Vessels: treatment with medications and folk remedies. Basic diagnostic methods


Greetings, everyone! Today we’ll talk about such an important disease for the population as vascular disease.

Ecology, few moving image life modern man, stress, bad habits(for example, smoking, alcohol, etc.) - all these are the main causes of the occurrence and progression of vascular diseases.

Diseases blood vessels occupy a leading place among the most dangerous diseases of our century. These diseases often deprive a person of the ability to move and communicate with people.

Blood vessels provide the supply arterial blood to various internal organs, as a result of which they receive nutrients and oxygen.

It flows back through the veins to remove waste and substances that have already been used.

For normal operation the body needs proper functioning vascular system, and if it fails, various diseases arise.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The normal functioning of the body is ensured by the uninterrupted functioning of the heart and blood vessels that make up the circulatory system.

Let's consider the types of cardiovascular vascular diseases and their symptoms:

It exists in two forms: myocardial infarction and angina pectoris.

With myocardial infarction, severe, squeezing pain appears behind the sternum, radiating to the left hand, neck, shoulder blade, a feeling of fear, arrhythmia appears. Sometimes symptoms progress to cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema.

With angina pectoris, the pain is paroxysmal, often behind the sternum or in the region of the heart with irradiation to the left arm (lasting 10-15 minutes). It occurs from physical or mental stress.

The pain goes away from taking validol or nitroglycerin.

Urgent Care for myocardial infarction - strict bed rest. At the beginning of an attack, take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue.

In case of myocardial infarction, it is especially important to relieve pain. To do this you need to call ambulance, whose specialists will help you do this.

To remove pain syndrome Omnopon, promedol are introduced. For further treatment The patient is evacuated to the hospital.

Faintinglight form acute vascular insufficiency. It can be a symptom of bleeding, intoxication, fear. Symptoms of fainting: dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, loss of consciousness. There is usually no need for hospitalization.

Collapse- acute vascular insufficiency, expressed in a sharp decrease in blood pressure and disorder peripheral circulation. Occurs during blood loss, myocardial infarction, etc.

Symptoms of collapse are serious condition, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes with cyanosis, cold extremities, frequent small pulse, blood pressure 80/40 and below.

Treatment of collapse involves treatment of the underlying disease that caused this pathology. At the same time they carry out therapeutic measures aimed at normalizing hemodynamics.

Patients after emergency care are subject to evacuation to a hospital.

  • Hypertensive crisis - a sharp exacerbation hypertension which is accompanied by neurovascular disorders. As a result hypertensive crisis may occur: stroke, heart attack, pulmonary edema.

Symptoms: headache, increased blood pressure, nausea, shortness of breath, etc. Emergency care - bed rest, physical and mental rest, immediate administration of drugs that lower blood pressure.

Cardiovascular diseases also include cardiac arrhythmias and acute heart failure.

Obliterating vascular diseases.

Men are more often affected by this disease. Risk factors - arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, atherosclerosis.

Blood circulation is impaired and for some reason (bruise, cold) necrosis occurs peripheral vessels lower limbs.

A symptom of peripheral vascular disease is a pale, bluish coloration of the feet. The skin of the foot is dry, the nails are thickened and brittle. The sore foot is cold.

The patient is bothered by intermittent claudication, which occurs as a result of muscle spasm. This spasm occurs during walking and decreases with rest. The pulse in the peripheral arteries is weakened. Worrying about ulcers with a necrotic bottom, which are not prone to scarring.

To help the body cope with the disease faster, you need to eliminate bad habits and limit your time on your feet.

To improve blood circulation, take a course of diathermy, warm baths, drug treatment.

If the necrotic process does not recede and general intoxication increases, then amputation is indicated.

There are transient disturbances cerebral circulation, when disorders of brain function are restored, and stroke, in which the appearance of neurological disorders do not disappear completely.

Signs of cerebrovascular diseases are disturbances in coordination, movement, and speech. Stroke is one of the most acutely developing disorders of cerebral circulation. There are strokes:

  • Hemorrhagic, which are caused by hemorrhage in the brain and damage to intracerebral vessels. Symptoms hemorrhagic stroke there may be vomiting involuntary bowel movements and urination, purplish-red face, noisy breathing. The limbs on the side opposite to the hemorrhage are paralyzed. Emergency care: place the patient with his head elevated, prevent the tongue from retracting, put ice on the head. If blood pressure is high, administer a drug that lowers it. Call an ambulance.
  • Ischemic, which develop gradually. Consciousness is preserved, the pulse is weak, sensitivity is impaired on one side of the body. If affected left hemisphere brain aphasia is possible.

