Snot in a child. Medicines depending on the type of runny nose

If a child has snot in the nasopharynx and does not blow his nose, this causes severe discomfort. Since nature provides for nasal breathing, the baby will breathe in this way. Breathing through his mouth is problematic for him, especially during sleep. Therefore, task No. 1 for parents is to accept urgent measures to alleviate the child's condition.

Snot (nasal mucus, muconasal secretion, discharge) is produced by the nasal mucosa to moisturize and cleanse the inhaled air.

During inflammatory processes of various types, the amount of discharge correspondingly increases, filling the nasal passages, accumulating in clots.

Regular nose blowing removes a significant amount of pathogenic microflora, and the use of therapeutic procedures and medications helps the immune system cope with the ailment.

Reasons for the accumulation of discharge in the nose

There are several factors that provoke snot in infants and older children:

  1. Infection. Causes inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane, accompanied by copious discharge from the liquid phase to green clots.
  2. Over-dried or over-humidified air. In the first case, clots and crusts form, in the second, the child sniffles because the snot flows continuously.
  3. Individual vascular response. Some infants experience nasal discharge when fed infant formula, which acts as a mucosal irritant.
  4. Allergy. Polluted air, unfavorable hereditary factors provoke the appearance of liquid transparent discharge. This may be accompanied by itching in the nose, sneezing, and swelling of the eyelids.
  5. Deformation of the nasal septum. The narrowing of the passages contributes to the stagnation of mucus.
  6. Reaction to the use of nasal medications. If your baby’s runny nose is prolonged, a change is recommended. vasoconstrictor drops every 3 days. Using one name beyond the specified period will weaken its effect and require increasing doses.

A runny nose is not so harmless. Untreated inflammation can spread, causing sore throat, cough, otitis media; stagnant mucus - sinusitis; allergic edema- Difficulty in throat breathing.

Especially important for a newborn timely diagnosis and treatment. Considering its size, it is clear that an infection can penetrate from the nose to the ears, bronchi, and lungs in a short time.

Important! When you have a runny nose, provide cool and humid air in the room (18°C/70%). The child should be dressed warmly and receive plenty of cool, cool drinks (water, compote).

Basic techniques for a runny nose

  1. Nasal rinsing. If the baby begins to snore, but there are no other signs of a cold, it is possible that he has a runny nose or dust has gotten into his nose, which has caused an accumulation of discharge. In this case, you should start by rinsing your nose with saline solutions. The often recommended drugs Aqualor and Aqua Maris are quite effective. Salty sea sprays, properly selected for a newborn, ensure the drainage of mucus from the nose, hydration and treatment. However, their price is not suitable for all parents. As a cheaper option, you can use salt water from Essentuki-17. Before drinking, a small amount of water is slightly heated so that the gas comes out and its temperature becomes more comfortable for the baby. Instill with a regular pipette 5 times a day or more. It is better to place the baby on its side, then the mineral water will flow out along with the mucus. After rinsing, add an additional drop of 1 drop to allow it to flow into the nasopharynx. The effect is similar pharmaceutical products. You can make your own saline solution: 1/2 tsp. salt per 500 ml of warm boiled filtered water. Strain the solution through cheesecloth and use throughout the day, slightly warming the required portions. A child from 4-5 years old can learn to pull the saline solution through the hole above the small tongue. In this way, the liquefied accumulation will gradually be released into the mouth. If your baby is taught to gargle, it will be easy for him to spit out the mucus and water. The same saline solution is suitable for rinsing.
  2. Inhalations. in a child, it can be diluted and treated using inhalation. For any baby, especially a newborn, nasal inhalations are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Steam inhalation. Steam procedures are indicated from 6 years of age. Children from 1 to 6 years old can simply spend 5-7 minutes in the bathroom or kitchen, where the steam of a pan of boiling water emanates. For the little ones, the pharmacy sells special inhalers.

Important! The greatest effectiveness of inhalation is in the first hours of the disease.

Steam inhalations are unacceptable if:

  • temperature above 37.5°C;
  • bacterial infections;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • ear, lung and heart diseases.

To carry out the inhalation procedure you need:

  • before the start of the session, maintain an interval after eating of 1-1.5 hours;
  • during the session, inhale through your nose;
  • do not talk, do not interrupt treatment;
  • do not leave children unattended;
  • After the session, it is undesirable to talk, scream, drink, or eat food for 1 hour.

The duration of the procedure for infants is 3 minutes, for children over one year old - 5-7 minutes, carried out 3 times a day.

If it is not possible to purchase a pharmacy inhaler, the baby’s mucus in the nasopharynx is thinned by moisturizing and warming using available means.

Boil water in a kettle, cool to +30°C for a baby, to +35...+40°C for a child under 2 years old. It is better to wrap the kettle in a towel to maintain the desired temperature. Place a long inhalation funnel made of 2-3 layers of white clean paper on its spout. The baby should be kept away from the container.

Parents personally make sure that the water level is below the outlet of the kettle, and the inhaled air will not burn the child inside.

During wet inhalation clots and dried crusts swell. Older children blow their noses, while little ones may have their passages completely closed.

Attention! If the baby becomes capricious, behaves restlessly or wilts, the procedure must be stopped immediately!

  1. Inhalation with saline solution. Saline solution (isotonic solution) is salt water of a certain concentration. You can buy a ready-made pharmacy saline solution or make it at home (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water). An isotonic solution with the help of an inhaler will penetrate deeply into the cavities and sinuses of the nose, effectively moisturize and protect the mucous membrane. The regularity of the procedures is similar to the steam method. If small children tolerate the sessions calmly, the number can be increased to 5-6 per day.
  2. Inhalations with interferon. For a viral runny nose, sessions with interferon are prescribed. Basic conditions:
  • apply in the first hours of the disease;
  • only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • not recommended for bacterial infection.

Allergic rhinitis

Environmental degradation, poor quality nutrition, and water weaken the body and cause allergic reactions.

The most common allergens are pollen from flowering plants, street/house dust, and dust mites.

When they get into the baby's respiratory tract, clear snot flows non-stop, the mucous membrane becomes enlarged and inflamed, and clots accumulate in the nasopharynx. If immediate rinsing is not done, there is a risk of swelling spreading.

The steps are as follows:

  • protect the baby from the allergen;
  • rinse the nose and throat with saline; for children, remove snot with an aspirator; for older children, blow their nose;
  • do not rely on vasoconstrictors, consult a doctor about antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs;
  • strengthen hygiene measures (wet cleaning of the room, treatment of the mattress, frequent change of bed linen).

