What are human meridians? Meridians and organs in ancient Chinese medicine.

According to the Eastern teachings of JING-LO, in the human body, the energy of CHI, the energy of life, vitality, spirit, mood, does not spread randomly, but circulates along 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridians, or channels that have no anatomical analogue.

Modern biophysics has experimentally proven that the meridian system really exists.

It represents a kind of connection between the etheric and physical bodies. Vital energy sequentially passes through all organs of the body, completing a complete circuit throughout the day.

Each channel has periods of maximum and minimum activity.

The time of maximum activity is called the organ clock, lasts 2 hours and is the best period for the treatment to affect organs and systems.

Knowing the time of day when the maximum flow of energy passes through a certain organ, you can choose the best moment to treat this organ.

Treatment is most effective at strictly defined times of day,

Of all the listed meridians, it requires explanation triple heater.

This conditional organ is divided into 3 parts:

upper heater - upper body- generalizes the functions of the heart and lungs according to the distribution of chi and blood to nourish various organs and tissues;

middle - middle part of the body- summarizes the functions of the spleen and stomach - digestion and absorption of nutrients;

lower heater - lower body- generalizes the functions of the kidneys and bladder, controls water metabolism and the flow of vital energy CHI.

Triple heater. The time of maximum activity of the third heater can be used as a reserve if the time of a certain organ was missed.

If you treat by the hour, you can heal quickly!

From 07 to 09 hours: the best time to take medications that help to function properly intestines and stomach.

From 09 to 11 o'clock: active spleen and pancreas, and their work can be supported with medications.

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: for everyone who suffers from poor blood circulation, problems with with my heart It is recommended to move less and stay in the shade more, especially on hot days.

From 13:00 to 15:00: if you have problems with your work small intestine

From 15 to 17 hours: the digestion process is in full swing. The most favorable period for taking appropriate medications that will help improve work stomach and bladder.

From 17 to 19 hours: disease therapy will be very effective kidneys and back.

From 19 to 21 hours: treatment will be very effective impotence, premature ejaculation and frigidity.

From 21 to 23 hours: the period preceding sleep is exceptionally good for combating skin diseases and hair loss.

From 23 to 01 am: middle of the night. According to the beliefs of the ancient Manjurs, it is the most mystical part of the day. At midnight, gallstones and sand are released. At this time they are struggling with gallstone diseases.

From 01 to 03 a.m.: as a rule, acute pain is associated with the end of the digestive cycle in people with weakened liver. This is the ideal time to take medications to support this important organ.

From 03 to 05 hours: deep sleep causes additional breathing difficulties in people with weak lungs and bronchi. This is the best time for pulmonary patients and asthmatics to take medications.

From 05 to 07 o'clock: you can take a break. If you treat by the hour, you can heal quickly! Human energy key, channels + and meridians, time of meridian activity: lung meridian, large intestine meridian, adrenal glands, small intestine meridian, blood circulation meridian, three heaters meridian, gallbladder meridian, central meridian, stomach meridian, spleen meridian, pancreas meridian, heart meridian , kidney meridian, liver meridian

Traditional Chinese medicine is a storehouse of sacred knowledge that was gleaned from Taoist hermits thousands of years ago. According to her theory, the human body is a microcosm, within which energy flows flow. The energy in the body moves through the channels that form the system. /website/

The theory of Chinese medicine is far from the understanding of Western science, as it concerns deep and invisible processes and mechanisms. Of key importance in Chinese medicine is the concept of energy channels through which internal energy - Qi - circulates.

12 main channels

There are 12 main channels (meridians) and 8 “miraculous” channels in the human body. In addition, branches of the main canals and collaterals are also distinguished.

This entire system is a complex network running from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from front to back and back again throughout the body.

The main pathways of Qi circulation are represented by 12 main channels. Qi moves through them constantly throughout life. “Miraculous” channels resemble reservoirs for storing energy and are actively activated only when there is a deficiency or excess of Qi. Only two wonderful channels work constantly: the anteromedial and posteromedial channel.

