How to take allergy tests correctly. Skin tests for allergies - how to take them, contraindications

In the successful treatment of childhood allergies, a decisive role is played by the timely identification of provoking substances, the effects of which cause negative reactions in the body. Most often, children are tested for allergies by applying allergens to the skin. Skin tests are the simplest, completely safe, quite informative and relatively inexpensive methods diagnostics They make it possible to clarify to which substances the body is hypersensitive and what quantity is critical. This makes it possible to exclude the child from contact with allergens, as well as choose the right treatment plan.

Skin tests are prescribed to a child to diagnose a specific type of allergy if he has the following diseases:

  • seasonal allergic reactions to flowering plants;
  • rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • , bronchospasms;
  • allergic dermatitis.

In addition, allergy tests are effective in following cases:

  • the appearance of food allergies;
  • development of anaphylactic shock;
  • negative reaction of the body to vaccinations;
  • the need for anesthesia.

Important! Tests for allergens in children should be performed by an allergist in a specialized institution. This is due not only to the guarantee of receiving more reliable results, but also the opportunity to provide qualified assistance in case of unexpected complications.

Skin tests can only be performed 30 days after the first symptoms of an allergic reaction appear.

How to test for allergies in children

The essence of an allergy test is to apply a small amount of a provoking substance to the child’s skin and evaluate the body’s reaction to its influence. Depending on the purpose of the study and the substance used, samples are divided into the following types:

  • direct or indirect - the first involves the application of pure allergen, the second is carried out using the blood serum of a person suffering from allergies;
  • qualitative and quantitative - in the first case, the irritant to which one is allergic is determined, in the second - its quantity that can cause a reaction.

In addition, skin tests for allergens in children are distinguished by the method of application:

  • drip;
  • application;
  • prick or prick tests;
  • intradermal;
  • cold and heat tests.

Before taking allergy tests in children, mandatory carry out a number of preliminary activities aimed at studying information about the course of the disease and determining a list of potential allergens. This is necessary in order to compare the results obtained with clinical picture, as well as reduce the number of substances to which reactions need to be tested. The interpretation of the results obtained is the same for all types of samples, only the method of production is different.


The easiest to perform are drop tests. They are absolutely non-traumatic, but due to their too superficial effect on the skin they are considered the least reliable. The placement technique is that the test solution, histamine and irritant substances are simply dripped onto the child’s skin in the area of ​​the forearm or shoulder blades.

This diagnostic method is usually used to identify a reaction immune system child to pollen and household allergens, pets and birds. In rare cases, medicinal and nutritional substances are tested.


In this case, all compositions used for testing are applied to the skin by applying cotton or gauze swabs soaked in them, which are covered with a film and secured with an adhesive plaster. Thanks to this method, everything necessary substances penetrate the skin more actively and quickly produce appropriate results.

Patch tests for allergens in children are most often prescribed for diagnosis contact dermatitis. They are more informative than drop samples.

Scarification (prick test)

In this allergy test, allergens and control liquids are applied as in drop tests, and then irritation is performed at each application site. skin:

  • with the scarification method, surface scratches are made with a scarifier;
  • during the prick test - light punctures with a needle (1 mm deep).

When performing such tests on children, only 1–2 substances can be used at a time. Children over 12 years of age are allowed to use up to 15 stimuli. The tests allow us to identify allergens that influence the occurrence of specific symptoms directly in the child being examined. A prick test is considered preferable to a scratch test because it allows you to control the degree of damage to the skin and does not smear the drop, therefore it is less traumatic and more reliable.


Samples injected injection method, are called intradermal. They are used to determine high sensitivity to bacteria or fungi - the reaction of Mantoux, Pirquet, Casoni and others.

Special syringes and needles are used to inject the allergen. Immediately after administration, an infiltrate forms on the skin, the state of which subsequently determines the body’s reaction to the irritant substance.


To carry out cold test a small piece of ice or a test tube with ice water. An indicator of an allergic reaction of the body in this case is the development of a blister, which indicates a tendency to cold urticaria.

During a thermal test, a test tube with hot (no more than 42° C) water is fixed on the forearm. Positive result is also expressed by the formation of a blister at the point of contact, which confirms that the child has sensitization to the temperature factor.

How to read the result

  • negative
  • dubious
  • weakly positive
  • positive.

The conclusion depends on how pronounced the reaction turned out to be. Most often, the test confirms the presence of pathology if the treated area turns red and swelling forms on it.

Preparing for samples

Carrying out a skin test for allergies in children is a completely simple procedure that does not require special preparatory measures. Only a few conditions need to be met:

  • exclude increased physical and psycho-emotional stress on the eve and on the day of testing;
  • cancel all anti-allergy medications in advance;
  • prepare the child for what will happen so that he is not afraid.

Usually, with the right moral attitude, children 5 years and older perceive such tests completely calmly.


There are 2 factors that must be taken into account when prescribing an allergy test for children - at what age are such tests allowed and how the disease progresses in a particular child. Depending on this, there are 2 restrictions on performing skin allergy tests:

  • they are not carried out until the age of 5;
  • In the absence of complications of the disease, it is recommended to refuse the study.

This is explained by the fact that in young children the sensitivity to various irritant substances periodically changes. Moreover, when an allergen is introduced, the child’s immune system can react to it completely unexpectedly, so there is no need to take risks unless absolutely necessary.

It is also contraindicated to take skin tests for allergens in children if:

  • acute period of allergy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • any colds;
  • taking antiallergic drugs of all groups;
  • the presence of convulsive attacks;
  • oncological problems.

If it is necessary to test a child for allergies in the presence of these contraindications, the issue is considered by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Side effects

The introduction of an irritant substance can lead to adverse reactions in children:

  • itching and rashes all over the body;
  • increased irritation of the skin area on which the tests were carried out;
  • signs of rhinitis, cough, tickling;
  • feeling of squeezing in the chest;
  • discomfort in the digestive tract;
  • pressure surges, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Symptoms of sensitization may appear after several hours and persist throughout the day. In severe cases, a serious deterioration in the child’s well-being, including death, is possible.

In some children, the opposite situation is observed, when there is complete absence of skin reaction. In addition, due to technical errors or the individual characteristics of the child, the test results may be erroneous, so skin tests are not considered absolutely reliable. Since additional provocative tests are not prescribed for children, if discrepancies with the clinical picture appear, diagnostics using a blood test are used.

The manifestation of an allergic reaction is always accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms, among which the most harmless are a runny nose, watery eyes, redness of the whites of the eyes. Some manifestations of allergies of any nature can greatly worsen general health, negatively impact social contacts and even lead to serious consequences in the absence of the necessary medicinal effect.

