How to tighten the inner and outer thighs. Correction of hips and legs - Cruroplasty

Hormonal and age-related changes affect not only visible areas of the body. Hips can also take on an unattractive appearance as a result of weight loss, after childbirth, or have aesthetic flaws initially. They are usually damaged by folds caused by sagging skin, increased volume, and ptosis of soft tissues. Thigh plastic surgery (femoroplasty) will help solve these and other problems. This method will give effect where diet and exercise fail.

Read in this article

What is the procedure

The operation is performed to restore smoothness, elasticity, firmness and harmony to the hips. In some cases, it is also necessary to adjust the volume, for which plastic surgery is combined with liposuction. It is also carried out for medical purposes. After all, sagging tissues in this area can interfere with walking, cause abrasions on the skin, physical discomfort, problems with choosing clothes and the need for frequent replacement due to rapid wear.

Hip correction may be needed in different areas of a given part of the body. Femoroplasty changes the appearance:

  • inner surface;
  • outdoor area;
  • full hips;
  • thighs combined with buttocks.

In accordance with the location of the problem area, incisions are made, excess tissue is excised, the remaining tissue is moved and the wound is sutured.

Useful video

To learn how and why plastic surgery of the inner thighs is done, watch this video:

Indications for use

Not all leg defects can be corrected by plastic surgery. And if the unaesthetic appearance of the hips is caused by excess excess weight, it is possible that the patient will first have to lose weight. The operation to correct them is in this case the finishing touch, and not the main method of solving the problem.

For hip plastic surgery, there are clear criteria that make it necessary:

  • stretching of the skin and the folds and unevenness caused by it;
  • rolls of fat on the outside, giving unwanted additional volume;
  • irritation on the surface of the skin caused by too close contact due to excess tissue during movement.


For any type of intervention to improve the appearance of the hips, indications alone are not enough. There must also be no reason why the operation could be dangerous for the patient. Contraindications to its implementation include:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies that interfere with blood clotting;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Preparation for the event

The most frequently performed operation is plastic surgery of the inner thigh. It, like surgical correction of other areas, requires... The first stage is an examination to determine the patient’s health status. It consists of:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • blood clotting studies;
  • tests for infections;
  • fluorography;
  • therapist consultations.

If general health allows for surgery, the patient should take measures to facilitate its success and avoid complications:

  • 2 weeks before the intervention, stop taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;
  • at the same time, eliminate alcohol from your life and forget about smoking;
  • do not go on a strict diet that weakens the body, but also do not overeat;
  • take vitamins to avoid colds;
  • Do not expose your skin to ultraviolet rays.

Plastic surgery is done on an empty stomach, that is, the last meal before it should be completed 8 hours before the start of the intervention.

How is it carried out?

Surgical correction of the hips is done under general anesthesia. In total, the operation takes 2 - 2.5 hours, unless combined with other interventions. Often, along with femoroplasty, liposuction of this area, lifting the buttocks and abdomen are performed.

The intervention begins with the patient receiving anesthesia. She is laid with her legs apart and raised at the knees. Then the surgeon applies markings on the skin in order to clarify the nuances of the operation (where to make incisions, what and how much tissue to remove, tighten, etc.). The doctor’s further actions depend on the area of ​​the hips that will be corrected:

  • If it is an external surface, the incision starts from the groin and goes around the hip joint. The seam is then covered with underwear.
  • If it is necessary to tighten the entire surface of the problem area, access is made through an incision from the fold under the buttocks, running along the border of the groin and ending at the edge of the junction of the thigh and pubis. It looks like a spiral.
  • The joint improvement of the buttocks and thighs dictates the need to make ellipsoidal incisions through their upper border, from one hip to the other. This allows minimizing forced tissue trauma.
  • Plastic surgery of the inner thigh is done through an incision from the inguinal folds to the knee area. This is a clearly visible area where it is difficult to disguise the seam. Access is also possible only through a dissection in the area of ​​the inguinal fold or one vertical one to the knee.


