How should the uterus contract after the second birth? Painful contractions of the uterus after childbirth and discharge: timing

The nature of a woman is amazing and magical! Take the uterus, for example. This wonderful organ can “stretch” several times during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby it can return to normal. True, some women are very upset when they learn that the uterus cannot shrink to its previous size in a couple of weeks.

Unfortunately, no doctor can tell you how quickly your wasp waist will return to you. But there are drugs and remedies that will speed up the process of returning beauty.

How the uterus contracts

  • Immediately after childbirth, one can only feel sorry for the uterus - this is complete damage. Particularly affected was the placenta attachment site. The poor organ is filled with blood clots, remnants of the fetal membrane, and the entire organ is “tuned” not to beauty, but to rapid healing.
  • In the first 3-5 days after the baby appears, the uterus cleanses itself, contracting especially powerfully. Yes, yes, it’s not for nothing that you took such a large pack of night pads to the maternity hospital!
  • Phagocytosis (bacteria are dissolved by white blood cells) and extracellular proteliosis occur in your body. Of course, provided that you are healthy.
  • Lochia (discharge from the mother who gave birth) comes out of the uterus. On the first day they are bloody, on the third they are brown, in the third week they seem to lighten, and by the sixth they are almost gone. This ends the cycle of uterine contractions.
  • The uterus of a woman who has just given birth weighs about 1000 g. Its dimensions are: 20 cm in length, 15 cm in width, 12 cm in the pharynx. Only 7 days will pass, and the weight of the organ will be reduced to 300 g, and after 2.5 months the uterus will weigh only 70 g!

The uterine epithelium heals quickly – about 20 days, but the placenta “attachment” site takes longer – up to 45 days. The doctor will probably ask you to listen to your contractions. If the discharge ends around the sixth week and you feel well, there is no reason to complain to the gynecologist. If they ended much earlier or, on the contrary, were delayed for a long time, it is better to go to the doctor.

Symptoms of healthy uterine contractions:

  • unpleasant, but generally tolerable sensations in the mammary glands,
  • pain in the perineum,
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen,
  • discharge - lochia,
  • diarrhea (the first few days; after the 4th day, this symptom may indicate an overdose of the drug and should be the reason for going to the hospital).

Any of these symptoms may be severe for the first 7 days after birth. At the end of the 6th week of your motherhood they should stop.

Most often, young mothers suffer from pain and illness. However, if you have a low pain threshold, consult a doctor - he will prescribe a painkiller: ibuprofen, no-shpu, naproxen, ketoprofen (or ketanol suppositories), a lidocaine injection, or something from hemeopathy - sepia, caulophyllum, bellis perennis.

Eight days have passed since giving birth, and you still have to take pills? This is not normal, go to a gynecologist and have him check you for pathology.

Rapid contraction of the uterus

It happens that pain and discharge disappear already 3-4 weeks after childbirth, and the woman is very happy with this. However, this is not a very good sign. Rapid contraction of the uterus can have the following complications:

  • some of the lochia did not come out, lingering inside the organ, which is fraught with suppuration and inflammation (do not forget that these are nothing more than bloody clots, remnants of the placenta and endometrium, and even waste products of your baby),
  • problems with lactation: accelerated contractions of the uterus can “cut” the amount of milk produced by the body, as well as change its composition, which is why the baby may even refuse his mother’s boobs,
  • the risk of getting pregnant again increases, and this would be a shock for your body, since the uterus has not yet recovered.

In general, if you notice that there is no discharge too early, do not think about returning to your sex life (no matter how much you and your husband would like it), but about consulting a gynecologist.

Well, to prevent such “accelerations” from happening, increase uterine contractions. This is not difficult: follow a daily routine (if you can, ask older children, mother, mother-in-law, sister to help with the child), eat normally, get enough sleep (let the new dad “serve” the night watch for at least a couple of weeks), walk in the fresh air. In general, you don’t need any pills or “herbs”.

