What can you give your dog if he is vomiting? Vomiting is an inconvenient symptom that requires special attention

If a dog owner notices that their dog is vomiting yellow foam, they begin to worry about how dangerous such a symptom could be.

Vomiting is not an independent disease.

This is a manifestation of digestive disorders caused by viral or infectious diseases, functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, or diseases that develop in the body when infected with helminths. Therefore, it is better not to treat vomiting separately. After all, eliminating symptoms will not cure, but will only complicate diagnosis.

Causes of foamy vomiting

First you need to figure out why your dog is vomiting yellow foam. The formation of foam is a natural process that occurs in the stomach of an animal. When the stomach is empty, the mucus that envelops it protects against the process of self-digestion. There is always a small amount of digestive juice present in it. High molecular weight polysaccharides and proteins, interacting with the oxygen that the dog swallows, form foam. It is colored yellowish by the remains of gastric juice. Therefore, if you leave cleaning up a puddle of vomit for later, you can see that over time the foam will simply settle and yellow water with mucus will remain.

Your pet may feel nauseous when he wants to eat or when a foreign object enters the stomach. Many people notice that dogs begin to vomit and how they greedily eat grass. This is an instinct that occurs when a feeling of heaviness or bloating occurs. This is how animals make it easier to cleanse the body.

What could be behind the vomiting?

The presence of yellow foam or mucus in the vomit may be a manifestation of a functional disorder in the digestive system. However, this symptom often occurs during the development of dangerous diseases. Animals, no less often than humans, suffer from indigestion and disorders of the pancreas and liver. Vomiting can be caused by infectious diseases, poisoning, and ingestion of inedible objects. But the problem is that dogs cannot tell their owners about their painful condition.

When treatment is not needed

  1. If the dog is hungry. When your dog vomits before eating every now and then in the morning, it may simply be getting rid of excess digestive juices. Prolonged hunger can cause nausea and vomiting, but if the pet’s well-being does not deteriorate, and such episodes occur quite rarely, then there is no reason for concern. Correcting your diet and diet will help you cope with the problem.
  2. When a pet swallows a foreign object. If the day before the dog accidentally swallowed a small pebble, fragment of a toy or bone, this can also cause a morning vomiting attack. Most often, the owners then find these foreign objects in a puddle on the floor.

It should be remembered that after the spontaneous release of inedible objects, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pet’s condition throughout the day. After all, he could have swallowed several fragments of bone or a toy, which could subsequently block the intestines.


In what situations is nausea a manifestation of disease?

  1. If vomiting occurs repeatedly and is accompanied by a deterioration in the dog’s well-being. Most often this manifests itself in the form of lack of appetite, depression, pain in the abdomen, and fever. The animal sits with its front legs spread wide apart. Similar symptoms are characteristic of viral and infectious hepatitis and acute cholecystitis. All these diseases require urgent treatment.
  2. In the chronic form of gastritis, frequent episodes of vomiting yellowish liquid are observed in the morning, before feeding. If vomiting associated with a feeling of hunger does not affect the dog's condition, then with the development of gastritis, appetite is lost, the dog behaves apathetically and lethargically. The animal can remain in this state for several weeks, as a result of which weakness only increases, the dog loses weight, and its coat becomes dull.
  3. Another cause of vomiting is helminth infection. Chronic intoxication of the body and a constant feeling of nausea develop. If a puppy gets sick and there are too many worms, he may die.
  4. A thorough diagnosis in a veterinary clinic is needed for those pets that vomit bile both before and after feeding. After all, this may be a symptom of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract or stomach ulcers.
  5. The most dangerous disease, which in the absence of timely treatment leads to death, is piroplasmosis in dogs. The main treachery of this pathology is that on the first day the animal only experiences vomiting, apathy and poor appetite. If the owner was not very attentive, the dog will die in a few days.
  6. In diseases of the gallbladder, bile reflux occurs, which irritates the gastric mucosa. The animal’s body gets rid of it, which is why attacks of nausea and vomiting occur so often with cholecystitis.