The patient's recovery after hip surgery begins from the moment he is transferred to the ward. You will have to stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days, where the sutures are taken care of and the drainage tubes are gradually removed. At first, there is pain and swelling in the thighs and bruises. But after 2 - 3 weeks these problems disappear. You can take pills to relieve pain. Compression garments will help you get rid of the syndrome faster, alleviate it, and make the entire recovery period easily bearable. It is put on immediately after the operation and worn for up to 2 months.

Sunbathing and going to the pool are prohibited for 30 days

What other features distinguish rehabilitation after hip surgery:

  • you can get up the next day if the operation was not supplemented by liposuction;
  • on the third day you are allowed to take a shower, avoiding getting water on the incision lines (genital hygiene is acceptable even earlier);
  • after 10 - 14 days, the sutures are removed, at the same time light physical activity is allowed;
  • the swelling goes away in 3 - 5 weeks, by which time you can go back to work;
  • for the first 30 days you cannot visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, or take a hot bath;
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol, it is undesirable to smoke;
  • Active physical activity is allowed no earlier than 2 months after surgery.


The effect that appears after hip plastic surgery produces noticeable differences before and after. But it will finally appear after a while, when the swelling goes down and the tissues adapt to the new position. With the help of the operation it is possible to:

  • get rid of folds and loose skin;
  • eliminate “ears” on the inner thighs;
  • give this part of the legs greater harmony, which they were deprived of due to ptosis and deformation of soft tissues;
  • align the surface of the thighs.

Some time ago, it became possible not only to reduce this part of the body, but also, if necessary, to enlarge it. The need for enlargement arises due to the disproportionate size of the hips, as well as their insufficient slimness. The contours are changed using silicone implants, installed through the fold under the buttock into the formed muscle pocket. The result in this case is a slight increase in the circumference of the hips and making them slim.


Since the correction often has to be done in older patients, and the surgery is a serious intervention in the functioning of the body, it does not exclude the possibility of complications. Failure to comply with rehabilitation conditions contributes to them.

The most common complications of femoroplasty Causes of appearance and location of lesions
Rough scars Their occurrence may be caused by the body's tendency to form hypertrophic scars. But there is an accompanying factor here - the friction of the seams on the clothing, since it sits tightly on the hips, and when moving, the contact intensifies. This can cause wounds to appear, which means longer healing
Skin necrosis The problem also occurs in the seam area. One of the reasons is too tight tissue tension due to excessive excision. The provoking factor is that there is a rather sluggish blood supply in the thigh area
Change in skin sensitivity It can be temporary, but can also be a long-term concern. Occurs due to nerve injury, manifested by numbness or, conversely, pain
Hip asymmetry The problem appears due to uneven removal of excess subcutaneous fat.

In addition to these complications characteristic of this type of operation, there are others characteristic of many aesthetic (and not only) interventions:

  • seromas and hematomas;
  • impaired lymphatic drainage, leading to swelling of the legs;
  • infection;
  • development of thrombosis.

In addition, implants not only increase the size of the hips, plastic surgery with their use can result in rejection of foreign materials and their displacement.


The cost of femoroplasty varies from 130,000 to 300,000 rubles. It is determined by the type of surgical correction, the scale of the work, and the qualifications of the doctor. There is no point in saving money, especially when hip enlargement is required. These operations are performed recently; the skill of the surgeon and the accuracy of the actions are more important than ever.

Hip correction surgery is an extreme measure used to restore the beauty and slimness of this part of the body. But with good quality, it provides the most lasting results. However, to maintain it you will still need further efforts - proper nutrition and exercise.

Do you want to achieve slender, toned legs, but the fat on your inner thighs is keeping you from getting closer to your desired goal? We offer you a unique selection of exercises for the inner thigh without equipment + ready-made lesson plan which can be performed even at home.

On the inner side of the thigh are the adductor muscles of the thigh, which are most effectively worked through isolation exercises. But to lose weight in the inner thigh, in addition to strengthening the adductor muscles, you must also eliminate the fat layer that is located above the muscles.

