How can I replace duphaston with a cheaper one? Negative impact of "Ingesta"

Duphaston is a medicine, a substitute for natural progesterone (the main active ingredient is dydrogesterone).

The drug is prescribed for a deficiency of the specified female hormone (regardless of the cause of the problem). Duphaston selectively affects the endometrium, does not affect metabolism, and does not affect liver function.

Indications for use of the drug

  • endometriosis (abnormal growth epithelial tissue lining inner surface uterus);
  • infertility caused by a deficiency of progesterone in the body;
  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • uterine bleeding.

The release form of Duphaston is tablets (10 mg). The cost of the product ranges from 491 to 671 rubles. Take the medicine orally in a dosage determined by your doctor.

Taking the drug is associated with a number of side effects - migraines, minor disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, general malaise, jaundice skin, systemic and local allergic reactions.

Despite this, Duphaston is rightfully recognized as one of the safest and most accessible (albeit expensive) drugs in its pharmacological group.

Please note: when individual intolerance patients individual components Duphaston, there is a need to select a drug - an analogue with similar clinical properties.

How to replace medicine

Pharmacies sell cheaper medications - analogues of Duphaston made in Russia and abroad.

Domestic analogues

Let's consider effective domestic medicines.


The average cost is 578 rubles. A hormonal drug, the main task of which is to create the maximum comfortable conditions for the maturation of a fertilized egg.

Release form - solution in ampoules, intended for intramuscular injection.


Price from 450 rubles. A synthetic substitute for the female hormone progesterone, has a positive effect on the structure of the endometrium and reduces the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. Available in tablets.


Most cheap analogue Duphaston, his price at the pharmacy - from 95 rubles. The main component is progesterone. The drug is prescribed to patients with amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, and infertility.

Foreign substitutes

Duphaston analogues of foreign production.


From 300 rubles/pack. The most accurate, cheaper “copy” of the study drug is produced in Belgium. Available in the form of capsules, suppositories, and used orally and intravaginally.

Despite the moderate cost, Utrozhestan is inferior in popularity to Duphaston due to wide range side effects.

Thus, with regular use of the medicine, patients may experience dizziness, increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, general malaise.

Reviews about the drug are as follows.


Price at the pharmacy - from 381 rubles/pack. The drug is a joint production of France and Italy. Refers to drug group gestagens. Good clinical effect demonstrates in the treatment of endometriosis, in the fight against PMS, mastopathy. Iprozhin is prescribed to patients who are about to undergo an IVF procedure (to prepare the uterus for bearing a fetus).


From 2565 rubles. Effective gel British and German production. Used intravaginally, it provides additional “release” of the vaginal mucosa of the hormone progesterone.


From 325 rubles. Indian capsules based on progesterone, soy lecithin and peanut butter. Effective and safe analogue Duphaston.


An expensive American analogue of Duphaston (from 2,700 rubles) based on megestrol, available in tablets. Belongs to the medicinal group of gestagens, demonstrates good clinical effect in the fight against endometrial cancer and anorexia.

Selection criteria

Absolutely identical in composition and properties to Duphaston pharmaceutical drugs does not exist.

Infertility is dangerous diagnosis and a terrible sentence for every woman who sees her future in happy motherhood. When treating this disease, in some cases the question arises, what can replace Duphaston, but what is this connected with?

The essence of the problem

Before we talk about correction hormonal pattern treatment, it is necessary to recall that Duphaston has virtually no contraindications, and is approved for use by all women with the exception of patients with increased intolerance to the active components. Such cases are extremely rare, but nevertheless, in obstetric practice they have been recorded more than once. In addition, it is worth noting that this particular drug does not always help in the treatment of infertility; for example, six-month therapy with low effectiveness requires immediate correction.

If the problem is ovulation or its complete absence, then the female body needs additional progesterone, which is produced in Not sufficient quantity. That is why it is necessary to additionally take Duphaston or another analogue for a timely resolution hormonal levels, menstrual cycle and successful ovulation.

Worthy analogue

Many patients ask the standard question: is it possible to replace Duphaston with Utrozhestan? Most often, the answer is yes, since the characteristic medication has a similar composition, pharmacological effects to the site of pathology. But what is known about this medicine? Unlike Duphaston, progesterone in chemical formula not synthesized, but presented in in kind, which increases the chances of successful conception.

The use of a typical medication is appropriate not only in obstetrics, but also in modern gynecology, and among the indications are not only diagnosed infertility, but also others no less dangerous diseases. Among these are the following:

  • threat and prevention of miscarriage;
  • menopause and climatic syndrome;
  • mastopathy of the mammary glands;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • disrupted menstrual cycle;
  • endometriosis and its prevention;
  • prevention of uterine fibroids.

