They removed the tooth and rinsed it to make it heal faster. What complications can arise after tooth extraction?

Compliance with all the rules for caring for the socket after tooth extraction affects the period of gum healing and reduces the risk of complications. Usually the doctor gives clear recommendations on whether it is possible to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction, how to do it and when to start. But often, due to anxiety, patients forget about all the advice they heard in the surgeon’s chair. Therefore, information on how to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction is always relevant.

Indications for mouth rinse after tooth extraction

Let's start with the fact that you cannot rinse your mouth immediately after removal. This procedure is not prescribed at all in the first 1–2 days. The thing is that intense movements can lead to the washing out or disruption of the formation of a blood clot (it is this that protects the wound from the penetration of pathogenic microflora). Therefore, if necessary, the doctor prescribes only antiseptic baths after extraction. At simple deletions they do without them at all.

So is it necessary to rinse your mouth or is it not necessary? The doctor prescribes antiseptic procedures in the following cases:

  • It is definitely recommended to rinse your mouth in cases where an infectious focus has already formed by the time the tooth is removed.
  • After opening a purulent abscess.
  • In the presence of periodontal tissue diseases.
  • If the patient has oral cavity have carious teeth.
  • After extraction of third molars or excision of the hood at the time of their eruption.


Experts believe that provided all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are followed during the operation, and there are no other diseases of the teeth and gums, there is no need to rinse your mouth. After removing the causative unit, it is enough to carefully monitor hygiene.

It’s easy to remember the contraindications, since there are few of them:

  1. The first day after surgery.
  2. No doctor's prescription.
  3. Absence of other inflammatory processes and good functioning of the immune system.
  4. If the hole bleeds for a long time.

To heal the hole in the above cases, rinsing is not used. Unauthorized procedures can lead to the development of complications and an increase in the recovery period.

How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction

There is a wide range of products you can use to rinse your mouth after extraction. Taking into account the clinical picture of the disease, the use of both pharmaceutical solutions and liquids and traditional medicine is prescribed.

The main task of these drugs is to eliminate pathogenic and opportunistic microflora. Therefore, they are often recommended for use after tooth extraction or in the presence of other inflammatory processes in the mouth.

Chlorhexidine for mouth rinse after tooth extraction

This is a fairly powerful antiseptic. To disinfect the mucous membrane, a 0.05% aqueous solution is prescribed. The alcohol formula is not suitable for these purposes.

Let's look at how to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine after tooth extraction:

  • Perform the procedure 1-3 times a day. Rinse or bath medicine carried out no earlier than an hour after cleaning. often contains components that are incompatible with the active substance of the drug.
  • Do not allow the drug to be ingested. If you swallowed large number medications, you must take an absorbent ( activated carbon, Sorbex or others).
  • Eating food is allowed 1 hour after rinsing.
  • How many days to rinse is determined by the doctor. Long-term use can provoke dysbacteriosis. Therefore, the course of treatment should not exceed 12 days.
  • Use the remedy for treatment childhood and during pregnancy only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • When rinsing, avoid active “gurgling” movements. Smooth tilts of the head to the sides are allowed.

Antiseptic Miramistin for rinsing the mouth after tooth extraction

Another popular remedy among dentists. When choosing what to rinse your mouth with after tooth extraction, Miramistin is often preferred. The medicine is famous wide range actions. At the same time, it has practically no contraindications.

Using a mouthwash solution ensures the destruction of gram-negative and gram-positive, aerobic and anaerobic, asporgenic and spore-forming bacteria. The drug has antimicrobial and antiviral effect, promotes fast healing wound

Miramistin is an indispensable antiseptic in the treatment various complications, often occurring after a wisdom tooth has been removed. In addition, it is allowed to be prescribed to pregnant women and children infancy. The antiseptic is produced in finished form for baths, irrigation, rinsing. Usually the doctor prescribes 3-4 procedures per day.

