This means adjectives. Adjective

In a sentence, an adjective is most often a modifier, but can also be a predicate.

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Classes of adjectives

Discharge is the only constant morphological feature of this part of speech. There are three category adjectives: qualitative, relative and possessive.

Qualitative adjectives

They denote a characteristic that can be present to a greater or lesser extent. They answer the question “which one?”

As a rule, they have the following symptoms:

  • combined with the adverbs “very” (and its synonyms) and “too” ( very big, too handsome, extremely smart).
  • from qualitative adjectives it is possible to form
    • compound adjective by repetition ( delicious-delicious, big-big).
    • cognate adjective with prefix Not- (not stupid, ugly).
  • have an antonym ( stupid - smart), and sometimes a hypernym ( big - huge)

Some qualitative adjectives do not satisfy all of the above criteria.

Most qualitative adjectives, and only they, have two forms: full ( smart, delicious) and short ( smart, delicious). The full form changes according to numbers, genders and cases. Short form - only by gender and number. In a sentence, the short form is used as a predicate, and the full form is usually used as a definition. Some qualitative adjectives do not have a short form ( friendly, amiable) . Others, on the contrary, do not have a full form ( glad, much, must, need)

Possessive adjectives

Indicate that an object belongs to a living creature or person ( paternal, sisters, fox). They answer the question “whose?” Possessive adjectives can become relative or qualitative: hare (possessive) fur, hare (qualitative) soul, hare (relative) trace.

General information

The boundaries of the lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives are flexible. Thus, possessive and relative adjectives can acquire a qualitative meaning: dog tail(possessive), dog pack(relative), dog life(quality).

Declension of adjectives

Adjectives are inflected by case and inflected by number; in the singular, they are also inflected by gender. The exception is short adjectives and comparative adjectives: they are not declined. In addition, there are a number of indeclinable adjectives: Komi people, khaki, gross weight.

The gender, case and number of the inflected adjective depend on the corresponding characteristics of the noun with which it agrees. Indeclinable adjectives are usually found after the noun; their gender, number, and case are determined syntactically by the characteristics of the corresponding noun: beige jackets.

  • solid: red th, red Wow, red wow
  • soft: syn th, syn his, syn to him
  • mixed: great Ouch, more Wow, more them.

Famous linguist Yu.S. Stepanov believed that the difference quality And relative meanings of adjectives is one of the most difficult. This division is carried out not even in all languages. In Russian, middle school students already learn to distinguish between these categories of adjectives.

As you probably remember, adjectives answer questions Which? which? which? which?

Which? –small yard, school teacher, bear claw.

Which? –wonderful weather, wooden bench, fox face.

Which? –excellent mood, pearl necklace, horse hoof.

Which? – polite students, regional competitions, bunny ears.

Each row contains examples qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives. How to distinguish them? As has already become clear, simply asking a question about an adjective will not give a result; the category cannot be determined in this way.

Grammar and semantics(meaning of the word). Let's consider each category of adjectives by meaning .

Qualitative adjectives

It’s already clear from the name what these adjectives mean. quality of the item. What kind of quality could this be? Color(lilac, burgundy, bay, black), form(rectangular, square), physical characteristics of living things (fat, healthy, active), temporal and spatial features (slow, deep), general qualities, inherent in an animate object ( angry, funny, happy) and etc.

Also, most (but not all!) qualitative adjectives have a whole range of grammatical features, by which they are quite easy to distinguish from other adjectives. These features may not necessarily be a whole set for each quality adjective, but if you find that at least some attribute is suitable for this adjective - you have a quality adjective. So:

1) Qualitative adjectives denote a feature that can appear to a greater or lesser extent. Hence the ability to form degrees of comparison.

Thin - thinner - thinnest. Interesting – less interesting – the most interesting.

2) Form short forms. Long is long, short is small.

3) Combine with adverbs of measure and degree. Very beautiful, extremely entertaining, completely incomprehensible.

