Prenatal vitamins: a difficult choice. What vitamins are best for pregnant women to take?

During a special period, the expectant mother must carefully monitor her diet, replenishing not only her energy needs, but also the fruit. Depending on the age of the child, a different set of substances is required for normal formation and growth.

Do I need to take vitamins during pregnancy?

The use of synthetic supplements raises many controversial debates. It is important for expectant mothers to take a responsible approach to choosing the quality of products, meeting all the needs of the child. For its development, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are needed, which must be supplied with food.

Many gynecologists prescribe vitamins for pregnant women to reduce the risk of vital deficiency. important elements. Not every woman can and wants to eat a balanced diet; bad eating habits or lifestyle lead to a lack valuable substances. But there can also be an excess, which is just as dangerous to the health of the fetus as a deficiency.

  • women who do not have the opportunity to eat well;
  • if you have previously had miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, birth of a child with a disability;
  • expectant mothers after 30 years;
  • a deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals has been diagnosed.

Reception poly vitamin complexes prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. IN summer period years, if the expectant mother follows all the recommendations, uses sufficient quantity vegetables and fruits, it does not need additional elements. In winter, if signs of vitamin deficiency are detected, the woman is prescribed a complex that is optimal for her age and the characteristics of her medical history.


A conscious approach to planning the birth of a child allows you to avoid many risks that arise after conception. The health status of not only the woman, but also the man, and the compatibility of the spouses are checked. Before pregnancy, the body does not need to increase the set of elements, but if there are problems with conception, the couple is prescribed corrective medications.

In any case, you will need to consult a doctor to determine the optimal vitamins during this period. Most women need iodine and folic acid during planning. If there are signs of vitamin deficiency, the doctor will prescribe a course of multivitamins. If the health status is normal, the woman only needs to adjust her diet. Synthetic additives affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver, so only a doctor can determine the need for additional elements.

Taking vitamins in the 1st trimester

In the early stages, it is important for expectant mothers to know what vitamins to take at the beginning of pregnancy. It is during this period that complex processes fusion, cell division, formation of tissues from which the main systems and organs are formed. At this time, 4 important elements are released - vitamins A, E, iodine and folic acid.

You can start taking vitamin A in the 1st trimester, and the need also increases in the last trimester. Optimal daily dose is 2500IU, which is 2 times less compared to the concentration before conception. The reception must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, the element is involved in the development of the nervous system, visual system. It is important to control the norm; an excess can negatively affect cardiac activity and cause pathologies. nervous system. When enriching your diet with foods rich in vitamin A, it is worth remembering that they must be combined with fats for complete absorption.

Iodine supplements provide hormone synthesis thyroid gland, it is recommended to take after conception. Deficiency may cause pathologies intrauterine development, since it is quickly eliminated from the body, it must be constantly replenished.

Vitamin E is used to maintain pregnancy and is involved in the process of placenta formation. Metabolism in the mother's body is normalized, and overall well-being improves. Maximum quantity tocopherol is found in unrefined vegetable oils, also in greens, tomatoes, peas.

Folic acid is prescribed at the planning stage and continues throughout the first trimester. The doctor selects the dosage individually, depending on the specific medical history. Participates in cell division, formation of the neural tube, the basis for brain development. Allows you to preserve genetic material, preventing the occurrence chromosomal abnormalities. Vitamin B9 also affects the formation of all systems and organs, which occurs in the early stages.

Vitamins in the 2nd trimester

During this period of development, for normal development, in addition to iodine-containing preparations, the baby needs iron and calcium vitamins. In the second trimester, the fetal thyroid gland begins to work independently, and hormones are synthesized that affect the development of the musculoskeletal system and cognitive abilities.

The importance of vitamins in the second trimester:

  • When receiving a dose of less than 250 mg, a woman may gain overweight, your health will worsen, the sources are iodized salt, as well as kelp;
  • calcium is necessary for bones, teeth, if it is deficient, the expectant mother may experience enamel erosion, the element is also necessary for the formation of kidneys, but in case of an overdose of synthetic drugs, it will accumulate in the placenta;
  • better to take complex preparations, the content of zinc and vitamin D will allow for maximum absorption of minerals, different types of cabbage are rich in calcium, but eating chocolate and coffee interfere with the normal absorption of an important element;
  • iron is necessary for the normal well-being of the expectant mother; with a deficiency, anemia develops and decreases immune indicators, the body becomes sensitive to infections, the lack of mineral negatively affects the fetus, the intake decreases nutrients, oxygen, which leads to low body weight and slow development.

Hemoglobin levels are regularly monitored using blood tests. If it is below the norm (15), a woman needs to include high-quality protein in her diet - rabbit, turkey, pork, beef.

Vitamins in the 3rd trimester

Only a doctor can answer the question of whether you should take vitamins during pregnancy, taking into account the state of pregnancy and the results of screenings. In the third trimester, the nervous system and sensory organs continue to improve, and musculoskeletal system. In addition to iron and calcium, at this time the need for vitamins D and C increases. These are vital elements necessary for the normal development of the child, prevention premature birth.

The importance of vitamins in the 3rd trimester:

  • vitamin C is involved in the formation of immunity, improves the well-being of the expectant mother, but if the dosage exceeds 100 mg, it accumulates in the placenta, and transport of the valuable element to the child does not occur, natural sources ascorbic acidsweet pepper, greens, berries, carrots, cabbage, citrus fruits - it is undesirable to consume them, due to the possibility of developing allergies;
  • vitamin D is prescribed for the normal formation of bones and the cardiovascular system; in the warm season, synthesis occurs due to sunlight; fatty fish, butter, egg yolk, normally you should receive 400 IU per day.

