Brabançon description of the breed. A little friend for the soul - Brabançon: a dog breed from Belgium

Lion in dog skin Petit Brabançon is a short-haired variety of griffin. The breed was bred in Belgium and to this day both Brabant and Griffon dogs (both Belgian and Brussels) can be born in one litter. The main difference from the griffin is the smooth coat and lack of hair on the head.

This small decorative dog, despite its size, has a fearless character, is cheerful and cheerful in any circumstances. Petit Brabançons get along well with other dogs, but they are prone to trying to dominate even larger, more aggressive dogs, and will stubbornly try to get their way with both humans and other dogs. In this regard, Brabant should not be underestimated - in her small body beats a bold and fearless heart.

The characteristic “monkey” face of the Brabants, unlike their griffon brothers, is not covered with hair and is therefore more expressive. This dog is smart and reasonable, and knows how to soberly assess its strengths - after all, the main purpose of the breed was to fight rodents. Distinctive features of the breed:

  • unusual appearance and facial expression;
  • hard, short, shiny, non-shedding coat;
  • attentiveness, intelligence and intelligence;
  • suitable even for a small apartment;
  • Needs close contact with humans or other dogs;
  • requires quite long walks and impressions.

History of the breed

Petit Brabançon has been known to canine science for approximately 500 years. The ancestors of this breed are most likely the German Affenpinscher and small Belgian mongrels. For a long time, this unpretentious dog was the dog of coachmen and grooms, catching mice and rats in large European ports, possessing strength, assertiveness and speed. The first image of the Brabant griffin was made by Jean van Eyck, the painting is dated 1435. The fashion for unusual monkey dogs in the 19th century turned them into decorative dogs, which negatively affected the working qualities of the Petit Brabançon population. Among the breeds whose blood was poured into the Brabant to obtain the desired exterior are Pekingese and Smoushond. barbe, english bulldogs, yorkshire terriers and others

Modern Petit Brabançon

Currently, breeders are trying to avoid breeding dogs that are too small. Large, high-legged dogs also do not correspond to the desired type and cannot be the standard of the breed. A doll-like, expressive face and a saber-shaped tail perkyly raised are welcome, however, there are tails thrown over the back, which is not a reason for a decrease in rating if the tail is positioned correctly. Until recently, the ears and tails of Brabant dogs were always cropped. Nowadays, cropped dogs can be seen less and less often, although both types of ears are allowed. High set of ears indicates the dog's sensitivity and attentiveness, its ability to control the situation and protect the entrusted territory.

An interesting fact for the uninformed owner will be that wire-haired griffins can be born from two Brabant dogs. This is dog genetics - and therefore the standard of griffins and Petit Brabançons is the same and describes all three breeds, pointing out their insignificant differences.

Brabançons have all four colors typical of griffins. Classic dominant red with a black mask (Brussels Griffon), black, black and tan and mixed (zone-red with a characteristic cross-striation of the coat, similar to the schnauzer “pepper and salt” color with the only difference that the gray zones are replaced by red ones), which are found in the Belgian griffin.

Peculiarities of care and maintenance of Petit Brabançons.

The main advantage of the dog is its excellent health, active life position and the absence of infantile behavior, which is inherent in decorative breeds. This is why the Brabant is not satisfied with living in an apartment - he loves long walks and new experiences.

The Brabant's large, expressive eyes may require additional care; some dogs kept without adequate exercise may develop problems with their limbs. The Brabant, a pack dog, is always bored when alone, so the ideal family for her would be one where there are children, mothers and grandmothers with whom she can communicate all day long without getting tired.

Size and weight

The standard requires that the Brabant's weight be maintained between 3.5 and 6 kg and that its height be between 26 and 32 cm.


Stocky and robust, the Petit Brabançon epitomizes the speed and strength of a rat-catcher and guard dog.


Is the main feature of the breed. A typical bite should not be accompanied by prolapse of the tongue, and the teeth should be completely covered by the lips.

General impression

The Brabançon should not look like a timid, frail, high-legged dog. This is a brave, strong, self-confident dog, always ready for adventure.

Many lovers choose the Petit Brabançon breed. With his extraordinary appearance, flexible character, and genetically endowed skills, he wins over an increasing number of breeders. This article talks about many interesting points that will help you make a choice in this difficult matter - buying a pet.