Typically, such a complex gives a quick positive result.

Medicines used

Your home medicine cabinet should always contain children's vasoconstrictors. They open up air and help antiviral drugs, antibiotics show their effect in the nasal cavity. Recommended use 2 times over 3 days.

Antibiotic drips (as directed only) are recommended when thick, persistent mucus appears. Before each use of the medicine, be sure to rinse and blow your nose.

Usually after 3 days the discharge weakens. Until they disappear completely, the nose is instilled with saline solution and the nose is regularly blown.

Forced removal of mucus

This is a simple method for children who cannot blow their nose, including infants.

Twist flagella from cotton wool, dip in boiled, cooled vegetable oil. Using light rotational movements, move it into the nasal passage and, also rotating, bring it back out.

More effective when snot is squelching profusely is the use of aspirators - suction devices.

There are aspirators:

  • rubber - a bulb with a soft tip;
  • mechanical - suction of mucus by adults;
  • electronic - automatic suction;
  • vacuum - a vacuum is created in the device by connecting to a vacuum cleaner (seconds pass from turning on to clearing the nose).

Any runny nose in a child can be dealt with, the main thing is not to let it get worse.

When a child has a stuffy nose, parents immediately begin to look for the causes of the runny nose. And they are frankly at a loss when it turns out that the picture of the child’s illness does not fit into the general ideas about rhinitis - there is congestion, but no mucus.

A famous pediatrician, TV presenter and author of books about children's health Evgeny Komarovsky.

About the problem

Dry nasal congestion is medically called “posterior rhinitis.” This condition is more dangerous than any runny nose accompanied by discharge, since it may indicate serious “problems” in the ENT organs.

Congestion is associated with swelling of the mucous membranes, and the absence of mucus indicates the non-infectious nature of the disease. If a runny nose is caused by viruses, the nose will definitely run, this is how the body removes foreign “guests”. Dry congestion, according to doctors, is most often caused by an allergic reaction, a foreign body that gets stuck in the nasal passages. This condition is also typical for children with congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum, in which nasal breathing as a whole is significantly impaired.

Sometimes a runny nose without discharge is a sign that the child’s mucus has dried out. posterior regions, this was the cause of the swelling. In rare cases, a dry runny nose is a symptom of heart and circulation problems.

A dry runny nose can also be caused by medication; it usually affects children whose parents, contrary to all doctor’s orders and common sense, treated them for ordinary rhinitis with vasoconstrictor nasal medications for too long.

If a child accidentally inhales a particle of food, a crumb, or a small part from a toy, then it is most likely that he will only have one nasal passage blocked; the second nostril will breathe without problems.


Main danger nasal congestion without mucus secretion - in possible atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. This can happen if the problem is ignored or the condition is treated incorrectly. It is possible that secondary diseases of the nasopharynx will develop, which will cause irreversible changes in the tissues of the respiratory organs.

Children with a dry runny nose usually have disturbed sleep, develop neurosis due to lack of sleep, and become restless and nervous. If the cause is pathological (and only a doctor can determine this), untreated posterior rhinitis can cause a deterioration in the sense of smell and hearing loss.

Dry congestion disrupts cerebral circulation. With prolonged absence of nasal breathing, severe violations work of cerebral vessels.

Doctor Komarovsky about the problem

Evgeny Komarovsky looks at the problem of dry nasal congestion a little more optimistically than most of his colleagues. According to an authoritative doctor, 80% of cases of runny nose without snot are a consequence of excessive parental care. In other words, moms and dads create greenhouse conditions for their children: it’s hot at home, you can’t open the windows, “after all, there’s a small child at home!”, It’s not worth walking in cool and windy weather, because “the baby might get sick.”

Violation of the temperature regime, coupled with excessively dry air in the apartment, leads to drying out of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The mucus outflow system is disrupted, swelling forms, and as a result, the nose does not breathe.

Komarovsky urges parents to monitor their child more closely; if there are no other symptoms of ill health other than congestion, there is no need to worry too much.

It is enough to create the “right” conditions for the child to normal life: according to the doctor, the air temperature in the apartment should not be higher than 19 degrees, air humidity - 50-70%.

The house needs to be wet cleaned more often and the room ventilated. The child should walk often, walks should be as long as possible, as long as the toddler’s age allows.

Often, the well-known flu and ARVI begin with dry nasal congestion, says Komarovsky. In this case, such a reaction of the nasal passages is a protective mechanism. Usually, after a day or two, a dry runny nose due to a viral infection necessarily becomes wet.

Infants with a dry runny nose are a fairly common phenomenon. There is no need to sound the alarm, says Evgeny Komarovsky. The child adapts, adapts to the environment, and therefore congestion of the nasal passages (which in infants are already very narrow) is a variant of the norm. The mucous membrane of newborns also dries out because the posterior part of their nasal passages is narrowed, which is why babies often sleep with their mouths open. Usually the symptom goes away on its own and without the use of any medications within 2-3 weeks of the baby’s independent life outside the mother’s tummy.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to treat a runny nose in the next video.

Allergic dry rhinitis does not occur in children as often as manufacturers make it out to be a problem expensive drugs from allergies, says Komarovsky, as, however, congenital deformation of the nasal septum rarely happens. This pathology is generally visible from the first days of life, and the mother will definitely be informed about it, if not in the maternity hospital, then during the first examination by a pediatrician.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the video below how to find the cause of an allergic runny nose, how it differs from an infectious runny nose.

Komarovsky advises thinking about a foreign body in the nose first if the child is already walking and actively exploring the world. At least for this you need to visit an ENT doctor in person.

Children as young as one year old quite often inhale various little things, but cannot tell their parents about what happened. In this situation, you cannot do without qualified help from a specialist.


If congestion without mucus is caused by drying out of the latter in the posterior sections of the nasal passages, no specific treatment not required, says Komarovsky. Optimal conditions environment, which were mentioned above, and sometimes - rinsing the nose with sea water or a weak saline solution. This treatment is safe and non-toxic.

The main condition is that instillations should not be three or four times a day. Komarovsky says that effective procedures with salt water will only happen when the parents are not lazy and start dripping into the child’s nose every 20-30 minutes, with the exception of bedtime, of course.

But Evgeniy Olegovich does not recommend putting vasoconstrictor drops into a child’s nose unless absolutely necessary (without a prescription).

Firstly, they cause persistent drug addiction, and secondly, the benefits from them are temporary, nasal congestion is sure to return when the effect of the drug wears off. If the doctor prescribed such drops (“Nazivin”, “Nazol”, etc.), then you should not use them for more than three days in a row. This is not a recommendation, but an urgent requirement.