Carrying out skin allergy tests allows you to promptly identify the causes of emerging allergies and narrow the circle of “suspects”—provoking factors that can become the starting point for the manifestation of this unpleasant condition. This simple analysis is especially important for manifestations allergic nature V childhood when the child is not yet able to fully describe his feelings and treatment is required to relieve symptoms as soon as possible. This article will tell you in detail about where you can take and how skin allergy tests are done for children and adults, at what age, and what types of allergy tests there are.

What are skin allergy tests?

Skin allergy tests are a set of manipulations that can reveal the body’s special sensitivity to certain substances of chemical or natural origin. In this case, you can see what situations or even what time of year allergic symptoms may be most pronounced. Thanks to such an analysis, it becomes possible to avoid the negative effects of allergens (substances that have a negative effect when they enter the human body).

Modern methods of conducting skin allergy tests make it possible to avoid discomfort, are carried out in a short time and ensure maximum accurate information about substances with negative effects on the body. At the same time, the cost of this manipulation is quite affordable, which allows almost everyone to get the most complete picture of their health.

A doctor from one of the well-known clinics will tell you what allergy tests are in this video:

Who are they prescribed to?

Skin allergy tests are prescribed by an allergist to identify the causes of allergies. Usually, in parallel with this study, a series of blood and urine tests are carried out, which are also aimed at identifying allergens. Thanks to allergy tests, it becomes possible to compile the most effective treatment, which will relieve allergic manifestations and stabilize well-being.

Skin allergy tests can be used for both adults and children. This is contraindicated diagnostic procedure does not have.

Why is the procedure needed?

A skin allergy test is carried out to determine all types of allergens that cause allergies in humans. It may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • at frequent occurrences allergies and their seasonal exacerbations;
  • when allergic manifestations appear for no apparent reason;
  • at frequent runny nose and the appearance of lacrimation for no apparent reason;
  • for suffocation, difficulty breathing, cough and bronchospasm;
  • when swelling of the skin occurs;
  • eyes often itch, profuse nasal discharge appears without symptoms of a cold;
  • Allergy is likely to occur after allergic manifestations to animal fur or animal bites.

Common disorders digestive system in the form of diarrhea and constipation, the appearance of a rash on the skin, the urge to vomit - these are also reasons to do skin tests. This is called for by nutritionists who often encounter similar manifestations of food allergies.

Its types

Today, medical institutions offer several varieties of this procedure, which make it possible to determine the body’s sensitivity to many types of the most common allergens at once.

There are the following types of skin allergy tests, prescribed when the body is prone to pathological manifestations for no apparent reason:

  • quality;
  • quantitative;
  • provocative.

Each of the listed types has a number of subspecies, which differ in the method of carrying out this procedure and the method of conducting allergy tests.

So, quality look skin allergy tests are divided into:

  • subcutaneous,
  • drip,
  • carried out by scratching,
  • injections,
  • as well as application and indirect.

Quantitative allergy tests make it possible to determine not only the presence of an allergy to a certain substance, but also the possibility (the body’s tendency) to exhibit allergic reactions.

Provocative allergy tests are divided into the following subtypes:

  • leukocytopenic;
  • thrombocytopenic;
  • thermal;
  • cold;
  • inhalation;
  • nasal;
  • expositional.

The listed options differ in the method of implementation, but they all make it possible to determine the type of allergen to which the body is most sensitive, as well as to prevent possible serious negative manifestations when taking medications (for example, before surgery to exclude allergic shock to the injected drug) and when testing cosmetic products .

Indications for testing

Skin allergy testing is usually indicated for those who either have a tendency to develop allergic reactions or already have allergies. If you have any type of allergy to almost any substance, natural or chemical origin a person has a significant tendency to develop other types of allergic reactions.

Thus, allergy tests are especially often prescribed for:

  • hives:
    • cholinergic,
    • angioedema,
    • aquagenic,
    • cold,
    • thermal, etc.,
  • erosions on the skin,
  • allergic contact dermatitis,
  • echinococcosis.

A tendency to develop an allergic reaction can be observed in children whose parents also had some kind of allergy. Therefore, in this case, the doctor may prescribe an allergy test as a preventive measure and to exclude contact with a certain allergen.

A specialist will tell you about when it is better to undergo allergy tests in this video:

Contraindications for use

There are a number of situations when this diagnostic procedure may be contraindicated. These include the following:

  • the period of exacerbation of allergies, as well as the time of remission after an exacerbation is less than 10 days - during this time the body is actively recovering, and additional exposure to it in the form of an allergen dose is contraindicated;
  • old age - more than 60 years;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • when taking glucosterodin drugs. After the period of their use, at least two weeks must pass;
  • while taking any type of antihistamine, since in this case the effectiveness of the allergy test is significantly reduced;
  • during exacerbation of any chronic disease.

Is the procedure safe?

The safety of this allergen identification procedure has been proven by numerous practical experiments. However, the presence of contraindications must be taken into account before carrying out this diagnostic manipulation.

For example, in early childhood, performing skin allergy tests can cause certain harm to a child’s body that is not yet fully strengthened, since up to three years of age, human immunity is considered to be not yet fully formed. Also unsafe this procedure with increased sensitivity of the body to a certain type of allergen: in this case, extreme manifestations are likely undesirable consequences introduction of an allergenic substance.

In any case, skin allergy tests are carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and in a medical facility. Next, we will tell you how to prepare for allergy tests.

Preparing for the examination

So, are there any special features when preparing for allergy tests for children and adults?

  • Before carrying out this procedure, the main requirement is the absence of significant stress: both physical and psychological, in order to eliminate possible negative consequences.
  • Immediately before the procedure itself, the skin at the injection site is treated with any type of antiseptic.

We will tell you further about how allergy tests are done for children and adults.

How it's going

The injection is usually carried out in the flexion area of ​​the forearm, but if necessary, a dose of the allergen can also be administered in the back area. Allergen samples are applied to the surface treated with an antiseptic, then the skin is injected, penetration with a needle is made to a depth of at least 1 mm.

Sensations with particularly pronounced negative manifestations not noted, since the depth of skin injection is minimal. The result is assessed within 20 minutes after the application of allergens.

Decoding the results

The process of deciphering the results of an allergy test is carried out only by a specialist who has the experience and data for this.

The formation of redness at the injection site indicates the degree of allergy to a certain type of allergen:

  1. The appearance of pronounced redness in the next few seconds after the procedure indicates a positive reaction to this allergy test.
  2. The appearance of redness of the skin in the injection area within the prescribed 20 minutes indicates an immediate reaction to the allergen.
  3. If redness of the skin is noted only within the next 24-48 hours, then we can talk about a delayed reaction to the allergen.

