Theoretical foundations of environmental protection. Centrifugal particle sedimentation


Bachelor's training in the field of

Environmental protection"


"State exam"


The purpose of the final state examination of bachelors in the direction 280 200.62 “Environmental Protection” is to assess the mastery of professional competencies by graduates and competitive selection among persons wishing to master the specialized master’s training program.


The state exam is interdisciplinary in nature and includes the material provided for by the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education for the preparation of bachelors of engineering and technology in the direction 280200.62 (553500) “Environmental Protection” and the OOP MITHT. M.V. Lomonosov.

At the state exam, the student is offered an assignment consisting of three questions reflecting the basic qualification requirements for the disciplines studied. The list includes disciplines:

1. Fundamentals of toxicology.

2. Theoretical foundations of environmental protection.

3. Industrial ecology.

4. Standardization and control in the field of the environment.

5. Economics of environmental management and environmental activities.

Discipline "Fundamentals of toxicology"

Basic concepts of toxicology (harmful substances, xenobiotics, poisons, toxicants; toxicity, danger, risk; poisoning or intoxication). Toxicometry. Toxicometry parameters: average lethal dose and average lethal concentration, threshold for acute exposure to a toxic substance, threshold for chronic exposure to a substance, zones of acute toxic and chronic action of a substance. Sections of toxicology (experimental, professional, clinical, environmental, etc.). Toxicology methods.

General principles for studying the toxicity of substances. Principles of toxicity studies (acute, subacute and chronic) of substances. Types of experimental animals and experimental conditions. Interpretation of the results of experimental studies. Special types of toxic effects of substances (carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, embryo- and fetotoxicity, etc.).

Classification of poisons (or toxicants) and poisonings. Principles of classification of poisons. General classification of poisons: chemical, practical, hygienic, toxicological, according to “selectivity of toxicity”. Special classification: pathophysiological, pathochemical, biological, according to the specific biological consequences of poisoning. Classification of poisoning (“chemical trauma”): etiopathogenetic, clinical and nosological.

Ways of penetration of poisons into the body. Toxico-kinetic features of oral, inhalation and percutaneous poisoning. Distribution of poisons in the body. Deposit.

Factors influencing the distribution of poisons. Volume of distribution as a toxicokinetic characteristic of a toxicant.

Biotransformation of poisons as a process of detoxification of the body. Enzyme systems of biotransformation. General ideas about enzymes. Substrate-enzyme interaction. Specific and nonspecific enzymes. Microsomal and non-microsomal biotransformation enzymes.

Toxic effects. Localization of toxic effects of substances. Mechanisms of toxic action. Combined effects of substances on the body: additive effect, synergism, potentiation, antagonism.

Removal (excretion) of substances from the body. Renal excretion. Other ways of removing substances from the body (through the intestines, through the lungs, through the skin). The immune system as a way to detoxify macromolecules. Intersystem cooperation of detoxification and excretion.

Detoxification methods. Detoxification methods based on knowledge of the toxicological properties of substances. Toxicokinetic method of detoxification (effect on absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion of harmful substances). Toxicodynamic method of detoxification.

Specific chemicals. Air, water, soil pollutants. Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, etc. Solvents; halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons. Insecticides (chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphorus, carbamate, vegetable). Herbicides (chlorophenol, dipyridyl). Polychlorinated biphenyls, dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans, dibenzothiophenes. Specifics of the effects of radioactive substances on the body.

Discipline "Theoretical foundations of environmental protection"

Natural sources of environmental impact (ES). Comparative assessment of factors influencing OS. Concepts and criteria for studying substances: production volume, areas of application, distribution in the environment, stability and degradability, transformations. Concepts and criteria for studying natural environments: atmosphere. Dust and aerosols: characteristics of pollution, occurrence, residence time in the atmosphere. The state of pollution in the atmosphere.

Atmospheric pollution by gases. Issues of release, transport and penetration into the body. Carbon monoxide. Conditions of anthropogenic emissions, physiological characteristics, chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide. Carbon cycling. Models of the possible development of the “greenhouse” effect. Issues of distribution, chemical behavior in the atmosphere, localization and physiological characteristics for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Chlorofluorocarbons. Atmospheric ozone.

Water distribution. Dynamics of water consumption. Assessment of water pollution.

Organic residues. Substances destroyed by microorganisms and changes in the state of water. Stable or difficult to degrade substances.

Surfactants (main types, features of chemical transformation in the hydrosphere). Inorganic residues: (fertilizers, salts, heavy metals). Alkylation processes.

