A disease when a person cannot see in the dark. Features of twilight vision impairment

Hemeralopia (another name for the disease is nyctalopia , popular namenight blindness ) is a disease that most often develops against the background of a deficiency in the body.

How does night blindness manifest?

Vitamin A is part of the structure of visual purple. This is the light-sensitive substance of the retina human eye, which is responsible for adapting the eye to being in the dark. As a result, a lack of vitamin A leads to the development of a disease in which a person cannot see normally if the lighting is insufficient. Hemeralopia popularly called night blindness. This name stuck due to the fact that the structure of the chicken’s retina allows it to distinguish colors normally, but in the dark and in poor light the chicken sees practically nothing.

As a rule, a person who has night blindness does not suffer from vision problems during daylight hours or in normal indoor lighting. There is only discomfort and decreased vision at dusk. A person begins to see objects blurry and cannot distinguish between their color and clear shape. As a rule, it is especially difficult for a person with hemeralopia distinguish blue objects.

From the above description of the symptoms, it follows that there is a lack of coordination of movements. A person who is worried about night blindness moves carefully in the twilight, slowly descends the stairs, initially checking for the presence of a step. Often patients who suffer from this disease cannot distinguish the glow of the stars in the sky. Night blindness is especially dangerous for drivers - it is very difficult for them to recognize objects on the night road, as well as to react correctly to environment with the headlights of an approaching car on.

If a person begins to be bothered by decreased vision at dusk, he must consult a doctor, as this symptom may indicate the development of certain serious illnesses. Sometimes nyctalopia may be a symptom of diseases that lead to complete loss of vision. In addition, we should not forget that decreased vision in the evening can lead to serious injuries, as well as car accidents, if nyctalopia observed in the driver of the vehicle.

Why does night blindness occur?

IN modern medicine determined congenital And acquired night blindness. If a person is diagnosed congenital disease night blindness, then we're talking about about a genetically determined disease. The acquired form of the disease is a functional illness.

Acquired hemeralopia develops in humans due to the influence of a number of factors. First of all, the causes of hemeralopia may be diseases of the retina. This pigmentary degeneration And retinal detachment , and also inflammatory processes . Night blindness in humans may develop as a result of degenerative processes macular spot, violations choroid, inflammatory processes optic nerve, . Sometimes hemeralopia is treated for patients who are later found to have or. Sometimes decreased vision in the evening is observed in a person who has recently received a traumatic brain injury. Also, similar visual impairments can occur if a person constantly works under very poor lighting, reads in incorrectly set light. In some cases, nyctalopia can be caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the eyes. This occurs due to exposure to bright sun and the influence of dazzling snow on the eyes.

Another important factor, which can cause night blindness, is a lack of vitamins A and B2 in the human body. This explains the fact that night blindness is often observed in people suffering from general.

When it comes to risk factors for developing nyctalopia, then in this case it should be noted age factor. After forty years, a person experiences a slowdown in all processes that occur in the body. As a result, the nutrition of the retina deteriorates, and vision in the twilight decreases.

If a person has hemeralopia symptoms , you must immediately contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor conducts a detailed interview and conducts a series of tests. A visual field test and a visual field test are required. light perception. Also held electrooculography . This study allows you to determine the state of the eye muscles and the surface of the retina during eye movement.

Congenital night blindness cannot be cured. If nyctalopia is a symptom of an underlying disease, then it must initially be detected, after which it is carried out complex treatment. For symptoms of night blindness, the patient is also prescribed a course of vitamin A . In this case, it is important to adjust the diet of a person prone to vision problems. It is important to include in your diet fresh berries, dairy products, eggs, carrots, greens.

There are also some folk recipes, which are used to treat night blindness. But they can only be aids. Most of these recipes help restore sufficient amounts of vitamin A. With a tendency to nyctalopia good to use every day fish oil . Rosehip decoction is also very useful (3 tablespoons per 2 glasses of water) rosehip, you need to infuse the decoction for 12 o'clock), which should be consumed twice a day.