The doctor also evaluates the resulting reaction on a certain scale from 0 to 4 points.

Skin tests: what are they?

The technique allows you to determine the type of allergen and the type of negative reaction:

  • when an allergen comes into contact with the skin, interaction with mast cells occurs;
  • local allergic signs occur after the penetration of an irritant into a wound on the skin, with the release of serotonin and histamine;
  • in the area where an irritant dangerous to the patient is applied, the epidermis turns red, itches, papules often appear, the site of a scratch, application or injection swells;
  • Based on the results of the appearance of allergenic foci, doctors determine the types of irritants, contact with which will have to be excluded.

Mandatory elements of skin tests - solutions and extracts of allergens various kinds. Doctors use glycerin and histamine to determine if the test is correct. A reaction to histamine occurs in most cases; the absence of even a weak response on the skin indicates possible errors skin tests To apply irritants, use a needle, lancet or tampon applicator.

Find out the instructions for using the drug Clarisens for allergic diseases.

Read about the characteristic symptoms and treatment methods for respiratory allergies at this address.

In what cases are studies prescribed?

Indications for skin tests:

  • hay fever (hay fever);
  • dermatitis of an allergic nature;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • intolerance to certain products and substances in food (lactose, gluten);
  • Quincke's edema;
  • allergic runny nose.


Doctors do not conduct testing in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases with severe course: bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia;
  • the patient has been diagnosed with AIDS or autoimmune pathologies;
  • high risk of anaphylactic reactions;
  • lactation period;
  • decompensated stage of asthmatic disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • a malignant tumor has been identified;
  • exacerbation of allergic symptoms;
  • mental disorders.

Types of testing

To identify allergens, doctors conduct several types of testing:

  • scarification tests. The doctor applies irritant particles to the forearm and makes small scratches with a needle or lancet;
  • application tests. Safe way does not require even minimal damage to the epidermis: the doctor applies a tampon moistened with an allergen solution to the body;
  • prick tests. The healthcare worker applies a drop of irritant to the skin, then uses a special needle to carefully pierce the testing area.

What are direct and indirect samples?

Allergists conduct certain types of studies involving the upper layer of the epidermis in the process. The methods are effective in diagnosing allergic diseases, clarifying the diagnosis or type of irritant.

Features of skin tests:

  • direct allergy tests. The examination is carried out to diagnose diseases that develop due to intolerance to certain substances. During direct tests, the possible allergen and the epidermis are in close contact: applications, scarification tests, and prick tests are carried out;
  • indirect skin tests. The technique was developed to determine the type of allergic reaction. First, a subcutaneous injection of the intended irritant is carried out, after a certain period the doctor prescribes a fence. venous blood to detect antibody levels;
  • provocative tests. The technology is used only when other methods have low information content or false positive/false negative test results. The method allows you to clarify the diagnosis if the data from previous tests and anamnesis do not match. The Prausnitz-Küstren reaction is the injection of blood serum from an allergic person to a healthy person. A day later, the doctor determines the level of antibodies in the epidermis, then the same area is treated with an allergen and the reaction is observed.

Preparation for the procedure

  • discontinuation of glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines 14 days before testing;
  • compliance hypoallergenic diet previously assigned. Test results performed on an empty stomach may be incorrect.

The patient must strictly follow the rules determined by the doctor. False-positive and false-negative results of skin tests are possible if the recommendations are not followed. If the picture is “blurred”, you will have to repeat the study again, using microdoses of allergens, which creates some discomfort for the patient. To clarify the diagnosis, additional tests for allergens are prescribed, many of which are expensive.

How is allergen testing performed?

Features of the scarification test:

  • before scratching, the epidermis is wiped with 70% alcohol;
  • testing in children is carried out in the upper back, in adults - in the forearm area;
  • on the treated area of ​​the epidermis, the doctor makes small scratches, the distance between them is from 4 to 5 cm. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly (the marks are too close), inaccurate results are often obtained);
  • Using a sterile needle or lancet, the doctor applies extracts or solutions of allergens. For each type of stimulus, the specialist takes a new tool;
  • for 15 minutes the patient must hold his hand motionless so that the drops of irritants do not mix, the result is reliable;
  • Based on the reaction on the surface of the epidermis in the scratch area, the doctor determines whether this substance is dangerous for a particular person or not. Papules, redness, itching, swelling in a certain area indicate a negative response to this component;
  • The test result is noticeable after a quarter of an hour. After taking measurements and analyzing the situation, the doctor removes the remaining drops of irritant from the scratches. A maximum of twenty allergens can be applied in one procedure.

Diagnostic results

Skin tests are a highly informative method that allows you to determine the degree of danger of a substance for a particular patient:

  • sharply positive test result- pronounced redness, papule measuring 10 mm or more;
  • positive reaction- redness is clearly visible, the papule reaches 5 mm;
  • weakly positive result- severe hyperemia, papule no more than 3 mm in size;
  • dubious outcome- there is no papule, but the skin is red. To clarify the diagnosis, a blood test is prescribed for comparison with a panel of allergens or another type of study at the discretion of the doctor;
  • negative result- there are no skin reactions on the surface of the epidermis in the scratch area.

False results: reasons

Doctors identify several factors against which inaccurate data is possible:

  • taking antihistamines or other medicines, inhibiting the development of an allergic reaction;
  • incorrect procedure;
  • decreased skin reaction in a particular patient during a certain period, more often in children and the elderly;
  • storage of allergen extracts in violation of instructions, which leads to changes in properties;
  • testing for a substance that is not the main irritant;
  • The concentration of the solution prepared by the nurse is too low.

How to cure urticaria in adults with folk remedies? Check out a selection of effective recipes.

A list of 3rd generation antihistamines for skin allergies can be seen in this article.

Go to and learn about the symptoms of cat allergies, as well as the treatment of the pathology.

Allergy tests are various ways to diagnose a variety of allergic diseases. Carrying out these tests allows you to accurately determine the source of the development of an allergic reaction by determining a person’s hypersensitivity to various allergens introduced during testing. Allergy tests include provocative tests, indirect and direct allergy tests, qualitative and quantitative skin tests. All these diagnostic methods have in common that a possible irritant that causes an allergic reaction in a person is introduced into his body, and then the body’s response to its introduction is assessed. Allergy tests should definitely be done only during a period of stable remission, and to be more precise, no earlier than thirty days after the end of the exacerbation allergic disease.

