Get pregnant quickly after approx. Pregnancy after long-term use of coc

When pregnancy occurs after stopping OC, how many months do you need to wait, what is the norm? By OK, as many have already guessed, we mean oral contraceptives. Tablets against unwanted pregnancy, which by changing hormonal levels prevent its onset. But in addition to the contraceptive function, pills are often used as a means of treating mild forms of infertility. The fact is that the likelihood of getting pregnant after withdrawal contraceptive drugs increases, this is called rebound effect.

But is it safe? Perhaps for the health of the child it is necessary to refrain from conceiving for 1-2 cycles after stopping the drug. No, if pregnancy is in your short-term plans, then this should not be done. Planning a pregnancy after OC should begin immediately. This is not at all dangerous for the child, since the drugs do not cause any harm, toxic effects on the body. And their hormonal effects ends with the end of their intake, that is, before menstruation.

After menstruation, a new cycle begins. Since the pills are not taken, ovulation is certain to occur. By the way, pregnancy in the first cycle after stopping oral contraceptives in the case of regular sexual activity is very likely, since the ovaries rested while taking the drugs. Exists huge probability that the cycle will not be anovulatory.

If pregnancy does not work out immediately after stopping the OC, it is not a problem. Some people don’t get pregnant for a year. But in this case it’s hardly worth waiting for more. Probably, the OK problems have not been solved and an examination is necessary. And sometimes pregnancy does not occur for a very long time, while both partners are healthy. This kind of infertility is not uncommon. Usually the IVF procedure helps in this case.

It’s clear about pregnancy after stopping OCs, but what to do if conception occurred directly while taking hormonal pills? Is it necessary to terminate such a pregnancy? Of course, oral contraceptives are very reliable, but sometimes conception is possible even against their background. For example, if a pill is missed or taken in parallel with contraceptives medicines, which reduced their effectiveness. Usually, a woman finds out about pregnancy when her period does not begin after finishing a package of pills. Doctors recommend new packaging, of course, don't start. If you plan to continue the pregnancy, no special examinations will be required. A woman is prescribed folic acid to prevent neural tube pathologies in a child. And at 12 weeks, blood is donated to check for the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities and an ultrasound is performed.

The vast majority of all women taking birth control pills still plan to become pregnant in the future, and possibly more than once. Therefore, the question of the likelihood of conceiving a child after stopping OCs arises quite often. And maybe more than one: is it possible to get pregnant after birth control pills, how quickly, what are the chances, risks, nuances, and so on?..

In the instructions, probably, for any modern oral contraceptive you will find a notice that pregnancy is possible in the next cycle after stopping the pills. But everything is not so clear...

In general, there is a rather peculiar connection between birth control pills and pregnancy, because various hormonal contraceptives are taken both to prevent probable conception, and vice versa - speed it up.

The active ingredients of the contraceptive drug inhibit the functions of the ovaries, and they temporarily stop ovulating. The ovaries can remain in this dormant state for quite a long time, but after discontinuation of oral contraceptives they gradually recover and often work with double zeal, which gynecologists use for some forms of infertility. That is, in some cases when a woman fails to get pregnant, she may be prescribed birth control pills. Usually the course is 2-4 months, and immediately after stopping the OC, pregnancy occurs in most cases. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out several such courses: 3 months of taking pills - 2 months break. A similar approach (the so-called rebound effect) helps to renew.

But for contraceptive purposes, we take pills for much longer than several months. Does the duration of use affect hormonal drugs the possibility of getting pregnant in the future? Different experts answer this question differently.

Some assure that there is no such connection: no matter how long you took OCs, conception can occur if the woman is healthy. But others are not so optimistic and warn that this likelihood decreases with age, especially if birth control has been taken for several years without interruption. Proponents of this position argue that the longer hormones are taken and the older the woman, the more long period required to restore all reproductive functions in case of discontinuation of OC. After 22-23 years - several months, after 30 - a year or more, after 35 - it may take several years.

That is why gynecologists advise, firstly, not to delay pregnancy - everything has its time, and secondly, to monitor your health and prevent the development of chronic inflammatory processes, thirdly, take breaks when taking oral contraceptives. Approximate schedule: 2-3 months break after each full year of taking the drug.