First aid

If a dog vomits yellow foam, not every owner knows what to do. If the contents of the vomit contain an admixture of bile, the owner needs to establish the causes of this symptom. This is very important, because if a pet suffers from diseases of viral or infectious origin, then only a visit to the clinic can save his life. There is only one situation where there is no problem: when the episode of nausea was a one-time episode, and then the dog continues to eat with appetite, behaves actively and radiates joy.

If your pet’s behavior changes, he loses interest in food and refuses to play, and bouts of vomiting recur, you should urgently consult a veterinarian. You shouldn’t feed your dog before leaving, but you can give him Smecta. Remember that vomiting is not a disease, but only a symptom. Therefore, it is impossible to independently help an animal sick with, for example, hepatitis.

If attacks of vomiting are systematically repeated every few weeks, this may indicate that the owners need to change the feeding regimen or type of food. Animals whose diet is based on concentrated feed more often suffer from gastritis compared to those pets that eat natural food.

Replacing concentrated foods with more natural ones will help to avoid problems with the functioning of the digestive system. Introducing fermented milk products into your pet’s diet and switching to fractional meals will help reduce the frequency of morning vomiting attacks.

Diagnosis and treatment of the animal

If vomiting does not stop within several hours, the dog's body begins to dehydrate. This condition is especially dangerous for puppies, who die from intoxication within one day.

Vomiting is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating it. The veterinarian will prescribe an examination - x-rays, ultrasound, general and biochemical blood tests, and then the necessary treatment.

For cholecystitis, the doctor will prescribe choleretic drugs. For chronic gastritis, in addition to antibiotics, the pet will need a diet that includes medicinal food. If worms are detected, the dog will be dewormed.

During and after treatment, your pet will have to go on a diet. When feeding natural food, chicken broth and boiled rice or buckwheat are ideal foods to start with. Five to six times a day, a sick dog is given a decoction of flax seeds and mint leaves.

The amount of food per serving is increased gradually. During the first week, fractional meals are used: the usual amount of food is divided into five to six meals. This reduces the load on the digestive tract and, if necessary, allows you to determine the cause of the disease.

Preventive measures

Most diseases occur due to improper care, feeding and training of the dog. In order not to provoke vomiting or diarrhea, it is important to follow recommendations from puppyhood that will preserve the health of your beloved pets:

  1. Do not allow picking up foreign objects on the street or rummaging through garbage heaps. The commands “Fu” and “No” should become law for the pet;
  2. carry out deworming in a timely manner;
  3. Vaccination is an important preventive measure against severe infections. It must begin from early puppyhood;
  4. owners must carefully ensure that the animal does not swallow a foreign object and do not give sharp bones;
  5. feed the dog only fresh food or dry food that is appropriate for its age;
  6. When walking, put a muzzle on a large dog. This accessory will help prevent the ingestion of toxic or spoiled substances.

Vomiting in dogs is considered the most common problem. Sometimes it arises spontaneously and absolutely, seemingly for no reason. What should a loving owner do if his dog is vomiting, why does the dog vomit, how to help his four-legged friend and what treatment does he need? Let's talk about this sensitive issue together!


What does vomiting mean?

Vomiting is a common symptom of many canine health problems. It is impossible to independently understand the causes of vomiting, to understand the causes and consequences of the unpleasant condition and to understand what to do next only a veterinarian can do. You should distinguish between vomiting against the background of a generally stable and satisfactory condition of the animal and against the background of a rapidly deteriorating general condition of the dog.

In the first case, you just need to carefully monitor your pet; most likely, his vomiting is sporadic and harmless. If the dog’s general condition leaves much to be desired, it is shaking and has no appetite, vomiting is a serious symptom that requires immediate action.

There is no need to worry if your dog’s vomiting is caused by overeating and occurs immediately after eating. Dogs are sometimes prone to overeating and do not always control their own satiety. Has your dog emptied not only his own bowl, but also his neighbor's or cat's, and then vomited? There is no need to fear for his health and nothing needs to be done. In addition, the dog gets sick from car trips. A sure sign that a dog is vomiting is reflexive twitching of the larynx, licking of the muzzle and profuse drooling.