Emergency care: create rest for the patient, lay him down with his head elevated, prevent the tongue from falling in, put ice on the head, administer medications to normalize blood pressure, call specialists.

Vessels represent a kind of transport network. Thanks to this system, blood moves throughout the human body. This one biological fluid There is a very important purpose - it delivers oxygen and nutrients to the organs.

If all the vessels making up this network, lay out in one straight line, then the length of such a line will be about ninety-five kilometers. Over the course of a day, the system pumps through human body about seven thousand liters of blood. Since the load on the transport network is very large, the vessels wear out over time. That's why circulatory system is enough weak point in the human body. Many diseases associated with it lead to disability or death. This article will tell you how blood vessels are treated.

What leads to disruption of the circulatory system?

Any disease has a basis: the causes, as a rule, are lifestyle or hereditary predisposition. Before the vessels are treated, the cause of the problem is determined. Diseases with similar consequences can result from:

  1. Neurocircular dystonia. This is a complex of disorders characteristic of the cardiovascular system. He provokes functional disorders, that is, chaotic contraction of blood vessels. This occurs due to disturbances in neuroendocrine regulation.
  2. Neurosis of higher centers, who are responsible for monitoring and regulating blood pressure. This is an advanced stage of hypertension.
  3. Education cholesterol plaques. They appear not only as a result improper diet nutrition, but also due to frequent stressful situations. After all, the body needs steroid hormones. And in order to produce them, the liver must secrete cholesterol in large quantities.
  4. Bad habits, in particular, addiction to cigarettes. The surface of the walls of blood vessels is very susceptible to the influence of smoke. Only blood cells can bring it back to normal. But they get into right place not in pure form, and together with cholesterol, thrombin and fibrinogen. These substances, accumulating, clog the passages, and the outflow of blood stops.
  5. Metabolic disorder.
  6. Blood clot formation. If the body is healthy, then it will have enough strength to dissolve the blood clot. Otherwise, it interferes with normal blood circulation.

What symptoms indicate problems with blood vessels?

Which doctor treats blood vessels depends on the nature of the disease. Since the circulatory system is located throughout the human body, problems with it can affect different parts of the body. However, you can clearly identify disorders associated with blood vessels by the following signs:

  • age (in people over forty, the risk of diseases of this nature increases sharply);
  • frequent dizziness, which occurs due to the fact that too little oxygen is supplied to the brain;
  • headaches;
  • sudden loss of consciousness;
  • intolerance to high temperatures;
  • icy limbs;
  • increased heart rate;
  • joint pain;
  • deterioration of sexual function;
  • dependence of health status on weather conditions;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • hearing problems (frequent noises, decreased hearing acuity);
  • memory and speech impairment;
  • lack of coordination;
  • poor sleep;
  • cramps, swelling in the legs (also with vascular diseases skin change their color unreasonably, the sensitivity of the lower extremities decreases).

How to get rid of problems with blood vessels in the brain?

Any disease that in one way or another affects the functioning of the brain entails quite severe consequences. Advanced hypertension or atherosclerosis can even lead to death. Lack of blood flow leads to oxygen starvation. As a result, brain cells die.

Which doctor treats cerebral vessels? Everything that concerns the problems of their functioning relates to neurology. The work of a neurologist in this situation will be aimed at normalizing blood circulation and restoring the body after the disease.

Problems related to the head are very difficult to diagnose. For a long time the only symptom of the disease is headache. In this regard, the question arises not only of how to treat cerebral vessels, but also how to prevent this from happening. Anyway main prevention can only be a careful attitude to your own health. The neglect of this problem can only be eliminated with the help of an appropriate operation.

What methods of treating cerebral vessels exist?

On early stage? There are many methods to get rid of diseases of this nature. These include:

  • a course of medication, the effect of which is aimed at thinning the blood and preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • diet (the doctor must select optimal diet nutrition that will eliminate the consumption fatty foods and salt);
  • fortification, which includes the use of special complexes with vitamins A and B3;
  • physical exercise;
  • psychotherapeutic consultations.