When a woman taking birth control pills decides to have a child, this can happen in the months following its discontinuation. By the way, in any case, you must finish the package you start, otherwise the risk of hormonal disorders increases.

During the first three months after stopping the OC, there are quite high chances of pregnancy, and if this happens, don’t worry, your previous contraception will not affect the baby’s development in any way (even a pregnancy that began while taking the OC develops safely). But doctors advise waiting for some time, giving the ovaries the opportunity to fully recover and pass during the break. Often it is diseases and disorders that are an obstacle to the happiness of motherhood, and not birth control pills.

If the desired pregnancy is within a year and a half or more after stopping hormones, then you will need the help of infertility specialists. Your pregnancy may need to be induced. Don't delay this. Pass necessary research and - and everything will work out for you!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

IN modern world The woman's life changed radically. If earlier scheme was the same - school, university, marriage, child, but now girls strive to first build a career, acquire some kind of status in the field of their specialty, and only after that give birth to a child. Therefore, young couples often use contraception during sexual activity. hormonal pills. Latest tools This type is considered practically safe for health.

Popularity hormonal contraceptives due to their high reliability. When taking them, pregnancy occurs extremely rarely, in cases that will be discussed below.

Impact of contraceptives

If the planned period of expecting a baby is approaching, mothers are interested in the question: when can you get pregnant after taking birth control pills? This directly depends on the type of medications taken, on the health of the woman who wants to give birth to a child, and her age. Majority modern tablets allow you to get pregnant approximately in the third or fourth month after their discontinuation. For other questions, you should listen to your doctor’s recommendations.

Hormonal (oral) contraceptives work using estrogen and progestin. Thanks to this protective agent, a woman loses the ability to ovulate; the egg does not leave the ovary into the fallopian tube. Second protective effect The drug consists of changing the structure of the endometrium in such a way that the egg would not be able to attach to it, even if it appeared in the uterus in a fertilized state.

Added to all the obstacles is the thickening and increase in volume of the mucous layer of the cervix, which prevents sperm from penetrating inside. It turns out that there is a triple barrier on the way of a sperm capable of fertilizing an egg. This protection applies if a woman takes birth control pills without deviating from the regimen indicated in the instructions, without missing a single dose of the drug.

OK drugs have side effects:

  • Some women may experience headaches and nausea.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen often intensifies when menstruation begins, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Possibly decreased libido.
  • Body weight may increase.
  • Women with sensitive nervous system are at risk of mental disorders.
  • May intensify vascular problems, the risk of thrombosis increases.

Contraindications to contraception with OCs are hypertension, oncological problems, diabetes mellitus. Experts do not recommend using birth control oral medications for long periods of time for women over 35 years of age, especially smokers. As scientists have found, the older the woman, the less likely she is to become pregnant after taking birth control pills. If an elderly woman decides to use OCs, she should first consult a doctor.

The ability to bear children after stopping contraception is usually restored immediately or within several months.

If a woman cancels contraception and waits for pregnancy, but it does not occur, expectant mother The question is: how long after birth control pills can you get pregnant? How much time should pass before sounding the alarm? How to get pregnant quickly after stopping the pills? This issue will be discussed below.

Rebound effect

Doctors sometimes prescribe birth control pills to women who seek help when they are sexually active but unable to conceive.

To influence the situation, the doctor recommends taking pills for 2-3 months, followed by stopping the use of oral contraceptives (OCs). Treatment is carried out under supervision. This method is called the rebound effect. Suppressing production female hormones OK - Yarina, Janine and others, when you stop taking them, they cause a release of hormones. The ovaries begin to function intensively. Pregnancy often occurs within a couple of months.

It is important to always remember that such treatment cannot be carried out independently, without the supervision of a gynecologist. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to your health.

Problems after completing the course OK

The individual health characteristics of a particular woman influence the fact that problems may arise after stopping birth control pills:

Therefore protection hormonal medications not suitable for all women.