To avoid the development of night blindness, it is advisable to balance your diet and protect your eyes from bright light - the sun, glare on the water, the shine of snow. People who constantly work at a computer should definitely pay attention to the lighting of their workplace. One more important measure prevention - timely contact a specialist in the event of the development of vision-related diseases.

If a person sees perfectly during daylight hours, but becomes practically blind in twilight and darkness, then people say that he has night blindness. In ophthalmology, this condition is called hemeralopia, it is quite easy to diagnose and even possible to cure. Let's take a closer look at the disease.

The only cause of the visual impairment in question is insufficient formation of the rhodopsin pigment. It is designed to adapt the human visual organs to the dark. Normally, the pigment rhodopsin is present in the rod-shaped cells of the retina; during the day it completely disintegrates, and in the dark it is restored. For this process it is necessary sufficient quantity vitamin A, and its deficiency leads to incomplete restoration of pigment in the dark, which is why vision becomes poor.

Night blindness is a disease that can be caused by the following factors:

  • insufficient intake of vitamin A into the body;
  • severe exhaustion of the body;
  • liver failure with complications;
  • chronic anemia;
  • visual impairment – ​​in particular, myopia;

In addition, the vision impairment in question can be caused by certain medicines. But this only happens when they long-term use and is temporary.

Night blindness - types

In ophthalmology, the disease in question is divided into several types:

  • congenital – the first symptoms will be noted in the early childhood, the disease is inherited, but can also arise as a consequence of genetic abnormalities;
  • symptomatic - diagnosed only as a complication of certain eye diseases: glaucoma, atrophic lesions of the optic nerve, severe myopia, cataracts;
  • essential - develops only against the background of a lack of vitamins in the body, can be associated with exhaustion, alcoholism, prolonged fasting, and a poor menu.

Doctors identify a false type of night blindness, when impaired visual acuity in the dark is associated with banal eye fatigue. This type of disease occurs in those people who work for a long time at a computer monitor and are forced to read or write in poor lighting.

As a rule, false night blindness is not a dangerous disease; twilight vision can be restored in this case even without special therapy– you just need to rest your eyes regularly.


The first signs of night vision loss will be the appearance of spots in the visual fields and blurred image perception in the dark and twilight.

The signs of the disease in question are difficult to confuse with something else - they are too characteristic. The patient begins to notice that his visual acuity is decreasing - and this phenomenon is especially pronounced in the twilight and dark times of the day. Additional signs are:

  • the appearance of cloudy or dark spots in the visual fields (to the side of direct vision);
  • impaired color vision - patients cannot distinguish, for example, a blue tint.


Night blindness is a disease that is quite easy to diagnose independently. But a visit to an ophthalmologist should be, since only a specialist will be able to understand the cause of the development of the pathology, find out the degree of its development and choose the right treatment.

Many people treat the disease in question frivolously, without seeking qualified advice. medical care. Meanwhile, a decrease in visual acuity in twilight and dark times of the day may indicate the progression of quite dangerous diseases which lead to complete loss of vision.

Methods for diagnosing night blindness:

  • interviewing the patient and recording/analysis of complaints received from him;
  • conducting electroretinography - a study of the retina of the eye, which makes it possible to isolate/differentiate/describe everything pathological changes in this part of the organ of vision.

If necessary, the ophthalmologist can prescribe and additional examination to confirm the diagnosis - tonography, optical tomography and refractometry.

Basic treatment methods

If congenital night blindness is diagnosed, then its treatment will be inappropriate - such pathological changes in the retina cannot be corrected. But all other types of the disease in question are successfully treated.

Diet food

If you adhere to a specially designed diet, then essential type night blindness can be treated without the use of medications. To receive therapeutic effect V daily diet need to include products with high content vitamins A, PP and B2:

  • any greens in unlimited quantities - parsley, dill, leaf salads, onions, spinach and so on;
  • yolk chicken egg– it is better to eat raw, but only from proven (“clean”) poultry;
  • tomatoes and green peas(not canned!);
  • apricots and peaches;
  • gooseberries and blueberries;
  • black currant and cherry;
  • butter (from natural ingredients) and mild cheeses;
  • milk and any fermented milk products;
  • millet porridge.

