What are the features of using chestnut tincture with alcohol? Horse chestnut: medicinal properties and contraindications.

Hello dear readers. Preparations made from phyto-raw materials are becoming increasingly popular. Horse chestnut occupies a special place among healing plants. It is used in folk medicine, and is also part of various pharmacological and cosmetic products. Its beneficial properties have long been used to treat various diseases, eliminate pathological conditions and for preventive purposes. One of the most popular remedies is a tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka - the application, beneficial properties, as well as recipes for making it yourself will be discussed below.

Horse chestnut - medicinal properties and uses

Horse chestnut (also called acorn or aesculus) is a deciduous tree that decorates park areas in various parts of the world. The name most likely came from the dark-colored shiny fruits of the plant, similar to the color of the shiny coat of bay horses.

It is necessary to distinguish between horse and real chestnuts. Their fruits have significant external similarities. Unlike the very bitter horse chestnut, real chestnut is edible and has a pleasant taste, reminiscent of boiled potatoes in their skins.

The plant loves moderate climatic conditions and moisture; it prefers loamy soil. Therefore, it spreads to Southern European, Indian, East Asian, and North American lands.

The plant blooms with beautiful inflorescences with a pleasant aroma, being a honey plant. Chestnuts look very attractive, not only during flowering, but throughout the entire growing season. Therefore, they are used in parks and for street landscaping.

Chestnut fruits are quite nutritious and, despite the tart-bitter taste, are used for fattening livestock. The healing properties of the chestnut tree have long been known. Inflorescences, fruits, tree bark, and leaf blades are used for medicinal purposes.

The wood has little commercial value due to its softness. But it is still used for the manufacture of furniture, household utensils, wooden containers, and various crafts, since it is easy to process, carve, and holds fastenings securely.

Composition and properties of chestnut raw materials

Chestnut bark contains:

- a lot of tannins;

- glycosides;

- saponins;

- coumarins;

— flavonoids and other compounds

The chemical composition of the seeds is even richer

  1. Starch (up to 60%).
  1. Fiber.
  1. Sugars - glucose, sucrose, dextrins.
  1. Organic acids – citric, lactic, malic.
  1. Proteins (there are significantly fewer of them here than in other nut-bearing plants).
  1. Fats (their content is also relatively low).
  1. Tannins.
  1. Biologically active compounds – astralgin, lutein, quercetin, etc.
  1. Flavonoids.
  1. Glycosides.
  1. Vitamins C, B, K.
  1. Calcium, iron and some other minerals.

Uses of chestnut

The use of various parts of the chestnut tree in medicine is due to the beneficial properties that they exhibit:


Vascular strengthening, anti-sclerotic.









Reduce capillary permeability.

Using chestnut raw materials, various pharmacological products are manufactured - tablets, ointments, injections, and also produced in the form of drops, capsules, extracts, suppositories. Various decoctions, infusions and tinctures are used in folk medicine.

With the help of chestnut, all kinds of diseases are treated.

The main indications for use are as follows:

  1. Vascular pathologies (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, etc.).
  1. Intestinal disorders, gastrointestinal lesions.
  1. Swelling of the legs.
  1. Presence of inflammation.
  1. Colds and other respiratory diseases.
  1. Women's diseases.
  1. Problems with the spleen.
  1. Weak outflow of bile.
  1. Vascular diseases (arthritis, gout).
  1. Neuroses, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  1. Malaria.
  1. Haemorrhoids.
  1. Trophic ulcers.
  1. Hypertension, heart disease.
  1. High blood clotting, anemia.

Chestnut in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of chestnut have long been used in cosmetology. The impact is used here:

— venotonic (reduces the vascular network);

- decongestant;

- antioxidant;

- anti-inflammatory;

- UV protective;

- anti-cellulite;

- antimicrobial;

- strengthening hair

- improves complexion;

- relieving fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs.

The chestnut extract includes such caring and hygiene products as shampoos, balms, hair masks, creams, tonics, sun protection, aftershave lotions, foot gels, anti-cellulite compounds, etc.

Horse chestnut flowers - medicinal properties and contraindications

Chestnut inflorescences are used to prepare infusions and decoctions. Herbalists advise taking them in a two-week course twice a year. You can use both freshly picked and dried flowers. They:

Stimulates immune defense.

They have a bactericidal effect.

Stops inflammatory processes.

They give a resolving effect, eliminating blood clots and tumor growths.

They calm you down.

Improves blood composition.

Cleanse from toxins.

Promote rejuvenation.

But no matter how beneficial this natural ingredient is, there are certain limitations to its use.

  1. Blood clotting disorders, bleeding tendency, thrombocytopenia.
  1. Pregnancy, natural feeding of babies.
  1. Individual intolerance, development of allergic manifestations.
  1. Hypotension.
  1. The presence of chronic constipation associated with atony of the intestinal walls.
  1. Menstrual irregularities.
  1. Low acidity in the stomach.
  1. Kidney failure.
  1. Liver problems in the acute phase.
  1. Taste aversion.

In any case, if you want to use chestnut for treatment or preventive purposes, it is better to consult a doctor. Especially in the presence of chronic diseases.

Preparation of flower decoction

If you intend to use fresh flowers, then you need to pick half of the blooming chestnut “candle” (this is about 50 g), rinse and pour a glass of boiling water in an enamel, clay, glass container.

You will need less dry raw material - 1-1.5 large spoons without top. The liquid should be placed in a steam bath and kept there for about 20 minutes. The decoction should first be left for several hours, and then filtered, carefully squeezing out the flower residue.

Take the product in a third of a glass, dividing into several doses. It helps with damage to arteries and veins in the legs, hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, radiation, prostatitis, and tumors.

Aqueous infusion of chestnut flowers

Pour five to seven large spoons of dried flowers into a liter of boiling water and leave, wrapped, for 6-8 hours. You can leave it overnight. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered and taken in half a glass, it can be used as tea. A liter is the daily norm.

The infusion is used in the same cases as the decoction. The only difference is that there is a lower concentration of active components.

Tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka - application, how to prepare

In a glass container, mix 6-7 large spoons of dried flowers with half a liter of diluted alcohol, strong vodka or high-quality moonshine. Having tightly sealed the container, the liquid is infused in a cool place for at least a decade.