If there is a nutritional deficiency or based on test results, the doctor may prescribe vitamin supplements. Contraindications are individual intolerance components.

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women

Exists huge amount different multivitamins for pregnant women, it is worth understanding the most common complexes. The doctor will recommend which one to choose; the prescription depends on the development of pregnancy and test results.

Review of popular complexes:

  • elevit - is prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage, as it contains increased amount magnesium, which relaxes the tone of the uterus, the presence folic acid ensures normal development of the embryo in the early stages, the lack of iodine will have to be compensated for with other supplements;
  • Femibion ​​is a universal drug for use in the first trimester, an easily digestible form of folic acid is used in world practice for the prevention of developmental anomalies, the lack of iron and vitamin A requires a separate prescription;
  • multi-tabs prenatal – contains essential vitamins and minerals, can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, during normal pregnancy;
  • Vitrum - supplements can be used on different dates pregnancy, contain a sufficient amount of iron, also contain iodine, magnesium, selenium, vitamin B9, Vitrum prenatal is recommended for the treatment of anemia of varying degrees;
  • alphabet - unique complex, which allows you to correctly combine vitamins and minerals, thanks to dyeing in different colors, the expectant mother can combine the combinations she needs, it is also an opportunity to exclude elements that cause allergies;
  • Amway vitamins are a product network company, distribution is carried out by people without medical education, you should definitely consult a doctor about the advisability of taking it; an undeniable advantage is the ability to individually select the necessary substances, since the main elements are distributed in different jars.

The expectant mother can decide which vitamins to take during pregnancy with her doctor. It is worth remembering that natural and synthetic sources must balance nutrition to form a healthy baby.

There is a widespread belief that it is necessary to take vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, because a growing child needs a lot useful substances for full formation and development. This information for a long time was perceived as an unconditional truth. However, are vitamins really that harmless?

A pregnant woman needs an increased supply of nutrients to the body, since most of the trace elements and minerals are taken by the baby. To make up for the deficiency, you need to take vitamins. It is advisable to ensure their supply from food products. But it is not always possible to establish adequate nutrition. In this article we will tell you which vitamins are essential and how to choose the “right” vitamin complexes.

If we take into account the recommendations World Organization Health care, the question of whether vitamins are needed for the first trimester of pregnancy may have two radically different answers. The question of the need to take multivitamin complexes is decided individually in each specific case based on data on the state of health, results laboratory research, as well as on the completeness of a pregnant woman’s diet.

If the intake of nutrients from food is insufficient, the expectant mother should enrich her daily fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, or start taking vitamin supplements.

There are minerals and vitamins for pregnant women that absolutely everyone needs in the 1st trimester:

Other vitamins should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

What is the body's need for additional vitamins during this period?

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences major changes. The formation and growth of the fetus requires significant costs from the maternal body. To replenish resources, it is necessary to ensure the supply of nutrients from food. In the absence good nutrition It is recommended to take vitamins and mineral complexes for pregnant women in the first trimester, who will maintain the woman’s condition and take part in the formation of the baby’s organs.

In order to understand what the need for vitamins is during pregnancy, you need to remember some facts:

  1. Regardless of whether there is a supply of nutrients into the female body from the outside, the fetus will still take the amount of vitamins it requires, using the mother’s reserves.
  2. The child receives microelements not from food, but from the mother’s organs and tissues.
  3. With a lack of vitamins, it is the woman who begins to have health problems - teeth decay due to lack of calcium, vascular fragility occurs due to hypovitaminosis C, and skin elasticity decreases if there is not enough vitamin E.

Therefore, the consumption of vitamins is necessary primarily for a pregnant woman, and it is advisable that they come from food.

What you can't do without

Any expectant mother who cares not only about her health, but also about the normal development of the baby, is interested in what vitamins they take in the first trimester of pregnancy and whether it is worth taking them at such an early stage. Let's consider best vitamins for pregnant women, which doctors advise to use after conception.


Since iodine is intensively excreted from the body during pregnancy, it should be supplied from outside. Its deficiency causes pathologies in the baby's intrauterine development. Iodine is required for the formation of the thyroid gland, and also serves as a means of preventing cretinism, which occurs when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Vitamin E

Thanks to the action of vitamin E, metabolism in the body of a pregnant woman is normalized. This substance allows you to maintain pregnancy and reduces the likelihood, in addition, it takes part in the formation.

Doctors recommend drinking vitamin E, along with folic acid, as it is involved in the normal development of the child. At the planning stage, tocopherol helps regulate menstruation and also improves the functioning of the entire reproductive system.

Vitamin A

Taking vitamin A in the first trimester of pregnancy should be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor, since exceeding the permissible dosage can cause more harm than good. In normal and controlled amounts, vitamin A takes part in the formation visual analyzer, and also provides skin elasticity.

It is best to obtain this substance from food than from drugs, however, when consuming it is important to remember that its absorption requires the presence of fat, since the vitamin belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins.

Folic acid

Perhaps this is the most important vitamin, which should definitely be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. B9 is playing important role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, participates in hematopoiesis and allows a full laying to occur internal organs future baby.

Obstetricians and gynecologists advise drinking folic acid not only from the first days after conception, but also during the family stage. Moreover, vitamin B9 will be useful not only for female body, but also for .

