Vitamins in the pharmacy for hair growth. Pharmacy vitamins for hair

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Vitamins are low molecular weight substances that trigger and support normal course cascades of biochemical transformations occurring in the cells of the human body. To understand the importance of vitamins, you need to know that absolutely everything physiological functions various organs and tissues, as well as their nutrition and oxygen supply occurs in the form of successive cascades biochemical reactions. Each function in the body is performed by a certain type of reactions that are activated and maintained by normal speed namely vitamins. Moreover, each vitamin activates and maintains the rate of occurrence of only a specific type of biochemical reaction.

Since hair is an appendage of the skin that needs nutrition and oxygen supply, it, like other organs, needs vitamins. Vitamins ensure normal metabolic and respiration processes in the hair follicle and directly in the cells of the hair itself. How optimally the hair is provided with vitamins determines its appearance and structure, as well as the rate of growth and hair loss. If you have the required amount of vitamins, your hair will be beautiful, lush, shiny, elastic, growing quickly and not falling out. If there is a deficiency of vitamins, then the hair becomes dull, lifeless, brittle, with split ends, poor growth and loss. Thus, the importance of vitamins for hair is obvious.

Vitamins for hair - definition and physiological significance

Currently, 13 vitamins are known, each of which ensures the normal course of various types biochemical transformations in organs and tissues. Each organ or tissue has its own unique functions, for example, the liver destroys toxins and purifies the blood, the kidneys remove metabolic waste, etc. However, in addition to these specific functions, general processes occur in each cell of any organ. biochemical processes, related to maintaining its vital functions, such as nutrition, breathing, removal of metabolic products, etc.

To carry out vital processes that are universal for all cells, all organs need a number of the same vitamins, which can be conventionally called systemic. And to carry out specific functions, each organ needs a certain set of vitamins, which can be conventionally called specific.

It is these specific vitamins that are called “vitamins for the eyes,” “vitamins for the kidneys,” “vitamins for the hair,” etc. This means that these vitamins are especially necessary for the proper and complete functioning of the organ, and therefore their deficiency can lead to various diseases the indicated organ. This organ also needs all other vitamins, but their deficiency will not be so critical for its functioning.

Thus, when talking about hair vitamins, we mean those chemical compounds that are especially necessary for their functioning. Since hair is an appendage of the skin and does not perform any vital function, it needs vitamins that will keep it healthy, actively growing and beautiful.

This means that vitamins for hair are those that activate and support metabolism, ensure blood flow with nutrients and oxygen to the roots, as well as intensive cell division and the formation of connective tissue elements such as collagen, elastin, etc. Due to active cell division and high speed metabolism in the hair fiber cells, as well as good blood supply to the hair follicles, rapid hair growth is achieved, constant renewal occurs at the cellular level, that is, the “young” state of the hair is constantly maintained. As a result of the active occurrence of all metabolic processes, the hair becomes beautiful and strong.

Necessary vitamins for hair - properties and clinical effect produced

For a beautiful appearance, rapid growth and hair strength, the following vitamins are needed:
  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin B 1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin B 8 (inositol);
  • Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin);
  • Vitamin H (biotin);
  • Vitamin F (F).
Let's consider the properties and clinical effects of the listed vitamins on hair.

Vitamin A for hair. Retinol is necessary for the synthesis of elastin, collagen fibers and keratin, which provide elasticity, silkiness and softness to hair. With a deficiency of vitamin A, hair becomes loose, dull with split ends.

Vitamin E for hair. Tocopherol provides beautiful shine and rapid hair growth, and also protects it from negative impact factors environment. With a deficiency of vitamin E, hair begins to fall out and break.

Vitamin C increases the rate of hair growth and prevents hair loss by improving blood supply to hair follicles. In addition, vitamin C is an antioxidant and therefore protects hair from various types of damage. free radicals, available in abundance in the environment. With a deficiency of vitamin C, hair becomes dry and begins to fall out.

Folic acid is necessary for proper and fairly rapid cell division, that is, the formation of new structural units hair fiber. Folic acid ensures rapid hair growth and preservation of hair pigmentation. With a deficiency of folic acid, hair quickly turns gray, grows slowly or falls out completely.

Vitamin B 1 for hair. The vitamin enhances hair growth rate and normalizes hair production. sebum, eliminating their excess fat and dandruff. With a deficiency of vitamin B1, seborrhea develops, often combined with hair loss. In addition, with thiamine deficiency, hair becomes dull and lifeless.

Vitamin B 2 improves hair growth and also maintains normal levels of sebum production. With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, hair quickly becomes oily at the roots and dry at the ends, splits and breaks.

Vitamin B 5 improves nutrition hair follicle, thereby strengthening the hair structure. Thanks to vitamin B 5, hair has volume, shine and elasticity. With a deficiency of vitamin B 5, hair becomes dull, brittle and greasy. This vitamin is good at restoring hair damaged by dyeing, perming, frequent use of a hair dryer, etc.

Vitamin B 6 for hair. This vitamin supports normal condition scalp, preventing the development of dermatitis and dermatoses. Vitamin B6 deficiency causes dandruff and itchy scalp.

Vitamin B 8 maintains the normal structure of the hair follicle, preventing its destruction and hair loss. With a deficiency of vitamin B 8, hair begins to fall out significantly.

Vitamin B 12 for hair. Cyanocobalamin makes each hair stronger and significantly accelerates its growth rate. With a deficiency of vitamin B 12, hair becomes brittle, grows very slowly and falls out moderately.

Vitamin H improves hair structure and maintains normal levels of sebum production. Vitamin H is one of the most important vitamins for hair as it plays a crucial role in maintaining its beauty and normal height. With a deficiency of vitamin H, the hair quickly becomes greasy and gradually begins to fall out.

Vitamin PP moisturizes and nourishes hair by maintaining the normal structure of the hair follicle. Vitamin PP also maintains normal hair pigmentation, preventing graying. With a deficiency of vitamin PP, hair turns gray quickly and early.

