Strange things guys do when we don't see them. Dirty things men do in private

Perhaps few people think about the fact that sometimes the most ordinary things keep secrets, and not always decent ones. We use an object for years without thinking about its origin and are amazed to learn its true nature and history of appearance.

Get reacquainted with things that are well known to everyone and we guarantee that from now on you will look at them completely differently.

1. Bun

The sweet bun, well known to all of us, has a very ancient history. Even in pre-Christian times, these baked goods were baked for ritual purposes to ensure fertility for their lands. Butter rolls received sacred significance in rituals due to their shape - in the form of female genital organs, which are directly related to fertility.

2. Bagel

During fertility holidays, this bun symbolized masculinity. Most often, bagels were baked for the wedding table, but not everyone was treated to them, but only the groom and his unmarried friends. It is quite logical that the bride and her bridesmaids were treated to buns at this time.

3. Indian symbol "yoni"

Many tourists, having spent their holidays in India, return home with numerous souvenirs. Various exotic symbols printed on pendants, bracelets and earrings are especially popular among our vacationers. Often the symbol depicted on the product turns out to be not very decent, like this “yoni” symbol depicting the female genital organ.

4. Heart

The well-known symbol of tender feelings, the heart, turns out to be not as romantic a symbol as is commonly believed. In ancient Rome it was often painted on walls and fences, but it did not mean spiritual languor, but baser feelings. To put it simply, what we consider today to be the heart is not at all similar to this organ because since ancient times it has symbolized the head of the penis.

5. Angkh

The souvenir industry has convinced us that the ancient Egyptian symbol of the ankh, which many call the Coptic cross, means rebirth, resurrection, the triumph of life. This is absolutely true, but few people know what these associations are connected with.

It turns out that in Ancient Egypt this cross with a loop first meant the penis of the main creator deity, and later - the penis of the god Osiris. After Seth killed his brother, he cut up his body and scattered it on the ground. Isis collected all the parts except the phallus, which she had to fashion from clay. It is with this lost part of the god that the angkh is associated.

6. Meringue

The French name for this confection is "baiser". This word was previously interpreted as “kiss”, but modernity makes its own adjustments. In modern French youth slang, “bizet” means nothing more than sexual intercourse, writes

Talking dirty is a great way to bond with your partner and take your relationship in bed to the next level. To master obscenities, you must gradually try using them in an intimate setting and learn to feel comfortable doing so. Talk about your movements in bed in a provocative way. With a little practice, you can add more passion to your intimate relationships by using dirty words.


Start talking dirty

    Work on your voice. Before you start talking dirty, change the tone of your voice a little to make it sound more conducive to sexual conversation. Try speaking slowly and softly. Don't use the same tone of voice you use to ask if he or she has taken out the trash; find notes of sexuality in it.

    Start with gentle sounds. Before moving directly to obscenity, make moans and sighs, demonstrating the pleasure you are receiving. If this is actually the case, then great! If not, try adapting your voice to the situation, using it in the same way you use your body in the bedroom.

    • Encourage your lover to also make some sounds if he is still silent; you don't have to do this alone.
  1. Give a few compliments. Start small. Tell your lover how great he looks or how good he is in bed. Just say, "You look amazing without a shirt" or "It's so good to be with you right now." You can compliment some part of his body, such as “Your arms are so muscular” or “I can’t get enough of your legs.” Just let your lover feel sexy.

    Start using vulgarities in a mild form. Take a step forward by initiating dirty conversation. This doesn't mean you have to say any words from a porn movie. This means you can start talking about how much fun you're experiencing and what needs to happen in order for you to achieve the movie's PG-13 enjoyment rating. Here are some phrases.

    • "I want you so much."
    • "I've wanted you all day."
    • "You smell so good."
    • "I've been waiting for this moment so much."
    • "You look so sexy right now."
    • "You always know what turns me on."
  2. Don't think of it as a performance. The easiest way to feel awkward is to try to talk dirty in a way that makes you feel like you're playing for the audience. There is no right way to say obscene words; you must express your feelings sincerely. Don't say things you don't want to say or things that make you feel uncomfortable.