4) From qualitative adjectives you can form adverbs on -o(s) And nouns with abstract suffixes -ost (-is), -izn-, -ev-, -in-, -from- :magnificent - magnificent, clear - clarity, blue - blue, blue - blue, thick - thickness, beautiful - beauty.

5) You can also form words with diminutive or augmentative suffixes: angry - angry, dirty - dirty, green - green, healthy - hefty.

6) Can have antonyms: big - small, white - black, sharp - dull, stale - fresh.

As you can see, there are many signs, but it is absolutely not necessary to use all of them. Remember that some quality adjectives have no degrees of comparison, some abstract nouns do not form, some cannot be combined with adverbs of measure and degree, but they fit according to other criteria.

For example, adjective bay. This adjective does not fit any grammatical criteria, but it means color = quality of item, - that means it quality.

Or adjective beautiful. You can't tell very beautiful, but you can form an adverb Wonderful. Conclusion: adjective quality.

Relative adjectives

Designate a sign through an attitude towards an object. What kind of relationship could this be - signs? Material, from which the item is made ( iron nail - iron nail, stone basement - stone basement, velvet dress - velvet dress); place, time, space (today's scandal is a scandal that happened today; intercity bus – a bus between cities; Moscow region – Moscow region); appointment(parent meeting - meeting for parents, children's store - store for children) and etc.

Signs of this and not temporary, but permanent, That's why Relative adjectives do not have all the features inherent in qualitative adjectives. This means that they do not form degrees of comparison(not to say that this house is wooden, and that one is more wooden), cannot be combined with adverbs of measure and degree(can't say very gold bracelet) etc.

But phrases with relative adjectives can be transform, replacing the adjective. For example, villager - village resident, milk porridge - porridge with milk, plastic cube - plastic cube.

We hope that it has become clearer to you how to distinguish between qualitative and relative adjectives. We’ll talk about possessive adjectives and some pitfalls in the next article.

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You probably already remember that according to their meaning, adjectives are divided into quality(indicate the quality of the item), relative(denote the attribute of an object in relation to another object) and possessive. We will talk about possessive adjectives in more detail.

These adjectives, unlike qualitative and relative ones, answer not the question what?, but the question whose? They're called possessive, because their main purpose is indicate belonging to a person, animal or animate being. Therefore, they are formed only from the names of animals, persons and other animate beings. For example, mutton, fox, Anin, mother's, foreman, grandfather's etc. According to grammatical features, possessive adjectives closer to relative because they have no degrees of comparison(can't be this item is my mother’s, and that one is even more my mother’s), short forms, They do not form adverbs and abstract nouns etc. However, they have their own characteristics: special suffixes and a special system of declensions.

We will not consider the system of declensions here; we will focus only on word formation.

Possessive adjectives are formed, as mentioned above, from the names of animals, persons and other animate beings using suffixes -ov (-ev), -in (-yn), -iy.

Fathers' house, elders' staff, nanny's scarf, sister's order, fox's tail.

It should also be noted here that these adjectives have null ending. Try not to confuse, for example, adjectives like blue And wolfish

Blue – qualitative adjective, non-derivative (not formed from anything), without suffixes, ending -y.

Wolf – possessive adjective, derivative (derived from the noun wolf using a suffix -th ), null ending.

Pairs of adjectives such as worker and carpenter, red and bear, distant and shark. Worker, red and distant have ending-yy, A carpenter, bear and shark have null ending And suffix-yy, because they are possessive and derivative.

Therefore, you should be careful when analyzing adjectives by composition and take into account the rank of the adjective by meaning.

Now let's move on to traps, which adjectives prepare for us. Although there is a rather sharp boundary between the categories of adjectives ative adjectives both grammatically and lexically, but it happens that some possessive adjectives camouflage under qualitative and even relative, and relative under qualitative. All in all, many adjectives want to move into the category of quality. How does this happen and how not to get confused when determining the category?

Remember that the rank of an adjective by meaning can only be accurately determined in context, i.e. in a phrase or in a sentence.

