Trichology - hair treatment. Trichology - hair treatment Modern trichology: diagnosis and treatment of hair diseases

is a dermatologist who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hair and scalp diseases. Trichologists at SM-Clinic use in their practice the most modern methods and drugs that allow you to restore hair health in the shortest possible time. If you need the best trichologist in Moscow, contact SM-Clinic.

Symptoms of hair and scalp diseases

If you are unhappy with your hair, if every day it more and more often remains not on your head, but on your comb - do not hesitate, come to the SM-Clinic trichologist. It is important to remember that hair is not only a decoration, but also a clear indicator of a person’s general health. Therefore, it is worth considering if you experience the following symptoms:
  • hair began to split, break, become thinner, quickly get dirty, lose its usual shine and volume, thin and fall out;
  • the scalp began to itch, become inflamed, spots and scratches formed on it, the skin became too dry or, on the contrary, oily, and dandruff appeared, which no shampoo can cope with.
Don’t expect these alarming signs to disappear on their own; make an appointment with a SM-Clinic trichologist.

Only a consultation with a qualified trichologist will help identify the cause of the disease and choose the right treatment. There are a great many factors that cause hair to lose its healthy appearance, or even fall out altogether:
You can get a consultation with a qualified SM-Clinic trichologist without queues at any time convenient for you, including after work and on weekends.

Trichologist services at SM-Clinic

Consultation with a trichologist.

At the initial appointment, the trichologist will listen to your complaints, find out when problems with your hair or scalp began, and inquire about the condition of the hair of your closest relatives, since genetic mechanisms in this case are of great importance. The doctor will definitely clarify information about the stress you have experienced, how and what you eat, whether you are taking strong medications, or whether you suffer from chronic diseases.

Diagnosis of hair and scalp diseases.

If examination of the hair and scalp is not enough to make a diagnosis and some conclusions require clarification, the trichologist will prescribe the necessary laboratory tests, such as determining hormonal status, biochemical blood test, etc. In our clinic “SM-Cosmetology” You can additionally undergo hardware diagnostics of the condition of your hair and scalp (computer trichoscopy and phototrichogram).

If necessary, a trichologist will refer you to a consultation: neurologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, since hair problems can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems.

Hair and scalp treatment.

Having received research data and familiarized with the opinions of colleagues from other fields of medicine, the trichologist will prescribe conservative treatment (medication, physiotherapy), and recommend products for home care and prevention of hair diseases. The SM-Cosmetology clinic provides comprehensive hardware hair treatment using the Tricoprogram device.

The SM-Clinic provides various physiotherapeutic and injection procedures aimed at treating hair and scalp.

Plasmatherapy is an innovative method of healing the scalp, which is based on the ability of the patient’s own blood platelets to “wake up” the cells and stimulate their normal functioning. As a result, hair loss stops, inflammation disappears, and the activity of hair follicles is restored. Blood is taken from the patient in the same way as in a regular analysis from a vein, then it is divided into fractions in a centrifuge. The doctor receives plasma enriched with activated platelets. The trichologist injects this plasma into problem areas of the patient’s scalp through microinjections.

Mesotherapy- this is also a method of healing the scalp and hair; instead of enriched plasma, the trichologist uses a special meso-cocktail from the necessary preparations: vitamins, microelements, amino acids, etc. The SM-Clinic uses therapeutic cocktails from the Mesoline Hair series (Spain).


A trichologist is a dermatologist who has undergone special training and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the hair and scalp. Most often, a trichologist is consulted about alopecia (baldness).

If you need a good trichologist in Moscow, contact Family Doctor JSC. Below you can check the prices for trichologist services, as well as make an appointment by choosing a doctor in the clinic that is most convenient for you.

Causes of hair diseases

Hair diseases are extremely common. The reasons for their occurrence can be divided into external and internal. Among the external causes, mechanical, chemical, and radiation injuries to the hair and scalp predominate when using metal brushes, hair dryers, paints and aggressive styling products, and neglecting hats in the cold season. Sometimes the cause of the disease is an infection, in particular a fungus of the genus Microsporum, which causes microsporia. Hair loss may be associated with taking certain medications (cytostatics) or radiation therapy.