She should not be in the sun. It's better to put it in the nightstand or pantry. The finished flower tincture must be filtered by squeezing out the flowers. Take the product 25-40 drops (about a teaspoon) after each meal - up to 4 times a day.

Tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka - effective for vascular damage, hemorrhoidal manifestations, and the presence of tumors (as an adjuvant).

It is also used externally as rubs and compresses for varicose veins, joint diseases, the appearance of tumors, muscle pain resulting from physical overload, and neuralgia.

The rub is used twice a day. After the procedure, it is recommended to insulate the treated surface.

Fresh juice

For varicose veins of the lower extremities, atherosclerosis, the presence of blood clots, as well as hemorrhoids and trophic ulcerations, it is useful to take freshly squeezed juice from fresh flowers. To do this, the color is separated from the stalks, washed, and dried.

Having measured out the required amount of juice, mix it with a quarter glass of water and drink it before eating. Reception is carried out twice a day. The approximate course of treatment is two weeks.

Other folk recipes using horse chestnut.

Horse chestnut fruit

In addition to those mentioned above, chestnut seeds also exhibit diuretic, hemostatic, expectorant, and diaphoretic effects. For the preparation of medicinal products, the use of chestnuts collected along roads and in industrial areas is strictly not recommended. Carefully! An overdose causes poisoning.

Seed infusion

Chop two ripe chestnuts and place in a thermos. The raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for at least two hours. The resulting infusion is useful for chronic diarrhea, inflammation in the respiratory system, urolithiasis, and as a diaphoretic at elevated temperatures. It is taken up to five times a day, two large spoons.

Chestnut fruit tincture

Ripe chestnut fruits need to be peeled from the prickly crust and crushed. You can pass them through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is transferred into a glass jar and filled with 40% vodka. For 300 g of chestnut you will need a liter of alcohol-containing liquid.

The tincture is prepared within a week. It is kept in a tightly sealed jar in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally.

The finished tincture is used for local use as a rub for radiculitis, muscle pain after training or physical labor, when a neck is strained, or for salt deposits.

In the presence of varicose veins and vascular thrombosis, it is better to apply lotions, since rubbing in with insufficient care can lead to dire consequences. To do this, it is recommended to dilute the tincture with an equal amount of water.

Tincture for internal use

The most effective is the tincture made from the upper hard “shell” of the chestnut (not the prickly one, but the brown one). If the fruits are dried, in most cases it can be removed without much difficulty. It is used:

- for varicose veins;

- to strengthen vascular walls;

- with thrombophlebitis;

- to reduce blood viscosity;

- for atherosclerosis;

- to lower blood pressure;

- to cleanse the liver;

- as a pain reliever.

The peel should not be crushed into dust, but crushed into large particles - up to 0.5 cm. After this, it is poured with strong vodka. For 50 g of crushed skins you will need half a liter of vodka. Infuse the mixture for two weeks. Don't forget to shake the container every day.


  1. Inside – 30 drops, diluted in two tablespoons of water, half an hour before meals. For the first week, three times daily use is recommended. The rest of the time, drink the tincture four times a day. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.
  1. Externally, in parallel with internal use. Use as an alcohol rub or in the form of compresses, diluting 1:1 with water. Compresses are applied to the desired areas for 2 hours, secured with a bandage. You can do them twice a day. It is not recommended to leave it overnight.

Peel decoction

A small spoon of crushed brown peel is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for 15 minutes. The cooled product is filtered and drunk three times a day, a large spoon before meals.

Ointment product

  1. Crush 5 chestnuts and throw in half a liter of vegetable oil. Add 5 large spoons of dry chestnut color here and keep in a water bath for an hour. After cooling, the product is filtered. Used for skin and vascular lesions, inflammation.
  1. Grind 100 g of chestnuts and pour into half a kilo of melted interior fat (any kind). The ointment takes 3 days to prepare: it is kept in a steam bath for half an hour every day. The finished product is filtered without cooling. After cooling, store in the refrigerator.

Use of tree bark

Infusion of bark

The bark is washed, dried and crushed. A small spoon of the prepared raw material is poured with boiled water cooled to a warm state in the amount of 400 g (this is 2 tbsp.). The product is infused for 8 hours - it is convenient to leave it overnight. Afterwards it is strained and taken four times a day, a couple of large spoons at a time.

Chestnut bark decoction

Place 50 g of crushed bark in a liter of boiling water. The mixture is boiled, reducing the heat, for about 15 minutes. After this, the container is insulated and left overnight. Only then is the broth filtered. It is used externally only.

Sitz baths for hemorrhoids and cystitis (for 15 minutes), as well as foot baths for relieving swelling, improving blood flow, and eliminating pain have proven themselves to be effective (the procedure lasts up to half an hour). Instead of bark, you can use branches to make baths. The recipe will be the same.

Infusion of chestnut leaves

Dried green leaves need to be ground. A tablespoon of substrate is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, filter and take a large spoon three times a day before meals. This is an excellent cough remedy. It helps to significantly improve the patient’s condition with bronchitis, tracheitis, and whooping cough.

Now you know what horse chestnut is - its medicinal properties and uses, as well as how to prepare and take a tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka.

There is simply a huge variety of plants in nature that humanity uses to solve their own health problems. And one of them is the horse fruit of the plant, which is used most often.

Beneficial properties of horse chestnut nuts

The benefits of the plant for the human body are truly great. But the main useful property is strengthening the walls of blood vessels. That is why horse chestnut is used in the treatment of varicose veins, various traumatic lesions of the veins, and thrombophlebitis. It is also used as a preventive measure, as it helps strengthen the walls of the smallest capillaries and veins.

There are also other beneficial properties that horse chestnut exhibits. The tincture, in particular, is capable of dissolving blood clots that form in blood vessels. This, in turn, reduces high blood pressure.

The plant is also used in the treatment of:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis;
  • brain tumors;
  • and some others.

Horse chestnut: vodka tincture

At the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made alcohol infusion from the fruits of the plant, which is called “Venostazin”. It is quite often prescribed to patients suffering from thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids.

You can also prepare the infusion yourself. But it is important to remember that only fully ripe horse chestnut is used for medicinal purposes. can be prepared according to several recipes. Let's get to know everyone.

