Temperature of drops in the ear before instillation. Correct procedure for instilling drops into the ears

Drops, no matter what they are intended for, are medicine. They are usually used for diseases of the eyes, nose and ears. These organs are vital for a person and the medicine should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, especially if a newborn child needs to be treated and instilled with drops.

Modern medicines for instillation they usually have a special dropper cap, which is convenient to use. But if it is not there, at the same time as purchasing the drug, you should also take care of purchasing a pipette. It should be remembered that pipettes for the ears, eyes and nose are mandatory must be separate.

It is very difficult for small children to put drops on their eyes, ears or nose; the child does not understand and is scared, but let's try to do it together.

General rules for preparing and carrying out the drop instillation procedure

  • If you have to use a pipette, first place it in a glass container and pour boiling water over it;
  • Prepare a few balls of clean cotton wool;
  • When instilled, you will only need 2-3 drops of the medicine, so you should not fill the pipette completely to avoid an overdose. Dial up the required volume and make sure that drops do not fall into the rubber part, but to do this, hold it vertically.

Important to know!

Medicines intended for instillation should not be cold. This is especially true for ear and eye drops. Before use, they must be warmed at least until normal temperature bodies. If the drops are packaged in an ampoule, you can hold them in your hands for a while. If the drops are in large volume, then you can take a small container (for example, a teaspoon) and lower it into hot water. While the spoon remains warm, pour a few drops of medicine into it, which will take heat from it. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to overheat the drops, which may lose their quality due to exposure to temperature.

Step-by-step procedure for putting eye drops

  1. Newborn babies are usually placed on their backs; older children can have eye drops placed in a sitting position.
  2. Use your fingers to spread your eyelids apart as follows: With your index finger, pull the eyelid slightly upward, and thumb, with cotton wool placed under it, pull the lower eyelid slightly down.
  3. With your free hand, use a pipette to inject 1-2 drops of the medicine into the inside of the lower eyelid (or closer to the temporal corner of the eye, or closer to the nose).
  4. Hold on short time hand on a closed eyelid so that the child does not open it. This will increase the effectiveness of the medicine.
  5. Rub the eye with light movements in the direction from the temple to the nose.

Watch a video on how to put drops in a child's eyes:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

On topic:

Place drops in the ear

  1. Pre-clean the ear canal with a cotton swab.
  2. Place the child on his side, with the affected ear facing up.
  3. Take a few drops of medicine. Remember: the medicine for instillation in the ears must be warm.
  4. Pull back auricle slightly down and perpendicular to the head.
  5. Place as many drops into your ear as prescribed by your doctor and cover it with cotton wool for a while.

Video on how to properly place drops in a child’s ears:

Putting medicine in the nose

You can bury drops in the nose of small children in a lying position, half-sitting or sitting with their head thrown back. This procedure is best done with an assistant.

  1. Pre-clean your nasal passages infant from mucus using a small syringe. Older children just need to blow their nose ( Reading ).
  2. Place a small amount of medication into a pipette.
  3. When instilling the left half of the nose, tilt the child's head to the right and vice versa.
  4. Inject 2-3 drops into the nose, being careful not to touch the nasal passage with the pipette, so as not to cause pain in case the child makes a sudden movement.
  5. Leave the baby's head in the same position for a short time so that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the nasal mucosa.
  6. Also instill drops into the other nasal passage.

See the article on how to properly bury a newborn's nose

Our children often get sick. And sometimes one of our main organs, the ears, is susceptible to disease. The doctor will tell you after the diagnosis how to treat the baby, what drug to choose in each specific case, and how long to continue treatment. accurate diagnosis. But doctors are usually silent about how to properly put drops in your ears. And this is not at all due to their illiteracy, but simply due to lack of time. Therefore, many mothers, faced with similar problem, are in a completely confused state. After all, many of them have heard that the slightest mistake when treating the ears can cause a worsening of the condition. This article will discuss exactly how to properly instill drops into the ears of children of different ages.

Ear pain problem

Sore ears are extremely important question. Moreover, diagnose specific disease Only a doctor can. After all, children's ears can hurt due to various reasons, starting from the banal “blown”, ending with more terrible diseases. And in vain, many mothers believe that the ear is very easy to treat, the main thing is to use the good old method of grandmothers, namely, applying a compress or putting it in the ear camphor oil. In fact quality treatment can only be achieved if you follow the doctor’s recommendations, do not self-medicate and know how to properly place drops in your baby’s ears.