Allergy testing is indicated for the following diseases:

Bronchial asthma, causing shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and suffocation

Seasonal pollen allergy, which is accompanied by an itchy nose, continuous sneezing, nasal congestion and runny nose

Atopic dermatitis, manifested by skin rashes

Allergic rhinitis, causing a profuse runny nose

Allergic conjunctivitis, manifested by redness of the eyes, itching and watery eyes

Food allergies accompanied by itchy skin rashes

Allergy tests are sufficient specific methods diagnostics, for which there is truly huge amount preparations made from pollen of grasses, trees, dander and hair of various animals, concentrated house dust, etc. Also used in diagnosis are preparations made from mites, fungi, bacterial, food and chemical irritants.

Allergy tests can be done using several methods:

Scarification tests. Various allergens are applied dropwise to the pre-cleansed skin of the forearm according to special markings made in advance, through which small scratches are then made with a disposable scarifier

Patch skin tests. A cotton swab pre-moistened in an allergenic solution is applied to the undamaged area of ​​the skin.

Prick tests. According to its conduct this method very similar to scarification tests, with the only difference that instead of scratching with a scarifier, light, shallow injections are made through drops of allergens with disposable needles

When conducting this type of allergy diagnosis, no more than fifteen allergens are used at a time. Often allergy tests for children carried out by the same allergen, only in different concentrations. If the subject has an allergic reaction to one of the tested allergens, then the puncture site or scratch begins to swell, turn red, and appear around skin rashes. In allergy practice, skin tests are the most common diagnostic method.

The evaluation of allergy skin tests begins depending on the allergen used. If the first test results are obtained after twenty minutes from the moment of contact with the allergen, then the later ones are assessed no earlier than after one or two days. After deciphering all the samples, the patient receives a sheet with the results obtained, on which the following inscription may appear opposite each tested allergen: weakly positive, positive, doubtful, negative.

Allergy tests are never limited to skin tests. Along with them, for any form of allergy, a blood test is indicated to determine the type of allergic reaction.

Provocative allergy tests are prescribed when there is a clear discrepancy between dermatological allergy tests and anamnestic data. An indirect dermatological test consists of subcutaneously injecting a person with a certain irritant, after which the blood serum of a patient with this type of allergy is injected. According to the resulting reaction, a conclusion is drawn about the danger to humans of this particular allergen.

Before undergoing allergy testing, each person should prepare accordingly. The first priority is precise definition whether at least thirty days have passed since the last allergic reaction. In addition, during the testing process, you must be prepared for the fact that the body may develop an unexpected reaction to the introduced allergen and, accordingly, emergency medical care will be needed. It follows from this that any allergy tests should be carried out only in a medical facility under the constant supervision of a doctor. At least one day before the start of the allergy test, you should stop taking any antiallergic medications. You need to have a positive attitude and calm down during the procedure itself, because... subcutaneous injections absolutely bloodless and painless.

Contraindications to allergy testing: age over sixty years, pregnancy, exacerbation of allergies, colds, long-term therapy hormonal drugs, taking antiallergic drugs during this period.

When to take skin tests for allergens

As a rule, indications for this kind of manipulation arise in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Allergies caused by food products allergic dermatitis accompanied by itching and rashes;
  • Drug allergies that provoked Quincke's edema, itching, rashes;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis, which is accompanied by redness of the eyes, lacrimation, itching;
  • Allergic rhinitis, causing a runny nose;
  • Bronchial asthma, which led to suffocation, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • Hay fever is a seasonal allergy, the causes of which are hidden in pollen. The disease is accompanied by a runny nose, nasal congestion, itching in the nasal passages and constant sneezing.

What tests are used in modern allergology?

There are skin and provocative tests. Diagnosis of an allergy test using the skin method in medicine is called allergometric titration.

With the help of such a study, it is possible to detect the minimum level of concentration of the irritant that entails a visible negative reaction from the body.

The following methods are used to conduct allergy tests:

  • Skin tests in the form of applications. A cotton swab is dipped into an allergenic solution, then applied to healthy areas of the skin;
  • Scarification - several drops of different irritants are applied to the skin of the forearm, and then scratches are made with a small disposable scarifier (up to 1 mm);
  • Prick tests are similar to the previous ones. They differ from scarification in that they do not make scratches, but injections.

Tests for allergens performed by the skin method allow you to assess the condition and determine the level of development of the negative reaction. They are divided into two subtypes: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative tests make it possible to determine whether a particular organism is sensitive to a given irritating substance. Quantitative tests must be taken to determine the level of this sensitivity. Qualitative ones, in turn, can be direct or indirect.

Direct samples - the allergen (in the form of drops or application) is injected internally and applied externally. First, scratches are made on the skin or an injection is given. When a blister, redness or inflammation appears at the injection/application site, the reaction is considered positive. If you do such a test, the listed manifestations may occur after 30 minutes, several hours or even days.

Indirect samples - the test involves injecting the blood serum of an infected person, and then, a day later, under the skin healthy person an allergen is also introduced. The resulting reaction indicates the presence of antibodies in the blood.

When the results of skin tests do not correspond to the previously collected anamnesis, provocative tests are prescribed. In this situation, irritants are introduced into the tissues or organs that were most damaged during the previous allergic reaction.

Provocative tests

  • Conjunctival - an irritating substance is instilled into the conjunctival sac. If there is redness, itching, or lacrimation, the reaction is considered positive;
  • Nasal – performed for allergic hay fever and runny nose. The control liquid is dripped into one nasal passage, and the allergen into the other. The reaction is considered positive if the allergen causes difficulty breathing and itching;
  • Heat and cold - used to identify the corresponding types of urticaria;
  • Inhalation – carried out to determine the cause bronchial asthma. The patient inhales the solution containing the allergen using a nebulizer. With a positive reaction, lung capacity is reduced by 15%;
  • Elimination - if you have a food allergy, the patient should not eat potentially irritating foods. If a person has a negative reaction to household irritants, he is placed in an allergen-free ward for some time;
  • Exposure – carried out in the absence of specific symptoms of pathology. This method involves constant contact of a person with a possible allergen in the microclimate constantly surrounding him;
  • Thrombocytopenic and leukocytopenic - carried out to identify nutritional and medicinal type. Consists of introducing allergens and monitoring platelets and leukocytes, respectively.

How to properly take skin tests for allergens

Before you take the test, you need to prepare. Such an event can be carried out at least 30 days after the manifestation of a previous allergic reaction to any irritant. You also need to be prepared for any body reaction to the introduction of allergic components; you may need medical attention.

Accordingly, the question arises, where can tests for allergens be done in children and adults? These should only be carried out in specialized medical institutions, where the attending physician will constantly monitor the patient’s condition.

The use of sedative and antihistamine medications affects the results of studies, because such drugs affect the reactivity of the skin. Therefore, drugs from these groups should be stopped one week before the tests.