You will need:

  • diluted 50% alcohol or ordinary vodka;
  • dry chestnuts.

The fruits must be thoroughly crushed and poured with alcohol, maintaining a ratio of 1:10. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass container and sealed tightly. The medicine must infuse, so it is placed in a dark place for 20 days. The contents must be shaken periodically.

After the tincture is prepared, it must be filtered. Take an infusion of 40 drops 3-4 times throughout the day. Before you start using the product, you must obtain permission from your doctor.

You will need:

  • fresh chestnuts (50 grams);
  • vodka (500 ml).

Fill the crushed chestnuts with vodka and place the jar in a dark place. In this case, the product should be infused for only a week. Then the tincture must be filtered and drunk 5-10 drops before each meal.

This recipe for horse chestnut tincture helps in the treatment of varicose veins, as well as hemorrhoids.


  • fresh chestnut fruits passed through a meat grinder (300 g);
  • vodka (liter).

Pour alcohol over the fruits and place the infusion container in a dark place. After 7 days, the product is ready. It must be filtered before use. Used for radiculitis, salt deposits, muscle inflammation and the treatment of thrombophlebitis.

You can also use flowers for infusion. To prepare the tincture for this recipe you will need:

  • horse chestnut flowers (20 g);
  • vodka or alcohol (50 ml).

The flowers are poured with vodka, mixed thoroughly and the container is placed in the dark. It will take a full two weeks to infuse. The product is rubbed onto inflamed joints twice a day. Remember that if your general health worsens, you should stop treatment and consult with your doctor.

Recipes for fruit tinctures for the treatment of various diseases

Tincture from horse chestnut fruit is also used in the treatment of diseases not associated with the formation of blood clots. For example, a decoction of the bark is widely used in the treatment of colitis, prolonged bleeding, inflammation of the bronchi, gastritis, etc. An alcoholic infusion of flowers is used to treat liver diseases, rheumatism, tuberculosis and shortness of breath.

Horse chestnut infusion is of great benefit in the treatment of atherosclerosis. At the same time, the general well-being of the sick person improves significantly.

The tincture prepared at home is especially often used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder. But in this case, not fruits are used, but flowers and dried tree bark.

Prostate adenoma

To prepare the tincture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • dry fruits of the plant (25 g);
  • alcohol (250 ml).

Chestnuts need to be peeled and ground into powder. And fill it with alcohol. Infuse the mixture for two weeks. If alcohol was replaced by vodka, then the period should be increased to a month. The product must be taken before lunch and dinner. Dosage - 10 drops per dose. Course duration is 20 days. If the chestnut was infused with vodka, then the number of drops should be doubled.

Uterine fibroid

In this case, the fruits are first roasted, like coffee beans. But you need to be careful not to burn them. Then grind it using a coffee grinder. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting powder into a full glass of boiling water and drink 1/3 of the infusion three times a day. Treatment is continued until complete recovery.


In this case, you will need the following ingredients:

  • St. John's wort flowers (20 g);
  • dried chestnut bark (20 g);
  • horse chestnut fruit powder (30 g);
  • dry grape wine (200 ml);
  • vegetable oil (0.5 liters).

First you need to mix chestnut powder and wine. And only then add the remaining ingredients to the mixture. Everything must be thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for three days in a dark place. The contents need to be shaken periodically. After the time is up, the mixture is heated in a water bath so that the wine completely evaporates. The product is used externally in the form of a compress.

Varicose veins


  • chestnut flowers (50 g);
  • vodka (500 ml).

Pour vodka over the flowers and leave the mixture for 14 days.

At the same time you need to make an ointment:

  • potato starch (5 g);
  • grated chestnuts (50 g);
  • chestnut flower powder (10 g);
  • sage leaves (10 g);
  • crushed chamomile flowers (10 g);
  • a glass of melted chicken fat.

All ingredients are poured with fat and simmered in a water bath for 2.5 hours. Leave the mixture overnight, and in the morning reheat and strain without cooling. The jar is stored in the refrigerator.

The finished infusion is taken daily, 30 drops dissolved in water, 20 minutes before eating. Course - 4 weeks. At the same time as taking the infusion, inflamed veins should be lubricated with ointment.

Contraindications for use

But the product also has a number of contraindications for use. Tincture of horse chestnut fruit is prohibited if:

  • A person has an established diagnosis of “hypotension”, since the drug can lower blood pressure.
  • There are problems with blood clotting, in particular thrombocytopenia;
  • At the time of use of the drug, the person has active internal bleeding, for example, hemorrhoids. In this case, the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply. The use of the drug must be agreed with the attending physician.

While taking the tincture, in some cases a person may experience both severe nausea and heartburn, so a preliminary consultation with your doctor is necessary. Additionally, regular blood monitoring for prothrombin levels is required.

Now you know how to make horse chestnut tincture. As you can already see, the process is not particularly difficult. Therefore, use the recipes we have collected and be healthy!

Chestnut-based tincture can relieve many diseases. Its use will help solve problems of veins, joints and others. Read more below...

To make a tincture with chestnut nuts, you don’t need to put in much effort. You need to prepare the raw materials in the fall, when the fruits themselves fall. It is best to do this in places far from roads and city bustle. It is worth noting that in recipes you can use both vodka and 40 proof alcohol diluted with water.

Recipe No. 1


  • chestnut nuts – 50 g;
  • vodka – 500 ml.


  1. Place the fruits in a half-liter container.
  2. Add vodka.
  3. Seal tightly with lid.
  4. Leave to infuse for 14 days and periodically raise the sediment.
  5. Afterwards, strain the drink and can be consumed.

Recipe No. 2


  • chestnut powder – 3 tbsp. l;
  • alcohol 40 degrees – 500 ml.


  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed fruit powder into a vessel.
  2. Add alcohol there.
  3. Leave for about 3 weeks and then strain.

Recipe No. 3


  • chestnut fruits – 300 g;
  • vodka – 500 ml.


  1. Peel the chestnut fruits.
  2. Chop them finely.
  3. Place in a dark glass container.
  4. Pour vodka.
  5. Seal it tightly and leave for a week.
  6. The drink needs to be strained and it will be ready.

Recipe No. 4


  • crushed chestnut fruits – 1 cup;
  • burdock juice - 1 glass;
  • alcohol 40 degrees – 200 ml.