Contraindications and side effects

Utrozhestan has a gentle effect on the female body, and among the contraindications the instructions indicate increased sensitivity and lactation period. It is also not recommended to take the drug if you are prone to uterine bleeding, if there is suspicion of malignant neoplasms, as well as in case of impaired blood clotting. This is where the list of restrictions ends, but side effects occur quite often, and on numerous online sites, patients reflect in detail all their dissatisfaction with such a prescription.

Most often, anomalies prevail at the very beginning of use, when the body is just getting used to an additional source of progesterone, and is not always ready for such radical changes. Doctors identify the following anomalies that progress in particularly weakened organic resources:

  • frequent dizziness, less often - fainting;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • nervous excitement;
  • skin rash;
  • attacks of headache, migraine;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • hives and itching;
  • passivity and decline in performance;
  • absent-minded attention;
  • signs of dyspepsia;
  • depressed state.

If characteristic anomalies occur, there is no need to rush to discontinue the drug; perhaps a dose adjustment is sufficient to achieve positive dynamics of the disease. Otherwise, a replacement will be required, and the effect of the new analogue in the body is most unpredictable.

Directions for use and doses

given medical drug is available in the form of capsules intended for oral and vaginal use. One pill contains 100 mg of natural progesterone, but the method of use is determined by the treating gynecologist individually.

In order to prevent a particular diagnosis, the specialist recommends internal reception hormone, and it is very important to maintain the prescribed daily standards. If this is a treatment for diagnosed infertility, then doctors also stop at oral administration Utrozhestan. But to maintain a pregnancy when there is a threat of miscarriage, it is preferable vaginal use capsules, but taking it internally as a complex will also not hurt.

Utrozhestan has a lot of advantages, and such advantages are difficult to deny. For example, in case of early toxicosis of a pregnant woman, it is better to insert capsules vaginally, and therapeutic effect identical. Besides, sedative effect has a positive effect on the excited nervous system, and progesterone also helps eliminate stagnation in the female body.

It is very important that the drug corresponds to the expiration date, and is prescribed by a doctor, and not by a friend following her example. The effectiveness is noticeable after 2 - 3 months of regular use, however, each patient has her own individual characteristics treatment.

Other analogues

If the drug Duphaston is suitable according to indications, but contraindications limit its systematic use, then in addition to the hormonal drug Utrozhestan, there are other sensational analogues that are also effective in the presented conditions. clinical pictures. But what kind of medications are we talking about?

Most often these are names such as Utrozhestan and Prajistan, which are considered a worthy alternative with a sufficient amount of synthetic progesterone necessary to correct the menstrual cycle, hormonal levels and ensure successful conception. These drugs are patented in Russia and are widely used in gynecological and obstetric practice, show a stable therapeutic effect even in seemingly hopeless clinical situations.

If the medication Duphaston is not suitable, the patient should not engage in superficial self-medication, since the underlying disease will still not see positive dynamics. First of all, you need to contact a specialist, and then clinically will select the most effective replacement, a worthy analogue. There is no complete analogue of typical medications, and it is important not to forget about this when adjusting the treatment regimen.

It only remains to add that all the medications presented are hormonal based, that is, they have a direct effect on hormonal levels. That is why you should not rule out such anomalies as unexpected weight gain or increased body hair. It is important to note this question in order to keep it in shape and presentable. appearance. However, such cases are very rare, so the patient may not worry about common fears in terms of taking “hormones”.

If use is strictly contraindicated hormonal drug Only your attending physician, a gynecologist, can tell you how to replace this prescription with Duphaston. If such a replacement is required during pregnancy to preserve its viability, then it should definitely be the drug Utrozhestan, available without an additional prescription. A typical drug can be taken orally and vaginally, which will significantly enhance the desired therapeutic effect.

Most patients need long-term use medicines, sometimes it is not possible to buy the drug in sufficient quantities to pass full course, which forces them to look for cheap analogues of Duphaston. But are there any? And if so, how do they correspond to the prescribed remedy?

Duphaston- a drug common in gynecological practice, containing a synthetic analogue of progesterone (the hormone responsible for normal course pregnancy) and used for:

  • endometriosis;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea);
  • infertility resulting from luteal insufficiency;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • menopause or similar disorders of the female reproductive system as a means of replacement therapy;
  • premenstrual syndrome.
Now we will try to answer these and some other questions, and at the same time select a worthy replacement that meets all necessary requirements and providing therapeutic results that are no different from the original.

Selection criteria

Analogues of the drug Duphaston should not only differ from it in price (downwards), but also have the same spectrum therapeutic activity(treat for the same or most of the diseases specified in the instructions for its use). However, they may not be absolutely identical and may not contain the same active ingredient. Therefore, when reviewing medicines, we will divide them into two conditional groups.