Character and appearance

The first impression of the Brabançon's appearance is mesmerizing. His whole appearance speaks of nobility. Once you get to know him better, you can make sure that this look matches his character. Breed classification:

  • Country: Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Name: Petit Brabançon
  • Purpose: a small guard dog and a companion dog.
  • FCI classification: group 9, section 3 (not involved in the work).
  • Parameters: average weight - from 3.5 to 6 kg; height at withers - 18-20 cm.
  • Class: short-haired, maximum length up to 2 cm.
  • Color: black, black and tan, mixed, consisting of 3 shades - black, red and brown.
  • Duration: up to 14 years old.

Did you know?The official standard of the Petit Brabançon breed, its description and defects were approved in 1904.

Description and photo

Petit Brabançon is a representative of the Griffons. It has a rich history, as a result of which its appearance has undergone many changes. At the moment she looks like a small friendly dog. He has a lean physique with strong muscles and a wide-boned skeleton.

A distinctive feature of this breed is the head. Looking at her, her size immediately catches your eye - she is too big for the rest of her body. The dog's muzzle has a flattened appearance due to its short nose, which is 1.5 cm long. Its eyes are widely spaced and seem very expressive due to their large size and almost round shape. The absence of a beard creates the effect of a “turned up” nose.

Important!Since the Brabant is a full-fledged representative of the Griffon breed, mating between him and his relatives is allowed.

In addition to the colors registered in the standard, you can now find the “chocolate” Brabançon. Most often they are born from a pair of the same color, such as black. This color is officially accepted for these dogs in some places, such as the USA, England, Holland and Australia.

Did you know?A detailed study of all varieties of this breed reveals an interesting relationship - all species have Belgian geographical names. And ours too, because Brabant is a province in Belgium.

Behind the wool

Short-haired animals do not need frequent brushing, but their coat also requires care.

For this purpose, it is best to purchase and use it at least once a week. The purchase of a tool should be made after consultation with a professional, who will advise the required size of teeth so that the dog’s skin is not damaged when using it.

For cleanliness (bathing)

Screening for infections

Daily walks

Representatives of the Petite Brabançon breed can easily get used to using a litter box at home, but this should not be a reason to skip a walk. After all, walking your dog in the fresh air supports its immune system and promotes the development of good physical shape. And communication with “comrades” will bring maximum pleasure to your pet.

Important!During a walk, it is better to keep the animal on a harness and watch its mouth so that it does not pick up anything inedible from the ground.

Diet and products: from puppy to adult Brabançon

The Brabançon nutrition algorithm differs little from the general rules. During the first six months of life, the puppy needs to be fed up to 5 times a day. An adult is fed twice a day - morning and evening. The diet should include:

  • complex carbohydrates, preferably in the form of cereals;
  • proteins, in the form of boneless fish and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables and fruits.
This breed is not picky when it comes to food; the only caveat is to avoid fatty meats and sweets.

Important!Representatives of small breeds have a weak pancreas, so regulate the volume and quality of food, otherwise undesirable consequences are possible.

Pet health

A dog that is a purebred representative of the Brabançon breed may experience health problems that are explained by its physiological characteristics.

Possible diseases

The weak organs of this breed are the eyes and teeth. This is due to the specific structure of the skull. To prevent jaw problems you need to:

  • regularly clean the incisors from plaque and at the same time ensure that the dentition does not become distorted;
  • observe the chewing teeth, which quickly deteriorate due to incomplete closure.
The eyes can suffer from the following diseases:
  • cataracts, and as a result - glaucoma;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • proptosis of the eyeball.
In any case, if you notice a deterioration in appetite, disorientation in space, do not put off visiting the veterinarian for too long.

Vaccinations for dogs

Before vaccinations the pet must be prepared:

  • administer antihistamine therapy;
  • make sure there are no infectious diseases.
Dog vaccination is carried out according to the generally accepted vaccination schedule:
  • First of all, they protect against: plague, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, parainfluenza, lentospirosis.
  • A month later, the entire procedure is repeated with the addition of rabies vaccine.
  • After changing teeth, the first revaccination is carried out.
  • The next one is carried out after 12 months.
  • An adult is revaccinated once a year.
Petit Brabançon is a prominent representative of the dog genus. By taking him into your family, you will fully experience his “puppy” devotion and ease of care. He can fill your home with humor and warmth, and with the necessary training, medals.