  1. Place all ingredients into a vessel.
  2. Leave to infuse for 10 days and after that the product is ready.


Chestnut fruits contain many valuable substances, so they are used for alternative medicine. They include:

  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • carotene;
  • spireoside;
  • quercetin;
  • zetsin;
  • escin;
  • vitamins A, C, B;
  • acids.

The fruits also contain a lot of calcium, iron, zinc and boron. Their main properties are improving the strength of blood vessels and capillaries. Chestnut nuts prevent the formation of blood clots, thin the blood, and stimulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood. They also act as an anti-inflammatory and tonic.

This drug helps relieve swelling from soft tissues and improve the processes of the cardiovascular system. It will also help cure diseases of the veins, joints, liver, tuberculosis, gastritis, rheumatism, radiculitis and gout. The medicine can be taken orally and used as compresses, rubs and lotions.

Rest assured, this product will not disappoint you. It is healthier for humans than many chemicals. Because of its properties, it is used for a wide variety of health problems and can actually provide relief from painful symptoms. The medicine is useful even for colds. It will help eliminate cough, relieve inflammation and disinfect the throat.


For varicose veins

This is an excellent remedy for varicose veins. To treat it, you need to take 30 drops before meals every day. You need to take the medicine for three weeks. It can also be used as compresses and rubs. Its properties will help relieve tension, fatigue and heaviness in the legs, as well as normalize the condition of the veins. Thus, chestnut tincture will help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins.

For veins

As you know, this drug has an excellent effect on the circulatory system and improves the general condition of the veins. Therefore, if you use the tincture as a compress to the affected area before going to bed, the painful symptoms of the veins will disappear. The course should last a week, with an interruption of 10 days. This method will help remove swelling, blue skin tint, the veins will stop hurting and the swelling of the veins will noticeably decrease.

Also, instead of compresses, you can simply drink it in a course of three weeks, before meals, 35 drops, previously diluted in water. Do not forget to take the medicine daily, otherwise you should not start treatment.

For joints

For sore joints, chestnut medicine is especially useful. If you rub it into the affected areas daily, joint pain will disappear forever. Rheumatism, radiculitis, and osteochondrosis will be left behind if you drink the tincture regularly for three weeks. To do this, it is enough to take 35 drops up to three times a day and then the general condition of your joints will noticeably improve.

For prostatitis

Many men suffer from such a common disease as prostatitis. This disease is caused by painful urination, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is useful for men suffering from this disease to drink chestnut tincture. You need to take it as in other cases - 35 drops daily before meals. This medicine also helps to increase potency.


Chestnut tincture is contraindicated for people suffering from thrombocytopenia and other diseases associated with blood clotting. Also, if there is a personal intolerance to the substances of the medicine, you should not use it. Since this is an alcoholic drug, it is prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 18 years of age. It is not yet recommended to take the medicine for menstrual cycle disorders, gastritis, constipation and hypertension.

It should be noted that medicinal chestnut tinctures should be used strictly according to the recipe and not exceed the dose. Otherwise, failure to follow the rules will lead to adverse health consequences.


Horse chestnut has been used by folk healers for a long time to treat many diseases. A tincture made from fruits and other parts of trees can relieve a person from joint pain, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and stop bleeding. Recently, many pharmaceutical companies have begun to include the extract in their composition when producing drugs.

That is why it is worth understanding in more detail why horse chestnut is useful, how to properly prepare tinctures from it and take the remedy. The undoubted advantage of folk medicines is their availability, and given that the range of positive effects of the fruits and flowers of the tree on the human body is very wide, people can quickly prevent the development of arthritis and arthrosis.

It is necessary to start with the fact that the horse chestnut tincture must be properly prepared, otherwise the benefits from it will not be as much as expected. If you decide to make a good medicine, then you should not process the main ingredient. If crushed too much, it will lose most of its beneficial properties.

Many people are interested in the question of why the fruits of this particular tree are in such demand in the treatment of diseases. After all, it is not uncommon to find recipes with chestnut aimed at restoring water-salt balance, removing toxins, decay products and radionuclides from the body. And it’s all about a successful combination of micro and macroelements, including copper, cobalt, calcium and potassium.

Even many endocrinologists prescribe their patients to take horse chestnut tincture to reduce the risk of developing or progressing hypothyroidism. This is a disease in which the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, and the presence of a large amount of iodine in chestnut fruits helps restore its functioning.

It also contains saponosides, which are active substances. These elements provide an excellent anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect. Therefore, the tincture should be taken by those people who need to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Ingestion helps reduce blood viscosity and increase the tone of the veins, blood pressure decreases, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots. And, of course, the tincture quickly relieves swelling of soft tissues, which makes it possible to dilute existing blood clots.


There are quite a few recipes for preparing tinctures from the fruits of this tree. But there is also a universal option that is used for both internal and external use. At home, horse chestnut tincture can be prepared as follows:

  1. You need to take 50 grams of dry crushed chestnut fruits, it is important that they come with a brown crust. Next, this mass is poured with half a liter of good vodka and placed in a glass container.
  2. For two weeks, the mass should stand in a dark room, and sometimes it needs to be shaken.
  3. Then you can begin the course of treatment. For example, if you have varicose veins, then it is recommended to take 30 drops daily three times a day. Duration 21 days.

It is important to understand that alcohol tincture is not an alcoholic drink that is usually consumed on holidays, but a serious medicine that should be used only for its intended purpose and for the treatment of diseases.

Another point is that the remedy can be prepared not only from the fruits themselves, but also from leaves, bark, branches, and flowers. If you are interested in chestnut tincture in pure alcohol, then the recommendations for use will be identical to the vodka infusion, and the medicines will differ only in the percentage of strength. Actually, this fact encourages people to dilute the prepared infusion to a moderate degree.

You must also understand that neglecting a visit to an experienced doctor is the wrong approach to treatment. A specialist must examine you and then advise you in what quantity, for how long and regularly you should take the medicine.

The use of chestnut tincture with vodka is justified for the following pathologies:

  • Improper functioning of the cardiac or vascular system;
  • History of liver pathology;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Gastritis and anemia;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Trophic ulcers and erysipelas;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, gout.

All these pathologies occur quite often in people of different ages.


