How does being overweight affect sexual function? Treatment of excess weight with homeopathy. At what weight does obesity occur?

Excess weight is one of the risk factors that needs to be fought, and this fight is difficult, sometimes long time does not bring the desired results.

Anyone who has tried knows that losing weight is not easy, it is even more difficult, and more importantly, maintaining it at the proper level.

Ask yourself the question “how many pounds have I gained over the past 5 years?” By 2, 3, maybe 5 kg. Think about what your weight will be in 5, 10 years. Impressive?

Look around you, the number of obese people is increasing every year. In most cases the reason for this is sedentary lifestyle life, poor nutrition (unbalanced diet, rich in fats and carbohydrates; growing cafe chain fast food; fast food- while running, galloping, without chewing, without tasting food). IN everyday life We drive a car more often than we walk, we are mostly engaged in sedentary work, and we relax more and more often on the sofa watching TV.

Remember excess weight accumulates when we consume more calories than we burn in the process of our life. Excess calories are converted to fat and stored where we least want them. Fat deposits disfigure the figure, cause dissatisfaction with oneself in a purely aesthetic sense. The process of gaining excess weight continues for years, and only when we don’t like ourselves in the mirror or when symptoms of various diseases appear, most of us try to quickly lose excess weight in a few months.

Lose excess weight quickly almost impossible for quick loss Weight is gaining rapidly. The body does not tolerate violence - hunger, exhausting diets, for it this is stress, shock. After stopping a diet or fasting, the body strives to stock up on “food”; it is seriously scared and afraid of repeating difficult, exhausting days. The body does not want to endure or suffer. The body should feel comfortable.

Most the best way to lose weight- change your eating habits and lead more active image life.

By maintaining an optimal weight, you will feel better and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, metabolic disorders.

Remember that being overweight has certain negative consequences:

  • high level cholesterol;
  • high risk thrombosis;
  • high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • joint problems (development of arthritis); high risk of developing diabetes (the risk of developing diabetes in obese people is 3 times higher than in people with a healthy weight);
  • risk of developing cholelithiasis;
  • the risk of developing a psychological inferiority complex (especially in girls) with the ensuing consequences of the development of neurotic disorders;
  • collapse of personal life.

Agree that it is worth thinking about the possible future development of events. If you already have any of these conditions, losing weight will help you cope with them. You'll look and feel better—maintain your health and boost your self-esteem.

Every person has asked himself at least once whether he is overweight. As mentioned earlier, there are a myriad of formulas by which to calculate ideal weight. Let's agree that the concept of “ideal weight” is relative. Because everyone is built differently (which is fun and personal), there is no such thing as an “ideal weight.” However, it is possible to define a framework optimal weight, based on a person's height.

For public use The table “Body mass index” is proposed. The table is easy to use. Try to determine your weight using this table (see table No. 1).

Draw a horizontal line from a point corresponding to your height and a vertical line from a point corresponding to your weight, find the point of intersection.

If your body mass index is:

  • below 18.5 - it would not hurt you to gain a few kilograms;
  • from 20 to 25 - congratulations: your weight is within the optimal range;
  • from 25 to 30 - it would not hurt you to lose a few kilograms;
  • over 30 - you just absolutely need to lose weight to fall within the range of 25 to 30.

Today, doctors and nutritionists use various methods in order to determine whether your weight is optimal, but it is more important to keep it within optimal limits. The process of maintaining optimal weight is complex; to implement it, it is necessary to constantly analyze the reasons for weight gain and draw up an action plan to reduce it.

Understand that the process of weight loss should be gradual; weight loss occurs strictly individually for each person, according to a program strictly planned by the body. Yes, and again yes, the body itself knows how and according to what scenario to direct the weight loss process. There are a great many scenarios, just like people, but it all comes down to how the body reacts to changes in eating habits (see section Eating Properly), to an increase physical activity.

The most important thing for a person is to see the result of his labors; many people fall into despair if there are no results from their efforts. You need to know where to look for confirmation of your results. We will teach you these simple techniques.

