How to say goodbye to a thin body and gain weight after gaining weight. What should a woman eat to gain weight quickly?

Most often, weight problems occur in middle-aged people. This is facilitated by many factors - heredity, poor nutrition, stress, poor lifestyle, and more. In most cases, both men and women strive to lose extra pounds. But there are also people, and there are quite a few of them, who, on the contrary, cannot gain weight and remain thin under any conditions. Fortunately, thanks to modern medicine, nutritionists and physiotherapists have established rules on how to gain weight at home. By following the recommendations of experts, you can create an ideal body without harming your health without interrupting your regular work schedule.

How to gain weight at home. Establishing a regime

First of all, you need to find out the reason why you cannot gain weight. To do this, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis at the clinic. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will give recommendations on what the patient should do next. There are several methods on how to gain weight quickly at home:

  • restoration of normal functioning of the whole body;
  • compliance with the established daily routine;
  • doing physical exercises

Initially, it is necessary to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. To do this, you need to exclude harmful foods from your daily diet - fried, smoked, fatty foods. For drinks, you can drink chamomile tea without sugar. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, strictly at the same time. This diet must be followed for 2 weeks. During this period, if a person does not have serious diseases, his metabolism should return to normal.

After cleansing, you need to create a menu for the period of weight gain. This can be done using our “Getting Fat Together” program. The daily diet must contain the required amount of calories. To gain weight, you don’t have to overeat, you need to eat right. Women should consume from 2000 to 2500 kcal per day, and men from 2500 to 3500 kcal. In order to gain weight quickly, you need to balance your diet. The daily diet should include fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, legumes and other healthy foods. It is advisable to focus on proteins, but do not forget about precautions so as not to overload the digestive system.

Regarding the daily routine, it is necessary to establish clear hours of work, rest and sleep. Those people who are overtired and have trouble sleeping can lose weight very quickly. An adult's sleep duration should be at least 7 hours. During this period, his body manages to restore the lost strength.


There are also several ways for a girl or guy to gain weight at home without overexerting too much. To do this, you don’t need to lift barbells in the gym. To build muscle, you can use dumbbells. Push-ups from the floor, pull-ups on a horizontal bar (you can install a bar in any apartment), squats, lunges, etc. will also help you gain weight. Training must be carried out at least 3 times a week, constantly alternating loads on different muscle groups.

Lately we've been writing only about how to lose weight. But what if you're looking for something different? Perhaps you realize that you are too thin and need to gain weight? Yes, for such people this is really a problem that cannot be solved by eating fast food. As with losing weight, a balance of proper nutrition and exercise is a must. For some girls, gaining weight and keeping it at the desired level is not so easy, so we offer 31 effective tips for gaining weight quickly and safely.

Add calories

If you are naturally thin but want to have a beautiful, curvy body, start by adding 500 calories to your daily food intake. 500 kcal is not much, so you won’t feel bad, but these extra calories will make it easy for a girl to gain weight. A large chocolate bar or thick milkshake works just fine!

Drink soda

Some people recommend adding high-calorie soda to your diet if you want to gain weight. A couple of bottles will provide you with an extra hundred calories a day! If you're interested in healthier drinks (which is a smart idea), try replacing soda with fruit juice. Fruit juices are delicious and high in calories, so they will help and provide extra energy.

Eat in the evening

Nutritionists always tell us not to eat after 6 if we want to lose weight, so why not try the opposite? It will likely be very effective. So go ahead, stock up on late-night snacks and celebrate your belly before bed.

It seems that exercise and sports are just for those who are trying to lose weight, and not vice versa, but here we are talking about strength training, or more precisely, about weightlifting. Working with dumbbells and barbells will help you quickly build muscle mass, and, accordingly, weigh more. So if you're trying to gain mass, try going to the gym and lifting dumbbells.

Eat more protein

We suggest increasing the amount of protein in your diet, especially if you are also involved in weightlifting. Protein helps build muscle, keep your body toned and look beautiful. And at the same time increase your readings on the scale!