A lack of folic acid can lead to the following consequences:

  • difficulties maintaining pregnancy;
  • congenital disorders;
  • mental retardation;
  • pathology of development of the brain and spinal cord.

Vitamin C

A lack of this vitamin in the early stages of pregnancy leads to a decrease in the mother’s immunity, which poses a threat to the development of the fetus. Also improves elasticity vascular wall and protects it from fragility.

Vitamin D

Other vitamins

In some situations, in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to take a course of B vitamins, as well as minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and chromium. However, such a decision should be made only by a doctor if it is necessary to strengthen the mother’s body and create favorable conditions for the formation of the organ systems of the unborn baby.

Review of the most popular vitamins

There is a list of the best vitamins for pregnant women. The choice is based on the correct composition specifically for expectant mothers, as well as on positive reviews female patients.

Popular multivitamins for pregnant women:

  1. Elevit Pronatal. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. It contains folic acid and iron in the required concentration, so there is no need to take them additionally. However, iodine is not present in the composition. Multivitamins are recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. More information about the drug
  2. Alphabet for pregnant women. The drug is presented in the form of colored tablets, the color of which depends on the content of a particular element. The complex contains vitamins, as well as iodine, iron and calcium compounds.
  3. Materna. Contains 10 vitamins. In addition to them, the medicine contains folic acid and iodine in a concentration that covers the daily requirement of a pregnant woman’s body for these microelements.
  4. Pregnakea. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 5 microelements, including folic acid and iron. However, the iron content is insufficient, so it must be taken separately, as well as iodine, which is not included in the composition.

Deciding on the best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester is difficult, because the choice depends not only on the composition, but the price also plays an important role. Listen to your doctor's advice and choose the remedies he recommends for you.

What foods contain vitamins necessary for the first trimester of pregnancy?

With a nutritious diet, you can replenish the daily requirement of vitamins without the use of additional medications.

What vitamins do foods contain:

  • vitamin A – butter, liver, egg yolk, carrots, spinach, green onions;
  • vitamin C – rose hips, cranberries, currants, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn;
  • vitamin D – chicken eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, seafood, butter;
  • vitamin E – nuts, grains, legumes, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach;
  • vitamin B 1 – liver, wheat bran, oatmeal;
  • vitamin B 2 – white cabbage, peas, almonds, tomatoes, beans, veal, liver, egg yolk;
  • vitamin B 6 - bananas, pork, carrots, wheat bran, beans, cabbage;
  • vitamin B 12 – fermented milk products, liver, chicken eggs, greens.

Dosage and instructions

A woman should receive the following amounts of vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • vitamin A – 800 mcg;
  • vitamin C – 70 mg;
  • vitamin E – 10 mg;
  • vitamin D – 10 mg;
  • vitamin K – 65 mcg;
  • vitamin B 1 – 1.5 mg;
  • riboflavin (B 2) – 1.6 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) – 2.2 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin (B 12) – 2.2 mcg;
  • folic acid – 400 mcg.

Vitamins needed in the first trimester of pregnancy should be taken according to the instructions, following the recommended dose once or twice a day throughout the course.

Is there a danger in taking vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Very good , if beneficial substances enter the body of the expectant mother from food, since the use of multivitamin complexes on early stage pregnancy is not always justified, and in some cases may pose some danger. If there is a need to take vitamins, then before purchasing, carefully read the composition and give preference to products from well-known pharmaceutical companies, this way you will reduce the likelihood of the presence of impurities of various substances in the preparations.

Towards the end of the first trimester education begins children's place, and the placenta is finally formed at 16 weeks. It is this organ that is a kind of filter that does not allow harmful substances with the blood flow to the child or reduces their concentration. Therefore, at the beginning of pregnancy, there is no need to take vitamins without indications. industrial production, it is better to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits.

What are the dangers of an excess of vitamins?

There is evidence that taking vitamins in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can cause premature aging placenta. This applies specifically to multivitamin complexes. Therefore, some doctors advise abandoning even special prenatal vitamins and paying attention to the diet, trying to ensure the supply of necessary microelements from food.

But this statement does not apply to some vitamins. You should take folic acid from the first days of pregnancy, as well as during the planning stage. The same applies to vitamin E: when taking it in the first trimester of pregnancy, you must monitor the daily dosage and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

A rare but possible consequence of an excess of vitamins is hypervitaminosis. For example, when increasing daily norm Vitamin A leads to destruction of bone tissue and cartilage, osteoporosis, and the formation of calcifications in internal organs.

Reception various vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Exceeding the dosage can also lead to pathological conditions, contrary to the popular belief that only a lack of vitamins in the diet is dangerous.

Useful video about vitamins for pregnant women


Pregnancy is an amazing period in the life of every woman! It brings us new sensations, feelings, emotions, and prepares us for the birth of a new life. It is also quite exciting and poses many questions to us. One of which Should I take vitamins during pregnancy?. And if for many the answer would seem obvious, then we tried to figure out whether should you take vitamins during pregnancy, how they affect the body and whether they are as useful as we used to think.

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To begin with, let's remember that pregnancy can be divided into trimesters. In each of them certain changes occur, just like the body. expectant mother, and in the development of the baby.

In the first trimester, as in time planning the baby, one of the most important elements is folic acid, which is necessary for the development of nervous and circulatory system. It is found in liver, grains, and some citrus fruits. But nevertheless, doctors often prescribe accept it in tablets. In this case, it is important to follow your doctor’s recommendation, as it is available in several dosage options. But this is perhaps the only element whose importance is beyond any doubt.

