How to make fish soup recipe. River fish soup

What an ear! Yes, how fat:
It was as if she were shimmering with amber.
Have fun, dear little friend!
Here's bream, offal, here's a piece of sterlet.
I. A. Krylov, “Demyanov’s ear”

Come on, tell me, who among you doesn’t love rich, aromatic fish soup that smells of the sea, relaxation, good mood, meadow expanses and ocean shores? Uhu, which contains all the happiness of picnics, morning fishing on the river bank and family recreation in nature? The fish soup, which shimmers with amber fat beads, enchants with the pearlescent shine of the broth, attracts with gold and silver fish skins?

A short historical excursion

The best rooster soup.

Few people know that initially, from the time of its birth until the end of the 18th century, all first courses in Rus' were hidden behind the word “ukha”; it was a common name for soups; however, over time, broth appeared in the lexicon under the influence of fashionable French trends. and the meaning of fish soup has narrowed to mean only a fish first course.

However, this is not the whole underwater part of the iceberg. Again, previously, fish soup was only concentrated fish broth - it was cooked for a long time and carefully, but they tried to preserve everything valuable that is in the fish. There were no cereals, let alone potatoes and carrots in the soup - a thick, rich broth was served with fresh soft pies and pies and was always accompanied by a glass of ice-cold vodka.

Food culture, like any other branch of culture, fortunately, does not stand still, and therefore fish soup over time was transformed into fish soup of varying degrees of richness. Double fish soup is the one that is cooked with fish added twice, triple fish soup is added to the broth three times. In addition, there is royal, fishermen's, peasant, Hungarian soup, sterlet soup, catfish, sturgeon, silver carp, cod, pink salmon and dozens of other types of fish soups.

Classification of fish soup

In order not to blink your eyes stupidly in a restaurant, seeing incomprehensible names of understandable fish soup, let's figure out how such a popular dish as fish soup is classified.

Depending on the fish used to prepare the first course, ukha is divided into:

— white fish soup (brewed from such varieties of fish as burbot, pike perch, perch, whitefish, ruff and the like. Characterized by a particularly light broth and delicate taste);

— black fish soup (prepared from carp, rudd, carp, crucian carp. As a rule, it turns out a little darker than white fish soup);

- red fish soup (for its preparation you need salmon, trout, sturgeon, beluga. In some cases, saffron is added to the broth, and then the red fish soup is called amber);

— triple (double) fish soup is prepared from different types of fish, and the first (two first) fish soup is used only for preparing the broth, and the last type of fish, as a rule, the most delicious and valuable, ends up on the plate.

In addition, there are varieties of fish soup depending on the method of preparation:
— a collection of fish soup (everything that is in the kitchen goes into the pan);
— sweet soup (there are a lot, a lot of carrots in the broth);
— flaccid fish soup (base – dried fish);
— plastic fish soup (for cooking, they take salted fish, which is cut into thin layers for salting);
— baked fish soup (an egg is added to the finished soup and then baked in a stove or oven);
— poured fish soup (for cooking, live fish is used, which is poured with boiling water).

Another common classification of fish soup is based on the place in which this or that recipe was invented. Ukha in Arkhangelsk style involves using cod and halibut and adding milk at the end of cooking. Volzhskaya ukha is prepared from sterlet, Prinarovskaya - from lamprey, fresh tomatoes are added to Don, and saffron milk caps are added to Onega.

There are tons of recipes, fish soup lovers will never be bored! Let's start with the basics, shall we?

Fish head soup

Many housewives know that it is cheaper to buy a large carcass of trout or salmon, cut it up and store it in the freezer, taking out the necessary pieces as needed, than to run to the store every time for steaks, fillets or a soup set. After the carcass is divided into parts and packaged in bags, think about whether you would like the simplest fish head soup today. Preparing it is as simple as possible, and the result is incomparable!

1 head of large fish;
200 g fish fillet;
2 liters of water or prepared broth;
3-4 potatoes;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
1/3 cup millet;
3-4 bay leaves;
salt, black pepper, allspice, herbs to taste.

Place the prepared head (washed and cleared of gills) into a saucepan, add water or broth, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, then reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. After this, remove the head from the broth, leave to cool, and strain the broth. We disassemble the head, return the meat to the broth, add fillet cut into medium pieces, peeled and grated carrots, onions and potatoes cut into small cubes, millet, allspice. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook until cereals and vegetables are ready (about 15 minutes). At the end, add salt, add bay leaf, boil for a few more minutes, turn off. If desired, add black pepper and herbs to the soup.

River fish soup

If there is a fisherman in your family who regularly brings home a catch in the form of small river fish, you know that the issue of its disposal constantly turns into an acute problem. Ukha is a great way out of the situation: aromatic, satisfying and simple.

1 kg of river fish;
2 liters of broth or water;
1 onion;
1/3 cup millet;
4-5 potatoes;
salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Small river fish should be thoroughly washed, scaled and gutted. Place in a saucepan, then add water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, skim off foam and simmer until bones begin to pull away from meat (7-10 minutes). Remove the pan from the stove, strain the broth, deal with the fish: if you don’t like fighting with bones in the plate, try to immediately fillet what can be filleted; If you don't mind removing the bones directly during dinner, just remove the large ridges if they are easily removed from the meat.
Add finely chopped onion, millet, and small cubes of potatoes to the pan with the broth. Cook until the potatoes and cereals are ready, then add the fish, boil for another 3-5 minutes, at the end add salt, pepper, and herbs.

Simple homemade carp soup

Of course, you can say that this is not fish soup at all, but just fish soup, but, you see, with the passage of time and the constant change in culinary realities, it is unrealistic to say how real fish soup today should differ from fish soup. And that’s why we’re preparing fish soup! From carp. Rich in taste and very satisfying.

1 head of large carp;
1 tail of a large carp;
3-4 pieces of carp carcass;
2.5 liters of water or broth;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
3-4 potatoes;
1 parsley root;
salt, pepper, bay leaf, peppercorns, herbs to taste.

Place the unpeeled onion, parsley root, bay leaf, peppercorns, the head with the gills removed, the tail and pieces of the carp carcass in a saucepan, add water or broth, and bring to a boil. Be sure to skim off the foam, reduce the heat to low and cook for about 15 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat, strain the broth, and throw away everything that was in it except the fish. We divide the latter into parts, disassemble the head and leave only what is needed, put everything in a pan. Add potatoes, cut into small cubes, and carrots, cut into cubes. Bring to a boil again, reduce the heat to low, add salt and pepper to taste and cook until the vegetables are tender. At the end, add the greens.