Thanks to the use of an ointment, the main component of which is horse chestnut, you can quickly get rid of early signs of varicose veins, eliminate painful and swollen conditions, and soothe the superficial skin.

The cooking process is quite simple. You need to take five fresh fruits of the tree and chop them thoroughly. If there are no fruits yet, then 5 tablespoons of flowers will do. After this, you need to add one and a half liters of good refined sunflower or olive oil to the mass. The mass is placed in a water bath and simmers there for an hour. When the time is up, remove it from the heat, cool and strain.

The use of this ointment with horse chestnut is indicated no more than three times a day. It is worth paying attention to one of the features of the drug - a decrease in blood clotting. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it without first consulting a doctor.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of ointment, including:

  1. Any trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  2. Hypotension (sustained low blood pressure);
  3. Pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  4. Atonic type constipation;
  5. Irregular menstrual cycle;
  6. Childhood.

When you undergo a course of treatment with horse chestnut preparations, some side effects may occur: nausea, heartburn, vomiting. These symptoms indicate that treatment with the drug should be stopped immediately, and there is also a need to control prothrombin in the blood.


If there are pathologies of the joints, then getting rid of their symptoms, as well as completely treating them, is possible not only with the help of official medicine. Folk recipes for horse chestnut tinctures will help in this difficult struggle. However, it is worth saying that it is still better to carry out the treatment comprehensively, then the result will not be long in coming.

The most common and effective recipe for horse chestnut tincture is as follows:

  • You need to take 10 pieces of tree fruit and fill them with 300 milliliters of high-quality vodka;
  • The mass is placed in a glass container and left to stand in a dark room for 10 days;
  • When the time is up, begin treatment: every day, before going to bed, you should soak clean gauze or natural fabric in the tincture, apply it to the sore spot and cover it with cling film or cellophane.

The positive effect will soon be felt by all patients, even those who have been diagnosed with a complex form or advanced stage of the disease.

Chestnut tincture can easily be prepared using pure medical alcohol. But here you need to be very careful, because the skin can get burned due to the fact that the alcohol level is very high. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute the product in a one to one ratio before use. The duration of the compress should not be more than two hours.

The product shows best effectiveness in the treatment of radiculitis or acute rheumatism. Also, chestnut tincture with alcohol helps eliminate swelling of various origins, removes hemorrhoidal cones, stops uterine bleeding, and is used to treat mastopathy and nasal spasms.

Alcohol extract can also be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is still better to prepare it yourself.

  1. Take 50 grams of chestnut tree flowers and place them in a dark glass container;
  2. Then half a liter of good vodka without dyes and additives is added to this mass, left to infuse for 14 days in a dark and cool place;
  3. The duration of therapy is one month.

Of course, one drop a day will not help get rid of the disease, but taking 30 drops daily three times a day before meals will show good results. It is better to take the medicine with water.

Chestnut flower tincture

For joint pathologies, the following recipe will help: take 20 grams of chestnut flowers and pour half a liter of vodka over them. Afterwards, leave it for two weeks and rub the sore spots several times a day.

You can also take ripe chestnut fruits and pass them, along with the peel, through a meat grinder (you will need 300 grams of crushed raw materials). After this, the mass is poured with a liter of vodka and left for a week in a dark place. The presented recipe helps well in case of salt deposits, radiculitis, thrombophlebitis and muscle inflammation.

Chestnut tincture is an effective folk remedy for combating many diseases, but it is not permissible to treat it without the supervision of a specialist.

Tincture (video)

Chestnuts: benefits and harm

The French, like no other nationality, love and revere chestnuts; interestingly, there is even a special holiday during which various dishes are prepared from the fruits of this beech plant. They are baked, used as a seasoning, sauces and delicacies are prepared from them, and all this is eaten in huge quantities, because it is incredibly tasty.

Chestnut is a widespread plant: Asia, Europe, America, it has taken root everywhere and is even specially grown for the improvement of populated areas. For example, the chestnut leaf is the oldest symbol of Kyiv; in spring, almost all the streets of this city are flooded with the luxurious color of thousands of trees.

Not every chestnut can be used for food; only the noble type of the plant is used in cooking; horse chestnut is inedible, but it is also used due to its valuable properties and the presence of unique substances in medicine, cosmetology, and pharmacology. Perhaps, specialists who are engaged in the manufacture of various medicines and products fully know how beneficial properties both types of chestnut have: horse chestnut and noble chestnut, and in what cases the fruits, instead of the expected benefit, can cause harm. This knowledge will not hurt people who use products from this amazing plant.

Medicinal properties of chestnut

Chestnut has a wide range of properties that are used in medicine, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. What are the characteristics of chestnuts:

  • As a vasoconstrictor. Thanks to the effects of preparations made on the basis of chestnut flowers and seeds, patients who have impaired blood flow speed experience dilatation of the arteries, with accompanying resorption of blood clots due to blood thinning, which normalizes its functioning in general. Arteries and capillaries regain elasticity, firmness and strength. Doctors recommend using preparations made from chestnut bark, seeds and flowers for the treatment of thrombosis and hemorrhoids.
  • Tannins. Ripe chestnut fruits contain a substance that restores skin cuts, wounds, scrapes, abrasions, and burns. The tannin promotes rapid healing; in combination with a decoction of the leaves of the plant, inflammatory processes in the affected areas are relieved.
  • Decoctions of fruits and tree leaves. Used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, eliminates inflammation, localizes wounds, and removes swelling.
  • As vasoconstrictor drugs made on the basis of saponizides, substances that have this effect. It is prescribed as a drug that regulates the amount of fluid accumulated in various organs and extracellular space.
  • For bleeding during menopause. Fresh juice from plant flowers is used. The same remedy helps improve metabolism and eliminates excess metabolism.

Nuts contain fiber in large quantities, which has a beneficial effect on the stabilization and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the treatment of various diseases, not only fruits and trees are used, but also bark, flowers and even leaves, which contain a number of substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. One of the popular forms of preparations made from chestnut are tinctures and decoctions.

Harm of chestnuts

Despite the beneficial features that the plant has, there are minor limitations and side effects. This can cause both inconvenience and harm to the human body.