Both Griffons and Petit Brabançons are considered toy dogs. Both of these breeds have the same roots, in fact, they are closely related species. Small, obedient creatures with a funny face quickly won the love of many people. We will now tell you in more detail about their individual characteristics, character and standards.

History of the origin of the breed

Already from the names of these two breeds it is clear that the Griffon and Petit Brabançon come from Belgium. To be more precise, they are part of the group Their ancestors were especially popular in the 17th century among local peasants. They were larger than modern griffons, but had the same ragged-looking, red, coarse hair. And the smooth-haired individuals eventually gave rise to the Petit Brabançon, better known as the Petit Brabançon. Reviews about both representatives of this breed can be heard for the most part positive. Now experts and dog handlers are inclined to believe that the blood of these dogs has a lot of substance in it. So, the Affen Pinscher could not be avoided here, due to which the animals we are considering have such a “monkey” snub-nosed muzzle. You can also see features of a King Charles Spaniel, Pekingese and even a Yorkshire Terrier in the dog. Such mixing occurred during the formation of a new breed in order to consolidate certain characteristics.

Even at the very beginning of the formation of petit brabançons as a separate entity, they were used to protect utility rooms - stables, sheds, warehouses - from rodent attacks. The dexterity combined with tenacity and resourcefulness of these dogs was also used in the case of protecting homes. Thanks to the lively character and cute appearance of small smooth-haired griffons (another name is Petit Brabançon), they later began to be kept as decorative pets. It was only introduced as a separate breed in 1880 at a local dog show. And the first male sire was Garson Most of Waterloo, whose mother was a Yorkshire Terrier female.

As a result of the mixing of several breed lines, the modern image of the Petit Brabançon that we know today was obtained. It owes its short, snub-nosed muzzle to Pekingese, its coat to pugs, and its short stature to Yorkies and toy terriers (this breed, as a rule, does not grow higher than 25 cm at the withers).

The appearance of the smooth-haired lesser griffon in Russia

The official breed standard was adopted in 1904. And the first Petit Brabonçon was brought to Russia much later - in 1993, it arrived from the USA. This event gave rise to the creation of the first Russian breeding nursery (Nevsky Hobbit in St. Petersburg). Later, the breed appeared in the capital, from where it began to spread throughout Russia.

What are they, Petit Brabançons? Character and habits

This little dog has won the sympathy of millions of people not only with its miniature size, but also with its behavior. Despite the fact that your pet’s weight will not exceed 6 kg, be prepared for manifestations of a truly strong, strong-willed character. The griffon can surprise many with this quality. First of all, Petit Brabançons behave very intelligently - both in the family and in the company of strangers, and when meeting other dogs. At the same time, arrogance is alien to them; the dog will simply try to maintain well-deserved authority. They will treat their owners in the most dignified manner. The breed in question is characterized by remarkable courage and the ability to become the main topic of conversation. Handsome Petit Brabançons have very developed facial expressions, and their gaze is much reminiscent of a human. You can easily guess how your pet is feeling at the moment just by looking at its posture and facial expression. True dog joy, thoughtful reflections, and sadness will be reflected there.


There are 2 types of modern griffons: smooth-haired and wire-haired individuals. The Belgian and Brussels belong to the second type, and the Petit Brabançon is the only smooth-haired variety of this breed. In some European countries, each of the listed breeds is considered a separate, independent species, but crossing them with each other is still allowed. According to the accepted standard, a Petit Brabançon dog must have a square format, that is, its height at the withers is equal to the length of its body. Assessing the physique, it should be noted that it is not devoid of elegance with strong bones. The head of the smooth-haired griffon is large, round, the jaws protrude forward in a peculiar way. The rather short hair (about two centimeters) is characterized by sufficient density and shine.