Vitamin F (F) maintains normal operation sebaceous glands, preventing seborrhea and rapid greasy hair. In addition, vitamin F strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. With a deficiency of vitamin F, seborrhea develops, hair becomes greasy and unsightly, and begins to fall out moderately.

What vitamins do hair lack most often?

To understand what vitamins the hair of residents of a particular geographic region may most often lack, you need to know the nutritional structure that exists in the region. at the moment, or the results of research conducted under the auspices World Organization healthcare. It is necessary to know the nutritional features, since depending on which foods predominate in people’s diets, their security depends various vitamins. In other words, people with different eating habits suffer from different vitamin deficiencies.

WHO conducts studies on vitamin sufficiency once every few years and publishes open reports on the organization’s official website. Based on these reports, you can see what vitamins the residents of a particular region lack. That is, in order to understand which vitamins are most often lacking in the hair of a given person, it is necessary to analyze his diet or read the WHO report on the supply of vitamins in the corresponding region.

In some countries of the post-Soviet space (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova), most of the diet consists of various high-carbohydrate foods from cereals (porridge, bread, pastries, pancakes, cakes, cookies, etc.) and potatoes. At the same time, there is little meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, in the diet. Moreover, ready-made cereal dishes are usually made from refined and purified flour, which contains very few vitamins. In addition, the diet contains heavy and unhealthy fats, such as lard, spreads and margarines, which also contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals. Against the backdrop of such a diet, residents of these countries suffer from a deficiency fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E and K. There is also a deficiency of vitamins, which are easily destroyed during processing of foods, such as group B and C.

Thus, taking into account the current diet, the hair of people living in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova most often lacks the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin B 1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid, panthenol);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin H (biotin);
  • Vitamin PP (niacin, nicotinamide);
  • Vitamin F (F).

Vitamin complexes for hair - names

Currently on the domestic pharmaceutical market available wide range vitamin and mineral complexes created specifically to strengthen and improve hair structure. These complexes may refer to pharmaceuticals or dietary supplements (dietary supplements). Big difference There is no difference between the pharmacological drugs available in pharmacies and dietary supplements, since they are developed and produced by essentially the same companies. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of legislation in countries former USSR It is very difficult to register a drug in the register of pharmacological products, so manufacturers get around this problem by classifying the vitamin complex as a dietary supplement. That is why in the CIS countries there is no fundamental difference between vitamin and mineral pharmacological preparations and dietary supplements.

Vitamin complexes for hair for oral administration

Below we provide a list of pharmacological drugs and dietary supplements that have proven clinical effects on hair:
  • Alerana (tablets);
  • Alodex;
  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • Aminofast;
  • Aurita;
  • Biosil;
  • Beautix;
  • Beautyton;
  • Beauty Expert. Luxurious hair and nails (manufacturer Neogalen);
  • VitaCharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Gelenk Narung;
  • Darcel beauty factor;
  • Darcel Hair Strength (factor 1 and 2);
  • Dermofit Bolgartrav;
  • Doppelhertz Active and Beauty;
  • Brewer's yeast (tablets);
  • Inneov Hair Density;
  • Intervention for Women;
  • Ishemin;
  • Complements Radiance;
  • Merz;
  • Nagipol;
  • Naosinshu elixir;
  • Nutricap;
  • Nutricomplex for hair and nails;
  • Charm;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfect;
  • Revalid;
  • Repein;
  • Rinfoldid;
  • Richhair SB;
  • Sebovalis;
  • Selencin;
  • Solgar "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Sophia. Vitamins for hair and nails;
  • Tricoxene and Tricoxene Donna;
  • Trichobliss VA 54;
  • Femicode for hair and nails;
  • Fitoval;
  • Phytophaner;
  • Cheviton;
  • Ecdysterone Mega;
  • Hair expert from Evalar;
  • Esquanol (with oil walnut, sea buckthorn or milk thistle);
  • Esobel-Art;
  • Beauty elixir;
  • Oenobiol Capillaire Anti-Chute;
  • Vitaline B+.

Hair vitamins in ampoules

Hair vitamins in ampoules are intended for external use and are available in the form oil solutions and have high clinical effectiveness. Hair vitamins in ampoules are quite expensive, but their effect is comparable to mesotherapy - a special delivery procedure necessary substances directly into the hair follicle. But with mesotherapy, the effect comes quickly, unlike the use of hair vitamins in ampoules. To obtain a lasting and pronounced clinical effect from the use of vitamins in hair ampoules, they must be used for 3 to 5 weeks.

Currently, the following hair vitamins in ampoules are available on the domestic market:

  • Honey-herbal complex for hair in ampoules of the series "Recipes of Grandma Agafya";
  • Biokim;
  • Green Pharmacy;
  • Simplaisen;
  • Stvolamine placenta;
  • Faberlic;
  • Farmavita;
  • Phytoformula;
  • Antexa;
  • Biolag;
  • BioMed Placenta;
  • Bonacure;
  • Botea;
  • C:EHKO;
  • Corine;
  • CH5plus;
  • Depilfax;
  • Dercap;
  • Dickson;
  • Erayba;
  • farm;
  • Kaaral;
  • Korff;
  • Loreal fluid professional;
  • Estel HEK;
  • Salerm;
  • Selective;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • System 4;
  • Structure Fort;
  • Paul Mitchell;
  • Phytolab minerale;
  • Placen formula;
  • Polipant Kerastas;
  • Revlon;
  • Vichy.
The list contains the names of companies or lines that have high-quality hair vitamins in capsules. According to reviews from stylists, trichologists, hairdressers and people who have used various hair capsules, the best clinical effect The products are made in Italy and Japan.

What hair vitamins should you take to get different effects?

Each vitamin has a specific effect on the hair, thereby causing some pronounced clinical effect, for example, strengthening hair, increasing elasticity, shine, stopping hair loss, etc. Therefore, to obtain any specific effect, you should take certain vitamins that are capable of providing required action on the hair. Let's look at what vitamins you need to take to accelerate hair growth and strengthen it (prevent hair loss).