Be as specific as possible

    Tell:“I love it when you (verb) my (body part).” This is the perfect wording of the desired action that will definitely turn your partner on. There are many verbs and body parts you could insert into this phrase to excite your partner. Here are some easy options, although you can use more intimate phrases:

    • "I love it when you kiss my neck."
    • "I love it when you touch my thighs."
    • "I love it when you lick my ear."
    • "I love it when you rub my back."
    • Of course, you can change the places of the words used in this case. For example, such a sentence can be changed into: “It’s so nice when you (verb) my (body part).”
  1. Play the game. Describe what is happening and how exactly it is happening. Imagine yourself in the shoes of a sports commentator, and you and your lover are the only players on the team. Just say “I love it when...” or “It feels so good when...” and add the desired action to add more fun to the experience. Talking about what is happening in the present moment will make you feel twice as good. Here are some phrases you can say:

    • "I love being on top."
    • "I love watching you take off your shirt."
    • "I love kissing your neck."
    • "I love getting naked for you."
  2. Ask if your lover likes what you do. While caressing and touching him, ask if your lover likes what you are doing. You don't have to constantly ask, "Do you like this?" Instead, try to combine words with process by asking your lover if he/she likes your actions. Here are some phrases you can say:

    • “Do you like it when I touch you here?”
    • “Do you like it when I kiss you like this?”
    • “Do you like it when I stroke you here?”
  3. Talk about how excited you are. Don't be afraid to tell your lover how good you are with him. Even the simple phrase “I'm so horny” can have an effect. Your partner will definitely get turned on by this phrase. You can give specific information about how you feel right now, and even show off your private parts as evidence.

    Continue to combine words with actions. When pronouncing vulgarities, remember that each time you need to look for new words to excite your partner. Don't use one well-worn phrase, but use your verbal arsenal to the maximum. Try to be as resourceful as possible.

    • You shouldn’t simply tell your lover that you feel good, tell him in which part of the body you feel good. Your partner must know that you are so excited that you can feel it even with your fingertips.
  4. Tell him about your sexual fantasy. Sexual fantasies are a great excuse for dirty talk. Tell your lover about your most kinky sexual fantasy. Talk freely about your fantasies if you are comfortable with each other. Tell your lover everything you've ever wanted to do and see if it turns him on.

    • Proceed with caution. If this is a truly kinky fantasy, then you might want to make sure that you and your lover are truly comfortable with each other before you start talking about it.
  5. Tell your lover about your orgasm. Just tell him that you are having an orgasm or feel one coming. This will excite both of you even more and add even more pleasure when it happens.

    Give orders to your lover. Don't be afraid to dominate him a little. Tell her/him exactly what he/she should do to you and watch how he fulfills your desires. You can start with something as simple as “Take off my shirt” or “Take off my pants” and use your imagination while making love.

    • Don't be afraid to be a little aggressive. Play the role of his boss and tell him exactly what your partner should do to you.
    • You can give orders one by one. First be an unyielding boss and then become submissive and fulfill all your lover's wishes.

Speak obscenities wisely

  1. Make sure you and your partner feel comfortable saying dirty words. Although vulgarity is an enjoyable part of the game during sex for many couples, not everyone feels comfortable with it. You shouldn't force your partner if he doesn't like it. By being too persistent, you provoke your partner to do it “for show,” but he won’t really be aroused.

    • Also, it's normal if your partner likes the dirty words you say but doesn't say them back. If you only like to say dirty words if your partner responds in kind, then it might make sense to avoid communicating at that level altogether. However, it is quite acceptable to use vulgarity in bed, even if it is a one-sided game.
  2. Set boundaries. While you and your partner will obviously not discuss this the first time you use dirty words in bed, boundaries should still be set. Of course, your first hints of dirty talk in bed will begin spontaneously, but at some point you both need to make it clear exactly what words may be unpleasant for you.