Fish soup in Finnish

It is not for nothing that the Scandinavian peoples are considered experts in preparing fish dishes - centuries of developed fishing culture, of course, left its mark on the kitchen, giving the local population hundreds of recipes from salmon, trout and other delicacies found in abundance in coastal waters. Try Finnish fish soup - you will be surprised to find out how great an ordinary fish soup can turn out!

500 g trout;
2 tbsp. l. butter;
1.5 liters of water or pre-cooked broth;
3-4 large potatoes;
250 ml low-fat cream;
a bunch of parsley;
1 carrot;
2 onions;
2-3 bay leaves;
salt and pepper to taste.

Wash the fish, remove the bones, peel the scales, but do not remove the skin. Cut into fairly large pieces, place in a single layer in a pan in which you have previously melted the butter.
Cut the peeled carrots into slices and scatter them on top of the fish.
If you have nothing against onions in first courses, peel them, cut them into as small cubes as possible, and place them on top of the carrots. If for some reason you do not add chopped onions to soups, cut the heads in half and place them in the pan in this form - after the soup is ready, simply remove the onions: it will have time to impart its aroma to the broth, but will not spoil the appearance of the soup .
Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes, and place in the next layer after the carrots or onions.
Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, pour in the broth and, without stirring, cook until the vegetables are tender - about 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, pour cream into the pan, add chopped parsley and leave to brew under the lid for 10 minutes, after which you can serve Finnish fish soup.

How to cook fish soup in a slow cooker

The modern pace and speed of life is gradually approaching infinity. Nobody has time to do anything, everyone is in a hurry, flying and rushing, saving time on everything they can save on. The family's nutrition often comes under attack - it is for this reason that many housewives switch to preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners in a slow cooker. By the way, you can also cook fish soup in a miracle pot!

500 g of soup fish set (ridges, tails, heads, bellies, ugly pieces of fillet);
1/3 head of celery root;
1 bell pepper;
3-4 potatoes;
2 carrots;
1 onion;
2 tbsp. l. rice;
salt, herbs, allspice and black pepper, bay leaf to taste.

Soup set (washed, peeled, without gills), unpeeled and halved onion, one whole carrot, one carrot cut into slices, celery, bell pepper without stalk and seeds, cubed potatoes, rice, spices and salt, put in a multicooker bowl, add approx. 1.5 liters of water (this fish soup will be rich and quite thick; if you prefer liquid soups, increase the amount of liquid; in addition, you can cook fish soup without cereals). Close the lid of the multicooker and set the stewing program. After the readiness signal, take out the whole carrots, bell peppers, celery, bay leaves and throw them away. We take out the fish, separate it from the bones, and return the boned pieces to the bowl. Add finely chopped greens, pour into plates and serve. If desired, you can add a spoonful of heavy cream or sour cream to the ear.

How to cook fish soup over a fire

Of course, most often we cook fish soup at home - on the stove or in a slow cooker. However, you must agree that this dish is most delicious after it has been cooked over a fire - with the smell of smoke, pine needles accidentally falling into the pot, or a fish caught with your own hands an hour ago. In nature, to the unobtrusive music of a fire and the singing of forest birds, with good company and an excellent mood.

1.5 kg of fresh fish;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
parsley root, parsnip;
3-4 potatoes;
salt, allspice and black pepper to taste, bay leaf, bunch of herbs.

Place a pot over the fire, pour 2 liters of water into it and wait until it boils. Add diced potatoes, carrot slices, a whole onion (can be unpeeled, not cut in half completely), parsnip and parsley root, cook for 15 minutes.
Clean the fish, cut into pieces, place the heads and tails in the pot, cook for another 10-15 minutes, then remove them, cool, separate from the bones, return the meat to the pot, and add the remaining large pieces of fish along with it. Add allspice, bay leaf, remove parsley and parsnip roots, discard onion. Finely chop the greens, add to the pot, remove from the heat and pour into plates.

10 secrets of delicious fish soup

  1. The basis of all first courses is broth: the better it is, the tastier the soup will be. Ukha is no exception: if you want to receive a royal treat, you should make sure that the cooked broth is rich. Traditionally, it is cooked on cheap small fish, which are always caught along with the real catch - crucian carp, ruffe, whitefish, perch, roach, small pike perch and any other small fish caught or purchased are suitable. The more types of fish you put in the pan, the more interesting the result will be. In addition, do not forget to add aromatic herbs and roots to the pan - celery, parsley, parsnips, bay leaves, allspice, dill, tarragon and anything else you find can be safely thrown into the broth.
  1. If you add freshly caught small river fish to the fish soup broth, you don’t have to gut it or peel off the scales, just remove the gills.
  1. If suddenly your broth “bounces” and becomes cloudy, you can lighten it by adding liquid egg white - as it curdles, it will “take” with it what spoiled the appearance of the soup.
  1. A couple of onions added to the pan unpeeled, fish skins (which are often removed), and carrots can improve the color of the broth.
  1. When choosing fish for broth, give preference to fatty varieties - carp, salmon, pike perch, carp, pike. Don’t even look at herring fish, minnows, roaches, rams - they are in no way suitable for broth.
  1. The secret to a successful fish soup is not to bring the soup to a boil. The best option is slow simmering under an open lid; this is how you will get the most delicious, thorough, rich fish soup.
  1. To prevent the fish soup from turning into porridge, try not to stir it - rich fish soups are cooked without unnecessary intervention in the process.
  1. If you cook fish soup outdoors, at the very end try dipping a smoldering firebrand directly into the pot of soup for a few seconds - it will add subtle notes to the fish soup, giving your dinner absolutely stunning aromas.
  1. Any connoisseur of this dish will always add a glass of vodka to the “correct” fish soup - the alcohol evaporates, and the soup acquires an interesting spicy note.
  1. Fish soup is traditionally salted at the very end. It is believed that otherwise the salt will “pull” aromas and flavors from the soup, which will simply evaporate or dissolve during further cooking.

Someone will say that fish soup is not prepared in the kitchen, and they will be absolutely right. For fish soup you need nature, a fire, a light fog over the water. But it’s not always possible to go out into nature.

The modern world is intense and complex. Everyone is in a hurry, there are a lot of things to do and things to do. And sometimes you want fish soup. In principle, it’s worth making a fish day at home sometimes.