So, you need to lose a few kilograms, you are full of determination to bring the matter to its logical conclusion. We recommend that before starting any planned business, you take a few simple steps.

Step one— answer the questions openly and honestly and fill out table No. 2.

Table No. 2. My choice

Of course, there can be much more horizontal graphs. The answers are original and unique. We specifically do not give approximate answers, since everything and everyone, we repeat again, is purely individual.

The “Total” column in our example is a ratio of 3:1, 1:3. Analyzing the data presented, we can say that by the way we filled out the table, we are inclined towards the process of losing weight, acquiring only the positive, but if we leave everything as it is, we will be left with a lot of minuses. This means that I consciously take measures to reduce my weight.

Step two— keep a weight loss diary (weigh yourself at the same time of day, for example in the morning, in the same clothes, on an empty stomach, once a week). In addition, it is recommended to keep a diary of volumes (using the same principle, measure volumes: neck volume, chest volume, waist volume, hip volume, leg and arm volume, strictly once a week). Enter the data into a table, this will help you analyze the results.

The analysis of the results shows that volumes can be lost first (this is a hidden highlight that not everyone immediately notices; when comparing initial and subsequent volumes, you can notice many advantages), and weight remains at the initial levels. In this case the body goes along the path of “compaction”, “tightening” of tissues due to volume reduction, the next stage is weight loss. And vice versa, first lose weight, and only then reduce volume. The weight can stay the same for quite a long time, don’t despair, the body gets used to it and rebuilds itself. The fact that, to the delight of a losing weight person, from the very first days go by intensive weight loss, and then the weight comes off very slowly. Intensive weight loss occurred due to a decrease in calories consumed and an increase in physical activity, later the body adapted and the process of weight loss went slower. If you have not achieved the desired result, you need to increase physical activity, reducing the number of calories is undesirable.

A weight loss of 0.5-1 kg per week is considered safe (the body does not perceive it as shock or stress). Be patient and you will achieve your goal.

Step three- Make a list of health problems.

We hope that the weight loss process will not be so difficult for you.

  1. Try to be more active in your daily life, skip the elevator, walk instead of driving, walk more on weekends, etc.
  2. If possible, try new types of physical activity: swimming, dancing, badminton.
  3. Don't skip meals. Eat at least 3 times a day, in small portions, and snack on fruit in between.
  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables to help you feel full without the extra calories.
  5. Eat foods containing high molecular weight polysaccharides, give preference to bread made from flour coarse, With high content fiber.
  6. Eat less saturated fat:
    • choose vegetable oils, including soft (on plant based) margarine for sandwiches;
    • give preference skim milk and lean meat;
    • eat less cakes, biscuits and other confectionery products.
  7. Try eating fatty foods sea ​​fish(mackerel, sardines, tuna, herring) at least once a week.
  8. Drink more liquid, liquid facilitates metabolic processes, helps fill the stomach, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day.
  9. Watch how much alcohol you drink. Remember alcoholic drinks are very high in calories and stimulate the appetite.
  10. When losing weight, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins and microelements whenever possible.
  11. Nip the feeling of hunger in the bud, do not let it take over your thoughts, review and analyze your diet, review the set of foods you eat. When you feel hungry, snack on fruits and vegetables (Dietary and medicinal properties of vegetables).
  12. Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, and take your time. If you chew your food thoroughly, your food center will be filled faster and the feeling of hunger will go away much faster, you will need less food to satisfy your hunger. The ancients said: “What longer food in the language, the less it is needed.”
  13. Don't overeat Bad mood, while eating, do not read or watch TV.
  14. Don't eat socially unless you're hungry.
  15. Don't be afraid to leave uneaten food on your plate if you're already full.
  16. Don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry. Buy products according to a pre-prepared list.
  17. Try to do it at least once a week fasting days(at your discretion and taste).
  18. And one more piece of advice - write and hang small posters in the kitchen, in the hall where you yourself see fit: “A person eats to live, but does not live to eat” (Socrates), “He who wants to lose weight loses weight.”