Before the procedure, you need to calm down and tune in to a positive mood. All skin tests used, which involve injections and similar procedures, are practically painless.

There are a number of contraindications that contribute to delaying manipulation. For example, these include colds, long-term treatment with hormonal drugs for patients over 60 years of age, a course of antiallergic drugs, pregnancy, as well as a period of exacerbation of allergies or a chronic disease.

Laboratory allergy tests for children and adults

Much more popular now are the so-called invitro studies - using human blood serum. Such studies can be carried out regardless of the exacerbation of the disease and the presence accompanying pathologies, since there is no direct contact with irritating substances, therefore, the risk of developing an acute negative reaction of the body is eliminated.

Blood needs to be donated only once, but it is examined for allergies to almost all possible irritants. The results are given in quantitative and semi-quantitative form ( objective assessment), which in turn allows you to determine the degree of sensitivity (sensitization) to the allergens used.

Laboratory diagnostics are indispensable for significant skin damage, which often occurs with eczema, atopic dermatitis, and neurodermatitis. They are recommended for cases of increased allergic reactivity (reaction) of the skin, which can provoke false-positive and false-negative indicators, for example, with mastocytosis, Quincke's edema, and chronic urticaria.

They are also used when it is necessary to constantly take antiallergic medications. It is worth noting that skin tests for allergens in elderly people and children may not be informative due to changes in skin reactivity.

We wish you good results your allergy tests and good health!

Allergy testing is the only high-quality method for diagnosing and identifying an allergen. Tests are divided into direct, indirect and provocative.

The essence of an allergy test is that the irritant to which a person may be allergic is in various ways is introduced into the body, after which the body’s reaction to the introduced allergen is assessed.


To perform an allergy test, a wide range of common allergens are used. To determine the cause of the allergy, patients are administered drugs made from plant pollen, microparticles of animal hair and epidermis, household dust, fungi and insects, from chemical, food and bacterial allergens.

Depending on the method of introducing the allergen, the test and subsequent analysis can last from several hours to several days.

Allergy testing technology

Before doing an allergy test, the doctor studies information about the development of allergies and identifies a possible group of allergens. Test preparations with an irritant are either applied to small scratches made in advance on the wrist or given a subcutaneous injection.

Often a test for the same allergen is carried out using different concentrations of the irritating substance. Redness, rash or swelling indicating an allergic reaction is recorded and analyzed.

Blood test

A blood test for the presence of antibodies is the first allergy test that is done on a patient. With this allergy test you can determine the type of allergy. Blood tests do not lead to the development of any allergic reactions in the patient and therefore have virtually no contraindications. They are recommended for any form of allergy.

Direct skin allergy tests

Allergens are introduced into microscratches on the patient's skin. Usually about twenty samples are carried out at a time. The skin reaction indicates which irritant triggered the reaction. This allergy test is quite lengthy - sometimes it takes more than a day, during which the patient is in the hospital under observation. A positive reaction to an allergen is considered to be redness, swelling or peeling of the area where the allergen was applied. The reaction to its coating must exceed 2 mm.

Indirect skin allergy test

When conducting an indirect dermatological test, a person is given a subcutaneous injection containing an irritant, and then a blood serum sensitive to this type of allergy is injected. Based on the reaction, they conclude how dangerous it is specific allergen for a person.

Provocative test

A provocative allergy test is prescribed if there is a discrepancy between the data on the development of allergies and dermatological tests. Provocative tests include conjunctive, nasal, if a person has allergic rhinitis, and inhalation tests, which are performed for bronchial asthma in a patient.

Allergy tests in children

The test procedure for children is no different from that for adults. But there are age restrictions. Direct skin, indirect and provocative tests are not allowed for children under 3 years of age. Many allergists insist that for allergies that progress smoothly, without serious relapses, such tests should not be done before 5 years of age, since the rapidly growing children's body Maybe naturally change the reaction to the allergen.

Test conditions

A prerequisite for conducting the analysis is stable remission sick. An allergy test is taken no earlier than 30 days after the previous exacerbation of the allergic reaction.

During an allergy test, any reaction can occur. In this regard, allergy tests are done only in specialized medical institutions, where in the event of an exacerbation of the reaction, doctors can provide emergency assistance.

Currently, tests that determine allergies are quite in demand, since the frequency of allergic diseases is regularly increasing. Experts attribute this to many reasons, not least of which are poor environment and poor quality nutrition. The basis of allergic reactions in adults and children is the body’s increased sensitivity to a certain substance.

There are two main ways to diagnose allergies - determination of IgE in the blood and allergy tests. It is the second method that our conversation today will focus on.

What are allergy tests?

They represent a traditional, fairly reliable diagnostic method. They may consist of a prick test (prick method), scarification tests (scratch method), as well as intradermal tests.

Before diagnosing, carry out general examination body, which includes visiting a therapist (pediatrician), general analysis urine, general blood test.

The purpose of the tests is to identify allergens that influence the development of allergic manifestations. Some of these particularly common substances include pet hair, dust, poplar fluff, plant pollen, some foods, products household chemicals etc.

Most often, samples are placed on the skin in the area of ​​the inner surface of the forearms, approximately 3-4 cm from the wrist. If a person suffers from an allergic skin disease, the test can be placed on other parts of the body, often on the back.

Indications for the study

The analysis is carried out for the purpose of diagnosing diseases of an allergic nature. For example, bronchial asthma, hay fever, atopic dermatitis, eczema. With the help of analysis, food, drug allergy, respiratory allergies. The study also establishes the allergic nature of rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

How are allergy tests taken?

An injection or scratch is carried out using a sterile disposable scarifier. After that, a drop of diagnostic allergen is applied to this place. Or it is administered intradermally. If later certain time slight redness and swelling appears at the site of exposure, suggesting an allergic reaction to the injected allergen.

In some cases, diagnosis is not limited to identifying the allergen. It is often necessary to find out the degree of sensitivity to it. Therefore, tests are carried out with allergens of different dilution concentrations.

Typically, the analysis result is examined in bright light, 1-2 days after the analysis. The test is considered positive when the resulting papule is more than 2 mm in size. Moreover, in one study it is possible to evaluate 15-20 samples. This is a traditional, fairly accurate, widely used method for diagnosing allergies.

You need to know that a few days before the test, you should stop taking antiallergic medications. Otherwise, the results may be unreliable.

Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor may recommend specific immunotherapy. In this way, the cause of the reaction will be identified and it will need to be eliminated.

For example, if you are allergic to dandelions, you will have to avoid contact with these plants. In addition, during the period of remission, when there are no allergic reactions, you will need to continue specific treatment which your doctor will prescribe for you. The main methods of therapy include the use of antihistamines, as well as vaccination. Unfortunately, treatment methods can cure the disease 100%.