For example, cherry compote – compote of cherries. Having made the transformation, we understand what is in front of us relative adjectivenew, because denotes what the compote is made from. But in the phrase cherry suit adjective cherry no longer means that the suit is made of cherries, it means the color of the suit, and color is a quality characteristic, i.e. in this context the adjective becomes high quality.

Let's take a few more examples.

Iron constructor– constructor made of iron ( relative adjective)
Iron will– strong will ( quality adjective)
Iron health- good health ( quality adjective)

Steel knife– steel knife ( relative adjective)
Steel color dress (quality adjective)
Steely gaze– unfriendly, cold, hard ( quality adjective)

Bear fur– wool that belongs to a bear ( possessive adjective)
The owner's bear coat– bear fur coat ( relative adjective)
Bear walk– clumsy, awkward, shambling ( quality adjective)

Fox face- a muzzle that belongs to a fox ( possessive adjective)
Fox hat- fox hat ( relative adjective)
Fox trick– very developed cunning ( quality adjective)

Thus we see that the same adjective can take on different meanings. However grammatical characteristics remain unchanged: Neither possessive nor relative adjectives will acquire degrees of comparison, short forms and other distinctive features of qualitative adjectives.

Let's summarize.

To determine the category of an adjective, you need:

1) See, the adjective is used in direct or figurative meaning. If the meaning is figurative, it is qualitative adjective.

2) If the value is direct, ask two questions: Which? whose? If this adjective indicates belonging, in front of us - possessive adjective.

3) Try to substitute adverb of measure and degree (very) or form degrees of comparison. If it works - qualitative adjective.

4) Try it convert combination with an adjective into a prepositional case phrase. Happened - relative adjective.

And remember that The main thing is still the lexical meaning, not the grammar. Grammar just helps us.

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Learning adjectives, as a rule, does not cause any particular problems for schoolchildren and students.

It is not difficult to recognize an adjective in a text and identify its grammatical features, but to do this you need to know what part of speech it is.

An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a characteristic of an object and answers the questions: Which? Whose?

For example: beautiful, good, spring, metallic, fox, mother's .

Adjectives are divided into three categories (qualitative, relative, possessive). They change by numbers and cases (declined) and by gender. They can have a full or short form, degrees of comparison.

An adjective can be any member of a sentence, but most often it acts as a modifier or a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

By definition, an adjective denotes a characteristic, but the meaning and nature of this characteristic can be very different. So, an adjective can mean:

- item size ( big, miniature, huge );

- position, shape of an object ( tall, crooked );

- physical properties ( warm, frosty, hard );

- characteristics of a person or another person ( old, kind, brave );

- color ( white, pink );

- attitude towards something (someone) ( English, children's, student );

- material ( textile, glass ) etc.

Let's imagine that the language has . How many shades of meaning would be lost in such a situation!

Let's say the word book simply means an object, a certain number of pages with printed text. Let's substitute several adjectives to this word and get:

an interesting book, a funny book, an old book, a new book, a forgotten book, a well-read book, a children's book...

Many new meanings, meanings, shades have appeared. We need adjectives to more accurately express our thoughts, to make speech more diverse, imaginative, and intelligible.

It is no coincidence that the Russian language, one of the richest on Earth, has a huge number of adjectives - over 12,000!

All adjectives are divided into three large groups (categories): qualitative, relative and possessive. Words belonging to the same category. They have a common component of meaning and common grammatical features. Let's look at the categories of adjectives in more detail.

Qualitative adjectives - express a characteristic that can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent. Qualitative adjectives answer the question “Which?” and can denote a variety of characteristics of an object: color, size, weight, smell, taste, internal quality of a creature, age, etc.

Qualitative adjectives have the following grammatical features:

- they can have a full or short form ( young-young, young, young );

- have degrees of comparison ( young - younger, youngest, youngest of all );

- can form adverbs ( young - young ) and nouns with an abstract meaning ( young-youth );

- can be combined with the words very, most ( very young, the youngest );

- you can select synonyms and antonyms for a qualitative adjective ( young - young, young - old ).

Relative adjectives express a characteristic that is not manifested to a greater or lesser extent and expresses an attitude towards the material ( wood ), time ( winter ), territories ( river ), action ( washing ), face ( female ), number ( double ).