  • Individual intolerance to the product in the form of allergic reactions. More often this type of manifestation occurs in children.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Hypotonic people (people with low blood pressure) are not recommended to eat chestnuts; they have the property of lowering blood pressure.
  • If the menstrual cycle fails.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • With prerequisites for weight gain.
  • If kidney function is impaired.

And again about the gastrointestinal tract: if in normal quantities chestnuts have a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs, then abuse of the product can negatively affect the functioning of the intestines.

The use of chestnut in folk medicine

The presence of unique substances in the fruits, flowers, bark and leaves of chestnut was noted by folk healers several centuries ago. The historically recorded fact of using the plant as a drug for the treatment of various diseases was noted back in the 18th century. Chestnut was used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound-healing and regenerating agent. The beneficial effect on the digestive organs was noted even earlier, but most likely this was not given special attention in folk medicine, since the fruits of the tree were used to prepare many dishes.

Most often, traditional medicine uses chestnuts as the main ingredient in the form of tinctures and decoctions, although in cosmetology, when applying masks, finely ground parts of the bark and fruits of the tree are used, the recipes for which are mostly borrowed from the people.

Chestnut tincture with vodka

The recipe for preparing chestnut tinctures with vodka involves using not only the fruits of the tree as ingredients, but also leaves, flowers and bark; naturally, all preparations will differ in use depending on the variety of diseases. There are countless recipes used by traditional healers in alternative medicine, and the reason for this is the mass of active substances in the plant that can be used to treat various diseases. Of the most popular recipes for preparing vodka tinctures, experts highlight the main ones that are most effective in use.

  • The fruits along with the peel are crushed (50 g) and 0.5 liters of vodka are poured. In order for the tincture to mature properly, you need to place the vessel (preferably made of dark glass) in a dark, cool place for 7 days. The tincture will be considered ready if, at the end, shake the liquid well and strain with gauze. The drug is taken to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, 10 drops three times a day, shortly before meals for no more than a month, after which it is necessary to stop using the tincture for a week, with a repeated course of treatment.

This type of tincture can be found ready-made in a pharmacy, but in this case, not vodka, but drinking alcohol is used for production.

Tincture of chestnut flowers with vodka

To treat the gastrointestinal tract and in order to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, traditional healers use a tincture of chestnut flowers made with vodka.

  • The prepared wood color (50 grams) is poured with 500 ml of vodka and left for at least 20 days, in complete darkness (cover with a box). After filtering, the tincture is taken orally, 40 drops three times before meals.

This drug has serious properties, so before taking the tincture for the treatment or prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, you must consult with specialists.

Tincture of chestnut fruits with vodka

For arthrosis and for the treatment of joint diseases, tinctures used in the form of compresses have proven themselves:

  • A half-liter glass jar is filled with chestnuts cut into two parts and filled with vodka, ensuring that the fruit is completely covered. Leave for at least 1 month in a dark place, at the end of the process the liquid is drained and applied in the form of warm compresses, applying them to the affected areas.

Chestnut tincture with vodka: application

As can be seen from the described recipes, vodka (alcohol) is used as the ingredients for preparing tinctures. The list of ailments for which chestnut preparations prepared with vodka are used is very extensive; this is a unique aspect of the use of the plant:

  • Joint disease. The tincture is made on the basis of both flowers and fruits of the tree, and two main methods of application are used: in the form of drops inside, and by rubbing, or applying warming compresses.
  • Varicose veins. Fruits, bark and flowers of the tree can be used in the preparation, applied in the form of compresses or drops inside (tincture of flowers).
  • Prostatitis. Only flowers or peels are used, which are infused with vodka and taken in the form of drops for a little less than a month.
  • Rheumatism. In this case, we are talking about a tincture, which is prepared strictly with ammonia and used as a compress (cloth or gauze is folded into several layers and soaked in the composition).
  • Problems with the bile ducts. Cleansing the bile ducts requires regular use of medications; in this regard, drops prepared from chestnut flowers can replace them. The tincture is drunk 30 drops three times a day for 9 days, after which a break is taken for 5 days and the course of treatment is repeated, but the patient’s condition is constantly monitored by specialists.
  • Thrombophlebitis. Two types of tincture are used: based on inflorescences, or fruits of the tree, which is taken in the form of drops inside. This is usually done once a day, 40 drops, for 15 days. Treatment is repeated after a certain period of time after examination by a doctor.
  • Gout. A color-based tincture is made, which is soaked into any fabric and applied as a compress. I use lotions or compresses at the time of an attack of illness.
  • For the treatment of hypertension. Traditional healers prepare a special tincture for hypertensive patients, the recipe of which has been passed down for centuries. Peel 30 chestnuts, dry them on a baking sheet and grind them into flour. The ingredient is poured into a glass jar and filled with 1 liter of vodka, covered with a thick cloth or box, thus excluding light. The period of aging the tincture until it is fully prepared is at least half a month, after which the liquid is shaken and decanted. Take 25 drops 15 minutes before meals with a small amount of liquid. The course of therapy lasts 21 days, with a break of a week, and is repeated with the permission and under the supervision of a doctor.

And another area where a tincture of chestnut flowers and fruits is used is neuralgia, here a mixture of two separate drugs is used, which are taken 4 times a day, 35 drops before meals, with a glass of water.

Chestnut infusion with alcohol

Patients who know firsthand what unpleasant symptoms varicose veins have and how difficult it is to treat this disease often use a drug called Venostazin, made with alcohol, for treatment. This is nothing more than a tincture prepared from fully ripened horse chestnut fruits, which are crushed and poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The same tincture is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis.

The medicine is infused for 20 days, before use, shake it and take 40 drops three times a day, but only with the permission of a specialist.

Another recipe is based on the use of plant flowers (20 g) and alcohol (50 ml), which is poured and stored in the dark for 14 days, after which it is used in the form of compresses, treating the affected joints.

Chestnut peel infusion

The peel of the plant contains tannins, which is taken into account in the treatment of joint diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and varicose veins. The drug is used both in the form of compresses and internally. The simplest recipe, however, very effective in treating the above diseases is simple:

  • The brown peel of the fruit (50 g) is crushed into powder.
  • 300 gr. medical alcohol.

Both ingredients are mixed and placed in a dark room for two weeks, after which it is filtered and it is ready for use.