Vaccination is generally a rather long process – up to 3 years. When a vaccine is introduced, the body first gets used to it for a long time, then gradually begins to produce protective substances. The first injections of the vaccine (38–40 injections) are given every other day, then the intervals are extended. Then they move on to maintenance doses, when they inject once a month, until a positive result is achieved.

Medicines are used only during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

Contraindications for testing:

This diagnostic method has contraindications. It cannot be carried out in the following cases:

- When there is a history of anaphylactic shock;

— In case of exacerbation of an allergic disease or any chronic ailment, including mental illness and nervous disorders;

— During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

— All patients who have undergone long-term hormonal therapy.

You need to know that during tests when allergens are introduced, almost any allergic reaction can occur, sometimes unpredictable and severe. Therefore, this diagnostic method should only be carried out by a specialist in a medical facility. There exist special conditions allowing, if necessary, to provide the patient with the necessary medical care. Be healthy!

Anyone who suffers from allergic reactions understands how important it is to establish the cause that causes them. The best way to identify an allergen is to take an allergy test, which allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the forms of manifestation of the disease.

Only with early diagnosis is it possible if not complete healing from an unpleasant illness, then at least preventing its further development.

Conducted to determine the irritant to which the body responds with an allergic reaction. Knowing irritant, the patient will be able to minimize contacts with him or at least reduce them in a situation where it is not possible to completely avoid interaction.

With prolonged contact with an allergen, a person runs the risk of acquiring chronic forms diseases such as asthma or incurable dermatitis. It also needs to be taken into account that daily intake antihistamines are addictive.

Tests are performed if the patient has the following and their manifestations:

  • Hay fever– a reaction to plant pollen, manifested in sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane. Typically, hay fever is seasonal.
  • Bronchial asthma: accompanied by attacks of suffocation, coughing, heavy and difficult breathing.
  • Food and for certain types of products or drugs: has various shapes manifestations: skin rash, urticaria, asthmatic manifestations and even.
  • accompanied by itching, with an unknown cause of their occurrence.
  • Conjunctivitis, manifested by lacrimation, itching and redness of the eyes.


  • There are age restrictions for both adults and children. People over 60 years of age and children under three cannot undergo allergy tests. There are contraindications for women as well.
  • Tests are not carried out on pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, you should also not come for the allergen identification procedure in the first days of menstruation.
  • Testing cannot be performed if the patient is taking glucocorticosteroids or other hormonal drugs. It is recommended to do tests 2-3 weeks after stopping these medications.

People who have had it at least once are never tested. Tests should not be performed on patients suffering from diseases such as AIDS, diabetes, mental disorders and oncology.

Types of allergy tests

Before performing tests, an allergist must analyze the body’s previous reactions and determine the group of allergens that will be used for testing.

The procedure is carried out taking into account the patient’s age, heredity, and the seasonality of the disease. For the adult population, professional activities are also taken into account.

All samples can be divided into the following categories:

Allergy tests by blood

Blood from a vein is taken for analysis to find out what antibodies are present in a person. Usually they take a test for immunoglobulins E and G. This procedure is performed if other allergy tests cannot be done for any reason. In this case, you need to prepare for the blood drawing procedure.

You should limit yourself in physical activity, follow a diet for at least three days, in which you are prohibited from eating fried, fatty foods, as well as foods that can cause pain. Required complete failure from alcohol and smoking. The analysis is carried out on an empty stomach.

It is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • dermatitis and eczema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Skin tests

Skin tests for allergies involve the introduction of a certain dose of a substance (allergic irritant) that shows the human body’s susceptibility to it.

Testing can be qualitative (the type of allergen is determined) and quantitative (shows a person’s sensitivity to the dose received). No more than 15-20 allergy tests should be performed at a time. For small children at the age of 5, 2-3 tests are done.

  • Scarification test, or prick test, considered the most common verification method. The suspected allergens are applied in a minimal dosage to the forearm, which is pre-cleaned, and small incisions are made on the skin at the site of application using special device– scarifier. Scarification tests are recommended for strong manifestations dermatitis, Quincke's edema, bronchial asthma. The accuracy of this method is 85%.
  • Skin test, or applique, It is most often performed on the back and is done in the form of attaching strips with a liquid allergen, which is covered with a film and secured with a band-aid. It is carried out for various types of dermatitis. The results of the reaction on the skin are examined after 20 minutes, after 5 hours of exposure, and also after 24 hours.
  • Intradermal tests done in rare situations. The method consists of introducing an allergenic irritant under the skin. This test is performed to determine allergies of fungal or bacterial origin.

Provocative tests

The study of allergic reactions using provocative tests involves influencing directly the organ that suffers most from negative symptoms.

This technique for identifying an allergen is more accurate compared to skin tests. But it is carried out extremely rarely, only when the irritant cannot be identified by any other means.

  • Nasal test performed using a special inhaler. It contains the intended irritant. It is administered through the nasal passage by spraying onto the mucous membrane. If no reaction is observed, then the procedure is repeated with increasing concentration of the allergen. The repetition can be carried out up to 10 times. If after this no reaction is detected, then the sample is considered negative.
  • Conjunctival test is based on the introduction of physiological fluid into one eye, after which, after 1/3 of an hour, the allergen is dripped into the second eye with the maximum permissible dosage. If a reaction is detected, the sample is counted as positive. Conduct this test It is not recommended for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye or inflammation of the eyelids.
  • Inhalation test rarely carried out. Its use makes it possible to identify the allergen that affects the appearance of bronchospasms. The patient inhales an aerosol with a minimal dosage of the allergen. The procedure is repeated 5 times within an hour at intervals of 10-15 minutes. If a reaction is not noticed, then testing is repeated with an increased dose of the allergen.

Specifics of testing

Any testing to identify an allergen must be subject to the following conditions:

  • Performed strictly on an empty stomach.
  • Tests must be carried out in a medical institution and only by medical specialists.
  • The room where samples are taken must have facilities available to assist with unpredictable reactions. Application of samples must be carried out in the presence of a doctor. Even on minimum dose Injected allergen may cause a response from the body in the form of Quincke's edema.
  • The test can be carried out only when at least 2-3 weeks have passed since the last exacerbation. Also, the patient should not suffer from colds and infectious diseases.
  • The day before testing, you must stop taking any antihistamines in order to obtain a reliable result.

Features of testing in children

Before testing, parents should prepare their child for this procedure. Before testing you must pass clinical analysis blood and urine.

Testing for allergens in children has its own characteristics. Children are often vaccinated against various diseases. Allergy testing can be carried out only 3 months after the next vaccination.