    • Don't stop and get angry if your lover says something unpleasant to you during sex. Just say, "Please don't say that again." If he does not listen to your requests, then in this case you can interrupt the process.
    • If you're too embarrassed to say what you don't like right now, then say it after sex. Make sure your lover hears you.
  3. Don't confuse sex play with everyday life. Don't take seriously the things your lover says during sexual play. Just because your girlfriend/boyfriend allows you to say certain things in bed or call her/him certain things doesn't mean you can call her/him that way in everyday life.

    • Note that you and your lover take on certain roles in bed, but these roles may not reflect your relationship in reality.
  4. Choose your words wisely. When it comes to dirty talk, it's a good idea to use common sense and avoid using words that might offend your partner until you've both set boundaries. Start small and watch your partner's reaction. This way you can understand what he/she likes and what he/she doesn’t. You don't want to upset the person or hurt them by saying something demeaning or offensive.

  • Obscenity shouldn't be hard. Just start thinking about what you like about your partner and then tell him what you're thinking about. This is a good start that will lead you to a hot ending.
  • Remember that dirty talk is only appropriate when you have mutual feelings for each other. You will look like a pervert if you want to use dirty words on a first date.
  • Don't know what words to use or still feel awkward? "Dirty" phrases should not include "bad" words. Try simply moaning to let your partner know how good you feel. Or try something as simple as, “Oh yeah!” or “I like it when you do that.” Changes in your voice will do the trick.

You did it. Both your dad and his grandfather (if showers still existed back then). All because it is a sin to refuse nature when it calls.


What is natural is not ugly. However, afterward, do not forget to restore your appearance to neatness, check that everything is in order, and wash your hands with soap. And no selfies.

Smell from the mouth

What do you do immediately after smelling bad odor from your own mouth? That's right: you do it again.


No one doubts the sterile purity of your sexual organ. True, shaking an unwashed hand after an act of relief is still disgusting.


An old student rule: anything that is picked up quickly is not considered to have fallen. Is it true?


You've been keeping it to yourself for so long. Besides, it would be a sin not to take advantage of the opportunity if there is a whole crowd of you here.

Adult games

A public toilet is for you-know-what. Therefore, please do not do obscene things there anymore while looking at images of your favorite porn actresses.

Erection during a rally

If you could control every cell in your body (not like your entire sexual organ), you wouldn't have to read articles on improving erection. And so you have to endure:

  • then a sluggish state;
  • then a strong boner at a very inopportune time.


Don't chew your lips. Even if there is a reason for this. Better get one healthy habits, and leave the long-cracked part of your face alone.


Instead of sniffing your hands after toilet procedures, wash them thoroughly and with soap.


We already know that guys do a lot of indecent things secretly from everyone, for example, download gigabytes of porn or actively gossip about female colleagues with friends after work - and they will never admit this to a girl, even if they have been living with her for a long time time in one territory and divide everything in the world in half. Including that same computer with “adult videos” that were skillfully encoded as files with unremarkable labels. Otherwise, what else do you think they learned in programming courses? This material does not at all intend to expose all the bad habits of the male sex (although it is possible that the point about the pool will slightly shock you), but it claims to at least make you smile the next time you notice at least one of his these 10 points.

Automatically delete browsing history on your computer

Ask your friend a guy, and then a girl, how “incognito mode” works in a computer browser, and discover a paradox: it turns out that many girls have at least once studied the history of their boyfriend’s computer in search of something “spicy”, but have never heard of “incognito mode”, which guys use to hide their adventures on the Internet.

Take a quick look at yourself in the mirror

In the male community, examining your reflection in detail and for a long time is considered bad form - they say, a normal man will not “preen” for more than a few seconds. That’s why men’s mirror check comes out quickly and almost unnoticed, as well as their little hidden (but important in everyday life!) habit of inadvertently adjusting the contents of their underpants on the go, when they feel that everything “has not worked out very comfortably” there. .

Moving clothes from one place to another

In the morning she usually rests on a chair at the computer desk or on the sofa. In the evening, when the sofa or chair is needed, the clothes “move” onto the bed, and right before bed, they move again to the chair or sofa to free up the bed for sleeping. The next day, the “adventures” of the clothes are repeated...

