How to stop drinking alcohol every night. How to stop drinking alcohol altogether and return to normal life? A glass in the evening relaxes

Making the decision not to drink alcohol at all is difficult. There are many friends around who will always find a reason to drink. People who find themselves in harsh weather conditions, at sub-zero temperatures, cite the fact that alcohol helps them warm up quickly. Among Koreans, it is common to end the workday at a bar. Various myths about alcohol pass from one generation to another. But the meaning of such legends is the same: if you want to drink, you will always find a reason.

Common myths about alcohol

Myth #1: Alcohol brings pleasure. Ethanol is a strong depressant of the nervous system. The substance enters the blood and immediately “triggers” inhibition of the central nervous system. The person relaxes, he loses coordination, his speech becomes confused. At the same time, alcohol provokes the production of endorphin (“the hormone of happiness”). But after a few hours, symptoms of intoxication begin to appear:

  • nausea, vomiting);
  • trembling of limbs;
  • increased sensitivity to sounds and light;
  • headache;
  • strong thirst;
  • chills;
  • sweating (dryness);
  • general weakness.

The consequences of drinking alcohol negatively affect the functioning of the body. Alcohol-containing drinks are especially dangerous for the liver, brain, central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Chronic diseases also worsen with a hangover.

Myth #2: All significant events in life are considered a great excuse to drink. The holiday should bring positive impressions and joy. Alcohol in this situation acts as a temporary way to cheer up. The tradition of drinking alcohol at a cemetery, funeral, wake is not a tribute to ancient traditions, but a modern stereotype. After all, the church has a negative attitude towards alcohol consumption.

Myth #3: Alcohol relaxes you. Ethanol dulls feelings of fear, anxiety, and self-preservation. A person forgets about problems thanks to the release of endorphins. However, the feeling of relaxation and good mood is an illusion that will disappear after a couple of hours.

Myth #4: Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is beneficial. Regular drinking of alcohol is harmful to health. People have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diseases associated with the urinary system, digestive tract, liver, and central nervous system. The ability to give birth to a healthy child decreases, and in men the likelihood of problems with potency increases.

Myth No. 5: Heredity is one of the causes of alcoholism. Only the ability of enzymes to destroy ethanol is inherited. For some people the speed of the process is high, for others it is low.

To maintain your health, it is better not to drink alcohol at all. Alcohol can always be replaced with cocktails that taste similar. And to cheer yourself up, it’s enough to find some hobby or activity that you like.

How not to drink alcohol: step-by-step instructions

The patient lives in illusions. Why do something, change, if everything around him suits him. There is only one problem in a person’s life - lack of money for alcohol. Therefore, it is difficult for the patient to make the decision to quit drinking. But in fact, being a teetotaler is better than constantly depending on the presence/absence of alcohol.

On the path to a new life, there are many obstacles to overcome, because the dependence on ethanol took more than 1 month to form. Awareness of the problem is step No. 1. The patient must understand that he is sick. And the time has come to make the final decision to stop drinking alcohol. To facilitate the recovery process, it is necessary to think about the patient's motivation. The reason for giving up ethanol should be clear and obvious to the patient, and not to any of his relatives.

Changing companies - step No. 2. Often a person is influenced by the people around him. Therefore, you should change your social circle, job or move.

Find an interesting hobby - step No. 3. Instead of drinking alcohol, go to the movies, bowling, go-karting, or play on a game console.

Step No. 4 – adherence to the first drink rule. It is enough for a person to refuse the first glass in order not to get drunk. It is necessary to remember everything that happens to your well-being after the last one (nausea, abdominal pain and other symptoms of poisoning).

Reconsider your lifestyle - step No. 5. You should immediately give up alcohol, never drink beer or vodka. Start eating right and regularly, increase physical activity (it’s better to go in for sports). It is important to remember that it is normal to be afraid of change. Every person, even in everyday life, has doubts “if it doesn’t work out.”

Step #6 – Get over the withdrawal symptoms. Those who quit drinking often talk about the appearance of causeless anxiety, inexplicable fear, and relatives complain about sudden mood swings in the patient. These conditions refer to symptoms of withdrawal. Over time, the person's well-being will improve.

If it is difficult for a patient to fight the disease on his own, you can resort to step No. 7 - coding. Treatment of alcoholism with this method helps to cope with the desire to drink, but does not eliminate the causes that led to the disease. For treatment, chemicals and psychotherapeutic manipulations are used that affect the human subconscious.