Homemade soup is very useful. Well? Maybe not fish soup, but fish soup, but it’s necessary.

After a successful fishing trip, there are always heads and tails left. This is certainly not salmon soup, but it’s also delicious.

So, Homemade soup from the heads, at home in the kitchen. Improvisation.

Homemade soup. Very tasty recipe

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • Fish (heads, tails) 1 kg
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Celery or parsley root 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Potatoes 1-2 pcs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Salt, black pepper, allspice, cloves, bay leaf, coriander to taste
  • Parsley 3-4 sprigs
  1. Homemade fish soup is always a memory of fishing. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan. While the water is boiling, throw all the spices into the pan and add a little salt.

    Pike perch heads, tails

  2. As spices we throw in: peas - black pepper 10-12 pcs., allspice 2-3 pcs., coriander 0.5 tsp. In addition, 1-2 cloves and 2 bay leaves.

    Black and allspice pepper, cloves and coriander. Bay leaf

  3. Peel the carrots and cut into thick slices or simply cut them in half. Throw in the whole celery root (you can add parsley root, but be careful - it gives a little bitterness). Or cut a piece from a large root. Peel the onion and cut it lightly, literally a quarter of the way, crosswise.

    Potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. Celery root

  4. When the water boils, let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes and remove the celery and bay leaf.

    Let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes

  5. After this, throw the peeled and cut potatoes into 4-6 pieces into boiling water. Discard the cooked onion. Add garlic - the grains should be slightly flattened with the block of a knife.

    Throw peeled and cut potatoes into 4-6 pieces into boiling water

  6. Cook potatoes for 10-12 minutes. Then put the fish in your ear.

    Then put the fish in your ear

  7. Usually fish are heads and tails, unless they specifically left something better on the ear. We still have pike and pike perch leftovers. Well, sometimes we also buy sets of trout and salmon. And the homemade soup turns out rich.
  8. By the way, if you are preparing fish soup with red fish, you should throw in half a lemon without squeezing it. Then remove the lemon and throw it away.
  9. After adding the fish, homemade fish soup will be better if you do not stir it and do not allow the liquid to boil.
  10. Cook homemade fish soup for 15-20 minutes. Over low heat until the soup simmers gently.
  11. Then you can remove the carrots. Whether or not to leave the cooked carrots in your ear is at your discretion. For example, I love carrots.
  12. Add final salt and pepper to taste.
  13. At this stage, you can put pieces of raw good fish - pike perch, trout, etc. in your ear. After this fish is cooked, you can put it on a plate for everyone, one piece at a time.
  14. Add finely chopped parsley. While the homemade soup is still boiling, add 2 more bay leaves.
  15. Immediately remove the soup from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Like the highest squeak, you can splash 50 grams of vodka in your ear. But vodka in your ear is in nature. If you are preparing homemade fish soup for your family, you probably shouldn’t do that. In principle, no one forbids simply pouring a glass for those who wish.

    Remove the fish from the fish soup and place it on a separate plate.

  16. Remove the fish from the fish soup and place it on a separate plate. After this, pour the fish soup into plates and eat with fresh bread.

The popularity of this ancient dish has long surpassed the borders of the Russian state, taking pride of place on the menus of elite restaurants around the world. Recommendations on how to prepare fish soup can be found in many culinary sources. However, only true masters of “fish affairs” know unique techniques that capture the imagination of lovers of the ancient dish,

The traditional method of preparing fish soup requires the presence of certain types of fish that are sticky and have a slightly sweet taste.

Product composition:

  • carrot;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • fish (whitefish, asp, ruff or rudd) - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • parsley and celery root;
  • peppercorns (5 pcs.),
  • salt, bay leaf, lemon juice, dill;
  • vodka - 25 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. To receive Classic fish soup at home requires only fresh fish of one type. Wash the product, gut it, put it in a convenient container, fill it with 2 liters of water. We do not remove the scales. Blooming in the broth, it provides the dish with a thick broth and a special taste. Add an alcoholic drink, a laurel leaf, peppercorns, and an onion with peel.
  2. Heat the food over low heat, skimming off the foam, and cook the food for 15 minutes. in an open container.
  3. Remove the fish from the pan, strain and salt the broth. We lay out peeled vegetables and root vegetables, chopped into rings or cubes. Peel the potatoes, as they did in Russian cuisine, and add them whole.
  4. Pour ½ tbsp into the boiling broth. l. lemon juice, season with allspice, boil the food until tender.

Pour the fish pieces into plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Salmon soup

Dish ingredients:

  • ridge, fins, head of salmon - 500 g;
  • onion;
  • half a lemon;
  • pitted olives - 10 pcs.;
  • potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • dill, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf, parsley.

Cooking technology:

  1. By separating the fattest parts of the fish (head, fins, spine), we get a rich broth. Place the ingredients in a saucepan with water, add the onion, bay leaf, and peppercorns.
  2. We provide heating, boil the products for 30 minutes. without cover. The open cooking method will make the broth, as the cooks say, as clear as a tear.
  3. After half an hour, remove the onion and fish parts from the container, place the diced root vegetables and chopped olives into rings. Salt the food according to preference.
  4. We disassemble the head and backs, return the separated meat components to the fish soup with the finished potatoes. Add the juice of half a lemon and chopped herbs after 3 minutes. turn off the fire.

Infuse the fish soup from the head and backs of the salmon for 15 minutes, serve the first course in the traditional way.

Hearty trout soup

Required Products:

  • carrots, bell peppers, onions - 1 pc. each;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • trout - 400 g;
  • lemon, bay leaf, dill, salt.

Preparing the fish soup:

  1. Place fish heads in a saucepan and fill with filtered water. Add a dill stem, a bay leaf, a mixture of peppers, and boil the products over low heat for 2 hours.
  2. Strain the broth, return it to the stove, add diced vegetables, chopped garlic, and separated pieces of fish. We continue heating until the product is ready, at the end of the process we add salt and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Hearty trout soup is not only tasty, but also a healthy dietary dish.

How to cook pike perch soup


  • carrot;
  • fresh fish - 500 g;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • natural butter - 30 g.


  1. We separate the ridge and head of the fish from the meat, place it in a saucepan with water, and cook the broth for two hours.
  2. Fry the coarsely grated carrots in oil, strain, and place the resulting sauce in a container.
  3. Divide the fish into portions, boil for 15 minutes in a small amount of broth (1.5 l).

Place trout pieces into plates and fill with broth. Serve the greens and lemon slices separately.