Ready-made training scheme for the inner thigh

We offer you a ready-made training scheme that will help you not only effectively work the adductor muscles, but also enhance the fat burning process. This scheme includes 3 Types of Inner Thigh Exercises:

  • Exercises that are performed while standing (squats and lunges)
  • Cardio exercises (focusing on the inner thighs)
  • Floor exercises (leg raises and raises)

Those. your workout should be divided into three segments of approximately equal time. For example, if you exercise for 45 minutes, then spend 15 minutes on each exercise group. If you train for 30 minutes, each segment will last 10 minutes. Thanks to this exercise scheme for the inner thigh you will tighten your muscles, reduce body fat, and improve the lines of your legs.

Below are visual pictures of exercises for the inner thigh and ready-made execution schemes. You can take our version of classes, or you can create your own own program. But before moving directly to the exercises, let's clarify some points about the features of training on the inner thigh.

Basic Questions and Answers on Inner Thigh Training

1. What if I'm a beginner?

If you are just starting to exercise, then allocate no more than 15-20 minutes a day. Take breaks, keep a moderate pace and gradually increase the time, number of repetitions and complexity of the exercises.

2. What if I don't like cardio exercises?

Cardio exercises not only help you burn extra calories, but also enhance fat burning processes in the body, so you shouldn’t neglect them. Without cardio, the effectiveness of inner thigh exercises decreases significantly. It is not necessary to perform cardio exercises with all your strength; keep a moderate pace that is within your power.

3. What to do with sore joints and varicose veins?

In this case, jumping, lunges and squats are not recommended for you. If there are contraindications or discomfort during training, then it is better to perform only exercises while lying on the floor - they are the safest.

4. Is it possible to remove fat on the inner thigh without changing your diet?

As you know, the body begins to consume fat when it receives less food than it needs for energy. Therefore, without reasonable dietary restrictions, you will only strengthen the adductor muscles, but the fat on the inner thigh will remain intact.

5. How can you complicate the proposed exercises?

You can easily make inner thigh exercises more difficult by using leg weights or dumbbells (although dumbbells are not suitable for all exercises) . You can also use a fitness band - this is one of the most effective devices for strengthening your leg muscles.

6. How often should I do inner thigh exercises?

Exercise no more than 2-3 times a week. On average, it is enough to devote about 1 hour per week to the problem area. It is also very important to train not only the adductors, but also the quadriceps, hamstrings, corset muscles and gluteal muscles. It makes no sense to exercise only a separate muscle group - you need to train the whole body. Be sure to check out:

First segment of the workout: standing inner thigh exercises

During squats and lunges, watch your posture; your back should remain direct, knees should not go beyond your toes. Also try not to tilt your back forward or arch your lower back, otherwise the load on your leg muscles will decrease. If you lack hip rotation (knees do not point in opposite directions) , It's OK. Choose the most stable position possible for you. Perform inner thigh exercises within your capabilities.

If you have trouble maintaining balance in the plie squat (with legs spread wide and feet turned out) , That you can use a chair as a support. This selection of exercises will help you not only work your inner thighs, but also your gluteal muscles and quadriceps.


2. Plie squats with one toe raise

Execution scheme:

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 6 exercises, which are repeated in 2-3 circles. Rest between exercises for 15-30 seconds. Rest between circles for 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times 20-30 times 20-30 times 10-15 times on each side

Example 2:

  • Plie squats with one toe raise (right leg): 20-30 reps
  • 10-15 times on each side
  • Plie squats with one toe raise (left leg): 20-30 reps
  • Side lunge on toes (right leg): 10-20 times
  • 20-30 times
  • Side lunge on toes (left leg): 10-20 times

Example 3:

    20-30 times
  • Side lunge (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • 20-30 times
  • Side lunge (left leg): 15-25 reps
  • 10-15 times on each side 25-35 times

You can alternate between 3 options for inner thigh exercise combinations, choose just one option, or create your own exercise plan. After completing the segment with squats and lunges, we move on to cardio exercises for the inner thigh.

Second segment of the workout: cardio exercises for the inner thighs

Plyometric (jumping) training is one of the most effective ways to burn lower body fat and get leaner legs. If you have no contraindications, then cardio training should definitely become part of your fitness plan.