Review of the main methods of water purification. Industry concepts and criteria. Branches of the chemical industry. Wastewater treatment and waste disposal systems.

Lithosphere. Structure and composition of soils. Anthropogenic pollution. Loss of soil nutrients. Soil as an integral part of the landscape and living space. Issues and methods of soil reclamation.

Sources of artificial radionuclides in OS. Radioecology. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Basic concepts and terms. Electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency, HF and microwave ranges. Protective means.

Noise (sound) in the OS. Basic concepts. Noise propagation. Methods for assessing and measuring noise pollution. General methods to reduce noise pollution. The influence of vibration on humans and the environment. Causes and sources of vibrations. Rationing. Carrying out acoustic calculations.


Department of Environmental Engineering Problems


Dean of the Faculty


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WORK PROGRAM of the academic discipline

theoretical foundations of environmental protection

OOP in the direction of training a certified specialist

656600 – Environmental protection

specialty 280202 “Engineering environmental protection”

Qualification – environmental engineer

Faculty of Aircraft

Course 3, semester 6

Lectures 34 hours.

Practical classes: 17 hours.

RGZ 6th semester

Independent work 34 hours

Exam 6 semester

Total: 85 hours


The work program is compiled on the basis of the State educational standard of higher professional education in the field of training of a certified specialist - 656600 - Environmental protection and specialty 280202 - “Engineering environmental protection”

Registration number 165 technical/ds dated March 17, 2000.

Discipline code in the State Educational Standards – SD.01

The discipline “Theoretical Foundations of Environmental Protection” belongs to the federal component.

Discipline code according to the curriculum - 4005

The work program was discussed at a meeting of the Department of Environmental Engineering Problems.

Minutes of the department meeting No. 6-06 dated October 13, 2006

The program was developed

professor, doctor of technical sciences, professor

Head of the department

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Responsible for the main

professor, doctor of technical sciences, professor

1. External requirements

General requirements for education are given in Table 1.

Table 1

State Standards requirements for mandatory minimum


"Theoretical foundations of environmental protection"

Theoretical foundations of environmental protection: physical and chemical foundations of wastewater and waste gas treatment processes and solid waste disposal. Processes of coagulation, flocculation, flotation, adsorption, liquid extraction, ion exchange, electrochemical oxidation and reduction, electrocoagulation and electroflotation, electrodialysis, membrane processes (reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration), precipitation, deodorization and degassing, catalysis, condensation, pyrolysis, remelting, roasting , fire neutralization, high-temperature agglomeration.

Theoretical foundations of environmental protection from energy impacts. The principle of screening, absorption and suppression at the source. Diffusion processes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Dispersion and dilution of impurities in the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Dispersion and dilution of impurities in the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Calculation and dilution methods.

2. Goals and objectives of the course

The main goal is to familiarize students with the physical and chemical principles of neutralizing toxic anthropogenic waste and mastering the initial skills of engineering methods for calculating equipment for neutralizing this waste.

3. Requirements for discipline

The basic requirements for the course are determined by the provisions of the State Educational Standard (SES) in the direction 553500 - environmental protection. In accordance with the State Standards for this area, the work program includes the following main sections:

Section 1. Main environmental pollutants and methods of their neutralization.

Section 2. Fundamentals of calculation of adsorption, mass transfer and catalytic processes.

4. Scope and content of the discipline

The scope of the discipline corresponds to the curriculum approved by the Vice-Rector of NSTU

The name of the topics of lecture classes, their content and volume in hours.

Section 1. Main environmental pollutants and methods of their neutralization (18 hours).

Lecture 1. Anthropogenic pollutants of industrial centers. Water, air and soil pollutants. Formation of nitrogen oxides in combustion processes.

Lecture 2. Basics of calculating the dispersion of impurities in the atmosphere. Coefficients used in contaminant dispersion models. Examples of impurity dispersion calculations.

Lectures 3-4. Methods for cleaning industrial gas emissions. Concept of purification methods: absorption, adsorption, condensation, membrane, thermal, chemical, biochemical and catalytic methods for neutralizing pollutants. Areas of their application. Main technological features and process parameters.

Lecture 5. Wastewater treatment based on separation methods. Purification of wastewater from mechanical impurities: settling tanks, hydrocyclones, filters, centrifuges. Physico-chemical basis for the use of flotation, coagulation, flocculation to remove impurities. Methods for intensifying wastewater treatment processes from mechanical impurities.

Lecture 6. Regenerative methods of wastewater treatment. The concept and physicochemical basis of the methods of extraction, stripping (desorption), distillation and rectification, concentration and ion exchange. Use of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration and adsorption for water purification.