What are vascular diseases of the eyes?

Before the doctor determines how to treat the blood vessels of the eyes, he will determine the degree of danger. Vascular diseases, depending on their stage, can cause irreparable damage to vision. Thrombosis various kinds cause blindness. This is due to the fact that it itself is affected central artery, and its branches. Treatment of occlusion is a rather complex and lengthy process. Intervention should be carried out as early as possible. It is better not to hesitate and not to try to cope with the disease with the help of folk remedies, but to go to a specialist.

How to treat eye vessels?

Treatment of this problem begins with taking a course specialized drugs. The action of such drugs is aimed at dilating the walls of blood vessels and thinning the blood itself. The impact in two directions at once helps to eliminate the main cause of the disease, that is, the blood clot. Further, how the vessels are treated depends on the condition, more precisely, on the degree of its damage. The next step is hardware treatment in the form of a pressure chamber, laser and other physical influences. Additionally, you need to drink vitamin complex, which contains riboflavin, ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

What vascular diseases of the lower extremities exist?

Thrombosis and varicose veins are diseases of blood vessels located in the lower extremities. They are the most common in their category, because problems of this nature affect people of all ages and both sexes.

Thrombosis is a blockage of the ducts. Due to the formation of blood clots, the movement of blood through the system worsens. This disease on late stages may lead to complete absence cross-country ability. The development of a methodology regarding how and what to treat the vessels of the legs depends not only on the disease itself, but also on the location of the problem. Depending on the location of the blood clot, the doctor selects treatment methods. Most often this comprehensive actions, which complement each other and together have an enhanced positive impact.

The second disease in this category is varicose veins. The problem is characterized by stagnation venous blood, which contributes to the expansion and deformation of the walls of the pathways. How vessels are treated for this disease depends on the degree of neglect of the problem.

How to treat thrombosis?

The drug course includes anticoagulants. These are drugs that prevent blood clotting. If the disease is already advanced, then medications are supplemented with procedures and therapy. The procedures should help normalize blood circulation and the condition of the vessels themselves. On the most last stage Only surgical intervention can save. Most often it involves the administration of drugs that dilute the clot.

What treatments are there for varicose veins?

The best method is procedural treatment of this disease. A striking example physical impact is sclerotherapy. The essence this method is to introduce special drug, which blocks the insufficient valve. Thanks to this, the further spread of the disease is inhibited.

An alternative method may be to cauterize the surface of the vessel using a laser.

How to treat blood vessels folk remedies, have known for a long time. One of the methods has now passed into traditional medicine. This is hirudotherapy, that is, treatment using leeches. They produce a special substance - hirudin. This substance helps normalize blood circulation and delays the development of blood clots.

For more severe forms, do without surgical intervention it is forbidden. Veins need to be removed using punctures.

But it is best to prevent this disease at an early stage. For this it is worth leading healthy image life, eat right, exercise moderately and take good care of your feet. Then it will be possible to stop the development of the disease and alleviate the general condition.

How to treat heart vessels?

Before treating the blood vessels of the brain, it is worth checking the functioning of another organ - the heart. It is the engine of the body that pumps blood into the system. And if the network itself is faulty, then the work of the organ will be disrupted. More often, problems with the vessels leading to the heart lead to coronary artery disease.

When asked how to treat blood vessels at home, the doctor will definitely answer that with the help of a special diet. It should not include foods that provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques. The diet lasts at least six months. The second thing you can do is regular exercise.

The doctor will also prescribe medication. This is a complex of drugs that provide blood thinning. Additionally, it is recommended to take medications aimed at combating cholesterol. These are, for example, Enduracin and Acipimox. But their use is limited, as they have many side effects.

In particularly severe cases, the doctor may prescribe surgery. A cardiologist treats the blood vessels of the heart.

How to train blood vessels with a contrast shower?

In order not to look for information on how to treat brain vessels, you need to train them. But this can only be done when there is no serious illnesses and problems with the conduction system. Vessels must be hardened very carefully and carefully.