Undigested food

Vomiting of undigested food after eating occurs in almost all pathological conditions or conditions where vomiting does not pose a serious threat to health. Let's just say that if a dog vomits for the first time, the vomit will definitely contain food residues. In rare cases, they may be absent if more than 5 hours have passed since the last meal. Here it is important to observe your pet whether the vomiting was an isolated incident or whether it continues with admixtures of foam or mucus.

The fact is that, perhaps, in this way the body simply got rid of an unwanted product or foreign object that the dog accidentally swallowed. In addition, undigested food returned back is a sure sign of overeating. Also, the dog vomits undigested food due to heat stroke or after motion sickness. Therefore, if you have a road trip, try not to give your dog food for at least three hours before the car event.

White foam

I would like to immediately say that vomiting white foam is an almost integral part of all gastrointestinal diseases. White foam in the vomit of an adult dog can tell us about gastritis (inflammation of the stomach walls). And also about gastroduodenitis (inflammation of not only the stomach, but also the duodenum) or pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). White foam when vomiting is nothing more than gastric juice mixed with saliva and “whipped” by peristaltic processes like a mixer. Vomiting white foam can be after vomiting undigested food when it “ends”.

Continuous vomiting of foam in a dog often indicates an obstruction. This is a very serious problem that requires prompt surgical intervention. The cause of obstruction can be any foreign object or bone in the segment from the esophagus to the small intestine.

In this case, the general condition of the dog will be very poor. While with the same gastritis, white foam released with vomit may be periodic and accompanied by a relatively stable condition of the dog. That is, the appetite may remain, although it may not be the same as that of a healthy animal.

White foam is especially dangerous for puppies. If a puppy vomits with impurities of white foam, this may indicate a helminthic infestation or viral enteritis. The latter disease is especially dangerous and can lead to the death of the pet. At the same time, viral enteritis does not exclude the presence of helminthic infestation in the puppy.

In addition, white foam in the vomit may also indicate diseases not associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Namely about kidney failure, diabetes, various neoplasms. The video below will further tell you about the possible causes of vomiting in your four-legged friend.


In general, vomiting can be described as the contents of the stomach being returned for a number of reasons. If bile appears in the vomit, we can say that the contents of the duodenum are also added to the contents of the stomach. Sometimes bile appears in the vomit if the animal vomits for a long time. Prolonged vomiting is generally characterized by the appearance of yellow mucus. By the way, bile does not always indicate problems with the dog’s liver; very often its appearance is provoked by the same gastritis, gastroduodenitis or pancreatitis.

It all depends on the severity of these inflammatory processes. But still, when finding out the reason why a dog is vomiting bile, liver problems should not be ruled out. Diagnoses such as cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts), cholangiohepatitis (inflammation in the bile ducts and liver) or hepatitis are in question. Only a veterinarian, preferably a gastroenterologist, can understand what exactly is happening to a dog that is vomiting bile.


Blood in vomit is somewhat less common than foam or bile. Vomiting of blood in a dog occurs in the case of severe gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum. If there was no treatment in the early stages of gastritis or it was incorrect, an ulcer or erosion may form and, as a result, vomiting of blood. In addition, veterinarians note that often blood in the vomit appears due to the dog being poisoned with anticoagulants, in particular rat poison.

Vomiting blood may also be detected in a dog that has been improperly treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, medications such as diclofenac, ibuprofen or aspirin are contraindicated for our four-legged friends. Some owners give the above medications at home, believing that if they are relatively safe for humans, they will also help their pet. This is not true, be careful, dogs taking medications that are safe for humans or failing to comply with the recommended doses of other medications can lead to serious ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Helping your dog vomit

What to do if your pet is vomiting? Remember that vomiting is not always a pathological process; very often it is a defensive reaction of the body that wants to get rid of an unwanted product or foreign object. In this case, your pet may not need treatment at all. But be that as it may, only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment. It is better not to self-medicate for vomiting that occurs several times in a row. Veterinarians insist that the same vomiting in a dog can in different cases indicate different pathologies.