The presented cardio exercises for the inner thighs are formed by level from simple to complex. You can choose only a few exercises that suit your level of difficulty or alternate groups of exercises with each other. Perform exercises only in sneakers!


3. Plank jumps with legs raised

Execution scheme:

An example of an inner thigh cardio workout for beginners:

  • Jumping in plank with legs raised

We perform the exercises according to the following scheme: 30 seconds of work + 30 seconds of rest (for example, we do Jumping Jumps for 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, then move on to Plyometric Lateral Lunge - 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, etc.) . We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, in the second circle we perform a side lunge on the other leg. Rest 1 minute between circles. This cardio workout option will last 10 minutes.

Example of an advanced inner thigh cardio workout:

  • Plank jump with legs raised

We perform the exercises according to the following scheme: 45 seconds of work + 15 seconds of rest (for example, we perform a Jump into a wide squat for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, then move on to a Plank Jump with legs raised - 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, etc.) . We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, 1 minute of rest between circles. This cardio workout option will last 10 minutes.

After cardio exercises, we move on to exercises for the inner thighs on the floor.

Third segment of the workout: exercises for the inner thighs on the floor

These inner thigh exercises are performed on the floor. They are low-impact and do not put stress on the joints and blood vessels, so you can perform them if you are bothered by your knees or varicose veins. While doing the exercises, try to keep your leg muscles tense and your stomach tucked.


Thanks to YouTube channels for the gifs: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, Jessica Valant Pilates, Christina Carlyle.

Execution scheme:

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises for the inner thigh to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 8 exercises, which are performed in 1-2 circles. Rest between exercises for 15-30 seconds. Rest between circles for 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times
  • Leg raises for inner thigh (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • Leg raises for inner thigh (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 30-40 times

Example 2:

  • Circular movements lying on your side (right leg): 15-30 times
  • Circular movements lying on your side (left leg): 15-30 times
  • Complicated shell (right leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-25 times on each leg
  • Advanced shell (left leg): 15-25 times
  • Leg raises (right side): 10-20 times
  • Leg raises (left side): 10-20 times
  • 15-25 times

Example 3:

  • Hip adduction while lying on your side (right leg): 20-35 times
  • Hip adduction while lying on your side (left leg): 20-35 times
  • Shell (right leg): 20-30 times
  • 15-25 times
  • Shell (left leg): 20-30 times
  • Leg raises with chair (right leg): 15-25 times
  • Leg raises with a chair (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-30 times

You can alternate between 3 options for inner thigh exercise combinations, choose just one option, or create your own exercise plan.

Basic rules of exercises for the inner thigh

1. Always start your workout with a warm-up and end with stretching. Never exercise without warming up, otherwise you risk injury!

2. While performing exercises for the inner thigh, you should feel the target muscles. Hold your body collected and concentrated , do not perform the exercises thoughtlessly and laxly.

3. Try to change exercises periodically; do not constantly perform the same exercises. Don't let your muscles adapt to the load.

4. If cardio exercises are especially difficult for you, then you can start training with them, and not with squats and lunges. But you shouldn’t put cardio at the end of the session; it’s better to perform local exercises after aerobic exercises to increase blood circulation in the target area of ​​the body.

5. Remember that the inner thigh will only shrink for general body weight loss Therefore, reasonable dietary restrictions are a prerequisite for getting rid of fat in this area.

6. Isolated adductor exercises are very useful for eliminating the problem area on the inner thighs, but do not forget about exercises for the rest of the muscles of the legs and core. With balanced work on all muscle groups, you will achieve your goal much faster.

7. Remember that fat does not melt in the part of the body that you work hard. The whole body loses weight. But you can help him eliminate the problem area by doing interval training and working on body tone.

8. If you like to do ready-made video workouts, then be sure to look at our selection :

Excess fat deposits on the outer or inner thighs or buttocks are not only a problem for overweight people; thin people also often suffer from this. No matter how unfortunate it is, it is very difficult to correct these areas of the body through diet or exercise.