General rules

There are a number general rules which must be followed when instilling any medicine into the baby’s ears. These include the following recommendations.

Firstly, hygiene. Before starting the procedure, your hands should be clean and washed with soap.

Secondly, each type of medicine should have its own pipette.

Thirdly, accuracy. When starting to drop medicine into your child's ears, make sure that the dropper does not touch sore ear, especially since there is no need to insert it deeply.

Fourth, if your medicine is sold without a pipette, be sure to buy a new pipette and rinse it well after each use boiled water and dry.

And fifth, if your baby has been prescribed several products for instillation into the ears, then remember that they must be used in a certain order, observing an instillation interval of 15 minutes.

Instillation of drops in children over 8 years old

After the baby grows up and reaches the age of 8-10 years, treatment for his ears will be slightly different from treatment for children younger age. Therefore, parents should understand that it is best to follow certain instructions and drip the medicine correctly in order to achieve the desired result.

Instilling drops in a small child

You need to be extremely careful with small children. This point of treatment is the most important. Do not forget that babies also have differences in the structure of the auricle. So, the rules for instilling medicine into the ears of babies:

  1. Clean the ear with a small damp swab.
  2. Place the baby on his side so that he is as comfortable as possible and does not roll around.
  3. Place a few drops of the medicine in a special pipette. Just remember to reheat it in the same way as described above.
  4. Gently grasp the shell of your baby's ear and pull it down to help the medicine flow through your baby's ear.
  5. Carefully, without inserting the pipette deeply, drop the medicine.
  6. Cover the ear with a cotton pad and let the baby lie there for 10-15 minutes.

If you follow all the rules and instill the medicine into your baby’s ears correctly, you will not only be able to cure the baby, but also not harm him with your inept actions.

As is known, doctors prescribe ear drops to their patients to treat inflammatory diseases. And although today there are many high-quality and effective drugs, it will simply be impossible to get the desired effect from therapy if the instillation process is not performed correctly. And although it may seem to many that there is nothing complicated in this matter, in reality everything is a little different. There are a number of features that must be taken into account when instilling in the ear, eyes and nose.

Procedure for an adult

The treatment process for an adult and a child is always different. The same applies to the process of ear drops. To instill the drug in an adult, you must adhere to the following action plan:

Here's a video on how to properly place drops in your ears:

Procedure for a child

The process of instilling drops small child different from treating an adolescent. It is important to take into account some nuances here. The process of instillation into the ears includes the following plan of action:

How to give yourself a drop

If you do not have a person who could help you in this matter, then you can try to perform the manipulation yourself. To do this, you must follow the following action plan:

What reviews about Dancil ear drops currently exist and how positive they are, information from this article will help you understand:

What inexpensive ear drops for otitis media are the most popular and effective are described in this

Nasal drops

When instilling the nose, you must first clear the nasal passage of mucus. It is also important to wash your hands with soap and water. It is necessary to perform the manipulation with an assistant, as this will reduce the likelihood of errors.

After this, be sure to check the expiration date of the drug used. Pipette the medicine in the amount prescribed by your doctor. Turn your head towards your shoulder and pull it back slightly. Make sure that the desired nasal passage is higher.

Video of putting drops in your nose:

Now you can send the medicine directly into the nasal passage. Press the wing of the nostril with your fingers and stay in this position for several minutes. Similar actions carry out with the other nasal passage.

Eye drops

If you need to use eye drops, the first step is to thoroughly wash your hands under running water and soap. Then read the instructions to check if the information matches what the doctor indicated in the prescription. Also check the expiration date of the medicine.

Now you can draw the medicine into the pipette. As a rule, the dosage is 2-3 drops for each eye. The manipulation must be carried out in sitting position. And the patient himself should look up, moving his head back. Place the pipette at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the eye. The pipette must be kept at a level of 2 cm from the eye.

But what drops in the ears should be used for inflammation and what their name is, is described in this

Video of eye drops:

Now you have to pull back the lower eyelid and send the drops into the conjunctival fold. Make sure that the pipette does not touch the eyelashes. Once everything is done with one eye, you can move on to the other. Upon completion of the manipulation, you need to close your eyes and wet them with a cotton swab. Lie down like this for 5-10 minutes so that the medicine has time to penetrate into the desired area, and then you can move on to your usual activities.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are going to drop drops - to treat diseases of the nose, ears or eyes. It is important to know how to do this correctly. Each procedure has its own characteristics, if followed, you can get quick and maximum results. therapeutic effect. Of course, it is best that you have an assistant in this matter. But if this does not happen, then you can instill the drops yourself if you strictly follow the plan described above. This will increase the effectiveness of the manipulation and improve healing effect from the drops used. You will find the link.

