Ichthyol ointment: reviews from doctors, instructions for use, indications and composition. Ichthyol ointment: instructions for use

Antiseptic and disinfectant. Application: wounds and burns, eczema, boils. Price from 76 rub.

Analogs: Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we’ll talk about Ichthyol ointment. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of ointment is it and what does it help with?

One of the time-tested medicines is ichthyol ointment. During the war, thanks to the use of the product, hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers were saved.

Ichthyolka is an excellent budget medicine. It is used to resolve wounds, and it also draws out pus from an inflamed wound. It is an antiseptic and disinfectant.

Widely used in many areas of medicine: urology, gynecology, dermatology, even veterinarians note the excellent therapeutic effect of the ointment.

Ichthyol ointment has a number of positive characteristics:

  1. An antibiotic to which most microorganisms are sensitive (Gram +, gram -, anaerobes, aerobes).
  2. Antimycotic – inhibits the growth of fungi, in particular Candida and microsporia.
  3. Anti-inflammatory - namely, it prevents the development of inflammation, having an effect not only in the affected area, but also on the area around it.

Active ingredient and composition

Ichthammol is the main and active element of the ointment. A characteristic feature of the substance is the tart, specific smell of ichthyol.

Ichthyol ointment consists of ichthammol and medical petroleum jelly. The content of elements is in a concentration of 1:9 or 1:8, where 1 is the active substance.

Pharmacological properties


The drug is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory substance.

It has a low antipruritic effect. Enhances the regeneration process of damaged skin, softens dry areas of the epidermis.

It has a local irritant effect, causing excitability of nerve endings, which subsequently enhance tissue trophism due to reflexes.

Ichthyol ointment is used externally, most often in the form of an occlusive dressing. It acts in all layers of the epidermis, eliminating the cause of inflammation and denaturing inflammatory protein molecules. Detrimental to anaerobes, mycoses, and yeasts.

The medication increases blood circulation, increases the elasticity of blood capillaries, and increases the elasticity of epithelial cells of the superficial epidermis.

It is used to treat skin rashes, including the formation of boils.


Applied to the damaged area, the ointment has a prolonged effect on the pathogen, gradually leading to its denaturation. It “sucks out” the contents of the purulent capsule, while softening the surface layer of the dermis (if the wound is closed).

It does not penetrate into the bloodstream, so there is no data on the distribution and metabolism of the drug.


Ichthyol is used for many pathological phenomena associated with skin disorders.

  • boils;
  • skin infections;
  • inflamed acne;
  • rosacea;
  • sycosis;
  • ostiofolliculitis;
  • neuralgia of traumatic origin;
  • arthritis;
  • streptoderma;
  • deep splinters;
  • and trichophytosis with a pronounced purulent process.


Hypersensitivity to Vaseline or individual intolerance to ichthyol.

Directions for use and dosage

The product is used topically externally.

Superficial skin lesions

The product is mixed with glycerin in equal proportions and applied to the damaged areas in a thin layer. The top is covered with a gauze napkin and secured with a plaster.

The bandage is used once a day - at night. In severe cases, in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment depends on the infectious process. Most often, after complete expulsion of pus, ichthyol is not used.


Apply a thin layer to the infected areas, cover them with parchment paper, and bandage them. The dressing should be changed at least 3 times during the day.

Treatment of problem skin and furunculosis

The drug is used before bedtime.

Cleanse the skin of cosmetic makeup and treat the inflamed area with an alcohol solution. Apply the ointment pointwise with a cotton swab and cover it with a piece of plastic bag, securing it with a band-aid.

For furunculosis, do the same.

For the best effect, the bandage should be changed at least 3 and no more than 6 times a day.

It is necessary to take into account that the contents of the boil are pus, so if it ruptures, remove the remains mechanically and lubricate the damaged area with alcohol tincture. Remove from face after no more than 3 hours, ideally exposure time is 2 hours.

In gynecology

The ichthyol substance is used in gynecology for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of the genital organs, for example, vaginosis, cervicitis, folliculitis.

Make cotton swabs (or use pharmaceutical means of personal hygiene protection). Coat it with a thin layer (it is important to distribute the product evenly) with 10% ichthyol. A tampon is inserted into the vagina and changed every 6 hours.

The duration of treatment is no more than 4 days and only under the supervision of a doctor.


Use the drug in its pure form. After a cleansing enema, a gauze turunda soaked in ichthyol is inserted into the anus. Exposure time is 6-8 hours.

Duration of treatment is from 1 to 2 weeks.

In childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug in children is permitted from 6 years of age.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, ichthyol ointment is approved for use with the permission of a doctor. However, it is impossible to make ointment-based suppositories and use them vaginally during pregnancy.

Side effects

The main side effect is the possible development of an allergic reaction.

Special instructions

The product is used only externally and only on inflamed or damaged areas of the skin.

It cannot be used to treat ophthalmological and ENT diseases.


An overdose of the drug is impossible when used correctly.


The main analogue of ichthyol ointment is. These drugs are similar in their principle of action, but different in their composition.

Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment - which is better and which one to choose is possible after studying the spectrum of action.

In both cases, the range of application is wide, but Vishnevsky is used mostly on immature, inflamed abscesses. The average cost for ichthyol is 150 rubles per 25 g, Vishnevsky ointment is from 80 rubles and more.

Another available analogue is. The principle of action and indications for use are the same.

Video: Ichthyol ointment in the treatment of acne

Let's figure out what ichthyol ointment helps with.

Spending a lot of money on purchasing products and not paying attention to this ointment is a mistake.
After all, for a small price you can solve many health problems.

What does it help with?

I would like to note that you can also find insufficiently positive reviews from the use of this ointment. This is rather due to the fact that it has a rather unpleasant odor, which remains in the skin for a long time.

Therefore, it is better to use ointment when there is no need to go to work or to crowded places to prevent discomfort.

Ichthyol is used to treat psoriasis, boils, eczema, acne, blackheads on the face and other skin diseases.

This ointment is also widely used for such pathological conditions as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • demodicosis;
  • wen;
  • diseases of the genital organs in women;
  • atheroma;
  • mastitis;
  • inflammatory processes that are localized under the skin;
  • joint diseases;
  • dandruff, seborrhea;
  • burns;
  • fungal infection of the skin (the effect of using the drug is manifested not only by the elimination of pathogenic flora, but also by the removal of inflammatory processes).

Components and its properties

This ointment contains:

  1. Ichthyol, which is extracted from resins of shale origin as a result of processing rocks. This substance:
  • helps relieve swelling;
  • eliminates pain;
  • helps draw out pus;
  • softens the skin;
  • promotes improved penetration of oxygen into epidermal cells;
  • eliminates the risk of re-formation of pus;
  • helps speed up the healing process of wound surfaces;
  • helps liquefy comedones and eliminate blackheads;
  • ensures the destruction of cells of pathogenic microorganisms.
  1. Petrolatum. It is considered an excipient and has the ability to improve the antiseptic effect of the ointment and provide a softening effect.

Instructions for use

According to these instructions, the ointment can be used as an independent remedy, in the form of a 10% glycerin lotion or a mixture of 20% ointment with glycerin.

Indications for use are:

  • burns;
  • eczema;
  • erysipelas;
  • trichophytosis and microsporia, occurring in an infiltrative-suppurative form;
  • streptoderma;
  • hidradenitis;
  • arthritis, neuralgia resulting from injury or the formation of an inflammatory process;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • boils;
  • folliculitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pelvic diseases of an inflammatory nature (oophoritis, parametritis).

In such pathological conditions as erysipelas, eczema, burns, arthritis, the affected area must be covered with gauze, fixed with a bandage or bandaged. Such dressings must be replaced daily.

The amount of ointment required for application is directly proportional to the size of the affected area. On average, two to four grams is enough to lubricate the knee joint.

For staphyloderma and streptoderma, the product is applied in the form of applications with a 10% glycerin lotion. Then the area is covered with parchment paper and bandaged. It is recommended to change the dressing several times every twenty-four hours.

When diseases of the female genital area occur, use tampons soaked in a 10% glycerin solution.

In the presence of boils or hidradenitis, the ointment is used in its pure form, preparing cakes. For this purpose, about two grams of ointment is applied to the boil and covered with a cotton swab, securing it with a band-aid. Improvement in the condition will appear within a day. Such cakes must be replaced every eight hours.