Finnish soup with cream

List of ingredients:

  • fish fillet (pink salmon, salmon, chum salmon) - 400 g;
  • carrots, onion;
  • cream (20% fat) - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt, dill.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Thinly slice the onion, sauté in oil for 5 minutes, add the chopped carrots, constantly stirring the vegetables, and simmer for several minutes.
  2. Boil the chopped potato cubes until half cooked. Add the fish fillet, divided into portions, season the broth with salt and spices, cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Add vegetable dressing to the products, pour in fresh cream, mix everything well. Turn off the heat after boiling again.

Infuse the fish soup in Finnish style for up to a quarter of an hour, serve with chopped dill.

Pike soup

We will be extremely careful with this toothy predator. One careless movement, and your hands will be seriously injured!

Product composition:

  • onion (2 small heads);
  • carrots (2 pcs.);
  • laurel leaf;
  • fresh pike;
  • a mixture of peppers, including peas, dill, parsley;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • bottled (spring) water - 2 l.

Cooking pike fish soup:

  1. Separate the head, tail and ridge, place in a saucepan along with peeled carrots and onions.
  2. Add water and cook for an hour.
  3. At the beginning of the boil, add salt to taste.
  4. Strain the broth, add halves of peeled potatoes, chopped carrots, chopped onions into it, and continue heat treatment of the products. After 15 minutes, add the fillet pieces, bay leaves, and spices. Cook for another quarter of an hour.

At the behest of the pike, at our will, the fabulously tasty fish soup appeared in all its aromatic splendor!

Silver carp - ear from the head of a fish

Set of ingredients:

  • silver carp head, tail and fins;
  • onion, carrots and potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • bay leaves, salt, spices and spices, herbs;
  • vodka - 30 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Chop the fish head in half and place it in a 3-liter saucepan along with spices, herbs, and onions in their skins. Fill the container with water, retreating 3 cm from the top edge.
  2. Cook the broth for an hour and a half using the simmer method, remembering to skim off the foam.
  3. Next, strain the liquid mixture and add chopped potatoes and carrots. Add the meat separated from the head to the prepared vegetables and pour in vodka.

By using an alcoholic drink, we eliminate the slight smell of mud present in the fish and provide a piquant taste to the food.

The rich soup from the head of silver carp is good not only when served hot, but also after “spending the night” in the refrigerator, where the soup hardens to a jelly-like state, it will acquire exquisite notes.

Homemade royal fish soup

This original dish was prepared by court chefs from delicious products and ceremoniously served to their Majesties. The kings are a thing of the past, but the dish lives on to this day.

Required Products:

  • domestic rooster;
  • potato tubers (3 pcs.), carrots (3 pcs.);
  • salmon (salmon) - 700 g;
  • onion;
  • champignons (any dry mushrooms) - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • bay leaves, salt, peppercorns.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Fill dry mushrooms with water and leave for a while.
  2. We prepare the fish, separate the head, and cut the fillets from the bones.
  3. We process the domestic cockerel, place it in a large container, pour in 2 liters of water. Add the fish head, ridge, salt the mixture, cook the food until cooked (3 hours).
  4. We take the bird and fish parts out of the pan, strain the broth, add cubes of chopped potatoes and shredded carrots.
  5. Squeeze the mushrooms, fry them in oil along with chopped onions, and place them in a pan with root vegetables.
  6. Divide the fish into portions, add to the rest of the products, boil until tender, adding bay leaves, peppercorns, spices and herbs.

Place portions of fish in soup bowls, pour in aromatic broth, and serve with chicken-stuffed pancakes, pies or kulebyaka. Everything is royal!

Pink salmon soup

List of ingredients:

  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots, celery root, onion;
  • pink salmon (fresh or frozen) - 500 g;
  • tomato sauce - 30 g;
  • pepper (white and pink), bay leaf, cloves, salt, spinach, spices.

Cooking technology:

  1. We process fresh fish in the usual manner. We take out the frozen product in advance so that it thaws.
  2. The separated head, fins, ridge, skin cut from the fillet. Place the ingredients in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water, and cook for about an hour.
  3. Fry the onion (along with the peel) in a dry frying pan, place it in the strained broth, add salt, a mixture of peppers, laurel leaf, and clove inflorescence.
  4. Boil the products for 30 minutes, skimming off the foam. Strain the mixture, add coarsely chopped potatoes, chopped carrots and celery, and continue heating.
  5. When the vegetables are ready, add pieces of pink salmon and chopped onion. Cook for 7 minutes. from the beginning of a new boil. To add a special flavor, add tomato sauce and after 2 minutes, remove the pan from the heat.

The pink salmon soup turned out great!

Classic first courses of red fish with millet

Required Products:

  • onions and carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh red fish - 500 g;
  • millet - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper;

Cooking fish soup:

  1. Fill the fish with 2.5 liters of filtered water. After the boil begins, remove the foam, add salt, add spices and herbs, cook for 30 minutes.
  2. We take out the delicacy product with a ladle, strain the broth, add chopped root vegetables, well-washed millet, and cook until tender.
  3. Sauté chopped onions, peppers and carrots in oil.
  4. Dip separated pieces of fish without skin into the broth, add rosy vegetables and chopped herbs.

We always respect the cooking time for fish products. For marine species it is no more than 15 minutes, for river species - up to 20 minutes.

Let the fish soup sit for a quarter of an hour, covered, and serve hot.

Traditional Donskaya ear

The ancient dish, also called “Rostov”, was traditionally cooked in a cauldron over a fire. Let's find out how to get delicious fish soup at home.

Dish components:

  • sea ​​breeze - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh pike perch - ½ kg;
  • potato tubers, tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt, herbs, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil a rich broth from small fish, adding onion with peel, bay leaves, salt, and peppercorns to the water.
  2. Strain the mixture, add the quartered tubers and coarsely chopped carrots. Add portioned pieces of pike perch and tomato halves to the almost finished vegetables. Season the food with oil, and after 15 minutes turn off the heat.

Place pieces of fish into soup bowls, add broth, and season the dish with fresh herbs.

River fish soup at home


  • small fish - 1 kg;
  • carrot;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • large fish (whitefish, ruffe, pike perch or perch) - 500 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices and seasonings for fish.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. We place small river inhabitants in a pan with bottled water. No ear can tolerate chlorinated liquid from the tap! Add the onion in its husk, herbs, salt and spices. Cook the broth for 1.5 hours.
  2. We filter the liquid mixture, add carrot rings, quarters of potatoes, and chopped onions. Add spices and herbs, pieces of prepared fish, and send the food to simmer in the oven for 30 minutes (180 °C).