Acceptable colors: red (the mask on the face must be black), black, black and red, black and tan. A light coat will in most cases be considered a fault and the dogs will not be allowed to reproduce. But regardless of whether the Petit Brabançon is red or black, its face will be devoid of whiskers and the characteristic “beard” inherent in wire-haired varieties. The pads on the paws should be dark in color and not “loose” (widely spaced). Previously, the tail of these dogs was docked by two-thirds, leaving a small tip, but modern exhibition requirements also allow animals with an undocked tail to participate. Adults reach 16-25 cm at the withers, and their weight should be between 3-6 kilograms.

Petit Brabançon: grooming

The short hair of these cute dogs does not require much time to get it in order. The Little Braboncon needs to be brushed daily with a soft brush and bathed when dirty. In this case, you can only use special pet shampoos; human shampoos are not suitable for dogs due to the strong difference in the pH level of the skin. Soap will also not have the best effect on your pet's skin, so we do not consider it as a means for bathing the animal. Since this dog does not have a mustache or beard, trimming is not necessary. But wide-spaced, bulging eyes need to be cleaned from time to time using a special veterinary liquid.

Ear care

Wipe your ears regularly once every 7 days with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Be careful not to try to reach deep into the ear to avoid accidental injury to the eardrum. If you notice that your dog is getting dirty faster than usual, crusts and dark plaque with a bad smell are appearing on it, take your pet to the veterinarian. These may be the first signs of the disease, and the sooner you notice the symptoms, the faster you can stop its consequences.


Like any other dog, the Smooth Griffon is recommended to trim its overgrown nails from time to time. For these purposes, purchase a special nail clipper at a pet store. Before removing the excess, look at the location of the vessel in the claw in the light so as not to injure the animal. If you cut it carelessly, apply a swab soaked in any hemostatic solution (hydrogen peroxide, for example) to the wound. In addition, trim the fur between the paw pads with nail scissors.

Dog needs

Petit Brabançons have a stable psyche, which makes them easier to train and increases the pet's learning ability. This breed is not prone to aggression. Small dogs very quickly “join” the family and become attached to people. For them, the owner becomes a god. Animals have a very difficult time dealing with any stressful situation, be it mistreatment, separation, illness, change of owner or relocation. It’s good that the compact size of such a pet allows it, in most cases, to be taken with you everywhere. But still, don’t forget that this is a dog, not a piece of furniture. Of course, your Petit Brabançon can learn to go to the litter box like a cat while living in a city apartment, but you should not deprive the animal of daily promenades and walks in the fresh air. Moreover, dogs of this breed love to communicate with their own kind, and in the company of their owner’s friends they will not feel constrained. Along with this, they tend to be wary of the world around them, which sometimes looks touching. They get along well with children and other pets, and their quiet barking will not cause complaints from neighbors. The Petit Brabançon is easy to train and does not lose its ability to learn with age. On the contrary, they love to bring joy to their owner!

To an exhibition with a griffon

It must be said that Griffons and Petit Brabançons receive the best reviews, both as pets and as show pride. Surely you will want to show off in public as soon as such a cute snub-nosed pet appears in your life. We have already told you what a Petit Brabançon dog should look like. You can get more complete advice by contacting a nursery or a breed expert. We will list the traits that are considered shortcomings or vices in representatives of this species. These include:

  • a tendency to aggression or, conversely, cowardice;
  • light, unpigmented nose;
  • the tip of the dog’s tongue is visible when its mouth is closed;
  • curvature of the lower jaw;
  • color different from that proposed in the standard;
  • the presence of white spots on the coat;
  • deviations of a physical and mental nature.


So, what is good about the Petit Brabançon breed? Summarizing all of the above, it is easy to understand that the small griffon, first of all, is an active, cheerful and intelligent companion dog. She will not cause her owners much trouble. It is very convenient to keep such animals in an apartment. They are extremely good-natured and at the same time brave. If, due to some circumstances, you cannot get a large dog, pay attention to such cute creatures as griffons and Petit Brabançons. Reviews about these pets are extremely positive! And if there are children in the family, there will be no limit to their delight at the sight of an amusing animal, which, despite its small dimensions, behaves with great self-esteem.

A dog with a slightly exotic and relaxed appearance has been universally loved for a long time. Parallel to man Brabançon dog For many years I have been engaged in self-improvement and development in the process of evolution.

At the moment, such unique and inimitable representatives of the canine world are united under the common name Griffon Brabançon. The homeland of the Brabançon breed is Belgium and today this variety is considered the smallest of the entire community.