Therefore, without gastroendoscopic examination, ultrasound and blood tests, it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. In addition, the doctor will usually assess the animal's general condition and analyze the nature and color of its vomit. And based on the comprehensive examination done, he decides what is best to give to your pet. The following is a video demonstrating endoscopy of a dog's stomach with biopsy.

Anti-vomiting medications

All antiemetics are usually divided into two types:

  1. Agents that enhance peristalsis. They affect the peristaltic processes in the digestive organs and ensure that food moves further through the digestive system instead of returning back. Good for when your dog is vomiting. The most well-known peristalsis enhancer that can be given to a dog is Metoclopramide.
  2. Drugs that affect the vomiting centers in the brain. Their principle is based on the fact that they suppress the activity of the vomiting center of the brain and must neutralize the urge to vomit, so to speak, at the “highest level.” Such drugs that can be given to your pet include Serenia and Ondasetron.

Video “Vomiting in Dogs”

The final video will once again tell us about vomiting in dogs, what to do if it occurs, and what treatment a sick pet requires.

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Any dog ​​owner, having noticed vomiting attacks in his four-legged friend, will be afraid for his health. Vomiting is a normal protective reaction of the body to irritating factors, so if your dog is vomiting, you need to take a close look at the contents of the stomach. When a dog vomits quite often (several times a week), this is a serious reason to visit a veterinarian.

Causes of vomiting in dogs

A dog's gag reflex can be caused by many reasons, but the most common are:

  • infectious diseases accompanied by increased body temperature and intoxication of the body;
  • poisoning by poor-quality food, medicines, chemicals;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • foreign bodies entering the dog’s body;
  • overfeeding your pet;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • severe stress;
  • heat stroke resulting from overheating in the sun or prolonged exposure to a stuffy room.

A single vomiting does not pose a serious threat to the health of the pet, but if the dog vomits too often, and various impurities are observed in the vomit, then such a reflex is considered pathological and requires immediate veterinary intervention.

Types of vomiting

Vomiting is not a disease of any kind, but is considered only a separate symptom for various disorders, both completely harmless to the dog’s life and those representing a severe pathological process.

The following types of vomiting may occur in dogs:

  • mixed with blood;
  • with white foam;
  • containing bile.

Vomiting blood

Bloody vomiting is a very dangerous condition that threatens the life of your pet. If scarlet and liquid blood is present in the vomit, the animal is most likely suffering from bleeding in the mouth, larynx or esophagus.

Brown blood indicates problems with the liver, the development of a cancerous tumor, kidney failure, or a foreign object (nails, sharp bone fragments) entering the stomach.

Sometimes bloody vomiting is the main symptom of infectious diseases such as hepatitis. Poisoning with rat poison or heavy metals can provoke the appearance of blood in the vomit.

Vomiting foam

When a pet vomits white foam, many owners begin to get scared and worry greatly about the animal. The presence of foamy inclusions in vomit is completely normal, as it is a protective reaction of the stomach to the production of gastric juice.

After food enters the main digestive organ, its walls begin to produce mucus. If the mucous film does not cover the walls of the stomach, hydrochloric acid will damage the organ. Mucus turns into foam when it interacts with air.

Rare cases of vomiting with foam are absolutely not dangerous to the dog’s health, but when such a symptom appears periodically, the pet has obvious digestive problems and the dog should be shown to a doctor.

Vomiting bile

It is almost impossible to independently determine the reasons for the appearance of bile in the vomit, since this symptom indicates many disorders and diseases of the dog’s body.

The most common causes of vomiting bile:

  • chronic stomach diseases, such as gastritis or ulcers;
  • infection of the dog with helminths;
  • infectious liver diseases;
  • overfeeding the animal.

The most dangerous causes of vomiting with bile are liver diseases and stomach ulcers, since in the absence of timely diagnosis it is very difficult to get rid of these pathologies. Only after carrying out the necessary tests and establishing the exact cause can you begin to treat the problem.

Vomiting accompanied by diarrhea

Vomiting in dogs often occurs along with indigestion (), general weakness of the body, and an increase in body temperature. These signs indicate that the dog is poisoned or infected with an infectious disease.