Be sure to sprinkle the plates with the finished fish soup with chopped herbs.

Fish head ear

Product composition:

  • onions, carrots, potatoes;
  • fish head;
  • rice - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground paprika, pepper, spices, herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the head of the silver carp in a saucepan with two liters of water, cook the broth for 1.5 hours, adding a bay leaf, peppercorns, and salt.
  2. We remove parts of the fish, strain the broth, add chopped potatoes, well-washed rice, and boil the food until tender.
  3. Next, we disassemble the head, separate pieces of meat, put them in a saucepan along with carrots, chopped into strips and sautéed in vegetable oil. After 5 minutes, sprinkle the food with chopped herbs, add spices and herbs.

Fish head soup is the simplest, most nutritious and incredibly aromatic soup, reminiscent of nature and a pleasant holiday in the company of friends.

Fish carp soup in a slow cooker

Required ingredients:

  • carrots and potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • onion;
  • fresh carp - 500 g;
  • bay leaf, salt, spices, seasonings, herbs.

How to cook fish soup in a slow cooker:

  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into strips. Divide the prepared fish into portions.
  2. Place all the vegetables, pieces of carp, bay, peppercorns, 20 g of fresh butter, and chopped herbs into the bowl of the homemade unit.
  3. Fill the products with purified water, pepper and salt. Turn on the “Cooking” mode on the device and set the time to 1.5 hours.

At the end of cooking, we switch the program to “Warming” so that the components of the fish soup have time to create the final bouquet of fragrant flavors.

Canned saury fish soup

Ingredients for soup:

  • potato tubers - 2 pcs.;
  • a can of canned saury;
  • onion, carrot;
  • bulgur (wheat cereal) - 40 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • pepper, salt, spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Fill the pan with 2 liters of water. Place the diced tubers, salt the food, and boil the potatoes until tender.
  2. In a frying pan with oil, sauté coarsely chopped carrots and onion, chopped into half rings.
  3. When the vegetables become soft, move them to the side of the dish, pour in the bulgur, fry the cereal for 3 minutes, put it in a pan with the prepared potatoes.
  4. Mix well, heat the fish soup for half an hour, then add the canned saury. Boil the broth for 2 minutes, add herbs and spices, chopped herbs, remove the dishes from the heat.

The taste of canned saury fish soup is very pleasant, delicate, and exquisitely piquant.

Fish soup on the fire in Old Russian style


  • fishing catch of fresh fish (ruff, perch, other river fish) - up to 2 kg;
  • carrots, onions;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • favorite roots, bay leaf, salt, peppercorns, dill seed.


  1. We clean the fish, gut it, separate the heads (remove the gills), bones, tails and fins.
  2. Pour bottled water into the pot and place it on the fire. Place fish bones, dill seeds, salt, bay leaf, and cook for half an hour.
  3. Wrap carrots, onions (in peel), and tomatoes separately in foil and bake over a fire (at home, in the oven).
  4. Remove the bones with a slotted spoon, strain the broth, and return the container to the heat. Now place the chopped potatoes, cook for a quarter of an hour, then drop the pieces of fish into the broth.
  5. While our catch is languishing in a saucepan, we take the baked vegetables out of the fire, unwrap them, remove the skins from the onions, cut the carrots into rings, and send the aromatic ingredients into the container with the fish.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes and serve with old Russian fish soup poured onto plates.

Salmon soup

Required Products:

  • potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • salmon - 700 g;
  • peppercorns, bay leaves, salt, herbs.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place the prepared fish in a convenient container, fill it with water, cook for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  2. We take out the salmon and separate the meat from the bones. Strain the broth and put it on fire. Place the chopped potatoes, add salt, and boil until tender.
  3. After 15 min. add chopped carrots, bay leaves, peppercorns, pieces of fish, chopped herbs. Heat the soup for another 2 minutes and set aside.

A delicious dish awaits its admirers.

Cooking perch at home

Product composition:

  • potatoes and carrots;
  • perches (sea or river);
  • salt, spices, seasonings, herbs.


  1. Clean and wash the fish as usual. We place small perches in cheesecloth, tie them, and place them in a pan with water. Salt the mixture and cook for half an hour.
  2. We remove the fabric with the used product, and take its place with chopped potatoes, shredded carrots, and prepared pieces of large perch. Boil until done. At the end, add a laurel leaf, chopped herbs, spices and spices.

That's how easy it was to get a luxurious double fish soup from perch.

Pollock fish soup

First course components:

  • potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • onion;
  • pollock - 700 g;
  • rice - 50 g;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • laurel leaf, peppercorns, seasonings.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 liters of water into a container, heat to a boiling state, place chopped potatoes and thoroughly washed rice.
  2. Cook the ingredients until soft.
  3. Sauté onions and chopped carrots in oil, add grated tomatoes without peeling, and simmer the vegetables until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Add pieces of pollock to the potatoes and rice, salt and pepper, add spices, bay leaves, stewed seasoning, chopped herbs.

Enjoying the prepared pollock fish soup, we are once again convinced of the amazing qualities of such a simple and tasty fish.

Rich mackerel soup

Required ingredients:

  • large carrots;
  • potato tubers - 5 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • mackerel - 3 pcs.;
  • laurel leaf, salt, spices.

How to cook fish soup:

  1. We process the fish, cut off the heads, remove the gills. Place the product in a saucepan with water, add bay leaf, salt and spices. To make the soup concentrated and rich, there should be a little liquid, covering the main component by two fingers.
  2. Cook the fish for a quarter of an hour over low heat, then remove from the container. Strain the broth, boil the chopped root vegetables, then return the mackerel pieces, after 2 minutes turn off the heat.

We insist in a sealed container and serve hot food with pleasure, seasoning with chopped herbs.

How to cook fish soup from carp

Product composition:

  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes (4 pcs.);
  • carrot;
  • fresh carp;
  • dill, salt, bay leaf, pepper, spices and seasonings;
  • vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • onion


  1. We separate the head, fins and tail from the carcass, pour in 2.5 liters of water, and after an hour we get an excellent broth for fish soup.
  2. Chop the onion and carrots and fry in oil until golden brown.
  3. Strain the liquid mixture, bring to a boil, place the quartered potatoes, salt the food, and cook the root vegetables until tender.
  4. Next, add chopped pieces of carp, bay leaves, pepper and spices to the broth. Continue heating for another 15 minutes.