One method is a contrast shower. Due to the sudden change in temperature, a shock occurs for the blood vessels, which causes them to contract. Thanks to this, they become cleaner, stronger and more resilient. To begin with, it is worth making the contrast so that it is as comfortable as possible for the body. Over time, the temperature range should be gradually expanded.

To eliminate the possibility sharp jump pressure you need to drink a glass before shower warm water. It's worth starting with hot water, and finish cold. The normal option is a combination of two hot and three cold sessions. This procedure allows you to cheer up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening. After a shower, the body should be rubbed with a terry towel.

How to carry out prevention using turpentine?

How to treat burst blood vessels? Modern experts recommend methods that were used in ancient times. One of them is turpentine baths. In the past, wounds, bleeding and pain were treated in this way. Turpentine baths help normalize blood flow, improve vascular function and accelerate metabolic processes in the myocardium. Therapeutic effect method is due to the fact that it helps improve the delivery of the main drugs taken. This allows you to use medications in lower dosages.

The action of turpentine is quite aggressive, so you need to use it quite carefully. It is recommended to take five-minute baths, the water temperature should be up to thirty-seven degrees.

What home treatment methods are there?

There are still plenty alternative ways treatment of diseases associated with cardiovascular system. But before use similar methods, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because under certain factors they may not be beneficial, but also more harm health. These include:

  • juice therapy;
  • tincture of cones;
  • taking garlic;
  • eating foods with increased content lecithin and omega-3;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • flint water.

However home therapy It is better to prefer visiting a doctor and qualified medical care.

Meeting of parishioners of the Church of the Sovereign Icon Mother of God St. Petersburg with an angiologist (vascular surgeon) Anton Borisovich Varvarichev dedicated to one of the most current topics— Prevention and treatment of vascular diseases. When is a consultation with a vascular surgeon necessary?

Vascular surgeon or angiosurgeon - This is a doctor who treats the pathology of all blood vessels in the body, both arterial and venous in origin. The branch of medicine that studies the blood and lymphatic vessels, their structure, function, diseases, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment are called angiology.

Considering the importance and prevalence of the problem under discussion, A.B. Varvarichev clearly and intelligibly told a large audience about cardiovascular diseases, which are

A group of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which includes:

  • coronary heart disease - a disease of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle;
  • cerebrovascular disease - a disease of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain;
  • disease peripheral arteries– disease of the blood vessels supplying blood to the arms and legs;
  • rheumatic carditis - damage to the heart muscle and heart valves as a result of a rheumatic attack caused by streptococcal bacteria;
  • congenital heart disease – deformations of the structure of the heart existing from birth;
  • Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism - the formation of blood clots in the leg veins that can dislodge and move towards the heart and lungs.

According to WHO ( World Organization healthcare) Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide: no other cause causes more deaths each year than CVDs. Estimated WHO, in 2008, mortality from CVDs accounted for 30% of all deaths in the world.

During the lecture, A.B. Varvarichev spoke about the main vascular diseases that lead to serious consequences.

Major arterial diseases

1. Obliterating atherosclerosis.

2. Arterial thrombosis.

3. Arterial aneurysms.

4. Diabetic macro- and microangiopathy.

Atherosclerosis (obliterating atherosclerosis)

Atherosclerosis (A) - chronic disease, characterized by compaction and loss of elasticity of the walls of the arteries, narrowing of their lumen with subsequent disruption of the blood supply to the organs. Men are 3-5 times more likely to suffer from atherosclerosis than women. Hereditary predisposition plays a role in the development of the disease; contribute to the development of A diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, cholelithiasis, diet with excess animal fat, low physical activity, psycho-emotional stress. The mechanism of development of the disease is a violation of lipid metabolism, especially cholesterol. In the vascular wall are formed atherosclerotic plaques, the structure of the artery walls is disrupted.

Irregularities inside the vessels at A contribute to the formation blood clots, blood clots; subsequently the lumens of the vessels themselves narrow; As a result, blood circulation in one or another organ is disrupted until it completely stops.

Arterial thrombosis

The development of thrombosis is promoted by:

  1. Defeat vascular wall(atherosclerotic, inflammatory, etc. origin).

2. Slowing blood flow.

3. Increased blood clotting and viscosity.

Thus, thrombosis in the coronary circulatory system leads to myocardial infarction, and thrombosis of cerebral vessels leads to a stroke.