What happens if you don't drink alcohol at all?

Every day you live without drinking ethanol is a small victory. The first positive changes are noticeable after 30 days of living without alcohol:

  • Taste sensations change. Habitual food becomes tastier, food ceases to be a snack, and begins to be perceived as a source of positive emotions.
  • The quality of sleep improves. The next morning the patient feels rested.
  • Concentration increases. It is easier for a person to make decisions and concentrate attention.

Probably, anyone who is faced with chronic drunkenness would give a lot for advice on how not to drink alcohol, and how to protect a loved one from this trouble. Unfortunately, there is no clear recipe to prevent drinking alcohol. But there are ways in which you can wean yourself from an addiction and return an alcoholic to a normal, fulfilling life.

Getting ready to win

First of all, in order to give up alcoholic drinks, you need the desire of the drinker himself - this is already 75% of success. Starting to fight alcohol addiction without the consent of the alcoholic is a futile exercise that can only make the situation worse.

To persuade a person not to drink alcohol, you need to:

  • identify the reason why a person drinks and the factors that motivate him to drink alcohol;
  • talk about the consequences that alcohol leads to (loss of health, complete degradation of personality, destruction of life);
  • dispel illusions about alcoholic beverages that force a person to drink it without measure;
  • be patient and surround those who quit drinking with care and attention.

If a person asks the question “How to stop drinking?”, then all is not lost, and therefore immediately begin to take active action.

Dispelling alcohol myths

To stop drinking, you need to find out the reasons that motivate you to do so: they can be of a social, psychological and physical nature. Often these reasons are mythical, far-fetched, so we will try to dispel them

1. “Alcohol promotes communication.”

Many people cannot imagine socializing in a group without drinking alcohol. It seems that when you are “sober” you will be bored and will not be able to completely relax and enjoy your vacation. Indeed, alcoholic drinks help you relax and behave cheerfully and at ease, but this is only at first glance.

In fact, in companies where drinking is always present, the main thing is not the communication itself, but the reason for which they gather - alcohol.

Please note that in the company of people who are truly interested and close to you, you can easily refuse to drink and still feel light and cheerful. And these people will always support you in this intention and will not hand you a glass of alcohol.

2. “Alcohol unites.”

Due to established habits and social complexes, a person subconsciously experiences fear of an unfamiliar company of people (at work or on vacation). Alcoholic drinks change perception, under their influence liberation and self-confidence appear. But at the same time comes confusion of thoughts, a craving for exaggeration and other characteristic symptoms of alcohol intoxication - and it is unlikely that you will be able to make the right impression.

Remember, in childhood and adolescence you could communicate with friends without additional doping, and you had fun and interesting. Try to behave in the same way now - don’t doubt that others will like you because of your naturalness (without drinking alcohol).

3. “Alcohol helps you relax and cope with stress and problems.”

Relaxation with the help of alcoholic drinks is a common self-hypnosis that becomes a habit over time. The feeling of euphoria that occurs when drinking alcohol is replaced in the morning by a depressive state and a feeling of oppression, which prompts you to drink alcohol again in order to “forget about your problems.” But the problems do not go away, but rather get worse. In addition, from a physiological point of view, the body does not rest at all, but, on the contrary, devotes all its strength to fighting the consequences of alcohol.

Relieve stress and relax in other ways: going to the sauna, going to the pool, going for a walk with your family. This will really help the body to relax, and solutions to problems will come naturally.

4. “Alcohol is a physical need.”

Undoubtedly, alcohol, like a drug, causes a feeling of addiction, and it seems that it is impossible to completely give it up. But physical dependence on alcohol is much less pronounced than other factors - social and psychological in nature. With the help of alcoholic drinks, a person tries to neutralize his own fears, doubts, complexes, and give himself courage and confidence. And until you get rid of the reasons that make you want to drink, it is useless to fight physical addiction.

The physical need for alcohol is self-deception. Find out the reasons for the desire to “drink”, and try to solve them in other ways.

5. “Alcohol is delicious.”

A bottle of beer, a glass of cocktail, a glass of wine - all this undoubtedly sounds very tempting and tasty. But, if you try to drink these same drinks without alcohol, the taste will be no worse. Don’t deceive yourself - what is most often attractive about these drinks is not the taste, but the alcohol content (to “get it going”). Moreover, after a certain amount of drinking, an alcoholic most often no longer cares what to drink.