Komarovsky advises starting treatment by clearing the respiratory tract of dried mucus crusts. To do this, parents can use an aspirator or do a rinse.

If there is an inhaler at home, the child can be inhaled with essential oils and decoctions medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, sage.

A prerequisite for recovery is plenty of drinking regimen. To prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, the child needs to drink a lot. Dr. Komarovsky recommends giving your baby more water still, tea, compotes, herbal infusions, decoctions.

It is important to remember that a child needs an abundance of fluid not only during illness, but also in health. Then these diseases themselves, such as dry and wet runny nose, the cough will be much less, and the illnesses will be much easier.

If dry congestion in a child arose due to allergies, and this was confirmed by a doctor and laboratory tests, then the main treatment, according to Komarovsky, will be to completely isolate the little one from the antigen that caused the problem. inadequate reaction body. In addition, it will be better if mom and dad put the child on a hypoallergenic diet and make sure that there is no animal hair, dust deposits in the house, household chemicals based on chlorine.

However, it also happens that a child has a stuffy nose, clear, thick snot, but no other cold symptoms are observed.

Secret functions



Why thick



Dry air

Lung diseases

How to get rid




  • drink plenty of water - water, this is life, give your child more fluids especially during illness;

water treatments– if the baby does not have a fever, be sure to bathe him; steam improves nasal breathing and prevents mucus from thickening.

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White snot from nose

This substance may differ in color and filling, and in some cases, only by the external signs of the consistency of the discharge, one can determine the possible cause of a symptomatic runny nose.

Cause of white snot

IN in good condition, the nasal mucosa secretes exclusively transparent snot, which is necessary to moisturize the nasal passages. However, if their color changes and the substance itself thickens, this is already a sign of infection or serious inflammatory process. Negative processes in the body progress, the mucus secreted becomes much larger, and foam may appear in the structure of the secretions. Possible reasons emergence this state will be described below.

Almost always, the appearance of thick, viscous whitish snot indicates advanced inflammatory processes that require immediate qualified treatment. Often, the white color of such discharge gradually changes to yellow - this indicates the appearance of mucous and purulent centers inside the lesion.

Possible diseases with white nasal discharge

A symptom such as white snot from the nose can be characterized by a number of diseases and conditions of the body - here are just a few of them:

  1. Allergic seasonal reactions caused by an allergen or seasonal/man-made phenomena - dry air, insufficient quantity body fluids, plant pollen, etc.
  2. Sinusitis
  3. Sinusitis
  4. Ethmoidites
  5. Adenoiditis
  6. Complications of influenza and measles
  7. Severe caries with inflammation penetrating into the maxillary sinuses
  8. Nasal polyposis

White snot in children

White snot can appear in children different ages– from infants to fully grown girls and boys. As mentioned above, the cause of this condition can be a huge number of different diseases and conditions of the body - from allergies and caries, to polyps and sinusitis. It is almost impossible to recognize the cause of a symptom on your own - this requires a comprehensive examination by an ENT doctor, carrying out such measures as x-rays, ultrasound, etc. Based on its results, appropriate treatment is prescribed - if necessary, this is therapy with antibiotics, corticosteroids, antihistamines, various combined drops, etc.

A very common cause of the above-described condition in children of preschool and school age is an allergy to various irritants - animal hair, dust, car exhaust, food, etc. White snot in this case has seasonal chronic nature and are cured by constant use of the necessary antihistamines, as well as by eliminating the allergen from the baby’s contact environment.

The impact of an unpleasant symptom on the child’s body can be significantly reduced. If your baby has a severe runny nose, be sure to raise the head of the bed before going to bed or resting - this way the mucus will not be in huge quantities accumulate in the sinuses. If your child cannot blow his nose on his own, remove his snot using an aspirator or a soft rubber bulb. It is impossible to rinse the nose at an early age, since there is a high risk of injuring the mucous membrane and organs of the middle ear, so just instill a few drops of saline solution in the proportion of a liter of water / 1 teaspoon of salt into both nostrils - this will facilitate the outflow of mucus, relieve irritation and blur thick white snot .

As an additional barrier to infection, it is rational to take interferon during the course of the disease - it accumulates in the child’s body and strengthens the overall level of immunity. Try not to overuse vasoconstrictor drugs, since they should be used for a strictly limited time and as prescribed by a doctor: otherwise, your child may develop drug-induced rhinitis, and the mucous membrane will stop responding adequately to the medicine, giving the opposite reaction (increased nasal congestion). To improve the outflow of white snot, regularly massage the bridge of the nose in the area of ​​the adenoids and sinuses.

It is advisable to take essential medications only as prescribed by a qualified doctor!

White snot in adults

White and thick snot is almost always a symptom of a serious inflammatory process, which is also accompanied by purulent neoplasms. Most often, after contacting an ENT doctor, the specialist diagnoses the patient with sinusitis, purulent adenoiditis or ethmoiditis.

Unlike children, in adults an allergic reaction usually does not cause whitish discharge from the nose, excluding gas poisoning and insufficient humidity in the room. The main tool for identifying real reason this symptom, is considered to be an x-ray, and in difficult cases if diagnosis is not possible, use a puncture.

As a mandatory additional treatment to drug therapy prescribed by a medical specialist, it is rational to use nasal rinses. This kind of procedure can be done both in a hospital (the so-called “cuckoo”) and at home using special complexes Aqualor, Aqua Maris, etc. Or make your own saline solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water.

To improve the outflow of whitish mucus, it is also recommended to regularly moisturize the nose, use vasoconstrictor drops as the main tool for direct local cleaning of the nasal passages, and take restoratives vitamin complexes, interferon, exercise in moderation.

What to do?

Have a quick recovery!

Thick snot in a child

Rhinitis is associated with infection entering the nasopharynx. In this case, therapy is carried out using antiviral drugs. However thick discharge Mom and dad can detect it from the baby’s nose when their child’s well-being is not accompanied by signs of a cold. In such a situation, treatment will be more difficult, as will identifying the cause of the pathology.

The nature of the origin of thick nasal discharge

Secretion from the nasal passages is considered a normal protective reaction of the body for both children and adults. Mucus is a barrier to small particles and dust that we inhale.

ENT doctors most often associate white discharge from a baby’s nose with allergic reactions of the child’s body. Such mucus can also be released during a runny nose, when the illness is non-bacterial in nature. If the tests reveal that the discharge is indeed allergic, then parents should adhere to a number of recommendations:

  1. Regularly ventilate the room where the child stays.
  2. Do wet cleaning twice a day.
  3. Walk more often with a boy or girl in the fresh air.
  4. Avoid contact with the allergen.