Vitamins for hair growth

To speed up hair growth, any person, regardless of gender and age, needs the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A– directly accelerates the growth process by activating the synthesis of the necessary cellular structures of the hair, such as keratin scales, collagen and elastin;
  • Vitamin C– improves blood circulation in the scalp, which optimizes the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. Due to increased nutrition of the hair follicle, the hair itself begins to actively grow;

  • Vitamin H– maintains an optimal level of sebum production, which allows you to maintain optimal hair hydration without excessive greasy hair. Ungreasy hair can grow at a normal rate;
  • Vitamin PP– supports the normal structure and functioning of hair follicles, without which rapid hair growth is impossible;
  • Vitamins B 2, B 9 ( folic acid) and B 5 – directly accelerate hair growth by activating metabolic processes and the synthesis of new cellular structures.

Vitamins for strengthening hair

To strengthen your hair and reduce hair loss, you need to take the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin C– strengthens hair by improving blood supply to hair follicles;
  • Vitamin E– stops hair loss and strengthens it due to effective protection from negative environmental factors;
  • Vitamin H– prevents or stops hair loss. Also reduces the rate of graying or prevents the appearance of single gray hairs;
  • Vitamin B 2– strengthens hair and optimizes sebum production;
  • Vitamin B 6– improves metabolic processes in hair and hair follicles, strengthening them;
  • Vitamin B 8– directly stops hair loss;
  • Vitamin F– strengthens hair and stops hair loss by normalizing and maintaining the health of the scalp.

Vitamin complexes for hair - general characteristics and reviews of the most commonly used drugs

Vitamins Doppelhertz for hair

In general, Doppelgerz is intended to be taken as part of complex treatment and prevention of diseases cardiovascular system. However, this complex contains the vitamin of youth and beauty - tocopherol and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve the structure and, consequently, the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.

Reviews of Doppelhertz vitamins for hair are overwhelmingly positive. This is due to the fact that Doppelherz significantly improves the appearance of hair, making it more beautiful and healthier in all people who use vitamins. The severity of the effect may vary depending on different people, however, improvement in hair structure always occurs. Among the positive reviews about Doppelherz vitamins, two groups can be roughly distinguished - the first is associated with the unexpected and very pleasant effect improving the condition of hair, skin and nails while taking the drug for another reason, and the second - with the targeted use of hair pills.

Negative reviews about Doppelhertz for hair are rare and are mainly associated with the development of unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract while taking them. In addition, a few negative reviews about Doppelhertz vitamins are associated with the need for long-term use in order to achieve a pronounced and lasting effect on hair condition.

Hair vitamins Pantovigar

The Pantovigar complex is designed to stop hair loss. However, in addition to stopping hair loss, Pantovigar vitamins improve their structure and appearance, making them healthier and more beautiful. These vitamins have a pronounced clinical effect, restoring hair health after damage by various negative factors, such as coloring, perm, hot air drying, etc.

The vast majority of reviews about the Pantovigar complex are positive. This is due to the fact that vitamins improve the structure and appearance of hair even after severe damage. Many girls grow their hair by taking Pantovigar, which allows them to achieve rapid growth of beautiful, healthy, strong and silky hair fibers that will become a true decoration. Separately, it is worth mentioning the positive reviews of Pantovigar associated with its use to stop hair loss. In most cases, Pantovigar effectively and quickly stopped hair loss or significantly reduced the severity of this process.

There are very few negative reviews about Pantovigar vitamins and they are usually due to the lack of effect when used against hair loss. In addition, there is a small percentage of negative reviews related to the fact that when taking Pantovigar, severe discomfort appeared in the gastrointestinal tract. This discomfort was so severe that it was necessary to stop taking the drug without receiving positive effect regarding hair.

Vitamins Perfectil for hair

This vitamin and mineral complex is intended for skin treatment. However, since without a healthy scalp it is impossible to have beautiful, strong and fast-growing hair, the Perfectil complex, in addition to normalizing the condition of the skin, has positive impact and on the hair. Perfectil has a powerful strengthening effect on hair, stopping or preventing hair loss. In the best possible way the Perfectil complex is suitable for people suffering from dandruff, itchy scalp, and hair loss.

Reviews about the drug Perfectil are in most cases positive, since the vitamins apparently improve the structure and appearance of hair, and also accelerate its growth. All positive reviews about the Perfectile can be divided into two large groups– the first are associated with the fact that vitamins stopped hair loss, and the second – with a visible improvement in their appearance and condition. That is, people who took Perfectil for various purposes were satisfied with its effect.

Negative reviews of the drug Perfectil are mainly associated with poorly tolerated side effects, such as nausea after taking the capsule, hair growth not only on the head, but also on the body, and weight gain. These side effects forced people to refuse to use Perfectil vitamins and, accordingly, leave negative reviews about them.

Hair vitamins Merz

The Merz complex includes not only vitamins, but also minerals and amino acids necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. Merz dragees are indicated for use to maintain youth and healthy skin for women over 30 years of age. This means that the drug supports metabolic processes at a fairly intense level, due to which the hair remains beautiful, strong and grows quickly. Merz vitamins are usually prescribed when there is insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair, for example, in case of microcirculation disorders, vascular diseases, etc.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


For beauty and preserving youth, a woman needs not only positive emotions And good mood. Vitamins are indispensable in this matter. With their deficiency, problems such as dry lips, brittle nails, flaking of the skin appear, and this list can be continued endlessly. Natural sources of vitamins are fresh foods, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products.

But the vitamins they contain are not always enough to maintain internal forces body. Therefore, doctors around the world advise periodically doing and taking vitamin complexes for beauty, health and youth.

What vitamins are necessary for a woman’s health and beauty?