Modern medicine offers an alternative to grueling workouts and ineffective diets - liposuction of the thighs and buttocks. In just a few hours you can remove up to 40% of excess fat from problem areas and enjoy your new body.

Features and Methods

Liposuction is a procedure during which excess fat deposits are mechanically removed from the body. It is worth noting that only subcutaneous fat, which is localized in the upper areas, can be removed, therefore in some cases the procedure only helps to correct the figure as much as possible, but does not make it a standard of beauty. Modern technologies allow patients and doctors to choose between several liposuction techniques. There are surgical and non-surgical methods for removing excess fat deposits.

Surgical techniques for liposuction

Indications and contraindications for liposuction of the buttocks and thighs

Before you undergo body contouring using surgical liposuction, you should make sure that you really need it and that there are no contraindications to the procedure. To do this, the patient is sent for a consultation with a surgeon. If the doctor discovers that the desired results can be achieved using non-surgical methods, he will definitely recommend them. If there are clear indications for surgery, the most optimal and safe way to get rid of fat is chosen.

It is necessary to remove excess deposits using surgery in the following cases:

  • the presence of so-called “breeches” on the outer surface of the thighs;
  • too large fat deposits in the thighs and buttocks;
  • disproportionality of the figure.

There are categories of patients for whom any surgical intervention is strictly contraindicated. To determine all risks, a detailed examination before surgery and a series of tests are prescribed.

Liposuction should not be performed in the following cases:

  • presence of acute infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pregnancy and lactation for women;
  • the presence of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • serious respiratory diseases;
  • herpes.

After successful body correction through liposuction, the patient must take a very responsible approach to his diet and lifestyle. For lasting results, you need to eat healthy and balanced foods and devote more time to physical activity. Otherwise, after a year all the results may disappear.

Patient behavior during the rehabilitation period

Even in the operating room, the patient is put on a special compression garment, which he must wear constantly for a period of time determined by the doctor. This will help eliminate sagging skin in the operated areas and significantly facilitate the rehabilitation period. The hospital stay can last several days, depending on the complexity of liposuction and the chosen technique.

When going home, you must remember that you should avoid any physical activity for 2 weeks, especially if there are stitches on your body. You should also refrain from taking a hot bath, visiting the sauna, swimming pool or solarium. Even in the most difficult cases, swelling and bruising disappear completely after 2-4 weeks, and you will be able to evaluate the results of the procedure. Most often, doctors take photos before and after surgery to clearly demonstrate its effectiveness.

Sometimes leg imperfections can be disguised with well-chosen clothing, but when visiting the beach or pool they will still cause us significant psychological inconvenience. And the hips are no exception. With age, after significant weight loss or after hormonal changes, their upper parts become voluminous and loose, and the skin sags in unaesthetic folds.

Where diets, physical activity and hardware cosmetology fail, plastic surgery comes to the rescue. A thigh lift is an operation to reduce their circumference, eliminate folds of sagging skin and remove excess fat.

In this article, we will analyze in detail what a patient will have to go through if he decides to correct the aesthetic imperfections of the upper legs and find out what leading metropolitan surgeons think on this topic.

Indications for surgery

A thigh lift improves the proportions of the contours of the body as a whole, changes the shape of the upper legs, and smoothes the skin. Problems in this area can appear after significant weight loss, pregnancy, as a result of age-related changes, lack of exercise, and advanced cellulite. Among the main indications for surgery are the following:

  • sagging skin, loss of elasticity, appearance of dimples;
  • fat “pockets”, “breeches”, “ears” on the hips that cannot be removed with the help of diets, cosmetic procedures or exercise;
  • irritation and friction on the inner thighs due to excess skin and fatty tissue.

How is a thigh lift performed?

Preparation for this type of lifting is not much different from other operations: during an in-person examination, the surgeon determines the condition and size of the correction zone, and also assesses the general condition of the patient’s body. If necessary, additional examinations are prescribed.