We complete our culinary chord by pouring carp fish soup into soup bowls, generously sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley.

Bream soup

What products are needed:

  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • caught (bought) bream;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • vodka - 100 g;
  • laurel leaves, salt, pepper, cilantro.

Preparing the first course:

  1. Place the chopped root vegetables in a kettle (saucepan), fill with filtered water, put the container on the fire, and cook until the food is half cooked.
  2. Dip the cleaned, gutted, and cut into pieces bream into the aromatic broth. After a quarter of an hour, add bay leaves, salt, pepper, and chopped herbs.
  3. We complete the culinary composition with a glass of vodka, which effectively complements the spicy taste of the prepared bream fish soup.

We stock up on any of the recipes presented, go fishing, learn in practice how to prepare fish soup in our own, original, most delicious version.

The idea of ​​fish soup dates back to time immemorial. But a dish like fish soup has nothing to do with fish soup.

The word itself is a derivative of “yukha”, which means “fat”, “blood”, “animal juice”, that is, until about the 17th century, fish soup was cooked from meat and chicken..

In modern Russian cuisine, ukha is a clear, hot instant soup that is not seasoned with fried onions, flour, or cereal. Classic “white” fish soup is prepared from fish that have a sweetish taste (brush, perch, pike perch, rotan, whitefish), which gives the broth tenderness, transparency, and a characteristic stickiness. There is also “black” fish soup, which is cooked from carp and crucian carp, fatty carp and tender rudd. Finally, there is the “red” (or “amber”) classic ear. Its recipe includes salmon, trout, sturgeon, nelma, stellate sturgeon, pink salmon or beluga.

Classic fish soup - recipes and general principles of preparation

Fish soup according to the classic recipe can be prepared from both river and sea fish. It is varied in thickness by adding numerous ingredients or leaving it light and transparent. In addition to fish, classic fish soup recipes should include a minimal but obligatory set of vegetables: onions, crumbly potatoes and carrots. Some housewives are fundamentally against potatoes in the ear, considering such a dish to be fish soup.

In general, it is quite difficult to use the word “classical” in relation to fish soup, since in each locality housewives prepare their own version of the dish. It would be more appropriate to say “traditional”.

To prepare fish for cooking, you need to remove the scales, gut it, and discard the swim bladder. Be sure to cut off the gills from the head. If the head is very large, cut or chop into pieces.

It is believed that if the fish is live and just caught, the only vegetables you can add to it are onions. The taste will be amazing, no potatoes, carrots, celery, peppers, or spices are required. If the fish has already fallen asleep, then you should prepare the classic fish soup according to the recipe with a vegetable filling. The best spices are black pepper, green onion, dried or fresh dill, bay leaf, tarragon, nutmeg, and ginger. The fattier the fish, the more spices the broth requires.

There are two main methods used for cooking fish soup:

The fish is immediately placed in water, brought to a boil, the ingredients are added during the cooking process;

First, salted vegetable broth is boiled, and then fish pieces are added.

It is important that the fish does not overcook. Depending on the size of the piece or fish, it is enough to keep them in boiling broth for seven to twenty minutes. River fish takes longer to cook, sea fish takes longer.

Classic “Black” fish soup with vodka

This version of the dish is good to prepare from carp, silver carp or carp. If the fish is still alive, the classic fish soup according to the recipe given below will turn out amazingly tasty.


A kilogram piece of fish or a whole fish weighing 1 kg;

Two liters of water;

Salt (about one and a half spoons);

Two large onions;

Five potatoes;

A tablespoon of lemon juice;

Ten black peppercorns;

A teaspoon of ground black pepper;

Two bay leaves;

Fresh or dried dill (tablespoon);

Large glass of vodka (50 ml).

Cooking method:

Place the cleaned fresh fish, head and tail, in a saucepan and pour in a dose of cold water.

Immediately throw one peeled onion into the water.

Add peppercorns and bay leaves.

Turn on medium heat, do not cover with a lid and monitor the heating of the liquid. The foam that is actively forming on top must be removed.

After signs of boiling appear, cook for about fifteen minutes (focus on the size of the piece or fish).

Remove the fish, cool slightly and cut into pieces, separating the bones and head.

Strain the broth.

Chop the second onion.

Depending on the volume of the root vegetable, cut the carrots into circles or quarters of circles. If you like carrot cubes in your soup, you can cut them like that.

Cut the potatoes into medium or large size cubes.

Bring the strained, salted broth to a secondary boil, drain the lemon juice and add the vegetables.

As soon as the water boils again, pour in the vodka.

While the vegetables are cooking, place the fish on plates and sprinkle with dill and pepper.

Pour the fish soup into bowls and serve.

Classic fish soup “Private” with bell pepper

If the fish has already fallen asleep or has been stored for a long time, you can improve the taste of the fish soup by adding bell pepper. It gives an original touch to the dish and makes classic fish soup recipes varied. The broth turns out rich and very tasty.


A kilogram of small river fish;

1.8 liters of water;

Two small onions;

Half a bell pepper;

Half a carrot;

A tablespoon of salt;

Parsley root and greens;

Two large potatoes;

A tablespoon of dill;

Three bay leaves;

A tablespoon of tarragon;

A third of a teaspoon of black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

Cut white peeled potatoes into large pieces (can be quartered).

Chop onions, peppers, carrots, roots and parsley (greens) into smaller pieces.

Boil water salted to taste.

Place potato cubes in boiling water and wait until they boil.

Add the rest of the vegetables.

Five minutes after the second boil, add small fish into the broth with vegetables.

Cook for ten to fifteen minutes, no more, skimming off the foam.

About five minutes before it’s ready, season with tarragon, pepper and herbs.

Turn off the heat and let the soup sit for about five minutes under the lid.

Classic rich pike soup

Toothy pike is an excellent basis for the classic fish soup according to our grandmothers’ recipe. You can replace this type of fish with pike perch or large perches. We will cook the head and fillet separately.


A kilogram of fresh gutted fish;

Large onion;

Two liters of water;

Two bay leaves;

Ten pieces of peppercorns;

Salt to taste;

A tablespoon of parsley root;

A bunch of fresh dill or parsley;

Several arrows of green onions.

Cooking method:

Cut off the head and tail from the gutted fish and remove the skin.

Place the head with skin and tail in a saucepan, add two liters of cold water and place over medium heat.

Salt the water, throw in the parsley root, onion, pepper and bay leaf.