Soda and salt solution for mouth rinsing after tooth extraction

Antiseptic properties of these food products known to almost every person. Rinsing with soda after tooth extraction is prescribed when purulent processes. Most often it is recommended to prepare a solution with the addition of table or sea ​​salt. These products are found in every home.

A solution for rinsing your mouth after tooth extraction will help reduce pain, destroy pathogenic bacteria, relieve swelling. It is absolutely harmless, therefore it has no contraindications. It's quite simple to prepare. Needed in a glass warm water dissolve 0.5 tsp. soda and salt. Dilute components immediately before use.

It is worth noting that today in modern clinics When asked whether you can rinse your mouth with soda, you will receive a negative answer. Experts believe that the use of this substance increases the likelihood of destruction of a blood clot in the socket.

Furacilin for mouth rinse after tooth extraction

In the last century, it was recommended to rinse the mouth after tooth extraction with Furacilin solution. At that time, there were no more effective means of combating pathogenic microflora. In some cases, an antiseptic is prescribed in our time.

To disinfect the oral cavity, you can purchase a ready-to-use aqueous solution or make it yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve 5 tablets with a dosage of 0.02 g in a liter of warm water.

The drug is used 2–4 times a day. The duration of the course depends on clinical manifestations and is determined by the dentist. However, it is not recommended to take baths with this antiseptic for more than 10 days. The drug has a drying effect on the mucous membranes.

Rinse your mouth after tooth extraction with herbs

You can rinse your mouth after tooth extraction with infusions of medicinal plants. They have earned their popularity due to their harmlessness. Although, to be objective, then antiseptic properties herbs are significantly inferior to modern ones pharmaceuticals. Decoctions are used either in uncomplicated cases or as an addition to the main drug.

Prevent development inflammatory process Infusions of sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, and calendula will help in the oral cavity after tooth extraction. These plants also have regenerating properties, which ensures speedy healing of the wound. For cooking, you can use any of these herbs or a mixture of them (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). The broth is infused for several hours, filtered and used for baths.

How many days to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction depends on the severity clinical picture. In any case, there are no time restrictions regarding the treatment of the mucous membrane with the infusions in question. The number of procedures is 5–10 times a day.

Potassium permanganate for rinsing the mouth after tooth extraction

Antiseptic is easy to prepare at home. It is enough to dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate in boiled water. A properly prepared product should have a light pink color. It is forbidden to carry out procedures with liquids colored more rich shade. Otherwise, you can cause tissue burns. It is necessary to rinse the mouth after every meal and always before going to bed.

Mouth rinses after tooth extraction

It is allowed to use special pharmaceutical products to heal the gums after tooth extraction. Funds for daily care have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Experts draw attention to the fact that it is necessary to choose rinses based on chlorophyll, azulene, containing extracts of St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, and coniferous plants. You must first consult with a specialist.

Stomatofit for rinsing the mouth after tooth extraction

Prevent possible complications after extraction you can use medicinal product, containing natural herbal ingredients. The product is characterized by a pronounced astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and fungicidal effect.

Before rinsing the wound after tooth extraction, the drug is diluted in boiled water. To do this, add 20 ml of Stomatofit to 0.5 cups of liquid. On average, 3–4 procedures are prescribed per day, unless the doctor determines a different treatment regimen. The duration of the course depends on the clinic. Usually the drug is well accepted by patients, but cases of individual intolerance have been recorded.

Chlorophyllipt for mouth rinse after tooth extraction

A drug that has natural origin. Active substance has antibacterial and antifungal actions. A medicinal liquid is prepared based on eucalyptus extract, which occupies a leading position among medicinal plants.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is actively used in medicine, including dentistry. Chlorophyllipt is available in several forms. To treat the mucous membranes after extraction, a product containing alcohol (1%) is usually prescribed.

