to throw away the conventional cake with butter cream from your already unsweetened life. In most cases, people come to a single conclusion: to lose weight! Great, but in this case you don’t have to give up on sweets too quickly. You can throw it instead fried potatoes with stew, sausages and fast food.

Step 2: Remove sugar from drinks. The first and simplest thing is to wean yourself from drinking tea and coffee with sugar. First of all, it's simple. Secondly, you will learn the real taste of tea and coffee. Thirdly, you need to quit sweets consistently.

Step 3. Read the product ingredients. If an unknown force has dragged you into the confectionery department, and you are already holding some pretty cake in your trembling hands, take a magnifying glass and carefully read on the label what it is made of. Often this information kills your appetite. Better take a bar of dark chocolate.

Step 4. Don't buy sweets to take home. Get rid of strategic stocks of sweets, gingerbread, cookies - in general, from everything that you so want to stop loving. Of course, such strong love will not disappear anywhere immediately. And you shouldn't wait for it. But when the next evening you are terribly hungry for cakes, for example, you will have to get ready, get dressed and stomp to the nearest supermarket, if you are not too lazy. But more often than not, as practice shows, a person does not want to trudge in the cold winter season for some unfortunate sweet bun.

Step 5. Search diet recipes desserts. Just ask an Internet search engine the question “How to prepare a delicious and quite sweet dessert with a minimum of calories,” and you will understand: cook it yourself healthy dessert it's possible, and it's not that difficult.

Step 6. Replace sweets with fruits. Of course, there are fruits that have more calories than some sweets: peaches, bananas, cherries. However, fruits and berries are a healthy natural dessert.

Step 7. Count your sugar intake. Buy a fitness bracelet or set up a calorie, sugar and kilometers traveled counter in your smartphone.



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