Of course, all erection problems, in most cases, can be circumvented thanks to the well-known blue pill. Unfortunately, this solution only works for a short time.

For many men, the long-term solution to sexual dysfunction can be through regular visits. gym and calorie restriction in the diet.

Latest scientific research have shown that losing weight can significantly improve men's ability to have an erection.

How being overweight affects sex

Firstly, excess weight negatively affects the condition blood vessels. An erection occurs when the blood vessels in the penis dilate and fill with blood.

The process begins when the epithelium of blood vessels releases nitric oxide, a molecule that is responsible for relaxing surrounding muscles.

By the way, this dependence is used in potency pills, which increase the production of this oxide in the epithelium.

Despite the ambiguity of the causes of erectile dysfunction, scientists are confident that obesity leads to the destruction of the epithelium and blood vessels. When the tissues do not function, therefore, the penis does not receive sufficient quantity blood necessary to maintain an erection.

Erectile dysfunction may also be a consequence of vascular atherosclerosis. Fatty foods and lack physical exercise lead to narrowing of blood vessels and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can cause the blood vessels leading to the penis to infarct, as happens during a heart attack.

How weight loss will affect your erection

A new study conducted by scientists from Australia has shown the relationship between weight loss and increased ability to achieve an erection. The study was conducted on a group of 31 obese men suffering from diabetes.

The subjects underwent a two-month weight loss program based on low-calorie foods and a set of exercises. It turned out that men who lost 5-10% of body weight experienced more sexual attraction , and also restored the ability to have an erection.

Research results show that increased physical activity and healthy diet may contribute to improving sexual function. Analyzes show that obesity is usually accompanied by erectile dysfunction.

Problems of a sexual nature significantly reduce self-esteem, sometimes even leading to depression. Getting rid of several extra pounds, not only improves erection ability, but also boosts the male ego, which is so necessary in the bedroom.

Remember: Erection problems don't always have to be solved with pills. Sometimes it's enough to just take charge of yourself!

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate (from Italian: “Abandon hope, all who enter here”).

Obesity, or more in a broad sense, overweight, is gradually becoming one of the most big problems with 21st century health. It causes numerous negative consequences for human health, but also in addition is regarded by many as a vital aesthetic problem.

Obesity is generally considered to be a disease in itself, but it can also be a symptom of other diseases. It follows from this that persons prone to obesity should undergo necessary research to identify the causes of this disease that need to be treated. Who should take on this task? Often this pathology is dealt with by an endocrinologist. Is this correct? Let's see.

Determining the presence of obesity

To determine what body weight is normal for each person, the body mass index (BMI, BMI) is used, it is effective in adults (but does not apply to pregnant women). This index is defined as the ratio of body weight (in kg) divided by the square of body height (in meters).

In order not to calculate quadratic equations, using a calculator, you can divide your weight by your height (in meters, for example 1.76) and then again by the same number. Normal value BMI is considered if it is 18-25. A lower number indicates underweight, a higher number indicates overweight, and a value greater than 30 indicates obesity.

Definition overweight and obesity based on BMI “works” only if the increase in body weight is due to excess adipose tissue. Sometimes obesity can be due to other reasons, and BMI is then not effective: excessive body weight can be caused, for example, by edema due to various diseases, sometimes overdeveloped muscle tissue in people exercising or using pharmacological doping.

There are various methods for objectively measuring real percentage body fat, however, this is usually not required. Whether the increase in BMI is associated with an excess amount of adipose tissue or whether it was due to other reasons - in most cases the doctor can decide after a short examination.

Causes of excess weight and obesity (more precisely, excess fat in the body)

A patient who has consulted a doctor about excess adipose tissue expects help, and, in particular, identification immediate causes. The ideal outcome would be if a disorder could be identified that is causing the patient to experience consequences such as excess fat tissue. Then, after recovery (elimination of the cause), the weight will drop to the required level, without any forced changes in habits and lifestyle. Most patients have such expectations in relation to the work of an endocrinologist; most of them consider their way of eating to be correct, and at least unchanged. So, why does excess weight appear if “once” there was none?