Here are just a few protein-rich foods you can find in stores near you:

  • Milk
  • Soy milk
  • Yogurt
  • Peanut butter
  • Lean meat, fish and poultry
  • Beans, tofu, lentils and other legumes
  • Cereals, including bread and pasta
  • Nuts and seeds

Add vegetable oil and butter

We all love to cook with vegetable oil, but when you're trying to lose weight, it's taboo. But in your case, plant foods are welcome (in reasonable quantities, of course). You shouldn't risk your own health, so it's better to use olive oil. And the additional kilograms will not take long to arrive.

Fat has twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates or protein (9 kcal per gram versus 4), so 100% fat foods are especially high in calories. Olive oil (which is pure fat) contains 1920 kcal per 250 ml. Any food rich in fat will have a large amount of calories. So guys, the more oil you use, the better!

Eat high-calorie snacks

You can constantly snack on high-calorie snacks during the day. For example, a bagel with cream cheese, crackers with cheese, or a peanut butter sandwich. If you have a very fast metabolism, ensure it works at its best, and then you will receive more calories than you lose.

Drink more dairy

Do you like milk? Regardless of the answer, you should drink it if you want to increase muscle mass. For example, chocolate milk is very tasty and also rich in calories. Drink it all day long. And not only milk, but also milkshakes and high-calorie smoothies.

Eat three times a day

Girls skip meals to lose weight, but if you're trying to gain weight, never - hear me, never! – do not skip meals. You should eat three times a day. This is the only way you won’t feel hungry and at the same time save calories. Although some experts argue that by skipping meals, we give our body a signal to start storing fat, we think this is only true for obese people. If you are thin, then skipping meals is not only not recommended, but simply contraindicated.

Increase your serving size

If you want to lose weight, you need to cut back on portions, but the opposite is true if you really want to gain a few pounds. Take a larger plate and gradually increase the portions, and if you feel like you’re not full, feel free to ask for more :)

Try the forbidden fruit

If you need to gain a little weight, think about foods and meals that you have usually avoided. Finally, you can try what you've always wanted! Just imagine how many desserts, delicious snacks and high-calorie snacks await you! However, try to avoid fast foods, because they are full of useless and even harmful calories that will not lead to anything good.

Choose your carbohydrates carefully

While bread, pasta and other carbohydrates are your enemy when you're trying to lose weight, you can consider them your friends when you want to gain weight easily. You can also pay attention to carbohydrate-rich rye flour products. Go ahead and make yourself a sandwich from rye bread with butter or cream cheese.

Avoid watery vegetables

Yes, vegetables are healthy, especially those that are full of water. However, in your case, instead of water-rich vegetables like celery and cucumber, it is better to choose starchy vegetables like corn, potatoes and carrots.

Eat the right fruits

Just like vegetables, fruits also contain a lot of water. This makes them great for those trying to lose weight, but if the opposite is true, then you may want to avoid these fruits. So it is better to exchange watermelon and melon for something denser, for example, bananas or even dried fruits.

Add cream

Well, who among us doesn’t love heavy cream? But they are so high in calories! You're not losing weight, are you? Just imagine how many delicious things you can add to your diet if it contains cream! Latte with cream, delicious cookies, hearty oatmeal... mmm... just the thought makes your mouth water!

Get plenty of rest

If you want to increase weight, then you need to not only eat more and exercise properly, but also sleep at least 8 hours a day. Your body builds muscle mass when you rest, so you'll do it faster if you get enough sleep.

Add Supplements

You will forgive us for this tautology, but it is so. There are now a variety of herbal and dietary supplements that can help you deal with your problem. Seek help from a knowledgeable expert in the field, as not all supplements are created equal.


Consistency is an insidious thing, which is not typical for many people. But it would be better to master this art if you are trying to gain weight (and lose weight too). How many times has this happened when you set a routine, then broke down, and then returned to the beginning again, but with a lost result behind you? So this shouldn't happen. Consistency should become an integral part of your life.