Lectures 7-8. Destructive methods of water purification. The concept of destructive methods. The use of chemical methods for water purification based on the neutralization of acidic and alkaline pollutants, reduction and oxidation (chlorination and ozonation) of impurities. Purification of water by converting pollutants into insoluble compounds (formation of sediments). Biochemical wastewater treatment. Features and mechanism of the cleaning process. Aerotanks and digesters.

Lecture 9. Thermal method of neutralization of wastewater and solid waste. Technological diagram of the process and types of equipment used. The concept of fire neutralization and pyrolysis of waste. Liquid-phase oxidation of waste – concept of the process. Features of activated sludge processing.

Section 2. Fundamentals of calculating adsorption, mass transfer and catalytic processes (16 hours).

Lecture 10. Main types of catalytic and adsorption reactors. Shelf, tube and fluidized bed reactors. Areas of their application for neutralization of gas emissions. Designs of adsorption reactors. Use of moving layers of adsorbent.

Lecture 11. Fundamentals of calculations for gas emissions neutralization reactors. The concept of reaction speed. Hydrodynamics of stationary and fluidized granular layers. Idealized reactor models - ideal mixing and ideal displacement. Derivation of material and heat balance equations for ideal mixing and ideal displacement reactors.

Lecture 12. Processes on porous adsorbent and catalyst granules. Stages of the process of chemical (catalytic) transformation on a porous particle. Diffusion in a porous particle. Molecular and Knudsen diffusion. Derivation of the material balance equation for a porous particle. The concept of the degree of utilization of the internal surface of a porous particle.

Lectures 13-14. Fundamentals of adsorption processes. Adsorption isotherms. Methods for experimental determination of adsorption isotherms (weight, volume and chromatographic methods). Langmuir adsorption equation. Mass and heat balance equations for adsorption processes. Stationary sorption front. The concept of equilibrium and nonequilibrium adsorption. Examples of practical application and calculation of the adsorption process for purifying gases from benzene vapors.

Lecture 15. The mechanism of mass transfer processes. Mass transfer equation. Equilibrium in the liquid-gas system. Henry and Dalton equations. Schemes of adsorption processes. Material balance of mass transfer processes. Derivation of the process operating line equation. Driving force of mass transfer processes. Determination of average driving force. Types of adsorption devices. Calculation of adsorption devices.

Lecture 16. Purification of exhaust gases from mechanical pollutants. Mechanical cyclones. Calculation of cyclones. Selection of cyclone types. Calculation determination of dust collection efficiency.

Lecture 17. Basics of gas purification using electric precipitators. Physical basis for trapping mechanical impurities by electric precipitators. Calculation equations for assessing the efficiency of electric precipitators. Basics of designing electrostatic precipitators. Methods for increasing the efficiency of trapping mechanical particles by electric precipitators.

Total hours (lectures) – 34 hours.

The name of the topics of practical classes, their content and volume in hours.

1. Methods for cleaning gas emissions from toxic compounds (8 hours), including:

a) catalytic methods (4 hours);

b) adsorption methods (2 hours);

c) gas purification using cyclones (2 hours).

2. Basics of calculating reactors for gas neutralization (9 hours):

a) calculation of catalytic reactors based on ideal mixing and ideal displacement models (4 hours);

b) calculation of adsorption devices for gas purification (3 hours);

c) calculation of electric precipitators to capture mechanical pollutants (2 hours).


Total hours (practical classes) – 17 hours

Name of topics for calculation and graphic tasks

1) Determination of the hydraulic resistance of the fixed granular layer of the catalyst (1 hour).

2) Study of fluidization regimes for granular materials (1 hour).

3) Study of the process of thermal neutralization of solid waste in a fluidized bed reactor (2 hours).

4) Determination of the adsorption capacity of sorbents to capture gaseous pollutants (2 hours).


Total (calculation and graphic tasks) – 6 hours.

4. Forms of control

4.1. Protection of calculation and graphic tasks.

4.2. Defense of abstracts on course topics.

4.3. Questions for the exam.

1. Fundamentals of absorption processes for gas purification. Types of absorbers. Basics of calculation of absorbers.

2. Designs of catalytic reactors. Tubular, adiabatic, with a fluidized bed, with radial and axial gas flow, with moving layers.