A doctor can prescribe allergy tests for children as a preventive measure. if immediate family members suffer from a severe allergic reaction. This should be done in order to establish the possibility of an allergic reaction of the body to initial stage to prevent its development. For example, if a mother has hay fever, the likelihood that the child will suffer from the same disease increases to 75%.

An allergist must determine what form of allergy the child has. The choice of testing method will depend on this, as well as at what age this procedure can be done. It is recommended to test children with the passive form no earlier than 5 years of age, since at this stage the body can cope with allergies on its own. By special indications Tests may be prescribed at the age of 3-4 years.

In children, the allergen is usually detected through skin testing.

Sample evaluation

After testing, it is important to correctly evaluate the results obtained. The doctor evaluates the samples based on reaction speed. If the skin at the site of allergen injection turns red, blisters, or swells during the first hour of examination, then the reaction is considered immediate and the test is positive. If a reaction to the injected allergen occurs within a day, the test result is considered weakly positive.

The reaction is also assessed by measuring the amount of redness of the skin:

  • no changes are observed - negative test;
  • up to 3 mm – questionable reaction;
  • over 3 mm – positive reaction.

Most often, allergies are associated with a disorder of the immune system. Therefore, if any type of allergic reaction is detected, measures should be taken to strengthen the immune system.

There are various methods for conducting allergy tests. An allergist must determine which method of identifying the allergen should be chosen. The choice of method is influenced by factors such as age, heredity, type of allergic reaction, and seasonality of its manifestation. Once the irritant is identified, the patient will be able to avoid contact with it, which will help maintain his health.

You suspect that you have an allergy because... Your eyes are constantly watering, your skin is peeling, there are rashes, unpleasant itching, nasal congestion, sneezing, but you don’t know what the allergen is, and it’s impossible to determine this at home? Then you should do allergy tests. Allergy testing is a test performed for any allergic reaction. The goal is to identify the body’s individual intolerance to certain substances. Typically this is 100% way allergen determination. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure, because... During its implementation, you can feel only a slight tingling or scratch without pain and without blood.

In what cases is it necessary to do allergy tests?

  1. If you have bronchial asthma accompanied by heavy breathing, oxygen starvation, shortness of breath.
  2. In the presence of chronic hay fever, as well as seasonal, which manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, continuous sneezing, and constant nasal congestion.
  3. For allergies to food and medications.
  4. In the presence of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis.
  5. For allergic dermatitis.

What types of allergy tests are there?

There are 3 main ways to conduct allergy tests:

  • Skin test or patch test.
  • Scarification test.
  • Prick test.

Solutions of various herbs, food, medicines, animal skin particles, insect venom, wool particles, chemicals and household preparations are used as allergens.

How are allergy tests done?

So how are allergy tests done? Carrying out application tests involves applying a gauze swab soaked in an allergen solution to the area of ​​skin affected by the allergy.

During the scratch test, a few drops of the allergen are applied to an area of ​​skin treated with alcohol from the hand to the shoulder. Then small scratches are made in this place with a scarifier for one-time use.

When conducting a prick test, a few drops of the allergen are also applied to the treated skin of the forearm and small punctures are made in this place with sterile needles 1 millimeter deep.

Another type of test is provocative, which are divided into conjunctival, nasal and inhalation. During a conjunctival test, the allergen is injected into the eye. If tears and eyelids appear, the result for the test allergen is positive. In a nasal test, the allergen is injected into the nose. An indicator of a reaction to an allergen is congestion or swelling of the nasal mucosa, continuous sneezing and itching. Using an inhalation test, you can determine the occurrence of bronchial asthma.

During one visit, no more than 15 samples are placed.

What can be the results after an allergy test?

The research results will not tell you right away. They can be ready either after 20 minutes (if it is, for example), or after 1-2 days (it all depends on the type of allergen) and contain the following answers: negative, weakly positive, positive and doubtful.

Redness and swelling greater than 2 millimeters in the area where the allergen solution was applied is the result of the fact that you are allergic to this particular substance.

How should you prepare for allergy testing?

To obtain more accurate results, you must stop taking anti-allergy medications one day before the test. It is also advisable to conduct a general clinical examination: take blood and urine tests. It is best to do allergy tests in winter or autumn, because... In spring and summer, the number of allergens increases.

Where are allergy tests done, and who controls this procedure?

Many people do not know where allergy tests are done. However, you should know that allergy tests must be carried out and monitored by an allergist in the treatment room located in the allergy department.

How to diagnose and identify allergies if there are contraindications for testing?

If for some reason all types of tests are contraindicated for you, you can diagnose an allergy by taking a blood test from a vein.

Are there any contraindications for conducting an allergy test?

The following contraindications may prevent an allergy test:

  • existing allergy at the time of the study in the acute stage.
  • acute respiratory infections.
  • any other existing chronic disease that is at the moment is in the acute stage.
  • taking hormonal medications for a long period.
  • pregnancy.
  • currently taking antihistamines.
  • age after 60 years.

Is it possible to carry out allergy tests in children?

Allergy tests in children are usually carried out in the same way as in adults, but with an age limit of up to 3 years. If a child’s allergy occurs passively, without exacerbations, then tests are not recommended until age 5, because A growing child's body can cope with an allergic reaction on its own.

What could be the consequences of an allergy test?

The consequences of an allergy test are very rare and manifest as a pronounced allergic reaction, sometimes leading to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, all allergy tests should be carried out in specialized medical institutions and only under the supervision of an allergist, who, if necessary, can provide professional assistance.

Timely diagnosis of allergies is the main condition for it successful treatment and warnings possible relapses. To carry it out, a comprehensive examination is carried out, an important component of which is allergy testing. Before the procedure, the doctor explains what allergen tests are, how they are done and how to prepare for them. However, it is advisable to study all the necessary information in more detail in order to obtain the most accurate test results and prevent complications from occurring.

Allergy tests are testing the body to determine individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to specific irritating substances (allergens). Such an examination is necessary in the following cases:

  • if there is a tendency to allergic reactions, to identify most of the possible allergens;
  • at the slightest suspicion of an allergy before administering anesthesia, prescribing new medications, using unfamiliar cosmetics or other similar situations, especially in children;
  • if you need to identify an allergen when the cause of the painful response of the immune system to the patient is unknown.

In addition, some diseases are indications for testing:

  • bronchial asthma with severe respiratory disorders;
  • hay fever with pronounced symptoms of its classic manifestation;
  • food and drug allergies;
  • , conjunctivitis, dermatitis.

Allergy tests allow you to quickly obtain the necessary information about which substance causes increased sensitivity. To do this, the body is exposed to small doses of various irritants, and then the result obtained is assessed by the nature of the reactions.