In order to treat the disease in question, you need to eat a small piece of cod liver every day. Ideally, this product should be eaten raw, but it is unlikely that modern producers of the delicacy will be able to guarantee its absolute safety. Therefore, doctors recommend giving preference to canned cod liver - eating 100 grams per day is enough.

Treatment methods for night blindness include medications, folk remedies, and nutritional correction.

Drug therapy

Since acquired night blindness develops due to a lack of vitamins in the body (most often), then drug treatment comes down to the choice of vitamin and mineral complexes. Ophthalmologists prefer to prescribe Riboflavin eye drops to such patients, which are used twice a day, 2 drops in each eye. This drug provides nutrition to the retinal cells of the organ of vision, improves their oxygen supply, and increases the conductivity of nerve impulses.

Riboflavin is suitable for long-term use, but only an ophthalmologist can prescribe a specific course of therapy. Some patients, during treatment with the eye drops in question, complain of temporary loss of visual acuity and allergies in the form of swelling, redness and itching of the eyelids.

In addition to eye drops for night blindness, vitamin A supplements are prescribed oral administration. Daily dose for an adult it is 100 thousand IU, for a child – 50 thousand IU.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies can be used to treat the disease in question. But only after consultation with your doctor. In addition, this type of therapy should not be the main one - examinations, diet and medications must be present.

Which of folk remedies will help in the treatment of night blindness:

  1. Cornflower is stinky. You need to take 1 tablespoon of this plant (sold in dry, crushed form in pharmacies), pour 200 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes and leave. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals, strained and cooled.
  2. Boiled millet. The cereals need to be washed, then boiled for 30 minutes until completely cooked - the grains should “open” and become soft. They consume ready-made porridge in any quantity, at any time of the day. You cannot add butter, salt, sugar, milk or spices.
  3. Common nettle. You need to collect the stems and tops of common nettle (before flowering), dry it in the shade, and chop it. Then take 2 tablespoons of prepared plant material, pour in 300 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. The strained infusion is consumed 100 ml three times a day, regardless of the meal schedule.
  • 200 grams of sea buckthorn berries;
  • 200 grams of blueberries;
  • unlimited quantities of fresh carrots (preferably chopped with the addition of vegetable oil);
  • grape juice½ glass twice a day;
  • 30 ml fish oil.


Night blindness is a disease that can and should be treated. An ophthalmologist will be able to determine whether similar violation vision is a primary pathology or a symptom of another, dangerous disease. If night blindness is a sign of glaucoma or cataracts, then after surgical treatment underlying disease, vision in the twilight and at night is restored automatically.

In any case, even minor visual disturbances should be a reason to visit an ophthalmologist. This will help prevent the development serious pathologies, will relieve a person from significant discomfort.

Person in everyday life There is light everywhere, and now the twilight and darkness are already becoming terrible: you can’t see anything at all! It's time to fix and make your eyes beautiful!

The eye is the organ that perceives light and perceives colors; works on the principle of the difference between light and darkness.

You can do a simple test: go into a dark room or cover your eyes with your hands. At this moment, if you try to see something, it should be a deep black picture. Various sparkles of light or blue instead of black, gray - shows enormous mental stress and the inability of the eye to distinguish objects with less brightness than gray.

Everyone knows that the more light - the higher the illumination - the easier and longer person can work, there are established lighting standards in all institutions. This rule applies to daylight. And when night comes, people try to transfer their experience of daytime vision to night vision - they force their eyes to strain to see and thereby worsen their vision, adding to this diseases such as myopia and farsightedness.

Healthy eye always sees well when relaxed. Daytime vision in humans is characterized by good detail and bright colors, night time is black and white. The daytime works with the help of cones on the retina and fovea, and at night - with the help of sticks. Rods are located at the edges of the retina, and cones are located closer to the center of the retina. There are much more cones than rods. That is why day and night vision can differ greatly in a person. Night vision is also characterized by the fact that objects are better visible if you do not look at them directly - but as if from the side, due to the location of the rods on the retina.