It has been scientifically proven that there is several main vitamins that ensure the beauty of hair, nails and skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant - it is involved in the aging process and the development of malignant tumors. This substance supports the functioning of the female reproductive glands, increasing the amount of estrogen hormones. Without tocopherol, the female figure gradually becomes masculine.
  • Vitamin C - beauty vitamin. It also has antioxidant effects. In addition, ascorbic acid regulates the formation and destruction of melanin. Therefore, if there is a lack of it in large quantities freckles appear age spots and moles.
  • Vitamin A found in carrots, apricots, pumpkin, as well as fish meat, animal by-products and chicken eggs. The lack of this substance leads to the formation of cracks on the feet and palms. At the same time, the skin of the hands becomes as if parchment-like, and ulcers appear in the corners of the lips - jams.
  • B vitamins affect the functioning of the nervous system. With their deficiency, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent depression and nervous breakdowns. Vision deteriorates, burning sensation in the eyes and redness of the skin of the eyelids appear. Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss, and vitamin B9 is necessary for normal operation reproductive system.
  • Vitamin H necessary for beautiful skin and health of mucous membranes. This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, peanut kernels and liver.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for the hardness of bones, whiteness and health of teeth, as well as the beauty of nails and hair.

9 best vitamin complexes for a woman’s health and youth – choosing beauty vitamins

You can not take vitamins at all and use only natural sources substances of life. Can you periodically take a course of vitamin supplementation? complex vitamins. Such prevention will allow the body to be in full “combat” readiness, to resist dangerous viruses and bacteria, as well as aggressive environmental conditions.

But modern pharmacies are oversaturated with various vitamin complexes. And how to choose the best one in such a variety?

  1. Vitamin complex Velnatal. Every day a woman faces different situations, in which she needs the support of the body. These situations can be called, in one word, “stress”. We are not talking about emotional shock, but about what can happen day after day! We play sports, go on a diet, submit reports, get sick. In all these situations, we need vitamin support for the body. And sometimes it’s quite difficult to find. Why is the confusion around the shelves with vitamins worth it? Some are for hair and nails, the second are for mood, for vigor, for
    leather, etc. As a result, every time there is a complete torment of choice, or even worse - the first one that comes along, or even nothing at all.
    With Velnatal you do not have to select a vitamin complex for each situation. This complex is balanced in such a way as to support a woman with vitamin deficiency associated with absolutely different situations, from diet to pregnancy. Which, of course, speaks not only about the correct combination of components in the composition, but also the selection of dosages. Velnatal contains two types of omega 3, biotin, 400 mcg of folic acid, selenium 55 mcg, iron, B vitamins, which, being in balance with other vitamins and minerals, will support the female body and you won’t have to think again about which complex is better to choose Now.
  2. Anti-aging complex Famvital. Thanks to “smart” capsules, its active components enter the woman’s body taking into account daily biorhythms.
    The 16 components included in the complex - antioxidants, microelements and vitamins - are optimally combined with each other and help prevent premature aging, help improve the structure and appearance of skin, hair and nails, help slow the appearance of wrinkles, increase thermogenesis and enhance calorie burning, helping to maintain normal body weight.

  3. Imedin.
    This is not just one of the many vitamin complexes that are primarily needed by other organs - the heart, lungs, nervous system. This is a complex containing biologically active substances that work directly in skin cells.
    IMEDIN® complexes include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.
  4. Supradin . Available in many forms: gummies, water-soluble tablets, regular tablets and syrup. This complex contains the necessary vitamin C, vitamin A, B6, B12, B9, Vitamin E and C, as well as coenzyme Q10. Supradin should be taken 1 tablet or candy twice a day for 1 month. Prevention should be repeated no more than twice a year. Preferably in spring and autumn. The price of 10 tablets is 250 rubles. 25 candies – 200 rubles
  5. Alphabet Cosmetics - a series designed to care for female beauty. Contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy skin, eyes, hair, nails - vitamin A, E, C, vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. Features of the intake are that all substances are divided into three groups. Pills different colors, which need to be taken one after another in the morning, lunch and evening. This sequence will allow prevention to be more effective. The course of taking Alphabet is no more than two weeks. The dose should be repeated no more than twice a year. The price for a package of 60 tablets is 320 rubles.
  6. Vitamin complex Vitrum Beauty is a popular brand among modern consumers. It is recommended by about 57% of therapists, which reinforces confidence in the Vitrum brand. It contains a huge amount necessary vitamins and microelements: vitamin C, A, E, D, K, H, B vitamins, as well as bioflavonoids and antioxidants. This list is supplemented by iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, boron, and selenium. This complex is suitable only for young women. For more mature ladies, Vitrum produces Antioxidant, Beauty Lusk and Beauty Elite complexes. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 610 rubles.
  7. Complivit. This brand produces a huge number of vitamin complexes. For female beauty The “Shine” formula was specially invented. It contains beauty vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, folic acid, nicotinamide, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium and flavone glycosides. This composition allows you to support the production of collagen, the regeneration of skin cells, protect them from the harmful effects of UV rays, and increase the body's resistance to aggressive environmental influences. Complivit should be taken one tablet per day for a month. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 271 rubles.
  8. Laura from Evalar company . It's biological active additive to food. It contains a minimum of all the essential vitamins that are needed for beauty. The main trump card of this drug is hyaluronic acid, which is supplemented with vitamins E and C. Thanks to this composition, skin hydration and collagen production are improved, as a result of which the facial skin acquires an even color and a natural blush, wrinkles disappear and are reduced. The price of such a product in 36 tablets is 271 rubles.
  9. Perfectil from the English company Vitabiotics . This product serves as a powerful prevention of aging. It is also prescribed for dermatological diseases in order to improve the body's resistance to viruses or bacteria. IN gelatin capsule Profektil contains vitamin A, E, C, B5, B6, B12, biotin, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon and chromium. The price for a package containing 30 capsules is 420 rubles.
  10. Elite Spanish product Revidox does not contain pure synthetic vitamins. It consists of a squeeze of plant extracts - sources of vitamins: grape extract and pomegranate seeds. This composition can boast loading dose antioxidants that slow down aging, improve complexion and skin elasticity. The price of this complex of 30 tablets is about 2100 rubles.

9. Biocomplex Lady’s formula “Menopause” Strengthened formula»

Problem hormonal changes tender female body ceased to be a problem with the advent of the biocomplex Lady’s formula “Menopause Strengthened Formula”. This drug has already won the trust of the fair half of humanity, since it is designed to have a comprehensive effect on the entire body as a whole without any side effects.

All doctors in the world warn that you should not take vitamin complexes constantly. Also, before each course you need to consult a doctor for any contraindications. In this case, you will not harm your health and will successfully increase your beauty.

If the condition of your hair is far from ideal, try choosing vitamins to strengthen the roots and curls. But which ones are the best? Study reviews and opinions to choose what suits you.

What vitamins do our hair need?

First, let's list the vitamins that make our hair beautiful and thick:

  • "A". Retinol, firstly, is involved in the production of so-called building proteins, which are part of our hair and other tissues. Secondly, it stimulates the active synthesis of collagen and elastin and protects hair from the extremely negative effects of unfavorable environmental factors. Thirdly, retinol improves blood supply to the root zone.
  • Group vitamins "IN" are also necessary. They accept active participation in cell regeneration, ensure proper blood circulation and supply the roots with all necessary nutrients, accelerate all metabolic processes, and also stimulate hair growth and significantly improve its structure.
  • "E" necessary for hydration, without which hair would be lifeless, brittle and thin.
  • "WITH" strengthens blood vessels, including those located in the scalp and supplying hair follicles with everything they need.

What vitamin complexes should I take?

So, what vitamins should you take to strengthen your hair and roots? We list the most common ones, as well as provide descriptions and reviews about them:

  1. "Vita charm"– domestic multivitamin preparation, which is available in the form of tablets (each coated). Take these vitamins daily, one tablet. The composition includes substances such as retinol, thiamine, nicotinamide, riboflavin. This tool has a positive effect not only on hair, but also on skin and nail plates. Consumer opinion proves that the drug is very effective. Its cost is about 170 rubles for 30 tablets.

    The drug "Vita charm"

    User review:

    Review from “Oksana1994”

  2. « Doppelhertz asset: vitamins for healthy hair and nails." There are not only vitamins, but also various plant extracts, and also minerals. All these components strengthen curls and make them healthy and attractive. Those who took this drug satisfied, and its price is about 270-300 rubles.

    "Doppelhertz active: vitamins for healthy hair and nails"

  3. "Perfectil". This combination product contains many nutrients necessary for strengthening and healing hair. Your hair will be protected from the influence of environmental factors and will acquire a healthy structure. You need to take one capsule after meals just once a day, which is very convenient. The cost of the drug is about 450 rubles, and many are not satisfied with this price.

    The drug "Perfectil"

  4. complex drug American-made, having a balanced composition, which includes not only well-known minerals and vitamins, but also useful herbal ingredients. There are many indications for use, including hair strengthening. You need to take two tablets per day. The price of the product is about 1,500 rubles (for 60 tablets), but the reviews about the complex are the most positive.

  5. . This is a vitamin-mineral combined complex, which is a dietary supplement. Everyone who took the product was satisfied and noticed changes in better side after a few weeks. The cost of the supplement is about 300 rubles per package of 30 tablets.

  6. "Revalid"– a vitamin preparation designed specifically to strengthen hair, as well as to combat hair loss. The course of treatment lasts a month, per day you need
    Take three tablets (one after each main meal). The product costs about 900 rubles (for 90 tablets), many people who took the drug were satisfied with the effect.

    Vitamin preparation "Revalid"

  7. . This dietary supplement contains vitamins, minerals, as well as natural extracts (yeast, for example), which provide positive influence on hair and nail tissue. Most reviews are positive, and the cost is relatively low (about 600 rubles for 60 tablets).

    User review:

There are other means, but they are less popular and in demand.

Remember that vitamins for strengthening hair should be selected by a specialist, since the reasons for the deterioration of the condition of your curls can be very diverse.

Have long hair, radiating natural shine and health, many women would like. However, it is difficult to achieve such a result, given the mass of negative factors affecting each day. Styling with a hairdryer, curling iron, ironing, nutritional deficiency, poor environment, lack of protection during exposure to frost, wind or hot sun makes the strands weakened, dull, dry and brittle. To preserve the natural beauty of your curls, they need support both from the outside and from the inside. It is very effective to use vitamins for hair growth and strengthening for these purposes.


Features of choosing vitamins

The average rate of hair growth in humans is 1 cm per month. To speed up this process, it is necessary to provide additional care and nutrition, and also try to eliminate as much as possible the factors that have a detrimental effect. Often the cause of growth retardation is a lack of vitamins and minerals entering the body with food. In this case, to quickly and effectively correct the situation, it is necessary integrated approach, which includes the following actions:

  • regular use of masks based on natural ingredients with the addition pharmaceutical drugs vitamins;
  • enriching the diet with products containing large quantities vitamins and minerals beneficial for hair;
  • periodic intake of vitamin complexes, the composition of which is designed to strengthen and improve the health of the hair shaft.

The choice of a specific multivitamin complex to enhance hair growth should be carried out together with a trichologist after thorough examination, estimates general condition health and finding out the true cause of the problem. In this case, you need to give preference to those drugs that also contain useful minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and others).

Important: Internal intake of vitamins, unlike masks, has virtually no effect on the condition of existing hair on the head. But it contributes to the formation of a stronger, elastic and healthy hair shaft in initial stages its growth, which will subsequently allow you to grow thick and long curls.

The content of some vitamins in the body (B12, B1, B6, B9, A, D, E) can be determined using special laboratory research. However, this procedure is very expensive and is not accessible to everyone. If you have the financial opportunity, it is still worth doing, since additional intake of those vitamins that are already present in the body in sufficient quantities or even in excess can be no less dangerous to health than their deficiency.

Vitamins for hair and their properties

To maintain normal hair growth or accelerate it, it is important that the body receives the vitamins necessary to nourish and protect the hair follicles. First of all, these include B vitamins, a severe deficiency of which can even cause baldness. Not all of them have a direct effect on stimulating hair growth, some simply improve their appearance, which also has great value, since the curls should not only be long, but also look beautiful.

B vitamins have the following beneficial properties for hair:

  • B1 (thiamine) plays an important role in providing hair, hair follicles and scalp with essential nutrients, structural components and energy for healthy development;
  • B2 (riboflavin) eliminates fragility, prevents dehydration, normalizes the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands of the scalp;
  • B3, or PP (niacin, nicotinic acid) enhances growth by expanding capillaries and improving blood microcirculation processes in the scalp, prevents early appearance gray hair, makes it more saturated natural color;
  • B6 (pyridoxine), improves the condition of the scalp, enhances nutrition of hair follicles, stimulates hair growth;
  • B7, or H (biotin) is responsible for the healthy condition of the hair shaft, gives beautiful curls natural shine, strengthens their structure, stimulates growth, prevents splitting of the ends;
  • B9 (folic acid) makes strands thicker, activates their growth, restores and strengthens the structure of the hair shaft, prevents early age-related changes;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) increases volume, prevents hair loss, enhances nutrition, helps get rid of dandruff, and restores damaged hair.

Vitamins A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid) and E (tocopherol) also have a positive effect on hair. All of them have antioxidant activity and inhibit the natural aging process of the body.

Retinol not only enhances hair growth, but also makes it more elastic and shiny, helps get rid of dandruff, brittleness, dullness and dryness. It has a beneficial effect on the scalp, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, and accelerates regeneration processes.

Ascorbic acid strengthens capillaries, normalizes blood microcirculation throughout the body and in the scalp in particular, which improves nutrition of hair follicles and supports normal hair growth.

Tocopherol helps saturate the blood with oxygen, strengthens immune system, increases blood circulation and nutrition of hair follicles. It gives hair a healthy shine, makes it silky, prevents hair loss, and stimulates the appearance of new healthy hair.

Video: Opinion of a dermatologist-trichologist on the effectiveness of vitamins for hair

Vitamin complexes

On pharmacy shelves, vitamins for hair growth are presented in a wide range. They differ in cost, manufacturer and composition. When choosing, it is important to consider the compatibility of vitamins and minerals with each other, since some vitamins joint reception enhance each other's effects, while others, on the contrary, neutralize each other. For example, good combination is simultaneous administration vitamins A, C and E, vitamins B2, B6 and B9, B7 and C, and bad - B6 and B12, B12 and C.

To improve absorption, vitamins should be taken with food, preferably in the morning. The course of treatment, depending on the initial condition of the hair, is usually 1–3 months.

Warning: Any vitamin complex is characterized not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications, which you must familiarize yourself with before starting treatment.

The most popular vitamin complexes among women are:

  1. Revalid is a combination drug to improve the condition of hair and increase its resistance to unfavorable factors. Includes amino acids cystine and methionine, vitamins B1, B5, B6, B10, millet and wheat germ extracts, medical yeast, minerals zinc, copper and iron.
  2. Pantovigar is a complex preparation for restoring the structure and accelerating the growth of hair and nails. Includes active ingredients such as medicinal yeast, vitamins B1, B5 and B10, keratin (the main structural component hair shaft), the amino acid cystine.
  3. Perfectil is a vitamin and mineral complex with an antioxidant, regenerating effect that improves cellular metabolism and microcirculation. Includes B vitamins, vitamins E and C, amino acids, minerals and plant extracts.
  4. Vitrum Beauty is a vitamin and mineral complex to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, and normalize metabolism. It contains B vitamins, vitamins E, C, D, provitamin A, rutin, bioflavonoids, amino acids, horsetail extract, important macro- and microelements.
  5. Alphabet Cosmetics is a vitamin complex for preserving the health and beauty of skin, hair and nails, developed taking into account the compatibility of vitamins and minerals, and contains plant extracts.
  6. Fitoval is a vitamin complex that is effective in severe loss hair, disruption of the process of their growth and renewal. Contains B vitamins, the amino acid cystine, medical yeast, minerals (zinc, copper, iron).

For faster hair regrowth, preparations that are simpler in composition can also be used. For example, Aevit, which includes only two vitamins A and E, or Pentovit, which contains only B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B9 and B12).

Vitamins in food

The best way to nourish your body is essential vitamins, counts daily use products rich in them. However, unfortunately, rarely does anyone follow quantitative composition nutrients in products and compliance with their daily requirements. Vitamins important for hair health and growth are found in the following foods:

  1. Vitamin A – fish oil, liver of fatty fish, poultry (chicken, turkey, duck), beef and veal liver, egg yolk, cheese, butter.
  2. Provitamin A – carrots, red sweet pepper, margarine, pumpkin, parsley, peas, spinach, broccoli.
  3. B vitamins – brewer’s yeast, legumes, unrefined cereals, grain sprouts, bread coarse, nuts, bran, organ meats, eggs, cheese, milk, meat, fish, seafood, leafy green vegetables, nuts, cabbage, carrots.
  4. Vitamin C – rosehip, black currant, sea buckthorn, red pepper, kiwi, citrus fruits, pomegranate, sauerkraut.
  5. Vitamin E – vegetable oils cold pressed, cereals, legumes, green leafy vegetables, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, cherries, rowan, liver, egg yolk.

Interesting: Sprouted grains contain the largest amounts of B vitamins. For example, just 100 g of sprouted wheat per day covers daily requirement the body in all B vitamins with the exception of B12.

Video: Applications and sources of vitamins for hair

Topical application of vitamins

You can increase the length of your curls not only with the help of internal reception vitamin complexes, it is quite effective to use vitamins for hair growth as part of masks, sprays, balms, rinses or shampoos. They are prepared independently or purchased in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. One of these ready funds is a “Vitamin shampoo for hair restoration and nutrition” from the “911” brand, which contains vitamins B5, B6, E, C, promotes blood circulation, improves nutrition and hair growth, restores the integrity of damaged hairs, reduces their fragility, adds shine and pomp. Store-bought vitamin sprays are also effective, for example the “Vitamins for Hair” spray from “Home Recipes”. They are very easy to use, do not require rinsing, and therefore have a long-lasting effect.

Homemade masks are prepared using oil solutions of vitamins (A, E) or ampoules with injection solutions (vitamins B and C).

Mask with B vitamins

Enhances nutrition of the scalp, strengthens hair, increases the rate of regrowth, and adds shine.

Vitamins B6, B2 and B 12 in ampoules – 1 pc.
Yolk – 1 pc.
Sea buckthorn, almond and burdock oil – 15 ml each

Combine all ingredients, mix. Apply the product to the scalp, rubbing into the roots of the hair, distribute along the entire length of the strands. After 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Retinol mask

Improves blood supply to hair roots, saturates their cells with oxygen and nutrients, stimulates healthy hair growth.

Vitamin A capsules – 2–3 pcs.
Burdock and castor oil – 15 ml each
Alcohol tincture hot pepper– 5 ml
Freshly squeezed juice onions– 15 ml
Yolk – 1 pc.

Puncture capsules with vitamin A with a needle and squeeze out the solution, add the remaining components to it and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to the scalp, massage with your fingertips, and distribute the remainder over the entire length of the hair. Wrap your hair in cling film and cover with a towel on top. Leave for 30 minutes, then wash your hair and rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice.

Vitamin C mask

Improves the appearance and accelerates hair growth, strengthens and gives it elasticity and shine, increases hair volume.

Yolk – 2 pcs.
Ascorbic acid in ampoules – 2 pcs.
Castor oil – 10 ml

Mix the above components until smooth. Apply the composition with massage movements to the roots, then distribute along the entire length of the strands. Put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it in a towel. After 40 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with a flow, lightly warm water with shampoo.

Mask with vitamins B3, A and E

Nourishes hair follicles, moisturizes hair, gives it a healthy look and activates growth.

Oil solutions of vitamins A and E – ½ tsp each.
Vitamin B3 – 2 ampoules
Flax seed oil – 30 ml
Yolk – 2 pcs.
Ginseng tincture – 5 ml

Mix these ingredients, massage, rub the mask into the scalp and distribute through the hair. Wrap your hair in cling film and wrap it in a towel. After an hour, wash your hair.

Video: The importance and use of vitamins for hair

Good day, dear readers and guests of the blog! Tell me frankly whether you are satisfied with the condition and appearance your hair? If you rarely get compliments on your curls, this article is for you. Today I will tell you what vitamins for hair growth are and what problems they will help solve.

I think not everyone knows how and why our curls grow. Let's figure it out. It is clear that hair on the head also grows from the skin. Actually, the process itself occurs in several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Anagen phase. During this period, new hair follicles are formed. At first, the process is intense, all resources are used. Hair length rapidly increases due to the division of follicle cells. This phase lasts on average from 2 to 6 years.

Catagen phase. During this period, the structure of the cells of the hair follicle changes, its resources are partially depleted. The growth of curls gradually slows down. In fact, this is the boundary phase of development in which all processes come to an end. The duration of this stage is approximately 2-4 weeks.

Telogen phase. The final stage of development. It is also divided into early and late. At the early telogen stage, hair no longer grows. You've probably noticed that curls grow to a certain length and don't change further. At this time, the follicles go into a state of rest.

When hair is in the late telogen phase, it can easily fall out even with minor exposure. This is normal physiological process. Its duration is approximately 3-4 months.

What vitamins and minerals are needed

Balanced diet, rich useful microelements - necessary condition for healthy curls. I already wrote about this in the article “vitamins for hair loss.” » .

Do you want to know what you need? nutrients for fast growth of your curls?

  • B vitamins- are extremely necessary for the normal growth of our strands. They play a very important role in this process. For example, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) stimulates skin cell renewal and regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands. Thanks to this element, the curls become smooth and shiny. Vitamins of this group are found in many foods: meat, liver, bread, buckwheat, nuts and others.
  • Ascorbic acid- an excellent antioxidant that helps the body fight free radicals ( 1 ). This means it prevents cell aging. There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, kiwi, sea buckthorn, rose hips, and broccoli. During the cold season, you can additionally take ascorbic acid 500 mg twice a day. The drug is also sold in ampoules. They are convenient to use for homemade strengthening masks.
  • Vitamin D- helps strengthen hair follicles, prevents hair fragility and loss. To produce this substance in the human body, ultraviolet radiation is required. However, there are also food products in which it sufficient quantity. I wrote more about it in the article “What is vitamin D for?”
  • Iron- plays an important role in strengthening, nourishing and restoring hair. Low level this substance in the body can cause alopecia ( 2 ). Iron-rich foods can help avoid this. Introduce spinach, greens, egg yolks, liver, veal, legumes. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe multivitamins or iron supplements.

  • Zinc- with a lack of this substance, the condition of the hair deteriorates sharply. They become more brittle, dull, and begin to fall out. Products such as meat, legumes, chicken eggs, mushrooms, nuts, etc. Maintenance normal level This element in the body will help avoid hormone imbalance and improve immunity ( 3 ).

Additional effective components

Now you know what vitamins you need to strengthen and grow your curls. Strengthen the effect of these useful substances, three more components will help. They can literally transform your hair, making it stronger and healthier.

Fish oil. An incredibly useful substance in all respects. It contains omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for the body. They nourish and restore hair structure and promote good growth. Eat fish and seafood, eggs, walnuts.

Rosemary essential oil. Recent studies have shown that this substance has a beneficial effect on hair follicles. Thanks to it, metabolic processes in skin cells are accelerated, hair growth increases ( 4 ). Regular use of rosemary oil helps effectively combat androgenetic alopecia. The main advantage over other drugs is the minimum of side effects.

Aloe vera juice. Has powerful antibacterial and antifungal effects. It contains a record amount of vitamins and minerals for rapid growth and restoration of curls. Aloe juice is applied directly to the scalp and added to shampoos and masks. This product is also used to create homemade anti-wrinkle remedies.

Coconut oil. Literally transforms dull and lifeless hair. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, protects curls from external influence. At regular use it restores the hair structure, enhances its growth, gives shine and softness.

Rating of the best vitamin complexes

With intense hair loss, homemade masks and lotions are no longer useful. In this case, it's time to turn to more strong means. I advise you to first study the information about aminexil for hair. This is external effective remedy. Additionally, it is necessary to support the body from the inside with special vitamin complexes. I described the most popular means to strengthen and grow strands. Choose from the list which ones are best to take.