Internal causes of deterioration and diseases of the hair and scalp can be associated with the nature of nutrition, hypovitaminosis, the state of the nervous system, general diseases, hormonal changes, in particular with hyperandrogenism and menopause in women.

Diseases treated by a trichologist

    Alopecia, or baldness, characterized by local or diffuse hair loss and thinning:

    • congenital alopecia associated with genetic disorders;

      symptomatic alopecia accompanying various internal diseases, including hormonal disorders;

      seborrheic alopecia, accompanied by increased oiliness or dryness of the scalp and impaired nutrition of the hair follicles;

      cicatricial alopecia, manifested by the formation of scars on the scalp and local hair loss;

      area baldness, or local hair loss with the formation of bald spots on the scalp.

    Dystrophy and impaired hair growth, accompanied by thinning, brittleness, twisting, and tangling of hair.

    Inflammatory diseases of the scalp of a fungal and bacterial nature, for example, trichosporia and favus.

    Diseases of the sebaceous glands of the scalp: dry and oily seborrhea, accompanied by increased oiliness and dryness of hair, and the appearance of dandruff.

  • Cosmetic hair problems: dullness, fragility, thinning, split ends.

When do you need to consult a trichologist?

You should make an appointment with a trichologist in the following cases:

    The hair has lost its shine, become thin, and splits.

    Hair falls out evenly over the entire head or locally; whole strands of hair remain on the comb and in the bath after washing your hair, rather than single hairs.

    There was itching, red flaky spots, scratching on the scalp.

    The hair breaks off at the root, leaving behind “stumps”.

    The hair became thinner and began to tangle, forming knots.

    Despite regular hair washing, hair quickly becomes oily.

    Dandruff appeared.

    The hair began to quickly lose pigment or change its color.

A timely visit to a trichologist will help you quickly determine the cause of the problem and select an effective treatment that will restore the health of your hair and scalp.

Diagnosis of hair diseases

For an accurate diagnosis of hair diseases, it is extremely important to take into account all the reasons that could lead to the problem: hereditary and environmental factors, features of hair and scalp care, stress experienced, internal diseases and hormonal disorders, etc.

During an examination of the head, the trichologist will assess the condition of the skin and hair, the degree of activity of the sebaceous glands. If necessary, a laboratory test will be prescribed, including a general and biochemical blood test, a blood test for hormones, and specific tests to identify infectious skin diseases.

A special place in the diagnosis of hair and scalp diseases is occupied by methods such as computer and phototrichography. These studies do not require special preparation, except for the refusal to dye or style hair using fixatives.

    Trichoscopy is a high-tech examination method that allows for a visual assessment of the condition of the hair and scalp using a powerful optical system that displays an image on a computer screen.

    Phototrichography allows you to take pictures and evaluate the quality of hair as it grows, and diagnose disorders that arise at a certain stage of the hair’s life.

If necessary, the trichologist will involve other specialists in the Family Doctor network of clinics in the diagnostic process: a dermatologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist.

Hair and scalp treatment

For infectious diseases of the scalp, the trichologist will prescribe a course of medications. If the problem is related to care errors, the doctor will give recommendations on the selection of hair cosmetics and prescribe treatment - conservative drug therapy, hardware physiotherapy procedures and injection drugs (). Problems caused by endocrine disruptions may require the use of hormonal drugs, in particular those with antiandrogenic effects.

A trichologist is a doctor who deals with the health and condition of hair. If they fall out, thin out in a certain place, the patient suspects alopecia, seborrhea or other diagnoses, you should consult a trichologist. The article describes trichologists in Moscow: which clinic is best to go to, which specialist, what is the list of services provided. Is it possible to get an appointment with a specialist for free and if not, then approximately how much will it cost to see a competent doctor?