Parents note that the color of mucus released from a child’s nose as a result of an allergen is not only white. It could also be clear snot.

Such discharge occurs in children who drink little liquid, which the child’s body needs for healthy functioning. In this case, eliminating the problem is a daily increase in the amount of water consumed by the child.

Often the cause of such mucus discharged from the nose is bronchitis and pneumonia, which have become chronic. A similar type of discharge occurs when the runny nose is neglected.

Bacterial rhinitis in the stage when leukocytes and pathogenic microorganisms die is also accompanied by thick yellow-green snot.

Parents often complain to pediatricians about such discharge in their infants. But their nature is the same as that of older children. And the delay in the treatment process is due to the fact that such a small child does not know how to blow his nose.

How to carry out treatment correctly?

Young parents should not resort to the advice of friends and relatives in treating thick snot in their child. It should definitely be shown to a pediatrician, especially if we're talking about about a baby under one year old. We must be careful not to make the problem worse. It is recommended to do the following:

  1. Gently rinse your baby's nose using saline or other products prescribed by your pediatrician. For a child under one year old, an infusion of chamomile is ideal, which will clean the nose and soothe the mucous membrane.
  2. After thinning the thick secretions, they must be carefully sucked out of the nasal passages with a syringe without a needle or a small rubber bulb.
  3. Next, the baby’s nose should be dripped with medications prescribed by the doctor. Antibacterial substances can serve as medicines and products traditional medicine. If you experience nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictor medications. As for traditional medicine recipes, it is recommended to prepare the following drops yourself: mix the juice of carrots, potatoes, beets in equal proportions and dilute with warm boiled water 1: 1. The healing liquid is instilled into both nostrils, two drops twice a day. These vegetable juices are powerful natural antibiotics. Therefore, such nasal drops will effectively stop the inflammatory process and normalize the flora. Parsley has similar properties. You need to squeeze the juice out of the greens, also dilute it with water one to one and bury the child’s nose in the same way.

Thick green snot in a preschool child can also be treated well with herbal drops prepared from yarrow and calendula herbs mixed in equal quantities. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with 100 grams of boiling water and, after infusing for thirty minutes, it is strained. Place 2-3 drops of this herbal infusion into a child’s nose.

It is important to consider that traditional medicine for the treatment of child discharge of any nature must be used freshly prepared.

Nasal congestion transparent snot baby

What to do with clear snot?

The nasal mucosa in its healthy natural state produces small amounts of nasal mucus. This mucus is liquid and transparent.

But if this is a natural process, is it necessary to treat clear snot? Let's figure it out together.

The mucus produced by our nose is necessary for our body, as it performs a number of extremely important functions.

Firstly, nasal mucus carries immune functions. That is, transparent snot provides local immunity nasal cavity. It serves as the first protective barrier against dust and pathogens inhaled in the air. First, it retains them, and then removes them out of the nasal cavity through transparent snot.

Secondly, nasal mucus is responsible for humidifying the air we inhale. This important factor our well-being and good health.

So, does that mean no treatment is required?

It all depends on the amount of nasal discharge. When there are too many of them, they complicate the breathing process and flow out of the nose - this is already a sign of an incipient disease. In this case, clear snot indicates the onset of a runny nose (rhinitis). A runny nose, in turn, can be a symptom of a more serious illness.

Why does clear snot appear?

There are two main reasons for the appearance of clear snot. The first is the beginning of any infectious disease. If the nasal mucosa is affected by bacteria, then you should prepare to treat acute respiratory disease (acute respiratory disease). If viruses are to blame, then we can talk about the need for prompt treatment of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection).

The second cause is allergic rhinitis (runny nose). In this case, the presence of clear snot is our body’s response to contact with a particular allergen substance.

These are common reasons for their appearance, characteristic of people of all ages. They can be observed in infants, schoolchildren and in adult patients. There are also several specific reasons for the appearance of clear snot in newborns. For more detailed information, you should read the article “ Clear snot in a child".

What can they be confused with?

Why not always when appearing clear discharge Should a runny nose be treated urgently?

The answer is simple. There are several physiological conditions, whose symptoms are very similar to clear snot, but are not them.

The first such condition is rhinorrhea. With rhinorrhea, a large amount of mucous secretion is also released from our nose. And it can also be a symptom of a runny nose. In this case, it should also be treated.

However, there are situations when rhinorrhea does not indicate the onset of any disease. Let's give an example. Who among us has not experienced a runny nose? clear mucus do liquids stand in the cold? Then we returned to a warm room and everything stopped.

The second condition is nasal liquorrhea. In this case, the clear liquid flowing from the nose has absolutely nothing to do with snot. This is cerebrospinal fluid, which provides normal functioning brain. The main cause of nasal liquorrhea is brain injury.

Treatment of clear snot

We found out why, when they appear, you don’t need to immediately start fighting a runny nose. So, in what cases should you start treating them?

Treatment is necessary when the amount of such nasal discharge becomes very large.

Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine the cause of the appearance of clear snot. He is the one who will tell you exactly what is bothering you. Simple runny nose or allergies. Or clear discharge is a symptom of some more serious disease.

Without knowing the diagnosis, it is impossible to say how to treat yourself. However, if for some reason you cannot go to the doctor, and breathing through your nose becomes more and more difficult, then you will still have to fight a runny nose.

Rinse the nose with saline solution

This treatment method is completely safe. Whatever the cause of nasal congestion, by rinsing you will not harm yourself. Using saline solution can effectively clean nasal cavity from the mucous secretion accumulated in it. After the procedure, breathing will become easier.

Use of vasoconstrictor drugs

Remember, nasal vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (adrenergic agonists) do not cure the disease. They only relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and restore easy and free breathing. But they do it very quickly and efficiently. You will feel relief within 5-10 minutes after using them.

Before using adrenergic agonists, you need to blow your nose. This will allow the medicine to be applied directly to the nasal mucosa, which will make the effect of the drug more complete and effective.

There is a large selection of vasoconstrictor drugs. Nazivin, Sanorin, Otrivin, Rinorus, Nazol - this is not a complete list of them.