In such a situation, you should under no circumstances hesitate; any delay can provoke death in your pet (especially puppies). The dog needs to be taken to the vet immediately.

Vomiting and refusal to feed

In the case when a dog often vomits, it refuses food and it is impossible to force feed the animal. Such signs may be the cause of severe intoxication or an infectious disease. If the next day the vomiting has not stopped and the appetite has not returned, the pet is urgently shown to a specialist.

Vomiting after eating grass

Most dog owners have noticed more than once that the animal periodically eats grass on the street, after which the pet begins vomiting bile. There is nothing dangerous in this procedure; this is how dogs clean their stomachs.

If a dog begins to cleanse its body daily or 3-4 times a week, then the animal feels uncomfortable and something is bothering it. Frequent cleaning of the stomach indicates that the dog is either eating low-quality (fatty and spicy food).

The problem is solved simply: in case of helminthic infestations, the dog is dewormed, and if there is an excess of fat in the diet, the pet is transferred to a more dietary and proper diet.

First aid for a dog vomiting

When vomiting, first of all, you should never scold your pet, because the process of food mass leaving the stomach is uncontrollable. Vomiting is a cleansing of the body from various poisons and toxins, so it is forbidden to stop it on your own.

If the dog is wearing equipment in the form of a tight collar or muzzle, it must be removed, this will facilitate the process of vomiting.

In order to more accurately diagnose the disease, the owner must remember everything that happened to the animal (what he drank and ate, whether there was communication with other relatives) in great detail. You should also pay attention to factors such as:

Most symptoms (diarrhea, fever, vomiting) indicate the development of an acute infectious disease. Many diseases end in death, especially in puppies, young and old dogs, which means the help of a veterinarian is needed in the very near future.

How to help an animal with vomiting:

  1. Completely put the dog on a starvation diet (do not give food for 24 hours). Water also needs to be removed, but to prevent dehydration, offer the dog to lick ice or drink 2 teaspoons of water per 1 kg of animal weight throughout the day. If the urge to vomit is over, you can feed your pet some liquid food. The dog is kept on a diet diet for the next 2-3 days, then the normal menu is allowed back.
  2. If the cause of vomiting is a sudden change in diet, you should return to your dog’s usual feeding. The introduction of new food is carried out gradually and only by the end of the week the animal is completely transferred to the new food.
  3. If the cause of vomiting lies in eating grass, no assistance measures need to be taken. As soon as the dog’s body is cleansed of harmful substances, gastric emptying will stop.
  4. Vomiting that lasts for several days requires treatment only by a veterinarian.

After the cause of vomiting becomes known, the doctor will prescribe medications such as:

  • No-spa (eliminates spasms and pain in the stomach),
  • Omez (reduces acid production in the stomach),
  • Metoclopramide (acts on the vomiting center of the brain),
  • Smecta (relieves toxins and poisons).

If the animal is severely dehydrated, it will be necessary to replace the lost fluid with intravenous drips.

Important! Under no circumstances should you prescribe medications yourself!

Since an incorrectly calculated dosage of medications will lead to even greater poisoning of the body and increased vomiting. For the same reason, the use of any alternative medicine recipes is strictly prohibited.


Regardless of what caused the frequent vomiting, a sick animal needs a special diet.

  • After a 24-hour fast, the pet should be fed boiled rice (2 tablespoons of cereal every 2 hours during the day).
  • If vomiting no longer occurs, you can add boiled turkey or chicken (without skin) to the diet, and you can feed the dog with special medicated food.
  • After 3-4 days of the diet, you are allowed to return to your usual diet. Sometimes the diet needs to be followed for several months or even for life, depending on the diagnosis made by the veterinarian.

When to see a doctor

In many cases, vomiting in dogs goes away on its own, without the intervention of a veterinarian, but if certain symptoms appear, it is unsafe to delay a visit to the veterinarian.