Necessary warning: all of the “Duphaston substitutes” listed below, despite the fact that data from reliable sources were used in their search, in no case replace the recommendations of the attending physician or cancel his prescriptions. And therefore, if it is necessary to change the drug to one of those provided in this article (except for specified cases), we strongly recommend notifying a specialist and undergoing additional consultation in order to prevent the occurrence of possible complications.

Identical drugs

Complete analogues of Duphaston are:
  • Duphaston;
  • Dydrogesterone.
Both drugs differ from the original only in name and contain the same active ingredient - dydrogesterone, which means that their action, indications and contraindications are completely identical. These drugs are something that can replace Duphaston without any health hazard. But even despite these qualities, each of them has its own characteristics that are important for potential buyers.

Duphaston: most likely this drug was just released a little later than the other pharmaceutical company. The only possible difference from the fixed asset is the price, which can be either lower or higher (depending on the place of sale). Possible differences: minor differences in additional components.

Dydrogesterone: active component of a fixed asset in pure form. The most complete and reliable analogue of tablets, and its price is several times lower than that of Duphaston. However, do not rush to rejoice: it is so rare in pharmacies that it is almost impossible to find it. This is especially true for small towns in remote regions. As for the additional components, their list is minimal and, most likely, they serve only to form the dosage form.

Means with similar effects

This group includes drugs containing active ingredients, similar to progesterone. All of them can be used to treat diseases listed in the indications for Duphaston.

Utrozhestan(Utrogestan) is an analogue of Duphaston from Thailand, which as an active component contains natural micronized progesterone obtained from volunteers or animals. Hence - more high efficiency and a relatively low probability of occurrence allergic reactions(hormones do not contain an antigenic structure and act equally well in various types animals). However, the drug is contraindicated for bleeding from birth canal women unknown origin and may cause drowsiness, which is why it is contraindicated for those who are busy active species activities or driving vehicles.

Progesterone(Progesterone) - Russian analogue Duphaston, which contains a gestagen hormone corpus luteum. Despite the obvious difference in the active component, it is used in the same cases as the main drug. A significant difference - the latter is produced exclusively in dosage form For injection, which makes it somewhat difficult independent use, which allows it to be used in a hospital setting. But on the other hand, it leads to achieving a therapeutic effect much faster than tablet forms and, as a result, can become the drug of choice for especially severe forms spontaneous abortion.

What do we have

Small list available analogues, which may still provide some choice for buyers:
  • Duphaston;
  • Dydrogesterone;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Progesterone.
In fact, no matter what Duphaston analogue a woman takes during pregnancy, if its further course depends on the drug, the only important thing becomes that the price of the Duphaston analogue is several points cheaper than the original. Only because of this, the majority of average patients will be able to afford long-term therapy and raise a new full-fledged member of our society.

During pregnancy, a woman goes through a difficult period, which requires careful attention to her health and the health of the unborn baby. Starting from the birth of a new life and ending with the birth of a child, the expectant mother has to take various medications. For successful gestation and a favorable pregnancy, duphaston is often prescribed, which has an excellent healing effect and restores hormonal balance. However, this drug is not always available in pharmacies, and its cost may not be affordable for some. Is there an analogue of duphaston among modern medications?

Duphaston is one of the most common drugs used to treat gynecological diseases. The main substance is an artificial hormone, similar to natural progesterone, which is necessary for successful. It normalizes hormone levels and promotes coordinated work female body while carrying a child.

Not in all cases, the duphaston substitute contains identical active components; they may differ slightly, but the therapeutic effect should apply to the same diseases that are treated with duphaston.

Therefore the search worthy replacement this drug should be based not only on the full compliance of the main active ingredient, but also on the similar nature of the therapeutic effect.

The first group of duphaston analogues includes drugs with absolutely identical active substance, dydrogesterone. They are sold in pharmacies under the names Dydrogesterone and Duphaston, with completely identical indications and medicinal effects. They can be used as a complete replacement for duphaston. In addition, each of them is an analogue of duphaston, several times cheaper than the original itself.

  • Duphaston

When comparing two drugs - duphaston and duphaston, many wonder what is the difference between these two drugs? According to the latest data, these two drugs are interchangeable, absolutely identical in composition and dosage, but are produced by different manufacturers. In Russia, this drug is officially registered as duphaston, and in Ukraine - duphaston. Therefore the name medicine most often depends on the place of sale. Regarding therapeutic dosage, then these two medications cannot be taken at the same time, as there is a risk of overdose.

  • Dydrogesterone

Another identical drug is dydrogesterone, which is the main active substance of duphaston. This component is available in its pure form as independent drug, therefore its cost can be many times lower than the cost of the duphaston itself. Pure dydrogesterone - complete analogue duphaston during pregnancy, which is prescribed by the doctor as an identical replacement for the main drug. The only drawback of dydrogesterone is that it is not always available in pharmacies.

Another group of drugs, which are a similar replacement, may have different active substances, but they are united by similar medicinal effect and the same indications for use. If it is not possible to purchase duphaston, analogues, cheaper and no less effective, can completely replace this drug.