Too slow uterine contraction

If accelerated contraction of this organ is rare, then protracted contraction is, unfortunately, a frequent visitor to young mothers. How to speed up the renewal of the uterus and quickly restore your body? Everything is elementary. First, consult a doctor to rule out pathologies. Secondly, don’t be lazy - a specialist will probably recommend exercises, as well as herbs.

How can official medicine help you?

If immediately after childbirth (the first to third day) you do not develop lochia and there are no unpleasant contraction-like sensations in the lower abdomen, then for some reason the uterus is not contracting. The doctor should decide her fate: only he knows what will help you better, pills or injections.


This artificial hormone will help normalize lactation, heavy bleeding, and also speed up uterine renewal. It is often prescribed in the form of injections, in especially difficult cases (for example, after a cesarean section) - in the form of droppers.

Uterine oxytocics

Drugs from the same group, but with pharmacological additives that enhance or weaken the effect of the central substance. These are: hyfotocin, dinoprostone, ergotal, pituitrin. Prescribed both in tablets and injections.

Important to remember: Although official medicine recognizes oxytocin, some doctors do not approve of it, believing that uterine contractions should start naturally. Such a specialist will first of all advise you to turn to traditional medicine.

"Grandma's" medicines

Although these are harmless “herbs” at first glance, you should not prescribe them to yourself (or trust your mother or neighbor to prescribe them). Any treatment, even folk treatment, must be approved, or even better, prescribed by a doctor.

White lily

Pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers into 0.5 liters of boiled cold water. Let stand overnight. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.


Pour 4 tablespoons of the dry plant into 500 ml of boiling water, let the broth cool. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Shepherd's Purse

Pour 4 tablespoons of herbs into 2 cups of boiling water. Wrap until cool. Drink this amount of decoction all day.

Blood red geranium

Pour 2 teaspoons into 1 glass of cooled boiled water overnight. Drink all day.

Yarutka field

Pour 2 tablespoons of the plant into 1 glass of boiling water overnight. Drink 5 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

These remedies are good because they help your body “start up” after childbirth without medications. After all, what kind of nursing mother wants something pharmaceutical to get into her precious milk!


Sometimes in the maternity hospital the doctor may do special stimulating strokes on the mother’s belly. Their goal is to stimulate the uterus. They are done every 2 hours. The doctor gently presses on the uterus. Of course, this procedure can be unpleasant, but it is worth enduring as it is very useful.

Will homeopathy help?

Many mothers in labor like “sweet white granules” primarily not because of their pleasant taste, but because they do not contain chemicals or synthetic substances, effectively helping the uterus to contract, and also mobilizing all the body’s forces for postpartum recovery.

The most popular remedies for women in labor include: quinine (helps with heavy bleeding), ipecac (eliminates weakness), staphysagria (heals the uterus from the inside), and ergot (contracts the uterus - but you need to be careful with this remedy, it can cause thrombosis and abscess ).

Exercises to contract the uterus

If the doctor gives the go-ahead, then even from the first day after birth you can start doing simple but very useful exercises that will help the uterus contract correctly. Such activities do not require much time, but the sooner you start doing them, the faster the uterus will recover and contract, and the lower the risk of long-term recovery after childbirth.
  1. Lie on the floor on your back. You can use a soft mat to make it more comfortable. bring your legs together and relax. Alternately bend and straighten your legs at a calm pace. 10-12 times on each leg will be enough.
  2. Also lying on your back, straighten your legs and stretch your toes towards you.
  3. Periodically curl and relax your toes.
  4. Special breathing exercises have a good positive effect. And again you need to lie down on the floor, bend your knees. Breathing is smooth and deep. As you breathe, lift your abdominal wall as you inhale and lower it as you exhale. You can help yourself with your hands, making sliding movements towards the pubic bone from the navel.
  5. As you exhale, squeezing your pelvic muscles, pull your navel as close to your chest as possible and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. This exercise is called “Vacuum”.
  6. Kegel exercises will be indispensable in such gymnastics.
  7. Take a fitball or exercise ball and find a non-slippery surface. Sit on the fitball, squeeze your intimate muscles and, without relaxing them, lift your legs one by one, holding it on the weight for 10-15 seconds.
  8. Sitting on a fitball, perform circular movements with your pelvis in both directions. You can also swing in different directions.