The surgical intervention itself takes about 2-2.5 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. At the same time, quite often a thigh lift is combined with a buttock lift, abdominal lift, liposuction or gluteoplasty - in these cases the duration of the operation will increase slightly. Depending on the area and location of the lift area, incisions and post-operative scars can be located on one of several areas of the body:

Where is the lift performed?
What does the incision and scar look like?
Inner thigh The most common option. The incisions are made from the groin folds to the knee area; it will be quite difficult to completely hide them
Outer thigh The incision is made from the groin area around the hip joint. The scars are quite long, but can be covered with underwear
Full thigh lift As a rule, it is performed on patients after significant weight loss. In this case, a spiral incision is made - it begins in the subgluteal fold and, continuing along the inguinal fold, ends at the junction of the thigh and pubis
Combined lifting of the outer thigh and buttocks It is performed with ellipsoidal incisions through the upper point of the buttocks from hip to thigh (see also “”)

After the incision is made, the skin-fat flap is removed, and, if necessary, simultaneous liposuction is performed. Then cosmetic sutures are placed on the operated area and a drain is placed.

Rehabilitation period

Full recovery after a thigh lift takes about 3 months. Depending on the complexity of the operation performed, the patient will need to spend 1 to 3 days in the hospital. Then, over the course of 2-3 weeks, bruises and swelling disappear, the manifestation of which is reduced by compression garments (they are put on the patient immediately after the end of the operation). The swelling finally goes away in 3-5 weeks, at which time it will be possible to evaluate the preliminary results of the lifting.

Light physical activity is possible no earlier than after 2 weeks, and active sports activities can be started only after 2 months. Also, during the first month you will need to refrain from visiting the sauna, swimming pool or solarium, or sunbathing.

Contraindications, complications, side effects

The main contraindications that exclude the possibility of a thigh lift are:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland and internal organs;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diseases affecting blood clotting;
  • inflammation of the blood vessels in one or both legs;
  • pregnancy.

In these cases, the operation will have to be replaced with more gentle hardware cosmetic procedures. Possible complications and side effects are usually associated with the presence of fairly large incisions. These can be hematomas and seromas, inflammatory processes, skin necrosis, etc. Most often, such troubles result from the surgeon’s mistakes and/or the patient’s failure to comply with pre- and postoperative recommendations.

How much does a thigh lift cost? Current prices

Prices for this operation vary over a very wide range, the total amount depends on the type and area of ​​correction, as well as the need for additional manipulations (for example, liposuction).

Average prices for a thigh lift in Moscow range from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles. Also, when planning your budget, you should pay attention to whether the final amount includes a hospital stay, since you will have to spend at least a day there, and most likely even two or three.

Experts' opinions:

founder and leading plastic surgeon of the clinic “Dr. Shihirman", Ph.D.:

Of course, such an operation is effective: after it, the thighs really look toned, and excess skin is removed. The question is different - after such a lift there are always unaesthetic scars; unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. I hide them in natural folds, but the patient must clearly understand that there will be scars, and very large ones.

In general, thigh lift surgeries are not performed very often. Some people simply don’t think about it, others are shy or not ready to “go under the knife.” Healing is slow and difficult, and there are restrictions on movement. For example, if a person was actively involved in sports, then he has to limit himself in activities for a long period.

I remember many interesting cases related to the metamorphoses that the patient experiences after a thigh lift. Immediately after the operation, everything looks and feels scary. After two weeks, when the first results of the tightening become visible, the patient’s mood improves, optimism appears that “everything is not in vain”! After some time, when the scars begin to heal and at the same time become deformed from movement, panic may set in. But in the end, none of my patients regretted the operation. On the contrary, everyone regained a sense of self-confidence and their beauty.