Field of activity of a trichologist

In state budgetary institutions it is very difficult to find a doctor who could provide qualified assistance to people suffering from baldness. It would seem that it could be simpler - bald patches have appeared, which means a hormonal crisis has occurred. However, for most women and men, baldness is a real stress, which indicates the onset of a midlife crisis. Sometimes people are ready to give any money and accept any treatment just to stop their hair falling out. Alas, it is almost never possible to bring back lost hairs and give your hair the same volume. Therefore, it is very important to contact a trichologist in a timely manner. People are interested in reviews of trichologists in Moscow, since most often consultations with specialists of such a narrow profile are quite expensive.

There is an opinion that in order to understand why hair is falling out, it is enough to contact an endocrinologist and get tested for your hormonal profile. Of course, the level of hormones and whether they are within reference values ​​plays an important role in the condition of the hair. But most often, an endocrinologist will not be able to provide help: in only 5% of cases, baldness is somehow connected with a disruption in the production of thyroid hormones, its dysfunction, the appearance of cysts, etc.

Trichologists use special diagnostic methods; they have their own criteria for examining patients and prescribing certain laboratory tests. Some patients believe that trichologists charge too much for their services. In fact, the price is quite justified, since no other specialist (endocrinologist, gynecologist, nephrologist, hepatologist and other doctors) is able to examine and assess the condition of the follicles, as well as trace the relationship between hormone levels (estrogen, dehydrotestosterone, free testosterone, etc.) etc.) and the condition of the scalp. A trichologist is able to make an accurate diagnosis of what type of alopecia (area alopecia, androgenic, etc.). No other specialist is able to provide an overall clinical picture of the condition of the scalp and hair loss.

What diagnostic methods are used in trichology?

Special diagnostic methods used by trichologists:

  • The use of computer programs that analyze hair thickness, density, concentration of hair follicles per unit area, etc.
  • Contrast phototrichogram.
  • Trichoscopy.
  • Biopsy.
  • Review photos.
  • Trichogramma.

Each of these methods involves the presence of special equipment, and therefore is performed separately, according to a separate price list. A consultation with a trichologist in Moscow is paid separately, and the examination is paid separately. Depending on the totality of complaints, usually two or three studies should be used. For some patients, it is enough to perform only a trichogram, which will allow you to assess the number of active follicles that allow hairs to “live” as long as possible in the growth phase.

Why patients remain dissatisfied with the work of trichologists

Due to the many studies, sharply negative reviews about trichologists are most often associated. In Moscow, one consultation with a trichologist with average qualifications costs about two thousand. The cost of all paid tests and studies to make an accurate diagnosis can reach 20,000.

Trichologists in Moscow clinics, where it is possible to undergo the necessary tests and studies free of charge under the policy (all expenses are covered by the insurance company), are rare. Most budgetary state medical institutions are simply not able to provide the equipment necessary for accurate research.

Treatment with a trichologist can be divided into several stages:

  • A trichoscopy is performed, based on the results of which a plan for further therapy is outlined. Very often it turns out that the problem is only seborrhea. The trichologist prescribes the necessary medications for external action - usually this is enough.
  • If the results of trichoscopy did not allow an accurate clinical picture to be drawn, then a phototrichogram is done to clarify or finalize the diagnosis. It is also necessary to take tests for basic hormones, both thyroid and sex hormones.
  • Upon receipt of the results of all studies, a secondary consultation is carried out, a final diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is developed.

Often at any stage of diagnosis it turns out that the cause of baldness is not a disease, not a hormonal imbalance, not alopecia or a stress factor. Often this is simply improper care of the scalp and hair. This is also associated with many dissatisfied reviews from patients in connection with the work of doctors: they say, there is so much research, but the result and prescription are just a change of shampoo! But the doctor must honestly report the diagnosis, otherwise he may try to impose expensive drugs that the patient does not need. Therefore, it is better to appreciate the honesty of doctors and follow any, even the simplest instructions about changing shampoo or comb.

Why do you need additional research after consulting a trichologist?