Costs immediately Take your pet to the doctor if:

  1. There is an admixture of blood in the vomit.
  2. The urge is repeated after a short period of time.
  3. The animal urinated more frequently.
  4. Yellowing or blanching of the gums and mucous membranes of the eyes is observed.
  5. Excessive lethargy and weakness.
  6. Abdominal pain and bloating.
  7. Prolonged diarrhea or constipation.
  8. Feverish conditions.
  9. Cramps.
  10. Sharp weight loss.
  11. Complete refusal of food and water.

If you provide your pet with quality veterinary care in a timely manner, you can save the dog’s life, but unfortunately, most owners prefer to wait until the vomiting goes away on its own or try to help their pet using folk methods. Any self-medication is extremely dangerous for the dog’s health and can only hasten tragic consequences.

Diagnostics and examinations

At an appointment with a veterinarian, the animal owner must remember all the moments in the dog’s life that have happened to the pet in recent days. The accuracy of the diagnosis and the choice of effective treatment depend on this information.

The following methods will be required for diagnosis:

  • Clinical examination of the dog. The doctor will assess the general condition of the animal, listen to the heart rhythm, determine the nature of the mucous membranes, and measure the body temperature of the four-legged patient.
  • Anamnesis collection. The specialist will ask questions about the duration of vomiting, its nature and consistency, the presence of blood, bile or mucus.
  • Laboratory methods. Clinical and biochemical blood test, general urine test, stool examination.
  • Instrumental diagnostics. Includes ultrasound and endoscopic examination, fluoroscopy.

Depending on the cause that provoked vomiting, the doctor decides on the choice of treatment methods. If the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract is diagnosed, the animal will require surgical intervention, bacterial infections can only be treated with antimicrobial drugs, ulcers and gastritis require the use of antacids (preventing the formation of acid) agents.

If your dog is clearly overfed with heavy and fatty foods, the diet should be completely reconsidered.

The appearance of vomiting in dogs should definitely alert the owner of the animal, because if the illness recurs repeatedly, the pet may develop serious illnesses. Care and, above all, attentiveness of the owners can protect their four-legged friend from most of the serious consequences that arise from vomiting.

The dog is vomiting, why does this happen and how to solve the problem? Let's try to understand this issue. After all, many owners face a similar symptom.

Nausea and vomiting are scary, you don’t know what to do with the dog and how to help him. Should you immediately run to the vet, or can you wait? You will read the answers to all these questions below.


A dog can vomit for various reasons. Some conditions are completely natural and do not pose any danger. These are the so-called physiological ones. These include:

  • Overeating.
  • Vomiting hair.
  • Reflex to drugs.
  • Puppies spitting up.

Excess food has a negative effect. Many dogs do not know how to regulate the volume on their own and swallow everything they see on the plate. Then they burp back.

Owners should monitor the amount given to the dog. Hair vomiting is a normal bowel cleansing process and often occurs during the shedding season when the dog licks off more hair.

Burping food for puppies is an ancient feeding method common to almost all carnivores. Here are a few causes of nausea and vomiting that are not particularly dangerous but require routine monitoring and veterinary attention:

  • When driving in a car.
  • Single yellow.
  • When changing food.

If he gets sick in the car, try not to feed him too much, consult your veterinarian about what medications you can give before the trip.

The cause of yellow vomit is most often dry food and lack of water. You need to water the dog more, perhaps change the diet. If you give your dog a different food and he vomits, go back to the old one.

Introduce new food gradually. Contact your doctor immediately:

  • Repeated foamy vomiting.
  • The appearance of blood or bile.
  • Regular in the morning.
  • After an injury.


The dog becomes concentrated, hardly moves, licks his lips, swallows saliva. Then he burps, often with an unpleasant odor.

In most cases, after nausea, the dog vomits. The discharged masses may contain white foam. This is a sign of intestinal infection or poisoning. At the same time, the dog’s temperature may rise and diarrhea may appear.

It happens that dogs vomit unexpectedly, without nausea. This is a sign of problems with the central nervous system. Particular attention should be paid to this condition after an injury, with a cold or high temperature.

This may be a symptom of meningitis. Vomiting blood is a sign of intestinal bleeding. This is a dangerous condition, you need to immediately go to a doctor, or even better, call him at home.