  • Plan your operation at least 1.5 months before trips and other special events that require your active participation.
  • After the operation, you must refrain from sports and, in general, from sudden movements and walking.
  • Special silicone-based ointments should be rubbed into scars - this will prevent them from stretching, maintain skin elasticity and speed up healing.

leading plastic surgeon of the clinic "Studiomed", Ph.D.:

In my opinion, such an operation should be extremely limited - it leaves a rough scar, and excessive tension of the skin in this area is fraught with necrosis. In addition, the hips are an area with very poor blood supply, which imposes certain restrictions on the specialist, creates additional difficulties during healing and can lead to various negative consequences. Read more about these nuances on the difficulties associated with hip plastic surgery.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading plastic surgeon at the GEMC Aesthetic Clinic:

Thigh lift is one of the components of body lifting and in the vast majority of cases is performed on patients who, after a strong weight gain, were able to lose significant weight. Skin that is sagging and unable to contract certainly causes great inconvenience; due to its friction, maceration and inflammation can occur; in addition, a person has restrictions on the choice of clothing, psychological complexes, embarrassment in appearing in public places, in particular on the beach .

The operation consists of removing excess skin and folds of the inner thighs, while the scar lines are also located on the inner surface. It is virtually impossible to achieve their invisibility due to the anatomical features of this area and the associated nuances of healing in the postoperative period. However, if you put freedom of movement and choice of favorite clothes on the one hand and the presence of a scar on the other, it seems to me that the advantage will be in favor of the first.

Reviews and comments

  • 14 January 2016, 23:47 – Maria:
  • 15 January 2016, 19:06 – Diana:

Quote: Maria

I lost 35 kg! This is, of course, a record for me! I could never even imagine this, but it happened. The reason was my health, which deteriorated with age. And the doctors, so to speak, told me in plain text that if I don’t lose the extra pounds, then there will be severe complications on the internal organs and on the legs. After that, I actively took up sports, figure correction procedures and everything else. Naturally, I went on a diet. And now I’ve lost weight. But the hips and belly don’t look cool. The inner surface of the thighs actually finishes me off. Do you think it is possible to immediately perform plastic surgery on the abdomen, outer and especially inner thighs in one operation?

It seems to me that they can perform such a large-scale operation. But it all depends on the condition of each part of your body. Maybe you will have to work there for 6 hours on your hips alone. I'm just guessing. Because after all, femoroplasty is not a quick operation and is quite complex. It's not done in one hour. Have you had a consultation?
  • 17 January 2016, 15:36 – Margarita:

I tightened both the outer and inner thighs. And quite successfully, considering that the first time they did it to me was bad. I had liposuction performed for the first time. So instead of smooth and even skin, I have bumps. This is exactly what all patients fear - the washboard effect. And only after that I went to another clinic, where I had a skin tightening and these terrible lumps were removed. But I’m glad that in the end I managed to achieve the ideal body.

Quote: Diana

I had femoroplasty. This is an operation that is performed on the inner thighs. I’m still young, I don’t have any particular complaints about my figure, but I still want to look perfect. And so I decided to correct the inner thighs. Now I have perfect, slender legs.

What time did you have the operation? I thought that only older women do it, because there are several reasons why we do a thigh lift. And the main one, of course, is age-related changes, when sagging comes and the elasticity of the skin goes away. Why did you do it at a young age? Who had the surgery?
  • 18 January 2016, 19:47 – Olya:

Explain to me why wear compression garments after plastic surgery? This is probably very inconvenient, because it tightens everything and you can’t breathe in it.

Quote: Maria

I lost 35 kg! This is, of course, a record for me! I could never even imagine this, but it happened. The reason was my health, which deteriorated with age. And the doctors, so to speak, told me in plain text that if I don’t lose the extra pounds, then there will be severe complications on the internal organs and on the legs. After that, I actively took up sports, figure correction procedures and everything else. Naturally, I went on a diet. And now I’ve lost weight. But the hips and belly don’t look cool. The inner surface of the thighs actually finishes me off. Do you think it is possible to immediately perform plastic surgery on the abdomen, outer and especially inner thighs in one operation?