Based on the results of the studies, after receiving the tests, the trichologist has all the necessary information to draw up a general clinical picture:

  • The type of skin on the head can be normal, dry, oily - but most often there are mixed types: for example, one type on the temples, another on the crown, and a third on the back of the head.
  • The general condition of the follicles - hair follicles, on which the total lifespan of the hair and the fact of how much force must be applied in order for it to fall out together with the follicle depend.
  • The condition of the hair shafts allows you to assess the possibility of rapid loss.
  • The amount and percentage of normal hair that will grow back over several years, will not break off, and is almost guaranteed not to fall out even when exposed to external force.
  • The number and percentage of thinning hair, which in any case will leave its place within a short period of time, no matter whether the patient uses strengthening products, dyes the hair, blow-dries it, etc. - they are doomed to fall out.
  • The number and percentage of hairs prone to hair loss are those hairs that can still remain in the scalp for several years, provided that the doctor's instructions are followed.
  • A type of alopecia, that is, baldness. This is the most important information on the basis of which a forecast can be made - whether the area of ​​baldness will expand and what treatment the patient needs (whether it makes sense to use drugs with minoxidil, etc.).

After receiving a diagnosis, treatment is prescribed, which is most often also quite expensive and lengthy. Patients are upset and dissatisfied with this state of affairs, but there is no need to look for another doctor - the cost of such services in Moscow will be the same almost everywhere. Children's trichologists in Moscow work according to a similar scheme. They use the same tests and studies to compile a clinical picture.

List of the most popular clinics in Moscow where a trichologist sees

Of course, the list of all the doctors who specialize in hair conditions is so huge that it can barely be contained in one reference book. But we can highlight the most popular and in demand:

  1. Sarkisov David Ishkhanovich receives at "Trustmed" on Taganka, on the street. Alexandra Solzhenitsyn, 5, building 1. This is a first category doctor with extensive experience. The cost of taking it is about 2200-2500 rubles. Registration is possible via the Internet or by calling; the clinic has its own website, which contains all the information for contacting the registry.
  2. Bratilova Anastasia Viktorovna - a trichologist with seven years of experience in treating patients with the problem of baldness, sees at the "ON CLINIC" on Novy Arbat, st. Bolshaya Molchanovka, 32. Reviews of the work of this trichologist in Moscow are positive: patients note that Anastasia Viktorovna is competent and does not prescribe an excessive number of tests and studies.
  3. Mertens Maria Valerievna is a doctor of the highest category, 21 years of experience in treating patients with trichological problems. She holds appointments in Moscow, at the SM-Clinic Medical Center on Volgogradsky Prospekt. Patient reviews of her work vary, but mostly positive: patients are satisfied with the effective treatment prescribed.
  4. Papugin Andrey Vladimirovich is a trichologist with experience in receiving and consulting patients with trichological problems for 15 years. She holds appointments on Sretenka 9, at the Capital Medical Clinic.
  5. Trichologist services in Moscow in government institutions can be obtained at the Dermatological Center in Moscow, as well as at the Institute of Skin Diseases at st. Korolenko, house 3, building 6. You can make an appointment with a trichologist by phone number or on the Internet. Some of the research will be carried out free of charge; for some you may have to pay extra.

Medical center "Trustmed" on Taganka in Moscow

This establishment is one of the most popular among people who are concerned about the problem of increased hair loss. We have a full range of modern equipment for trichological research. Several doctors consult at once, and reviews of their work are positive. Of course, you can also find reviews from dissatisfied patients; they are most often associated with the fact that you have to undergo a fairly large number of tests.

At the Trustmed medical center on Taganka you can get advice from the following trichologists:

  • Sementsova Anna Andreevna;
  • Sarkisov David Ishkhanovich;
  • Simakova (Mukhina) Ekaterina Sergeevna.

As mentioned above, you can make an appointment via the Internet on the clinic’s website or by phone number. As a rule, the queue does not last longer than a few days. In some cases, the waiting time for an appointment can be about a week (depending on the workload of the specialists). This clinic employs the best trichologists in Moscow, so the comparative waiting time for an appointment is quite low, given the qualifications of the specialists and the number of positive reviews about their work.