Arterial aneurysms

An aneurysm is a protrusion of the wall of an artery (less commonly, a vein) due to its thinning or stretching. The cause may be congenital or acquired defects of the medial lining of blood vessels. A ruptured aneurysm can cause severe bleeding.

Diabetic angiopathy

General damage to blood vessels (mainly capillaries) – dangerous complication, characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Depending on the location of the lesion, the functioning of the organ of vision, brain, heart, kidneys is disrupted, and there is a threat of gangrene in the legs.

You should know that the result of treatment, prognosis and life expectancy of a person, that is, each of us, depend on a timely visit to a specialist.

Who should see a vascular surgeon?

1. Patients with poor heredity for cardiovascular diseases, having recorded the first signs of cardiovascular diseases, should consult a doctor.

2. Patients who have complaints about:

  • Frequent fainting states, especially in old age.
  • “Tinnitus”, “flickering of spots before the eyes”, decreased vision, frequent headaches, dizziness, memory impairment, unsteadiness of gait.

3. Patients with symptoms:

  • Transient cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents (Acute stroke).
  • Patients with poor heredity for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Fatigue or loss of sensitivity in one of the limbs.
  • Differences in blood pressure in different extremities (20 mm Hg or more).

An initial consultation with a cardiologist is necessary for conditions such as:

1. Periodic chest pain, burning and heaviness in the heart area, increasing with physical activity.

2. The occurrence of shortness of breath during physical activity and at rest.

3. High blood pressure numbers.

4. Concomitant diseases: atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes (especially after 50 years)

Consultation with a vascular surgeon is necessary for the following symptoms:

1. Presence of a pulsating formation in umbilical region belly.

2. Paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, occurring after eating at the height of digestion, intestinal dysfunction, progressive weight loss.

3. Uncontrolled and untreatable high blood pressure (malignant hypertension).

4. “Male” diseases.

5. Rapid fatigue in the lower extremities when walking. The appearance of pain in calf muscles and thigh muscles.

6. Appearance trophic changes on the lower extremities (spots, trophic ulcers)

7. Coldness in the lower extremities.

Main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases:

1. Poor nutrition. Obesity. Hypercholesterolemia.

2. Inactive and immobile lifestyle.

3. Smoking.

4. Diabetes mellitus.

5. Poor heredity for vascular diseases.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

  • "Movement is life." Active and mobile lifestyle.
  • Quitting smoking.
  • Body weight control. Proper and balanced nutrition.
  • Blood pressure control.
  • Blood sugar control.
  • Control of blood cholesterol (especially after 50 years).
  • After 50 years of age, taking blood thinning medications (aspirin based).

Diagram characterizing food priorities

Basic vein disease

The most common vein disease is varicose veins (varicose veins of the lower extremities).

Phlebology- one of the sections vascular surgery for the study of vein anatomy, physiology venous outflow, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of chronic venous diseases. Vascular surgeon who specializes in venous diseases – phlebologist.

Reasons for development varicose veins There are more than 100, women are more often affected, but men are also susceptible to this disease.

Let us indicate the main reasons

1. Genetic predisposition to this disease.

2. Hormonal changes and pregnancy in women.

3. Static loads on the lower limbs (work “on your feet”, or at a computer in the office).

4. Sedentary image life.

5. Transference of thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

Symptoms of varicose veins

  1. Fatigue, heaviness, burning sensation in the calf muscles, worse in the evening. Desire to give the lower limbs vertical position at the end of the day.

2. Swelling in the legs, more in the evening, the appearance of cramps at night.

3. The appearance of superficial varicose veins, “webs”, “stars”.

4. Aching and nagging pain, radiating to the groin area.

Complication of varicose veins

  1. Thrombophlebitis.
  2. Trophic ulcers of venous origin.
  3. Phlebothrombosis.

4. Thromboembolism pulmonary artery(TELA) — life-threatening state.

Prevention of varicose veins:

1. Elimination of static loads, prolonged sitting and standing on the lower limbs.

2. Wearing a support compression hosiery(the type of knitwear is determined by the doctor).

3. Drug maintenance therapy (venotonics).

4. Contrast shower on the lower extremities.

5. Therapeutic exercise(running, walking, swimming).

6. Evening exercises.

7. Use of creams and gels containing heparin.

Drug therapy

1. Phlebotonics (detralex, phlebodia, venoruton, antistax, ginkor-fort and others).

2. Antiplatelet agents (aspirin, trental, vazobral).

3. Antioxidants (vitamin E).

4. Decongestants (detralex, antistax, phlebodia).

5. Drugs that affect trophic processes (actovegin, solcoseryl, phlebodia 600).

Contrast shower on the lower extremities

Approximate diagram contrast shower for feet :

  • we start with warm water (addiction);
  • then run hot water (until it feels good);
  • turn off the hot water and let in cold water (20 seconds; as you get used to it, increase the time);
  • alternate: hot water (from 20 to 40 seconds), cold water(up to a minute, as you get used to it we increase the time), hot water (up to a minute), cold water (so far pleasant).

That is, there are three contrasting transitions from hot water to cold.

Therapeutic exercise and gymnastics

1. Lying on your back, arms along your body. Bend your leg at the knee and hip joints, clasp your shins with your hands ankle joint, straighten your leg, your hands slide along it until hip joint. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat alternately with each leg 5-8 times.

2. Lying on your back, arms along your body. Breathe. Exhaling, perform 5-10 circular movements with your legs, as when riding a bicycle. Repeat 3-5 times

3. Lying on your back, arms along your body. Raise your legs straight up, pull your toes away from you, hold for 3-5 seconds, lower. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5-10 times

4. Lying on your back, arms along your body. Raise right leg up, pull the toe away from you, hold for 3-5 seconds, lower. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 5-10 times. Then do the exercise with your left leg the same number of times.

5. Standing with your feet together, grab the back of the chair with your hand. Swing your leg back and forth. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 10-15 times with each leg.

6. Standing with your feet together, grab the back of the chair with both hands. Rise and fall on your toes. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 10-20 times.

7. Lying on your stomach, bend and straighten your knees in a swoop for 20-50 seconds.


With the help of prophylaxis, up to 75% of premature births can be prevented. vascular disorders. You should know the symptoms of these diseases, be able to assess your risks for these diseases and, if necessary, adjust your lifestyle. Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. According to the father of medicine, Hippocrates the Great: “Idleness and idleness bring with them depravity and ill health.”

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov echoes him: “Health is a gift from God.”

Let's take care of our health, and we - doctors - will help you with this!

Correspondent of the “Healthy Family” subscription

doctor Zharkova Tatyana Veniaminovna

Vascular diseases cannot occur on their own; they are associated with the manifestation of some individual diseases of the body systems. The vessels circulate blood throughout the body in a continuous state. Cardiovascular diseases include:

Types of vessels

Vessels are central and peripheral.

Central vessels

Central vessels are divided into two types:

  • Heart vessels;
  • Brain vessels.

The continuous supply of blood and oxygen to the cerebral cortex and heart valves depends on them.

Central vascular diseases

Ischemic disease the heart is a failure proper operation blood vessels.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Chest pain radiating to the shoulder blade or left arm, pain in the neck and back;
  • shortness of breath and difficulty or irregular breathing;
  • Rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia;
  • Discomfort in the heart area.

If you do not see a doctor in time, these symptoms may result in a heart attack. During the examination, the specialist will check your pulse, listen to your breathing and heartbeats, measure your body temperature, as well as blood and blood pressure. If there are any deviations in at least one of these indicators, then the doctor will give a referral for an electrocardiogram, blood tests from a vein, and only then will he make a diagnosis and prescribe recommendations and treatment.

Ischemic cerebrovascular disease most often develops due to atherosclerosis (chronic artery disease) and occurs in older people and the elderly.

Ischemic cerebrovascular disease


  • Frequent headaches, dizziness;
  • Vision and hearing deteriorate;
  • Difficulty speaking;
  • Loss of balance and coordination (slips when walking), especially with sudden movements;
  • Memory impairment, absent-mindedness;
  • Frequent insomnia at night.

After such symptoms, a stroke may occur.

After suffering a stroke, the following consequences may occur:

  • Loss of consciousness (a person may fall into a coma for a long time);
  • Changes in sensitivity of the lower extremities and arms (paralysis);
  • Difficulty or confused speech;
  • Irritations associated with the psyche (apathy, depression).