Isn’t it possible to tighten your hips through exercise? You can do whatever you want there! Modern gyms are equipped with such equipment that you can do anything you want. What procedures did you do to lose so many kg?
  • 21 January 2016, 22:03 – Margarita:

Quote: Maria

I lost 35 kg! This is, of course, a record for me! I could never even imagine this, but it happened. The reason was my health, which deteriorated with age. And the doctors, so to speak, told me in plain text that if I don’t lose the extra pounds, then there will be severe complications on the internal organs and on the legs. After that, I actively took up sports, figure correction procedures and everything else. Naturally, I went on a diet. And now I’ve lost weight. But the hips and belly don’t look cool. The inner surface of the thighs actually finishes me off. Do you think it is possible to immediately perform plastic surgery on the abdomen, outer and especially inner thighs in one operation?

They will most likely do it. Although you need to find a plastic surgeon who can operate well on the stomach and legs too. Will you need liposuction? What do plastic surgeons say?

Reasons for hip surgery are as follows:

Femoroplasty is not performed if there are restrictions such as:

If the patient has the listed contraindications during preparation, then to eliminate the imperfections of the hips it is worth considering cosmetic and hardware techniques - SplitFat Sistem, mesotherapy,


The procedure varies according to the type of surgical approach. The lift can be:

  • Internal (middle or medial). Involves correction with an incision along the inguinal fold. Excess skin is excised, then the inner thigh is pulled up. Surgeons use this method for minor ptosis. The technology is the most gentle and carries with it the minimum of complications.
  • Spiral (external or lateral). The scalpel passes around the thigh - from the inguinal fold the cut goes into the subgluteal fold and again to the groin. Suitable for such indications as sudden weight loss. The skin is tightened on all sides of the upper leg, and the contour of the buttocks is also corrected. This technology is often combined with gluteoplasty. This type of femoroplasty is more traumatic because the scars are deeper.
  • Vertical. The incision runs along the inside of the thigh and resembles a triangle, starting from the groin and tapering towards the knee. The skin wedge is removed and the wound is sutured with horizontal sutures. The method is appropriate for a large area of ​​sagging dermis.
  • Combined. It implies a combination of the above types with each other. Ellipsoidal incisions are made. Used for grade III and IV ptosis.


During the consultation, the surgeon evaluates the condition of the hips and identifies the cause that led to ptosis. To identify contraindications, the doctor gives a referral for testing.

Before plastic surgery, you must adhere to the following preparatory recommendations:

  • Increase water consumption to three liters per day.
  • Give up cigarettes and alcohol. Bad habits affect wound healing.
  • Limit intake of aspirin and hormonal drugs.
  • Postpone sports training for at least three to four months.
  • Stick to a diet.

Progress of the procedure

Femoroplasty technology involves the use of general anesthesia. The correction usually lasts about three hours.

The operation begins with marking and an inhalation or intravenous anesthetic injection. After which incisions are made, the fat layer and excess skin are removed. The last step is suturing using the layer-by-layer method. When lifting the thighs, this point is important and the final result depends on it. Otherwise, tissue displacement or damage to the genital organs may occur.

First, the surgeon places internal sutures on the fascia of the thigh muscles, after which the skin is stitched with double threads. In this case, the edges of the dermis should not fit tightly to each other to avoid the appearance of rough keloid scars. The procedure ends with the installation of drainage tubes and application of a sterile dressing.


If there are no signs of tissue infection, the patient is allowed to go home on the second or third day. External sutures are removed on the tenth day, but sutures on the inner side of the thigh do not need to be removed, because they are made of self-absorbable threads.

Unpleasant phenomena such as pain, burning, fever, redness, swelling, and numbness persist for two weeks. To stop them, the doctor prescribes painkillers.

Within three months:

  • It is forbidden to massage the thighs.
  • Scars should not be treated with ointments and creams for quick healing. They will increase the swelling.
  • It is necessary to avoid exposure to heat - baths, saunas.
  • Limit exposure to the sun until the scar is completely formed, otherwise age spots may appear.

Within a month:

  • To reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to treat wounds with antiseptic solutions twice a day.
  • To reduce the severity of swelling and bruises, be sure to wear compression garments. It reduces the likelihood of seams coming apart when walking.

During the first week:

  • It is forbidden to bend over.
  • You cannot get out of bed and sit.
  • You are only allowed to lie on your back.

In addition, active sports are prohibited, but physical activity cannot be completely excluded.



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