What can you do to make your vision work at 100% of its potential? It is necessary to expand the boundaries of perceived light with the eyes. Many people wear sunglasses during the day, which significantly reduces the light flow to the eyes, and the eye “feeds” on light.

It's worth trying a simple practice: first with eyes closed look at the sun in the morning and evening, then spend time with with open eyes. At first it doesn’t take long - 15-20 seconds, then you can bring this procedure to several minutes. It’s also good to move your head during this exercise so that the light reaches all corners of your eyes. A good end to the procedure would be to cover your eyes with your hands so that the light does not enter for a time approximately equal to looking at the sun. Convenient to watch the sunrise or sunset. You should always stop looking when you feel the slightest pain or tension. The first time after looking at the sun, the perception of colors may change slightly for a minute or two due to unfamiliarity.

A healthy eye “feeds” sunlight during the day, some people can look at the sun even during the day for a long time, but this just requires trained eyes. The eye is always glad to see light, and in general there are no limits on the amount of light - the more, the better.

After this practice, the black will become blacker at night, more details will appear, focusing will improve during twilight and the eyes will become white and very shiny, they will become naturally beautiful.

It is also worth installing more powerful lighting lamps in the house and not only if eye strain occurs. Tension is the enemy of vision. A healthy eye is always relaxed.

A person has the ability to distinguish objects in poor lighting, that is, twilight vision, thanks to a complex system of special photoreceptors in the retina - rods and cones. They convert light into electrical energy, which hits the cerebral cortex and, as it were, projects an image. Of course, a person does not see in the dark as well as nocturnal predators, and the ability to distinguish colors is lost. But he can navigate in space while adapting to the lack of light. Unless, of course, twilight vision is impaired.

Twilight vision impairment scientific language is called hemeralopia, and is popularly called “night blindness”. This disease is associated with retinal dysfunction and optic nerve. It seems to a person that in the twilight everything the world around us as if shrouded in a thick haze. Vision weakens and orientation in space is lost.

This disease not only causes inconvenience, but can also be life-threatening, for example, it increases the risk of a car accident at night. In addition, when similar illness visual fields narrow and adaptation to light changes. Any bright ray from the darkness can lead to disorientation in space and loss of coordination of movements. Often, those suffering from night blindness have difficulty perceiving shades of yellow and blue.

Those suffering from night blindness often suffer from phobias associated with the dark. This could even lead to obsessive states and mental deformations, which will require additional treatment from the appropriate specialist.

Additional symptom Hemeralopia can be considered dryness and keratinization of the epidermis around the eyes, and sometimes in other parts of the body, as well as brittle hair.

If a person notices similar symptoms, then he should see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to reverse his vision loss.

Representatives of both the stronger and weaker sex, especially the elderly, suffer from hemeralopia. However, ladies of Balzac's age in menopause are susceptible to it more often. According to the observations of scientists, the least number of people with night blindness are among the peoples of the Far North, whose eyes have adapted to the polar night.

This disease can be congenital or acquired. The first type is rare and is diagnosed in early childhood.

The occurrence of the second type of hemeralopia depends on many reasons:

  • lack of vitamin A, B2, nicotinic acid;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • anemia;
  • eye diseases;
  • childhood diseases (chickenpox, measles);
  • toxic poisoning;
  • alcohol abuse and drug addiction;
  • sunburn conjunctiva;
  • pregnancy.

Very often, a person begins to see poorly at dusk due to a lack of vitamin A. Its deficiency leads to deformation and destruction of photoreceptors. The lack of vitamins and microelements is most noticeable in the spring. Therefore, it is in the spring that patients with night blindness experience exacerbations.

Acquired hemeralopia is divided into essential and symptomatic. The first is characterized by problems with the retina, caused precisely by a lack of vitamins, as well as exhaustion, alcohol abuse, intestinal diseases, etc. The second type includes forms of “night blindness” caused by diseases of the visual organs, in particular, severe myopia, glaucoma, atrophy optic nerve and others.

