The main thing in treatment is not the quantity of drugs, but their right choice Therefore, a correct diagnosis plays a primary role.

No one will sell you the best medicine in a pharmacy, because it is... correct image life.

The habit of illness is also essentially a disease, and one of the most dangerous.

Morbid imagination gives birth to imaginary diseases for which there is no cure.

Syphilis is an exceptional disease because it is born in pleasure. The rest of the ailments are from nerves.

A conservative lifestyle based on unity with nature is the key to victory over most illnesses.

The disease has become the norm even for a healthy person.

Two things that a patient should take care of are appetite and good mood, otherwise the disease cannot be defeated.

A headache is not a reason to go hungry.

All people share a common fate - illness and death.

There is no greater emptiness than the bottomless emptiness of pain.

The cause of the disease itself is not so important, but finding it out allows you to decide on the method of treatment.

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Our food substances must be a remedy, and our remedies must be a food substance.

My mother served leftovers from dinner for thirty years.

It’s bad if the wife knows how to cook, but doesn’t want to; It’s even worse if she doesn’t know how, but wants to. Robert Frost

People who feed rather than eat are like cattle. - A. Brillat-Savarin

When a person eats little, he worries about his figure. Or he just can’t eat much! – François De La Rochefoucauld

Beer is another proof that the Lord loves us and wants us to be happy.

You need to put your soul into cooking. Eat with those who are dear to you. Then your heart, embodied in food, unites with the couples of love and turns dinner into a real holiday. - Carlo Petrini

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch. – Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The stomach of an enlightened person has the best qualities of a good heart - sensitivity and gratitude. – Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

After a good dinner you can forgive anyone, even brother. – Oscar Wilde

A spoon is good for lunch, and a glass before lunch. Konstantin Kushner

Better boiled egg in times of peace than roasted bull in times of war. – Lion Feuchtwanger

Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. Anselm Brillat-Savarin

The Italian has only two thoughts in his head; the second is spaghetti. - Catherine Deneuve

A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This position applies equally to the mind as to the body.

No one ever saw the dinner itself. Calvin Trillin

If a gourmet constantly counts calories in his dishes, then he is like Casanova, not taking his eyes off his watch. – James Beard

Moderation is an ally of nature and a guardian of health. So when you drink, when you eat, when you move, and even when you love, practice moderation. – Abul-Faraj

Love and hunger rule the world. – Friedrich Schiller

Old people endure fasting very easily; in second place are adult people, more difficult are young people, and most difficult are children, and of these last - those who are distinguished by too much liveliness. – Hippocrates

We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.

The invention of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star. - A. Brillat-Savarin

The same dish is never the same. Alain Lobro

Better mustard after dinner than instead. Ryszard Podlewski

Excess food interferes with the subtlety of the mind. – Seneca

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored and not suppressed. – Marcus Tulius Cicero

To truly lose weight, you just need to give up three things - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Frank Lloyd Wright

The only difference between a good dinner and a long life is that at dinner the sweets are served at the end. – Robert Louis Stevenson

Eating too much is harmful, but eating too little is boring. A. Karabchievsky

On the Continent you are treated to good dinners, in England you are treated to good dining manners. George Mikes

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to one without a good dish. – Immanuel Kant

The best seasoning for food is hunger.

Never argue at dinner: the one who is hungrier always loses.

You need to eat only good food and little by little, the same with books and movies. - Krzysztof Zanussi

Everyone eats what they eat. – Ludwig Feuerbach

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

A good lunch brings everything out best qualities men. - Jerome K. Jerome

A gentleman never eats. He only has breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cole Porter

At the end there was a banquet. The frog ate the fly, the frog already ate, the hedgehog ate the snake, the fox ate the hedgehog. Lunch went on in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Felix Krivin

I eat to live, not live to eat.

Drunkenness is the mother of all vices.

In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything except food and drink. - Oscar Wilde

Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the person who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation.