3. Distribution of emissions from pollution sources.

4. Adsorption processes for gas purification. Technological schemes of adsorption processes.

5. Wastewater treatment by oxidizing impurities with chemical reagents (chlorination, ozonation).

6. Diffusion in a porous granule. Molecular and Knudsen diffusion.

7. Conditioning methods of gas purification.

8. Thermal disposal of solid waste. Types of decontamination furnaces.

9. Equation of an ideal mixing reactor.

10. Membrane methods for gas purification.

11. Hydrodynamics of fluidized granular beds.

12. Fluidization conditions.

13. Basics of aerosol capture by electric precipitators. Factors influencing the effectiveness of their work.

14. Thermal neutralization of gases. Thermal neutralization of gases with heat recovery. Types of thermal decontamination furnaces.

15. Fundamentals of extraction wastewater treatment processes.

16. Model of a plug-flow reactor.

17. Fundamentals of chemical methods of gas purification (irradiation of electron flows, ozonation)

18. Hydrodynamics of stationary granular layers.

19. Equilibrium in the “liquid - gas” system.

20. Biochemical gas purification. Biofilters and bioscrubers.

21. Biochemical purification - the basics of the process. Aerotanks, metatanks.

22. Idealized models of catalytic reactors. Material and heat balances.

23. Types of wastewater pollutants. Classification of cleaning methods (separation, regenerative and destructive methods).

24. Adsorption front. Equilibrium adsorption. Stationary adsorption front.

25. Dust collection equipment - cyclones. Cyclone calculation sequence.

26. Methods for separating mechanical impurities: settling tanks, hydrocyclones, filters, centrifuges).

27. Concentration - as a method of wastewater treatment.

28. Adsorption front. Equilibrium adsorption. Stationary adsorption front.

29. Fundamentals of flotation, coagulation, flocculation.

30. Heat (mass) exchange during adsorption.

31. Sequence of calculation of a packed absorber.

32. Physical principles of intensification of wastewater treatment processes (magnetic, ultrasonic methods).

33. Transformation processes on a porous particle.

34. Sequence of calculations of adsorbers.

35. Desorption is a method of removing volatile impurities from wastewater.

36. Adsorption wastewater treatment.

37. The concept of the degree of utilization for catalyst particles.

38. Distribution of emissions from pollution sources.

39. Distillation and rectification in wastewater treatment.

40. Nonequilibrium adsorption.

41. Reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration.

42. Adsorption isotherms. Methods for determining adsorption isotherms (weight, volume, chromatography).

43. Fundamentals of liquid-phase oxidation of wastewater under pressure.

44. Driving force of mass transfer processes.

45. Wastewater treatment by neutralization, recovery, sedimentation.

46. ​​Equations of thermal and material balance of the adsorber.

47. Dust collection equipment - cyclones. Cyclone calculation sequence.

48. Biochemical purification - the basics of the process. Aerotanks, metatanks.

49. Basics of aerosol capture by electric precipitators. Factors influencing the effectiveness of their work.

1. Equipment, structures, fundamentals of designing chemical and technological processes, protecting the biosphere from industrial emissions. M., Chemistry, 1985. 352 p.

2. . . Maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the environment. L. Chemistry, 1985.

3. B. Bretschneider, I. Kurfurst. Protection of the air basin from pollution. L. Chemistry, 1989.

4. . Neutralization of industrial emissions by afterburning. M. Energoatomizdat, 1986.

5., etc. Industrial wastewater treatment. M. Stroyizdat, 1970, 153 p.

6., etc. Industrial wastewater treatment. Kyiv, Tekhnika, 1974, 257 p.

7. . . Wastewater treatment in the chemical industry. L, Chemistry, 1977, 464 p.

8. AL. Titov, . Disposal of industrial waste: M. Stroyizdat, 1980, 79 p.

9. , . The impact of thermal power plants on the environment and ways to reduce the damage caused. Novosibirsk, 1990, 184 p.

10. . Theoretical foundations of environmental protection (lecture notes). IC SB RAS - NSTU, 2001. – 97s.

Theoretical foundations of technological processes for environmental protection

1. General characteristics of methods for protecting the environment from industrial pollution

Environmental protection is an integral part of the concept of sustainable development of human society, which means long-term continuous development that meets the needs of living people without compromising the needs of future generations. The concept of sustainable development will not be able to be realized unless specific action programs are developed to prevent environmental pollution, which also include organizational, technical and technological developments for the development of resource-, energy-saving and low-waste technologies, the reduction of gas emissions and liquid discharges, processing and disposal household waste, reducing the energy impact on the environment, improving and using environmental protection measures.

Organizational and technical methods of environmental protection can be divided into active and passive methods. Active methods of environmental protection represent technological solutions to create resource-saving and low-waste technologies.