There are a lot of pleasant and tasty non-alcoholic drinks and cocktails. Replace alcoholic drinks with them, and you will see that you do not lose anything in terms of taste.

6. “Everyone drinks alcohol.”

The allusion to the centuries-old traditions of Russian drunkenness is difficult to dispute. But traditions are created by people themselves. If it was customary in the family to drink for any reason, and the child saw this from childhood, perceiving it as the norm, it will be difficult to convince him in adulthood not to drink alcohol.

Become the founder of new traditions in your family: on holidays, introduce the custom of going to the cinema or ice cream parlor, or to the skating rink. Pretty soon it will become a habit (and all family members will like it), and you will forget about alcoholic traditions.

Let's get started

Despite all the obviousness of the myths debunked above, it is still quite difficult to quit drinking. But identifying the reason for the desire to drink alcohol and eliminating it is already half the battle on the path to success.

Now we define the main principles of giving up alcoholic libations:

  1. Alcohol is not a substitute for full-fledged joy in life. The temporary euphoria that comes with drinking simply clouds your brain and creates a false sense of joy. Enjoying real life is only possible if you do not drink alcohol.
  2. Don't wait for the right moment to quit drinking. Next Monday, a new month, the end of the holidays - if you have already confirmed your decision not to drink, do not put it off until the future.
  3. Be confident in the correctness of your decision. Do not doubt that the choice you made is the right one. Enlist the support of your family and friends for this.
  4. Feel like a free person. Alcohol is an addiction, just like drugs. Freeing yourself from it, you will feel relief - you will have a lot of new hobbies, interests and pleasant worries, and most importantly - a feeling of a fulfilling life.
  5. Feel like an individual. “Everyone drinks, but I don’t!” It will sound proud and make you stand out from the rest. Show that you can relax and have fun even without drinking alcohol.
  6. Do not replace strong alcoholic drinks with weak ones. To stop drinking, you need to completely give up all drinks containing alcohol. Do not be fooled by the illusion that weak alcoholic drinks are more harmless and safe.
  7. Don't associate alcohol with fun and relaxation. In the company of true friends and loving people, you can have a wonderful and fun holiday without warming yourself up with another portion of alcohol.
  8. Know how to refuse those who offer you a drink. Drinking buddies will drop out, true friends will remain, and in other companies they will simply begin to respect you for the choice you made.
  9. Replace alcohol with other hobbies in life. Bowling, fishing, hunting, paintball - you never know what hobbies a strong and healthy person who is not dependent on alcohol can have.

At first, after making the decision to quit drinking, it will be difficult. Indeed, for many, alcohol is one of the components of life, without which it is difficult to imagine it.

Various holidays, get-togethers with friends, weekend evenings, stress and troubles - that’s how many reasons for drinking, at first glance, exist around. But these reasons are false - we come up with them ourselves to justify drinking.

In order not to drink alcohol, you need to get rid of imaginary desires and reasons and learn to live without wasting precious health, energy, time and money on drinking.

What happens to the body when you stop drinking? The answer to this question is nothing to fear for those who drink occasionally, from time to time, but have decided not to pour alcohol into themselves anymore. It will be easier for your body if it gets rid of even the slightest harmful effects of ethyl alcohol and becomes healthier.

The consequences of the decision to quit drinking for an alcoholic are a completely different matter. Although they often say, justifying themselves: “If I want, I can stop abruptly at any moment.” Once the disease has started, it will not be easy for the body to live differently. There are no former alcoholics; this chronic condition is completely impossible to cure. A drinking person who is addicted to alcohol. To be able to dare to take this step, he must receive a “good kick.” It could be an ultimatum-demand from relatives or serious health problems, when the doctor sharply and unambiguously says: “Either live or drink for a short time.” The idea of ​​quitting drinking is, of course, a very good one, because giving up alcohol can change for the better not only the life of the drinker, but also the people around him.

Having realized that he is dependent on the desire to constantly drink alcohol, the patient forms and motivates his “I want” so that it becomes a confident “I can.” If it is difficult to do this yourself, you should contact a psychiatrist-narcologist.

Predicting exactly what will happen to an alcoholic’s well-being if he suddenly stops drinking is quite problematic. Each organism is unique, how it will get sick, the possible consequences, the time of their appearance, the duration will depend on its heredity, psychosomatic characteristics, the period during which the person drank alcohol, the quality, as well as the volume of drinks. All possible troubles can be divided into two groups: physiological disorders (malfunctions of the body) and psychological difficulties.