Character and characteristics of the Brabançon breed

At the official level, this cute breed is most often called Petit Brabançon. Your beginning Petit Brabançon takes place in the Middle Ages, so it is not at all surprising that the heredity of these delightful creatures is presented in the form of aggregates of different bloods.

Their wondrous image served as inspiration for many Renaissance artists, who with great pleasure painted wonderful creatures on their canvases.

In the photo there is a dog of the Brabançon breed

Due to the fact that the people who were the first to breed this amazing breed did not keep records, today there is a single theory that could fully tell where and under what circumstances it appeared Brabançon breed, does not exist.

These four-legged pets, in a fairly short period of time, became objects of undisguised interest and sincere admiration on the part of many monarchs. Such attention from the august persons served as the basis for further popularization of the breed.

In just a few years, almost all representatives of the noble class of Foggy Albion considered it necessary to have such a wire-haired pet next to them. Charming ones became constant and indispensable companions of society ladies.

Pictured is Petit Brabançon

At the end of the 18th century, the griffon first took part in an exhibition, where it created a real sensation. This event served as the starting point for further mass breeding of this bizarre breed.

During World War II, these beautiful babies were on the verge of total extinction. Since the main representatives were concentrated in Belgium, by the end of the 45th year, Petit Brabançons practically disappeared.

After the war, as a result of various selection modifications and genetic improvements, griffons appeared, which were conventionally divided into 3 types:

  • Belgian Griffon – black with relatively long hair;
  • Brussels Griffon is a red-colored dog with thick, long hair;
  • petit Brabançon– a smooth-haired type of dog with a black or reddish color.

The 19th century is considered the official period when the Petit Brabançon, with the help of the royal blessing, became not just a dog, but a real calling card of Belgium.

Despite its fairly active lifestyle, the pet has no tendency to bother its owner, preferring unobtrusive contemplation and remote control of what is happening around.

This breed is characterized by a special degree of suspicion, which in many ways is a necessary desire to understand the environment. As previously mentioned, these four-legged pranksters are characterized by a monkey’s face, by the facial expressions of which one can unmistakably determine the internal mood of the pet.

Petit Brabançon In relation to other dogs he is very reserved and in most cases even tolerant. Cats can also count on special treatment, towards whom they have a rather calm perception, and in special cases even friendship can arise between them.

Brabançon is a good hunter of small rodents and, despite its modest size, is a responsible guard. Accompanying its owner everywhere, this interesting dog becomes an object of universal admiration and genuine curiosity.

The following pattern is interesting: when a new person appears, the little guard will at first show particular wariness and even suspicion, but after some time, having gotten used to the stranger, he will generously bestow his affection on him.

Description of the Brabançon breed (standard requirements)

Despite its small size, the dog has a fairly athletic build. It is worth especially noting that in itself breedBrabançon dogs has a rather peaceful temperament.

Being quite devoted, she is characterized by vital activity and a complete absence of any signs of aggression or various manifestations indicating an unbalanced character.

The physical parameters of Petit Brabançon may vary slightly, and this feature is largely due to heredity and the specifics of breeding work.

Many experts strongly recommend when purchasing Brabançon puppies check with your parents in advance. If it is not possible to see the parents directly, it is possible to look at the photo of the father and mother. According to standard indicators, it should weigh from 4 to 6 kg.

Description of Brabançon you need to start with the head, which is quite large in relation to the body. At the same time, the muzzle has characteristic features characteristic of many primates.

On the muzzle there is a rounded nose with clearly defined nostrils. Widely spaced, expressive, round-shaped eyes. On the head there are triangular ears, slightly broken near the top and lowered towards the muzzle.

If the ears are cropped, then they have an erect and pointed appearance. A well-developed body with a fairly powerful sternum, turning into a relatively short in length but massive in volume neck.

The dog's body is quite organically developed in relation to the muscular limbs. The tip of the tail is slightly inclined towards the neck. Petit Brabançon dog has well-developed hair, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm.

The color range can vary from black to reddish. It should be especially emphasized that this breed retains the black color of the mask on its muzzle, regardless of the main color of the coat.

Care and maintenance of Brabançon

Petit Brabançons are easy to care for. They will be ideal companions for bachelors living in small apartments. Like any petit Brabançon, it needs high-quality and balanced nutrition.