Ear diseases– people problem of different ages. Pain indicates the presence of damage to one of the departments. Sometimes it is reflexive in nature, but in any case, medical help is required. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it may happen.

Ear pain, what does the symptom indicate?

The cause of the discomfort may be a small scratch in the outer ear, for example. Pain is also a sign of certain diseases:

  • . The sensations in this case are sharp and often arise against the background weak immunity. In addition to pain, the temperature may rise and appear. In children it may be accompanied by a runny nose.
  • . Painful sensations very strong, since bacteria attack the ear cartilage. Often a consequence illnesses suffered. Combined with dense swelling. Sometimes .
  • . Another reason acute pain. In the process, inflammation of the mastoid process occurs. Combined with increased body temperature and ear pain.

The causes of pain can be not only, but also enlarged lymph nodes, excess earwax, pathology of neighboring organs.

First aid

What can you put in for ear pain?

It is allowed to rinse the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide. It not only has a positive effect on the inflamed area, but also dissolves well. A few drops in this case will be enough. Don't forget to cover your ear with cotton wool.

Helps and camphor alcohol. It is diluted in a 1:1 ratio and reduces pain. This medicine has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Camphor alcohol will also help relieve swelling.

The most popular drops for ear pain

If it's pawned

Review of the most popular drugs

The following drops have an antimicrobial effect:

NameActive ingredientPeculiarities
TsipromedciprofloxacinThe antibiotic destroys most known bacteria. Five drops are instilled three times a day.
OtofarifampicinHelps with coccal microflora. The medicine is effective even when others antibacterial drugs powerless. Allowed for use if integrity is compromised eardrum.
NormaxnorfloxacinCan be used for prophylactic purposes after surgery.

Anti-inflammatory compounds include steroidal and non-steroidal drugs. The latter reduce swelling and pain. Steroids have antishock and antiallergic effects.

A bright representative non-steroidal drugs is " ". It is effective for otitis media and myringitis. Relief occurs within a few minutes. Since the drug does not enter the bloodstream, it can be used to treat ear diseases in children.

Among combination drugs There is

  • " ". It contains antibiotics and hormones. Has a countercurrent, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • "Combinil-Duo". Used to combat any opportunistic microflora.
  • "Anauran." Stops the development of most bacteria. It contains two antibiotics and an antiseptic.

Folk recipes

Onions have an antibacterial effect. You need to warm the pipette in boiling water, and then immediately take 3-4 drops of onion and drop it in. Additionally, apply a cotton swab dipped in juice. For deep otitis media, the procedure is repeated several times.

Sophora can also be used. You need to take 100 grams of the plant, chop it and pour vodka (0.5 l). Leave in a dark place for a month. Then you need to instill the tincture into your ears. It helps quickly, including relieving pain.

Used in folk medicine and laurel. To do this, take five sheets, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil. Warm decoction is instilled in 8 drops. Additionally, you can drink 2-3 tablespoons. The course of treatment is 5 days.

How to use hydrogen peroxide for ear diseases:

Features of treatment for children

The drugs are instilled in the supine position. Shade the ear a little to the side. Then use a pipette to drop required quantity medicines. Try to make sure that the baby lies down for 10-15 minutes.

How to put drops in the ear


Do not use ear drops if hypersensitivity To active components. Read the instructions carefully. If the doctor has determined that the eardrum is ruptured, then the list possible medications decreases. Not recommended for problems with inner ear instill oil-based drops.

Please note that after using the medicine your ear may become blocked. There are several reasons for this:

  • temporarily blocking the passage with a dose of medicine,
  • swelling of the ear secretion,

If you encounter side effects, get medical help immediately.

Advantages and Disadvantages

TO on the positive side The fact is that most of these medications act locally. They relieve inflammation, but practically do not enter the bloodstream. Some formulations contain pain-relieving ingredients. They begin to act very quickly, so after about 5 minutes the pain subsides.