For short periods of time, especially if there is a risk of interruption pregnancy, need take magnesium and vitamin B6. Magnesium is involved in all vital important processes body. By interacting with vitamin B6, which in turn promotes rapid absorption proteins, fats, magnesium are also well absorbed. If you feel well and there is no reason to worry, you can for some time (or better yet throughout your pregnancy) eat heavily on foods that contain magnesium, namely dried apricots, buckwheat and nuts. Tasty, affordable and very healthy. In general, all B vitamins have positive influence on the growth and development of your baby and help you during pregnancy.

First trimester pregnancy often accompanied by toxicosis, during which appetite may decrease. In such cases, it would be wise, again after consulting with your doctor, to select a complex of vitamins that will compensate for the lack of nutrients that is formed during this time. Just don’t forget that any vitamins should accept not on an empty stomach, otherwise the attacks of nausea may only worsen, and the vitamins simply will not be absorbed.

Take vitamins during pregnancy, in the second trimester it is worth taking only according to test results and in a strict dosage. There are several reasons for this. Firstly: during pregnancy you are already responsible for two lives and you need to be doubly careful with all kinds of experiments and self-medication, secondly: need to Pay attention to your diet; it may not be worth supporting your body with additional complexes. And thirdly, do not forget about “too much is not healthy.”

There is a list of vitamins, an excess of which is just as harmful as a deficiency. Special attention it’s worth paying attention to vitamin A. After all, it used to be that it was necessary to lean on fish oil, take it in capsules, and also drink it with milk. So, be careful and know that the content of this vitamin above the norm can, on the contrary, lead to negative consequences in your baby's development. If you stick to the dosage, then thanks to vitamin A, the placenta will develop well and bone tissue will form. For the expectant mother, this vitamin is also very important, because it improves skin color and strengthens the immune system.

During this period, most women already return to their usual routine and can eat foods that are familiar to them. Make sure your diet is rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, grains (but without fanaticism), dairy products, meat and fish. Help your body cope with double the load, avoid fried, fatty and spicy food in favor healthy eating. Of course, it will be more difficult to cope with this task for those whose pregnancy falls at the end of autumn and winter, and this is where multivitamins can come to the rescue. There are quite a lot of complexes on the market. With your doctor, choose the one that best suits your requirements.

In the third trimester you need to pay attention to calcium and vitamin D. These two elements are responsible for bone growth, skeleton formation, hair and nail growth, and vitamin D is prescribed during pregnancy to prevent rickets. IN large quantities it is found in fish, as well as eggs and milk. Vitamin E prevents premature birth and takes part in the synthesis of pregnancy hormones.

Vitamin C, or, to put it simply, ascorbic acid will become your companion during pregnancy, eat more citrus fruits, just remember allergic reactions, which you and your child have no use for.

Vitamins during pregnancy are certainly important, because thanks to them it strengthens cardiovascular system, immunity increases, improves general condition body. If the circumstances are such that it is not possible to eat healthy and varied, or pregnancy occurs after past illness, then you simply must enrich yourself with useful substances, another thing is that it’s high time to give up self-medication and choose your vitamin wisely, after consulting with your doctor.

Try to accept vitamins at the same time time. Some manufacturers even offer a form of taking tablets in which certain time day, you will receive those vitamins that are absorbed most quickly during this period. At the pharmacy you may be surprised by the range in prices for vitamins for pregnant women. Here again, a doctor should come to your aid, who will tell you whether there is any point in an expensive complex or whether a cheaper drug, but with fewer elements, will suit you.

Is it worth taking vitamins during pregnancy time or not, it is up to you and your doctor to decide. The main thing is that your tests are normal, that you feel good, and that pregnancy brings only positive emotions and no worries.

There was a long process of agonizing anticipation of conception and finally, the expectant mother received confirmation - life has arisen inside her and is growing unborn child. There are 9 months of new discoveries and amazing changes ahead. own body and finally, the long-awaited birth. It is during this period that the fair sex and her unborn baby need comprehensive support. Correct lifestyle, prevention of problems, good food and, of course, additional intake of vitamins, which are already lacking in ordinary life, but now some of them go to the support and development of the fetus. Below, you will find out which vitamins and in what period are best for the expectant mother to take, and also receive comprehensive answers from doctors to the most frequently asked questions about vitamin complexes.

Almost every pregnant woman asks herself and those around her this question. The answer to this is obvious - of course, yes. The process of bearing an unborn child is associated with global changes in the functioning of the whole organism: metabolism is radically restructured, blood composition and functioning change. hormonal system and so on.

It is during pregnancy that the consumption of a number of substances by the body and the unborn child increases significantly: internal reserves need to be constantly replenished useful vitamins and microelements.

Unfortunately, not always natural products or a special diet, allow you to fully compensate for the deficiency of one or another element, so you have to introduce them artificially, using individual drugs or entire complexes created specifically for pregnant women. The growth of the embryo, the absorption of proteins, the functioning of the hormonal system - a lot depends on vitamins, including the health of the life growing inside you.

Vitamins during pregnancy. Which ones are best to drink?

Among the whole variety of vitamins/microelements, there are a number of substances that play an important and sometimes key role in the formation and development of the fetus.