Relative adjectives do not have comparative forms and short forms; they answer the question “Which?”

Possessive adjectives express the belonging of an object to a person and answer the question “Whose?” Examples: wolfish, papa, fathers, bearish .

Due to the metaphorical nature of language, a phenomenon called the transition of adjectives from category to category is often observed. For example:

Iron part (relative value) – iron will (qualitative value);

Zephyr (qualitative value) – light industry (relative value);

Hare sheepskin coat (possessive meaning) – hare character (qualitative value);

It is usually not difficult to determine that this is an adjective. Any schoolchild understands that words long, wide, sweet, ceramic, raven – adjectives.

But there are also more complex cases - for example, a limited group of unchangeable adjectives that do not have endings characteristic of this part of speech.

Godet skirt, flared trousers, beige curtains, Khanty tongue.

It is important to remember that all these words answer the question “Which?”, and if you have any difficulties, consult a dictionary.

1. Define an adjective.

An adjective is an independent part of speech that answers the questions: what? What? Whose? and denotes the attribute of an object.
Adjectives are divided into three categories and change according to gender, number and case. In a sentence, adjectives are most often modifiers or predicates.

2. Give examples of qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives.

Qualitative adjectives name a characteristic that can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent: beautiful (more beautiful), tall (taller).
Relative adjectives name a feature that characterizes an object in terms of material, time, place or purpose: leather (material), morning (time), urban (place), sporty (purpose).
Possessive adjectives characterize an object from the point of view of belonging: grandmother (belongs to the grandmother), mouse (belongs to the mouse).

3. What two groups are the degrees of comparison of adjectives divided into? How are degrees of comparison formed?

Qualitative adjectives can form comparative or superlative degrees of comparison; both can be either simple or compound.
The simple comparative degree is formed using the suffixes -e, -ee, -she: beautiful - more beautiful:
The compound comparative degree is formed using the word more (or less): more beautiful;
The simple superlative degree is formed with the help of the suffixes –eysh-, -aysh-: most beautiful;
The compound superlative is formed using the word most: most beautiful.

4. What rule should you use to avoid mistakes when writing short adjectives with a sibilant at the end?

In short participles with a sibilant at the end, b is not written.

5. When are one and two letters N written in adjective suffixes?

One letter n is written in adjectives with the suffixes –in-, -an- (-yan-): nightingale, icy.
Exception: tin, wood, glass.
Two letters N are written in the suffixes –enn- (-yonn-), -onn- and in cases where the word is formed using the suffix N from a word with a stem ending in n: morning, ancient (old + n).
Exception: windy.

6. How to distinguish the suffixes –k- and –sk- adjectives in writing?

The suffix -k- is written in adjectives that have a short form or with a stem on k or h. In other cases it is written -sk-.
Cossack - Cossack (base on k), sharp (sharp - kr.form), January (not on k, h).

7. How to determine when to write about, and when - e after sibilants in endings and suffixes of adjectives?

In the endings and suffixes of adjectives, o is written under stress, without stress - e. This does not apply to verbal adjectives, in which there is always E.
Kumach, pear.

8. How to distinguish adjectives with the prefix not from adjectives with the negative particle not?

Adjectives with a prefix are not written together; you can choose a synonym for them without not: gloomy (= sad).
Adjectives with particles are not written separately. It is impossible to find a synonym for them without not; with them there is a contrast with the conjunction a or the words at all, at all, not at all, not at all, etc.: not at all cheerful. Not cheerful, but sad. Not wooden.

9. Which compound adjectives are written together, and which ones are written with a hyphen?

Adjectives denoting shades of colors (dark red) are written with a hyphen; the hyphen is retained if the adjective was formed from a word that already has a hyphen (south-west - south-west). Adjectives formed from homogeneous members 9can be inserted with a hyphen and): worker-peasant - worker and peasant.
Adjectives formed from a subordinating phrase (you cannot insert and) are written together: Western European - Western Europe.



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