Before rinsing your mouth after tooth extraction, the medicine is diluted in water. For one glass of liquid take 1 tbsp. l. Chlorophyllipta. It is recommended to carry out procedures 3-4 times a day. If there are purulent foci, you can rinse much more often (10–15 times a day). Usually the disease is cured within a week.

In severe cases infectious processes the course of treatment may be longer (up to 21 days). Experts draw attention to the fact that rinsing or bathing should only be done with fresh solution. It cannot be stored in a diluted form.

Salvin for mouth rinse after tooth extraction

The product is an antibiotic for local use. The product contains sage extract. The use of Salvin is relevant in the treatment of inflammatory, infectious diseases in the oral cavity. The medicine is famous for its regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.

The drug Salvin is produced on alcohol based. Therefore, before rinsing the gums after tooth extraction, it must be diluted with distilled water. Depending on the clinic, age and other characteristics of the patient, the doctor may prescribe various ways preparing the solution.

Usually use 1 part of the drug to 4 parts of water. If it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the finished medication for rinsing the gums in the area extracted tooth, increase the volume of water (up to 10 parts). The duration of the course is 5–7 days, unless the doctor prescribes a different regimen.

Dimexide for mouth rinse after tooth extraction

The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is often used in complex therapy. Many dentists regularly use this solution in their practice. The ability to prescribe Dimexide along with antibiotics or other drugs makes it indispensable in situations where it is necessary to treat gums after tooth extraction.

The solution not only actively destroys microbes, but also reduces swelling and pain. Therefore, they are often recommended to rinse their mouths if their wisdom teeth have been removed. Or you can apply a little product to inner side cheeks from the side of the formed hole.

The drug must be diluted before use with boiled or distilled water in a 1:1 ratio, unless the doctor prescribes a different concentration. Baths should be performed 2-3 times a day.

So, rinsing your mouth after tooth extraction should be done correctly and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Then you can guarantee speedy healing or recovery. Otherwise, even the most effective and safe solution can only cause harm.

Useful video on how to care for your mouth after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a dental operation and involves the extraction of a tooth from the dental alveolus. Such an operation may be planned or classified as an emergency surgical intervention.

Depending on the type of dental surgery, further actions, which allow you to shorten the healing period and minimize the possibility of complications. Rinsing your mouth after tooth extraction is a mandatory preventive and therapeutic measure.

The first mention of such a well-known procedure dates back to 2700 BC. This is one of the most common methods that helps solve various dental problems that arise.

If tooth extraction was required as a result of the formation of purulent inflammatory processes that spread to the bone, and the reason for tooth extraction was phlegmon or abscesses, then rinsing will not only speed up the healing of the hole, but will also prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

In case planned removal tooth, rinsing promotes proper regeneration of gum tissue, and does not allow microbial infection to linger in the wound and cause inflammatory processes (see about wisdom tooth removal).

Indications and contraindications for rinsing

Rinsing your mouth after tooth extraction is not always helpful.

If the tooth extraction was not carried out against the background of an inflammatory process, and everything went quickly and without complications, then rinsing the mouth with antiseptic agents will be unnecessary. You just need to maintain basic daily hygiene oral cavity, and brush your teeth with maximum care in the immediate vicinity of the extraction site.

Rinsing after tooth extraction is mandatory in the following cases:

  • against the background of an inflammatory process. If removal was preceded by pain, swelling, edema and any other manifestations characteristic of purulent inflammation, then in addition to antiseptic rinsing, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. This set of measures prevents the formation of inflammation in the tooth socket and protects against suppuration of a blood clot.
  • against the background of purulent gum abscess. If tooth extraction was performed with a swollen cheek or gum, and tooth extraction was accompanied by flux resection, then initially the dentist himself will treat the wound with an antiseptic. Home activities necessarily include rinsing the mouth with special solutions.
  • in the presence of carious teeth. If, during tooth extraction, there are decayed teeth or teeth affected by caries, as well as dental deposits in the oral cavity, then it is recommended to rinse in order to prevent the formation of an inflammatory process.