While I don't necessarily think we should eat beef without mustard, I am quite convinced that there is much more available these days. serious danger: desire to eat mustard without beef. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

There are far fewer good stomachs than good food. – Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

We do not live in order to eat, but in order not to know what to eat.

If you have money, then eat pilaf, if you don’t have money, then eat only pilaf. - Uzbek proverb

It is better to undereat occasionally than to overeat all the time.

Drinking wine is as harmful as taking poison.

The best seasoning for food is hunger. Socrates

Not having dinner is a sacred law for those who value light sleep most of all. A.S. Pushkin

The day you eat raw, the day you don’t grow old

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires. Benjamin Franklin

It is better to undereat occasionally than to overeat all the time. Abul Faraj

Drinking wine is as harmful as taking poison.

Excess food interferes with the subtlety of the mind. Seneca

When you get up from the table hungry, you are full; if you get up after having eaten, you have overeaten; If you get up after overeating, you are poisoned. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Don't make a cult out of food. Ostap Bender

I am surprised at the one who allowed distorted shapes on his table dead bodies and demanded for his daily nutrition what so recently were creatures gifted with movement, understanding and voice. Plutarch

“If you go into the kitchen and become acquainted with all the secrets and ways of pleasing your taste so that you eat more than necessary; ... if you see all these dishes not on a luxuriously laid table, but in another place, you will consider them garbage and feel disgusted.” J. Labruyère

“When I see tables covered with so many dishes, it seems to me that gout, dropsy, fever and many other diseases are hiding behind each of them, as if in ambush.” Addison Joseph

“Thanks to the refrigerator, we can now eat stale food.” Stefan Kiselevsky

“Fools gorge themselves on pleasure, and then complain about moral regurgitation.” Minna Antrim

When seventy-year-old Bernard Shaw was asked about his health, he replied: “Great, great, but the doctors are bothering me, claiming that I will die because I don’t eat meat.” When ninety-year-old Shaw was asked the same question, he replied: “Great. Nobody bothers me anymore. All the doctors who tormented me, claiming that I could not live without meat, have already died.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba:

“Like the food, so is the mind,

as is the mind, so are the thoughts,

as are the thoughts, so is the behavior,

such is the behavior, such is the fate.”

"When we sit down to eat,

we feel light

and weightlessness;

after eating we should feel

the same lightness and weightlessness.”

"A person strives to change

natural products for

to please your tastes,

and thus destroys

the very essence of life contained in it.”

“Those who feed on the carcasses of killed animals get the worst from them.” Leo Tolstoy

“Is it worth asking why Pythagoras gave up meat? Personally, I am more interested in what state of mind was in the person who first touched bloody flesh with his lips and tasted carrion, what circumstances forced him to set his tables with dishes from decomposed carcasses and call food what just recently mooed and bleated, moved and breathed... .

For some reason, we do not eat lions and wolves, which pose a threat to our lives, but instead kill harmless, docile creatures that cannot cause us any harm, because they have neither claws nor fangs. For the sake of a piece of meat, we deprive them of sun, light and life, to which they have the same right as we do.” Plutarch

“Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance.

Provide help only to those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts.

Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of a square, to imagine the other three.” Confucius

"Do not be embarrassed by the fact that if you refuse meat food all your close family will attack you, judge you, laugh at you. If meat-eating were an indifferent matter, meat-eaters would not attack vegetarianism; they are irritated because in our time they are already aware of their sin, but are not yet able to free themselves from it." L.N. Tolstoy

Chew food thoroughly. “The sages said this: if you chew 50 times, you won’t get sick; if you chew 100 times, you will live a very long time; if you chew 150 times, you will become immortal.”

Remember! Everything that went into your mouth went into your blood. Everything that got into the blood went into all the organs. Everything that has accumulated and rotted inside you, it all comes out through the excretory systems. Skin is the most large organ excretory system with billions of micro-holes.