Planning for conception

The problem is how to quickly get pregnant after taking birth control pills for young women with good health unknown. Pregnancy overtakes them very quickly, in the coming months. This is especially true for girls age category from 20 to 30 years. But in order for a strong, healthy baby to be born, experts suggest following several rules for not using oral contraceptives:

  1. It is expected to bring the current course of using birth control pills to its logical conclusion, adhering to the OK regimen. That is, it is necessary to last pill drink medicine from an open package. If you stop using contraceptives halfway through the course, bleeding from the uterus may begin. Pain in the lower abdomen may appear during menstruation, and the cycle may be disrupted. For restoration reproductive function it will take much longer than in the case phasing out contraception, as recommended by the gynecologist.
  2. After cancellation OK full recovery menstrual cycle in a woman it occurs within 2–4 months. If menstruation does not occur during this period, it is recommended to use a pregnancy test to determine whether conception has occurred prematurely. After all, mechanical contraceptives are not as reliable as hormonal ones, and pregnancy occurs quickly after birth control pills. If in any doubt, you should visit a gynecologist. When ovulation occurs in strict periodicity on a certain day of the cycle, the time has come to conceive a child.
  3. Before a planned pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination. Some doctors can be visited during the period when the gradual abolition of contraceptives occurs. If, after completing OK contraception, conception does not occur for a long time, you need to take blood and urine tests and check your health internal organs. Perhaps pregnancy does not occur due to the presence of health problems or any inflammatory processes. We must try to heal the disease and bring it into remission. chronic diseases. It is imperative to rule out tumors and get checked by a mammologist. Sometimes simply removing the cyst helps restore a woman’s fertility. You should also check for the presence genetic diseases. Which doctors a particular woman needs to undergo will be decided by the gynecologist, who has been seeing her for a long time and who knows the characteristics of her body.

Further preparation and planning of pregnancy is the same for all women who are protected by any method. This healthy image life, good nutrition, quitting smoking and alcohol, moderate exercise, taking vitamins and folic acid. It is also necessary to stop taking any medications, except those that the gynecologist allows you to take.

Is it possible to get pregnant?

Hormonal contraceptives are very reliable. Is it possible to get pregnant while drinking them? Very rarely, but such cases still happen. Their reasons:

  • Irregularity of taking the drug. Possible missed pill.
  • Digestive upset causing diarrhea or vomiting after taking the pill. The components of the contraceptive are excreted from the body and, naturally, do not work.
  • Interaction of OK with other medications taken to treat any diseases.

In the first and second cases, accept extra tablet contraceptive according to the scheme indicated in the instructions for the OC marked “Emergency use”. To find out the possibility of combining a hormonal contraceptive with medications from other groups, you must visit a gynecologist before starting oral contraception.

If an unwanted conception occurs during the course of OK, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist can resolve the issue of pregnancy.

To avoid the hassle of cleaning, be careful and strictly follow the instructions. Remember that it is quite possible to become pregnant after taking birth control pills, so try not to miss pills.

Facts and myths about the influence of OK

After the use and subsequent withdrawal of hormonal contraceptive medications, multiple pregnancies occur more often - this is a fact. The fact is that first the function of both ovaries is suppressed by reducing the production of hormones necessary for conception. After completing OK, both ovaries begin to actively work, producing several eggs at once, ready for fertilization. As a result, incoming sperm can fertilize several eggs at once. Most often, 2 of them remain viable.

Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives negatively affects the reproductive function of the female genital organs. This statement was 100% true earlier, when birth control pills were used large doses hormones. Women had to take breaks from taking the pills so that the ovaries did not forget their function of producing an egg that could become a fetus. In modern pharmacology, OCs contain much less hormones, and girls can use them under medical supervision for a long period.

Having crossed the 30-year mark, ladies should be careful and take courses of contraceptive medications as prescribed by a doctor.

But the most common myth is that hormonal contraceptives for internal reception by a woman affect the health of the unborn child. This is not entirely true. Modern drugs OCs are completely eliminated from the body of the woman who uses them and cannot have an effect on the child. There is a small probability of impact, but it is no more than 1%. Therefore, even if a child is conceived while the mother is taking hormonal birth control pills, this is not always a reason for an abortion.

In principle, a woman can be calm about her reproductive capacity and for the health of the unborn baby, even if he drinks contraceptive medications. It’s just important that the doctor selects the OC, and you, in turn, follow the dosage regimen. You also need to properly complete the course of using oral cotraceptives and prepare physically and emotionally for such an important event.