The main thing to remember is that when using adrenergic agonists, you must strictly follow the requirements of the instructions for use. You need to pay attention to the duration of use and recommended dosages. If used incorrectly, it may cause severe complications up to atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

child has nasal congestion

Hello. Can I get your advice? Our 2.8-year-old child gets sick often, and then we started going to kindergarten and then he fell ill on November 1 and was diagnosed with an adenoviral infection. were treated, the nasal congestion cleared up, the ENT diagnosed 0-1 degree adonoid (she said that after an infection the adenoids became inflamed), she prescribed protorgol at first 2% for 2 weeks, then 3% for 2 weeks and tanzylgon for 1 month. We were treated for two weeks with 2% protorgol, began to drip 3% and there was terrible nasal congestion (although before that it seemed to go away) with thick, difficult to separate snot-child I couldn’t breathe at night, the whole thing was accompanied by a cough. The pediatrician and ENT doctor stopped us from protorgol, prescribed Isofra and EDAS-801 and left Tanzilgon. Then they said they would prescribe a laser for the nose. We’ve been taking Isofra for 7 days now, the ENT doctor prescribed it for 10 days) The pediatrician doesn’t prescribe any tests for some reason - she sent me for a consultation with an immunologist. appointment only for next week, and the child again began to have clear snot and congestion appeared again and a cough (coughs when there is a squelch in the nose). What to do, this has been going on for more than a month - the child is suffering. Thank you.

First of all, it is necessary to decide why the child has difficulty breathing through the nose and there is discharge. There are two options: or this active inflammation, or is it simply swelling of the nasal mucosa and increased permeability of the mucous membrane. In order to understand this, it is enough to make a cytological smear from the nasal mucosa. The predominance of eosinophils will indicate an allergy, the predominance of neutrophils will indicate inflammation, and the detection of only mucus in the smear will indicate ordinary edema, which can be treated with physical therapy without resorting to drug treatment. A cytological smear is a very simple test that can be performed by any laboratory

Hello, we took a rhinocytogram test. neutrophils 50% eosinophils 12%. to see a doctor on Monday. Please advise, is it possible that there is both an allergy and an inflammatory process? Thank you

Yes, according to the rhinocytogram, there is an allergy, and in addition to it, an inflammatory process is going on right now (usually, during inflammation, neutrophils begin to displace eosinophils from the nasal mucosa). You will now need to focus on treating inflammation, and after that contact an allergist

Thanks a lot. Today we received the results of nasal and throat swabs. No microflora growth was detected in the nose. (how can this be if there is an inflammatory process), and the growth of streptoccus mitis is 1 * 10 to 7 degrees, is it because of them that we have a runny nose? We also completed a course of laser therapy for the tonsils and nose this week. what else can be done?

It turns out that the banal streptococcus is to blame. This means that the problem can be solved with antibiotics (preferably local - for example, bioparox, which can be discussed in advance with the attending physician) and based on the results of the course of treatment, you will need to do a control smear on the flora.

Ivan Vasilyevich! Tell me, does this mean that if we cure streptococcus, then the adenoids can return to normal? Or will it be necessary to treat them, of course?

Very high probability that the adenoids will return to normal. If swelling remains on the adenoids, you will need to undergo a short course of physical therapy - laser therapy is best, but you will have to look where they do it

Ivan Vasilyevich! Thank you. We didn’t get to our ENT specialist (it’s very difficult with specialists at the district clinic). We asked for a paid consultation from the head of the medical department at one of the hospitals in our city. Based on the results of the examination, they said the following: adenoiditis, almost 3 degrees (due to swelling and inflammation), almost purulent mucus flows down the back wall, they prescribed us the following treatment regimen for 7 days: Nazivin drops, nasal rinsing (Saline or Dolphin), Biparox (only through the nose) all this 4 times a day, also Nasonex 1 time a day and Erespal 3 times a day. then after the new year you can be told to undergo laser therapy. I wanted the doctor to wash it for us, but they also wash it by force (we don’t have the opportunity to go to them 4 times a day). We tried to wash the house with Dolphin, but of course the child was hysterical. Tell me whether to continue torturing the child with dolphin or whether salina will be enough. And I would also like to clarify with you what is the name of the method of rinsing the nasopharynx, described in your video? Maybe we can find someone in the city who does this to children? And she’ll also say, please, the doctor said that we don’t have any indications for hospitalization, but I’m worried, because the mucus is purulent. and it turns out that the child has been suffering for almost two months. We have been using the treatment for two days now. It seems like breathing through my nose has become better. There is very little discharge when blowing the nose, and not much when rinsing the nose. Thank you very much for taking the time to consult

The rinsing method is called a nasopharyngeal douche, but you can also rinse using the cuckoo method. Please do not rinse it yourself at home in any way - there is no need to torture the child, as you yourself wrote.

Transparent snot

Many parents consider nasal discharge in children in the form of clear snot to be a harmless phenomenon and do not always pay attention to it. But, the cause of the appearance of such a mucous substance can be quite unpleasant phenomena.

In the first weeks of life, clear snot may appear in infants. The reasons for this phenomenon may be: adaptation to external environment, problems encountered during birth process, abnormal stay in the womb before birth. Almost always, mild baby “grunting” with a small amount of clear discharge can be cured with salt drops. When used, the nasal mucosa is washed and moistened. The main thing is not to overdo it.

During the period of teething in children, clear snot is observed in almost every baby. Mucus discharge from the nose, along with the child's nervous state, elevated temperature and acetone levels, is a sign that the process of erupting the next pair of teeth has begun.

During viral epidemics, children develop clear snot due to decreased immunity by the age of six months. By this point, mother’s milk ceases to be the main thing in the baby’s diet, as a result of which a deficiency of antibodies occurs in his body and the risk of developing many viral diseases increases. One of the symptoms in this case is a runny nose with clear snot.

Also, the cause of clear snot in children can be an allergic reaction to some external irritant - perhaps food, perhaps viral. In this case, clear mucus in a child can be cured with the help of antiallergic drugs, which should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

How to treat snot in a child

In the case when a runny nose is “on the face” and the child is not able to sleep calmly and quickly, he needs treatment. It would seem that many people know how to cure clear snot in a child, but, to achieve positive result, this issue should be taken seriously.

Any symptom of a runny nose requires prompt relief. In this case, drugs that constrict blood vessels are effective. When using them, you must strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor, otherwise the body becomes accustomed to the drug, and the child will not be able to breathe normally. Sometimes, even if all rules of administration and dosage are followed, the use of drops affects the entire body and the child develops excessive pallor.

Among other things, clear snot in children can occur due to bacterial inflammation. A doctor must prescribe the method of use and dosage of any medicinal drug.