“The disease exists only where it is needed and lasts as long as necessary.” Herbert Shelton

Here I will allow myself to quote Zeeland again: “Some will do this with the best intentions, wishing you well with all their might: “After all, you are foolish, give up this nonsense and live like everyone else.” normal people!” Others will perceive your behavior as a challenge and react accordingly with hostility. All these “restless” people, in essence, have one thing in common - to put you in your place: “Where are you going, are you better than us? Live like us and don’t twitch!” Following the rule of their pendulum, they persistently force you to adhere to the same principles. But the question is: what makes them so zealously defend their foundations? After all, you don’t impose your opinion on others and don’t try to change anyone?

The paradox is that if you began to actively prove to everyone around you that you were right, they would simply laugh, calmly giving up on your eccentricities. But when you confidently follow your own path without asking anyone, this causes the indignation of others. Their anxiety is caused by subconscious doubts about their own rightness, despite the fact that the mind is firmly lulled by established stereotypes.”

“I’m not looking at your plate, please don’t look at my plate. I go my way, and you go yours.”

The following phrase also works well: “Are you and your children healthy enough to give me some advice? No? So we decided to go a different route.” In response, you may hear: yes, at my age (40, 50, 60 years old) you will not look like that yet. But even modern orthodox medicine has long established that the reserve human body is 300 years. What are we even talking about? Close people are so worried about us that they forget the well-known saying: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” And if your relationship with your relatives was already strained, then a raw food diet can add fuel to the fire, or rather become another stumbling block and misunderstanding. Therefore, be prepared for certain possible difficulties, but WITHOUT PROGRAMMING yourself for it.

There is no need to convince or persuade anyone, it is of no use: “The teacher comes when the student is ready.” If I see that a person is interested, he asks something, I will happily answer the questions and tell you everything I know (well, not right away, of course). But I don’t advise anyone to be the first to tell someone, especially an unprepared one. Sooner or later, a person will reach out to you for information. ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE YOURSELF AND OTHERS TO BE OTHERS!

Only what is natural is beautiful. F. Voltaire

The quality of food is determined not by how it comes in, but by how it comes out.

Give your child an apple and a rabbit. If he starts playing with an apple and eating a rabbit, I'm ready to buy you a car.

Quotes about food from famous people. A hungry army is a terrible force

After have a nice lunch You can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

When in my life big trouble, I deny myself literally everything except delicious food and good drinks.

Oscar Wilde

Great people have always been abstinent in food.

Honore de Balzac

The best seasoning for food is hunger.

We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.

I eat to live, not live to eat.

Old people endure fasting very easily; in second place are adult people, more difficult are young people, and most difficult are children, and of these last - those who are distinguished by too much liveliness.


Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

Not having dinner is a holy law,
Who cares most light sleep.

The stomach of an enlightened person has the best qualities kind heart- sensitivity and gratitude.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

No one should exceed the limit in food or nutrition.

If a gourmet constantly counts calories in his dishes, then he is like Casanova, not taking his eyes off his watch.

James Beard

A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This position applies equally to the mind as to the body.

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

Beer is another proof that the Lord loves us and wants us to be happy.

Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires.

Benjamin Franklin

Better time undereating from time to time rather than constantly overeating.

Eating in abundance harms the body just as abundance of water harms crops.

If it were not for the power of the stomach, not a single bird would fall into the hunter’s snare, and the hunter himself would not set the snare.

Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the person who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation.

Drunkenness is the mother of all vices.

Moderation is an ally of nature and a guardian of health. So when you drink, when you eat, when you move, and even when you love, practice moderation.

Abul Faraj

Our nutrients should be a remedy, and our medicinal products must be food substances.

The effects of dietary supplements are long-lasting, while the effects of medications are transient.


Drinking wine is as harmful as taking poison.

Excess food interferes with the subtlety of the mind.

Between a good lunch and long life The only difference is that at dinner the sweets are served at the end.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Love and hunger rule the world.

Friedrich Schiller

There is no love more sincere than the love of food.

Will we refuse food only on the grounds that, when we are full, we lose our appetite? Can we say that a field is wasted if it remains fallow?

George Bernard Shaw

Everyone eats what they eat.

Ludwig Feuerbach

Abstinence in eating is born either out of concern for health, or inability to eat much.

Francois De La Rochefoucauld

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to one without good food.

Immanuel Kant

Belonging to some kind of lunch club, even a literary club, inevitably ruins an aspiring writer. This fatal mistake This was done by more than one talented young man who, on his own initiative or on the advice of foolish friends, tried to “crawl” into the society of celebrities - he saved his stomach, but lost his reputation.

Herbert George Wells

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored and not suppressed.

Marcus Tulius Cicero

We do not live in order to eat, but in order not to know what to eat.

When you get up from the table hungry, you are full; if you get up after having eaten, you have overeaten; If you get up after overeating, you are poisoned.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

2. Since patience is my greatest virtue and perfection is my goal, I was well equipped to handle culinary tasks. Marlene Dietrich.

3.High culinary art is the only human ability about which nothing bad can be said. F. Durrenmatt

4. When you get up from the table hungry, you are full; if you get up after eating, you have overeaten; if you get up after overeating, you are poisoned. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

5. A well-fed cat will not think of rushing at the mouse, but a hungry mouse will think of rushing at the cat. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

6. A hungry army is a terrible force. Konstantin Kushner

7. In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything, except food and drink. Oscar Wilde

8. Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger. Delphine de Girardin

9. The most serious political decisions are usually made in cozy, quiet restaurants. Joseph Lafayette

10. A rich man can always share his food with a poor man, and a poor man can always share his appetite with a rich man. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

11. If you have nothing to eat for breakfast, then at lunch be sure to pay a courtesy visit to a friend - he will share his daily bread, and during dinner visit your enemy - he will voluntarily give it to you. Stas Yankovsky

12. Tame your appetite to obey your reason willingly. Plutarch

13. Fill two quarters of the stomach with food, one with drink, and leave one for the wind. Chzhud-shi, ancient Tibetan treatise

14. If a gourmet constantly counts calories in his dishes, then he is like Casanova, not taking his eyes off his watch. James Beard

15. War is war, and lunch is on schedule. Friedrich Wilhelm I

16. Above all teachings and rules on how to live correctly,

I chose to affirm two foundations of dignity:

It's better to eat nothing at all than to eat just anything

It's better to be alone than to be friends with just anyone

Omar Khayyam

17. It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to music without a good dish. Emmanuel Kant

18. Love and hunger rule the world. F. Schiller

19. Do not eat food from an envious person and do not be tempted by his tasty dishes. Solomon
20. Since a person is eternally condemned to constantly eat, it means that he must eat well! Brillat-Savarin

21. Excess food interferes with the logic of the mind. Seneca

22. It is better to undereat from time to time than to constantly overeat. Abul Faraj

23. When I had money, I bought books, and when there was no money, I bought clothes and food. Erasmus of Rotterdam.

24. If you want to live happily ever after, reduce your lunch time. Benjamin Franklin

25. Don’t feed words instead of bread. Aristophanes

26. Japanese cuisine is the ideal food for a ballerina. Maya Plisetskaya

27. Food is as necessary for health as decent treatment is necessary for an educated person. Kozma Prutkov

28. Eat little at lunch, and even less at dinner, because the health of the whole body is forged in the forge of our stomach. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

29. It would do well for everyone to take a closer look at themselves while eating. Eliav Canetti

30. Food is not only a means of life for us, but also a means of death. Plutarch

31. Overeating leads to illness, as practice shows. Hippocrates

32. If, after eating your fill, you think about food, then even delicious dishes will not awaken your appetite. Hong Zichen

33. Cooking is a matter of time. In general, the more time, the better the result. . John Eskin

34. I'm not going to starve myself in order to live a little longer. Airan Peter

35. No matter what you say to a hungry person, he will only hear the rumbling of his empty stomach. . Baurzhan Toyshibekov

36. On the Continent you are treated to good dinners, in England you are treated to good dining manners. George Mikes

37. Complete nutrition does not require nutritional supplements. Konstantin Kushner

38. A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This applies equally to both the mind and the body. Benjamin Franklin

39. Just as eating food without pleasure turns into boring eating, so doing science without passion clogs the memory, which becomes unable to assimilate what it absorbs.
Leonardo da Vinci

40. To think, you have to eat - there’s no escape! Yes, but then, how many different thoughts can be produced by the same piece of bread!
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

41. Feed your guest all night before asking questions. Ernst Heine

42. We eat for our own pleasure, dress for the pleasure of others. Benjamin Franklin

43. The table is the only place where we don’t get bored from the very first minute. Anselm Brillat-Savarin

44. We are what we eat. Li Bo

45. It’s bad if a wife knows how to cook, but doesn’t want to; It’s even worse if she doesn’t know how, but wants to. Robert Frost

46. ​​A gentleman never eats. He only has breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cole Porter

New and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and the press


I'm pretty sure that in the second before death, a dieter thinks, "Damn, why did I give up blueberry donuts 17 years ago?"

A man is what he eats.
Der Mensch ist, was er isst.

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

The table is the only place where people don’t get bored from the very first minute.

Since we are condemned to eat, let us eat well.

After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

Some eat to live, others starve for the same purpose.

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to one without a good dish.

Evil people live in order to eat and drink, virtuous people eat and drink in order to live.

Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people they know how to eat.

The diet is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Appetite comes with eating.

You have to love what you eat or love the person you cook for. Cooking is an act of love.

Where there are pancakes, there we are, where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.
Russian proverb

If the country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, which means the country has reached the end of its rope.

The invention of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery nova.
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.

The rule of three “Cs”: only the one who can prepare a salad, sauce, soup is considered a real cook.

To become tasty, fish must swim three times: in water, in oil and in wine.
Fish, to taste good, must swim three times in water, in butter, and in wine.

The most delicious cakes in my life were the cakes in the Warsaw confectionery in 1913 and these rats. Rats gave us the opportunity to survive, the cakes gave us a guide to why...
Aunt KATYA, siege survivor. Quote from: The New Times, 2010 No. 15, page 60

I love food. The food is delicious.
I Like Food. Food Tastes Good.
English book title

On the continent [Europe] people eat well, in Britain at the table good manners.

In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything except food and drink.

To live well, you need to eat well.

A person should know no less about food than about mathematics or his native language.
GORDON RAMSAY, British chef, to Igor Serdyuk in an interview “In pursuit of extremes.” Quote from: Vedomosti, August 7, 2009

Cook quickly, eat slowly.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.
Cibi condimentum est fames.

He who eats and drinks hastily does not live long in the world.
Czech proverb

Obesity in developed countries is a sign of poverty. When there is plenty of food, the wealthier prefer to eat not as much as possible, but as best as possible.
JOHN KAY, Financial Times columnist. Quote from: Vedomosti, September 26, 2008, p. 4

You usually don’t have enough health to buy your favorite food.

The dishes should be beautiful, the rest is not important.
Alena, daughter of Alexander Galich, about the principle of a father who is unpretentious in food. Quote from: Story, 2008, No. 5, p. 105

They throw a stone at you, throw food back at you.
Bashkir proverb

"Eat simple food, and you can do anything.”

“To stay in shape, you need rest, good food and, most importantly, no sports.”

If you want to know me, eat with me.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

God created food, and the devil created cooks.

You need to eat more solid foods. You will immediately become a different person.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Cheese is the corpse of milk.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

For a normal Japanese, there is nothing worse than rice that has lost its whiteness.
HARUKI MURAKAMI. Quote from: The New Times, 2008, No. 8, p. 61

Many of my views and habits were formed due to the fact that in my young years I was overfed with black caviar.

It is easier to imagine Britain without the Queen than without tea.
British joke

No one can convince me that in a brilliant symphony more content than in a brilliant salad. If we erect a monument to Mozart, we are obliged to erect a monument to Mr. Olivier.

“Tea should taste bitter, just like beer, and sugar or milk kills its true flavor.”

“How can we hope for peace and prosperity on earth if our bodies are living graves in which slaughtered animals are buried?”

"Of course the best English food is simply French food."
GEORGE ORWELL, quoting this phrase from a French book and objecting to it passionately

“You need to cook slowly, with feeling, from the freshest organic ingredients, and eat with those you love, sharing big table. By endlessly accelerating the rhythm of life, we deprive ourselves of life itself.”
CARLO PETRINI, founder of the Slow Food movement. Quote from: “Kommersant-Weekend”, 2007, No. 49, p. 28

"English cuisine is much better than its reputation."

“Gastronomic art teaches a person to manage his time rationally and prudently. It cultivates in us both wise patience and instant reaction.”
SERGEY PARKHOMENKO in the article “About pea soup, with which no one is in a hurry.” "Kommersant Weekend", 2007, No. 62, p. 49

“Classic vinaigrette: everything delicious in one plate.”

“Let them do what they want, but raising the price of coffee is too much.”
The heroine of SERGEY DOVLATOV

“I simply cannot eat caviar, but I have to force myself.”
The heroine of Audrey Tautou in the film “Fatal Beauty”

“It has long been known that in the kitchen quantity never turns into quality, rather the opposite.”
DARIA TSIVINA about the restaurant menu, where almost all the capitals of the world are represented. "Kommersant-Weekend", 2007, No. 36, p. 30

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Feel free to pave the same path to a woman’s heart.”
SVETLANA ZAKHAROVA, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

“Be careful with a person who does not know how to eat or feed.”
Prince VLADIMIR ODOEVSKY, “Kitchen”, “Book Review”, 2007, No. 2, p. 19

"Too many cooks - goodbye stew."
English proverb

"Sauce hides a thousand sins."
An old cook's saying

“The second freshness - what nonsense! There is only one freshness – the first, and it is also the last.”
MIKHAIL BULGAKOV, "The Master and Margarita"

“For me, a restaurant is, first of all, about people. I want them to have fun."
ARKADY NOVIKOV, restaurateur. GQ, 2007, no. 4, p. 192

“You need to eat either fast food or black caviar. But both must be accompanied by fried potatoes.”
PARIS HILTON. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 35

“If you have unexpected guests and there is nothing at home, go down to the cellar and take a leg of lamb.”
ELENA MOLOKHOVETS. Quote from: “Kommersant Weekly”, 2007, No. 29, p. 39

"Ignoring walnuts, you are making one of the main mistakes in your life.”
Leaders of the Belgian Amateur Society walnuts. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 98

“Only fools are not gourmets.”
Norman wisdom

“The stuffing cannot be turned back.”

“An Italian has only two thoughts in his head; the second is spaghetti.”

"Nothing is harder empty stomach».
Malagasy saying

“Papanov and I worked abroad, we were paid little, so we ate canned food. One day he told me: “If you think that these canned goods are not reflected in our eyes, you are mistaken.”

"Don't waste your time trying to make the world's best spaghetti sauce - tastier than that“What’s sold in the supermarket around the corner won’t work anyway.”
From a fashion magazine

"Moonlit night and boiled rice always come in handy."
Japanese saying

"You just need to eat good food and little by little, the same with books and movies.”
Krzysztof Zanussi

“He who does not feed the body does not feed the spirit.”
Chefs' favorite saying

“The plate should have one part cruelty – pepper, vinegar, spices, three parts strength and six parts tenderness.”

“A good cook has a lot of character and feeling.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“When you try a seemingly simple haute cuisine dish, you feel the greatness of the chef being revealed.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“Are there rehabilitation clinics for Coca-Cola drinkers? I drink six cans a day!”

I'm a vegetarian not because I love animals - I just hate plants.

If they don't have bread, let them eat cakes.
Allegedly, Marie Antoinette addressed the hungry poor of revolutionary Paris. In fact, the phrase had been circulating in the French press since 1760, that is, thirty years before the revolution. In addition, in the original there are not cakes, but brioche - white buns, that is, the same bread.



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