Preparations and rinses

To rinse the mouth after tooth extraction, not only modern antiseptic drugs, but also quite affordable and well-proven means.

The most commonly used compositions are:

  • aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine digluconate 0.05%. Enough budget drug already ready to use. It has a bitter taste and has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Rinsing with this product must be done several times a day. The antiseptic solution should be at room temperature and should be kept in the area of ​​the extracted tooth for a minute.
  • soda-salt solution. An effective remedy, which is used after resection of the resulting fistula or flux.
  • herbal infusions. They have a fairly weak antiseptic effect and are often used as a preventative rather than a therapeutic agent. The most available means rinses that can be used to rinse your mouth after are the following:
  • sodium chloride solution. To prepare the solution, dilute 1 teaspoon table salt in a glass of water at room temperature. Disinfecting and healing actions help prevent the development of the inflammatory process and promote rapid and proper healing of the wound.
  • potassium permanganate solution. You need to add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to a glass of warm water. The resulting solution should have a slightly pink color. This 0.1% solution is a good antiseptic.

Postoperative phenomena in the form of swelling and inflammation help relieve many herbal infusions.

To rinse after tooth extraction, you should brew a tablespoon of dry medicinal herb per glass of boiling water. You can use sage herb, oak bark, as well as a mixture of calendula, St. John's wort and chamomile for decoction (see how to avoid complications after removal).

Quite often, a “dental elixir” is used, which is a non-standard mixture of ingredients prescribed for a specific purpose. Most often it is used to eliminate pain syndrome against the background of inflammation of the oral mucosa and after any dental operations.

The composition of such elixirs usually contains over-the-counter dosage forms. Typically, a dental elixir is made to order at a pharmacy in accordance with a doctor's prescription. The most common ingredients for tooth elixir are:

  • diphenhydramine, which has an antihistamine effect;
  • glucocorticoids, which are anti-inflammatory substances;
  • lidocaine or xylocaine, which have a local anesthetic effect;
  • Maalox to neutralize acid;
  • nystatin as an antimicrobial drug;
  • antibiotic.

Insufficient evidence base According to studies of the effectiveness of dental elixirs, their popularity does not decrease. They are still in great demand today.

Rinse rules

The hole in the gum after tooth extraction may have different sizes, which depend on a number of factors. The number of depressions in the bone characterizes the extracted tooth. Between the recesses in which there was root system tooth, the interradicular bone septum is easily distinguishable. Immediately after removal, the hole in the gum is filled with blood, which quickly coagulates and forms a dense blood clot.

The first day is characterized by weak attachment of the blood clot to the surface of the wound and the intensive rinsing process can expose the fresh wound. As a result, a so-called “empty hole” is formed, which allows bone tissue communicate openly with many pathogenic microorganisms and the contents of the oral cavity.

This condition of a dry socket most often leads to the formation of an inflammatory process - alveolitis. This disease is accompanied by an increase aching pain and bad breath. Often observed.

Alveolitis is accompanied by filling of the extracted tooth socket with necrotic tissues and food debris.

Development of this serious illness most often occurs 2-4 days after tooth extraction. The main symptoms are the presence of a dry, gray socket covered with plaque. Besides characteristic odor, pain extends not only to the socket area, but also to the transitional fold in the projection of the wound from the extracted tooth.

To prevent such consequences, you should protect the cavity of the extracted tooth from intensive rinsing and use all products and solutions exclusively for baths in the oral cavity. For this purpose, a warm solution is taken into the mouth, held for a minute, and then spat out.

It should be remembered that too active rinsing can not only significantly prolong the wound healing period, but also often leads to serious complications.

Video: what should you do after tooth extraction?

In most cases, patients dental clinics are interested what to rinse after tooth extraction before leaving the doctor's office. After all, everyone wants the wound to heal quickly, so that no complications arise, to get rid of it as quickly as possible. bad taste in the mouth, swelling, pain and return to your normal lifestyle as quickly as possible.