Also when vascular diseases neurodystonia may occur against this background.

Its symptoms are varied:

  • Noise in the head and headaches;
  • Weakness and pallor;
  • Pressure changes;
  • Dizziness;
  • Fainting;
  • Increased heart rate, arrhythmia;
  • Changes in the system intestinal tract(diarrhea or constipation);
  • Nausea and loss of appetite;
  • Slight increase in body temperature.

This disease affects most people, including children and adolescents. Manifests itself as a result of overwork and infection.

At a doctor's appointment, when examining and identifying any pathologies, an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is prescribed.

  • Reduce physical stress on the body;
  • Correct rational nutrition according to a regimen that includes vegetables and fruits;
  • Medicines prescribed by the attending physician for the nervous system;
  • Medicinal infusions and herbal teas.

Causes of central vascular disease:

  • Poor nutrition, fast food and quick snacks;
  • Bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse);
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • High blood pressure.

What are peripheral vessels?

Peripheral vessels are the vessels of the lower extremities and arms.

Peripheral vascular diseases

The main disease of the legs is varicose veins. Very often varicose veins are inherited and mainly require surgical intervention on its removal. For many people, varicose veins are considered normal; varicose veins do not bother them at all.

But treatment should not be neglected, as this can lead to serious complications. In the severe stage of varicose veins, an ulcer may form on the skin of the legs or, in severe cases, gangrene, which is very difficult to cure in the future, so to avoid such diseases, consult a specialist in time.

Causes of peripheral vascular disease

The reasons are similar to those of the central vessels.

Most often people get sick who:

  • Smoking long time and abuse alcohol;
  • Have diabetes;
  • People who are concerned about frequent increases in blood pressure or changes from low to high or vice versa;
  • Those who are overweight and obese.

Symptoms of varicose veins:

  • Small red and purple vessels in the form of a cobweb or mesh on the skin of the legs;
  • Rapid fatigue of the legs;
  • Swelling of the lower extremities that occurs in the afternoon.

Except hereditary causes the appearance of varicose veins, there may also be stress on the legs during sedentary occupations, wearing high-heeled shoes in women and weight load during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids are a complex form of varicose veins. Signs: pain in anus, itching, bleeding after going to the toilet.

Vein thrombosis occurs when an infection gets into a wound with varicose veins, which causes sharp pain lower limb.

Venous thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot with inflammation or disruption of the venous wall.

Its signs:

  • A sharp increase in swelling of the legs;
  • Acute pain;
  • Blueness and pallor of the skin in sore areas.

Aneurysm-sac-like protrusion venous artery associated with decreased elasticity and vascular tone.


  • Weakness in the legs;
  • Periodic tolerable pain;
  • Blueness, pallor, and the affected area is cold to the touch.

Varicose veins light form or on initial stage can be treated at home:

TonicsVaricose veins can be treated with tonic drinks, which can be made from nettle herbs, datura seeds, horse chestnut at home. You can also make cool compresses and apply them to sore areas.
GymnasticsLightweight physical activity or gymnastics, foot massage, water and medical procedures very useful for lower limbs with varicose veins
Wearing compressor garmentsTo achieve effective result at varicose veins vein doctors recommend wearing compressor underwear: stockings, tights, and you can also wrap elastic bandage. This will help relieve pain and swelling of the lower extremities. Wear all day and take off at night to rest your feet.
Rubbing with ointmentsDrug treatment in the form of ointments is prescribed by a phlebologist, he prescribes a drug that is suitable only for you individually and prescribes a course of treatment.

Common Causes of Vascular Disease

  • Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases;
  • Congenital malformations of certain body systems (heredity);
  • Changes in the strength and elasticity of muscles (with age or weight loss, weight gain) in connection with this, venous dilatation of the veins occurs.

Symptoms of vascular diseases

The following diseases contribute to the appearance of vascular diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Various infections;
  • Heart failure;
  • Swelling;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Neurological diseases;
  • Hereditary diseases.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases

Treatment is always carried out when the underlying causes are identified separate disease, which needs to be treated in order for the blood vessels to improve. Sometimes, depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can last for years.

Video: vasculitis - treatment of vascular disease



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs