Vitamins for women in winter. The best vitamins in winter

What vitamins are needed in winter period

To figure out what vitamins are needed in winter, you should analyze the state of the body and determine what problems are bothering you. For example, a lethargic state, increased susceptibility to disease, bleeding gums, dull hair and bruised skin indicate a lack of vitamin C.

Poor condition hair and nails indicates a deficiency of vitamin B, as well as magnesium and iron. Eye fatigue increased sensitivity skin, cracks, dryness, calluses signal that it is necessary to replenish vitamin A reserves.

Symptoms of B vitamin deficiency are:

  • puffiness();
  • cracks and sores near the mouth and on the lips, dryness ();
  • peeling, skin rashes ();
  • hair fragility and pallor (B12 and);
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • poor appetite;
  • headache;
  • heaviness in the legs.

If we talk about what vitamins are missing in winter, we should mention vitamin D. There is not enough of it in the body if you are irritated, suffer from sweating, feel weak and have joint pain. Vitamin E deficiency can be determined by dark circles under the eyes and bleeding gums.

Vitamins in food

Balanced diet very important for the winter period. Along with the products, the body receives the necessary nutrients. If you stick to the principles healthy eating, then the question will not arise where to find vitamins in winter. There are products that contain greatest number certain vitamins. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account what substances the body lacks and eat more products With the necessary vitamin.

Vitamin What products contain
Carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, rose hips, apples, sweet pepper, dairy products, fish oil, liver, grapes
Oatmeal, flour products coarse, fatty meat, yolk, Brussels sprouts, broccoli
Buckwheat, oatmeal, green vegetables, bread, meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, liver, kidneys, flour products by leaps and bounds
Cauliflower, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas, leafy vegetables, liver, kidneys, heart, fish roe
Green vegetables, avocado, soybeans, potatoes, corn, meat, walnuts, cereals, buds, yolk
Barley, legumes, oatmeal, bran, mushrooms, oranges, dates, nuts, milk, meat, salmon, pumpkin
B12 Beef, eggs, soy, poultry, seaweed, milk, yeast, cheese
Citrus fruits, cabbage, kiwi, cranberry, black currant, rose hips, bell pepper
Dairy products, fish oil
Milk, yolk, nuts, vegetable oils, liver

Cooking food better method baking, stewing, boiling or steaming. This way she will save the greatest amount useful substances. It is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits more often fresh.

An important question is also which vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity. To improve the body's resistance to negative factors external environment, need to be accepted sufficient quantity vitamin C, which supports the body's immune system. It is also worth replenishing vitamins A, B and E.

Vitamin supplements

It is worth carefully monitoring your diet and including in your diet foods that you need to eat in winter. But sometimes food does not provide the body with enough vitamins. In such cases, you should pay attention to vitamin preparations. In winter, the lack of nutrients is felt especially acutely, so it is worth taking a course of vitamin supplements, of which you can find large quantities in the pharmacy. A pharmacist will help you choose the best vitamins.

What vitamins should I take in winter? Among vitamin preparations that are available in abundance on pharmacy shelves include:

  • Aevit (replenishes vitamins A, E, improves immunity, improves the functioning of the nervous system, is good for the skin).
  • Ascorbic acid (saturates the body with vitamin C).
  • Vitrum (contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B12, B6, considered good remedy to combat vitamin deficiency, improves immunity).
  • Multitabs (increases immunity, helps fight stress and mood swings, suitable for those who work a lot).
  • Complivit (contains vitamin B12, helps cope with digestive problems, has a balanced composition, so it is suitable for almost everyone).
  • Centrum (contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, helps fight vitamin deficiency, take 1 tablet per day).

In some cases, vitamins for the winter can be administered intramuscularly. This mainly applies to B vitamins. This is done not only to compensate for vitamin deficiency, but also for medicinal or for cosmetic purposes. Before injecting, you should always consult your doctor. If you are prescribed several vitamins at once, then inject them separately, one type per day. If you inject yourself, then follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, and also do not forget about all safety measures.

Additional sources of vitamins in winter

Necessary in winter You can get vitamins from drinks you prepare yourself. Fruit drinks will help replenish your supply of vitamins. To prepare them, it is good to use:

  • cranberries;
  • honeysuckle;
  • lingonberries;
  • rowan;
  • currants;
  • rose hip.

Will be useful herbal teas. At the pharmacy you can buy syrups that will help you survive the winter without lack of vitamins. Rosehip syrup, echinacea or lemongrass will help strengthen the immune system and relieve fatigue. You can drink these syrups to strengthen your immune system in the fall. winter time.

Rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, it contains vitamins E, B, K and P. You can prepare a rosehip drink yourself. For this you will need half a glass dried berries rosehip. They are washed, placed in a thermos and filled with 1 liter of boiling water. It is better to prepare the drink in the evening so that it infuses overnight. In the morning, drink the prepared drink on an empty stomach.

For skin, hair and nails in winter, in addition to taking vitamin preparations, you need to select high-quality shampoos and creams containing vitamins A, B, E, C. Vitamin A prevents skin aging. Vitamin B improves the condition of the skin, vitamin E softens and promotes its restoration. Thanks to vitamin C, the skin becomes fresh and healthy looking. By choosing care products with the necessary vitamins and eating right, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin over time.

In winter, you may experience a general weakening of the body and decreased immunity. To pick up necessary complex useful substances, you need to find out which vitamins are best to take in winter. By analyzing your condition and symptoms, you can determine what useful substance your body lacks. If the diet does not give required quantity nutrients, take vitamin supplements. It is better to take vitamins after consulting a doctor. The video below will tell you how to prepare berries for the winter, which will become a good source of vitamins.

With the onset of the cold season, our body needs additional vitamins and microelements more than ever. Especially for you, the editors of the site have compiled a list of vitamin complexes that you can drink without a doctor’s prescription. Read more about each in our material!

To begin with, it is worth noting that in the fall we experience a deficiency of vitamins, which we get from the warm season. fresh fruit and vegetables.

On topic

To prevent hypovitaminosis - a state of acute lack of vitamins, you can resort to the help of vitamin complexes. Although we have collected mostly harmless drugs in our selection, before running to the pharmacy for them, we advise you to take a blood test to check the content of vitamins and macro- and microelements. This is the only way you can target the problem, instead of drinking too much vitamin complexes that don't suit you. First, let's look at what vitamins you can find in pharmacies.

The first group of such over-the-counter drugs is multivitamin complexes, which contain countless amounts of various microelements. Their main drawback is the balance and dosage of each active ingredients. Taking such multivitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription can lead to an excess of one or another vitamin in the body, which will negatively affect liver function. This is exactly the case when a lack is better than an excess.

The second alternative is highly targeted vitamin complexes consisting of 1-3 vitamins. Such drugs have an undeniable advantage: they provide a targeted blow to a specific problem, do not contain extra vitamins, but only 2 or 3, the effectiveness of which increases significantly with team work. There are also some downsides: only a few of these complexes can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since the concentration of active microelements is much greater than in the case of multivitamin complexes of five or more vitamins, which means the load on the liver is higher.

Magnesium + B6

This vitamin complex is especially popular in the autumn season: magnesium has a calming effect on nervous system, reduces anxiety and even helps fight nervous tremors. Vitamin B6, in turn, improves sensitivity nerve endings to magnesium and improves the absorption of this trace element. Bottom line: you can take a monthly course of one tablet a day for peace of mind.

Selenium + zinc + magnesium

Shiny hair healthy skin And strong nails- every girl's dream. Unfortunately, in winter their condition noticeably worsens due to vitamin deficiency. Solving this problem is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right and effective assistants. A triad of microelements - selenium, zinc and magnesium - can support your beauty. ABOUT magical properties We have already told you in detail about magnesium in the previous paragraph. Zinc helps keep you healthy and beautiful skin, and for people suffering from acne, zinc is the most the right remedy which will help improve the condition of the epidermis. Selenium supports immunity and improves functioning reproductive system, including helping to balance hormonal background.

D3 + calcium

It is not surprising that in winter we experience a lack of vitamin D due to cloudy weather. cold weather. Fortunately, replenishing supplies of this is extremely important microelement it is possible with the help special complexes. One of the most popular is D3 + calcium: in addition to a dose of the “sunshine” vitamin, the composition also contains a microelement important for the health of bones, nails and hair. These two components work perfectly in tandem: they improve the mineralization of teeth, bones and are beneficial for connective tissues.

Drinkable collagen

Drinkable collagen is an absolute innovation in vitamin supplements. There are now quite a lot of beauty complexes on the market, to which pharmacists add collagen and hyaluronic acid. Alas, for the most part this is just a marketing ploy, and you need to look for other products on the shelves: complete liquid drinking collagen with low molecular weight, preferably marine, as it is absorbed much better in the intestines. Drinking collagen OM-X plus from Dr.OHHIRA is an excellent candidate: in addition to marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, it also contains vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, blueberry juice and lactic acid bacteria. You can drink it without a doctor's prescription at any age.

Vitamins- like regulators on the way to assimilate nutrients. They speed and direct metabolic processes. For example, if you ate a piece of chocolate, glucose entered your body. If there is enough vitamin B1 in it, then its combustion will occur and energy will be released. As a result, you will feel cheerful and energized. But if the body lacks this vitamin, then glucose will turn into fat. The situation is similar in the absence of other vitamins. That’s why their presence in the diet is so important. all year round. And if in the summer they ask to be put into your mouth in the form of juicy apples, delicious watermelons, aromatic peaches and other fruits, it is more difficult to obtain useful substances in winter. It is their deficiency that in most cases explains weakness, fatigue, and a tendency to disease. To prevent the symptoms of vitamin deficiency from affecting you, adjust your diet for the winter.

Partially useful substances are stored by the body in reserve. For example, fat soluble vitamins- A, D, E. He himself can synthesize some of them in small quantities. Liver cells produce vitamin B-12, some of the vitamins are synthesized in the intestines. But most enter the body only with food. First of all, this is vitamin C. In winter, it is especially lacking. Therefore, actively lean on citrus fruits and red peppers. There is a lot of this element in . By the way, it also contains substances that are beneficial for the intestinal microflora. In winter, there is also a deficiency of B vitamins, especially among those who abuse sweets or refined foods. The amount of vitamin D, which is synthesized by the skin under the influence of sunlight in summer, decreases. You can replenish your reserves of these vitamins from animal products - meat, liver, eggs.

The body reacts sensitively to a lack of nutrients and immediately sends an SOS signal. For example, without vitamin E, the skin becomes dry, with a lack of B-2, cracks appear in the corners of the lips, a lack of vitamin A leads to roughening of the skin, a deficiency of vitamin C leads to weakness and bleeding gums. Agree, there is no point in bringing yourself to such a state if you can do everything just diversify the menu. Introduce beets into your diet (both boiled and raw), carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, greens, olive and vegetable oil, nuts. Use regularly fermented milk products, seafood, various types porridge. Treat yourself to nutritious vegetable fresh juices. Reduce the quantity bakery products, pasta, sweets. And don’t get carried away with diets - they further reduce the amount of vitamins in your diet. Take a complex of vitamins and minerals for several months. Choose the one that contains the daily norm of substances necessary for the body. This is definitely worth doing if you are fasting. In this case, also make sure that plant food was varied.

Winter period is fraught not only with a lack of vitamins, but also extra pounds. Weight gain occurs due to changes in metabolism. Previously, there were no heating devices, and in order to stay warm, the body learned to release more energy in winter. When you sit near the radiator and wrap yourself in warm clothes, calories are not consumed, but are stored as fat. Spices will help activate their combustion. For example, chili pepper increases metabolism by 50 percent. Also regularly replenish your body's water reserves, although in winter you want to drink less than in summer. Water helps remove toxins. The daily fluid intake is 1.5-2 liters. No matter how much you want to hibernate, remember physical activity. Do exercises regularly and walk in the fresh air.

  • Winter is the time of year when nature goes to sleep and prepares for spring renewal. But people continue to lead active life all year round, so vitamins are needed in winter too. A person needs less of those that can accumulate in the body, and more of those that are quickly washed out of the body. But, in any case, in order to be cheerful and full of energy in the spring, a person must carefully monitor his winter diet . What vitamins are missing in winter?

    In the cold season, it may appear, since its main source is, under the influence of which calciferol is produced in the skin. This substance belongs to and is capable of accumulating in the body of those who did not miss the opportunity to be in the sun in the summer. Daily intake sunbathing for half an hour in summer daytime It will be enough to not feel a lack of calciferol in winter.

    For those who have not had the opportunity to be in the sun so often, solariums can help in winter. These devices use ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of approximately equal to length waves sunbeam. So this is a good opportunity to stimulate production in winter. But the required part of the spectrum does not pass through glass, so even those who spend a lot of time near the window will have to be in the sun.

    Another option is to eat foods rich in calciferol. But there are some difficulties here. Enough high concentrations it is found only in cod liver and chicken eggs, and the last ones to reach daily value consumption, you need to eat a lot. Sometimes bakery manufacturers add a synthesized element to flour, and there are also dairy products irradiated with UV rays. But this practice is not yet widespread in Russia.

    Most affordable way To compensate for the lack of vitamin D in winter - take pharmaceutical drugs. Keep in mind that you should not overuse vitamin complexes. can lead to no less serious consequences than its disadvantage.

    Ascorbic acid

    When choosing which vitamins to take in winter, we must not forget about vitamin C) This substance is responsible for the body’s resistance to infections, is involved in the synthesis of collagen, and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. All these functions are very necessary for a person in the winter, when the risk of getting sick with some kind of disease increases. viral disease and when the skin of the face is exposed destructive action frost.

    Natural is found only in fruits and vegetables. Moreover, cutting, slow heating and elements of iron, copper and magnesium that fall from the walls of the dishes very quickly destroy this substance useful for the body. You can preserve it in products by consuming them fresh, or by subjecting them to rapid heat (frying or immersing them in already boiled water).

    If necessary, you can drink one of the many vitamin complexes containing this element. It is eliminated from the body very quickly, so it can cause hypervitaminosis ascorbic acid unlikely.


    Often called the fountain of youth, . This substance makes it easier premenstrual syndrome, menopause, controls breast health, prevents the appearance dry skin . It also participates in cell renewal processes, thereby counteracting aging. Getting enough tocopherol is important not only for the fair sex. This vitamin is needed for immunity, it improves the absorption of retinol and has antioxidant properties. That's why it's so important to receive vitamin E in winter in sufficient quantities.

    Among food products, the richest in tocopherols are derivatives of grain crops, vegetable oils, eggs, sea ​​fish and nuts. All these products are not seasonal; they are equally easy to eat in both winter and summer. To avoid vitamin deficiency, it is enough to monitor their appearance in the diet.

    In winter, vitamin complexes containing tocopherol should be taken with caution, since it is a fat-soluble substance and has the ability to accumulate in all tissues of the body, causing hypervitaminosis.


    This substance can be found either in animal products (liver and fatty meat of animals and fish, eggs, butter) or in plant products, which have a bright red-orange color. This substance is responsible for vision in conditions poor lighting, formation skin(dry skin often indicates its deficiency), regulation of the immune system.

    Thus, in order to get less sick during the cold season and not expose the skin to unnecessary danger, it is necessary to either maintain a sufficient amount in the diet or take vitamin complexes that contain retinol in winter. Please note that it is better to drink this substance with tocopherol and zinc.

    When preparing dishes from products containing retinol in any form, no additional rules it is not necessary to comply. It tolerates all types of influences well. By overusing it, it is quite possible to get hypervitaminosis, so do not drink it in too large quantities.


    Zinc is not a vitamin, but is one of the substances necessary for the body person. It is especially important to take it in sufficient quantities in winter, since zinc is involved in the functioning of the immune system and in forming a response to the viral threat. This microelement is necessary for skin health and the healing of small wounds on it. In addition, zinc is an indispensable participant in the metabolism of tocopherol and maintaining its normal level in the body. Therefore, when choosing which vitamins are best to take during winter, we must not forget about this “minor” (contained in the body in small quantities) microelement.

    The richest foods in zinc are grains and their derivatives, nuts, seeds, oysters and squid, dairy products, legumes. Please note that this substance must be in the body in extremely small quantities. Abuse of drugs containing zinc can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis.

    To summarize, it should be noted that good sources vitamins in winter - vegetables, fruits and berries, subjected to shock freezing and defrosted immediately before cooking. Select view heat treatment costs based on what vitamins are in the product used.

    If necessary, adults and children can drink poly- and multivitamin complexes and similar drugs, carefully following the instructions. And do not forget that any list, including this list of what vitamins are needed in winter, is advisory in nature. You can accurately identify substances missing in the body either by taking tests or carefully monitoring your well-being.

    Vitamins for skin in winter

    The question of what vitamins should be taken for the face in winter occupies every girl and an adult woman always trying to look good. Even if you eat right all year round, get plenty of sun exposure in summer and spring, and use carefully selected skin care products, you may experience dry and chapped skin during the cold season.

    In addition to inclusion in the diet healthy products and taking pharmaceutical medications, vitamins can be delivered directly to the skin. For this, a variety of masks are used, to which solutions of tocopherol and retinol are added. One of classic recipes, deserved good reviews- a mixture consisting of equal amounts of vitamins A, E and olive oil. Suitable for both dry and oily skin. You can add solutions of these vitamins purchased at the pharmacy to any other masks used in winter.

    In order not to hastily decide the question of where to get vitamins in winter, you need to prepare for the cold season in advance: eat right, strengthen the body’s immune systems, and spend more time in the sun. It is also necessary to receive a sufficient amount of useful substances because if they are deficient, the body begins to use the reserves accumulated in the tissues of the body, mainly in the bones, muscles and teeth. And, if bones and muscles are restored, then teeth do not have this opportunity. So, a person who neglects systematic support of the body in winter has every chance of welcoming spring or summer with systematic visits to the dental office.

    Remember also that a lack of vitamins in winter is no worse than an excess of some of them. Therefore, choosing for the winter pharmaceuticals, follow the instructions carefully. But the wisest thing to do if you discover it is to consult a specialist.

    In winter, the human body is susceptible to many respiratory diseases. This is due to many factors.

    Causes of various diseases in winter

    During the off-season and winter, with regular temperature changes, the immune system is subject to stress. It is this factor that influences the development of various respiratory diseases. There is an opinion that cold causes illness, but this is not true. Colds are caused by a virus that actively develops in rainy weather. autumn period, and also retains its activity in public and poorly ventilated areas. Therefore, many doctors strongly recommend frequently ventilating crowded rooms, because cool, dry environment is ideal for maintaining vital functions viral infections. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning of premises will significantly reduce the likelihood of contracting an acute respiratory infection.

    If it happens that you catch an acute respiratory infection or worse than that FLU, you should consult a doctor immediately. Today's viruses are very insidious and represent great danger for the body. This is due to many complications following colds. They can manifest themselves both as the occurrence of cardiac pathologies and the development of pneumonia. Both pose a danger to human life. In order to avoid and overcome infection as much as possible, it is worth seeking help from etiotropic treatment, in other words, antibiotics.

    To maintain immunity at this difficult moment for the body, it is worth taking care of its stimulation. Vitamin complexes in this case will come in handy. They have a balanced complex of beneficial substances that help the body fight infection and can also support protective functions body. Vitamins for women, helping in winter, differ from men's in a different content and balance of nutrients. And even this is not always indicated by the manufacturer - as a rule, immunostimulating vitamin complexes are not divided into male and female. If this happens, then this is nothing more than a commercial move aimed at increasing sales. But it’s still worth taking into account gender characteristics, because... Women are more susceptible to lack of nutrients in winter than men.

    Why should women take vitamins in winter?

    As is known, women's skin more susceptible to external factors, such as:

    • cold;
    • high humidity;
    • weathering.

    These factors cause various irritations, dryness, and loss of elasticity of the skin.

    From the outside general condition the body is:

    • fatigue;
    • irritability;
    • mood swings;
    • drowsiness.

    In addition, vitamins are unique regulators of hormone production, which is directly related to general hormonal levels. And, as you know, hormones play a key role in the work of all internal organs.

    Women's hormonal background is significantly different from men's. Therefore, it is still worth distinguishing women's vitamin complexes from men's ones. Women are more in need of:

    • retinol (A), which supports healthy hair, nails and bone tissue;
    • ascorbic acid (C) – taking care of maintaining immunity and restoring the body’s protective functions;
    • tocopherol (E) – involved in the regeneration of skin tissue and maintaining healthy hair and elasticity of the skin.

    Vitamins in winter for women play an important role in maintaining the beauty and health of the entire body as a whole. So, by taking a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals, you can to a large extent help the body fight the influence of external negative factors, and also protect from various diseases by stimulating work immune system. So, the following substances are very important for women in winter:

    • A, which effectively combats dry skin, split nails and thinning hair;
    • Vitamin B1 - necessary to combat lack of appetite, apathy, hypotension;
    • Vitamin B2 can effectively influence frequent headaches, hair loss, and excessive oily skin;
    • Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, being a natural antioxidant, actively affects the functioning of the immune system and restores the body's protective functions, as well as strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents bruising on the skin.

    These active substances used in combination have invaluable help female body, helping to fight not only ailments, but also keep the entire body in good shape.

    In order to avoid unexpected health problems in the winter in the form of various acute respiratory infections and hypovitaminosis, it is worth taking care of the supply in advance during the harvest period and active harvesting of vegetables and fruits. They are the ones natural source everyone useful vitamins and microelements, so necessary for the female body during the cold season. IN fresh vegetables and fruits contain most essential vitamins. For example, in white cabbage and bell pepper V large quantities contains vitamin C, carrots and tomatoes contain beta-carotene, which is subsequently converted into vitamin A, and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E. By including these simple products in your diet, you can not only easily replenish your reserves of nutrients, but also maintain their balance until the coldest.

    If for some reason a deficiency is still diagnosed active substances in the body, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe a complex of vitamins suitable for your specific case.

    Carefully! Self-medication is not recommended, because by replenishing the missing elements, you can disrupt the quantitative indicators of others, which will manifest as new symptoms called hypervitaminosis.

    Only a competent therapist will be able to correctly select the necessary vitamin complex.

    And remember! Prevention is much easier than cure!

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    What general strengthening vitamins for women are recommended for use? The most essential vitamins for depression for women



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