Usage sea ​​water with nasal discharge in the form of clear snot, it helps to quickly positive effect, speedy relief of breathing and recovery. Sea water rinses and cleanses the nasal cavity of dead cells; minimizes the growth and development of microbes and bacteria, which are one of the causes of a runny nose; thanks to great content minerals strengthens the walls of the mucous membrane and increases local immunity, accelerating the regeneration processes of the nasal mucosa. Regular use of sea water helps cleanse the nasal cavity of dirt and dust, which can cause allergic reactions, and also moisturizes the nasal cavity - after all, during the heating season, the air in our homes and premises is quite dry, which can cause mucus secretion and a runny nose.

In addition to knowing how to treat clear snot, it is also important to know how to do it. The main thing during treatment is to carry out the instillation process correctly. Before dripping a medicinal drug into the nostrils, they need to be treated with a weak salt solution to cleanse them of dead cells. After instillation of one nostril, it should be pressed firmly against the nasal septum, preventing the medicine from entering the mouth or out. You also need to instill in the second nostril.

Clear snot in adults

For an infectious runny nose

In the case of an infectious runny nose, the appearance of clear snot is caused by damage to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx by various pathogens. Similar phenomenon occurs with ARVI, influenza. In this case, the nasal mucosa loses its ability to protect the body, preventing the entry of various pathogens into it through the respiratory tract. For this reason, abundant transparent liquid discharge from the nasal cavity, congestion and swelling. Additionally, absent-mindedness, weakness, and memory loss may occur.

For allergic rhinitis

In the case of a runny nose that occurs as a result of an allergic reaction of the body to any external irritant, nasal congestion is felt. itching, frequent sneezing and clear snot. An allergen can be pollen from plants during the flowering period, animal fur, and other factors.

How to treat clear snot in adults

In case of profuse discharge of clear snot, it is recommended to use drugs that promote vasoconstriction to treat a runny nose.

A runny nose with clear snot, resulting from an allergic reaction of the body, is strongly recommended to be promptly identified and treated (and not just alleviate symptoms). Otherwise, it can lead to the development of bronchial asthma. The choice of remedies for the treatment of allergic rhinitis is huge - several dozen medicinal drugs. In any case, a doctor should prescribe treatment based on the symptoms and condition of the patient.

Clear snot in a child

The child has clear snot flowing

With a problem baby runny nose I'm sure all parents have faced this problem. Liquid transparent snot in a child is a sign of an incipient allergy or acute respiratory infection. The whole question is whether such snot requires treatment.

The production of nasal mucus in a child occurs in the same way as in an adult, without posing any threat. The appearance of clear snot indicates that the body is protecting itself from the effects of the virus that causes allergic reaction, and he turned on his defense mechanisms. When mucus is secreted, the body fights viruses and allergens, and the body prevents their spread.

Causes of clear snot in children

The nasal passages need constant hydration, so the nasal mucosa regularly secretes liquid, transparent snot. If the snot is viscous, whitish and thick, there is reason to suspect the onset of an inflammatory process or infection in the body.

A baby may develop a runny nose immediately after birth, which is the body’s reaction to new living conditions and the beginning of adaptation to them. In this case, clear snot may appear as a result of a long stay in the mother's womb, or certain disturbances in the process. labor activity. Snot infant may be a result of the structure of his nasopharynx, which is why his runny nose is called physiological.

If certain external factors (including dry air in the room) contribute to the creation of unpleasant conditions for the baby’s nasopharynx, a runny nose occurs. This can also happen at an older age - the nose becomes too dry due to too low environmental humidity, to which the mucous membrane reacts with transparent liquid secretions that resemble ordinary water.

Due to the fact that the infant does not yet know how to blow his nose, clear snot accumulates in his nose, resulting in difficulty in breathing. To prevent a child's nasal congestion, parents should closely monitor their child's nose and remove whitish or clear discharge from it.

It is necessary to monitor the position of the baby’s body so that during sleep his head is slightly higher than his body and, as a result, there is no disruption of the breathing process.

Another reason for the formation of clear snot in a baby may be teething. The thing is that the processes of blood supply in the nasopharynx and gums are closely related to each other, and if there is an increase in blood flow to the gums, blood flows to the nasopharynx area. As blood flow increases, mucus production in the nasal region increases and accelerates, which significantly accelerates a runny nose. It is impossible to combat this phenomenon; its symptoms should simply be waited out, while the elimination of clear fluid should be monitored, while avoiding congestion of the nasal passages.

Very often, clear snot in children occurs due to allergic reactions. This factor acquires additional relevance in spring, when active flowering of plants begins. Among all the symptoms of allergies, the following stand out: clear discharge from the nose, redness on the body and rash, tears in the eyes and redness of the eyes, swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, itchy skin. A runny nose of an allergic nature in a child is accompanied by frequent sneezing baby. Parents should be attentive and try to determine what exactly is the source of the child’s allergies. As a rule, immediately after contact with the allergen, a reaction appears in the form of a runny nose and other symptoms. Such allergens can include fluff, dust, animal hair, pollen, and some food products. In order to effectively treat a runny nose of this type, the child should be protected from contact with the allergen, but if the cases are quite severe (shortness of breath, swelling, etc.) external signs), it is necessary to take antihistamines.

Another very common cause of clear snot in a child can be a viral disease: ARVI and acute respiratory infections. When the disease just begins, there is a discharge of liquid transparent snot from the nose, but it subsequently becomes noticeably thicker, especially if it is not treated. If the nasal discharge is white and not transparent, we can talk about the development of inflammation and the spread of infection in the body. Viral diseases are identified by a runny nose and other familiar signs: sore throat, fever, headache, difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by nasal congestion and frequent cough and sneezing. Viral diseases require an integrated approach to treatment, but this should be done only after a medical diagnosis has been made.

Thick transparent snot in a child

Thick transparent snot in a child appears, as a rule, as a result of improper treatment of a runny nose or if the disease is accompanied by bacterial inflammation. In the first case, the appearance of thick transparent snot in children indicates a lack of fluid in the child’s body or the presence of warm and dry air in the room. Exposure to all these factors causes an unproductive cough and thick snot. Thick, white snot in a child is of a viral nature, and thickens as a result of improper treatment and weakening of the body's protective resources. If bacteria multiply in the snot and leukocytes accumulate, they thicken and change color to green-yellow. Moreover, the snot becomes increasingly green as the process of bacterial reproduction intensifies and progresses pathological process. Thick transparent green snot cannot be observed in a child if allergic rhinitis As a rule, in this case, bacterial or viral-bacterial rhinitis is observed. As a result of such a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs and nasal congestion is observed. If rhinitis becomes protracted, the infection, with its further spread, can cause otitis media or sinusitis. Very often thick snot yellow signal that the deep nasal sinuses have entered the field of influence of the disease, from which pus flows. With such symptoms, the development of sinusitis in children over three years of age should be excluded.