Chestnut decoction

Chestnut decoction is used in cases of bleeding of internal organs, inflammatory processes that occur during colds, and damage to the respiratory tract. The recipe uses both leaves and fruits of the tree, in the amount of 5 pieces of each ingredient, which are poured into 200 grams. boiling water Boil the decoction in a water bath for half an hour, then let it cool slightly, filter and add boiled water to make a total of 200 grams. decoction Take 1-2 tbsp decoction. l. per day for 2 months depending on the disease. If it is inflammation of the veins, then a full course of treatment is carried out; for hemorrhoids, the drug is taken for a maximum of a month.

Horse chestnut decoction

A decoction prepared from fresh chestnuts is an excellent remedy for diarrhea, and from fried fruits for internal bleeding, especially for the treatment of female diseases. In both cases, the fruits are crushed (7 pieces each), pour 250 ml of boiling water and cook for 35 minutes in a water bath, then allow to cool and filter when it is still warm. And one more thing: this decoction is used to treat trophic ulcers, arthritis, thromboembolism, and this is not all diseases.

Decoction of chestnut leaves and flowers

Another composition of the folk recipe, in the form of a decoction from the collected flowers and young leaves of the tree, is used by folk herbalists and healers. The harvesting of leaves and flowers takes place simultaneously, at the moment of mass flowering of chestnuts, which are collected, dried, crushed and poured with boiling water. According to the ratio of the components, it looks like this: a glass of dried flowers and leaves, already crushed, to half a liter of boiling water. The mixture must be cooked in a water bath for 12 minutes, then strained, added fresh boiling water to the original volume, and moved to a dark place, covered with a box. The decoction is left for a day, after which it is taken 30 drops 15 minutes before meals for two months, take a month's break and repeat again. A repeated course is carried out strictly with the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist.

This decoction is considered an effective remedy in the treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, fatty hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Application of parts of chestnut trees

Horse chestnut is considered a representative of the green pharmacy with its unique properties. Although this type of chestnut, unlike the noble variety, is not used in cooking, pharmaceuticals and alternative medicine consider preparations made from this plant to be first-class remedies for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Traditional healers prepare decoctions, compresses, and tinctures from various parts of the tree. This is explained by the fact that not only individual elements of the plant are suitable for formulation, but practically all of it, with the exception of the root system and wood, is stuffed with substances useful for the human body.

Chestnut fruit uses

The most valuable part of the horse chestnut is the nuts, or fruits, or seeds, the names are different, but in essence they are the same thing. They contain microelements and substances unique in their abilities, which are used in the treatment of many diseases. The list of ailments for which tinctures and decoctions are used includes: pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, neuralgia, varicose veins, and various colds.

Of particular value that chestnut seeds have is their unique oil properties, used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Application of chestnut flowers

The inflorescence of the plant serves as the basis for the preparation of ointments, tinctures and decoctions used by traditional healers to treat hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, and arthritis. The period of material procurement occurs at the moment of full ripening of the inflorescences, when they are maximally open. The inflorescence is dried in special rooms, protecting the material from direct exposure to sunlight. At the time of storage, traditional healers use glass containers, avoiding bright places.

Chestnut bark

Chestnut bark is used for antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The list of diseases that are treated with horse chestnut bark tinctures also includes prostatitis, insomnia, kidney disease, and anemia. Experts prescribe drugs made from horse chestnut bark to women during pregnancy to neutralize the toxic effects and relieve spasms. In most cases, the bark is used to make alcohol tinctures, which are prescribed after the recommendation of specialists.

chestnut leaves

The composition of substances and trace elements of horse chestnut leaves is used to prepare drugs that relieve inflammation in radiculitis, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis. They are made in the form of tinctures and decoctions, where the leaves and vodka (medicinal alcohol) are used as a base.

Home treatment with chestnut

More and more supporters of traditional medicine are showing interest in plants, on the basis of which drugs are prepared for the treatment of pathologies and diseases that are not temporary. When preparing tinctures and decoctions, it is important not only to adhere to the rules of the recipe, but also to be guaranteed a positive result from the procedures on which one hopes. Chestnut is a supplier of raw materials not only for pharmaceuticals and cosmetology, but also for the category of people who independently make drugs at home to treat and prevent many diseases; among fans of alternative medicine it is of particular value.

Treatment of sinusitis with chestnut at home

The peculiarity of the substances present in horse chestnut is the effect that the plant has when used to treat colds and respiratory tracts. Traditional healers who prepare medicines for the treatment of sinusitis begin collecting the fruits of the plant at the end of July and continue until the 10th of August. It is believed that during this period the seeds are not overripe, when they produce an active substance that prevents inflammatory processes and stimulates the functioning of the upper respiratory tract. In the popular collection there are several recipes specifically designed to combat sinusitis.

  • Together with the peel, the fruit is poured with cold water for 3 hours, after which the skin is removed and crushed. Using a cotton swab, some of the substance is applied to the nose (irritation may occur in the form of burning, sneezing). The procedure lasts 15 minutes, after which the appearance of mucus and discharge will be noted. The course of usual treatment is from 3 to 5 days, for the chronic form 7-10.
  • One fruit is soaked in cold water for a day, the liquid is drained, dried and cut into chips, which are not deeply placed in the nostrils for 3-4 minutes, allowing you to breathe freely through your nose and repeat the procedure 5-7 times. The procedure is performed throughout the day (up to 10 times).
  • Peeled chestnut is ground into flour, poured with a glass of warm water and left for 7-8 hours. The product is used as a rinse of the nasal canals twice a day: in the morning and after lunch.

In case of severe allergic manifestations (swelling, irritation, severe itching), the procedures are stopped until the reasons that caused this type of reaction of the body are clarified.

Treatment of varicose veins with chestnut

Treatment of varicose veins using horse chestnut is divided into two types of procedures, the formulation of which involves taking drugs internally and in the form of rubbing. By combining both types of treatments, the improvement effect occurs much earlier, since the substances (escin and esculin) that are used for these purposes differ in their effects. Escin is a substance that has an angioprotective effect with venotonic dynamics. The work of esculin is to reduce the appearance of blood clots, as a decongestant, improving capillary plasticity and accelerating the flow of venous blood with improving the synthesis of antithrombin.