  1. Folic acid. This water-soluble vitamin promotes the growth of fetal tissues, helps the cells of the underlying body recover and renew themselves. In addition, it directly affects the growth of the placenta and system blood vessels in the uterus. B9 deficiency significantly increases the likelihood of miscarriage and also worsens the mother's well-being.
  2. Tocopherol. The natural compound is involved in a number of important processes for the body, in particular the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In addition, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. A lack of tocopherol in the body can cause anemia, visual impairment, and heart problems in the unborn child. Mother's - general weakness, muscle pain and involuntary abortion.
  3. Pyridoxine. Vitamins B6 are a catalyst for the formation of amino acids, from which proteins are subsequently created. In addition, the biologically active substance shapes the development and functioning of the nervous system, providing normal oxygen supply to the brain, while simultaneously reducing the effect of toxicosis.
  4. Vitamin B12. A key element of the ovulation processes in women, it not only helps to get pregnant, but also supports the development of the fertilized egg to the embryo stage.
  5. Vitamin A. It is involved in the development of the nervous system, vision and skeleton in the unborn baby.
  6. Vitamin C. Supports immunity in the mother and forms its basic rudiments in the child.
  7. Vitamin D. Promotes bone growth.
  8. Vitamins of groups PP, K, H are not as critically important as the previous ones, but are necessary for full-fledged work female body during increased loads during pregnancy, and also as general health-promoting substances.
  9. Calcium. A building “base” for children’s bones, which is required more and more during pregnancy.
  10. Iron. Helps supply oxygen to all organs of the expectant mother and she is not yet born child.
  11. Iodine. Participates in the synthesis of hormones, helps prevent damage to the central nervous system and skeleton of the unborn baby, and also protects thyroid gland representatives of the fair sex.
  12. Zinc. Directly and indirectly participates in a number of related biochemical processes. Its deficiency leads to complications of childbirth, postpartum hemorrhage, development birth defects fetus, too small or too high weight/height at birth.

Vitamins for men

A representative of the stronger sex was able to provide you with high-quality genetic material, works hard and does everything possible to make the pregnant woman as comfortable as possible. Don’t forget about a man - he also needs vitamins in order to be in perfect condition and always delight you with care, guardianship and love.

  1. Vitamin C. Powerful antioxidant that decomposes free radicals and significantly reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Lipoic acid. Significantly improves liver function in men, normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. All B vitamins. A representative of the stronger sex must be smart, fast and strong - it is vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 that will help him become ideal.
  4. Vitamin N. Men do not always pay attention to current state hair, nails, skin. It is biotin that can bring them back to normal.
  5. Vitamin E. Tocopherol is the key to success of the stronger sex on the love front.

A universal protector of cell membranes, which is both an actihypoxant and an antioxidant, reduces the likelihood of the formation cancerous tumor, protects cells from oxidation, controls the synthesis of nucleic acids, and acts as an excellent neuroprotector. Taking vitamin E, a pregnant woman normalizes the production of progesterone, improves uterine stretching, and prevents fetal underdevelopment and possible miscarriage.

With all this, the most latest research show that an excess of tocopherol and its uncontrolled intake can negatively affect the child in the future - some medical specialists analyzing samples according to these criteria indicate an increased risk of heart defects in the early period.

That is why taking the vitamin should be strictly regulated - from 200 to 350 IU, unless your doctor prescribes a different dosage. At the same time daily use It is necessary to divide it into two times, in the morning and in the evening after meals.

Folic acid is a key element involved in the formation of new cells in the body and their support. This is especially important at the intrauterine stage of development of the unborn child, because the violation natural processes due to lack of B9 leads to very serious complications V later life. The first person to suffer from vitamin deficiency is bone marrow, therefore in mandatory, pregnant women are required to take 400 milligrams of the substance daily from the beginning of pregnancy planning until childbirth. Taking folic acid can be divided into two doses - 200 mg each after breakfast and dinner.


A classic vitamin complex for pregnant women, containing all the main groups of low molecular weight organic compounds. The composition of multivitamins was developed more than twenty years ago, taking into account the recommendations of experts at that time. The main advantages of the drug include the presence of a sufficient amount of microelements, including iodine and zinc, as well as a low price. One of the disadvantages is the insufficient content of folic acid (200 mg), which requires the introduction of an additional dose of vitamin B9 into the diet. Also, certain groups of patients complain of frequent allergic reactions after taking Materna, most likely caused by the high content of B12 and vitamin A.

Alphabet - Mom's health

Russian multivitamin complex developed for pregnant women from conception to childbirth. The drug is divided into three types of tablets, which contain low-molecular organic compounds and microelements that do not conflict with each other and do not weaken the mutual effect of the components.

From positive aspects combination drug, let's cancel the moderate price and the presence of iodine in the composition. At the same time, as in Materna, there is not enough folic acid here.


Included in this multivitamin complex iodine is not included (that is, it must be taken separately), but there is a sufficient amount of folic acid and increased content magnesium, especially necessary for the prevention of miscarriage and the threat of premature birth. Doctors recommend these multivitamins for complex treatment fetoplacental insufficiency. The price category is above average, reviews about Elevit are mostly positive.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

One of the most famous, balanced and optimal vitamin complexes, used with equal success during the period of planning a future child, pregnancy and after childbirth. The formula of the drug contains a sufficient amount of vitamins of groups A, B (including folic acid at a dosage of 400 mg/day), C, D, E, K, H, etc., sufficient for the fair sex, as well as microelements - iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, etc. With regular use of Vitrum Prenatal Forte, it is usually not necessary to take additional doses of individual low-molecular organic compounds.

Among the positive qualities, one can note the ideal balance of the composition, which does not cause negative manifestations, a convenient dosage (1 tablet/day in the morning after meals), as well as a clear long-term dosage regimen indicated in the instructions for the drug and designed for the period before conception, 1, 2, 3 trimesters of pregnancy and the time after childbirth with the onset of lactation. The only negative multivitamin complex- his high cost compared to analogues.

Useful video

Vitamins for pregnant women

Question and answer

What vitamins should I take in the first, second and third (last) trimester of pregnancy?

If you do not get enough vitamins from healthy fresh food (and up to 90 percent of all women face this, since it is almost impossible to purchase truly fresh vegetables/fruits, other similar products and ideally balance the diet in such a way as to completely cover the needs for low molecular weight organic compounds) , then vitamins must be taken constantly, or in long courses throughout the entire period of pregnancy. However, depending on the timing, individual components are especially important:

  1. First trimester. The most necessary for the future baby and you are folic acid, vitamin E and A.
  2. Second trimester. With a properly balanced diet, you can take short breaks from taking vitamins. The most important microelements This period is considered to be iodine, calcium and iron.
  3. Third trimester. Vitamins C and D are especially important.

In any case, if possible, throughout your pregnancy, take complex multivitamins according to the recommendations and regimen of your doctor - this will eliminate the need to use 3-4 separate medications and save your time/nerves along the way.

How much vitamin E to take during pregnancy?

The recommended dosage of vitamin E ranges from 250–350 IU/day, divided into two doses and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Regularly taking large doses may negatively affect your child's health in the future: a number of modern research and statistics show that women who took more than 600 IU of vitamin E daily throughout pregnancy gave birth to babies with high risk heart diseases.

Please advise the best vitamins for pregnant women

Considering the modern lifestyle, poor ecology, as well as difficulties in maintaining a truly healthy, nutritious diet, the best way to regularly replenish the missing reserves of low molecular weight organic compounds and microelements is to take combined multivitamin complexes containing the main groups of useful substances in required dosage. One of the best drugs of this kind available on the pharmacy market and designed specifically for the needs of pregnant women is Elevit (with additional separate appointment iodine) and Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Regimen for taking these multivitamins are described in detail in the instructions for the medications.

Can non-pregnant women take Elevit vitamins?

Naturally, it is possible. Moreover, they are recommended to be used not only before conception as tonic, but also after childbirth, as well as during lactation, when a tired body that has lost a lot of vitamins and microelements urgently needs to recover and maintain vital processes at the proper level.

What vitamins to take in early pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is advisable to consume all the main groups of vitamins, which in one way or another have a positive effect on the processes of recovery, work and growth of the body. The key low-molecular organic compounds during this period are considered to be folic acid and tocopherol - the first (vitamin B9) is responsible for the synthesis and support of cell function, and the second (vitamin E) is an antioxidant and ensures the correct metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Should I take vitamin B6 during pregnancy?

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine - important organic compound, which is necessary for the synthesis of a number of amino acids responsible for the formation of a growing organism at the cellular level. It is he who ensures the correct and timely development of the nervous system and, in fact, the brain of your unborn child. In addition, a deficiency of B6 provokes irritability/aggressiveness, severe toxicosis, convulsive syndrome. It is definitely necessary to take it, either separately or as part of a multivitamin complex. Daily requirement this drug- 2–4 milligrams, divided into 1–2 doses.

Vitamins are biologically active compounds that differ varied structure. They are coenzymes biochemical reactions occurring in the body. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins increases due to the growth and development of the fetus and increased stress on many systems of the mother. But whether it is necessary to take vitamins during pregnancy remains controversial to this day.

Useful properties

Research shows that most women become pregnant due to a deficiency of many vitamins and microelements. This deficiency has to be replenished during gestation. At this time, the need for group B, C, and folic acid increases significantly. At the same time, the need for microelements increases.

The shortage may not be felt, but it will affect the developing child. It has been proven that a lack of folic acid in the early stages leads to the development of neural tube defects. Therefore, even before conception, doctors recommend including vitamin complexes containing folic acid, as well as tocopherol, in the preconception plan. It improves egg maturation and promotes fertilization.

The expectant mother must prepare the body for pregnancy, create biological reserves active substances. This will improve the functioning of various enzyme systems and metabolism. The level of hemoglobin is associated with a sufficient amount of vitamins B₆ and B₁₂. With a deficiency, aplastic anemia develops, which will complicate the course of pregnancy.

1st trimester

Doctors recommend taking vitamins during the trimesters of pregnancy. The 1st trimester is associated with the formation of all organs and the beginning of the formation of the nervous system. The continued viability of the fetus and the preservation of pregnancy depend on how correctly this process proceeds.

It must be remembered that the development of the embryo does not depend only on the content of vitamins in the diet, and if there is genetic abnormalities or chromosomal rearrangements, the situation cannot be corrected by increasing active substances in the diet.

Vitamins are prescribed by the gynecologist depending on the trimester and individual characteristics, taking into account risk factors. The main drugs in the initial period are:

  • folic acid – B₉;
  • tocopherol acetate – E;
  • retinol – A;

Is it necessary to take vitamins in the 1st trimester of pregnancy if a woman eats well? The need for them during pregnancy increases several times, so it is impossible to cover it with food alone.

Folic acid

Contained in any vegetables with natural green in ripe form, as well as leafy greens(parsley, spinach, dill). It has even been found in animal products, which is why folate is now said to be ubiquitous. But its peculiarity is its tendency to decay quickly. If lettuce or cabbage is just picked from the garden, then we can talk about good saturation with useful substances. But in vegetables that are stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature, the breakdown of folates accelerates; after just a few hours, their content is reduced by half. When heated to 60 degrees, after a few minutes only traces of folic acid remain.