Separately, ophthalmologists identify the so-called false form of the disease. In this case, “night blindness” occurs temporarily, as vision deterioration as a result long work near the monitor screen and other serious visual loads.

How to get rid of night blindness

Treatment of this disease is possible only if it is acquired. Congenital hemeralopia cannot currently be treated.

In order to prescribe a course of treatment, the ophthalmologist must identify the cause of the disease. This is done using various studies.

These may include:

  • scotometry;
  • fundus examination;
  • perimetry;
  • dark adaptometry;
  • electroretinography;
  • Ultrasound of eye vessels.

When the factor provoking the disease is identified, therapy is aimed at getting rid of it.

For the most common ailments that provoke symptomatic hemeralopia, it can be used next treatment:

In the case of essential form of night blindness, the doctor examines the level of retinol in the blood. After this he appoints special diet and taking vitamin and mineral complexes. You may need to visit a gastroenterologist or endocrinologist.

Vitamin-mineral complexes must contain the required amount of vitamin A (beta-carotene), ascorbic acid, lutein, selenium, zinc, copper and taurine.

Twilight vision can be completely restored only with timely consultation with a doctor and accurate diagnosis. Most acquired dysfunctions respond well to therapy.

Nutrition correction and traditional methods

For recovery required quantity vitamin A and others valuable elements, the ophthalmologist may prescribe a special diet. She represents balanced diet, but with the obligatory addition of foods rich in this vitamin to the menu.

These include:

  • cod liver;
  • dairy products;
  • egg yolks;
  • orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, persimmons, apricots, peaches, oranges);
  • corn;
  • green peas.

Don't forget about blueberries and black currants, which contain a lot of ascorbic acid and lutein, which are also very beneficial for vision.

But not only pharmaceuticals can help with impaired twilight vision. Traditional medicine offers his methods of combating night blindness.

After consulting your doctor, you can try the following recipes:

Components Cooking method Application
Knotweed (knotweed), borage(borage), nettle, yarrow inflorescences, clover

and calendula, rowan fruits in equal parts

Mix the crushed ingredients. Brew a large spoonful of the resulting mixture in 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 180 minutes. Filter. Drink half a cup three times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Blue cornflower flowers Brew a small spoon of plant material in a cup of boiling water and wait 60 minutes. Filter. Drink a quarter cup three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
blueberries Big spoon dried fruits Brew in a cup of boiling water, let steep for four hours. Filter. Drink half a glass three times a day, at any time.
Sea buckthorn berries Three large spoons of fresh fruits are infused in boiling water (250 ml) for 30 minutes, then filtered. If desired, you can sweeten the drink with honey or jam. Drink twice a day, an hour after meals.
Nettle Shredded leaves medicinal plant(two large spoons) steamed in a cup of boiling water for 60 minutes, filtered. Drink a third of a cup three times a day 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Additionally, fish oil and carrot, blueberry and grape juices can be considered home remedies against night blindness. The first drug should be taken three times a day, 30 ml. Drink half a cup of freshly squeezed carrot or grape juice three times a day 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Blueberry juice can be taken in the same way, but it should be diluted with water 1:3.

Prevention of hemeralopia includes proper nutrition saturated with microelements and vitamins, frequent walks on fresh air, alternating work and rest.

In summer and when skiing in bright sunshine, it is imperative to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. If a diagnosis has already been made and treatment is underway, bright flashes of light, such as from car headlights, should be avoided. If there is no normal lighting, wear glasses or contact lenses even with slight myopia.

Most people see well in the twilight, and all thanks to the work of the rods in the retina. And when changes occur that disrupt the functionality of the retina, causing twilight vision to suffer.

The principle of twilight vision

The retina of the eye contains cones and rods, which are responsible for visual acuity in different lighting conditions. Cones help a person see during the day and in bright light; they are responsible for the perception of colors and details. Rods are active mostly in poor lighting; they help us use black-and-white twilight vision.

The rods contain the visual pigment rhodopsin, which is responsible for excitation of the optic nerve. Rhodopsin breaks down in light and is restored in darkness, so a person needs time to adapt when moving from light to darkness.

Twilight vision would be impossible without vitamin A (a component of rhodopsin), since it is involved in the adaptation of the eyes to darkness. Therefore, with a lack of this element, twilight vision disorders develop.

Dark adaptation - the process of transition visual system in twilight and night vision mode. In this mode, a person sees in a black and white spectrum, and all objects appear gray to us.

What is hemeralopia

Visual impairment in twilight conditions is known to medicine as hemeralopia. It is noteworthy that this disease has no degrees: either there is a deviation or there is not. Despite this, impaired vision at dusk greatly interferes with a person’s life, leading to dangerous consequences.

Hemeralopia is popularly called. This is a visual disorder that is caused by pathology of the retina and optic nerve. Violations lead to a significant decrease in visual acuity in twilight and dark conditions.

Symptoms of hemeralopia:

  • weakening of visual function;
  • disturbance of spatial orientation in the dark;
  • defect of light adaptation;
  • narrowing of visual fields.

Sometimes the symptoms of night blindness are complemented by an incorrect perception of shades of yellow and blue. Medicine knows the so-called false hemeralopia, when visual acuity at dusk decreases temporarily. This occurs due to eye strain when working at a computer or with small print. However, not all doctors agree with this definition of the condition, because hemeralopia cannot be relative.

Representatives of both sexes suffer equally from hemeralopia, but it has been observed that during menopause women are more likely to have problems with twilight vision. This is due to various endocrine changes that occur with age in the body of women.

Causes of twilight vision disorders

Numerous studies show that hypovitaminosis plays a role important role during the development of hemeralopia. Pathology occurs due to acute shortage vitamins A, B2 and PP.

Lack of vitamin A causes drying, thickening and redness of the conjunctiva, reduces the secretion of glands, provokes various disorders corneal sensitivity and clouding.

It is also noteworthy that vitamin A is involved in the process of photoreception (light absorption by photoreceptors). A lack of vitamin A causes massive destruction of rods in the retina, which becomes the first sign of impaired twilight vision.

The destruction of rods can be detected during dark adaptometry, electroretinography and scotometry.

Other causes of hemeralopia may include:

  • exhaustion;
  • pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • malnutrition;
  • glaucoma;
  • myopia;
  • cataract;
  • exposure to toxins;
  • retinal diseases;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • alcoholism;
  • optic nerve pathologies;
  • burns of the eyeballs.

Sometimes impaired twilight vision is associated with heredity. Congenital hemeralopia almost always appears in childhood. Hemeralopia is often a consequence of measles or chickenpox in children.

Diagnosis and treatment of hemeralopia

Medicine distinguishes between congenital and acquired hemeralopia. Even modern methods Treatments do not cure the congenital form.

Methods for diagnosing hemeralopia:

  • ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus, examination of the retina, optic nerve, blood vessels);
  • biomicroscopy (examination of the eye using a slit lamp);
  • (measurement intraocular pressure);
  • (determining visual acuity using the table);
  • study color vision(study of color perception using color schemes).

It must be remembered that the treatment of hemeralopia is determined differently in each case, so you should not take any medications uncontrollably. First, you need to find the cause of the disease, and the results of the examination will show what the body really lacks. Consultations from other specialists will not be superfluous.

If there is a cause for the defect, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Often this vitamin complexes and treatment of pathologies of the visual system that provoke twilight vision disorders.

Pathologies of the visual system

When the cause of hemeralopia is myopia, therapy will consist of laser correction vision. Refractive surgeries (lens replacement, etc.) can also be used.

Retinal detachment requires immediate attention laser coagulation. Glaucoma requires antiglaucomatous surgery, and cataracts require extraction or phacoemulsification.


To determine the concentration of retinol, carotene and vitamin A in the blood, an appropriate test is prescribed. When the levels of these components decrease, corrective therapy is required.

If the cause of hemeralopia is a vitamin deficiency, therapy will include the following measures:

  • normalization of diet;
  • balancing the diet;
  • taking vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Often, for essential hemeralopia, medications with beta-carotene are prescribed. This is provitamin A, but it does not cause side hypervitaminosis. The course of treatment also includes vitamins A, C, E, lutein and trace elements (zinc, selenium, copper). These components are the basis of therapy for twilight vision disorders caused by a lack of vitamins.

Hemeralopia without a reason

If the examination does not reveal obvious pathologies, hemeralopia can still be reduced. Must be created comfortable conditions for the visual system: use sunglasses And optical systems For drivers, use polarized visors to prevent glare while driving.

With yellow and orange lenses, they remove glare and glare, increase the contrast of colors and the depth of their perception. They are highly recommended for drivers with hemeralopia.

When working at a computer, you need to optimize and properly illuminate workplace. Do not allow light reflected from the monitor to enter your eyes. If you have hemeralopia, you should not use fluorescent lamps.


It is impossible to cure hemeralopia on your own, but prevention must be carried out. Eye health largely depends on nutrition, so first of all you need to balance your diet.

To prevent disorders, it is necessary to include in the diet foods that are rich in vitamin A: carrots, tomatoes, blackberries, spinach, black currants, blueberries, apricots, dairy, seafood, egg yolk, millet.

In addition, you need to eat foods with vitamin B2. Considering that vitamin A is fat-soluble, it is better to combine it with fats.

If you have problems with twilight vision, you should not work at a computer or look at a bright TV, tablet, or phone screen in the dark. There should be additional light that softens the contrast between darkness and brightness. This rule also applies to healthy people.

You should rest your eyes every 40 minutes when working with small parts. It is unacceptable to read from electronic devices in the dark, as well as in bright lamplight. To prevent your eyes from being overloaded, the light should fall evenly.

When in the mountains, you should wear glasses with an ultraviolet filter. This will prevent you from being blinded by reflected rays.

Hemeralopia and driving

Many people over the age of 50 suffer from hemeralopia. Every year the number of accidents and other incidents, the cause of which is impaired twilight vision, increases. Therefore, you should drive vehicles carefully.

With night blindness, a person is inattentive while driving, and when blinded by headlights, he instantly loses orientation. This occurs due to the fact that after going blind, a person with hemeralopia cannot adapt to the dark immediately. Therefore, when obtaining a license, it is worth checking for night blindness.

How to improve twilight vision


There are ways to improve dark adaptation. The first one goes back to the days of pirates. Not surprisingly, they are often depicted with an eye patch, but rarely did it cover up the missing eyeball. Pirates wore blindfolds to have one working eye when going down from the deck into the hold, where it was dangerous to use candles and lanterns.

Today, to improve dark adaptation, there is no need to wear bandages. It is enough to use sunglasses, the desired shade of gray. It has been proven that after being in the sun for 2-3 hours, it then takes 10 minutes more to fully adapt to the dark.

Don't look at the light

When in the dark, you don’t need to look at light sources. Such actions disrupt twilight vision, since rhodopsin will begin to rapidly decompose in the light. If it is not possible to avoid bright light, you need to cover one eye, maintaining dark adaptation at least in it. This way a person will not be completely disoriented if, for example, he is driving.

Red glasses

Another method is based on the fact that the rods are insensitive to red light. Previously, the army practiced this method of adaptation: soldiers wore red glasses before night guard, and the red did not interfere with the restoration of rhodopsin. Cones with red pigment did not interfere with orientation in the light, and thanks to the preservation of rhodopsin, the soldier could serve from the first minute of duty.

Today, red-tinted glasses can be purchased at any optical store. By putting them on 20-30 minutes before going out into the dark, a person ensures good adaptation. This method is used by pilots if they do not have the opportunity to be in the dark before flying into the night.

Eye exercise

Another feature of vision is actively used in special forces. Once in the dark, the soldiers close their eyes and press their eyelids on their eyes for 10 seconds. The method is effective, although medicine has not yet found an explanation for this.

Before going out into the dark, you need to close your eyes and massage eyeballs, press with your palms. After a few seconds, the field of vision will brighten. This is a signal that vision has been rebooted. You should wait for the black to return and open your eyes. Twilight vision will be better.



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