A trichologist is a highly specialized specialist who treats hair and scalp. The tasks of a trichologist are diagnosis, prevention, and comprehensive treatment of diseases of the scalp. There are not so many real hair treatment professionals even in Moscow. Our clinic brings together some of the strongest specialists in the field of trichology.

It is necessary to consult a trichologist in case of intense hair loss, bald spots, or problems with the scalp. What does a trichologist treat?

The list of diseases that require the help of a trichologist is quite extensive. Here are some examples:

  • alopecia, baldness (focal, androgenic, diffuse);
  • hair loss;
  • seborrhea (dandruff);
  • dermatological diseases of the scalp.

Trichologists in Moscow at the Doctor Hair clinic, based on the results of diagnostic measures, will select an individual treatment program that is most effective for each specific case. Also in our clinic you can get a free recommendation from a specialist.

During the consultation, the doctor will conduct a general examination, inquire about the duration of your disease, the nature of its course, dynamics, and whether relatives have similar symptoms. He will also give recommendations on hair care and prescribe additional examinations.

If you are unable to come to the clinic, a trichologist can conduct a consultation online. Today, many medical Internet portals offer this service. Ask a trichologist a question on our website and the doctor will answer you as soon as possible.

You can find out prices for trichologist services in a specific case by filling out an application on our website. The administrator of our clinic will call you back and provide the necessary information.

Are you worried about hair loss? Have they become brittle and dry? Do you have an itchy head and dandruff? Perhaps you simply do not have enough vitamins or there is some kind of disease occurring in your body, which has resulted in deterioration in the condition of your hair. If the cause is not identified in time and treatment is not started, the consequences can be very serious, including baldness.

According to WHO statistics, alopecia - baldness - is the most common hair pathology. 2/3 of the male population of the entire planet and almost half of all women are familiar with it.

Only a qualified specialist - a dermatologist and trichologist - can correctly identify the cause of your problem and eliminate it.

At the International Medical Center ON CLINIC in Moscow, experienced doctors perform high-quality comprehensive diagnostics and provide effective treatment for any hair and scalp diseases in adults and children.

With us you can also undergo any procedures to restore and strengthen your hair. Our specialists know the most effective modern techniques. The results are noticeable after the first procedure. The maximum result is achieved after the course of treatment.

The cosmetology department of the trichology clinic ON CLINIC uses the most modern specialized equipment.

– a special video camera designed for visual examination of hair and scalp.

Using the Aramo SG device, our specialists:

  • determine the type of skin and hair, the size of the hair follicle;
  • examine the condition along the length, at the root and at the tip;
  • examine the general condition of the scalp;
  • analyze the seboregulatory process.

Based on the diagnostic data, our specialists will give you an accurate diagnosis, thanks to which they will prescribe competent, individually selected treatment. We will not only eliminate the symptoms. We will defeat the source of your problem.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a trichologist?

You should make an appointment with a trichologist at ON CLINIC in Moscow if you notice the following problems:

  • severe hair loss;
  • the appearance of bald spots;
  • itching and flaking of the scalp;
  • dandruff;
  • excessive fat content or, conversely, dryness and brittleness;
  • loss of elasticity, dull hair.

In addition, people with a hereditary predisposition to alopecia, as well as anyone who wants to maintain the beauty and health of their hair, should make an appointment. Preventive measures (mesotherapy, darsonvalization, ozone therapy, trichological massage, etc.) will not only avoid possible problems in the future, but will also contribute to their transformation in the present.

Is hair loss always a disease?

This question cannot be answered without seeing the person, since true hair loss can only be assessed by a trichologist. The condition of the scalp is closely related to the condition of the whole organism. Various changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems, environmental factors (insolation or prolonged exposure to low temperature) affect its condition. Thus, there are hundreds of reasons that can only be determined through personal contact.



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