Keep a journal

Typically, women who are losing weight start a journal to keep track of what, how and when they eat. Well, this will work for you too if you have the opposite goal. Write down everything you eat, count calories, and also keep a workout diary. In short, write down everything that will help you take care of your body and health.

Consult a doctor

If you are having serious weight problems (no matter what), see your doctor. You should not radically change your diet and habits without consulting a specialist. Go to the doctor and make sure that there is no illness behind your weight loss (or inability to gain).

Double Fat

If you're trying to gain weight, one of the easiest ways is to simply double the amount of fat you eat at each meal (breakfast or dinner). Instead of one serving of nuts, take two. Add 2 tablespoons of oil or butter instead of one when cooking, or add a whole avocado instead of half as directed in the recipe. It's easy to make and yields delicious results. Plus, it will help you get fat pretty quickly, no matter how healthy these fats are.

Eat potatoes every day

Potatoes contain nutrients, but they promote rapid weight gain. Believe me, this is true. Even “healthy” varieties of potatoes, like sweet potatoes, are suitable for those who want to add a few pounds. Eat one at night so your body doesn't have a chance to burn those carbohydrates.

Eat ice cream twice a week

Ice cream (any kind) is high in calories and sugar. Even if you're a vegetarian, eat a couple a week and don't even think about breaking it down into portions. And don't forget to enjoy! You'll gain weight pretty quickly, and your taste buds will thank you for it!

Two breakfasts

Why have breakfast once when you can have two! Have breakfast around 7 am, and then again at 10 (or so). And don't forget about the rest of your meals to gain more calories. This will help you gain weight, no matter how healthy you eat.

Eat out more often

Restaurant dishes are higher in calories - that's a fact. Even “healthy” establishments prepare dishes that are higher in calories than what you eat at home. Many restaurant salads have more calories than two cheeseburgers! So eat out for dinner several times a week and you'll quickly gain the weight you need.

Eat peanut butter

No matter how healthy peanut butter is, it contributes to weight gain for most people. Eat a few tablespoons a day. Better yet, eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before bed and wash it down with a glass of milk! Many athletes use this technique - some girls even managed to gain 5 kg in a month easily, only thanks to this habit.

Try a smoothie

Girls turn to smoothies for help when they are trying to lose extra pounds, but smoothies will also help those who are trying to gain them, because they are full of high-calorie ingredients. Take two bananas, berries and pineapple, then add two scoops of protein powder, green vegetables and two tablespoons of peanut butter with full-fat yogurt. You will gain weight instantly, especially if you add coconut too. All of these are healthy products, but this cocktail contains 600 kcal, so drink this drink twice a day, and excess body weight will not take long to appear.

Eat movie theater snacks

If you're one of those people who usually avoids the high-calorie snacks that people usually eat at the movies, then you might want to consider giving them a try. Buy a small portion of popcorn the next time you go to the movies. In one session you will consume almost 400 kcal, especially if the popcorn is buttered. Popcorn and nachos are high in calories, so they're a great way to gain weight and watch your favorite movie at the same time.

Milkshake and fries

We all know that fast food leads to excess weight, but French fries and a milkshake are a truly explosive combination for you. You can enjoy this dish several times a week, and you are allowed to order a larger portion!

Cream and sugar

If you drink coffee, use heavy cream and sugar. Yes, this is a harmful combination, but it will lead you to rapid weight gain. Forget stevia and unsweetened almond milk and turn your attention to sugar and cream. Try it and see for yourself.

Stop doing so much

Well, and finally, you shouldn’t overdo it with physical activity. Of course, if you are used to living with sports, you can do yoga - it helps girls with problems with weight and the menstrual cycle. This is also a great way to gain mass quickly. Another alternative: Walk for about 20 minutes every day at a slow pace. The fewer calories you burn, the more weight you will gain.

If you, unlike most women, are trying to gain weight rather than lose it, perhaps some (or all) of the tips presented here will help you do it quickly and safely. And don't forget that once you reach a weight that suits you, you will have to constantly maintain it at this level so that there are not too many fluctuations.