Diagnostic methods

The most reliable method for identifying allergens is a comprehensive allergy diagnosis using a blood test. It allows you to simultaneously determine the body's sensitivity to the 40 most common allergens different types. This method may be the only option if there are contraindications to skin testing, but it is very expensive and non-operative.

Faster and more accessible are skin and provocative tests, with which you can test the immune system's reaction to a maximum of 20 allergens.

Skin allergy tests are classified according to several criteria.

According to the final result:

  • qualitative – confirm or refute the presence of an allergy to a specific substance;
  • quantitative - determine the strength of the allergen and its critical amount that can cause a negative reaction of the immune system.

According to the composition of the provoking substance used:

  • direct - carried out by applying or introducing pure allergen into the skin;
  • indirect (Praustnitz-Küstner reaction) - the subject is first injected with the blood serum of a person suffering from allergies, and a day later - the allergen.

By method of allergen administration:

  • application (patch tests) - to determine the majority of existing allergens;
  • scarification or needle (prick tests) – when seasonal allergies on plants, Quincke's edema, atopic dermatitis;
  • intradermal (injection) - to identify fungi or bacteria that have become the causative agent of allergies.

Any of these studies may contain some errors due to external factors and characteristics of the body. To clarify the result if it does not coincide with the symptoms of the disease, provocative tests are additionally prescribed. They involve the direct impact of a provoking substance on the organ that has become the site of the allergic reaction.

The most commonly used tests are:

  • conjunctival (for allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva);
  • nasal (for similar inflammations of the nasal mucosa);
  • inhalation (for diagnosing bronchial asthma).

Other provocative allergy tests can also be performed - exposure or elimination (for food allergies), heat or cold (for a corresponding thermal rash), etc.

How are allergen tests done?

The procedure is performed by an allergist in a specially equipped room. He also evaluates the results obtained and makes an appropriate diagnosis.

Skin tests

Allergy tests of this type are carried out on healthy areas of the skin, most often in the forearm area, less often on the back. Each of the above procedures is performed in a special way:

  1. Patch tests (patch tests) are performed using a gauze or cotton swab soaked in an allergen solution, which is attached to the skin using a patch.
  2. Scarification or needle tests (prick tests) - involve the droplet application of a provoking substance followed by minor damage to the surface layer of the epidermis (light scratches with a scarifier or needle).
  3. Intradermal tests (injections) are based on the administration of the drug by injection to a depth of no more than 1 mm. A white dense bubble with a diameter of about 5 mm immediately forms at the puncture site, which resolves within 15 minutes.

The results are assessed according to two parameters:

  • reaction speed: instant – positive; after 20 minutes – immediate; after 1–2 days – slow;
  • the size of the redness or swelling that appears: more than 13 mm – hyperergic; 8–12 mm – clearly positive; 3–7 mm – positive; 1–2 mm – doubtful; no change – negative.

The skin reaction is assessed on a scale from 0 (“–”) to 4 (“++++”), which reflects the degree of sensitivity of the body to the allergen.

Provocative tests

The methodology for conducting such studies depends on the location of the affected organ and the option of access to it:

  1. Conjunctival test - carried out by first instilling a test control liquid into one eye, and if there are no changes within 20 minutes, then a minimal concentration of allergen solution is dripped into the other eye. If there is no reaction, after 20 minutes, the allergen solution is again instilled into the same eye, but with a concentration doubled. Such studies continue until there is no allergic reaction, constantly increasing the concentration by 2 times. Complete the test with undiluted allergen.
  2. Inhalation test - carried out by inhaling an allergen aerosol in a minimum concentration, then the reaction is monitored for 1 hour (after 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 minutes) respiratory system. If there are no changes in the rhythm, depth and purity of breathing, the test is repeated again with a twice as high concentration of the allergen and is also brought to its undiluted state.
  3. Nasal test - performed in a similar way, but the corresponding liquids are instilled into one and the other halves of the nose.

An exposure test involves direct exposure to a possible irritant and is performed in cases where there are no pronounced manifestations of an allergic reaction. Elimination tests are also performed in the absence of symptoms, but using the reverse method - by refusing to consume a possible allergen product, changing the environment, canceling medicinal product etc.

When choosing an allergen test option, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of each of them. Skin tests are fairly quick and simple, but are unsafe as they can aggravate allergies. It is also possible to obtain false results, which largely depend on the condition of the skin, the subjectivity of the assessment, and technical errors. In addition, such allergy tests have a number of contraindications.

Contraindications for staging

Staging of all types allergy tests is not carried out in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of allergies and for 2–3 weeks after it;
  • taking antihistamines and other drugs that suppress the production of histamine, and the first week after their withdrawal;
  • use of sedatives and other sedatives containing barbiturates, bromine and magnesium salts, and 7 days after discontinuation of use;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases, including neuropsychiatric disorders, or stage of recovery;
  • bearing and feeding a child, menstruation - in women;
  • previous history of anaphylactic shock;
  • reception hormonal drugs and 2 weeks after completion of the course;
  • presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body (respiratory, viral diseases, sore throat, etc.), as well as intercurrent infections;
  • cancer, AIDS, diabetes;
  • availability acute reaction to a specific allergen;
  • age up to 3–5 and after 60 years.

If there is any contraindication to skin testing, allergy diagnosis is performed based on a blood test.

Complications of allergen testing

The most serious complication after allergy testing may be caused by delayed-type hypersensitivity, which develops within 6–24 hours after the test. Its manifestations can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of health, the appearance of discomfort;
  • irritation and prolonged non-healing of the allergen injection site;
  • development of increased sensitization to the irritant or a new allergic reaction.

In some cases, on the contrary, there is no skin reaction, which does not allow identifying a specific allergen and obtaining a specific result from the test performed. Hypersensitivity to the test itself may also occur, the consequences of which can be unpredictable and very dangerous, including death.

How to prepare for tests

Preparation for testing for allergens should begin with an analysis of contraindications and exclusion of all possible factors that can distort test results. It should also be taken into account that tests can only be carried out during stable remission, at least a month after an exacerbation.

In addition, the preparatory stage includes the following restrictions:

  • 3 days before the examination you need to reduce physical activity;
  • 1 day in advance - quit smoking;
  • on the day of testing - do not eat food, since skin tests are performed on an empty stomach or at least 3 hours after eating.

If you are prone to allergies, you need to take tests for allergens at least once in your life, as people who care about their health do. It is always easier to prevent any disease than to then eliminate its symptoms and consequences. This is especially important in cases with allergic reactions. After all, they can arise from completely unexpected irritants, knowing which, you can avoid contact with them and live your whole life without allergies.



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