Many women who protect themselves from unwanted conception with the help of contraceptive drugs plan to have children in the future, so the question of how quickly pregnancy occurs after birth control pills is quite common. Each package comes with instructions for using the contraceptive drug, which states that immediately after stopping the pills, the woman will be able to conceive a child. However, in practice, achieving fertilization after stopping birth control pills is not at all easy, as pharmacists write.

Quite often, obstetricians-gynecologists prescribe some kind of contraceptive drug V complex therapy various reproductive pathologies such as infertility, fibroids, etc. The hormones contained in such contraceptives inhibit ovarian activity, but immediately after discontinuation, the hormonal status changes sharply, and the organs begin to work diligently. Against this background, if a woman previously had problems with ovulation, due to sharp jump hormones, a mature egg is released, which gives the woman a chance to conceive.

Hormonal contraceptives suppress ovulatory processes, change the structure of the endometrial layer so that the egg cannot implant, thicken mucous secretions, which prevent sperm from penetrating into the uterus or fallopian tubes. When hormonal components stop entering the body with contraceptives, the synthesis of its own hormones is activated, which provokes the following processes in the body:

  • Gonadotropic pituitary functions cease to be suppressed, so the activity of the ovaries is activated;
  • The ovaries intensively produce luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, which are necessary for normal course ovulatory period, ensure conception and further help the development of pregnancy;
  • Full follicular maturation occurs;
  • The endometrial layer thickens, preparing the ground for the attachment of the egg;
  • Mucous secretion cervical canal liquefies, which facilitates the passage of sperm.

But full-time job Reproductive functions usually do not begin immediately; it takes some time for the body to recover, so it is not possible to get pregnant immediately after taking birth control.

Possible consequences of discontinuing contraception

For some women, stopping long-term contraceptives is completely undesirable. This is due to various factors such as age characteristics, pathological exacerbations or the type of drug taken. For example, in women who are anemic, stopping oral contraception may lead to an increase in menstrual bleeding. And if a woman took drugs from the group of antiandrogens, then hair growth may be activated on her body and face.

In addition, after discontinuation of the drug, the mucus thins. This factor gives a woman hope for conception, but also has negative side– the risk of developing inflammatory pathologies in the pelvic organs increases. And in some cases, after stopping taking hormonal contraceptives, women experienced a decrease in sexual desire and sexual desire which negatively affects sex life married couple. Therefore, the prescription and discontinuation of birth control pills should be carried out by a qualified gynecologist.

In addition, after cancellation similar drugs Menstrual irregularities, metabolic disorders, problems with blood vessels and the heart such as varicose veins, angina pectoris, pulmonary hypertension or venous thrombosis are often observed.

How to properly end contraception

Many women believe that they can get pregnant almost immediately after taking birth control, so stopping taking the drugs does not protect them. This approach is fundamentally wrong. When a patient undergoes a long course of hormone therapy, her body is subjected to serious effects that change all intraorganic processes. Therefore, the consequences that arise after stopping the pills can be extremely unpleasant. Therefore, acceptance and completion hormonal contraception must take place according to a certain scheme and adherence to certain recommendations.

In order not to look for a solution to the problem in the future, how to get pregnant quickly after taking birth control pills, do not start taking them yourself - all contraceptive pills should be prescribed by a gynecologist. During the course, you cannot violate the dosage of drugs and their regimen. If hormonal contraception was prescribed for a therapeutic and not a protective purpose, then interrupting the course on your own is categorically unacceptable. If any adverse reactions, you need to discuss the problem with your doctor, who will select an appropriate replacement for the drug you are taking.

How soon can you plan a pregnancy?

Typically, experts recommend that women avoid unprotected sex for about 2 months after stopping birth control. There is a completely justified explanation for this.

  • This time is enough for the body to fully recover after contraception, stabilize the hormonal status and restore the course of ovulation.
  • This rule does not work for those women who were prescribed contraceptives for short term In such cases, pregnancy usually occurs immediately after taking birth control pills.
  • If the doctor strongly recommends postponing conception for a couple of cycles, you will have to use barrier contraception. The reasons for such a delay are due to the fact that while taking hormonal drugs pregnancy after discontinuation of drugs may be pathological (ectopic, with bleeding, with infectious lesions etc.).