Ear diseases occur in both adults and children. Of course, children are most susceptible to them early age, since their immune system does not always effectively cope with a variety of colds and infections. Most often, ear lesions are various inflammatory diseases such as the formation of wax plugs. All of them can be treated quite effectively and quickly by instilling special drops.

Before you learn how to put drops into your ear correctly, you need to understand why exactly they can be considered the most effective means for the treatment of various ear diseases.

Drops most quickly and efficiently deliver the essential active substance medicinal product to the source, since the liquid simply flows down the ear canal and begins to act immediately after entering the ear. It is very convenient to use the drops - the bottle with the drug usually has a built-in pipette or dropper. The remaining medicine can simply be closed with the included stopper and stored throughout the treatment.

Unlike or, drops act locally, and not on the entire body, and cannot harm it.

The main advantage of the drops is that they can be used by all patients, even the smallest who categorically refuse to take tablets, and the elderly who have difficulty swallowing.Local application active substance helps to achieve maximum results in a fairly short time.

Effective ear drops: types and description

There are many different ear drops available with in different directions actions:

  • Boric alcohol and – means that disinfect the ear canal and have a local warming effect.
  • – perfectly softens sulfur plugs and disinfects the ear canal, helps to clean the ear well if there is a lot of hard and dense wax that is difficult to remove.
  • contain carbolic acid and have a powerful disinfectant effect.
  • Sofradex has a pronounced antibacterial effect, which precludes its use for viral or fungal causes of the disease.
  • Otinum, Tsipromed, Otofa also fight bacterial infection. Their prescription can only be made by a doctor knowledgeable about the nature ear disease patient, always taking into account the patient’s age, since some drugs are prohibited for young children.

How to put drops in an adult's ear

When the diagnosis is already known and prescribed necessary remedy, you can start digging. Sometimes there is a need for pre-cleaning ear canal. This should be done as delicately as possible, trying to remove dirt only from external areas. If the procedure causes discomfort, refuse it.

The most important condition for how to properly instill drops into the ear is pre-heating the product before the procedure. Cold drops are very unpleasant, and they can also aggravate inflammatory process. The easiest way is to heat them in a container with warm water. If peroxide is dropped into the ear to dissolve wax and disinfect, it can be left at room temperature. Boric alcohol should be pleasantly warm, so the warming process will begin faster.

The procedure for instilling drops into the ear:

  • The patient is placed on his side, sore ear should be at the top.
  • The shell of the ear is pulled up and to the side, the required amount of the drug is drawn into the pipette, or the built-in dropper is used and the number of drops prescribed by the doctor is instilled.
  • You need to drip so that the medicine flows down the ear canal.
  • You can close the treated ear with a cotton swab, especially if you also need to treat the second ear.
  • You need to roll over to the other side or get up no earlier than after 2–3 minutes, and even better, if possible, lie on your side for 10–15 minutes.

After the patient gets up, he may experience discomfort caused by fluid in the ear. This may include slight dizziness, loss of balance, a feeling of discomfort and other symptoms. In this case, you should recommend that the patient lie down quietly or sit in a comfortable, relaxed position.

How to put drops in a child's ear

Unlike an adult, to whom the importance and painlessness of the instillation procedure can be clearly explained, the baby must first be reassured. You can distract him with a toy, explaining that the bunny (bear, doll) has pain in his ears, and showing him what you will do for them. After the child has calmed down, he needs to be carefully placed on his side, with the sore ear facing upward, and continue to talk about your actions so that they do not come as a surprise to him.

If necessary, the ear can be cleaned before instillation. In young children, it is better to do this with a cotton swab rather than a stick. If a child accidentally shakes his head, he can damage the ear canal or even. If the baby resists and screams, it hurts, there is no need to insist, the drops will help clean the ear.All ear drops must be well heated. If your baby is nervous, drop a little on his hand, let him understand that the drops do not burn or bite.

After this, carefully pull the child’s ear down and to the side, carefully drop 3 to 5 drops along the wall of the ear canal (as prescribed by the doctor).

If the drops are warming or the baby is very mobile, it is better to close the ear canal with cotton wool. There is no need to try to push it deep into the ear canal, just cover it. With and others inflammatory diseases It’s good to make “bunny ears” from cotton fabric and warm filling, explaining them as a game. Kids love these headbands and are comfortable with them. They also play the role of additional local heating and help get rid of the disease faster.

More information on how to properly place drops in a child’s ears can be found in the video.



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