This is some gymnastics for contracting the uterus. However, these exercises are contraindicated after suturing, since you will first need to wait until they are completely healed.

Postpartum involution of the uterus causes a lot of anxiety among young mothers: is everything going right? Especially if the child was born as a result of surgery. It is important to know how the uterus contracts after a cesarean section. Indeed, in this case there are differences from what happens after a normal birth. And there are more opportunities for complications.

Read in this article

Postpartum condition of the uterus

The main female organ is in no hurry to regain its previous size. This is natural, because in its smooth muscles there are many cells that have now become redundant and are gradually atrophying. The muscles of the uterus are stretched and weakened. The inner surface is a wound, it will also suffer.

The uterus after a cesarean section has even greater features. There is a seam on it, longitudinal or transverse, it depends on the type of intervention performed. That is, the tissues are connected to each other by surgical threads, usually self-absorbing. But in any case, the body also expends energy on healing the suture, and not just the surface of the mucous wound. Nerve and muscle fibers and blood vessels must grow together, which makes the involution of the uterus more complex and lengthy.

The pain that accompanies the process due to forced injury to the organ is stronger than after a normal birth.

Organ restoration after caesarean section

Restoration of the uterus after cesarean section has 3 interrelated aspects:

  1. A decrease in size of an organ, accompanied by contractions of its smooth muscles.
  2. Suture healing.
  3. Cleansing the internal space of unnecessary tissue and regeneration of the mucous membrane, which occurs with the removal of bloody secretions.

All processes occur simultaneously. But the operation performed makes them slower. It can also cause complications, so the woman then stays longer in the maternity hospital. But then the patient is discharged home, and then the opportunity to ask the doctor about anything unclear is removed. Most women are interested in how long the uterus contracts after a cesarean section. On average, the process takes up to 60 days.


With any method of delivery, the uterus is cleansed upon completion. A woman discovers that at first it is abundant, then decreases in quantity and changes color. In the first days, they are also noticeable.

When the muscles of the organ are inhibited, the secretions are retained inside for a longer period. Therefore, they will also go longer, maintaining considerable volume. But their decrease is normally still noticeable.


The suture on the uterus, naturally, is not visible, but prevents its contractions. A scar should form at the site of the incision on the organ. That is, a patch of connective tissue is formed in this area. It is stiffer than smooth muscle, stretches less well, and movements of the uterus during contraction and relaxation cause pain. The suture should turn into a scar by the 6th month after birth. That is, an independent process also takes place at the site of the incision.

The condition of the external seam on the skin of the abdomen, on the abdominal wall, is also important. The damage caused during the operation makes these muscles weaker, which also does not contribute to the rapid reduction of the uterus.

Returning the uterus to normal size

The way the uterus contracts after a caesarean section is also of great importance. The same thing happens to her as at the end of a normal birth. But since the organ is injured, the sensations during contractions will be stronger. To relieve them, women are given painkillers. But in the future, discomfort will still be felt, especially when feeding.

Movements of the uterine muscles lead to the disappearance of excess fibers and constriction of blood vessels. And on the 10th -11th birthday of the baby, the organ, despite undergoing a caesarean section, is done a little more than before pregnancy.

Possible complications due to surgery

How long the uterus contracts after a cesarean section depends on the presence or absence of , which does not occur during natural childbirth, or occurs less frequently:

  • significant blood loss, making the woman weaker and more passive, and the uterus susceptible to hypotonicity;
  • introduction of infection into the organ cavity, interfering with the restoration of its internal surface and muscle movements;
  • , violating the location of the organ, preventing contractions;
  • arising due to excessive physical activity for this stage.

How to help the organ return to normal

The movements of the smooth muscles of the uterus are controlled by a hormone. It is produced by the body independently, but only if you put effort into it. It consists of the desire to feed the child. The process needs to be established from the first days.

The more often you put the baby to the breast, the more actively the mother’s reproductive organs are restored.

There are other methods that promote uterine contractions:

  • you need to move despite discomfort and weakness;
  • several times a day you need 20 minutes;
  • briefly apply an ice container wrapped in a towel to the area between the navel and pubis;
  • Avoid bladder overflow and constipation.

Problems of the postoperative period

Difficulties are mainly related to movements. Getting out of bed, coughing, and walking are more difficult than after a normal birth. And this can cause passivity in the new mother, which means further slowing down the contractions of the uterus. The same happens for additional reasons:

  • accumulation of gases in the intestines due to slowed motility as a result of surgery;
  • difficulties with lactation, because the baby is delivered only on the 3rd day;
  • external seam that prevents lying on the stomach.

In addition, lochia may linger in the organ cavity, which will cause.

But despite all the difficulties, how much the uterus contracts after a cesarean section depends on its owner. Most problems with this can be solved. To help a woman - careful care of the seam, the correct regimen.

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Immediately after the baby is born and over the next 6-8 weeks, the body begins to recover. Herbs for uterine contraction after childbirth promote the process.

During the entire period of bearing a baby, the female body changes and takes on new forms. But the most changed organ, of course, is the uterus itself, which ensures the correct development of the child in utero.

Thus, the growth of this organ from the moment of fertilization until the onset of labor may not stop, and the uterus itself (its cavity) becomes 500 times larger than its original size. Of course, such a process after the birth of the baby needs to be reversed, and therefore it is logical to assume that immediately after birth, the uterus is restored in size. But how does this happen, how much does the uterus contract after childbirth, is this process painful, like contractions?

A change in the size of the uterus in a pregnant woman occurs not due to an increase in tissue, that is, its actual growth, but due to stretching. During fertilization, a hormone is released, which in turn affects the body of the uterus, increasing the elasticity of its tissues.

The normal thickness of the walls of the organ before pregnancy is 4 cm. During gestation, at its different stages, the uterus and its walls become thin, and by the end of pregnancy its thickness (myometrium) does not exceed 0.5 cm. The level of endometrial thickness is measured every time during screening - testing. Each gestation period has its own characteristics.

How long does it take for the reproductive organ to regain its previous size if the stretching occurred for the entire 9 months? Restoration of previous sizes occurs (if all processes of labor resolution occurred without complications) up to 1.5-2 months. Such periods are considered standard, and that is why mothers in labor are informed of the need for sexual abstinence after childbirth for the first 50-60 days.

Along with the uterine cavity, its cervix also changes, which after childbirth thickens again, acquiring its previous size. However, the entire recovery process should normally not exceed the specified time frame. This applies to both natural childbirth and delivery by caesarean section.

Dimensions of the uterus after childbirth

After it has become clear how long the uterus contracts after childbirth, it is interesting to find out the size of the organ in a normal state and during uterine contraction. What is considered normal and what is an anomaly? What processes precede such processes, and who may be at risk?

Uterine recovery (in time) or involution of the postpartum period is an obligatory stage for a woman in labor. The first thing doctors will ask you to do after the baby is born is to push out the placenta. After strong pushing and active labor, such a process does not cause pain in the woman in labor, and therefore there is nothing to be afraid of.

The process proceeds somewhat differently in women with cesarean section. Since in this option there is no natural release of oxytocin, the birth hormone, by the body, compensation in the first stages occurs due to the artificially introduced hormone in the form of droppers. Immediately after removing the baby, the doctor also removes the birth place. At this stage there will be no pain, since the woman in labor is under anesthesia.


The normal weight of the uterus after childbirth is 50 grams every two months. Immediately after the baby is born, the weight of the uterus is approximately one kilogram.

Pain after a cesarean section begins after the effects of anesthesia begin to wear off. And, as a rule, the intensity of such contractions is much more painful than after natural childbirth. This is explained by the fact that the uterus was not physiologically prepared for such a sharp hormonal imbalance, and therefore, in the absence of the fetus in the uterine cavity, the uterus contracts painfully and intensely.

During the section, the size of the uterus is identical to natural childbirth, however, contractions can be seen with your eyes: the stomach literally moves in waves, contractions are visible, and the pain is very strong. To eliminate pain, such women in labor are given additional painkillers in the form of droppers and injections in the abdomen. There is no pain syndrome, since the nerve endings are cut. Restoration of sensitivity in the lower abdomen (in full) will take at least 1.5-2 years.

The dimensions of the uterus after childbirth are the same in all cases - already in the first hours after the extraction or birth of the child, the uterus shrinks to 15-20 cm (fundal height). At the time of discharge from the maternity ward (4th day), the fundus height should be within 9 cm. And only by the end of the second week after birth, the uterus returns to the level of the pubic bones. The weight of the uterus after childbirth without anomalies is 1-1.2 kg; after childbirth, the weight also decreases gradually, but the full process of involution occurs within two months. To make the uterus contract better, doctors in the maternity hospital additionally administer injections of oxytocin.

Dynamics of uterine contraction in the normal postpartum period

If the birth took place without complications, and there are no aggravating factors, then the weight and size of the uterus after childbirth is restored according to the schedule:

  • 1 day – uterine fundus height (UFH) 15 cm, weight 1 kg;
  • Day 4 – VDM 9 cm, weight 800 grams;
  • Day 7 – VDM 7 cm, weight 0.5 kg;
  • Day 14 – VDM 3 cm, weight 450 grams;
  • 21 days – weight 0.35 kg;
  • 2 months – weight 50 grams.

Such dynamics may be deviated from the norm by minor indications, however, in general, in a normal state of affairs, without complications, complete recovery occurs in the first one and a half to two months.

Contraction of the uterus after caesarean section

Caesarean section is performed according to indications and is considered a complication of childbirth. Since this condition is not normal for the body, the body is forced to react differently than during natural childbirth.

For normal contractions of the uterus, oxytocin injections are administered, and immediately after the mother is transferred to the ward, the baby is given breastfeeding. This increases the concentration of oxytocin. For the next 5 days in the maternity hospital, it is recommended to additionally administer anti-tetanus injections (3 days) and oxytocin drips. However, if a woman in labor is breastfeeding and feels a contraction, then such techniques can be adjusted.

The intensity of contractions after a cesarean section is slightly increased in the first day; this process is somewhat more difficult for weeks with a natural birth. However, already on the third or second day the difference is not felt, the uterus contracts identically to natural childbirth.

Possible deviations from the norm

When the uterus does not contract after childbirth, this is a significant complication for the mother in labor, since this condition is dangerous to life and health. Deviations from the norm in the intensity of contraction of the uterine body can be observed in women at risk:

  • giving birth after 30 years;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • early birth (before 35 weeks);
  • anomaly of the anatomy of the uterus (side-shaped, horn-shaped);
  • polyhydramnios;
  • heavy weight of the child;
  • injuries of the birth canal;
  • the presence of fibroids in the woman in labor;
  • poor blood clotting.

If contractions go poorly, and the woman in labor feels worse, then a decision is made on additional drug stimulation. But the best preventive medicine is the natural hormone prolactin and oxytocin, which is produced every time a baby is applied to the breast. This is natural stimulation, which is provided by nature itself.

Also read our article: “Restoration of the female body after childbirth” https://site/652-vosstanovlenie-posle-rodov.html

In this article:

The long-awaited moment has come for any mother when her baby is born. Troubles and caring for the child lie ahead. It is at this moment that the recovery stage begins for every woman: contraction of the uterus after childbirth. This period begins immediately after the baby is born and usually lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, all those changes that took place throughout the entire period of pregnancy undergo a reverse process.

Uterus in the postpartum period - what happens?

As you know, every woman has individual physiological characteristics. Due to this fact, each woman’s uterus returns to almost its original position at different times.

The uterus after childbirth is stretched and enlarged. This is a bleeding wound, and the uterus is most damaged in the place where the placenta is attached. Moreover, it will bleed until the vessels become clogged. In addition, in the uterine cavity there is still what remains of the fetal membrane and blood clots.

After childbirth, the uterus must be “cleansed” of everything that is no longer needed within three days. During this period, two most important processes occur in it: phagocytosis and extracellular proteolysis. As a result of this activity, discharge (lochia) appears from the uterus. And if during the first days they are bloody, then after 3 or 4 days they are serous and bloody due to the high content of leukocytes. Over time they begin to turn yellow. By the end of the third week they become even lighter, and after 6 or 8 weeks the discharge completely disappears. The place where the placenta was fixed heals after 3 weeks.

How fast does the uterus contract?

From the very beginning to the end of pregnancy, the uterus undergoes significant changes. From a small organ weighing 50 grams, it grows to impressive sizes and already weighs 1 kg. It gradually decreases, but it will not be able to recover completely to its previous state. For a woman who has already given birth, it will weigh approximately 75 g.

Immediately after birth, the uterus still weighs 1 kg, the diameter of the uterine os is 12 cm. In this case, you can also manually remove the remnants of the placenta. By the end of the first day, the uterine os is reduced by half, and after another three days it becomes even smaller.
The contraction of the uterus can be judged by the condition of the fundus. A day after the baby is born, it is at the same level as the navel. In the following days, the uterine fundus descends at a rate of 2 cm per day. Around the 10th day it is hidden behind the womb.

The rate of uterine contraction is significantly influenced by hormonal levels. But besides this, this process is also influenced by some other factors such as:

  • woman's age;
  • number of pregnancies;
  • child's size;

It is worth noting that the higher these indicators, the uterus will contract more slowly. In addition, it matters whether a caesarean section was performed or the birth took place naturally. However, after surgery, recovery of the uterus after childbirth will be a little more difficult. In addition, if a woman breastfeeds her baby, this will also reduce the time of this process of uterine restoration.

It is worth considering that during this recovery period there will be slight “tightness” in the lower abdomen. They can often be stronger and more intense after the second birth.

In some cases, when a woman cannot tolerate such pain, she is prescribed special painkillers or antispasmodics. However, it is best not to resort to them. Moreover, this happens quite rarely, so there is no need to worry about it.

How does the process itself work?

Many women will probably be interested in how exactly this process of uterine contraction occurs. The uterus contracts after childbirth due to the fact that some cells of the muscle tissue of the uterus contract, while others simply die. And if initially the shape of the uterus is spherical, then over time it becomes slit-like.

How long will it take? Usually the uterus is able to recover in a fairly quick period of time. As a rule, it decreases in 1.5-2.5 months, it all depends on the individual characteristics of each woman’s body. At the same time, the most active moment of reduction is observed in the first days after the birth of the baby.

Accelerating the process of uterine contraction

However, in some cases, certain methods are used to ensure that uterine contractions occur normally. For example, when the uterus begins to contract immediately after childbirth, its bottom should be dense. If it is soft, then this means that the uterus has reduced contractility. In this case, massage performed on the outer surface of the abdominal wall will be an effective remedy.

To increase the speed of uterine contraction, on the first day after birth, they resort to a cold heating pad, which is placed on the stomach. In some cases, special medications are prescribed that also stimulate the uterus to contract rapidly.

The most important thing to do after the baby is born is to strictly observe personal hygiene. Regular washing, treatment of sutures (if there were tears during childbirth) and other necessary measures will help avoid the occurrence of various complications.

From about 4 days onwards, a woman can move more actively and this also contributes to rapid contraction of the uterus. It is also important to follow all doctor’s instructions and eliminate any possible pressure on the uterus. To do this, visit the toilet regularly (if necessary) and resort to the prevention of constipation.

In addition, in order to control the entire process of uterine contraction, a woman must be under constant medical supervision. If the birth took place without complications and naturally, then the woman is even recommended to get up after a few hours. There is also special postpartum gymnastics, which also stimulates the contraction of all muscle tissue. And the uterus is precisely this organ.

Useful video about the postpartum period

As soon as the baby is born and the placenta is removed, a long and important period begins - the postpartum period. Its main goal is the complete restoration of the genital organs and returning them to their original appearance. One of the main processes of the postpartum period is uterine contraction. It is about that amazing process, its norms and deadlines that we will talk today.

The uterus is truly an amazing organ. From an organ the size of a large chicken egg, it turns into a container that can hold one or even several fetuses, the placenta and amniotic fluid. After childbirth, it should shrink in record time and take on almost its original form.

Contraction begins immediately after the birth of the child, with its help the placenta begins to separate and be released. This is a very important process, since stopping bleeding depends on its progress. A feature of the vessels that fed the placenta is the complete absence of a muscle layer. That is, such arteries cannot close on their own. It is the compression of the walls of the uterine arteries by the contracting muscle of the uterus that causes the bleeding to stop.

In the future, the processes of contraction of muscle fibers will be aimed at reducing the size of the uterus and the formation of its cervix.

Approximate timing of uterine contractions

On average, complete restoration of the size and shape of the reproductive organ occurs throughout the entire postpartum period - that is, in 42 days. For some women this happens faster, for others it may take longer. This slow contraction is called “uterine subinvolution.”

Why doesn't the uterus contract after childbirth?

As a rule, recovery processes occur more slowly in women:

  1. After a caesarean section.
  2. After giving birth to twins or triplets.
  3. In women who have given birth to a large child.
  4. In patients who received surgical aids and inadequate stimulation during childbirth.
  5. In women with excess body weight or weakened, poorly nourished patients.
  6. In postpartum women with infections of the genital tract and uterus: postpartum endometritis, suppuration of the sutures of the vagina and cervix.
  7. When fragments of the placenta, fragments of membranes or blood clots are retained in the lumen of the uterus. These foreign bodies mechanically prevent the muscle from contracting.
  8. In mothers who refuse to breastfeed, since the main hormone responsible for contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus, oxytocin, is released into the blood in large quantities when the nipple is stimulated.

It is interesting that women after their second birth do not have any reliable advantages in such terms over mothers who gave birth to their first child.

Normally, the recovery process is not felt by the woman in any way, but sometimes, especially after putting the baby to the breast, a woman in labor may feel painful contractions similar to labor. These are completely normal feelings. To relieve pain, you need to lie on your stomach for a while after each feeding.

Treatment of uterine subinvolution

Most often, certain disturbances in the involution process are noticed by doctors in the postpartum department when, when examining a young mother on a chair, they discover an increased size of the uterus or notice sagging of its walls. Sometimes, during a routine ultrasound, the doctor sees an accumulation of blood clots or other foreign bodies in the cavity.

Less commonly, the woman herself may notice a slowdown in contraction: after discharge, she will be bothered by abdominal pain, a sharp decrease in discharge or, conversely, bleeding, fever and discharge with an unpleasant putrid odor. In such cases, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

Most often used for subinvolution of the uterus:

  1. Oxytocin preparations in the form of injections, droppers or lozenges.
  2. Antibacterial therapy if endometritis is confirmed.
  3. If a large number of clots accumulate in the cavity or oxytocin preparations are ineffective, curettage or curettage of the uterus is necessary. This is a simple and quick operation under intravenous anesthesia, after which the uterus quickly returns to normal.

How to speed up recovery processes at home?

Of course, any self-medication methods are applicable only after consultation with a doctor.

  1. Herbal treatment. The most effective remedies include nettle decoction and water pepper tincture. Nettle must be brewed based on the proportion of 3 tablespoons per half liter of boiling water. The resulting volume of decoction should be drunk in small portions throughout the day. Water pepper can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of an alcohol tincture and taken 30 drops 3-4 times a day.
  2. Breastfeeding on demand and frequent latching. This is a very good method that helps both the production of oxytocin for uterine contractions and increases the amount of milk for the baby.
  3. Gymnastics. There are no special exercises specifically for contracting the uterus, but general physical activity, with elements of Kegel exercises, yoga, breathing exercises and dosed tension of the abdominal muscles, definitely helps to quickly free the uterus from clots and recover.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

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