  • Utrozhestan

As a result of recent medical developments, a drug has been released that has properties similar to duphaston. Each of these medications contains progesterone, a female hormone. The difference is that this hormone in duphaston is of artificial origin, while the drug utrozhestan uses natural progesterone of natural origin. This contributes to better tolerability of the drug due to the absence of allergies to the components of the drug. However there is certain contraindications because of sedative effect, so it is better not to be taken by those who lead active work. The advantage of utrogestan is also quite low price compared to duphaston.

  • Progesterone

Indications for the use of progesterone, which contains the main substance gestagen, almost completely coincide with the use of duphaston. This drug differs in its release form - not in tablets, like duphaston, but in the form of an injection solution. Because of this independent use progesterone may cause certain difficulties, so its use is only possible with the help of a qualified medical personnel. In addition, in some cases, a hormonal drug in tablets or capsules may not be absorbed well enough through the intestines, so the doctor may prescribe a course of injections. Taking progesterone in the form of injections helps achieve the desired result in short term, which makes it very effective in critical cases. Compared to the price of the drug duphaston, the analogue is several times cheaper, but it has the same medicinal effect.

  • Ingesta

A worthy replacement for the drug duphaston - an analogue in the main therapeutic effect, the drug ingesta. This medicine comes in the form liquid solution in ampoules intended for injection. According to the instructions, as active substance progesterone appears, with some additional components. Indications for taking Ingesta include menstrual cycle disorders, infertility, difficulties in bearing a fetus and other disorders. reproductive system, for the treatment of which duphaston is also used.

A comparison of duphaston with each of its analogues shows that when long-term therapy a woman can use one of these medications with a similar effect. This allows for significant cost savings, especially when long-term treatment. It should be remembered that a full replacement of each medicinal product should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

Hello friends! Today I will continue the topic hormonal drugs, and I’ll tell you what duphaston analogues have , and how they differ.

Before talking about analogues, let me note that this medicine has a whole.

Therefore, search existing analogues- a reasonable move for both the attending physician and the patient.

However, it is also worth paying attention to this fact...

Duphaston analogues

From the previous article you already know that the main active ingredient is dydrogesterone, and this is an analogue of natural progesterone.

Therefore, if we talk about the availability of drugs with the same active ingredient, then today there are no such analogues in pharmacies.

In other words, the substance dydrogesterone has its own original differences from progesterone. Main advantage - To achieve the same effect, you need ten times less dosage .

However, if we still talk about what analogues duphaston has, although somewhat conditional, it is worth noting that recently in clinical practice began to use the product with the main active ingredient, which is natural micronized progesterone.

In Russia it is patented as:

  • Prajeesan,
  • Utrozhestan.

As it turned out, he became a great alternative natural and synthetic progesterones.

Hormone, it is obtained from herbal ingredients, and it itself has antiandrogenic properties. This means he is suppressing side effects oxytocin, causing uterine hypertonicity.

Also, one of the most concerning issues for women is the risk of weight gain when treated with hormones.

So, neither Utrozhestan nor Prajisan can cause obesity. On the contrary, they contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

Do you get better from duphaston?

There is a clear answer to this question: reception of this medication has no effect on extra pounds. Why then do many women complain about weight gain? Let's think logically...

Significant weight gain occurs in most women after the cessation of the menstrual cycle, when the genitals stop producing female hormones, including progesterone.

And the annotation says that dydrogesterone stimulates metabolic processes, rather than suppressing them. So, do all women who take it get better from duphaston? Definitely not.

Yes, it is an obvious fact that during the period of hormonal restoration, when treated with this drug, appetite sharply increases.

And, if you consider that in most cases it is prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage, that is, the patient is prescribed strict bed rest, - the effect will not be long in coming.

But, if you quell your appetite and dose wisely physical activity, extra pounds easy to avoid. I specifically studied a lot of negative reviews, and here are the conclusions I made.

Duphaston negative reviews

The situation is such that reviews can be found both positive and negative. There is no advantage in one way or the other. Half of the women are satisfied with the results of treatment, and note the effectiveness of the medication, as well as how additional effect, improvement of skin condition.

But there is also something about duphaston negative reviews, which are much more diverse. Having studied them carefully, I tried to systematize the complaints. It turns out this picture:

Quite a lot of women consider the cost of the medicine to be a disadvantage, about which you can learn more in the following article. Other disadvantages include:

  1. Sleep disturbance
  2. Morning swelling,
  3. Malaise and headaches,
  4. Attacks of chills and fever,
  5. Digestive problems
  6. Tachycardia,
  7. Excessive appetite
  8. Increase in unwanted hair growth.

I hope the article is about what duphaston analogues, as well as the feedback and opinions it received from people, helped you learn more.



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