It can be difficult to get pregnant after a long period of contraception with hormones for women over 30, which is caused by age-related changes.

How to conceive after contraception

How to get pregnant quickly after taking birth control pills? This is quite possible, but in order to achieve this and avoid complications, you need to follow certain instructions. In general, the chances of conceiving in the first cycles are quite high, but reasonable precautions are still necessary. Only like this the right approach will help preserve women's health and give birth to a healthy baby. How quickly can you get pregnant and how can you safely speed up conception?

First you need to undergo a thorough medical examination. Even if you feel great, this will not interfere with preparations for conception. Sometimes how quickly fertilization occurs is determined by timely identified hidden pathologies that are activated after the cessation of contraception. Sometimes, due to the rebound effect (i.e., reverse) with the help of medication, it is possible to provoke the onset of ovulation and fertilization soon after the end of hormone therapy. When the influence of hormones stops, ovulation occurs and successful fertilization of the female cell occurs. But such rapidity can turn into a tragedy in the form of fetal pathologies or complications during pregnancy. Therefore, you need to correctly finish taking contraceptives by finishing the course to the end, then hormonal background normalizes faster.

But when can you get pregnant in such a situation? Gynecologists usually recommend waiting about 2-3 months after the course contraceptive pills. Will fully recover in these months reproductive system, and the patient herself will have time to get rid of some bad habits(if any). Typically, the absence or minimum of problems with pregnancy is observed in potentially healthy 18-24 year old patients who have been taking contraceptives for no more than a year.

Review of popular contraceptives

In general, taking contraception does not prevent motherhood in the future when it ends. The instructions for medications of this group warn how long it will take to become pregnant after completing the course - conception can occur already in the days of the first cycle. There are many contraceptives, but the most often prescribed are Regulon, Novinet, Yarina or Jess.


After a course of Novinet, delaying conception is not at all necessary, although most gynecologists advise waiting three months for the cycle to fully recover. Novinet is quickly leaving organic fabrics, so its long-term use does not affect pregnancy. Sometimes patients experience menstrual irregularities while taking the pills, so sometimes it is possible to become pregnant after taking Novinet only after six months or a year.


When taking a medication such as Regulon, planning to conceive is allowed only three cycles after a course of pills. Typically, conception occurs between 3 and 18 cycles, which is the generally accepted norm. A break is necessary for the removal of Regulon components, but if conception occurs earlier, then in general there is nothing to worry about, because Regulon does not have toxic influence on the fetus, but it is contraindicated during lactation.


Also requires a 3 month grace period. How long does it usually take to conceive? It is considered normal for pregnancy to occur within a year. If the drug was prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis or cysts, then you can start trying to get pregnant only after diagnostic examination and doctor's permission.


It is also a fairly popular contraceptive medication. Is it possible to get pregnant after taking the drug? Here, two options for further events are allowed - conception occurs in the first cycle after taking it, or after a year has passed, which is spent on final restoration monthly cycle. The final timing of conception largely depends on the duration of the course of taking the pills. To avoid delays in conception, you can take Yarina for no more than 2-3 months.

Common opinions

There are several common myths regarding hormonal contraception and pregnancy. Some are true, some are absurd, so they need explanation

  1. Hormonal contraceptive medications lead to multiple pregnancy. This statement is very true. What are the chances of getting pregnant with twins? Overall the chances are high. When taking hormones, ovarian activity is suppressed, and after the medication is discontinued, the ovaries work at an accelerated rate, making up for lost time. Therefore, during this period, several cells mature simultaneously, leading to multiple pregnancies. A similar effect is usually observed in the first month after completion of therapy.
  2. Hormones are dangerous for unborn children. This is not true. They do not accumulate in organic structures to such an extent that they negatively affect children.

If fertilization does not occur within one and a half years, then it is necessary to undergo gynecological examination to find out the cause of infertility. Sometimes it is associated with complex changes in the body that occur after the withdrawal of hormones, which make pregnancy difficult. The sooner you start treating problems, the sooner the long-awaited conception will occur.



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