When a person stops drinking:

  • The flow of poison into the body stops.
  • The brain remains without additional (but already familiar) stimulation.
  • The release of the body from toxins begins.

Constantly continuing abuse of ethyl alcohol not only affects all organs and systems, but becomes their integral part - a drug.

Without it, the body feels bad, functioning is complicated. If the supply of this doping is stopped, a painful withdrawal state occurs, which can last up to 3 weeks. The body will express the need to get alcohol again with headaches, aches throughout the body, nausea, tremors of the limbs, sleep disturbances, etc.

The human psyche and brain undergo changes during addiction to alcohol. The degradation processes, unfortunately, are irreversible. Therefore, the sooner the decision is made to stop drinking, the more intact the personality and its intellectual abilities will be. An alcoholic will have to dramatically change his social circle, avoid meeting with former drinking buddies, build a new, fulfilling, healthy life, and change his usual activities. You need to say “I can” and find the strength to fight depression, accustom yourself to the idea that alcohol is the enemy.

Of course, in such a painful state it is impossible to cope without the participation and support of real friends and family members. They will help you realize all the benefits of a sober life and provide support in the most difficult moments. In particularly difficult situations, it is necessary to seek professional medical help. Timely intravenous administration of special drugs will reduce the content of toxic substances and support the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Failure and adjustment of systems

At first, after giving up alcohol, the body will rebel, demanding the usual portion of booze, and the following will appear:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders - frequent diarrhea/constipation, nausea, vomiting, the person has lost weight.
  • Disorder of the functioning of the nervous system - constant headaches, complaints like: “I can’t sleep for a long time, I began to sleep very lightly and little, I don’t rest at all at night, but I want to sleep during the day.” Mood changes often. Convulsions and hallucinations appear.
  • Cardiovascular consequences - increased blood pressure, disruption of the heart, often pain and dizziness.
  • Complaints of general symptoms: “I feel weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, malaise,” tremors of the limbs, a slight increase in temperature.

Such a massive attack of the body, such as “I feel very bad,” should pass within the first 3-5 days, except for insomnia. Sleep will be restored only after a few months. The functioning of the remaining systems will gradually approach normal as the body resumes functioning and is freed from toxins.

Gastrointestinal tract

At a certain stage, the drunkard’s body practically goes without food, drinking only alcohol. Products containing ethyl alcohol are high in calories and supply the body with toxic energy without vitamins, microelements, etc. Quitting alcohol causes consequences in the form of severe disorders. Over time, with proper nutrition and the use of enzyme preparations to digest food, the processes improve. The person first says that he has lost a lot of weight, then his normal weight returns.

Normalization of blood pressure

Alcoholics often suffer from high blood pressure. Complaints about pain and dizziness stop after toxic substances are removed. The pressure is stabilizing. If your head continues to suffer afterwards, you should undergo a medical examination. No matter how bad it is, drinking alcohol again can only make the situation worse.

The patient's serious condition requires medical supervision and hospitalization. In situations of complete abstinence from alcohol, when the patient has lost a lot of weight in a short time, the load on the heart increases significantly - a heart attack is possible.

Sleep restoration

Alcohol generally interferes with a person's ability to sleep properly. The drunkard's rest is dreamless. Therefore, for such patients it is very important to fall asleep and sleep longer than healthy people do. By quitting drinking alcohol, this function will not recover sharply. Eliminating the consequences will take time, and sometimes the use of medications and psychotherapy. Patients complain: “When I stopped drinking, I stopped sleeping completely. I feel exhausted, dizzy, I want to sleep all day, but I can’t sleep.” After a certain period of taking tranquilizers and sleeping pills (from several months to a year), the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep will be restored.

Often, when you want to fall asleep and sleep normally, subconscious fears within yourself interfere - a person has nightmares that he lost his temper and drank.

You can avoid getting sick and fall asleep soundly in the evening so that full restoration of strength becomes possible if you spend more time in the fresh air and active movement. Of course, if a sudden movement makes everything spin before your eyes, you still need to take care of yourself - take a calm walk. Watch less TV, give preference to reading books, interesting hobbies, and doing yoga.

We fight apathy and irritability

By eliminating the constant psycho-emotional stimulant from your life – alcohol – you can fall into a prolonged depression. The best cure for it will be an interesting activity, a favorite thing. Tell yourself: “I can and know how to be useful.” Show mercy to those who need it most. You will feel satisfied, fulfilled in life, and confident in your abilities. Allow yourself to sometimes be a weak person who needs the help of others. Talk about your feelings and experiences with a friend or psychologist.