Liquid transparent snot in a child

Parents should not assume that liquid transparent snot will go away on its own in the child and that it is easy problem. If they are not treated in time, they can subsequently lead to the appearance of more serious illnesses- for example bronchial asthma. This type of runny nose is always associated with unpleasant nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane. This could be due to dangerous bacterial infection or an allergic reaction. Similar symptoms can be caused by certain plants in the room, various types of food, down and feathers of birds, and household chemicals. In addition, the child may experience discomfort as a result of exposure to certain temperature conditions or specific air humidity, the significance of these parameters is very high. It is useful to rinse the nose with a salt solution or sea water. Similar products can be purchased at the pharmacy. Good drugs for constricting blood vessels, which are instilled into the nose in order to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, as a result of which the amount of fluid released from the nose also decreases.

We should not forget that only eliminating the allergen that caused it will help completely eliminate snot. It is worth thinking about the possibility that something may have been inherited by relatives as a disease to the child. The room in which the child is located should be ventilated more often; wet cleaning should be done twice a day, since dry air carries allergens and bacteria.

How to treat clear snot in children

In order to properly treat a runny nose, which manifests itself in the form of clear nasal discharge, it is necessary to make a visit to the doctor, since such symptoms may indicate significant health problems. Regardless of the cause of a runny nose in a small child, the condition of his nose should always be monitored during treatment, since in order to improve nasal breathing it must be cleared of mucus. If children are very young, specially designed devices are used for this purpose that suck out the contents of the nose. These are nasal aspirators. If the snot is so thick that it cannot be removed immediately, the mucus should be thinned before performing this procedure. Nasal solutions based on sea water or infusions of sage, St. John's wort and chamomile will help you do this. First, a few drops are instilled into each nostril, after which the liquid is sucked out using an aspirator. If children are older and already know how to blow their nose on their own, they should be reminded of this more often. If you are using certain nasal drops or sprays, you should clear your nose of snot before administering the drug. If a runny nose appears as a result of unfavorable external conditions, they need to be eliminated.

If the humidity in the room is insufficient, you should use a humidifier, or simply place bowls of water on the floor in the room. In the children's room it is necessary to constantly carry out wet cleaning.

Sometimes you can take the child to the bathroom and let him breathe moist air in it. If his runny nose manifests itself only in the form of clear nasal discharge, there is no need to use vasoconstrictors. The process of secreting clear mucus indicates that the body has independently begun to solve the problem.

If breathing returns to normal, at least temporarily, it is worth thinking about the need to treat the underlying disease that causes such symptoms. All subsequent measures will depend only on the disease that caused the runny nose.

If the disease is viral in nature, the child should be treated from the very beginning: rest, bed rest, crushed garlic in a gauze wrap, which is hung around the bed, drinking plenty of fluids, will help prevent the development of the disease.

If clear snot comes out of the nose into large quantities, their color changes, therefore, it is necessary to use means to narrow the blood vessels.

For problems with the throat and nose, inhalations, application of compresses and other traditional and traditional medicine help well. However, before starting to treat a child, you should agree on its procedure with the pediatrician, and, if necessary, with an otolaryngologist, allergist and other specialists.

Transparent snot in a child, how to treat it?

It is very important that the mucus does not dry out in the child’s nose and does not stagnate there. To prevent this from happening, a saline solution, which can be easily prepared at home, should be dripped into the child’s nose. One spoon of salt is diluted with half a liter of boiled water. The solution is instilled into the nose, half a pipette in each nostril. When instilling, you must lie down. When a child has a runny nose this procedure it is very important to produce, since it provides the nasal mucosa with the opportunity to fully perform its functions of resisting infection and normally tolerate medications. Today pharmacies sell and ready-made products for rinsing the nose. All these compositions are prepared on the basis sea ​​salt. These include Humer, Aqualor, Aqua Maris and Marimer. Also good effect No-sol and Salin are used.

The child's snot is thick and transparent

Causes of sticky snot in children

A runny nose is not uncommon for a child; this unpleasant symptom always accompanies colds and usually goes away after a week of adequate treatment. However, it also happens that a child has a stuffy nose, clear, thick snot, but no other cold symptoms are observed.

Perhaps the cause of this pathological condition is an allergic reaction or more serious diseases of the respiratory system; in any case, in order not to aggravate the baby’s condition, the problem must be dealt with. Treat viscous snot Children should be treated by a pediatrician or otolaryngologist after identifying the cause that triggered the pathological process. Self-medication is unacceptable here.

Secret functions

The nasal mucosa secretes muconasal secretion (snot), the main function of which is to protect it from drying out and harmful microorganisms.

The nose is the body’s first barrier of defense against viruses, bacteria, and allergens.


Nasal secretion acts as an antiseptic, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, and thanks to the ciliated epithelium, which covers the entire nasal mucosa, it removes waste material to the outside. This is how a runny nose appears.


In normal condition, the human nose produces a small amount of liquid transparent mucus, which moisturizes and protects the lower respiratory tract from foreign objects (dust, dirt). But once an “enemy agent” enters the body, the volume of muconasal secretion increases significantly, and a fight begins.

A runny nose at the initial stage is always accompanied by clear liquid snot, which gradually becomes thick in consistency, which indicates the child’s recovery. If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, the muconasal secretion may acquire a yellow or green tint (the color depends on the severity of the disease).

A thick yellow-green runny nose, in which the child has a stuffy nose, should alert parents, as this may be a symptom of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis). The disease should be treated immediately, as the disease quickly becomes chronic and provokes complications.

Why thick

Snot is a mucus based on water, salt and mucin protein. It is mucin that is responsible for the consistency of nasal discharge. So, with a common viral infection, a child develops a profuse runny nose, the consistency of the discharge is liquid, it is transparent and easily flows out of the nasal passages. A few days before recovery, the mucus stops flowing, becomes thick, but remains transparent (sometimes it can be somewhat cloudy).


If the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection, then it is necessary to fight it more mucin protein. The nose, or rather the mucous membrane, begins to actively produce it - now the liquid transparent snot becomes thick in consistency and acquires a characteristic shade (yellow or green).


In addition to a bacterial or viral infection, allergens can provoke a thick runny nose in a child, and the baby may also have a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and sneezing. Usually, with allergies, nasal discharge is clear, but at the same time it can acquire a milky tint, have a foamy consistency and be sticky.