Contraindications and possible side effects

If you believe the reviews, ichthyol causes almost no adverse reactions. In isolated cases, allergic skin reactions may occur.

The instructions note that the use of the ointment is possible even during pregnancy or breastfeeding, but the prescription should only be made by a doctor who will monitor the person’s condition.

Ichthyol is well tolerated in childhood, the only thing that is advised is not to use the ointment for children under six years of age.

Ichthyol should only be applied externally; its application to the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes is prohibited.

Contraindications: the use of this ointment is prohibited if you have an allergy or individual intolerance to ichthyol.


Use for the treatment of gynecological diseases

Ichthyol ointment is used in gynecology. Its application in this area occurs with the same frequency as in other cases.

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the female genital area, tampons with ointment are used.

Usually, for this purpose, tampons are used that are moistened in a mixture of ichthyol and glycerin, because glycerin has the ability to enhance the therapeutic effect of the drug, the secretion of the cervix, and nearby areas due to the ability to attract liquid. Due to this ability, patients who use them complain of an increased amount of vaginal discharge.

Ichthyol can be used in combination with camphor oil in a one to one ratio. The course of treatment with such tampons should not exceed ten days.

A contraindication to their placement is cervical erosion, as increased irritation of tissues affected by the inflammatory process may occur. Then the best option would be to use tampons with Vaseline oil.

Every woman who wants to can make such tampons at home. To do this you need: cotton wool, small gauze and ichthyol. The cotton wool needs to be wrapped in gauze, tied with a thread, moistened with ointment, and a tampon is inserted for a period of twelve to twenty-four hours.

Please note that the ends of the thread should be located outside (this is necessary for subsequent removal of the tampon). More often, it is recommended to insert such tampons every other day to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.

Remember that this type of treatment should only be used if prescribed by a doctor. After all, self-medication can lead to a worsening of the condition and the development of complications.

Having tried this remedy at least once, it will forever be present in your home medicine cabinet, because the effect of its use will exceed your hopes.

The drug is used for acne

In addition to the effectiveness of treating acne with this remedy, the positive side is also considered to be the low price of the drug compared to foreign products that are used to treat this pathological condition.

Ichthyol has a positive effect not only on the superficial layers of the skin, but also on the site of inflammation itself. The medicine stimulates tissue regeneration, blood thinning, and eliminates pain in the affected areas. All of the above ensures the normalization of metabolic processes in skin cells.

Ichthyol is extremely effective in treating acne. A significant number of people encounter this problem, especially young people.

As already noted, this drug can be said to cope with this unpleasant pathological condition with a bang. It has the ability to extract pus from a pimple without leaving marks on the face. This process is quick and painless.

The effect of the ointment can be described: it seems to turn the pimple upside down, because quite often there are situations when it does not manifest itself in any way for a long time. And as soon as some kind of malfunction in the functioning of the body appears, it immediately makes itself felt (inflammation appears). To avoid such unpleasant problems, you can use ointment with ichthyol.

Another positive side of using this ointment is its ability to reduce the appearance of post-acne. But this is achieved only in the case of their shallow localization under the skin.

The ointment had a positive effect on white plugs, comedones (this word should be understood as a hair follicle clogged with an excess amount of sebum), blackheads (clumps of sebum that are distinguished by such color as a result of oxidation processes). Of course, the effect of this remedy is somewhat different from that indicated above, because the cork is dissolved.

Use for burns

Probably every second person has encountered such a problem as a burn. Regardless of the location and extent of the lesion, this pathological condition requires treatment. To do this, you need to have information about what medications can be used.

What is ichthyol ointment used for? It is widely used to treat post-burn wounds. This is due to the fact that this drug has the ability to accelerate the healing process of wounds of various origins, eliminate the manifestations of inflammation and infectious infections.

As a result of the presence of such properties, this ointment not only can, but also should be used for therapeutic purposes for wounds and burns.

We can safely say that ichthyol easily replaces antiseptics (for example, Chlorhexidine) and drugs that accelerate tissue regeneration processes (for example, Solcoseryl).

For therapeutic purposes, the ointment should be applied in a small layer, without rubbing. After application to the affected area, it is recommended to apply a gauze bandage, which must be secured with a plaster or bandage.

Effect on fungal nail infections

Fungal diseases are quite common in the medical practice of doctors. They appear in case of infection by fungi, which can easily be transmitted from one person to another, especially in warm and humid conditions.

To treat nail fungus, many sprays, gels, and ointments are used - ichthyol. If there is a fungus on the nail plate, the ointment is recommended to be used in its pure form or as a ten percent application.

For therapeutic purposes, a small amount of ointment should be applied to gauze, and such a compress should be applied to the affected nail. For better fixation, the compress is wrapped with film and a cloth bandage. The application of such a compress should be carried out at night before bedtime for a week, changing every day.

Review results

After analyzing all the reviews, we can conclude that ichthyol, despite its not very high price, has a healing effect not only from the outside, but also from the inside (which cannot be said about expensive analogues of this remedy).

The effect on the source of inflammation and the rapid elimination of factors that contributed to the formation of the disease puts this drug at the forefront of effectiveness. The ointment exhibits its therapeutic effect only on the source of infection, without touching healthy tissue.

Quite often, dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend their clients try ichthyol ointment, especially if they have pimples and acne, noting its effectiveness. They are pleased that the drug begins to act quickly and eliminates the appearance of acne and abscesses.

This effect is achieved as a result of the properties of this ointment to soften the skin, improve its nutrition and recovery processes.

As a result of the treatment, acne does not appear soon in the future, and there are almost no traces of it in the form of scars or cicatrices.

Positive reviews about the effectiveness of ichthyol ointment can also be found from people who have used it to treat gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids, boils, prostatitis, and inflammatory joint diseases.

Negative reviews are often based not on the therapeutic effects of the ointment, but on the fact that:

  • it has a sharp, rather unpleasant aroma;
  • the type of ointment is not attractive and pleasant enough (black viscous mass);
  • in rare cases, it can cause the appearance of a dark color of the skin in the area of ​​application;
  • the ointment is not allowed to be used in combination with drugs containing alkaloids and iodine compounds.

After analyzing the presented article, we can conclude that ichthyol ointment can indeed be considered the drug of choice for a huge number of diseases of a diverse nature.

Please note that its use, like any medical drug, should be prescribed only by a doctor, after an examination and establishment of the correct diagnosis.

Therefore, if even minor pathological symptoms or discomfort appear, it is necessary to go to a medical facility for medical help as quickly as possible. After all, self-medication can lead not only to a worsening of the condition, but also to the development of various complications.

Ichthyol ointment– a classic example of an unsightly form and good content. Our people, unfortunately, are happy to purchase popular brands, in bright tubes and packaging, and, completely undeservedly, they forget about the ointment with a strong unpleasant odor in a pot-bellied glass bottle. This ointment is offered in Germany under the name Ichtiolsalbe, and in the USA “Ichtinol” is sold without a prescription and is popular due to its effectiveness, low price and low potential for side effects. And, perhaps, it cannot be compared with expensive products based on antibiotics or antiseptics, but in its segment, the ointment is one of the absolute leaders. The characteristic smell, rich color and indications scare people away from it - the ointment is prescribed for various skin pathologies, purulent lesions, neuralgia, massive acne. But, despite the unsightly appearance and smell, it still works. Naturally, there are now many wound-healing and anti-inflammatory external agents, but “ichthyol” should not be written off.

Ichthyol ointment - composition.

A typical product of the chemical industry, from start to finish. Special resins obtained from oil shale extraction, after the processing procedure, are distilled and evaporated, turning into a characteristic ointment. The resulting substance is called ichthammol and it is this substance that has a full range of positive effects on the body.

Mechanism of action.

Local anesthetic– a weak anesthetic that helps relieve pain and slightly reduce the dosage of the main painkiller.

Keratoplasty effect– softens and removes “corns”, affected epidermis, burn and wound crust, hard shell.

Anti-inflammatory effect– relieves primary and secondary inflammation, removes decay products, perfectly regulates vascular tone, which also combats symptoms.
Improves local blood supply, especially capillary, which, in general, promotes regeneration.

Antiseptic effect pronounced antimicrobial effect in the wound prevents the development of massive wound infections and affects most known microorganisms, including staphylococci.