Astragalin, rutin, coumiarin, sterols and lutein complete the list of substances that enhance the effectiveness of treatment with horse chestnut-based preparations.

Chestnut treatment for joints

Treatment of joint inflammation and preventive procedures to improve their functioning using horse chestnut in the form of tinctures and decoctions has long been practiced in folk and traditional medicine. As statistics show, these drugs effectively affect the organs, the main thing is the correct use of the drugs, which are mostly prepared on an alcohol basis or regular vodka.

Experts prescribe medications when inflammatory processes appear in the joint area, crunching, or pain occurs. Treatment is carried out directly with the permission of specialists, who specify the phase of development of the disease and its type, after which a course of therapy and its duration are prescribed.

Treatment of prostatitis with chestnuts

The basis for treating prostatitis with horse chestnut is the presence of substances that are involved in the course of therapy. Bark, needles, flowers, peel, fruits and branches are used to make preparations. The plant is rich in glycosides, fraxin, fatty oils, esculin, tiglic acid and the special properties of tannins.

Herbalists begin collecting the ingredients they need when buds begin to appear on the trees, which are soaked in alcohol or vodka. Then, when the leaves appear and the inflorescences fully open, the collection of these components begins, which are used immediately or stored for future use. Treatment of prostatitis begins at the first manifestations of inflammation of the gland, after examinations and under the supervision of specialists. The drugs are prepared in the form of decoctions and tinctures, which differ in the method of administration as microenemas or orally.

Treatment of chestnut adenoma

Prostate adenoma can be treated very effectively with folk remedies, and one of these is the use of horse chestnut as a raw material for manufacturing. Esculin glycoside and vitamin E, which the plant’s fruits are rich in, contribute not only to the reduction, but also to the complete resorption of nodes. What is important is that the mechanics of influence do not affect other organs with their work. The effects of drugs made from horse chestnut fruits are currently being studied by several serious medical universities in Italy, Poland, and the USA, since the phenomenon of the work of some substances has not yet been fully disclosed.

The drugs are prepared in the form of tinctures and taken orally by patients. The course of treatment is prescribed by specialists and, if necessary, increases or decreases according to the duration of use.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with chestnut

Hemorrhoids are a difficult-to-treat disease, and therefore the high effect of horse chestnut on the result of treatment is doubly valuable in medicine. The plant has all the properties that are required for the treatment of rectal disease: it accelerates wound healing, strengthens the venous-vascular system, and reduces pain. The astringent effect of tannins is directly related to the treatment of hemorrhoids.

At home, a course of therapy is carried out using two types of medications: for external use and as drops inside. By combining both types of procedures, the healing effect is enhanced many times over, but one must remember that the course of treatment takes long periods, which require regular repetitions until a complete positive result is achieved. The drug is often prescribed to prevent the disease, thereby preventing bleeding.

Treating a runny nose with chestnut

With regard to the runny nose, doctors have finally decided: only products made on the basis of medicinal plants are not addictive to the drugs, do not disrupt the functioning of other organs, and practically have no side effects. The only drawback is individual intolerance, which also affected horse chestnut, as one of the representatives of the green pharmacy.

At the first manifestations of a runny nose, one should not expect that the disease will disappear on its own, thereby allowing it to easily pass the development stage and enter the active phase. It is enough to take out previously prepared fruits, soak them for a day and cut them into pieces that can be stuffed into the nasal canals (no need to go deep). Within 20-25 minutes, discharge will be noticeable, which will need to be constantly blown out and the pieces of fruit adjusted, putting them in place. It is enough to do the procedure 5 times a day for 3 days to completely get rid of a runny nose both for yourself and for all family members who are in the initial stage of the disease, when the first symptoms appear in the form of snot.

Chestnut for weight loss

Nutritionists have long been practicing the use of chestnut fruits for the purpose of losing excess weight, adding the edible form of this plant as an ingredient to food products to create special diets. If excess weight is noticeable, you can safely use one of the recipes that is used by nutritionists:

  • 25 fruits are cut in half.
  • A gauze bag is prepared (the material is folded in three layers).
  • The bag is placed in any vessel that can hold 2.5 liters of chilled boiling water.
  • Add 250 gr. Sahara.
  • Store for the infusion period (half a month) in a dark place, preferably cool.

The product is used twice a day: morning and evening, one glass at a time, provided that you avoid alcohol, strong coffee and tea, harmful food ingredients and drink at least 2 liters of various liquids daily. Before use, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, especially for women, since in some periods doctors do not recommend taking such tinctures in order not to disrupt the menstrual cycle.

Chestnut for pressure

In terms of using chestnuts as a means to normalize blood pressure in cases of high blood pressure (the drug is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure), modern medicine is not much behind its colleagues with an unconventional approach as a method of treatment involving drugs made from this raw material. And in the literal sense of the word, all the collected material from the plant has its own value: the bark, inflorescences, peel, fruits, buds and even branches are used to prepare medicines.

For the treatment of high blood pressure, inflorescences of plants that are harvested during the flowering period are more suitable. Chestnut flowers are infused with vodka or alcohol, allowed to stand, and consumed depending on the development of diseases. The general course of therapy is prescribed by a specialist who monitors the patient’s condition during the treatment period.

Chestnut for oncology

Even with such serious diseases as blood leukemia, horse chestnut decoction is used to treat the disease, which is prepared from the previously harvested and dried flower of the plant. 8 inflorescences are poured with boiling water and placed for a day in a place where it is not cold and does not receive daylight, for example a wardrobe. Before use, filter the liquid and consume throughout the day in small dosages. The same recipe is used for irradiation.

Chestnuts for hair

Tannins and tannins are used in cosmetology to make various products, including shampoos, that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair: strengthen it, improve shine and rejuvenate it. There is no point in making hair detergents on your own; they are easier to purchase, but you can make rinsing decoctions based on chestnut fruits and bark, which are famous for their power to rejuvenate and strengthen the hair root system (bulbs).

You will need two or three ripe fruits and a little tree bark, which are brewed with boiling water (up to a liter) and left for a day and a half. Before rinsing, the infusion is diluted with ordinary water, one to one, and thus the hair is treated, starting from the root system, massaging the desired part of the skin, gradually moving towards the ends. It is not recommended to wring out your hair; it is best to use a hair dryer, setting it to normal drying temperature.



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