Rinsing is one of the most common methods that helps solve a variety of dental problems, from relieving acute toothache to healing the hole after tooth extraction surgery.

However, it is worth considering that it is not recommended to perform the procedure on the day when the removal occurred, since you can rinse out the protective blood clot, which must form and consolidate in the hole. If there is no clot, the wound will remain unprotected and inflammation will occur, which will require additional treatment. That's why, rinsing after tooth extraction within 24 hours after the operation is possible only on the recommendation of your dentist, who can make such a prescription in connection with some individual indications.

Tooth pulled out - what to rinse with?

After tooth extraction, almost every patient tries to find out how to rinse your mouth after having a tooth pulled? At the same time, sometimes patients, not paying attention to the doctor’s recommendations, harm their health by rinsing. To avoid negative consequences The following recommendations should be followed.

Today medicine offers different antiseptic rinses for the oral cavity after tooth extraction. Among antiseptic solutions, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine solution, herbal and soda-salt baths are very popular.

Miramistin is a drug that can be easily purchased without a prescription, but its cost is quite high. However, Miramistin has its own advantage in that it resists the emergence and spread of the herpes virus, making it especially useful for herpetic stomatitis. After tooth extraction, an aqueous 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine is more suitable. In pharmacies the drug is sold without a prescription and in finished form, it has a pronounced antiseptic effect, is quite inexpensive. After tooth extraction, you should rinse your mouth with this solution several times a day, holding the drug in your mouth for a minute.

If there is a fistula on the gum, as well as in case of an incision to remove pus, you can use soda-salt rinses. In other cases they are practically useless. You can also use infusions and decoctions of various herbs. They do not have a strong antiseptic effect, and when rinsing your mouth with an infusion of dark plants, the teeth themselves may darken due to pigments deposited on them. Herbal infusions have a good deodorizing and refreshing effect.

When asking yourself what to rinse with after a tooth has been pulled out, you should first of all find out what you should not do when rinsing so as not to cause harm. A blood clot from coagulated blood forms in the tooth socket after its removal. In the first day it is very loosely attached to the gum, and rinsing it out is quite easy. But this should not be done - through the empty hole, the bone directly interacts with what is in the mouth, with pathogens and food debris. This can lead to inflammation with severe pain and bad breath.

Therefore, intensive mouth rinsing should not be performed. Simply take the existing drug into your mouth, hold it for about a minute and spit it out without rinsing.

What else can you rinse your mouth with?

The most common, effective and at the same time very simple rinsing recipe is a solution of ordinary table salt. To prepare the medicine, all you need to do is dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, slightly warmer than room temperature. Such a solution has a disinfecting and healing effect, will help prevent inflammation and will promote rapid healing of the hole.

Can be used as a mouth rinse weak solution potassium permanganate. To do this, add several crystals of potassium manganese to the glass. Please note that the color of the resulting liquid should be pale pink. If you make a solution that is too saturated, then along with the desired disinfecting and healing effect, you risk getting new problems, in the form chemical burn oral mucosa.

Herbal decoctions are excellent in helping to cope with postoperative phenomena such as swelling and inflammation. Use a rinse after tooth extraction by brewing one tablespoon of herb in one glass of boiling water. You can take sage, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile and any other dry herb that has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. The broth should be slightly warm; you should not rinse your mouth with hot liquid.

You can purchase a special rinse or any antiseptic (for example, furatsilin) ​​at the pharmacy. This product will also have a healing effect. Rinse should be used after each meal and at night, after hygienic cleaning teeth.

How to properly rinse your mouth after tooth extraction surgery?

The most important thing during the procedure is to ensure that the protective blood clot is not washed out with liquid or destroyed. Therefore, in no case should you “drive” the rinsing solution in your mouth, because for the healing effect it is enough for the liquid to come into contact with the postoperative hole, and for this it is enough to simply hold the solution in your mouth.