Ichthyol ointment - indications.

Various inflammatory diseases of various pelvic organs, complicated by a bacterial infection or of abacterial origin - the ointment is used in special turundas or in the form of suppositories, introducing them into the rectum. The treatment regimen can be discussed with your doctor, for prostatitis it will be one thing, for acute inflammation of the uterus another, and for salpingitis (slow inflammation of the tubes) a third, and for different courses of the disease, there will be a different dosage and regimen. An enema and a special diet with plenty of fiber are required. Standard dosage: 2 times a day, special tampons soaked in a 10% glycerin solution are introduced.
For trophic lesions, non-healing wounds– the ointment irritates special receptors and slightly changes the trophism of tissues, which promotes speedy healing. Not a tight bandage, you can mix the ointment with pharmaceutical zinc, it is optimal to use a glycerin base, it does not allow the skin and wound field to dry out. The dressing should be changed no more than three times a day, but keep in mind that it should remain on the wound for 6-7 hours in order to achieve a lasting, prolonged effect.
Erysipelas, especially in their acute stage– immediately apply ichthyol ointment, but this only applies to vesicular forms localized on the extremities. Change the dressings every five hours, while simultaneously taking drugs that increase immunity orally - or Leuzea will do. Ascorbic acid and an antipyretic are also required to be taken, even before an accurate diagnosis is made. Do not forget to wash your hands after applying the drug - erysipelas is extremely contagious. Approximately three grams of ointment (visually it looks the size of a cherry) is sufficient to treat the knee joint; the dosage can be based on this.
Eczema or arthritis– the ointment is used only after a decision has been made on general therapy; the dosage is discussed with the doctor. A standard cotton swab, which is attached to the skin with a plaster - the usual regimen is 2-3 grams of ointment twice a day.
For furunculosis or hidradenitis, you can apply a large volume of ointment in the form of a characteristic “cake” and leave it for about ten hours under a bandage. This can help break through the source of suppuration and remove the contents.
In case of fungal infections, which led to an infiltrative form of suppuration, ichthyol can also be used in the form of lotions, up to three times a day. Naturally, it is advisable to carry out antimycotic therapy and correction of immunity.


Rare cases of allergic reactions. There have been rumors about the carcinogenicity of ichthyol, and specialized research in this direction is now being conducted. If you have had cases of cancer in your family, you can replace ichthyol ointment with any other, but there is no evidence of carcinogenicity yet. Internal use and contact of the ointment with the mucous membrane is strictly contraindicated. Prohibited for use in children under six years of age, as no special randomized studies have been conducted.


Salts of heavy metals and alkaloids in any external means are prohibited for combination. Ethyl alcohol, on the contrary, prolongs and enhances the depth of penetration into tissues.


In general, the ointment fulfills its tasks and, despite the popularization of a number of modern drugs, retains its importance due to its ease of use and effectiveness. The only drawback is the smell, but in the case of outpatient or inpatient treatment this is not critical; the low likelihood of allergies and side effects is more important.

Ichthyol ointment is often used to eliminate acne. This product has the ability to “pull” pus from wounds, relieving inflammation and healing the skin in a short time.

The drug is available in the form of 10% and 20% of the composition. In addition to a certain content of ichthyol, the ointment also includes petroleum jelly.

The principle of action of the medicine

Unlike many modern drugs, the product we are considering has the ability to penetrate deeply into the upper layers of the skin. It increases vascular permeability, due to which redness, swelling and inflammation quickly subside from the affected areas. In addition, ichthyol ointment has an anesthetic and antipruritic effect.

Improving blood circulation ensures that cells are more actively supplied with oxygen, and various toxins are eliminated from the body faster. As a result, an intensive process of tissue regeneration occurs in the affected area.

Note that ichthyol ointment has a high sulfur content. This substance has a detrimental effect on various pathogens, destroying protein compounds in the cells of the pathogen - this determines the antibacterial effect of this drug. Microorganisms that cause inflammation on the skin die, and therefore the healing process of wounds is accelerated.