The theory of Chinese medicine is far from the understanding of Western science, as it concerns deep and invisible processes and mechanisms. Of key importance in Chinese medicine is the concept of energy channels through which internal energy - Qi - circulates. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org/CC BY 4.0

Twelve main channels are associated with 6 dense and 6 hollow organs. The meridians of dense organs are located along the inner lateral surfaces and in front. These are Yin meridians.

The canals of the hollow organs run along the outer lateral surfaces, as well as at the back. They are of Yang nature.

The twelve main meridians include:

  • lung meridian (I, P) - Shou-tai-yin-fei-ching;
  • meridian of the large intestine (II, GI) - Shou-yan-ming-da-chang-ching;
  • stomach meridian (III, E) - Zu-yan-ming-wei-ching;
  • meridian of the spleen and pancreas (IV, RP) - Tzu-tai-yin-pi-ching;
  • heart meridian (V, C) - Shou-shao-yin-hsin-jing;
  • meridian of the small intestine (VI, IG) - Shou-tai-yang-xiao-chang-ching;
  • bladder meridian (VII, V) - Tzu-tai-yang-pan-guang-ching;
  • kidney meridian (VIII, R) - Zu-shao-yin-shen-jing;
  • pericardial meridian (IX, MC) - Shou-jue-yin-xin-bao-lo-jing;
  • meridian of the triple heater (X, TR) - Shou-shao-yang-san-jiao-ching;
  • gallbladder meridian (XI, VB) - Zu-shao-yang-dan-jing;
  • liver meridian (XII, F) - Tzu-jue-yin-gan-jing.

Flows of energy

The channels are listed in the order in which Qi flows through them. For example, the lung meridian descends from the chest along the inside of the arm and on the thumb it passes into the colon meridian. Qi passes into the second meridian and goes to the head along the outside of the arm. The entire circle through the Qi channels takes 24 hours.

All channels are located symmetrically and are paired. Each channel runs on both sides of the body.

Each meridian has a maximum activity (Yang period) and a minimum (Yin period).

When there is a surge of activity, this is a good time to influence the channel. For example, the maximum activity of the lung meridian occurs at 3-5 o'clock, the colon meridian - at 5-7 o'clock, then the stomach - at 7-9 o'clock, and so on. And so on every day.

Energy channels also have external and internal passages. The internal passage is located inside the body between the organs. After the meridian reaches the surface, the external stroke begins in the limb. The external passage is the main place for influencing the channel. For example, using acupuncture.

Yin and Yang

Energy channels form pairs, among which one channel is Yang and the other is Yin. In addition, each pair represents one of the elements according to the Wu Xing system (five primary elements).

Of the 6 yang energy channels, 3 meridians go from the hands to the head, and the other 3 go down from the head to the feet. On the other hand, from the Yin meridians, 3 channels rise from the legs to the chest and 3 from the chest pass into the hands.

With the help of such circulation, the balance of Yin and Yang in the body is controlled. The sun gives the body yang energy, which descends down the meridians, warming the yin coming from the earth. Yin rises, thereby cooling Yang.

This is a general idea of ​​meridians. There are many more subtleties and concepts that Chinese medicine doctors use to understand the causes of energy circulation disorders and the causes of diseases.

In this section I will talk in more detail about the human energy structure.

Energy, according to eastern teachings, moves along 14 channels - meridians. Qi moves along the system of energy meridians (ki, prana, alive - it is called differently among different peoples) - primary energy, the very breath of life, present everywhere: in living beings and inanimate objects, in our palms and the depths of space.

If the circulation of qi in the body occurs correctly, a person is healthy both physically and mentally - according to the Eastern tradition, the body is inextricably linked with the soul. Stagnation or excess of qi, on the contrary, can lead to the development of disease.

Look at fig. 8. This scheme has been around for many thousands of years. In the East, all these energy channels have been studied since time immemorial. Over time, experiments and observations were collected, processed, classified and formed into a coherent system of knowledge, on the basis of which Eastern medicine exists and successfully functions.

Please note that all energy channels end on the toes and fingers. Along some meridians, energy in our body flows from outside to inside (these are the so-called yin meridians, indicated in blue in the diagram).

Along other meridians, energy flows from inside to outside (these are yang meridians, indicated in red on the diagram). That is, the human energy system is (more precisely, in a healthy state it should be) in constant energy exchange with the environment, more precisely, with nature.