Sometimes it is possible to detect such a violation, which leads to this. Most often it is uncompensated (untreated) (compensated is not the cause of obesity), in men (deficiency of sex hormones), less often - (Cushing's syndrome), other disorders are extremely rare, the discussion of which is beyond the scope of the manual for patients.

It should be emphasized, however, that people who experience these diseases are not dealing with the usual excess fat in the body: in the case of (insufficient thyroid gland) weight gain is at least partly a consequence of intercellular edema, and in patients with an excessive amount of trunk adipose tissue is accompanied by atrophy muscle mass limbs.

Most often, however, no methods confirm these disorders, and excess adipose tissue is the result of an incorrect (excessive calorie content in relation to the required numbers) diet. Such obesity is called alimentary or primary, and sometimes simple (in foreign literature).

Primary obesity

As is known, the risk of developing nutritional (primary) obesity:

  • characterized by genetic determination;
  • increases with age as calorie needs decrease.

Why is this happening? Why does it occur excessive appetite, there is excessive food intake in relation to needs, excessive accumulation of adipose tissue and a decrease in calorie needs with age? These questions are still in the “unknown” category. The results of obesity research can be summed up in the words: “we see the tree, but we don’t see the forest.” There are many hormones and other regulatory factors known to influence fat accumulation, metabolism, or appetite. Unfortunately, scientists and doctors do not fully understand their significance in the case of primary obesity.

One of the few exceptions is one described in another article, and today not fully studied, although this phenomenon explains the problem only partially. In addition, diagnostic difficulties, lack of research on the effect of long-term replenishment of growth hormone deficiency and high cost treatments limit the use of these advances in practice. To warn you of possible questions, diagnostics is not mentioned in contracts and directives of the Ministry of Health regarding endocrinology clinics. Even if this clause is introduced, the research costs exceed the money spent as a result of current contracts, which makes their implementation impossible.

Thus, obesity is the result of the coexistence of genetic and environmental factors. The latter include, of course, lack of physical activity and poor eating habits:

  • overeating;
  • meals at any time of the day (the main meal in the evening);
  • eating high-calorie foods(sweets).

Consequences of obesity

TO frequent cases include situations in which overweight/obesity is not a consequence, but a cause of other disorders, for example, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia (excessive levels of substances that transport fats and cholesterol in the blood), gout (a joint disease caused by excess deposits of uric acid) and many others. You cannot lose weight by using lipid-lowering or antihypertensive medications. But by limiting excess weight, you can reduce lipid levels or digital blood pressure readings.

There are also others serious illnesses, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (), in which this connection with obesity is not so obvious: it cannot be revealed that excess adipose tissue is the cause of this disease, but the correlation is visible - obesity and are often interrelated. Sometimes, by reducing body weight, it is possible to reduce the manifestations of other disorders.

Procedure in case of overweight and primary obesity

When overweight/primary obesity is already definitely confirmed, the question arises - what next? Then difficulties arise. As written above, with one exception, there have been no studies to identify “metabolic defects” that cause nutritional obesity in order to make “metabolic correction” based on them. The effectiveness and safety of any drug that disrupts metabolism and allows you to “burn” extra calories, that is, get rid of excess fat in the body without changing eating habits and lifestyle, have not yet been confirmed.

Therefore, the solution remains to change eating habits and lifestyle. Here the question arises: can such tactics be called “obesity treatment”? There is a psychological trap in this definition, because the very concept of “treatment” usually implies a passive position of the patient, whose only role is to “contemplate” the treatment, which in this case is absolutely unrealistic.

So, how can you correct your lifestyle that contributes to obesity and eliminate poor eating habits? Please note that laziness (doing nothing), like food, is pleasant; moreover, it is a manifestation of addiction, because these actions are on the list of mortal sins. Breaking bad habits is exactly like breaking any bad habit and requires methods used in the fight against drug addiction. The purpose of our event will be the following:

  • increasing the level of physical activity;
  • reducing the calorie content (energy value) of food.