Folacin is necessary for the division of all cells of the body, both in the expectant mother and in the developing fetus. It is involved in the process of DNA replication (doubling), which occurs during cell division. Red bone marrow, as the most actively dividing structure, suffers most from a lack of folate. For a woman, this is manifested by the development of megaloblastic anemia.

But the state of pronounced deficiency and severe consequences B₉ deficiencies are rarely observed. Normal microflora The intestine is involved in the synthesis of this substance, as well as several others. In case of dysbacteriosis, when the content is violated beneficial bacteria in the intestines, the amount of folate in the body may decrease, which, together with insufficient intake from food, will lead to the development of anemia. It cannot be cured with iron supplements alone.

The dose of folic acid for those planning a pregnancy is 400-800 mcg. But doctors recommend sticking to maximum dosage: This will saturate the body before conception. At successful conception the dosage is not reduced. Those who have not had children with neural tube pathology or spontaneous early miscarriages in previous pregnancies are allowed to take 800-1000 mcg per day. For women with a history of the listed pathologies, the dose is increased several times.

You can read more about why you need to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy, as well as about prescribed medications and options for taking them.

Pregnant women with diagnosed epilepsy who must take anticonvulsants should take an increased dose of folate. Carbamazepine and valproic acid significantly reduce the amount of B₉ in the body.

Folic acid is safe. It is water-soluble, and if there is excess in the body, it is easily excreted by the kidneys. No signs of overdose were reported.


The second most important substance for pregnant women is tocopherol (E). This is a fat-soluble compound whose name translates as “progeny-bearing.” Its function in the body is:

  • protecting cell membranes from the damaging effects of oxygen;
  • preservation of vitamins A and C in unoxidized form;
  • inclusion of selenium in coenzymes;
  • immune protection;
  • reducing the need of cells for oxygen and protection from hypoxia;
  • protein synthesis and tissue regeneration;
  • stimulation of hormone production.

Tocopherol deficiency affects appearance and the condition of the skin, nails and hair. They become dull, lifeless, hair splits, and nails break easily. Therefore, if you have dry skin, it is necessary to additionally include tocopherol in your diet.

During the gestational period, additional amounts of tocopherol are needed. It has the following effect:

  • improves hormonal levels;
  • promotes egg maturation;
  • reduces risk;
  • increases the chance of conception;
  • eliminates symptoms;
  • promotes the formation of the placenta;
  • reduces risk.

The dosage of vitamin E in capsules is 100-200 mg per day. It is recommended that two spouses start taking it at the planning stage, 2 months before conception. The woman continues to take tocopherol after confirmation of pregnancy for 2-3 months.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is the second most important vitamin (after folic acid) for pregnant women.

Tocopherol acetate is a fat-soluble substance. Therefore, there is a danger of its accumulation. But toxic effect manifests itself when the daily norm is exceeded by 10-20 times. There may be a cumulative effect if the dosage is exceeded for a long time. Then the medicine is discontinued and Vikasol is prescribed to reduce the risk of bleeding.


Vitamin A (retinol) is involved in many metabolic processes:

  • enzyme synthesis;
  • muscle tissue formation;
  • synthesis of sex hormones;
  • maintaining immunity due to the metabolism of interferons, lysozyme, immunoglobulin A;
  • activation of receptors for calcitriol (vitamin D₃);
  • production of retinal rhodopsin for twilight vision.

Experiments have shown that the most complete exclusion of retinol from the diet of animals of both sexes leads to the development of infertility. It is also needed for the normal development of the unborn child. But the need for vitamin A in women before and during pregnancy is not much different. In the 1st trimester, a sufficient amount comes from food. Large doses retinoids are toxic to the fetus and can cause the development of heart defects and nervous system defects. Only in the second half of gestation and lactation does the need increase.

2nd trimester

After the formation of all organs of the fetus and placenta, the need for active substances changes. 2nd trimester is the time active growth child, skeletal development. Therefore, the need for calcium and substances involved in its metabolism increases.

After 20 weeks, it is recommended to take additional retinol. It is responsible for activating calciferol receptors, so a lack of the first will affect its action. Doctors prescribe 1-2 tablets of retinol, which corresponds to 3300-6600 IU.

Lack of vitamin D during pregnancy is manifested by impaired absorption of calcium. If this microelement is not supplied through food, the body begins to remove it from its own structures in order to provide for the growing fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman may experience:

  • aching bones;
  • joint pain;
  • muscle cramps.

Calcium deficiency will also affect after pregnancy. For some, even during the gestation period, their teeth begin to actively deteriorate and crumble, and caries appears. Hair and nails also suffer from calcium deficiency.

It should be remembered that calcium is a component of the blood coagulation system; without it, complete clot formation is impossible. Therefore, a deficiency can lead to increased bleeding, which is especially dangerous during gestation.

A child with intrauterine D₃ deficiency may be predisposed to the development of rickets.

But not all pregnant women have obvious signs of calciferol deficiency. They are successfully synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In some cases, this process may be disrupted:

  • among dark-skinned people who lived for a long time in equatorial zones, but now live in temperate climates;
  • with a strict vegetarian diet;
  • in those who rarely see the sun or from regions located beyond the Arctic Circle.

Rules for taking vitamin D for pregnant women - 400-600 IU, or 10-15 mcg, is enough to cover the daily requirement.