Its cause may be a tumor, ulcer, or trauma to the stomach by a foreign body. The next day dark stool appears. If she starts to feel sick and vomit bile, then the problem is in the intestines.

This may be enterocolitis, intestinal obstruction, worms, mesenteric vein thrombosis. The condition also requires immediate assistance from a specialist. Nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting with an ammonia odor, is a sign of liver failure.

She appears more often in the morning. At first the attacks are sporadic, then they become more frequent. In acute poisoning with hepatotoxic poisons, it is repeated immediately.

If it smells like acetone, your dog may have diabetes. Putrid is characteristic of chronic problems with the intestines or gums.

First aid

We need to determine the reason, we have already talked about this. The owner cannot always do this on his own; he needs the help of a specialist.

If it is abundant and foamy, you should give it something to drink and take it to the doctor. When a dog vomits food, you need to reconsider its diet and portion sizes. When you are sure that you are feeding your dog properly, go to the vet.

This symptom can be caused by a stomach tumor or pyloric stenosis. If the dog vomits blood, leave the dog alone and immediately call an emergency veterinarian. If you suspect central vomiting, try to get your dog to the clinic as quickly as possible.

With meningitis and injuries, the condition develops acutely. When vomiting occurs every few weeks and then becomes more frequent, it may be a sign of a brain tumor.

The pathology requires serious intervention, and in many cases the dog cannot be saved. When a dog feels sick and vomits, the owner must carefully monitor him so as not to miss an illness that requires immediate treatment.

A gag reflex in dogs is a sign of poisoning or a serious illness. To determine the cause, it is necessary to study the structure and nature of the erupted masses. From them one can understand the factor that provoked this process.

Vomiting foam or mucus

One-time vomiting without other symptoms: fever, diarrhea and lethargy indicates a normal situation and is not associated with pathology. appears after eating, when bile remains in the stomach. To prevent self-digestion, the body produces mucus, along with which the contents come out. When you inhale, air ends up in the stomach, the mucus turns into foam, which comes out during vomiting. However, when, in addition to it, other inclusions, yellow, green and brown, are present in the vomit, this is a signal of the presence of pathology.

The appearance of erupted masses with this color indicates the presence of bile in them, entering the stomach from the intestines. The reason for this is a malfunction of the gallbladder or duodenum. The presence of bile irritates the stomach and triggers the gag reflex to clear it. Sometimes this indicates the presence of a pathology or disease in the body:

Green vomit

The appearance of green vomit indicates that intestinal contents have entered the stomach. The cause of this may be intestinal obstruction or an excessive amount of bile secreted. Sometimes the reason is the presence of helminths or infectious diseases.

When the vomit is mucus with green inclusions, this means that the pet has eaten grass. This is a normal seasonal phenomenon.

The appearance indicates blood entering the stomach, where it interacted with gastric juice. The reason for this is bleeding in the duodenum, gastric ulcer, liver pathology, renal failure, or malignant and benign formations. Sharp foreign bodies entering the stomach can damage its walls. Infectious diseases are characterized by fever, intestinal upset and lethargy of the pet. For treatment, the veterinarian makes a diagnosis based on examination, test results and hardware diagnostic readings.


First, to eliminate vomiting, the pet is prescribed a starvation diet for 24 hours, food and drink. After 3 days, the diet contains light and low-fat foods, and to stabilize the stomach, the child is fed Hills food for 12 days and is gradually switched to regular food. The use of medications depends on the cause of vomiting:

  • for helminthic infestation, anthelmintic drugs are prescribed: Pratel, Prazicide, Alben;
  • if the cause is infectious diseases, titrated antibiotics are used, those to which the pathogen is sensitive;
  • to eliminate intoxication due to poisoning, absorbents are prescribed: Smecta, Polysorb, Enetrosgel or activated carbon;
  • Helps relieve pain: No-shpa, Drotaverine;
  • Omez is used to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach;
  • stop incessant vomiting with Cerucal;
  • to prevent dehydration, droppers are placed: Glucose, saline solution, Ringer-Locke solution;
  • To support immunity, immunomodulators are used: Mexidol, Glycopin, Fosprenil.



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