When energy interaction exists, then in the human body there is a potential difference, bioenergetic + and -, necessary for the flow of energy.

For such interaction, contact of the starting points of the meridians with the environment is required. That is, our hands and feet, in theory, should be in constant contact with natural objects that remove excess electrostatic charge, ground our energy system, and accordingly ensure the flow of energy. Since childhood, we have all heard about how useful it is to walk barefoot on earth, water or a wooden floor.

If the channel is blocked somewhere, for example, in the area of ​​the eyes or limbs, then the flow of energy in the entire channel is hampered (remember: the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases...). As a result of this, the organs do not receive enough energy and cannot work normally to cope with all their responsibilities. And no matter how you pile up “raw materials” on them, they won’t be able to process it.

That is why, for example, DMTs do not work effectively in MS.

Why do people need meridian channels? There are five main functions:

1. Connection with the environment.

2. Control vital energy and blood flow to energy to organs.

3. Harmonize Yin and Yang.

4. Revitalize muscles and bones, ease the work of joints.

5. They transmit energy from the internal organ to the integument of the body so that internal signals about the disease reach the surface of the body.

In total, a person has 12 paired and 2 unpaired channels - meridians. Paired channels - the channel of the lung, colon, stomach, spleen, pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidneys, liver, etc.

Two unpaired channels regulate the energy of Yang and Yin, respectively, from the posterior-middle and anterior-middle meridians. Energy is balanced by the action of Yin and Yang.

The energy cycle begins from the lung meridian and sequentially passes through 12 main paired meridians per day and stays in each of them for 2 hours. Two unpaired channels operate around the clock.

I told this to understand why it is so important to follow a daily routine in case of multiple sclerosis (MS) and to understand at what time of day the corresponding meridian channel conducts maximum or, conversely, minimum energy.

Qi energy will not be able to reach the organs of our body in the required quantity if the energy meridians are clogged. If energy does not flow through the body as it should, it will stagnate and dry up, or, on the contrary, create unnecessary tension. Consequently, the necessary healing effect will not occur.

In MS, meridians in the intestines, eyes, limbs and spine become blocked. For healing to occur, these energy meridians must be cleared.

For energy food to really become useful, you need to cleanse the energy meridians, through which the energy from food will reach all organs. All diseases occur because energy circulates incorrectly throughout the body - either balanced energy does not come from outside, or its flow inside the body is disrupted due to improper function of the meridians.

Since ancient times, the East understood that on each meridian there are special points for establishing the flow of energy in the meridian. It is enough to know the main point corresponding to each of the twelve main meridians in order to be able to daily establish the normal movement of qi in the body and ensure its harmony for each vital organ of the human body.

Here is how the points corresponding to each meridian are located, according to Futsukuji Nishi (see Fig. 9):

1. point of the lung channel;

2. point of the large intestine channel;

3. point of the stomach canal;

4. point of the spleen and pancreas channel;

5. heart channel point;

6. small intestinal canal point;

7. bladder canal point;

8. point of the kidney channel;

9. pericardial canal point;

10. channel point of three heaters;

11. gallbladder canal point;

12. liver canal point.

I have highlighted in bold and underlining those points that are useful to influence in case of MS.

But the most effective is the so-called “from a hundred diseases” point, which is also called the “longevity point”. This point belongs to the stomach meridian. The point is located on the outside of the kneecap. From this point it is recommended to begin work on establishing your energy. The point “from one hundred diseases” is shown in Figure 10. And it is easy to determine it like this:

To determine the point “from one hundred diseases”:

1. Sit on a chair with both feet on the floor and parallel.

2. Place your right palm on your right knee so that the center of the palm is located at the highest point of the knee.

3. Hug your knee with your fingers.

4. The place where the ring finger ends up is the point of longevity. There is a clear depression in this place.

5. The paired longevity point is located on the left leg - determine it in the same way.

When massaging the point “from a hundred diseases”, cellular stimulation occurs without loss of energy, i.e. natural mobility is restored without loss of energy, which is simply necessary for MS. The simplest and most accessible method is pressure.