3rd trimester

By the end of gestation, an increased need for A, E, D remains. Ascorbic acid is also recommended in the 3rd trimester. It is part of a complex of antioxidants that protect cells from the action of various endogenous oxidants. Vitamin C has the following effects:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their fragility;
  • reduces bleeding;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes iron absorption.

For pregnant women who have to bear a child during a seasonal increase in incidence respiratory infections, it would not be superfluous to include ascorbic acid in the diet. It is not possible to completely cover the body's expenses with food. Ascorbic acid, like folates, does not withstand exposure to air and heat; it begins to disintegrate at temperatures above 60 degrees, and after boiling it is completely absent.

Iron deficiency anemia may be caused by a violation of the supply of ferrum to the body. Its absorption is accelerated by simultaneous intake of ascorbic acid and inhibited by the presence of calcium. Therefore, as part of some complex vitamin preparations these substances are combined depending on competition for absorption.

For pregnant women, regardless of trimester, vitamin B₁₂ (cyanocobolamine) is important. It is beneficial for the body with the following properties:

  • participation in the synthesis of DNA and RNA cells;
  • fatty acid metabolism;
  • protein synthesis;
  • red blood cell formation;
  • melatonin synthesis and regulation of sleep cycles;
  • maintaining the health of the reproductive system.

In pregnant women, a lack of cyanocobalamin leads to the development of diarrhea, which cannot be treated with iron supplements, sleep problems, nervousness, and memory impairment. The need increases in the following cases:

  • vegetarian diet;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • The age of the expectant mother is over 45 years.

The requirement during gestation and breastfeeding is the same and is 3.5 mg per day.

Vitamin B₆ is also often prescribed to pregnant women, but in combination with magnesium. These substances enhance each other's effects. They begin to be used in the 2-3 trimester to prevent pathology of the placenta, and also if there is a threat, magnesium in combination with B₆ reduces the tone of the uterus and helps prolong gestation.

Ways to fill the deficit

The doctor decides which vitamins are best to take during pregnancy, focusing on the individual characteristics of the woman. If the expectant mother has no complications, she has been identified with minimal or no risk in the development of fetal pathologies, then prophylactic doses of drugs are necessary. If any deviations are found, serious condition fetus, the risk of premature birth and various diseases, increased doses of drugs may be required.

The regimen for taking vitamins during pregnancy may change. It should be remembered that you cannot combine B₆ and B₁₂, they enhance the allergenic effect of each other and can lead to the appearance of urticaria. A, E, C are complementary and have an antioxidant effect. Therefore, they are often used as a single drug.


Most doctors insist on the need for vitamin complexes, despite a balanced diet. The explanation for this is as follows:

  1. The amount of nutrients in food cannot cover the daily requirement even non-pregnant woman. Not only the content of active substances matters, but also their absorption, which may be limited due to metabolic characteristics or certain diseases.
  2. IN winter time quantity in vegetables and fruits useful components at a minimum level: folates and ascorbic acid have already oxidized by this point.
  3. Processing products before consumption leads to a significant loss of their beneficial properties.

There are also conditions that reduce the supply of nutrients from food or speed up their metabolism:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acute or chronic infections;
  • liver pathologies;
  • colitis.

The use of vitamin complexes does not cancel proper nutrition. Food contains essential peptides fatty acids, carbohydrates, without which life and development are impossible, as well as ballast substances necessary for normal digestion.


With the help of pharmaceutical preparations, you can achieve the required concentration of vitamins in the diet and cover the daily requirement. Some question the necessity and effectiveness synthetic drugs, but the data various studies they say that without them it is impossible to provide a pregnant woman with the necessary substances.

Pharmacies offer many different brands, some of them are designed for the feeding period. They differ from each other in composition and dosage.


One of the popular complexes for pregnant women is Elevit. Its feature is a sufficient amount of folic acid: a woman does not need to take it as a separate drug. “Elevit” will also be useful in case of premature birth; it contains an increased amount of magnesium. Useful property is also a high iron content, which is equivalent to a preventive dosage. But the complex does not contain iodine, which is necessary for the formation of the nervous system and thyroid gland of the fetus. Therefore, those to whom the doctor prescribed Elevit will have to take additional iodine from 22 weeks.


Separately, we can highlight the Alphabet vitamins. Their peculiarity is the separation of active substances into different techniques. For example, iron is supported by the action of ascorbic acid, magnesium - B₆, calcium - D₃, B₆ and B₁₂ are not taken in one tablet, which reduces the risk of developing allergies. The convenience is that if you are intolerant to a certain substance in the tablet, you can refuse to take it. But taking “Alphabet” is recommended for practically healthy women, without pregnancy complications or obstetric-gynecological history. The dosages in it are at the minimum for pregnant women.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

The drug contains all essential microelements and vitamins, iodine is no exception. Its content is close to the daily requirement and no additional intake is required. The amount of folic acid is optimal for early date gestation, and retinol is contained in a dose that is non-toxic to the fetus. The dosage of tocopherol has been increased. This combination of useful substances allows us to recommend this drug as a preconception preparation.


The complex contains all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities, but the microelements contain only calcium and a small amount of iron. On the one hand, this can be considered a disadvantage, but on the other hand, if it is necessary to introduce iron into the diet, add iodine, magnesium, dosage adjustment will not be required taking into account the medications taken.


Contains full list necessary substances, sufficient amount of iodine. This drug should only be used after consulting a doctor. It contains increased content of retinol, tocopherol, and ascorbic acid. This is an antioxidant complex that will be useful for women with various chronic diseases. But at the same time, the risk of an allergic reaction increases.



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