According to experts, due to the tendency to be overweight, the diet should be based on dry food. It is necessary to exclude feeding fried or smoked foods.

Water procedures should be carried out as needed. Overuse of this process can cause your dog to experience attacks of itching or dandruff. Due to evolutionary characteristics, the dog has a tendency to various eye diseases, so it is advisable to visit a veterinarian every 7 to 8 months.

In the photo there is a Brabançon puppy

Particular attention should be paid to regular weighing to control body weight. Daily walks, as well as a maximally active lifestyle, will only help improve your health.

Brabançon price and owner reviews

Buying this miracle pet is not difficult, since petit breedBrabançon quite common throughout the CIS countries. In almost any city you can buy brabançon.

The price range can range from 350 to 1200 dollars. There are numerous photo of Brabançon with a detailed description of the physical parameters.

Noting the reviews of the owners of this dog breed, it can be noted that they get along well with other animals and do not impose their attention. The only negative is excessive suspicion.

Petit Brabançons are wonderful little dogs and wonderful companions. In the past they were the favorites of kings, and now they are happily turned on by fragile and gentle ladies who dream of a real friend. Of course, if you haven’t managed to become this friend or

The history of the breed goes back a long way – it has been known for five centuries. Brabançons have been faithful companions of people since ancient times.

They used to do hard work. Petit Brabançons faithfully served the Belgian sailors, keeping them company during long voyages full of dangers and harsh everyday life.

Attention! The breed was bred specifically to kill rats.

For a long time, sailors used dogs of this breed for their intended purpose. Hence the Petit Brabançon dog breed has swimming abilities and the manifestation of a genetically inherent hatred of rodents.

In the 19th century, there was a fashion for keeping small dogs at home; this period was the peak of the popularity of this breed. Over time, the Petit Brabançon lost its hunting abilities and became a pet.

These charming creatures came to Russia relatively recently - at the beginning of the 2000s.

Brabançon dog breed: the photo conveys incredible charm in a rare moment of thoughtfulness of the puppy.

Breed standard

FCI Standard No. 82 dated March 25, 2003 “Petit Brabançon”.
Group 9 “Toy and companion dogs.”
Section 3 “Small Belgian dogs”.
Standard weight: from 3.5 to 6 kg.
Standard height: not established.

Petit (small) Brabançon - short-haired variety of the Griffon family, including the Brussels Griffon and Belgian Griffon breeds. They all come from a small, wire-haired dog called “Smousje,” which lived in the vicinity of Brussels for several centuries.

Important proportion: the length of the body, measured from the shoulder-scapular joints to the ischial tuberosities, should be maximally equal to the height of the dog at the withers, that is the height of an individual is equal to its length.

Strong bones do not look rough. The head is large, round in shape. The jaw protrudes forward, the eyes are dark in color, the ears are small and soft.

Important! Red dogs always have a black mask on their face. Light shades are considered a defect; dogs with this color are removed from breeding.

Unlike wire-haired types, the Petit Brabançon does not have a mustache or goatee. The pads on the paws are dark in color and not widely spaced. In the past, animals' tails were docked, but now dogs with a normal tail are allowed to show.

The weight of adult individuals varies from three to six kilograms, and they grow up to sixteen to twenty-five centimeters in height.

The average lifespan of a Petit Brabançon is thirteen to fourteen years. They rarely get sick and are in excellent health.

The dense wool is smooth to the touch, shiny and shimmering, its length is about two centimeters. It can contain red, black, red-black and black and tan colors.

Brabançon - dog breed: character and abilities

Petit Brabançons are extremely friendly and good-natured creatures. They participate in the life of the owner and his loved ones as a real family member. Petit Brabançons are incredibly sensitive creatures, imbued with human moods. Surprisingly, they know how to show sympathy, rejoice and be sad with their beloved owner. Dogs of this breed do not miss a single event in the life of the family.

Attention! The prevailing opinion is that Petit Brabançons, in terms of mental development, are at the level of a three-year-old child.

They understand a lot from human speech, they can be capricious or, knowing that they will later receive a treat, behave decently. If you take into account the Petit Brabançon's face with a real human expression, it will seem that another full member of the family lives with you.



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