Most people are looking for effective ways to lose weight quickly, but there are also those who dream of gaining weight. These are mostly thin teenagers, who at this age actively consume all the calories they consume. From this article you will learn how to gain weight in a week at home and what foods to eat to achieve your goal.

How to gain weight in a week?

How to gain weight in a week?

Gaining extra weight in a week is not difficult at all. To gain weight in a week without harming your health, you must adhere to the basic rules:

1) Increase the amount of calories in the diet, taking into account individual characteristics. The energy value of consumed products should be higher than energy consumption.

2) Eat often (up to 6 times a day), which will allow you to get the required amount of calories and not stretch the walls of your stomach too much.

3) Pay special attention to the consumption of complex carbohydrates and proteins.

4) Consume high-calorie cocktails (for example, chocolate or cottage cheese-banana), which are quickly absorbed by the body and replenish its supply of nutrients.

5) Engage in strength training to build muscle mass and form a beautiful figure.

6) Get enough sleep and avoid stressful situations.

While adhering to these rules, we must remember that rapid gain of extra pounds can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to choose the right diet and include high-calorie, but healthy foods in your diet.

What should you eat to gain weight in a week?

To quickly gain extra pounds, do not overeat fatty foods and often sit on the couch with chips. You need to eat nutritious, high-calorie foods.

For example, for breakfast you should eat porridge with milk and butter, and it is better to take the fattest milk. Flour and sweet products can be consumed to the envy of all friends who are forced to deny themselves such pleasures.

If you are interested in how to quickly gain weight in a week, then preference should be given to:

· medium or high fat dairy products;

Today, many citizens have a pressing problem of being overweight. There are many methods to combat this factor. However, this is not what this text will talk about. Indeed, along with such a problem, there is also a task of the opposite nature. It consists in addressing the issue of eliminating underweight. Some people wonder how to gain weight in a week. More on this below.

Basic criteria for weight gain

In order to answer the question of how to get fat quickly, you need to consider the following principles:

  1. Initially, you should definitely consult a doctor about this. To exclude any disease responsible for not gaining the required kilograms.
  2. The presence of excess animal fat in the diet can negatively affect the cardiovascular system.
  3. Gaining the required weight depends entirely not on exactly how much you ate, but on the amount absorbed by your body.
  4. The presence of excess sweets in the diet can lead to metabolic disorders.
  5. In this case, eating at night is not recommended.

All of the above should be taken into account when implementing the idea of ​​​​how to get fat quickly.

Existing methods

You can achieve weight gain using two main methods:

  • Increasing muscle mass. This is done through physical activity.
  • Increasing the fat layer.

The reason for the lack of weight influences the choice of the required method. For example, if you need to get rid of thinness or correct too thin arms or legs, then the best option in this case would be to increase muscle mass. And to restore a certain hormonal level, you will need to increase the amount of subcutaneous fat. It all depends on the individual approach. But for a clear definition, it is necessary to contact specialists in this field.

How to build muscle mass?

It should be remembered that success in this case depends not only on the correct diet, but also on physical activity and lifestyle. Since it is very important not only to obtain material for muscles and energy for their formation, but also to help them occupy the right place in the body. To do this, you should contact a specialist in this field. He will expertly assist you in developing the correct set of exercises or will directly participate in the implementation of this process and conduct the necessary training.

To properly create a menu and diet, you need to increase the daily calorie intake by 30%. This will be the optimal daily norm. In this case, the caloric composition should consist of 40% protein base; 50% - carbohydrate; 10% is fat.

Menu for building muscle mass

In this case, the diet will look something like this:

It should be remembered that without physical activity, gaining muscle mass is simply impossible. You should also try to avoid stressful situations. They negatively affect weight gain.

Increase body fat

Nowadays, many people are wondering how to gain weight in a week. This will be discussed in more detail later. Initially, this does not require eating a lot of food at one time. However, it is necessary to increase the number of meals. You should also enrich your diet with healthy fats and redistribute the foods you eat. It is necessary to increase the calorie intake gradually. This is very important. Calories should be increased by 5-10 per week.