There are two types of longevity point massage - stimulating and healing. From practice, in MS it is useful to use both methods.

A stimulating massage is carried out in the morning while still in bed, I apply it no later than 6 am.

The technique is very simple:

Sit on a chair.

First, use the index finger of your right hand to massage the point on your right leg: pressing hard enough, make 9 rotational movements clockwise.

Then, with the index finger of your left hand, massage the point on your left leg: also 9 rotational movements clockwise.

And so 9 times: you should get 81 rotational movements clockwise on each leg.

The healing massage is done in the afternoon (I recommend before the howl). The technique is the same as for stimulating massage, only you make rotational movements counterclockwise.

The next point is Feng Fu, which successfully shows itself in the treatment of MS, appeared in Ancient China and is also considered a point of brain rejuvenation.

It must be said that for purely marketing reasons, we often call the proper functioning of the body rejuvenation. And the Feng Fu point is no exception.

This point returns our brain to a healthy state and reanimates lost human functions.

The Feng Fu point is located under the occipital protuberance, between the head and neck. In anatomy it is called the foramen magnum; there is nothing between the skin and the brain in this place; you can simply feel it yourself.

In Eastern medicine, it is recommended to do acupuncture or moxibustion at this point, but to restore nutrition to the brain, it is enough to apply ice to this place, affecting the blood flow. Everyone knows that if you apply ice to the bruised area of ​​skin in time, there will be no bruise.

In fact, the cold does cause a strong outflow of blood at the point of hypothermia, but this is a temporary phenomenon, and then a powerful influx of blood occurs. That is, the current through the energy system is restored (increased) and the brain begins to receive what it did not receive before.

The technique itself consists of applying an ice cube from the freezer to the Feng Fu point. I make ice in a mold about 2.5 x 2.5 cm and place an ice cube under the sports bandage at the Feng Fu point. About half a minute - very cold. Then a feeling of joy and cheerfulness arises, I hold the cube until it melts, then I rub my head with a towel. It is done in the morning, on an empty stomach, with breaks of 3 days.

This is another example, once what was used by a person as a deadly weapon (a blow to the Feng Fu point at best disables, at worst kills the enemy) serves human health.

In general, massage using two nuts has proven itself to be effective at home for several millennia for clearing energy channels. Just take two walnuts in your hands and start rolling them between your palms, pressing with force, in one direction and the other, for at least 3 minutes. Then, take two nuts in each hand and, clenching them in your fist, begin to rotate and roll to the sides. Mental tension will be relieved, energy will begin its active movement in the body. Now roll the nuts on the floor with your bare feet and feel a surge of strength in your body.

And finally, I will give three of my favorite exercises for clearing and activating energy channels, which are very useful for MS

Exercise “Energy massage”

It is advisable that you wear little or no clothing - at least those parts of the body that will be subjected to energy massage should be naked.

Starting position: stand or sit in any comfortable position.

Rub your palms together thoroughly until you feel heat in them. In this way, you create an intense energy field between your palms.

With warm palms, make several light smoothing movements from the chin to the forehead, as if washing your face. This increases the movement of blood in the skin, improves the course of all processes in it, and begins the process of restoring skin respiration.

Now make several movements from the center of the forehead to the temples, as if smoothing the forehead, then, with some pressure, move your palms several times from the temples to the chin. If you want not only to improve skin breathing, but also to rejuvenate your skin, by doing all these movements, imagine that your palms are smoothing out wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, that the skin of your face is rejuvenating, becoming fresh and healthy.

Gently pat your head with your palms, starting from the back of your head to your forehead. This improves the saturation of the brain with energy and cures headaches.

Now, sort of comb your hair with your fingertips from the forehead to the back of the head, so that your fingers press quite noticeably on the scalp. This saturates the scalp with energy so much that there are cases when even completely bald people begin to grow hair again - however, for this you need to do 300-500 such movements 2-3 times a day for a month.

Using your fingertips, rub your ears from bottom to top so that your ears begin to “burn.” The auricle is connected to absolutely all organs, so a massage of the auricles in terms of the amount of energy that saturates the entire body is equivalent to a massage not only of the entire body, but even of the internal organs!