Remove the foam from the boiling broth and cook for about forty minutes at a very low boil.

Strain the broth and return to the pan.

Cut the pike meat into pieces.

Carefully place the pike meat into the boiling broth and cook until tender.

Dill, green onions, parsley cut into smaller pieces.

Place the fish on plates, sprinkle with herbs, pour in the fish soup.

Classic fish soup “Vyalaya” made from dried fish and mushrooms

The original recipe for classic fish soup is taken from the book by V. Pokhlebkin. Perfectly diversifies your culinary notebook and introduces you to the traditions of Russian cuisine. The fisherman's family eats dried fish all year round.


Half a kilo of dried fish fines;

Two liters of water;

Two hundred grams of dried mushrooms;

Two potatoes;

Black peppercorns;

Small carrots;

Two small onions;

A pinch of tarragon;

One bay leaf;

Two tablespoons of chopped dill.

Cooking method:

Pour water over the dried fish, cover with a lid, and soak for three to four hours.

At the same time, soak the dried mushrooms in a separate bowl.

Place the soaked fish in the same water on the fire, add pepper, a little salt, bay leaf, and let it boil.

Add the drained mushrooms and cook for about twenty minutes.

Cut vegetables into small cubes.

Gently lower the vegetable filling and cook until tender.

Before turning off the heat at the end of cooking, season with tarragon.

Chop the dill.

Pour the fish soup into bowls and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Classic fish soup with trout

Ukha cooked from red fish differs in taste from a dish prepared from fish with white meat. The trout in this classic fish soup recipe, that is, cooked with main vegetables, can be replaced with other red fish or fish heads and trimmings of pink salmon and salmon. If you wish, you can take white sea fish, such as cod or halibut. To make the broth stronger, you will need several small fish.


Half a kilo of trout;

Three hundred to four hundred grams of small fish (roach, pipe cleaners, rotan, perch);

Five potatoes;

Medium carrot;

Two bay leaves;

Large onion;

A third of a teaspoon of black peppercorns;

A little stalk celery (not for everyone).

Cooking method:

Gut the small fish, wash it, and fill it with water.

Add celery (optional), peppercorns, whole onion and turn on the heat.

Boil the fish. With chalk boiling, forty minutes is enough to obtain a rich, strong broth.

Chop the peeled vegetables.

Strain the finished broth and return to the heat.

Add vegetables and let it boil.

Place the trout in the broth and cook for about ten minutes (do not allow foam to form).

The cooked soup should stand for about five minutes under the lid.

Classic fish soup with butter “Tender”

This version of fish soup has an unusual taste. The classic recipe is only slightly supplemented with butter. In addition, there are no potatoes in the dish, so it turns out light, despite the presence of animal fat.


A kilogram of any fish or fish trimmings;

Two liters of water;

Large fresh carrots;

Two onions;

A tablespoon of butter;

Pepper and salt to your taste;

Two bay leaves.

Cooking method:

Pour water over the fish, add onion (whole) and salt, and place over medium heat.

Cut the carrots into slices.

After boiling, cook the broth for twenty minutes.

Remove the fish and fillet it.

Carefully strain the hot broth.

Add carrots, black pepper, bay leaves and cook until tender.

Place the fish into plates, season with butter and pour in the broth.

  • Ukha cooked without a lid turns out to be more tasty at low or moderate boiling.
  • The fish soup is ready when the fish meat easily comes away from the bones. The broth should be transparent.
  • The bad fish soup is the one that has a specific, rather unpleasant fishy smell. It appears when the fish is overcooked. For river fish, the cooking time is fifteen to twenty minutes, for fresh sea fish - eight to twelve minutes.
  • If the fish soup is cooked from carp, then the tail and head are taken. The meat of this large fish is fatty, so the indicated parts are sufficient both to obtain fat and to saturate it with fish pulp.
  • Fish soup that has stood for a day becomes tastier than freshly cooked fish soup. Some experts say that on January 1 there is nothing better than a plate of such a dish. Relieves night fatigue after a rich feast instantly.

Delicious fish soup can be prepared not only over a fire, but also at home on a regular stove. If you want to prepare a classic fish soup, follow some important rules:

Firstly, fish soup is cooked from at least two types of fish. One fish is used for fat, the other as fillet. If there are 4-5 types of fish in the ear, then the taste becomes more intense.

Secondly, fish soup is cooked from those types of fish that produce a clear broth. Pike perch, burbot, tench, ide, perch, ruff, whitefish, catfish - fish for “white fish soup”. Asp, cheese, crucian carp, carp, carp, chub, rudd - fish for “black fish soup”. Salmon, sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, nelma - fish for “red fish soup”. Not suitable for fish soup: roach, herring, mackerel, sabrefish, gudgeon, bleak, bream, roach, ram, gobies.

Thirdly, small fish soup is boiled by first wrapping it in several layers of gauze and dipping it in cold, not hot, water.

Fourth If the fish is frozen, it is not defrosted, but placed frozen in a pan of water. This way, the fish stays fresh longer, and fish soup, as you know, is much tastier from the freshest fish (that’s why fish soup cooked right while fishing is so tasty). And that is why the upper part is better suited for fish soup, since the tail part quickly deteriorates.

Fifthly, an important rule for fish soup, both at home and in nature, is a minimum of vegetables. Potatoes, onions and carrots. By the way, only potatoes and onions are put in live fish soup.

Well, another important rule for homemade fish soup: do not cover the pan and cook over low heat.

We will cook homemade soup collection, departing from some of the rules of classic fish soup. Let's mix red and white sea fish: salmon and pangasius. Another deviation would be overcooking carrots and onions (our family members like it better this way).


For 2-3 liters of fish soup:

Salmon(head, abdomen, tail) - 500 grams

Pangasius or sole- 1000 grams

Potato- 3-4 pieces of medium size

Onion- 2 medium sized onions

Carrot— 1 piece of medium size

Green: dill, parsley, green onions,

Spices: salt, black pepper, bay leaf, saffron (if the salmon broth is too oily).

How to cook fish soup at home

1. Cook broth for red fish soup. To do this, put the fish (if it is frozen, do not defrost it) in cold water and put it on low heat. Add the onion, peeled and cut in half. Salt, bay leaf. After the water boils, cook for another 15 minutes. We remove the dirty foam.

. Then the fish broth needs to be strained. And put it on fire again. If the broth is too oily, add a pinch of saffron. Now you can pepper your fish soup.