In this case, to gain weight, eating bread, fatty cheese and fish, honey, and nuts is considered mandatory.

Approximate daily menu for increasing body fat

In this case, the diet looks like this:

  • For breakfast you should drink sweet cocoa with milk. This also includes oatmeal cookies (4-5 pcs.).
  • Second breakfast: tea (can be with milk), one fruit, almonds with honey (30 g).
  • For lunch you need to eat soup based on meat broth. In this case, you need to prepare porridge as a side dish. It goes well with meat or fish, as well as vegetable salad.
  • Second lunch: dried fruits and muesli with milk.
  • For dinner you should have a choice of fish or meat, as well as porridge or potatoes as a side dish. This includes a vegetable salad.
  • Before going to bed, you should have a snack of one piece of fruit and a glass of kefir.

You need to know that it is not very desirable to limit physical activity in this case. After all, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against stress, in improving appetite, and all this has a positive effect on weight gain.

Choosing the right diet

There are many methods for gaining weight. They differ only in the list of basic principles and do not have specific names.

There are methods that suggest increasing the calorie content of food with a gradual increase in portion size. However, this is not entirely correct. Since increasing the volume of portions can cause stomach distension and subsequent obesity.

In some cases, weight gain is proposed by increasing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. However, in this case there may be an excess of sugar in the body. As a result, serious illnesses may occur.

There are also methods that indicate the need to limit physical activity. However, this is completely wrong!

Therefore, when deciding how to gain weight in a week, you should tend to choose the right and healthy ways to gain weight.

The correct weight gain process

In this case, you need to initially decide what exactly needs to be typed and why it is needed. This is followed by a gradual increase in the number of meals. You should not strive to immediately eat 5 times a day. First, you should gradually increase the number of meals (by one daily) to five. After this, you need to start increasing the number of calories.

To consolidate the desired result, after completing weight gain, you should not return to your previous method of nutrition. This must be remembered. To maintain the result obtained, you should find a middle ground in nutrition. After this, you will no longer have the question of missing kilograms.

Ideal foods for weight gain

There are a large number of them. However, the following products are still considered ideal:

Everything said in this paragraph will help answer the question of what you need to eat to gain weight.

How to gain weight by 5 kg in a week?

In this case, you will need the required quantity:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

To answer the question of how to gain weight by 5 kg in a week, you should do the following:

These basic criteria will help you give advice on how to gain weight by 5 kg in a week at home. All of them are effective for gaining weight in the shortest possible time.

How can a skinny guy get fat? Step by step instructions

From some men you can hear the phrase: “I want to get fat!” To do this they use many methods. However, many of them do not give the desired result. In fact, there are quite effective methods that allow you to fully increase body weight. The secret is that to achieve the desired result, it is necessary not only to follow various recommendations, but to do everything together, that is, in a complex. Read more about the basic principles below.

  1. You need to drink water. After all, fluid directly affects body weight. To gain weight quickly, you need to drink plenty of water every day. It is recommended that men drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. An excellent option would be to drink milk. It is an excellent product for gaining the necessary kilograms.
  2. In this case, you should increase the caloric content of food. This is very important. You must first increase your caloric intake by 300-500 per day. Then, when it is noticeable that the weight gain has stopped, you can add another 500 calories to the diet. This needs to be done until it becomes noticeable that the desired result has been achieved in deciding how to gain weight in a week (for example).
  3. The frequency of meals should be changed. As the number of calories consumed increases, another condition arises. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to divide the daily diet into a certain number of meals. Namely, it should consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a couple of snacks. This will prevent the portion size from becoming too large.
  4. Body fat percentage. In the question of how to gain weight for a teenager, you should clearly decide on choosing the right way to gain weight. Increasing muscle mass or body fat can affect your appearance in different ways.
  5. Weight changes need to be monitored. This action is very important. This is necessary in order to determine the speed of achieving the desired result in how to gain weight in a week. To do this, you need to weigh yourself weekly and record changes in body weight, as well as visually compare the results.
  6. Physical activity should not be neglected. For a man to gain weight, it is not enough just to increase his caloric intake. This also requires strength training for muscle growth. Then the calories entering the body will increase the required mass.
  7. Adequate sleep. This is another important condition. After all, the body needs regular rest and time to fully recuperate. In this case, you need to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.