Thus, we can imagine a method to combat this dependence:

Replacing pleasant things with pleasant things

There are many ways when the pleasure associated with eating and doing nothing can be replaced with something even more pleasant. All kinds of trips to the spa, active outdoor activities, subscriptions to health and beauty treatments, etc. help with this. Just getting acquainted with some of these offers (Scandinavian walking at sunset, disco and karaoke in a club with prizes, etc.) is already It's nice, not to mention participating in this part of the entertainment industry. The variety of proposals, each time new ideas also increase the attractiveness of lifestyle changes and make possible exit out of the dead end of old habits. It is only important that new habits “take root in the blood”, and that such impulses do not end at the very start.

You cannot allow yourself to think that in order to fight overweight Passive activities such as massage or lying in the pool are sufficient. There are too many passive activities, which from a health point of view have been introduced into the range of enterprises, sanatoriums and entertainment centers, but they are only an addition to active pursuits, so that the proposal does not look too cruel, and the person believes that he has a choice (between Thai massage and massage with hot stones, etc.).

Social support groups

This is very important method– It’s hard to break habits on your own, but it’s easier in a group. There is a significant role here sports clubs, annual events or simply groups of people running, swimming, walking or riding together. Also, the previously described activities of enterprises, sanatoriums and entertainment centers contribute to the emergence of groups social support and healthy sports competition. Thus, wanting to fight overweight, you should consider joining a social support group.

Traditional methods based on "strong will"

Theoretically, volitional methods should be the most effective, although in practice our “will” is often insufficient to achieve the goal, but why not try. Therefore, you should immediately analyze your eating habits and lifestyle, and then plan changes:

  • Avoiding snacking between meals and fighting “small hunger.” Unfortunately, when you want to lose weight, you can't avoid going hungry for some part of the day. In general, snacking between main meals can be considered the main cause of excess weight, since patients, as a rule, neglect their influence and recognize them as insignificant and unimportant, maintaining in their minds a false confidence that they are not making mistakes in their diet.
  • Planning the amount of food (number of slices of bread, desserts, hot dishes, fruits) and strict adherence to these plans, despite the feeling of hunger/fullness. This is an extremely important matter. Many obese people, and especially those at risk of developing diabetes, may suffer from reactive hypoglycemia - a decrease in glucose levels within 2-3 hours after eating due to excessive insulin secretion. This pathology is perceived as hunger and nervousness - if you hesitate to eat, your hands instinctively reach for dessert, coffee with sugar, then fruit, and so on. The only way break the “vicious circle” of abstaining from food. To bear this unpleasant feeling, it’s worth spending a little time and effort on gymnastic/sports exercises.
  • Changing your lifestyle, finally and irrevocably - clearly establishing meal times throughout the day, for gymnastics/sports training. Sometimes you need to adjust/limit your work hours to make time for these activities. As already mentioned, it is difficult to hope for weight loss without being hungry even for moments during the day. On the other hand, everyone understands perfectly well that it is difficult to count on efficient work, therefore, for the period of such an unpleasant state, you can refuse the most important work, for example, before lunch.


In the treatment of obesity-related diseases such as or , This drug is used, the action of which is so complex and the effects are so numerous that it can be included in the group of drugs that reduce body weight. So far, it has not been shown to be beneficial for normal obesity, and there is no hope that metformin will lead to weight loss without changing eating habits and increasing physical activity. Its effect on weight loss is rather to make it easier to maintain normal eating habits by increasing insulin sensitivity and thus preventing the described postprandial hypoglycemia.