Passive methods of environmental protection are divided into two subgroups:

rational placement of pollution sources;

localization of pollution sources.

Rational placement presupposes the territorial rational placement of economic objects, reducing the burden on the environment, and localization is essentially the phlegmatization of sources of pollution and a means of reducing their emissions. Localization is achieved by using various environmental technologies, technical systems and devices.

Many environmental technologies are based on physical and chemical transformations. In physical processes, only the shape, size, state of aggregation and other physical properties of substances change. Their structure and chemical composition are preserved. Physical processes dominate in dust collection processes, processes of physical absorption and adsorption of gases, wastewater purification from mechanical impurities and in other similar cases. Chemical processes change the chemical composition of the stream being processed. With their help, toxic components of gas emissions, liquid and solid waste, and wastewater are converted into non-toxic ones.

Chemical phenomena in technological processes often develop under the influence of external conditions (pressure, volume, temperature, etc.) in which the process is implemented. In this case, there are transformations of some substances into others, changes in their surface, interphase properties and a number of other phenomena of a mixed (physical and chemical) nature.

The set of interconnected chemical and physical processes occurring in a material substance is called physicochemical, borderline between physical and chemical processes. Physicochemical processes are widely used in environmental technologies (dust and gas collection, wastewater treatment, etc.).

A specific group consists of biochemical processes - chemical transformations that occur with the participation of living nature. Biochemical processes form the basis of life

all living organisms of flora and fauna. A significant part of the agricultural production and food industry, for example biotechnology, is based on their use. The product of biotechnological transformations occurring with the participation of microorganisms are substances of inanimate nature. The theoretical foundations of environmental technology, based on the general laws of physical and colloidal chemistry, thermodynamics, hydro- and aerodynamics, study the physicochemical essence of the main processes of environmental technologies. Such a systematic approach to environmental processes allows us to make generalizations on the theory of such processes and apply a unified methodological approach to them.

Depending on the main patterns characterizing the course of environmental processes, the latter are divided into the following groups:



mass transfer,



thermal processes;


processes complicated by a chemical reaction.

Processes of protection from energy impacts are included in a separate group, mainly based on the principles of reflection and absorption of excess energy from the main technological processes of environmental management.

Mechanical processes, the basis of which is mechanical action on solid and amorphous materials, include grinding (crushing), sorting (classification), pressing and mixing of bulk materials. The driving force behind these processes is mechanical pressure or centrifugal force.

To hydromechanical processes, the basis of which is a hydrostatic or hydromechanical effect on media and materials,

include stirring, settling (sedimentation), filtration, centrifugation. The driving force behind these processes is hydrostatic pressure or centrifugal force.

Mass transfer (diffusion) processes, in which, along with heat transfer, the transition of a substance from one phase to another due to diffusion plays an important role, include absorption, adsorption, desorption, extraction, rectification, drying and crystallization. The driving force of these processes is the difference in the concentrations of the transferring substance in the interacting phases.

Chemical processes that occur with changes in the physical properties and chemical composition of the starting substances are characterized by the transformation of some substances into others, a change in their surface and interfacial properties. These processes include the processes of neutralization, oxidation and reduction. The driving force of chemical processes is the difference in chemical (thermodynamic) potentials.

Physicochemical processes are characterized by an interconnected set of chemical and physical processes. Physico-chemical separation processes, the basis of which are physico-chemical transformations of substances, include coagulation and flocculation, flotation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration, deodorization and degassing, electrochemical methods, in particular, electrical gas purification. The driving force of these processes is the difference in physical and thermodynamic potentials of the separated components at the phase boundaries.

Thermal processes, the basis of which is a change in the thermal state of interacting media, include heating, cooling, evaporation and condensation. The driving force of these processes is the difference in temperatures (thermal potentials) of the interacting media.

Biochemical processes, which are based on catalytic enzymatic reactions of the biochemical transformation of substances during the life of microorganisms, are characterized by the occurrence of biochemical reactions and the synthesis of substances at the level of a living cell. The driving force of these processes is the energy level (potential) of living organisms.

This classification is not rigid and unchangeable. In reality, many processes are complicated by the occurrence of adjacent parallel processes. For example, mass transfer and chemical processes are often accompanied by thermal processes. Thus, rectification, drying and crystallization can be classified as combined heat and mass transfer processes. The processes of absorption and adsorption are often accompanied by chemical transformations. The chemical processes of neutralization and oxidation can be simultaneously considered as mass transfer processes. Biochemical processes are simultaneously accompanied by heat and mass transfer, and physicochemical processes are accompanied by mass transfer processes.

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