The complex is designed taking into account daily human biorhythms. The tablets must be taken twice a day. They are already divided into two formulas “Day” and “Night”. You won’t get confused about when and which ones to drink :) I can’t say that their composition impressed me in any way. The complex that I take contains more useful substances in terms of dosage. And I still don’t understand what kind of vitamin E is contained in this preparation - alpha or gamma tocopherols.

But it contains 40 mg of L-cystine. This is the main amino acid of hair protein, which significantly helps hair growth.


This drug is actively used to improve hair and nail growth. Contains B vitamins, cystine, keratin and yeast. Mainly used in the fight against diffuse alopecia. The composition of these vitamins is not bad. However, reviews indicate its low effectiveness.

The tablets need to be taken three times a day, which is not convenient for everyone. The duration of treatment can be up to six months. In addition, the price of the product is about 2000 rubles. For this money you can find better vitamins.


The instructions for the drug say that it contains a large amount of methionine, an essential amino acid. This substance takes part in the synthesis of a number of hormones, vitamins and enzymes. With its help, collagen is formed, which significantly improves the condition of the hair. The action of vitamins is aimed at strengthening the hair follicle, preventing fragility and loss.

The composition of Revalid is generally good, but it is not clear why the DL form of methionine is used in it. It is used to feed animals. Those with kidney problems should be careful with this substance. The L-form of methionine is absorbed by the body much more efficiently. It is unclear why it was not used.

You need to take 3 tablets per day with meals. The duration of the course is on average 3 months. In particularly severe cases of alopecia, it is prescribed to drink 6 pieces per day for a whole month. Then according to the main scheme. One course will cost approximately 1500-2000 rubles.


Perhaps one of the best vitamin preparations. It is used to thicken and stimulate hair growth. Estimate for yourself the number of all useful elements. The condition of the skin and nails will also improve thanks to this drug.

WITH30 mg
B110 mg
B25 mg
B318 mg
B540 mg
B620 mg
Biotin45 mcg
B9 (folic acid)500 mcg
B129 mg
D32.5 mcg
E40 mg
Beta carotene5 mg
Iron12 mg
Iodine200 mcg
Silicon3 mg
Magnesium50 mg
Copper and manganese2 mg each
Selenium100 mcg
Zinc15 mg
Chromium50 mcg
Burdock extract80 mg
Echinacea extract195 mg

Many of those who tried this drug were satisfied with it. True, some people complain about side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. However, I think that if you follow the instructions and take the drug correctly, there will be no problems. You can buy it at a pharmacy without any problems and quite inexpensively. Average cost one package 600 rubles. You need to take 1 capsule per day, i.e. enough for a month.

Supreme Vital Hair (by Life Time)

Looking for good vitamins I went to Found it inexpensive complex with all the necessary elements.

A (retinyl palmitate)10000 IU
WITH600 mg
B130 mg
B230 mg
B330 mg
B630 mg
Folic acid800 mcg
Biotin2000 mcg
Pantothenic acid500 mg
Zinc5 mg
Inositol600 mg
Choline bitartrate300 mg
L-cysteine200 mg
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)200 mg
Para-aminobenzoic acid200 mg
Horsetail extract100 mg

You can read the responses of those who have already tried it. They say that hair falls out significantly less and becomes stronger. The drug is used to prevent alopecia in men and women different ages. Some people write about allergic reactions, but everything is individual.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

RUB 1,556
878 rub.

To the store

One jar of vitamins (120 pieces) should be taken for at least a month. If you're lucky, you can buy it at a discount.

Hair ReVive

Another cool vitamins from your favorite Iherb. Thanks to natural composition, the drug effectively copes with alopecia in women. The action of the active components is aimed at eliminating the causes of hair loss.

Name Dosage in 1 tablet
C (ascorbic acid)600 mg
B110 mg
B2 (riboflavin)20 mg
B3 (niacinamide)20 mg
B6 (pyridoxine)25 mg
B12 (methylcobalamin)10 mcg
Biotin6000 mcg
B5 (pantothenic acid, calcium D-pantothenate)20 mg
Zinc30 mg
Copper4 mg
Hair growth complex:

N-Acetyl-Cysteine, silicon dioxide ( general content silica >65, horsetail herb, stinging nettle leaf extract, bamboo stem and leaves)

1340 mg
Hormone balancing complex:

Phytosterol Complex (includes beta-sitosterol), kelp, L-tyrosine

430 mg
Chinese herbal complex for hair:

Fo-ti root, notopterygium, rehmannia, ligustrum fruit, Chinese peony root, dong kuey root

Ridge Crest Herbals, Hair ReVive, 120 Capsules

Experts say that optimal time taking vitamin complexes - after lunch. This way they are better absorbed

If you do not want to harm your body, follow these rules:

  • Consider the effect of other drugs on vitamin complexes. Some elements contribute to the destruction of vitamins and prevent them from being absorbed normally. Pay attention to what other medical supplies you accept. Acetylsalicylic acid helps reduce the content of vitamins B, A and calcium. Sleeping pills cannot be combined with taking vitamins A, E, D, B12.
  • Take vitamins with water or diluted juice. This is a very important component of them correct intake. If you use fruit juice, dilute it 1:1. For people with gastrointestinal problems, a doctor may recommend using milk. Remember that drugs in capsules are washed down only with water. Use for these purposes hot tea or coffee is not recommended at all. This significantly reduces the absorption of beneficial elements.
  • Avoid excess vitamins. Any substance in large quantities is harmful to the body. Hypervitaminosis is accompanied by quite dangerous diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, allergic reactions. Excessive amounts of vitamins A and D can cause nausea and headaches. In fact, it is very difficult to exceed the dosage, but still be careful.

I think now you will not have problems choosing vitamins for your hair. If the article was useful to you, please share the information with your friends on social networks. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter so you don't miss the most interesting things. I look forward to your comments and questions. See you again!



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