Medication methods - what not to use

There are many different medicines designed to help in the fight against excess weight. But, unfortunately, most of them will not stand the test of time. Below is a brief overview of currently and historically ineffective and ineffective pharmacological methods:

  • Swelling drugs that fill the stomach are stimuli associated with the presence of food products(or substances that swell) in the stomach suppress the brain's appetite center and stimulate the satiety center. After a promising start, it appears that the body is adapting to these stimuli. These remedies have even worsened the situation - in order to induce a feeling of satiety, it now requires more food than before the “treatment”. Therefore it was completely accepted the right decision about refusal to use this type of means.
  • Drugs that inhibit the digestion of food (most often fats). The effect of these drugs is the elimination undigested food, thus reducing its energy value. These drugs have not brought particular results in the fight against obesity, since they do not affect the appetite/satiety center, which is key in this process, and do not limit the pleasures associated with food, so their effect cannot be significant. Instead, there is a risk of strengthening negative habits, that is, a lack of control over energy value food product taken: “I’m taking a drug, so why bother with a diet.” Currently, there is only one medicine from this group: Orlistat (Xenical), a substance that inhibits the digestion of fats.
  • Drugs that suppress appetite centers. There really is a problem here. Avipron, Mazindol, Izolipan, Meridia (Zelixa) - how many drugs have been tested. The story is always the same... A drug appears that inhibits the thirst center. Regardless chemical structure, the effect of this kind of drugs should at least partially imitate the effect of psychoactive substances from the amphetamine group, since this is the essence of the effect. Appear positive reviews about the effect of the drug. After some time, it turns out that preliminary observations were too optimistic, in particular due to the fact that the drug does not provide long lasting effect. Descriptions also appear side effects– after all, it cannot be otherwise if the drug is psychoactive substance, and its use is becoming wider and covering ever larger groups of patients. Thus, a decision is made to withdraw the drug from the market. Is this decision correct? The latest decision about Meridia (Zelix) can be considered controversial. There are many other drugs known, with little or no evidence therapeutic effect, and each drug, when abused or used thoughtlessly, can cause side effects.
  • Drugs that “enhance fat burning.” Once again I would like to emphasize that there are no such funds today. In the treatment of diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes mellitus or diabetes, a drug that could be classified in this group (metformin) is used, but the feasibility of its use in the case of primary obesity has not yet been proven. Weight loss is sometimes observed after use various drugs, when the described action comes from the psychologically attuned behavior of the patient: application expensive drugs encourages change, they “treat” by what the patient is interested in, what he eats, distributes motor activity. The black market, of course, offers many drugs from this group that may act as a poison rather than a cure.

Pharmacological methods that may be effective

The European Medicines Agency has registered two drugs that are used in the fight against obesity. The first is Misimba, which contains naltrexone (a partial antagonist of opioids known to be physiologically present in the central nervous system) and Bupropion (used in the treatment nicotine addiction). These drugs resemble drugs used in addiction medicine, and this is their concept of the mechanism of action. Previous effects pharmacological treatment drug addiction was not pleasing, so one cannot expect their amazing effectiveness. It is important to note the analogy between behavior in obesity and behavior in the case of addiction treatment. When using complex psychological assistance the drug described may be a valuable addition.

Surgical methods

Surgery, now called bariatric procedures, is one of the few treatments (in the traditional sense of the word) for obesity with proven effectiveness and acceptable risk. Surgical treatment obesity consists of interventions that reduce the volume of the stomach or create a “bypass” shortened path of food through gastrointestinal tract. Previous observations are very encouraging. The effectiveness of these methods in the prevention of diseases associated with obesity (primarily diabetes mellitus) is also described.

Alternative to iodine treatment

If you have a sense of humor, dear reader, check out what can also be effective for obesity.

Today we’ll talk about health, namely, what problems excess weight creates and its consequences for human health. When someone says, “I want to lose weight,” most often these people are driven by the desire to look beautiful. Statistics say that 90% of women who turn to specialists are concerned about aesthetics - “I don’t like the way I look,” “I can’t look at myself in the mirror,” “I want to wear fashionable, beautiful clothes.”

But men, although they are less likely to turn to weight loss specialists, but if they do, it is precisely for the purpose of health. And this is correct, since excess weight really affects our health.