Main areas of application of ichthyol ointment

MirSovetov found that the drug in question helps in eliminating the following problems:

  • and skin burns;
  • eczema;
  • various inflammatory processes of the epidermis, accompanied by the release of pus: carbuncles, phlegmon, purulent abscess;
  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system: inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix in women and prostate gland in men;
  • lesions of the rectum, accompanied by infectious processes;
  • acne on the skin;
  • deep splinters.

The drug in the form of an ointment is used to treat superficial diseases. To eliminate problems such as inflammatory processes in the intestines and pelvic organs, the same medicine is used, but produced in the form of suppositories. We also add that, among other functions, ichthyol ointment plays the role of an anesthetic. Thanks to this effect, it is able to alleviate the condition of a patient with extensive damage to the skin: severe burns, frostbite, large and deep boils.

Instructions for use of the drug

As mentioned earlier, the spectrum of action of ichthyol ointment is quite wide. Let's take a closer look at how to use this medicine depending on the type of problem:

  1. Ichthyol ointment is used to treat burns, erysipelas, eczema, frostbite and other superficial lesions of the epidermis. For such purposes, the drug is used in its pure form or mixed in equal proportions with. The substance is applied to the affected areas of the skin in an even thin layer and rubbed thoroughly. Then the sore spot is covered with gauze folded in several layers and the bandage is fixed with a plaster. The fabric should be changed daily. The amount of the drug used directly depends on the size of the affected area. For example, to treat the sacrum or knee, 3-4 g of ointment is enough.
  2. Staphylococcal and streptococcal diseases are treated by using ichthyol lotions. To do this, 20% ointment is diluted with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio, the resulting composition is applied to the sore spots, covered with parchment paper on top and bandaged with a bandage. This bandage must be changed at least three times during the day.
  3. Removing a deeply embedded splinter is also not a problem if you have ichthyol ointment on hand. Just apply a small amount of the product to the place where the splinter is located, and then cover it with a regular band-aid. After a short time, the foreign body will come to the surface.
  4. A solution of ichthyol ointment and glycerin is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. To do this, take a tampon, moisten it in the above-mentioned product and place it in the rectum several times a day.
  5. This drug is sometimes used for treatment. To do this, the anal area is thoroughly washed and wiped dry, and then lubricated with a thin layer of ichthyol ointment. This procedure is carried out several times a day. We also note that you should not rub the ointment into hemorrhoidal cones, so as not to injure them even more. This remedy can be used until the pain and swelling disappear.
  6. Ichthyol ointment is widely used to solve problems with facial skin. With this drug you can get rid of inflamed and purulent pimples. To do this, the ointment should be applied pointwise to problem areas, and then left for several hours. The drug has the ability to draw pus from acne, relieve inflammation, and have a disinfecting and wound-healing effect. It is recommended to treat facial skin in the evening, when there is no need to leave the house anywhere. For large and severely inflamed pimples, you can make a compress: apply a small amount of the product to the skin and cover with a band-aid overnight.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Ichthyol ointment has virtually no side effects, but certain contraindications to its use still exist:

  1. Do not use this medication if you suffer from any of its components.
  2. Do not use the ointment to treat children under 6 years of age.
  3. Be careful not to get the product on the mucous membranes, in the mouth or in the eyes.
  4. Open bleeding wounds should also not be lubricated with this drug.
  5. Do not use any other external medications at the same time as ichthyol ointment.

Please note that this remedy can be used during pregnancy or lactation with the permission of the attending physician. We add that ichthyol ointment is not advisable to use for the treatment of wen, since it will not have any effect on them.

How to store the drug

Ichthyol ointment is saved in the same way as most other medications. Store the medicine in a dry and dark place, try not to leave the medicine in direct sunlight, the air temperature for storing the medicine should not exceed 25°C.

Any new growths on the skin can bring us a lot of inconvenience. This is especially true for those rashes that appear And such a skin problem as a boil, in addition to aesthetic discomfort, also causes physical pain, because it is a fairly serious purulent inflammation of the skin around the hair follicle. Such an abscess is a subcutaneous purple nodule, within which a necrotic core gradually forms.

It can take about two weeks from the moment the first signs of a boil appear until the skin completely heals, and the main danger during this time is that the infection can enter the bloodstream and lead to serious illnesses. This is especially true for boils on the face and

Ichthyol ointment for boils is a very effective remedy that effectively penetrates the source of infection.