Gently pat the entire left arm with the palm of your right hand, from shoulder to hand, first on the outside, then on the inside; then the same with the left palm - the right hand. Then, with both hands, simultaneously pat the body in front from top to bottom, from the neck to the lower abdomen, and on the sides at the level of the lower back.

Now, pat your legs on all sides, and then your back - from bottom to top along the spine, as far as you can reach. This opens skin respiration throughout the body and improves the movement of energy throughout the body.

This exercise is best done in the morning - it tones, saturates the body with energy, and prepares you for a fruitful day.

Exercise “Energetic skin breathing”

Now, we need to accustom our skin to full energy breathing. We have already learned energy breathing with our lungs. If we add energy breathing through the skin to this breathing, we will gradually achieve complete identification with natural processes, with the natural healthy state of the world around us.

Modern man differs from nature in that in nature energy moves, and at the same time peace reigns. In a person, energy stagnates and anxiety reigns. This is why nature is healthy and man is sick.

If we want to be healthy, we must return to the state of nature. We must regain the ability to move energy within our body, to exchange energy with the outside world - and at the same time establish deep natural peace within ourselves. With just proper breathing we can do this!

By adjusting our respiratory system to the correct breathing rhythm and establishing normal skin breathing, we ensure that energy stops stagnating in the body, that harmful energies leave, and healthy energy begins to move freely and actively. At the same time, peace and quiet reign within us.

We become like nature, we become healthy! From a stagnant swamp, where putrefactive and destructive processes take place, we turn into a clean mountain river, into a light gust of wind, into an ever-playing sea... Only then do we become truly alive, united with the world, able to enjoy life, happy and healthy.

You have learned to breathe correctly with your lungs, you have prepared your capillaries for normal oxygen exchange, you have cleansed your skin and opened its pores for normal breathing. This means that right now you can feel yourself no longer a pitiful sick creature, but a powerful natural force, a clot of living, powerful, moving energy, energy that can work miracles of health!

And finally, with MS it is especially important to stop engaging in self-destruction and achieve unity with nature.

Exercise "Great Breath"

Starting position: lie down on a hard surface, relax, strive to ensure that the position is comfortable. Breathe fully. Imagine that a vortex of prana is spinning around your body like a cocoon. You let this vortex through the skin into the body. If the skin is prepared and cleansed well, this will not cause you any difficulties. If there is a feeling that the prana vortex does not want to penetrate the skin, it means that it is necessary to intensively apply cold and heat treatment methods and energy massage of the skin.

If you have managed to achieve the sensation of the penetration of a vortex of prana through the skin into the body, feel how this vortex is spinning inside you, spiraling around all the muscles and bones, rushing from the legs to the head, then back. If you have achieved a real, and not an imaginary, sensation of energy moving in a spiral throughout your body, you can be congratulated on your great success!

The human body is penetrated by a network of meridians - channels through which nutrients move, life-giving energy circulates and everything that is necessary for life, there is a complete exchange of information between all internal organs.

Meridians perform such important functions as:

  • control of blood flow and vital energy,
  • harmonization of yin and yang,
  • revitalization of muscles and bones,
  • relief of joints.

According to ancient Eastern medicine, knowing the structural features of the meridian system, one can trace the paths of disease penetration into the body, its movement and the factors that cause the development of this disease. Along the meridian paths, diseases can be removed from the body, which is what Eastern medicine doctors have done since ancient times.

European medicine did not recognize the presence of meridians in humans for a long time. In 1986, at the Necker Institute in France, when technetium was introduced into biologically active points, trajectories were established on the human body, which completely coincided with the meridians described in ancient Chinese tracts (“Huangdi Neiqing” in the 5th-3rd centuries BC). This is how the existence of meridians (energy channels) was experimentally proven.

In ancient Eastern medicine, all internal organs are combined into organ systems; The meridians are also united into the meridian system, thanks to which our body works as a single whole.

There are a huge variety of meridians, Ancient Eastern medicine identifies 12 main ones:

  • Yin meridians correspond to organs that fill, store and process substances and energies in the body.
  • Yang - meridians correspond to hollow organs that perform the functions of excretion (removal) and metabolism.