Frequent drinking of alcohol makes an addict intolerant and irritable. Hot temper will not go away right away, you must try to control your negative emotions, but do not push them into the subconscious, but discuss them with a loved one, with a psychologist, during group therapy. Drink less coffee, strong tea, replace them with herbal infusions with honey.

Deciding to quit drinking is a very difficult task for a huge number of people; most find it difficult to even admit to themselves that alcohol addiction exists. Here is a list of 10 useful tips to help you stop drinking and live without alcohol:

1. Do it for yourself. You have to want it to succeed. If you don't do this specifically for yourself, you may end up off to a bad start.

2. The importance of exercise. People who exercise regularly are much less likely to relapse. Exercise tends to reduce stress and keeps a person in a more relaxed state, which is a plus on the road to sobriety.

3. Reward yourself. Many people are so focused on achieving a goal that they forget to reward themselves for what they have already achieved. Rewards lift your spirit.

4. Don't feel guilty if you fail. Feeling guilty from relapse or failure only hinders the achievement of the final goal. Alcohol addiction is a serious challenge and, like most challenges, it is not easy.

5. Get outside help. Whether it's Alcoholics Anonymous, therapy, or a proven way to get sober. Being alone with thoughts and ideas is probably not a good idea, since those thoughts and ideas contribute to the addiction in the first place.

6. Find yourself a sober company, communicate more with interesting sober people. This will help you form a completely new outlook on life, think about and re-evaluate many of your past actions and behavior in various situations. If you cannot find such a company in your city, look for it on the Internet: sober communities, forums, VKontakte groups.

7. Develop a new daily routine that does not include alcohol. Get up earlier, include exercise in your daily routine, there are many possible options. After all, stopping drinking means starting life from scratch.

8. Mentally imagine your future self as independent from and imagine how much better life will be. Visualization will help you focus on your goal and make the right choices.

9. Set achievable goals. Don't set goals that are so high that you can't achieve them right away and that might disappoint you. Maybe you can't quit everything at once. At the very least, set a goal to drink less today and then even less tomorrow. Small steps are better than no steps.

10. Look at the physiological and emotional problems that are both the cause and effect of your problem with. Many alcoholics started drinking to avoid problems in life, and for others, alcoholism could be part of heredity. Find someone as a support group or counselor to help you deal with these types of issues.

P.S. Are you ready to get rid of alcohol addiction? Specialists of the Moscow Narcologist company will provide medical assistance, get you out of your binge and return you to a sober life!

Alcoholism is one of the most common diseases of our time. However, doctors still argue about the specifics of its manifestation and treatment, and ordinary people believe myths that the media are not too quick to refute. One of these misconceptions lies in the opinion that alcohol addiction is forever. Like, you shouldn’t even try to stop drinking - you’ll still break down and continue using. But this is the opinion of drinkers who follow their addiction.

This article contains proven tips and recipes on how to quit drinking alcohol that have helped thousands of people.

Sharply or gradually?

How often the desire “I want to stop drinking alcohol” remains a desire, because a person simply does not know where to start. How to quit: one day just stop drinking alcohol or gradually reduce the dose you drink? Former alcoholics have different opinions on this matter, and doctors recommend taking into account the state of health and the stage of addiction. At the initial stage of the disease, because the craving for alcohol is still only in the person’s head. When physical dependence is added to psychological dependence, and binge drinking becomes a frequent occurrence, stopping abruptly is dangerous for health due to symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. The alcoholic will begin to worry about deteriorating health:

  • depression or increased excitability;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • joint pain;
  • nausea;
  • convulsions;
  • increase in pressure.

Abrupt cessation of alcohol consumption with a long alcohol history can aggravate existing heart, vascular diseases, and mental disorders.

A medical examination will confirm the body’s readiness to part with doping in the form of ethyl alcohol. If serious health problems are discovered, they must be solved by following the recommendations of doctors.

Traditional medicine in the fight against alcoholism

How to stop drinking alcohol altogether if there is no desire or opportunity to be treated in a drug treatment clinic? In such cases, methods of combating domestic drunkenness, proven by more than one generation, come to the rescue. It is possible to cure alcoholism with folk remedies only by understanding the need to take a whole range of measures:

  • exit from binge drinking;
  • formation of aversion to alcohol;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • treatment of diseases acquired as a result of alcoholism;
  • taking sedatives;
  • general health procedures.