What properties of ichthyol are effective for boils?

As a rule, when purchasing any product for external use, we focus on the one that has a more pleasant appearance and smell. However, a pleasant-smelling medicine does not always give the desired effect. Having not received the expected result from the chosen product, we can use the drug, although it does not have a pleasant aroma, but it is very effective and, moreover, not expensive. This is ichthyol ointment for boils. At the initial stage of maturation of the abscess, it helps to accelerate the formation of the necrotic core, and after spontaneous opening of the boil, it accelerates the healing of the wound.

Ichthyol ointment for boils began to be used in the middle of the last century, but is currently not widely popular, which is probably due to its rather specific resinous odor, often compared to tar. The basis of this product is ichthyol, obtained by processing shale resins. The second active ingredient is sulfur.

So, thanks to what properties of these substances is ichthyol ointment for boils so effective? Let's figure it out.

1. Stretching and anti-inflammatory effect. Ichthyol acts directly on the site of inflammation, reducing its swelling. At the same time, the drug has a very important property - it draws pus from the boil, accelerating the opening of the abscess and the release of the necrotic core;

2. Analgesic effect. Ichthyol has a local anesthetic effect, making the painful process of abscess formation much easier;

3. Healing effect. The drug affects the blood supply to tissues, which accelerates their regeneration, that is, the wound from the boil heals faster;

4. Antiseptic effect. Since a boil is always a purulent inflammation, ichthyol ointment, due to its antibacterial properties, accelerates the healing of the skin and prevents the spread of infection.

How to properly use ointment with ichthyol for boils

At the initial stage, the main task of ichthyol ointment in the fight against boils is to accelerate their maturation and opening with the release of pus to the outside. The faster the abscess opens on its own, the faster the wound will begin to heal and the less likely the infection will spread. Let's figure out how to apply ichthyol ointment to a boil as effectively and safely as possible:

Before using ichthyol ointment, it is recommended to carefully treat the site of inflammation with a cotton swab with an antiseptic solution;

The product is applied directly to the inflamed area of ​​skin in a thin layer. Do not rub the drug into the boil, as this can damage the abscess and lead to the spread of infection! Apply a gauze bandage or plaster to the site of inflammation and leave for 6-8 hours;

After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent any remaining ointment from getting on the mucous membranes;

After 6-8 hours, remove the bandage and, if the boil has not broken through, repeat the procedure. The duration and regularity of use of the drug should be determined by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. As a rule, treatment of a boil with ichthyol ointment lasts no more than 4-5 days;

If a boil appears on the forehead, or then you need to be especially careful when using the ointment and avoid getting it into your eyes. You can dilute the ointment with a glycerin solution in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is applied to the inflammation in a thick layer for a couple of hours, and then removed with a cotton pad. The procedure is repeated several times a day. It should be noted that if boils are localized in this area of ​​the body, you should not self-medicate and before taking any action you should consult a doctor;

When treating boils on the back, arms, legs and other parts of the body, a compress can be made directly with ichthyol ointment without diluting it.

After the boil has opened and the pus comes out, you can again apply dressings with ichthyol to disinfect the wound and speed up healing. To do this, the damaged area is treated with peroxide, then ointment is applied and secured with a gauze bandage.


To purchase ichthyol ointment at a pharmacy, you do not need a prescription, but before purchasing and using it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The active component of this drug is ichthyol, a resin processing product that can only be used externally, avoiding its contact with mucous membranes.

The ointment rarely causes an allergic reaction, however, when first used, especially for treating inflammation on the face, it is recommended to test it on a small area of ​​skin, for example, applying it to the wrist for 15-20 minutes. If you do not experience any unpleasant sensations, burning, itching, or redness, it means that you do not have an individual intolerance to the drug and the ointment is suitable for use.

The ointment should be used with caution in combination with other medications and cosmetics.

The use of ichthyol ointment is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy, and nursing mothers should pay special attention to ensure that the drug does not come into contact with the nipple area.

As a rule, patients notice an improvement after the first use of ichthyol ointment for boils. The pain subsides, the swelling decreases, the necrotic core forms faster, which leads to rapid recovery and cleansing of the skin.



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