You can decide what to rinse after tooth extraction yourself by choosing any of the above recipes or using the recommendations of your dentist. However, be sure to keep your medicine slightly warmer than room temperature. A solution that is too hot or too cold can cause pain and bleeding.

Rinsing is very important procedure for speedy healing of the wound in postoperative period However, in addition to this, other rules of oral care after tooth extraction should be followed:

1. You should not eat too hot or spicy foods,

2. You should temporarily stop eating solid food,

3. Should be limited physical activity, including sports,

4. The body must not be allowed to overheat, so visiting the bathhouse is unacceptable. Finnish sauna, solarium, you should also not stay in the sun for too long.

Rinsing is the best and most harmless method of relieving pain after tooth extraction, rapid healing of the wound and prevention possible infections. But on the first day after removal, doctors do not recommend resorting to this procedure. The reason is simple - you can rinse out the blood clot that protects the wound along with the liquid. After all, the body itself is called upon to take care of its own safety. Open wound without a protective clot of blood, it may become inflamed and you will have to go to the clinic again for treatment.

Therefore, doctors recommend starting rinsing only a day after tooth extraction. And on the first day severe pain better to drink. Which one - you can ask in advance. Only a doctor can prescribe rinsing in the first 24 hours after removal based on individual indications. Take this seriously.

Do not rinse your mouth vigorously. You just need to take the liquid into your mouth, hold it for about one minute and spit it out. There is no need to perform rinsing movements.

Aqueous 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine. A drug with a strong antiseptic effect in the “economy” class category. You need to rinse once a day, holding it in your mouth for one minute. The medicine is dangerous if swallowed. In this case, you need to drink quickly more quantity water and eat activated carbon (at least 5 tablets).

Soda-salt rinses. They are excellent antiseptics and help the wound heal quickly. Excellent remedy with fistula. Dilute a teaspoon into a glass of cool water. soda and salt and rinse your mouth.

Furacilin. Sold in tablet form or aqueous solution. Effective antiseptic. Dilute 2 cups into 1 glass of warm water (they must be crushed first). Use the aqueous solution as is.

A solution of manganese or potassium permanganate. Dissolve a few grains in a glass of water until pink color. Don't overdo your concentration. You can get a burn to the mucous membrane.

The drug Miramistin. It can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. The cost is quite high. But it has a number of advantages - it resists the herpes virus and helps well with herpic stomatitis.

Infusions of herbs - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. One tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs or mixtures of herbs and cover with a lid. Cool to room temperature, strain and rinse your mouth morning and evening.

From this article you will learn:

  • Is it necessary to use a rinse after tooth extraction,
  • if a tooth has been removed, what to rinse with,
  • how to properly perform this procedure.

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Regular antiseptic rinsing of the mouth after tooth extraction can reduce the risk of inflammation in the socket area by approximately 80%. extracted teeth. However, if the patient performs rinsing incorrectly, in many cases this, on the contrary, leads to the blood clot falling out of the socket, inflammation and the need for repeated visits to the doctor.

To avoid such negative consequences, read this article carefully. In addition, you should remember: in order to prevent the development of inflammation of the sockets of extracted teeth, you need to do not only antiseptic rinses, but it is important to do others as well.

Tooth pulled out - what to rinse with (preparations)

What to rinse your mouth with after tooth extraction may depend on specific situation. For example, it depends on whether the removal was carried out against the background of inflammation or not. Let's now focus on preparations for antiseptic baths (rinses) in the oral cavity. The following antiseptic solutions are usually prescribed...