. Add peeled and chopped potatoes.

4 . When the soup begins to boil, cut pangasius or sole into large pieces. This fish is good because it is boneless and is quite suitable for fish soup.

. Without waiting for the fish soup to boil, add the overcooked carrots and onions. Do not forget that the soup must be kept on low or medium heat all the time, without a lid. Pangasius is boiled in the ear for 10-12 minutes, otherwise it may become overcooked.

6 . Remove the bones from the salmon meat and place the red fish in the fish soup. The final readiness of the fish soup is determined by the readiness of the potatoes.

Important! Add the greens to the soup when it has already been poured onto the plates. After all, herbs very quickly lose their beneficial substances when heated.

Delicious fish soup at home is ready

Bon appetit!

Ear at home

Anyone who loves hiking, sitting by the fire, and fishing, probably knows and has tasted such a wonderful and light dish as fish soup. The smell of fire and smoke, this aroma that makes your mouth full of saliva... Eh, but we’ll talk about something a little different, the highlight of our program today - ear at home. This is a clear broth, the history of which begins a long time ago, however, in the old days it was a rich soup made from poultry, mainly roosters. But history is changing, and soup began to be called soup made from freshly caught river fish, which is served exclusively with cool vodka and fragrant black bread. Hot, it is grabbed by both cheeks immediately from the fire, according to the principle that a cooled ear is not an ear.

The fish soup, as most fishermen say, is real, and can only be cooked over a fire from freshly caught fish. And they will be right, but nevertheless, you can also cook this wonderful aromatic broth at home. The only thing is that in order for the ear to be correct at home, you need to follow some rules.

What you need to remember. Ukha is just broth, without cereals, as many are used to doing. The maximum you can add is a little potatoes, onions and carrots. With cereal, you no longer get soup at home, but soup. We use only a standard set of products to prepare fish soup broth. This:

  • Fresh fish, river. Here you need to be careful, choose only the fish that will help make the broth very rich, it must be strong. You can use several types of fish, but it is better not more than three. Of course, you can even add red, expensive, sea fish, but this is no longer a classic broth for fish soup. Select fish carefully, because you can use about ten types, but one will interrupt the taste of the other, this may not help in any way, but on the contrary. We wrote about which fish is better to choose at the beginning of the article.
  • Salt and black pepper. Bay leaf to enhance the scent.
  • Greens – to improve taste and pleasant aroma. Dill is ideal.
  • Onion - to boil, and then whole and throw it away.

So where do we start? The first thing you need is to gut the fish, get rid of the intestines, but you can leave the fins, just rinse it with water and throw it into boiling water. Small fish are not cleaned, but boiled in gauze folded in several layers. We start stocking with heads, tails and small fish - you don’t have to clean them, then just strain the broth, it will even be tastier, like experienced fishermen do over a fire. All this needs to be boiled well, add spices, and then, after about 40 minutes, take it out, strain the broth, and lower the carcasses and fish until they are fleshy. You need to cut it into large pieces so that the fish meat does not overcook and fall apart too quickly, so that you can feel the taste of the meat in the plate, and not just slurp the soup. We also remove all unnecessary parts - fins, scales, entrails. Now our fish soup at home will be cooked for another 30 minutes over low heat. As for the cooking time, we can say that it is very individual, depending on the stove, dishes and fish. The main thing is to try, if the fish starts to fall off the bone easily, turn it off, it will come into the pan on its own. Overcooked fish soup will become a thick, cloudy soup, and the fish will fall apart into small and not very attractive pieces.

Important! The fish soup must be kept on low heat, let the fish cook longer, but the fish soup cannot be rushed, in no case let the broth boil too vigorously, otherwise it will: firstly, become cloudy, secondly, it will lose its aroma, thirdly, it will turn out to be an ordinary soup, but the fish soup won’t even smell. Be sure to remove the foam that forms on the surface, it will also make the broth cloudy and not beautiful.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to salt fish broth at the very end, otherwise the taste of the fish will not be felt. But we will be adding fish a second, or even a third time, a different one, which gives the most flavor, so we will salt it after the first addition. Moreover, the pieces of fish should be boiled in the prepared broth, and not in plain water, otherwise the fish soup at home will not be so ideal. At the very end, 5 minutes before readiness, finely chop the green onion and dill. And then pour homemade fish soup into a deep plate, sprinkle herbs on top, and serve our wonderful broth under fresh black bread with a thin layer of butter.

Any fish from the above species is suitable for homemade fish soup. River fish soup, according to all the rules of classic fish soup, or sea fish soup, which is easier to get nowadays, frozen or fresh, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you like the taste.

As for adding spices - individually. But a separate piece of advice: it’s better not to use special packaged seasonings, such as “for fish soup” or “for fish”. They will spoil the taste, enhance the aroma of seasonings and kill the characteristic fishy taste. Our ear at home It should turn out no worse than at the stake. Therefore, we choose sea salt, black peppercorns, or ground pepper, if you like the taste better. We also need a bay leaf, but not a lot, and you can add parsley root. Greens are also to taste, but small dill and green onions are ideal. Saffron if you find the fish broth too oily.

What other additives are included? Every cook and housewife does it their own way, we won’t tell you. But a few tips:

  • To make the broth more tender, when cooking, add a small piece of butter, about half a tablespoon per 3 liters.
  • To make the soup clear at home, some cooks pour half a shot of vodka, good and expensive. Also, vodka in the ear will help the fish bones become soft and completely boiled, so that the fish does not have to be cleaned even of small bones.

As for the dishes, you should choose a cauldron; it takes longer to heat up and therefore will not allow the broth to boil too much. There is no need to cover with a lid; the broth should be kept in the open air, in our case in the kitchen.

So that the soup at home does not turn out to be an ordinary soup, we limit ourselves to only a few types of vegetables. These are potatoes and carrots. Potatoes can be placed both young and old, depending on the season, cut into small cubes, and carrots into circles.

The most important thing is that the ear should be transparent. This is the broth that will be considered real. But there are recipes that turn out no worse than those that we are used to, where fish soup can be prepared at home with milk. This is an incredibly rich first course, the combination of products of which helps to make a full-fledged soup without spending a lot of time, without inventing something new and super creative. The basic rule is that there should be as much water as milk. And a little advice about milky-creamy soup: if you decide to depict just such a soup for your loved ones, use sea fish, it will fit here better than river fish.

But no matter what ingredients you use to cook fish soup at home, it will be incredibly tasty if it is prepared with love.



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