Bottom line

After reading the above tips, everyone can glean a lot of interesting information and decide what to do to gain weight. To do this, you should strictly follow the instructions indicated - and the desired result will be achieved.

Healthy food for weight gain. How to gain weight for a skinny girl using natural methods. Diet for those who want to gain weight. Menu for weight gain.

Sudden weight loss can become just as much of a problem as being overweight. Most of the fair sex struggle with extra pounds, while some suffer from underweight. A lack of kilograms is also very bad; it can affect all aspects of a girl’s life. She ceases to feel like everyone else, feminine and desirable, in addition, there is a threat of loss of reproductive function. In this situation, learning how to gain weight for a teenage girl correctly is especially important.

If a girl has lost her menstruation, this is the first sign that she needs to be examined by a doctor immediately. It is better, of course, not to wait until the problem becomes so acute. Knowing how a girl can gain weight, you will normalize your figure, and your health and well-being as well.

The problem with losing weight may be your health! If you play sports, don’t diet and eat harmoniously, then you should think about the fact that some serious malfunction has occurred in your body at the moment. It is almost impossible to figure out the problem on your own. Trust the experts: weight loss can be caused by unstable functioning of the endocrine system, allergies, tumors, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

Don’t know how to quickly gain weight for a girl? There can be no hasty decisions in improving yourself and improving your health. First, let’s find out who is characterized by underweight. People suffering from this should be classified as ectomorphs. This somatotype is characterized by the presence of long bones, limbs, a narrow chest and shoulders, as well as an increased speed of nerve impulse processes. They have a very good metabolism, although they sleep poorly and suffer from stress. Thin girls react to everything very sensitively, usually ignore breakfast, and generally do not follow the daily routine well. We conclude: you will have to not only change your diet to gain weight, but also change your lifestyle!

How can a girl start gaining weight?

Understanding how to gain weight for a thin girl, you can easily get rid of this problem, unless, of course, you have health problems. So, the first thing you need to do is control what you eat throughout the day. Be sure to write down all the food you eat, even the smallest snacks. Write down what you eat and why. At the end, write down the results. It is then that you can analyze your diet and adjust your diet towards weight gain.

Poor diet may be the cause of underweight

A girl needs at least 700 grams of one meal per day, taking into account the consumption of teas, juices and coffee. If you are suffering from low weight, analyze how much protein you ate among the total amount of food. Babies gain weight well precisely thanks to the daily consumption of such an amount of milk that is equal to a fifth of their weight. You should eat fish at least twice a week, as well as soups and cereals made from peas and beans. The amount of carbohydrates in your food should be 50-55%.

To harmoniously gain weight for a thin girl, give up fast food. Apart from harm to your stomach and body as a whole, you will bring nothing! Lard and other fatty foods in large quantities will only bring a negative imprint. This can make you gain a lot of weight, which you don't want.

Eating right is extremely important, and not only for thin girls. Habitual diet 2-3 times a day probably won't suit you. For weight gain You should gradually switch to a system of 5-6 meals a day. Accustom yourself to a new diet step by step: if you are used to eating 3 times a day, first add a fourth. Your main task is to make the transition to a new life smoother and more comfortable for yourself.

The main thing is a full breakfast. It is thanks to the first meal that the body is best saturated with proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important to eat in a pleasant, peaceful environment, not on the run, then the food will be well absorbed. It is necessary to get rid of constant stress and fuss; you should have lunch and dinner in a good mood and a pleasant atmosphere.

You can't snack on the go

Adequate sleep and complete emotional control over oneself are extremely important. If unpleasant events occur in your life, try to regulate your psychological state first. You may need to see a psychologist or psychotherapist. Psychotherapy has long established itself as an excellent means of combating excess weight and a lack of kilograms.