To quickly get out of binge drinking at home, traditional medicine recommends infusions and decoctions of herbs.

  1. Make an infusion of 1 tbsp. spoons of curly sorrel root and 250 ml of water. Take up to 6 times a day, at intervals of 2 hours.
  2. 2 tbsp. spoons of lovage root and 3 bay leaves pour 300 ml of water. Use the infusion 1 tbsp. spoon 5 times a day.
  3. Make a decoction of a tablespoon of marigold flowers per liter of water. We drink 5 glasses a day.
  4. Dissolve one spoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water. Drink a glass after meals.

In order not to touch ethyl alcohol at all, you need to drink decoctions and infusions of European hoof, Lobel's hellebore, thyme, club moss, peony, and oleander.

Attention! These plants are contraindicated for certain diseases, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

For any period of drunkenness, alcohol causes the body to suffer from its toxic effects. You can do complete cleansing of alcohol breakdown products yourself using natural remedies that are available in any pharmacy.

  • Make decoctions from chaga mushroom and rose hips by pouring 500 ml of boiling water into a glass of raw materials. Next, mix everything in one container and drink in equal portions throughout the day.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a tablespoon of rowan and dandelion flowers. Infuse the decoction in a thermos and consume it a day.
  • Make a decoction of 1 teaspoon of milk thistle seeds in 250 ml of water. Drink three times a day.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of ginseng root into a quarter liter of water. Drink a glass of decoction in the morning.
  • Drink hibiscus tea in any quantity.
  • Make tea from dry or fresh nettle leaves.
  • Drink a tablespoon of juice from celery roots or stalks before meals.
  • Prepare a mixture of strawberry leaves, chamomile flowers, immortelle, birch buds, taken in equal parts. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos. Drink half a glass with honey twice a day.

As already mentioned, after giving up alcohol, an alcoholic becomes anxious and irritable, so you cannot do without sedatives. Potent drugs can only be taken after consultation with doctors, so it makes sense to turn to herbal medicine. Motherwort, valerian, chamomile, lemon balm help relieve anxiety, both separately and as part of sedative preparations.

Those who decide to stop drinking should not rely on the immediate effect of folk recipes. If you are looking for ways to quickly stop drinking, you should pay attention to products from the pharmaceutical industry. Medicines sold online have a higher concentration of the same substances as medicinal plants, and therefore act faster than infusions and decoctions.

Even if you find a convincing motivation to force yourself to stop drinking, the risk of relapse is still very high. People who have already been in this situation know useful tips to help you stay sober, no matter how much you want to drink.

  1. Learn all about the stalling process

Anxiety, worry and fear can appear for no reason during alcohol withdrawal. They are aggravated by stressful situations. These symptoms should not be confused with signs of real stress. If you want to recognize the body’s tricks when it requires a new dose of alcohol, where you will write down your thoughts and feelings after giving up alcohol.

  1. Switch to proper nutrition

Often a person drinks alcohol to relieve tension. And the feeling of hunger only makes it worse. Therefore, it is important to eat well after deciding not to drink alcohol. Beer, for example, is usually eaten with fast food. It follows: chips, crackers and similar products must be excluded from the diet, but vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish must be present in it.

  1. Don't forget about physical activity

Hiking, Nordic walking, swimming - the list of physical exercises can consist of any kind of sport. The main thing is to force yourself to move, and not sit in one place for days.

  1. Strengthen your sobriety

If you have been drinking a lot and for a long time, simply stopping and not putting another drop in your mouth will not work. Sobriety is achieved by hard work on yourself. There is a whole list of things that need to be done to start life without a glass:

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • break off relations with drinking buddies;
  • learn to manage stress;
  • find a hobby, something you like;
  • learn how to solve problems without alcohol.

Help and support

Since man is a social being, in difficult situations he will benefit from the help of other people. The time when we stop drinking is a turning point in life. Therefore, you should not refuse the support of loved ones; asking for help is also not a shame. If you don’t have sympathetic relatives, you can attend classes in an Alcoholics Anonymous group. They know exactly how to help an alcoholic get on the path to recovery. In serious organizations, a person will be assigned a mentor who will give advice on how not to fail.

If you manage to achieve what you want and completely give up alcohol, help others do this using a list of proven recipes on how to stop drinking alcohol: folk remedies, medications, control over symptoms of relapse.

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