Yin Yang:

  1. Lung meridian.
  2. Large intestine meridian.
  3. Meridian of the spleen and pancreas.
  4. Stomach meridian.
  5. Meridian of the heart.
  6. Meridian of the small intestine.
  7. Kidney meridian.
  8. Bladder meridian.
  9. Pericardial meridian.
  10. Meridian of three heaters.
  11. Gall Bladder Meridian.
  12. Liver meridian.

Meridians communicate with each other in a complex pattern, transferring energy from one to another. As a result of the coordinated work of the meridians, the required level of energy is maintained in a healthy body.

When we are sick, our illness is expressed either by an excess or lack of energy in one or several organs at once. If there is an excess of energy in an organ, then it is in the Yang state, and if there is a deficiency, then it is in the Yin state.

There is a large circle of energy circulation, along which the meridians, following each other in a certain order, form a closed system, which, by alternately stimulating each organ, ensures an even distribution of energy throughout the body.

If, for example, a channel is blocked in the area of ​​the limbs, then the movement of energy is hampered throughout the entire channel (remember from physics: when the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases...), and this leads to the fact that the organs do not receive enough energy. As a result, they do not work normally and do not perform their functions.

So, energy meridians of the human body play the most important role in the process of maintaining the health of the body. Unlike their Western colleagues, representatives of the East consider the processes occurring in the human body to be inextricably linked with the events that occur in the energy shell of the Universe. All pathological processes begin on the surface and eventually penetrate deeper. Therefore, if external influences are corrected in time, the very cause of the disease can be eliminated. What are energy meridians according to modern scientists?

The doctrine of biologically active points (BAP)

There are many theories that explain the processes occurring in the human body. One of the works on this topic belongs to V.D. Molostov, he explained the nature of BAPs and their connection with the meridians of the body. Scientists have long proven that all processes of information transmission in the body are electrical impulses that are generated and transmitted by nerve cells. In order to ensure the speed of conduction and minimize the impact of energy loss during the transmission process, the transmission force must be considerable. Partially, the excess remaining energy is absorbed by internal organs and tissues, but the remaining energy needs to be utilized.

It is for the release of excess energy that there are biologically active points - small areas on the body about 2 mm in size. It has been proven that the temperature in these areas of the body is slightly higher than that of the surrounding tissues. According to experts, this is due to the ability of these areas to transform excess energy into heat and, radiating it into the external environment, rid the body of excess energy. Eastern healers, not having modern capabilities, experimentally identified chains of such places on the human body and gave them the name - meridians.

Paired meridians

There are 12 main pairs, each of which has hours of greatest and least activity and is responsible for certain organ systems.

  • Lung meridian responsible for metabolism and respiration. Exercises control over the respiratory organs, such as the larynx, pharyngeal ring, and the trachea-bronchi system. Applying pressure to its points reduces breathing problems, lowers temperature, and helps with delayed or sharply decreased urination.
  • Large Intestine Meridian. Very closely related to the previous one, it is responsible for the function of excreting processed food from the human body. It is exposed to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, and disorders of the mucous membranes.
  • Stomach meridian is responsible for the most important energy organ of a person - the stomach. It is here that the main source of human energy, food, is received and processed. Disruption of this organ reduces the overall protective properties.
  • Spleen and pancreas meridian. These organs are responsible for moving food from the stomach and obtaining the maximum amount of substances beneficial to the body from the food bolus.
  • Heart meridian responsible for the functioning of the heart and the condition of the vascular system. He is in charge of such manifestations as thinking, emotions, and sensations. Disruption of its functioning leads to stress, which, in turn, entails cardiovascular problems.
  • Small Intestine Meridian. This organ is involved in the further process of digesting food; its cells absorb water from it. It forms a Yin-Yang pair to the heart meridian. Exposure to it has a positive effect on pain in the upper body: head, back of the neck, shoulder blades.
  • Bladder meridian. Responsible for the process of removing fluid from the body. Exposure to it is effective for spastic pain in the body. It is also indicated for skin diseases, disorders of various etiologies of the central nervous system, and headaches.
  • Kidney meridian. Its state determines the energy state of the entire organism. Supports the activity of tissues and organs in the human body that are responsible for growth, development and reproduction. Disruption of the flow of energy in this meridian leads to a state of increased nervousness, irritability, and sleep disturbances.
  • Pericardial meridian affects the cardiovascular system more broadly; in addition, the sexual nature of a person also falls within its sphere of influence. Supports the functioning of the heart meridian points and affects the nervous system of the body. By influencing its points you can improve the general condition of the nervous system.
  • Gall Bladder Meridian closely related to the liver meridian. Exposure to it helps with pain conditions such as pain in the forehead and temples, migraines, arthritis, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.
  • Liver Meridian. The liver is the "chemical laboratory" of the body. This is where the body's most important biochemical processes take place. The correct flow of energy in it contributes to the processes of preservation and self-renewal of the body. Improves the condition and quality of blood, the production of biologically active substances.