Pissing in the pool

Oops, we won’t upset you, but the statistics don’t speak at all in favor of looking for a hotel with a swimming pool for your next vacation. It turns out that, according to the results of studies that took place in the States and in China (assuming that we are “ideologically” located somewhere in the middle), almost every second person pees in the pool and most of them are men. Shame on them or were the girls just shyer in their answers?

Checking penis sizes with the Internet

This is especially true for those city residents who do not practice purely male forays into a bathhouse or sauna and have no other way to make sure that everything is fine THERE except by typing into Google the treasured phrase “the average penis size is... "

They count likes

Do you think they are not obsessed with the idea that everyone should like them? Three-day stubble, lack of perfume and a wrinkled shirt can deceive, but even in such an unkempt appearance, he can be caught studying his popularity rating - for example, looking at the likes or profiles of girls who visited his page.

Drinking coffee or tea from a dirty cup

The logic of such kitchen “recycling” may be as follows: it is difficult to wash off traces of tea leaves from a tea mug, so it is better not to try to do this after each mug, and it is easier to wipe off dried coffee foam while it is hot, so if you did not do this in the morning after breakfast, then why not brew another serving of coffee in the same cup in the evening...

They choose a girl on Tinder based on a photo in a swimsuit

They are too lazy to read the comments on the profile, and mentions of “cheerful”, photos in a swimsuit and marks about the location just 2 km from it are quite enough to make them want to write to her first without any extra thought.

Slow down to look at the girl

They learn this trick at school, waiting for their classmates after school, and there are studies confirming the presence of this simple tactic, which is sometimes even invisible to the naked eye. By the way, girls usually, on the contrary, speed up their pace, noticing that they are being looked at, and strive to get out of the “discomfort zone” as quickly as possible.

Fantasize about girl friends

At least once in their lives they certainly do this, even if in reality they never get around to acting or even talking to the object of their fantasies on the topic of sex. It’s just that men in our society see so much sexualized content around them that it is extremely, extremely difficult to resist objectification towards the female gender, even if we are talking about an office colleague who has never been seen in a short skirt.

Incredible facts

Even the most ideal-looking girl, alone with herself, does things that are not customary to talk about out loud.

These things are quite natural, but most of us will find them simply disgusting.

If you do them, it is better not to admit it to anyone.

So, what are these things that are probably familiar to every woman, and which she hides so carefully?

Disgusting things everyone has done

1. Wears the same bra at least a week.

2. Wears the same bra about once every six weeks because it's the only one that matches a certain blouse and never washes it.

3. Wears an old bra that no longer matches her breast size, but parting with this thing is very difficult.

4. Puts the dirty bra in the laundry basket, and then takes it out again after realizing that the others are less convenient.

Disgusting Things Every Girl Has Done

5. Examines used hygiene items on critical days.

6. On “these” days, in addition to a tampon, he also wears a sanitary pad for safety.

7. Picks out ingrown hairs with a fingernail after depilation.

8. Or, with tweezers, he plucks out the hairs that have grown on the body one by one.

9. While taking a shower on the walls he creates entire works of art from hair that has fallen from his head.

Disgusting things that all girls do

10. Takes out long hair stuck in the most unexpected parts of the body, including quite intimate ones.

11. Use special scissors for trimming pubic hair.

12. Or uses old scissors for this purpose, hoping that no one will find out about it.

13. Accidentally catching your skin they get a wound on it and are angry with themselves for such an oversight.

The most disgusting things

14. Wears panties with a hole in the most piquant place only because there is no time to sew it up, and it’s a shame to throw the thing away.

15. Eats pieces of food fallen into the décolleté area.

16. Uses her bra as a pocket because everyone knows that pockets on trousers or jeans are a rather useless thing for a girl.

Terrible things

17. Keeps something in her bra then he forgets about it. And he only remembers when he takes off his bra at night and something falls out of it.

18. Masterfully removes her bra without using the upper body.

19. And he does it almost every time when he returns home from work.



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