  • Miramistin () –
    In terms of the severity of the antiseptic effect, it is slightly inferior to Chlorhexidine. Costs about 200 rubles. The only advantage is that it has an effect against the herpes virus, which may be interesting in treatment herpetic stomatitis, but not after tooth extraction. The only advantage of this drug will be the absence of a bitter taste, which, in principle, can only be important in young children.
  • Soda-salt baths
    It makes sense to do it only if there is a fistula on the gum, or the doctor made an incision to release pus. Saline solutions allow you to pull purulent exudate from wound surfaces, as well as in small degree help relieve swelling of soft tissues. Rinse 4-5 times a day.
  • Herbal infusions –
    In principle, they can be used, but their antiseptic effect is quite weak, moreover, the pigments of the infusions quickly settle on the teeth, contributing to the accumulation of dark pigment plaque. More like a benefit from them lies only in the form of a refreshing deodorizing effect. Use better infusions chamomile, eucalyptus... But oak bark is not worth it (it contains a lot of pigments).

How to properly rinse your mouth after removal -

The most important thing is that you should never rinse your mouth intensively, because... It is strong rinsing that leads to the loss of a blood clot from the socket of an extracted tooth. Rinses after removal should be weak (they are often called antiseptic baths), i.e. You need to put the solution in your mouth and hold it.

What happens if a blood clot falls out? –
in Fig. 1 you can see what the hole looks like immediately after extracting the roots of the 6th lower tooth. Between the recesses in which the roots of the tooth were located, you can see the interradicular bone septum. However, after short time the hole is completely filled with blood, which almost immediately coagulates, forming a dense blood clot (Fig. 2).

During the first few days, the clot is attached to the bony edges of the socket quite weakly, and therefore, if you rinse your mouth vigorously, the clot may fall out. As a result, the hole will become empty, bone walls the sockets will be exposed to the aggressive environment of the oral cavity; food debris and pathogenic oral bacteria will get into the socket.

In what cases is it necessary to rinse -

If you had a tooth removed not due to inflammation, the tooth extraction was simple and short-lived, and the doctor did not say anything about rinsing/baths, then antiseptic treatment is not needed. In this case it is enough to maintain good hygiene oral cavity, be sure to regularly brush your teeth, including the teeth adjacent to the extraction site (the latter are cleaned more carefully).

Antiseptic baths after tooth extraction are primarily necessary if:

  • The tooth was removed due to inflammation
    those. in the presence of pain, swelling, edema, which indicates the presence of purulent inflammation. In this case, in addition to antiseptic baths, antibiotic therapy is also prescribed for 5-7 days to prevent inflammation of the tooth socket and suppuration of a blood clot.

    An antibiotic is usually prescribed (take 2 capsules 3 times a day for 5 days). All antibiotics are available with a prescription. For those patients who have gastrointestinal diseases, other antibiotics are usually prescribed, for example, Flemoxin Solutab or Unidox Solutab. These drugs are available in the form effervescent tablets, are quickly absorbed from the intestine, without having time to significantly harm its microflora.

  • If it was opened on the gum purulent abscess
    if you have, then in addition to removing the tooth, an incision is usually made along the gum to release the pus. Immediately after making the incision, the doctor must wash the wound with an antiseptic to wash out the pus from the wound. However, in this case, at home you definitely need to take baths with soda-salt solution, alternating them with baths with aqueous solution Chlorhexidine.
  • If you have carious teeth in your mouth
    if the tooth was removed not due to inflammation, but you have decayed/carious teeth, dental plaque, and inflammation of the gums, then in this case it is also advisable to do antiseptic baths. Carious teeth and dental deposits contain a large number of pathogenic microbes, which can very easily cause suppuration of a blood clot in the wound.

    To prevent this, it is advisable to treat the oral cavity for several days. antiseptic solutions. And after the wound has healed, treat all diseased teeth and remove dental plaque.

Type of gum after removal (normal) –

How to determine that after tooth extraction everything is fine and your gums are healing normally... Open your mouth wide in front of the mirror and see if the hole of the extracted tooth is covered blood clot. In the photo below you can see what the holes should look like immediately after removal and after different times.



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