“Three heaters” is a meridian that does not relate to a specific system of organs and tissues of the body:

The latter is divided into three sections:

  • upper - includes organs located in the chest above the diaphragm;
  • middle - body organs located above the navel (stomach, spleen);
  • lower - kidneys, urinary organs, genitals.

The activity of its points affects the excitability of the central nervous system. It is used in cases of spastic and painful conditions.

In addition to the 12 main paired ones, some eastern systems distinguish two more unpaired meridians - anterior and posterior - and eight “wonderful ones”. But this is not the final idea of ​​the energy structure of the body. Some teachings name a much larger number, e.g. Yoga teachings have about 70,000 human meridians.

Chinese medicine has its roots in the depths of centuries. Thousands of years of experience in observing how the body works and how diseases manifest themselves allowed doctors back in ancient times to develop a special system of meridians - channels through which energy and blood move. These channels form a whole system of longitudinal and transverse communication paths passing deep into the human body and on its surface. The meridian system ensures the normal functioning of the body and the connection of its parts into a single whole. Disease enters the body through these pathways; the entire system of reflexology, acupuncture and other methods of influencing biologically active points is based on these channels.

Eastern medicine believes that every person has meridians, regardless of place of birth and skin color. But, unfortunately, reflexology is most often resorted to as a last resort when nothing from traditional medicine helps. This is a big mistake, because stimulation of biologically active points can not only get rid of the disease, but also eliminate its underlying cause. And, more importantly, prevent the disease, and we know that prevention is always better than cure.

There are a total of 12 meridians in the human body, each of which is associated with its corresponding internal organ. Each meridian (as well as its organ) is most active at certain 2 hours a day. After two hours, vital energy flows from one channel to another.

Knowing the location of the meridians, you can find different points on your body:

    relief from pain

    pressure regulation

    joint treatment

    appetite control

    relieving depression and increasing vitality

    improves bowel function and waste elimination

    boost immunity

And that's not all.

Knowing the location of the meridians on the body, you can influence them yourself. To do this, you can use very simple methods: linear and acupressure self-massage. Acupressure is pressing and stroking individual points with the pads of the thumb and forefinger.

Linear massage is performed along the meridian, stimulating the flow of energy. Massage techniques: stroking from the first to the last point of the meridian (with pressure or vibration of the fingertips), rubbing along the meridian, pinching and tapping.

So, you started the massage. The main task is to find pain points along the meridian and work on them. A pain point is a block to the free movement of energy that needs to be removed. With your index finger you press on the point, stimulate it, and with your thumb you stroke it and soothe it. The movements alternate until the pain dulls or disappears completely.

The video shows the location of the meridians on the body. If you pay attention to one meridian a day, massage it, find and relieve pain points, then you will soon feel how much better you feel. This is vital energy that began to move freely throughout your body. Your body will gratefully respond to these manipulations based on ancient knowledge.

Please note that some meridians run along the back, making them difficult to massage on your own. In this case, you can use the services of a professional massage therapist.

We wish you health and long life!

1. Bladder meridian, major yang

2. Stomach meridian, yang bright

3. Heart meridian, small yin

4. Lung meridian, big yin

5. Gallbladder meridian, small yang

6. Kidney meridian, small yin

7. Meridian of three heaters, small yang

8. Pericardial meridian, absolute yin

9. Liver meridian, absolute yin

10. Small intestine meridian, big yang



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