Remember: foods high in fat are not the healthiest. Eat more protein: it stimulates cell renewal and helps restore your weight to normal. When gaining weight, the dominant role is given not to quantity, but calorie content food.

Diet for those who want to gain weight

To gain weight, a menu girl will need the following products:

    Fat sour cream, preferably 25%. The proteins and fats it contains are easily absorbed by our body, allowing it to be filled with useful components. If possible, buy country sour cream. She's the most helpful.

    Good quality butter contains many nutritious and beneficial components. Vitamins and easily digestible fat will benefit you.

    Baked flour products. Your crumpets will easily envy you now! You can consume cakes and pastries, croissants and buns. Drinks - tea, juice, fruit drinks, drunk in between meals will add the missing calories to you.

    Milk and dairy products. Full-fat milk stimulates weight gain well. You should drink 3 glasses of milk a day.

    Rice. A healthy dish that helps saturate the body with vitamins and carbohydrates. For people trying to get better, this is a great option. By the way, rice cooked in broth contains the most calories.

    Meat is the protein you can’t do without. Beef, pork, and chicken must be present in your daily diet. It is also recommended to eat fish and eggs.

    Vegetables - beets, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini. Add more vegetables to the dishes you cook.

    Chocolate. It is better to choose expensive natural chocolate made from natural cocoa butter. Chocolate products containing trans fats will only harm your health.

    Porridge. A real treasure trove of health! Cooked with milk, they stimulate weight gain. And if you add a piece of butter, you create a truly healthy product for your nutrition and set of kilograms.

    Fruit juice with pulp. By consuming it with meals, you will saturate your body with additional calories. Hard fruits like persimmons, bananas, apricots, and melons also stimulate weight gain.

    Season fresh salads with olive or soybean oil. Increased vitamin E content will help you stimulate your metabolism. In addition, it is not for nothing that these substances are called beauty vitamins.

    Drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day. Moreover, add not only mineral water to your diet, but also healthy drinks.

    Stimulate your appetite with fruit or vegetable juice. Many suffer from low acidity, so non-alcoholic beer can easily cope with this problem.

The main condition of your diet: The number of calories burned should be less than the number consumed. Eating frequently will help you absorb all the calories without putting a strain on your stomach.

Menu for weight gain

Now a diet will help a girl gain weight. Here is a sample menu for those who want to gain weight by eating healthy.

Breakfast. A cup of coffee with milk 2.5% fat with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Cappuccino, 4 toasts with jam, croissant with jam. You can replace this breakfast with a more complete one: oatmeal with fruits, honey and nuts.

Snack. You can have a snack with meat or fruit pies, washing them down with juice.

Dinner. Soup with macaroni and cheese, fish. Add sour cream to the soup. Also choose a vegetable salad and two slices of bread.

Afternoon snack. Ice cream with fruit, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, fruit with yogurt or a sandwich with fish or ham.

Dinner. Baked meat or fish with vegetables, rice or bread. Fruit salad and honey.

For the night. At night it is better to drink a cup of milk or kefir.

For those who like to experiment, we recommend protein shake for weight gain. To prepare it you need: 1 pack of cottage cheese, 1 glass of cream, 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of jam. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. This cocktail is not only very useful for recovery, but also delicious.

Gain weight quickly

Some more useful tips:

  • How to gain weight quickly? Baby formula will help, which should be consumed instead of milk throughout the day. Such products for weight gain for babies are also suitable for adult girls.
  • Exercising will help you gain weight

    In order not to gain weight exclusively in the abdominal area, it is very important to give the body a full load. Physical activity will help your body gain weight through muscle mass, and not by increasing body fat. Running is unlikely to be suitable in this case. But training on simulators– just what you need! If possible, hire a trainer for yourself. He will be able to monitor whether you are doing the right thing. Your activities will be limited mainly to strength exercises. The chest, arms, legs, hips, and lower legs will need to be thoroughly worked out. This way they will not sag and will take on beautiful shapes.

    Thanks to physical activity, you will also not have problems with your skin and its tone.

    Use steroids. After consulting with professionals, you can use these supplements too.



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