Excess weight is a health problem

Oh I already said earlier. Now let's talk about the problems. In fact, if the conversation were only about fat, which affects aesthetics, namely about the subcutaneous fatty tissue, then it could be survived. Just think, I was size 48, now I’m 52 – you can, if you want, look beautiful with this size. But excess weight leads to the formation not only of subcutaneous fat, but also to an increase in visceral fat, the fat that is located inside us and envelops all our organs.

On the one hand, visceral fat is also needed in reasonable quantities - it is a kind of airbag for our organs - it warms internal organs, supports in the desired position, softens shocks during movement. A lack of visceral fat can lead to prolapse of internal organs even with such a shock as coughing or sneezing, so we need it.

But if we are overweight, worse if it is obesity, our internal organs are compressed by fat and adipose tissue begins to grow inside. Our internal organs literally suffocate from such hugs and begin various problems with health.

Consequences of excess weight

The list of consequences is quite impressive:

  • limited mobility;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • high blood pressure;
  • risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • high sugar;
  • high cholesterol;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • joint problems;
  • arthritis;
  • bone problems;
  • hernia;
  • impotence in men and infertility in women;
  • high risk of cancer;
  • low life expectancy.

This medical problems excess weight, there are also psychological problems:

  • low self-esteem;
  • depression;
  • social inequality;
  • fewer job opportunities.

Excess weight is a pressing problem

And this is true. According to statistics 30% fat people They don’t even realize that they are overweight, much less realize the seriousness to which they are putting their health. Many people argue this way - my whole family is like this and my overweight grandmother lived until she was 90 years old. But, as experts say, it’s time to stop looking back at our grandparents. We must realize that everything has changed, we live in a different time, we already have different genetics.

And what’s interesting is that if we consider the list of diseases that can arise due to excess weight, then a person will see a doctor to treat this disease, but about extra pounds and even obesity, people sometimes do not go to doctors, although obesity is included in the register diseases and has its own code.

“I’ve been living with this weight for 10 years, I’m not dead”- this is what many people think. What a misconception if you look at the list above.

Do you want interesting fact? Scientists conducted the following study: if all patients with cancer are cured, the life expectancy of the population will increase by only one year. And if we cure all obese people, the life expectancy of the population will increase by four years.

We conclude that excess weight does not lead us to the problem of a fashionable dress or suit, it is a problem of our health, which must be solved if you are overweight and urgently solved if you are obese.

So I will continue the topic of excess weight, because we should know how overweight differs from obesity, how to find out if we have excess visceral fat and other questions. Follow the blog news. I also suggest watching Galina Grossman’s video course while it’s freely available, she’s a lot useful tips gives advice on weight loss. Click on the banner.

Fighting excess weight. Nutrition for overweight. Diet.

"It's good when good man- a lot." It’s a pity that not everyone understands this and not everyone appreciates it. Many people have stereotypes that since a person is overweight or obese, that means he is stupid and lazy, constantly eating. Wrong thoughts.

Overweight?—That’s how the body composition “decided.” How to overcome excess weight? So, we have to struggle with this decision. Otherwise, most of the mass of people will show their dissatisfaction and disdain for people who weigh more than thin, slender, and people of normal weight. Such people are not afraid to go to a restaurant, public toilets, to the shops. They don’t need to worry that eating an extra piece will make them “more” a kilogram. And they probably don’t have scales, because they don’t need scales at all. There are only those with which products are usually weighed.

In addition, thin people are lucky with clothes: they can easily find something for themselves in clothes. And fat people spend a very long time looking for something. Sometimes, they look at over a hundred things and none of them are right for them. Well, how can you not be complex? Clothes are for people with full complexions and are more expensive. But a person who has been looking for a very long time for his “excess” size is not stopped by financial cost: he found the thing - and, thank God. Finally, some luck.

The problem is being overweight. How to overcome excess weight? Correction of excess weight.

Overweight needs to be corrected, since it has a very bad effect on the condition of the body and reduces life expectancy. Will help with weight correction:

  1. Diets (especially vegetable and fruit)
  2. Buckwheat diet.
  3. Cabbage soup diet.
  4. Exercise equipment.
  5. Yoga. It is believed that when doing yoga, you do not need to follow any diets. However, this is not true: diets are necessary if you are overweight.
  6. Circle (hoop).
  7. Swimming.

American researchers claim that excess weight and depression in women are closely related to each other. Conclusion: no need to get depressed. And if this happens, then try by all means to “free yourself” from it so that it does not grow.

Fighting excess weight. Nutrition for overweight.

Women, in the fight against excess weight, must remember that fighting it is not for others, but for themselves, and for their own good.

If you have a habit not only of food, but also of your body type, let the process of getting used to the new image and coming to terms with it begin. Women (many, although not all) feel somehow unprotected at a time when they “lose” a lot of excess weight. They want to go back to their old body and never give it to anyone. Nobody needs it anyway: everyone is obsessed with the standards of models and photo models.

Almost all women on the planet “fanatically” dream of having the weight they see on the covers of glossy magazines, in movies, and in famous newspapers. It comes to the point that, with the help of a special computer program, they “insert” their face onto the neck of some famous person, thereby trying on a brand new body. And then, on a calculator, they count the days, approximately how long they have left until they create a “magazine” or “computer” body.

We also actively count kilocalories (in ourselves and in all products). There is a feeling that the information on packaging and boxes with products is written specifically for those who cannot live with their own figure.

When plump people receive compliments, they perceive them very painfully and aggressively. Due to the existing “stereotypical illiteracy”, it seems to them that anything said to them is good and kind word- this is either a lie, or sarcasm, or the words were spoken solely out of pity.

In the store. The plump lady had her eye on a suit and tried it on. The saleswoman (sincerely and smiling) said that he was very “becoming” for a lady. The chubby lady’s reaction: “You’re saying this on purpose to sell the product as quickly as possible!” How are they keeping you like that here?!” The saleswoman is completely confused: she didn’t even think about anything bad.

Overweight?— There are people for whom being overweight suits them. And there are many who like plump people. Nobody forbids, even in modern world, remain chubby. But obesity should be moderate, due to its bad effect on the body.

An obese person or a thin person is not so important, in essence. Much more important are his character traits and the “purity” of his heart. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evil, envy, hypocrisy, insincerity and falsehood in the world. And I really want all this not to happen in people... Unfortunately, diets will not help you become kinder or happier. Well, it depends on how one interprets the word “happiness”. For many, losing weight is happiness.

For someone happiness– sporting achievements and medals for them. Whoever lives and breathes what, lives by it. It sounds somewhat “illiterate”, but it’s fair.

If a person is fat, you should not judge him as if he is simply lazy to work on himself. It is quite possible that a plump person is sick diabetes mellitus. If there is such terrible disease, a person, unnoticed by himself, and very rapidly, is gaining weight. People think that he is reluctant to lose weight, that everything suits him. And a person suffering from a difficult illness fights it, trying not to think about weight.

When something hurts, when something hurts, is it possible to remember such little things as the kilograms you have gained? People with diabetes really want to overcome the disease. Many people succeed in this, although there are problems with weight. By the way, they are designed for diabetics special diets, which are not aimed at “weight” adjustment. Diets were invented with the purpose of saving people, at least to some extent, from suffering. To a healthy person It's hard to understand. And some don’t try this at all: it wouldn’t be worth loading your head with other people’s problems and “tragedies.”

L being overweight and its correction is of concern not only “ women's bodies" The male sex also tries to take care of getting rid of the “excesses” of the body. Therefore, they spend many hours in the gym, “embracing” dumbbells. And their wives, stupid ones, begin to suspect their husbands of cheating. No. Women are not stupid, but prudent and well-read. They are aware of how men like to “take a step to the left.”

To be continued:

Methods and methods of combating excess weight.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs