Ginger its uses. Use in cooking

Ginger and recipes with it.

I have collected a lot of material about the wonderful, healthy and aromatic Ginger, with a lot of recipes. I show how I make ginger tea with honey, lemon and black tea.

For the Slavs, ginger is something very exotic and unusual, and all because its homeland is Southeast Asia and Western India. By the way, it is in India that it is grown the most - 100 thousand tons (this is half of world production). Ginger is sold in various forms: pieces of rhizomes, ground, candied, dipped in chocolate, in the form of an extract for ginger beer. It goes well with other spices and is part of curry mixtures. Ginger is added to premium light beer.

How does ginger affect our body? "Why should we use it?" - you ask. Here you don’t immediately know where to start, because its properties and effects on our body are very extensive. First of all, what is striking is the composition, which includes the following active ingredients: essential oils (1-3%), camphin, phelandrin, cineole, borneol, citral, gingerol (1.5%).

Ginger is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2 and A, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium salts, iron, sodium, potassium and zinc. Its spicy, tart aroma is due to the essential oil it contains (1.2-3%), and its pungent taste depends on the presence of the phenol-like substance gingerol. In addition, ginger contains all the essential amino acids, including tryptophan, threonine, leysine, methionine, phenylanine, valine, etc.

All these chemical elements contained in ginger improve digestion and stimulate the formation of gastric juice. Combined with peppermint, black elderflower and yarrow (in tea) it relieves severe abdominal pain. Ginger normalizes blood circulation. Dry ginger flakes and ground ginger are slightly spicier than fresh ginger and more penetrating.

By therapeutic effect ginger is a diaphoretic, analgesic, expectorant, and antiemetic. It nourishes all tissues. Latest research indicate the extremely beneficial effects of ginger on the stomach, digestive, and respiratory systems. Ginger does light food and easily digestible and gives it a slightly spicy, spicy taste. It is taken to stop diarrhea and to eliminate the harmful effects of animal poisons.

All these miraculous properties of ginger are due to the fact that it contains large number biological "fire" that controls metabolism. Regular use of ginger in food in small quantities increases internal heat, awakening appetite and stimulating digestion, warming the stomach and blood. It is especially useful in cold weather and in cold climates, that is, precisely in our latitudes.

Ginger is used in the form of infusion, decoction, powder (250-500 mg) for medicinal purposes. It is recommended for colds, flu, indigestion, vomiting, belching, and abdominal pain. It lowers blood cholesterol levels. IN oriental medicine Ginger is believed to strengthen memory, open blockages in the liver, soften the body, and remove thick and damp matter from the brain and larynx. In India, ginger tea with lemon is the most popular winter drink. By the way, I recommend that you also try brewing slices of ginger: 10-20 grams per cup. Add a little mint, lemon balm or other herb, a little lemon to taste and you will get a wonderful drink that tones and invigorates in the morning much better than coffee.

Well, let's continue to consider the properties of ginger, because the above characteristics this plant not limited. Ginger is the best remedy against toxins. Find out if your body has excess harmful substances, can be based on the following criteria:
- heaviness in the stomach and lethargy throughout the body;
- frequent fatigue and a feeling of irritation;
- lack of shine in the eyes, and the skin has a faded color;
- bad breath;
- lack of appetite.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, then we can say that one of the causes of these conditions is an excess of toxins or undigested food waste, which, deposited in the cells of the body, poisons your entire body and leads to various diseases.

Bring back your appetite good mood, a fresh complexion and clear eyes will be helped by the ginger tea you already know, which is useful for absolutely everyone. It enhances digestion, neutralizes toxins accumulated in our stomach and helps absorb food. You should drink it in small sips between meals.

Among other things, ginger tea is an excellent natural remedy for colds. It treats inflammation of the throat, cough, runny nose, blockage of the lungs and bronchi. If the larynx is sensitive to irritation, ginger is consumed along with honey and almond oil. Ginger is also used for paralysis, jaundice, and helminthic diseases. But read about this in detail in specialized literature.

But in cooking they use ginger powder, which has a pleasant tart aroma and a burning spicy taste. The range of spice uses is quite wide. It is used to flavor herring and pork sweet and sour sauce, seafood.

Ginger gives a pleasant aroma to fish soup, lamb soups, meat, chicken and fish broths. Ginger not only flavors hot meat dishes, but also improves their taste. The spice is added to dishes made from lamb, beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey, and goose. Chinese cooks use ginger to prepare dumplings and stewed dumplings. It adds an appetizing smell to hot fish dishes. Numerous sauces are prepared with it: worcher sauce for salad, for lamb chops, sweet and sour for meat, spicy tomato chutney, etc. Ginger is used to flavor marinades for soaking foods; even melons and cucumbers are pickled with it.

Many confectionery products cannot do without this spice. It is used to flavor cookies, gingerbreads, Easter cakes, candy fillings, and melon jam. In China, ginger is used to make jam and delicacy in the form of boiled and candied roots. Many peoples of Europe and Asia flavor their drinks with ginger. It is added to pear and pumpkin compotes, sbiten, honey drinks, and tea.

By the way, ginger is quite easy to buy from us. After all, in lately You can find anything you want in supermarkets. Moreover, ginger has long ceased to be considered an exotic product. I think I have convinced you to at least try to introduce this storehouse of vitamins and useful substances, but in what form to use ginger - you decide for yourself.

Sources: "Modern herbal medicine" ed. V. Petkova (Sofia publishing house)

How I make ginger tea.

This is my first time making ginger tea.

I cut about 5.5 cm from the ginger root, but it was a thick root, and I had to take a finger's width of ginger, no more. About 700-800 ml of teapot. And I grated the ginger on a fine grater.

Place the grated ginger in a tea strainer

I tried it on in the teapot to see how it would stand there.

I put water in the Turk so that I could see when there would be live water, this is when the water is almost boiling, there are bubbles, but it’s not really boiling yet. I cut the lemon into slices.

I put lemon slices in the teapot.

I placed the lemon slices in a circle on the bottom of the teapot.

And put a strainer with ginger between the lemon slices.

I took loose leaf black tea with currant additives

This is where the water boils, but it may not be brought to such a boil that there is real living water.

And I brewed ginger tea, filling the teapot with water almost to the end of the rim of the strainer. When brewing tea correctly, there should be foam, which means you brewed it with live water. There must be foam.

This is approximately how much water I poured into the kettle.

And covered it with a napkin.

On top of one more, so that the tea can be brewed well. Of course, you need a doll for these purposes, I had one beauty, but she is no longer there, now Pavloposad napkins. And the tea was brewed for about 40 minutes

I prepared a beautiful cup and saucer.

With a strainer.

And now I pour healthy aromatic ginger tea through a strainer. Because anyway, when brewing in a teapot, both tea and ginger got into the water from its brewing strainer.

Of course, I wanted the ginger not to get into the water, but to remain in the teapot’s strainer, but I poured water to the brim and all my tea leaves and ginger ended up in the general water in the teapot. It doesn’t matter, there is a separate strainer for the cup.

The tea turned out to be very peppery and sweet, tasty. But what can I say, you need to take 4 or even 3 cm of ginger in a finger width, I think the middle finger, and cut into thin rings. Subsequent times I brewed it this way. The cloudy tea is probably from honey and that that I didn’t peel the root, but just washed and grated, I think so. But the tea is still wonderful.

Enjoy your tea!

GINGER L medicinal

Ginger officinalis is a perennial evergreen herbaceous plant that forms a rather thick, horizontal, tuberous, dissected, branched rhizome at the soil surface. The roots are adventitious in origin and form a fibrous root system. A modified underground shoot, a rhizome, from which green above-ground shoots and adventitious roots extend, is often mistaken for a root. The ginger rhizome has the appearance of roundish, finger-shaped pieces located mainly in one plane. The stem is erect, rounded. The leaves are alternate simple, entire, lanceolate, entire, with a pointed apex. The flowers are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence with wide stipules, in the axils of which there are flowers with a violet-brown or yellow corolla. The fruit is a tricuspid capsule. Under cultivated conditions, it does not produce fruit, although ginger blooms every year.

Essential oils give ginger its characteristic smell, and zingerol gives it its taste. In addition, it contains sugars, resinous substances, and starch. Rhizomes are used containing from 2.0 to 3.5% essential oil, which is based on the sesquiterpenes a- and p-zingiberin (up to 70%). They give the rhizomes a characteristic ginger smell. In addition, the essential oil contains bisabolene, borneol and farnesene. The pungent taste is associated with the resinous part - gingerol - a mixture of various gingerols and gingerone.

Ginger comes from South Asian countries. On at the moment grown: in China, India, Indonesia, Australia, West Africa, Jamaica, Barbados.

In the Middle Ages it was brought to Europe, where it was used as a spice and a rare medicine. In particular, ginger was considered one of the main remedies for the prevention of plague. Merchants said that ginger grows at the end of the world in the country of troglodytes, who vigilantly guard it, which further raised the already rather high price for the miraculous root. At the beginning of the 16th century it was brought to America and quickly spread there.

Depending on the processing method, two types of ginger are distinguished in trade. White ginger is pre-washed ginger, cleared of the denser surface layer, black ginger is not pre-processed. Black, unpeeled giber is called “Barbadosian”, and white, peeled ginger is called “Bengal”. Both types are dried in the sun. Black ginger results in more strong smell and a more pungent taste. When broken, ginger is light yellow in color, regardless of the type. The flesh of young rhizomes is almost white; the older the rhizome, the yellower it is at the break.

Ground ginger is widely used as a spice in cooking, baking and confectionery production, for making sauces, ginger beer, and drinks.

Ginger is used and how stand-alone product. IN Southeast Asia make candied ginger. After removing the skin, the mature rhizome is soaked several times in cold water to remove bitterness, and then processed in sugar syrup. In China, Indochina, Burma and England, orange peel is added to ginger jam - the jam is known as chow chow. IN Ancient Rus' Ginger has always been loved and widely used in national cuisine for a long time. In India, ground ginger is added to flour and 4 varieties of ginger flour are produced with different percentage ginger Ginger beer is made in England and the USA.

The medicinal uses of ginger are quite varied. Back in the first century AD, ginger’s warming effect, benefits for digestion were described, and ginger was even mentioned as an antidote. In Sanskrit, ginger is called "vishvabhesaj", which means " universal medicine».

Tinctures and extracts of ginger are used for digestive disorders, gastric ulcers, to increase appetite and improve digestion, atherosclerosis, disorders of fat and cholesterol metabolism, to normalize the condition of blood vessels, flatulence, urinary retention, chronic enteritis, edema, rheumatism and sore throat ( rinsing). The tincture is included in stomach and appetizing drops, as well as tonics. It is also used in powder form. Ginger has a carminative, diaphoretic, analgesic, expectorant, antiemetic effect, and is sometimes used as an antidote. Ginger improves cerebral circulation and strengthens memory, and also stimulates activity thyroid gland. Ginger is also believed to promote longevity and increase sex drive.

To treat boils, poultices and compresses made from ginger paste are used. Compresses are used to relieve headaches, back pain and chronic rheumatism. For muscle fatigue and aches, a ginger bath is recommended (boil 2-3 tablespoons of powder in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, then pour the broth into the bath).

Essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy for the treatment of psycho-emotional disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, colds and viral diseases. It is used in hot inhalations, in baths, for rubbing, for massage and internally. The essential oil is also part of the biologically active additive Melisana, which is positioned by manufacturers as an adaptogenic, sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.

When motion sickness occurs in transport and when seasickness take 1-1.5 g of ginger (half a teaspoon) in tea or mineral water half an hour before or during travel.

“Ginger tea” (decoction) with honey and lemon is often used for colds. Ginger tea is also used for physical or mental fatigue.

Ginger extract is included in the drug "Zinaxin", which is used for arthritis. It is also included in all dosage forms of the drugs “Doctor MOM” (cold and cough medicine), “Dipana” (hepatoprotective agent), “Fitolor” (for coughs) and a series of biological active additives"Atrixin" (positioned as a remedy for arthrosis and arthritis), "Kofol" (positioned as an anti-inflammatory agent), "Rinolin" (positioned as a drug that increases cerebral circulation, brain activity, improves memory and learning), "Ming Gold" (positioned as a performance enhancing agent).

Ginger drink.

To prepare two liters of drink you will need:

a small root the size of two phalanges of a finger,

half a lemon

20 teaspoons of sugar.

You boil water, add sugar and finely grated ginger and boil for 10 minutes. Then you turn off the water, throw in the chopped lemon, let it sit for 7 minutes and drink. If you don't have ginger root, you can take half to a whole teaspoon of dry ginger.

The drink can be drunk hot before and during meals.

During the cold season, the drink warms well and helps fight colds.

A chilled drink can be very pleasant to quench your thirst.

Experiment by choosing the ratios of sweet, spicy, and sour.

To soften the effect of ginger, you can add a teaspoon of fennel seeds.

Ginger drink enhances digestive fire, neutralizes toxins accumulated in our stomach and helps to better absorb food. In addition, ginger drink is an excellent natural remedy for colds. It treats inflammation of the throat, cough, runny nose, and blockage of the lungs and bronchi.

Tibetan tea.

To prepare 1 liter you will need:

1) half a liter of milk 1.5% -2.5% fat;
2) half a liter of water;
3) 10-11 pcs. carnations;
4) 9-11 pcs. cardamom (crush the grains), grind in a mortar along with cloves;
5) 0.5 teaspoon of dry ginger or 1 table. spoon of fresh ginger (I recommend fresh ginger, it’s better to crush it);
6) 0.5 teaspoon ground nutmeg;
7) 2 teaspoons of green tea;
8) 1 teaspoon Darjeeling tea.

Cooking method:

Pour water into an enamel pan and put on fire. Add immediately
sequentially: cloves, cardamom, dry ginger and green tea. Boil for 1 minute. Add milk. After this, add Darjeeling, add fresh finely chopped ginger (if you haven’t seasoned it with dry ginger before). During the boiling phase add nutmeg. Let it simmer a little. Turn off. Leave for 5 minutes. Strain into a ceramic bowl.

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, without sugar or seasonings. Don't have breakfast.

During acute acute respiratory infections, fresh ginger can protect against illness.
A piece of ginger will help protect your mouth and throat. To do this, peel the skin, cut off a small amount of ginger, put it in your mouth and suck, feeling the tingling sensation. When action essential oils and the medicinal components will decrease, you will need to bite a piece of ginger.

If your tooth hurts, chewing a piece of ginger on the tooth will help significantly reduce the pain. Ginger will destroy harmful microbes, in addition, it will leave very pleasant smell. After chewing it, you can safely go to the dentist without fear that the doctor will wince and run away from you.

Pickled gingerGari

Gari (Japanese: ガリ?) is a type of tsukemono (pickled vegetables). This is sweet, thinly sliced ​​young ginger that has been pickled with vinegar and sugar. It has a pungent and peculiar taste, which many characterize as the smell of soap.

Gari is usually served with sushi along with wasabi and soy sauce, and is sometimes called sushi ginger. It is used to break up the taste (remove the aftertaste) between different sushi. You don't have to eat a lot of ginger, just a small piece is enough. You can also use a piece of ginger as a brush to coat sushi with soy sauce.

Although many burnt manufacturers add artificial dye (in some cases E124 and/or beet juice) in order to increase sales, natural product more often it has a pale yellow or pink tint, which appears during the pickling process.

Gari should not be confused with beni shoga (red pickled ginger).

Candied ginger

Candied ginger(recipe 1)

500 g fresh ginger root,

Peel and slice fresh ginger root, place in a saucepan and pour over cold water. Simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes until softened. Drain the water, add an equal amount of sugar and 3 tablespoons of water. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the ginger is translucent and the liquid has evaporated. Roll the ginger slices in sugar or breadcrumbs and leave in a sealed container. Candied ginger can be stored for up to 3 months.

Candied ginger (recipe 2)

Number of servings: 6

Serving temperature: Room temperature

Type of processing: Cooking

* Ginger (fresh) - 250 g
* Sugar (sand) - 500 g


Peel the ginger root and cut into circles 2-3 mm thick. Pour boiling water over, then rinse under running cold water and dry. Pour 400 g of granulated sugar into a large saucepan and add 0.25 liters of water. Bring to a boil and add ginger. Cook for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and let sit for 8-12 hours.

Bring ginger to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Place the ginger pieces on parchment paper, simmer until the syrup thickens, then pour over the ginger. Cool.

Candied ginger (recipe 3)

Buy 250 grams of ginger root, peel and cut into very thin slices. Place in a saucepan. Pour two glasses of water into it and add two glasses of sugar. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, stirring, until the mixture is reduced by half and the liquid turns into syrup. Strain through a colander and cool. Roll each slice of ginger in sugar, place on a baking sheet and dry in the oven (three hours at a temperature of approximately 110-115 degrees). The ginger slices should be dry and slightly elastic.

Ginger tea recipe.

1.2 liters of water
3 tbsp. l. grated ginger
5 tbsp. l. honey
4 tbsp. l. lemon or orange juice
2 tbsp. l. fresh mint

Boil water, add ginger, honey and stir.

Strain through a sieve, trying to squeeze out the ginger. maximum quantity liquids. Add a pinch of black pepper and juice. Add some fresh mint at the end. Serve hot.

You don’t have to add black pepper and’s still in short supply in fresh form.

The most famous ginger remedy is ginger tea.

Cut the root into slices, add a few slices of lemon, a spoonful of black tea, and a pinch of sugar. Pour boiling water over and leave. We get a miracle potion that cleanses the body (ginger removes toxins from the body) and warms in cold weather, improves digestion, cures colds, saves from flatulence, and strengthens the immune system. Helps with menstrual cycle disorders. Ginger can help treat infertility in women.

If a nursing mother adds ginger to her food, “ breast milk cleanses and relieves the child of many diseases, the cause of which is indigestion or constipation in the mother” (B. Ragozin)

In combination with peppermint, black elderberry flowers and yarrow, it relieves severe stomach pain due to gastritis, colitis, and cholecystitis.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that any disease can be cured simply by chewing pieces of ginger and spitting out the remains. The trick is to chew on the side where the diseased organ is located.

The most interesting thing about ginger is that it can treat diseases that are essentially diametrically opposed to each other, for example, ginger tea with St. John's wort, galangal and blueberry herb helps with diarrhea. And the same ginger in combination with rhubarb and licorice root is a laxative.

In combination with aloe juice, it promotes weight loss.

In combination with garlic and tansy, it is used as an anthelmintic, and tincture of these herbs in oil helps get rid of lice.

Ginger with cardamom and cinnamon has a positive effect on the heart, including hypertension.

Mixed with turmeric in hot milk, dry ginger dissolves and moisturizes dense formations in the respiratory tract.

Grated ginger makes excellent compresses for colds, neuritis, and radiculitis.

Ginger peel has carminative properties.

The smell of ginger relieves headaches, strengthens memory, relieves fears, aggression, and self-doubt. Inhalations or baths with ginger essential oil are used to prevent influenza and other viral diseases.

In the east, fresh and dried root ginger is divided as two different remedies - they have very different properties. In Ayurveda, ginger is one of the sattvic plants; it balances all doshas (especially fresh), but helps to increase the qualities of Pitta. Dry ginger may be more stimulating to this dosha than fresh ginger. This difference in the effect produced is due to different effect after digestion. Dry ginger is hotter and drier than fresh ginger. This is a more effective remedy for reducing the manifestations of Kapha and enhancing different types fire in the body. Fresh ginger works better as a diaphoretic for colds, coughs, vomiting and Vatta disorders.
In Ayurveda there is a “universal medicine”: fresh ginger juice is added to ginger powder in a certain proportion and pills are prepared. Ginger is also part of “trikatu” (“three spices”), the most famous Ayurvedic stimulant (dry ginger + long pepper + black pepper).
In combination with honey, ginger weakens Kapha, with candy (sugar) mixture - Pitta, with rock salt - Vatu.
Medicinal jam (jam) made from fresh ginger is used to strengthen the digestive fire, and from ground ginger - as a winter tonic, and is also given to women who are weak after childbirth.

Ayurveda calls ginger “the best digester of toxins”, using it, for example, in the form of castor oil tea to treat rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Ginger strengthens memory, opens blockages in the liver, and removes thick and damp matter from the brain and larynx. It thins the blood, due to which the brain is better supplied with oxygen.
In Chinese medicine, ginger with a scorched surface is widely used. It has a bitter and astringent taste and is slightly cooler in effect than dry and fresh. Scorched ginger has a certain effect on the liver, relieves stomach pain and warms you up in the cold. Burnt ginger with salt is good for teeth and gums. Ginger root peel is used as a carminative and can also be used to treat clouding of the cornea. The juice of the leaves is used to improve digestion; it is used to make lotions for bruises.

Dried ginger powder helps with a runny nose, diluted to a pasty state and rubbed into the skin for frostbite, numbness and for the prevention of colds if you are cold or wet outside.

Grated ginger is a good anti-cellulite scrub and a means to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. A mask with honey and a pinch of dry ginger tightens the skin, improves skin microcirculation and complexion. A bath with ginger infusion or ginger oil will help with muscle pain.

Glycerin extract of ginger very effectively tightens the skin. And a mixture of ginger juice and linden decoction (or hydrosol) makes an excellent tonic.

Ginger makes very tasty candies against motion sickness; to do this, cut the fresh root into cubes and throw it into boiling syrup for 10 minutes (if the syrup is made at mint decoction it turns out even tastier) then take it out and roll it in powdered sugar. An indispensable remedy for people suffering from motion sickness.
And if the syrup in which ginger was boiled is then mixed with lemon peel tincture, you get a luxurious liqueur.

Honey with fresh ginger (2:1) is an excellent remedy, taking a teaspoon before meals three times a day for two weeks will significantly improve your health, unless you have allergies.

When using ginger, it is worth considering that the liquid in which the ginger was infused differs in action from the liquid in which it was boiled for the same amount of time - the decoction will be stronger and more powerful than the infusion and less of it will be needed.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Gastric or duodenal ulcer, pregnancy, lactation period. (Ginger enhances the properties of accompanying substances, acting as a powerful catalyst. It has a very active effect on tone smooth muscle- relaxes. Ginger also contains a certain amount of cardioactive substances. If you are taking antiarrhythmic or antihypertensive drugs- expect a powerful blow to the pacemakers of the heart.
It is especially contraindicated for people with gallstone disease, as it provokes the movement of stones)

Ginger can be grown at home; to do this, in April, plant a piece of fresh root in a pot, check when purchasing that it is elastic and silky in appearance. The only problem with growing ginger is that it does not tolerate drying out of the soil; the soil should always be moist. then after a while you will have such a miracle on your window and perhaps even your own harvest of fresh roots.

If you chew fresh ginger after meals, it will freshen your breath for a long time and relieve many problems in the oral cavity. Some people cannot chew ginger because of its “hotness”, then you can simply rub (“brush”) your teeth with ginger, this is no less useful.

Ginger is the first remedy against any pain (headache, muscle pain) that can be used at home. Ginger powder mixed with water (to form a paste) or grated ginger is applied as a compress to the site of pain.

Ginger is used both alone and in combination with various herbs and spices: mint, lemon balm, lemon, honey.

Pickled ginger No. 1

1 kg ginger root

400 ml rice vinegar

60 ml rose rice wine

60 ml sake

7 teaspoons sugar

Peel the ginger root and cut into thin slices (the thinner the better), place in a ceramic bowl, pour in hot brine (boil 5-7 liters of water with 2 teaspoons of salt). After a few minutes the ginger will become soft and the brine can be drained. Add all ingredients (vinegar, wine, sake, sugar) to a glass of brine, mix and add ginger slices, place in a cool place (can be in the refrigerator) for 5-6 hours.

Pickled ginger No. 2

200 g ginger

1 teaspoon salt

3 tbsp. spoons of sugar

1 tsp rice vinegar

1 tsp soy sauce

Peel the ginger root, cut into slices, cover with cold water and leave for half an hour. Then transfer the ginger to a saucepan and bring to a boil, pull out the ginger and let cool.

Mix sugar, salt, vinegar and soy sauce, put on fire, stirring, bring to a boil (so that the sugar “dissolves”). Lightly salt the ginger and pour in the hot marinade, let it brew for several hours.

Ginger tincture

1 kg ginger root

1 liter of vodka (alcohol 40%)

Grind the root, add vodka, leave in a warm place for 15 days, shaking occasionally.

Ginger tea

6 teaspoons grated ginger

200 ml water

Honey to taste

Place the ginger root in an enamel bowl, cover with cold water and bring to a boil, tightly closing the lid. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then let it brew (5-10 minutes), add honey to taste.

ginger jam with orange peels

Ginger - spicy juicy root with a thin skin, like a new potato, a sharp, burning taste and a fresh aroma (the aroma is pleasant, but it reminds me of the smell of flower soap).
Ginger is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine (for example, as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, as well as to increase potency).
In cooking, ginger is most often used in baking (gingerbreads, New Year's spiced cookies) and in the preparation of spicy main courses and sauces.
I tried putting ginger in apple pie once before. But out of ignorance, she put it in generously, from the heart. It was impossible to eat the pie - my mouth was simply burning.
Nevertheless, I continue experiments with ginger, reducing its pungency by soaking and reducing the amount.
Unfortunately, ginger spoils quite quickly and I decided to preserve it somehow. In my extensive culinary library, alas, I did not find a single recipe for preserving ginger. And on the Internet I only found a mention that “... in Indochina, China, Burma and England, chow-chow jam is popular from a mixture of ginger and orange peel...”. So I had to come up with the recipe myself.
It turned out to be quite a nice jam. It's very spicy - you can't eat it as a bite. But you can add it to baked goods (both filling and dough), and the syrup will fit well into mulled wine.
If not orange peels, then you can make jam from one ginger, halving the amount of sugar and water.

120~150g ginger, peel of 2 oranges, 2/3 cup sugar, 1/3 cup water, juice of 1 lemon if desired

Wash the ginger and scrape off the skin (no need to cut off the skin, just scrape the ginger like a new potato).

Cut the ginger into cubes, put it in a jar and fill it with cold water.
Put it in another jar orange peels and also fill with water.
Soak for three days, changing the water at least three times a day.

Drain the water from the ginger, remove the orange peels from the jar and cut into pieces the size of the ginger.
Pour water into a small saucepan, add sugar, add chopped ginger and peels.
Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
Cool and let sit for 2~3 hours.
Heat and cool the jam two more times.
For the third time, bring the jam to a boil (acidify with lemon juice if desired) and place in clean jars.
You can seal it tightly, then the jam can be stored at room temperature, or not sealed, then the jam should be put in the refrigerator.

Unlike garlic, ginger does not have a pronounced odor, although it contains a large amount of essential oils. It contains substances that have a beneficial effect not only on digestion, but also on the entire body as a whole.

About unique properties I had heard of ginger before, but I didn’t dare use it because I didn’t know how. possible in in kind(grinding), and in powder. It is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Ginger root helps with toxicosis, as it relieves nausea. Eating ginger helps lower cholesterol levels. This intricately shaped root has antioxidant properties. Good effect gives the use of ginger for colds.

Ginger is used as a spice. It has been noticed that with regular use it rejuvenates the skin and the body as a whole. Ginger tastes both spicy and sweet. It belongs to the “hot” spices and is added to meat, fish dishes and baked goods. IN Japanese cuisine ginger is an essential ingredient in sushi. Since to prepare this dish it takes raw fish, then ginger performs the function anthelmintic drug, while adding spice to it.

Ginger adds a special aroma to first and second courses; it, or more precisely, natural flavorings based on it, is added to drinks and sweets.

Before consuming ginger root, you need to buy it. How to choose fresh and quality product? Fresh ginger has a smooth skin. It is hard to the touch and does not have any black spots or dents. Ginger can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. Dried and crushed ginger tastes significantly different from fresh ginger. It doesn't have that refreshing taste, and the powder is typically used for baking.

So you bought fresh ginger. What should we do with it? Before eating, it must be peeled, but it must be cut off very thinly, since a significant amount of useful substances is concentrated precisely under it. You should not use wooden cutting boards to cut ginger, as the smell lingers on them for a very long time. Immediately before preparing the dish, the ginger is crushed. It's better to do this on a grater. The later you add the spice to the dish you are preparing, the brighter the taste and aroma will be.

Meat can be marinated in a sauce that contains ginger. For example, many people do not like lamb because it has a specific smell and taste. Try this recipe: Make a sauce from the juice of one lemon, half a cup of olive oil, one tablespoon of grated fresh ginger and three cloves of minced garlic. Salt the lamb cut into portions (preferably with ribs) and marinate in the prepared sauce. After two hours, the lamb entrecotes can be fried on the grill or in a frying pan.

By the way, ginger is a good remedy for weight loss. Ginger tea is prepared simply: chopped ginger at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water into half a glass of water and leave in a thermos. Drink the drink half an hour before meals.

Among spices, ginger root occupies a special place. It is not just a spice that gives a dish an exquisite taste and aroma, but a valuable natural medicine. Weed has been used by people for thousands of years in industries such as cosmetology and medicine. Ginger helps fight various diseases and has few contraindications, therefore it is popular among those who care about their health.

Ginger is a spice and healing agent, has been known since ancient times. Quite by accident, since ginger is not attractive in any way externally, three thousand years ago humanity noted its taste and medicinal properties. The first mentions were found in Ancient India, where in Ayurveda the plant was called a universal medicine.

With the development of trade it came into Ancient Egypt and Greece, where ginger root was called a medicine for improving digestion and warming. Today, the miraculous plant has been studied by scientists and shown for use in various areas of human activity.

What does ginger look like?

Pharmaceutical ginger, or Zingiberofficinale, which can be literally translated as “horned root”, is classified as herbaceous plants ginger family. It is perennial. The stems reach a length of 1-2 meters and resemble reeds with pointed linear leaves. Spike-shaped inflorescences of blue-violet and orange-yellow colors resemble orchids. The fruit is a tricuspid box.

The ginger root develops horizontally and grows strongly. Its appearance, reminiscent of the horns of ungulates, as one might guess, became the main reason for the origin of the Latin name.

Where does it grow?

The Indian peninsula is considered the birthplace of ginger. Until now, half of the world's total volume of this plant is grown there. The rest is cultivated in Asian countries, Africa, Jamaica, Argentina and other countries. Everywhere it is grown in the form of indoor and garden crops, nowhere growing in the wild.

Plant species

In addition to pharmaceutical ginger, humanity is also familiar with other species of this genus:

  • ginger zerumbet;
  • kasumunar ginger;
  • Japanese ginger Myoga.

With the development of chemical science, it became possible to find out real benefit one plant or another. Ginger root contains fats, fiber, starch, vitamins, minerals, essential oils and carbohydrates, as well as beneficial amino acids (lysine, threonine, methionine).

The main chemical elements in the spice are zingiberene (70%) and starch (4%). The rest comes from bisabolene, gingerin, and cineole. Gingerol gives the plant its pungency, and essential oils are responsible for the aroma.

Below is a table of approximate contents nutrients in ginger root.

Useful properties of the plant

Scientists in their research have discovered the benefits of ginger root. Its medicinal properties have been clinically proven and are often prescribed by doctors as additional measures in addition to the main therapy.

It is used as:

  • antiseptic and antioxidant;
  • expectorant, diaphoretic;
  • medicines for indigestion and weight loss diets;
  • blood thinning component;
  • sugar-lowering agent;
  • blood pressure normalizing plant.

Uses of Ginger

The plant is in great demand among those who, in addition to the main treatment, want to achieve recovery, and among those who simply want to keep themselves in shape. The use of spices in medicine, cosmetology and cooking is widely known.

The spice perfectly strengthens the immune system, increases visual and mental acuity, calms and helps to concentrate.

Ginger, whose use in medicine is undeniable, helps remove toxins from the body, treats sinusitis, sore throat, colds and coughs.

Ginger root is also indicated for impotence, varicose veins veins and prostatitis.

For the female reproductive system natural medicine also useful: it is used to increase the tone of the uterus and for infertility. And that's not all beneficial properties.

The plant is actively used as a compress. Decoctions are prepared with it to soothe toothache.

For culinary purposes

Dishes prepared using ginger are much easier to digest by the body. The spice stimulates the formation of gastric juice and has a pleasant aroma and taste. In Russian cuisine, it is customary to add the spice to fish and meat in powder form (0.5 g each) 20 minutes before cooking. It is also used in dough, sauces, as well as drinks - jelly, compotes and mousses, elite varieties of tea.

The use of ginger in desserts is quite widespread. For example, gingerbread is well known to everyone.

In cosmetology

The plant is already used by cosmetic companies and clinics for dandruff, acne, hair loss, and cellulite. And thanks to its aroma and essential oil, ginger has proven itself well in aromatherapy: it tones, improves mood and stimulates action.

Popular ginger treatment recipes

Only the root of the whole plant is used in food, which, depending on the processing method, is divided into two types - white and black. Black ginger is not so thoroughly peeled and dried in the sun. It is often sold in powder form and has a sharper taste.

The white root can be found in stores. It is lighter and less pungent. Unlike the black root, it is carefully cleaned and used in teas.

There are many ways and recipes using ginger. The most common forms are tea, decoction and tincture. However, you can also find compresses, creams, mixtures and even baths.

For coughs and colds

To treat cough you can brew green tea with honey, ginger powder and lemon juice. For this you will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tea, a third of a spoonful of spice powder, a tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, honey.

  1. Pour tea into a teapot, add spices, pour ½ liter hot water and let sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Next, use gauze to filter the liquid from the grounds.
  3. Add juice and honey.

You can also add 4 mint leaves and red pepper to taste.

For pain syndrome

If your throat hurts badly during pharyngitis and sore throat, in addition to the main treatment, you want to reduce the sensitivity of the oral cavity. You can buy fresh ginger root, peel the skin with a teaspoon, cut off a piece and simply suck on it. Ginger will reduce sensitivity in the throat, which will relieve pain. The same should be done for toothache.

With high blood pressure

To stabilize blood pressure You can also make tea:

  • take half a teaspoon of spice powder;
  • Brew black tea in advance;
  • add ginger and sugar;
  • drink 3 times a day (preferably after meals) for a week.

There is no need to drink ginger tea often. This will lead to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

For diabetes and pancreatitis

Ginger root is extremely effective for gastrointestinal diseases. However, remember that when combined with medications for diabetics and pancreatitis, ginger may cause side effect, so be sure to consult your doctor.

To improve well-being and lower blood sugar, the use of classic tincture is prescribed.

Take approximately 500 g of grated ginger and a liter of vodka. The first ingredient is placed on the bottom glass jar, pour vodka, close the lid tightly and infuse for a month.

The tincture is shaken periodically and then filtered. For a more pleasant taste, lemon juice is added during consumption.

A decoction will also work. To do this, take about 300 grams of peeled fresh ginger, fill it with cold water, heat it to a boil and cook for about 10-15 minutes. The decoction is filtered and drunk after meals. Nutmeg is used to soften the effect on the stomach. To do this, add half a teaspoon to a glass of broth (200 ml). nutmeg powder.

To treat joints, ginger is used as a compress:

  • take 2 teaspoons of ginger powder and five drops of any seed oil (apricot, grape, peach will do);
  • mix ginger with a small amount of warm water and grind to a paste, add a couple of drops of oil;
  • Apply to gauze and apply to the sore spot, securing with a bandage.

Instead of powder, you can use grated root. This remedy is also ideal for headaches and osteochondrosis. The procedure time is no more than 40-60 minutes.

For varicose veins

To keep the veins in good shape, take 1 teaspoon of the juice of a houseplant, which is found in almost all of them, namely aloe, a quarter teaspoon of ginger powder, ground cardamom (a pinch). All this is mixed and divided into two parts. Should be taken for 2 months, 2 times a day. per day in about 15-20 minutes. before meals in spring and autumn.

With a decrease in potency

To maintain male power You can drink citrus-ginger tincture. You will need 3 tbsp. l. grated ginger, the zest of two grapefruits, the zest of three limes and half a liter of vodka.

  1. The zest is carefully removed with a knife and cut into small pieces.
  2. Lower the zest along with the ginger to the bottom of a glass jar.
  3. Pour in vodka and leave for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
  4. After filtering, you can drink it by adding honey and sugar.

Ginger will also be useful in the form of teas. A quarter teaspoon of powder and honey are added to regular black or green tea. It is worth drinking 2-3 times a day, which increases blood flow to the man’s penis and thins the blood and cleanses the bloodstream.

Ginger root for weight loss

The beneficial properties of the “horned root” are also known in cosmetology. To lose weight, it is recommended to buy special anti-cellulite creams and drink tea with ½ teaspoon of ginger powder with lemon three times a day. You should not increase the dose, especially if you are actively training.

Is it possible to use ginger during pregnancy?

Experts have differing opinions regarding the use of ginger root during pregnancy. Ginger in small doses is safe: you can drink it to reduce toxicosis. However, you should not get carried away, since the spice, with constant use, can increase the tone of the uterus, as a result of which it can provoke premature contractions.

Consult your obstetrician/gynecologist to be sure whether you can use ginger root and whether it is safe for you and the development of your fetus.

Is ginger good for children?

For children, ginger can be offered in the form of tea with the addition of honey, mint and lemon. Contraindications: age under 3 years, allergic reaction or gastrointestinal disease. But for older children, ginger is indicated to strengthen the immune system, eyesight, and concentration. Often, ginger root is given to a child instead of garlic for resorption during a sore throat.

Contraindications for use

In addition to the beneficial properties, there are also plenty of warnings for use. The important thing to remember here is that it is important to maintain balance everywhere. Ginger root is especially dangerous for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, so do not overuse it. large doses shouldn't.

The following can be noted as negative effects due to the use of spices:

  • decreased amount of potassium in the body;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • coming into conflict with many medicines, including diabetic and antiarrhythmic.

How to choose the right ginger root?

When choosing ginger in the store, give preference to a smooth and dense plant without spots, damage or mold.

When choosing a product, pay attention to color. The lightest root will be the most useful and fragrant. If a lot of fibers and veins are visible, the goods are stale.


Ginger root is one of the most popular means in cooking, modern medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology. With its help, parallel to the main treatment is carried out the most complex diseases male reproductive system and female, gastrointestinal tract. The plant is useful for strengthening the immune system and is generally considered a universal medicine.

Buying ingredients for ginger tincture or tea, decoction, compress is simple and inexpensive, and the treatment effect will pleasantly surprise you.

Horned white root is what ginger is called in its homeland. This is one of the most valuable tropical plants, which quickly conquered the whole world with its spicy aroma, rich composition and exotic appearance. Today it is used in many areas of life from cooking and cosmetology to traditional and alternative medicine. Why is there so much interest in the plant, what are its secrets and how to use it for health and beauty benefits?

Ginger root - what is it?

Main value The plant contains ginger root. Its shape has been compared to Jerusalem artichoke, a potato with horned appendages, a palm clenched into a fist, but its taste is difficult to compare with any other product of natural origin. It has a light aroma of lemon, a burning bitterness of black pepper, and a spicy tang of sage.

Ginger is a perennial, but the older the plant, the more essential oils the root accumulates, causing its taste to become pronouncedly bitter. Rhizomes are collected in the fall at the end of the plant's growing season, since the young annual root is more delicate in taste, contains less coarse fiber, has a pronounced lemon aroma and maximum beneficial properties.

The young root is easy to distinguish from the old one: it has a thin, almost smooth skin, which is not cut off, but scraped off, as in new potatoes. The pulp is dense, but not hard, yellowish, aromatic.

The old root must be cleaned so that the most bitter part does not get into food. Always clean immediately before use, cutting off the skin. thin layer using a vegetable peeler or knife. You can store fresh ginger root in the refrigerator for several months, cutting it off as needed. required quantity.

Back in Ancient China began to study healing properties plants. Its use extended to respiratory and digestive systems. It was used to restore strength after illness, exhaustion, and wounds. Now the composition and beneficial properties of the plant have not yet been fully studied, but the root is used to treat many diseases of adults and is not contraindicated in children over 3 years of age.

Is the greenish root dangerous? There are many types of ginger, and some of them may have greenish flesh and even bluish veins in it. These are features of the species. If ordinary pharmaceutical ginger bought in a store has obvious greenery when cut, most likely it was stored and transported improperly. It is better to avoid such a product.

Young ginger root - ideal option for preparing aromatic drinks and marinating

Areas of application

The use of fresh ginger root extends to the treatment of many diseases. Even ancient recipes tell how to prepare the root in order to cure a disease or prevent its development.

What does ginger help with and for what conditions is it recommended to use it:

  • digestive disorders associated with insufficient secretion of gastric juice, digestive enzymes, development of pathogenic microflora, toxins;
  • violation of metabolic processes, in particular fat metabolism;
  • respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • PMS in women;
  • weakened immunity.

Ginger treats obesity, and this is one of the widest uses of the root. It is included in the list of desired products in most diets, as it helps burn fat, fights increased appetite, speeds up the process of digesting heavy foods, and replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. The peeled root is used to make tea, a variety of fat-burning drinks, or added to prepared dishes.

Ginger can be used on initial stage flu or cold, there are no signs of fever yet

Ginger is first aid for colds. It acts as an effective disinfectant, which kills germs in the throat, relieves inflammation and prevents further development pathogens. The root is useful for easing coughing, relieving sore throats, and facilitating nasal breathing, as it contains a large amount of essential oils.

What else can you use the spice for? everyday life? It warms perfectly, so it helps to restore strength in cold weather. The mild analgesic and vasodilating effect of the spice makes it useful for headaches, unpleasant sensations in joints and mammary glands. Ginger is an aphrodisiac, therefore it increases libido in men and women, helps with infertility and diseases of the male genitourinary system.

How else does the root affect human health and well-being?

  • Increases the intensity of blood flow.
  • Breaks down and removes cholesterol.
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Removes waste and toxins.
  • Tones, relieves fatigue.
  • Struggling with free radicals and preserves the youth of cells.
  • Improves digestion in cases of poisoning and diarrhea.
  • Stimulates the immune response.

People who do not suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, serious heart and vascular diseases, including hypertension, and who are not allergic to the plant can use ginger root. It is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age and elderly people who have not previously consumed the spice.


All of the above properties of the plant are due to its rich composition. It identifies almost 400 names of substances and compounds, the main and well-studied of which are vitamins, micro- and macroelements, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, antioxidants, etc.

Ginger root includes:

  • vitamins A, E, C, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9;
  • micro and macroelements (iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, selenium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, etc.);
  • gingerol – providing the spicy taste and aroma of the root, which is its most valuable component;
  • folic acid;
  • basic essential amino acids (tryptophan, valine, methionine, etc.);
  • cineole – natural antiseptic and mucolytic.

Complex and diverse component composition root allows it to be used in all areas of human life

The listed components of the composition have been well studied, therefore they are presented as the main and most valuable. The full composition of the plant is being studied by many institutes and laboratories, so a lot of new things have yet to be heard about the benefits of the root.

Health Recipes

Most health recipes with ginger as the main ingredient concern strengthening the immune system and losing weight. Fresh root helps not only to intensify work immune system, and enhances antiviral activity immune cells. For immunity you can prepare the following healthy mixture:

  • peel 200 grams of root, chop on a fine grater;
  • Grind 2-3 lemons together with the peel in a blender;
  • add a glass of honey, stir, place in a glass container with a lid;
  • keep for a day at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator;
  • take a dessert spoon 1-2 times a day.

In such recipes, you can change the proportions of ingredients, add other components, and reduce the dosage. This mixture is also useful for children, provided they are not allergic to bee products, citrus fruits and ginger. Treatment of colds with this mixture is indicated.

In the autumn-winter period, recipes for teas and drinks based on a mixture of fresh roots are especially popular. You can simply add 2-3 slices of the peeled root to a cup when brewing black or green tea. To enhance the effect, drink tea with honey.

Lemon, ginger and honey - the optimal combination of products to strengthen the immune system

More complex ones are based on boiling the root with the addition of other ingredients. First, pour the grated root with water and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes, then add lemon juice, orange, apple (based on your own preferences), cinnamon, cardamom, honey or brown sugar as desired.

Recipes for weight loss often include garlic and various spices. Such combinations activate metabolic processes, accelerate the breakdown of fats and stimulate the burning of fat deposits. Here is one recipe for weight loss:

  • peel 4-5 cm of root, cut into thin slices;
  • peel 3-4 cloves of garlic, chop with a knife;
  • pour the contents with 2 liters of hot water and leave in the thermos for 1.5 hours to infuse;
  • strain and drink warm with honey, half a glass 3-4 times a day.

If you don’t have enough free time, you can prepare a mixture from the same set of products, and ginger is taken in the same proportions with garlic. Everything is passed through a meat grinder, mixed and left in the refrigerator. The mixture can be poured with hot water and consumed as tea, or eaten a teaspoon before meals with a glass of water.

Ginger juice can be used for medicinal purposes. Its preparation boils down to chopping the root on a fine grater and squeezing the juice out of it. A day, it is enough to consume a dessert spoon of juice, which is diluted in water, or with honey. The juice, a few drops, can be given to children.

Beauty Recipes

Ginger extracts, oils and powders are widely used in cosmetology. They are included in creams against wrinkles, pimples and blackheads, masks for skin rejuvenation, skin care products oily skin.

At home, you can prepare many hair masks based on the fresh root. To get rid of dandruff and cope with hair loss, you can boil half the root over low heat in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. Let the broth cool, strain and rinse your hair with warm water. This is done after every hair wash for a month.

Ginger juice – hair growth activator, dandruff remedy and natural shine

For dry hair and split ends, you can make a root mask according to a Spanish recipe:

  • squeeze out 2 tbsp. l. ginger root;
  • mix with 2 tsp. slept coffee, 2 quail egg yolks, 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • stir until smooth and rub into hair roots, leave for an hour;
  • rinse with warm water.

The course of treatment is 1 month, 2 times a week.

Ginger root stimulates hair growth by activating the nutrition of hair follicles. When applied to the scalp, you can feel slight tingling and burning sensation that will go away after washing off. A good effect is obtained by applying pure ginger juice to the entire length of the hair and scalp. It is left on the head for an hour, while the head is wrapped in cellophane and a towel. With regular use of a tattoo mask, you can achieve incredible shine and silkiness without the use of chemicals. The juice can be added in small quantities to any hair mask - it is a source of additional vitamins and minerals.

Use in cooking

Most often used in cooking, crushed to a powder. This is a widely used spice that improves the taste of dishes and gives them an oriental flavor. You can use fresh root for salads, soups, and stews. It must be peeled and cut into slices or strips in accordance with the recipe.

Diet salad recipe:

  • cut sweet into strips bell pepper and ginger;
  • cut cherry tomatoes in half;
  • coarsely chop the lettuce leaves;
  • chop dill and parsley;
  • use the salad as a pillow on which peppers, tomatoes, ginger and herbs are placed, mixed in advance in a bowl;
  • everything is poured with a mixture of lemon juice, soy sauce and mustard.

It is necessary to peel the ginger before preparing the salad so that it does not dry out and the flavor does not disappear. You can change the ingredients in the salad by adding radishes, cucumbers, Jerusalem artichokes, removing greens, etc. This salad is eaten either separately or in combination with meat - it is better digested thanks to the gingerol contained in the root.

Gingerbread cookies decorated with white icing are a traditional New Year's treat popular throughout Europe.

To prepare an oriental aromatic meat stew, chopped ginger root is added to the frying pan 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking. You can make candied fruits from the root, pickle it for sushi, bake fragrant Christmas cookies, and make jam.

Ginger is a universal plant, so powerful that it can influence health, radically change the taste of dishes, restore energy and give a pleasant taste sensation. It should be included in the diet and the method of application should be improved.

Ginger is considered one of the most useful and original spices. Ginger root, the recipes for which are extremely popular not only among Easterners, but also among Europeans, has tonic, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties.

Ginger is considered one of the most useful and original spices.

In cooking, ginger can be used fresh, dried or pickled; it is added to soups, hot dishes, and desserts. When marinated, it is traditionally used with sushi and rolls. Fresh ginger is used to make teas and other drinks that have excellent drainage, antiviral, and warming effects.

In order for your culinary delights to be appreciated, you need to know how to choose, what to serve with and how to process this product.

You need to be careful when choosing ginger root. The skin should be light - this indicates its freshness, which means sharp and bad smell will not spoil the drink or dish you add it to.

Before adding the ginger, peel it with a knife or special device. Don't cut too thick, because everything valuable vitamins are in top layer pulp. It is necessary to clean the root vegetable immediately before use so that it does not wilt.

For cutting, use a ceramic knife and a wooden board. If you are grating ginger, a non-metallic model is best to prevent the product from oxidizing.

Before adding ginger, peel it with a knife or special device.

There is no need to add spice to any food. It goes best with fish, shrimp, poultry, citrus fruits, herbs and other seasonings.

All dishes with ginger root have in common that they are healthy, nutritious, have an original spicy taste, and contribute to good digestion and improve your mood. The most common way to use spices is to make tea and other drinks – we’ll start with these recipes.

Light ginger salad (video)

Teas and drinks

You can brew tea only from ginger, but it is better to combine it with other spices, herbs or fruit mixtures. For greater benefits, you should add honey or cane sugar to your tea rather than regular sugar. Do not pour boiling water over your tea, optimal temperature water should be 80 ˚С.

Check out the recipes for the most common teas that contain ginger root.

  1. Ginger tea with lemon and honey. Finely grated ginger (you can use powdered root) is poured with hot water and left for 10 minutes. Then add honey and lemon slices (or lemon juice) to it. Can be drunk hot in winter and chilled in summer.
  2. Herbal tea with ginger. You can brew any herbs that you like, it could be mint, lemon balm, chamomile, thyme, strawberry leaves, linden. Mix this mixture with ginger powder and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for several hours, preferably wrapping the teapot in something warm.
  3. Summer tea. The grated root is mixed with a few teaspoons of green tea and brewed. The tea must steep and cool. Drink chilled, adding juice or zest of citrus fruits, as well as ice.
  4. Ginger lemonade. To do this you will need ginger, citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit), honey, plain or mineral water. Cut the fruit into slices, grate the ginger on a coarse grater, pour into a glass or jug ​​and crush with a mortar to release the juice. Add water and stir. Drink chilled.
  5. Hot tea with added alcohol. If you want to drink a cup of healthy strong drink on a cold winter evening, then pour hot water over the ginger, let it brew, add lemon juice and honey, before drinking, pour a little whiskey or cognac into the drink and enjoy the scalding taste of the resulting analogue of mulled wine.

These are not the only drink recipes that contain ginger root. You can combine various herbs, spices, dried fruits and berries and create real masterpieces, not only tasty, but also healthy.

Seasoning for dishes

There are many recipes for main dishes using ginger root as an exotic and healthy seasoning. Remember the rule: fresh root vegetables should be added to dishes 15 minutes before they are ready, and ground ginger seasoning should be added at the very end.

  1. Lamb ribs with ginger. It is well known that lamb has a specific aroma, which is why many people refuse this type of meat. But if you first marinate lamb ribs in ginger sauce, the specific smell will disappear. This sauce includes grated ginger, a clove of garlic passed through a garlic clove, natural yogurt or sour cream and seasonings to your taste. Leave the meat to marinate for several hours, or better yet overnight, then bake the ribs in the oven.
  2. . If you are a big fan of Japanese sushi and rolls, then you know how perfectly they harmonize with ginger petals. This pickled root vegetable goes well with any fish dish. If you want to master making ginger at home, you can do it the first time. Cut the root into thin slices and soak in salt water. To make the marinade, you will need 50 g of vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. water, drop tomato juice or pink food coloring. Combine these ingredients and place on the fire until it boils. Immerse the ginger petals in the resulting mixture, let the liquid cool and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for several days.

If you read the composition of ready-made store-bought seasonings for meat, pilaf, fish, and potatoes, you will see that they almost always contain dried ginger. This suggests that this root vegetable is an excellent seasoning for first and second courses.

Dessert recipe with ginger

If you don’t know what you can make from ginger, then opt for dessert recipes; they are easy to prepare, tasty, nutritious, and even replace unhealthy sweets.

In the West, gingerbread and cookies, which are an indispensable attribute of the Christmas holidays, have gained enormous popularity. They are hung on the holiday tree, placed in gift stockings, and sold on the streets. With our recipe you won’t have to rack your brains about what to prepare for tea.


  • flour – 200 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • sugar -100 g;
  • honey – 50 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • cocoa powder – 1 tsp;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • , cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, zest - to taste.


  • In a bowl, combine flour with baking powder, add cocoa powder, zest and spices;
  • mix softened butter, sugar, liquid honey and egg in another bowl to form a homogeneous mass;
  • Continuing to mix, add the contents of the first bowl into the liquid mixture, thoroughly rubbing the mass so that eventually all the dough gathers into large lumps, from which you need to form a ball;
  • wrap the resulting dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 40-50 minutes;
  • Take the dough out of the refrigerator, roll it out on a floured surface into a thin, even layer and cut out shapes using a variety of cutters;
  • Place the resulting figures on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, place it in an oven preheated to 180˚C and bake for 5-6 minutes.

Never overcook cookies in the oven to prevent them from becoming stale and tasteless. Cooled cookies can be decorated with whipped egg white cream or prepared multi-colored food paste.

Treat yourself with ginger

If you have any ailment and fresh ginger, recipes miracle cures with this root vegetable, the following will help you get rid of many diseases, as this oriental spice has healing properties.

  1. Ginger tea for colds. To prepare a general strengthening drink, you will need dry ginger, cardamom, cloves, a few black peppercorns, and cinnamon. Pour the mixture of the mentioned ingredients with hot water and let it brew. Drink hot, you can add honey.
  2. “Yoga tea” for problems with the respiratory system. Mix ginger, cloves, cinnamon, turmeric and cardamom, add water and bring to a boil, add milk and let the liquid boil again. Drink the drink warm, you can add a little melted butter and honey to it.
  3. Tea for sore throat. Place the grated root in a ladle or saucepan and pour boiling water over it, place the dish on low heat, cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink in small sips with honey and lemon.
  4. When the body is intoxicated. If you are poisoned, grate the root vegetable on a fine grater and add 1 tsp to it. dry wormwood and coffin root, put it all in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Let the mixture brew, then drink in small sips.
  5. Toxicosis. During pregnancy, women can help cope with nausea by drinking plain water with the addition of ginger and lemon.

Scientists have found that this spice reduces the likelihood of cancer, slows down the aging process in the body, cleanses, supports musculoskeletal system, increases potency and even helps you quit smoking.

Ginger – vigorous root (video)

Ginger for weight loss

Many girls and women know that ginger is invaluable in the process of losing weight. Nutritionists say that if you stick to proper nutrition and consume ginger drinks and dishes throughout the day, as well as exercise regularly, you will quickly begin to lose weight.

The dietary properties of the root vegetable are due to its ability to cleanse the body of toxins and improve metabolic processes due to the presence of phytoncides and essential oils.

Many girls and women know that ginger is invaluable in the process of losing weight.

The most popular drink that causes weight loss is green tea with ginger. Mix 1 tsp. brew green tea, grated ginger root, cinnamon and pour hot water over the mixture. Let the tea brew. Before drinking, add a slice of lemon to the cup. Drink within 30 minutes. before meals.

There are other dishes with ginger for weight loss that are prepared by women all over the world. And after regularly eating such dishes, they not only lose weight, but also improve metabolism, the condition of hair, skin, nails and increase overall tone.

We hope that we were able to convince you of healing properties ginger root and interest a couple interesting recipes. Any housewife can master it, the main thing is that the miraculous root vegetable itself is available. Meat dish, soup, baked fish, herbal tea or cookies - with ginger your dishes will not only be tasty, but also incredibly healthy.



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