Dry air

Quite often, a sticky runny nose is observed in children during the heating season. Insufficiently humidified air leads to drying out of nasal mucus - first it becomes thick, and then dries out completely, forming crusts. Also, a child’s nose is a kind of indicator indicating the amount of moisture in the body. Transparent viscous snot may indicate a lack of fluid, resulting in dysfunction of the body.

Lung diseases

Transparent viscous snot can indicate more serious diseases, such as bronchitis or pneumonia; this manifestation is especially often observed in children of the first year of life. Therefore, parents should not rely on themselves, self-medicating - a qualified doctor should treat the disease.

How to get rid

Since thick snot significantly complicates a child’s nasal breathing, it needs to be gotten rid of and this should be done correctly.


Initially, a sticky runny nose should be thinned - drop a few drops of Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer, No-Sol saline solution into the baby’s nose. Regular saline solution or a weak decoction will also work. medicinal herbs(chamomile, St. John's wort, others). Older children are advised to rinse their nose and then get rid of mucus by blowing their nose.


Regarding children younger age do this - after instillation, wait 5 to 10 minutes, then, using an aspirator or gauze flagella, remove the softened secretion from the nose. Some parents use an ordinary syringe (without a needle) as an aspirator, but then they need to secure the child’s head tightly so as not to injure the delicate nasal mucosa.

These manipulations help free the baby’s nose from viscous mucus, but do not eliminate the cause of the runny nose. The disease must be treated. Based on the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes an antiviral, antibacterial or antihistamine, mainly for local application. Drops may also be prescribed vasoconstrictor effect, with their help you can normalize nasal breathing. You cannot prescribe medications on your own.


To avoid thickening of nasal mucus, parents should remember:

  • the optimal air humidity in the room is 50-60% - place a container of water on the heating radiator (at least 1.5 liters should evaporate daily);
  • Regular wet cleaning will help prevent an allergic reaction - quite often house dust, wool, fluff, feathers are allergy triggers;
  • drink plenty of water - water, this is life, give your child more fluids especially during illness; water procedures - if the baby does not have a fever, be sure to bathe him; steam improves nasal breathing and prevents mucus from thickening.

One more thing - do not use traditional medicine, mother’s milk, beet and carrot juice will not rid the baby of viscous snot, but, on the contrary, will provide a favorable environment for reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. A qualified doctor must treat children.

About the causes and treatment of clear snot in a child

Transparent snot can appear in a child from the very first days of his life. So delicate mucous membranes small nose adapt to new conditions of existence outside the mother's womb. In subsequent years they will accompany the baby, then foreshadowing the development respiratory infection, then signaling an allergic reaction.

  • 1 Reasons for the appearance of clear snot
  • 2 About treatment methods

If a clear liquid secretion is released in small quantities, then, most likely, parents have no reason to worry: in this way the mucous membranes of the nose protect themselves from drying out. If the snot, becoming viscous, begins to thicken and change color, this should alert a caring mother, since such a symptom indicates the development of an inflammatory process or an infection in the baby’s body.

When does clear snot in a child need to be treated, and when can its condition be alleviated with mere careful hygiene of the nasal passages? It depends on the reason for their appearance.

Causes of clear snot

Transparent snot in a child may appear due to:

  1. Adaptation to new conditions of existence. This reason may explain the appearance of a physiological runny nose in a newborn who has just left the mother’s womb. Dry environmental air provokes increased production of mucous secretion. With a physiological runny nose, the baby does not sneeze, his body temperature continues to remain normal, and the discharge from the small nose is always watery, transparent and not too abundant. Drug treatment not required here.
  2. Teething. Transparent snot, elevated body temperature and a nervous state - these are characteristic symptoms, which accompanies the process of teething in every second baby.
  3. An allergic reaction that appears after contact with environmental allergens (dust, pet hair, fluff, pollen and some foods). During an allergic reaction, the baby not only sniffles, but also sneezes. Often his eyes water.
  4. Exposure to all kinds of viruses. As a rule, the immunity of a six-month-old child is somewhat weakened due to the fact that by this age the role of mother’s milk in his diet decreases. It was through him that the baby received antibodies that protected him from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. As the daily portion of mother's milk decreases, the amount of antibodies produced also decreases. A runny nose with clear mucous secretion is one of the leading symptoms of a viral disease. If you do not treat it, after a while, instead of clear and liquid discharge, thick and white snot will appear.

About treatment methods

Before treating clear snot in a child, it is necessary to show him to a good specialist who can determine the exact cause of their appearance. Regardless of the etiology of the runny nose, its treatment must necessarily include regular procedures for cleansing and rinsing the nasal canals.

How to wash a baby's nose

  1. To clear excess mucus from your baby's nose, you can use a special device - a nasal aspirator.
  2. Thick and too viscous snot must first be liquefied with saline solution or a decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile or St. John's wort are suitable for its preparation). If desired, you can purchase and use a pharmaceutical saline solution (many mothers use Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor, Dolphin or Humer). A few drops of a freshly prepared solution or decoction are injected into each nasal canal, after which the diluted mucous secretion is sucked out with an aspirator.
  3. Older children's noses can be rinsed using a disposable syringe or a special neti pot.
  4. Any medical procedures procedures associated with the use of nasal sprays or drops should be carried out only after thorough cleansing of the nasal passages. As soon as a small child learns to blow his nose on his own, it is necessary to remind him to do this as often as possible.

About the treatment of infectious rhinitis

Transparent snot in a child who has an acute respiratory infection or a viral infection eventually gives way to a thick white or yellowish discharge.

  1. Treatment of such a runny nose is necessary with strict adherence to bed rest.
  2. A runny nose of any etiology, accompanied by copious secretion of transparent mucous secretion, can be treated with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs (Sanorina, Galazolina, Naphthyzina, Vibrocil, Rhinonorm, Nazola, Nazivina). However, you need to know that this group of drugs can alleviate the patient’s condition by only temporarily relieving him of nasal congestion and reducing the amount of mucous secretion. They are not able to completely cure a runny nose. The maximum permissible period of use of adrenergic agonists should not exceed seven days.
  3. Treatment of clear mucous discharge during the first three days from the onset of the disease is carried out with the help of drugs human interferon– “Grippferon” and “Interferon” in the form of nasal drops.
  4. Clear snot of viral etiology can be treated through inhalations using a nebulizer charged with an interferon solution.
  5. Treatment of infectious rhinitis is often carried out with immunomodulatory drugs. One of the best is Sinupret, a medicine consisting only of natural ingredients.

About the treatment of allergic rhinitis

If your baby’s clear snot appears as a result of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to identify which allergen caused it and, if possible, eliminate its effect.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis is carried out with antihistamines, taking into account age group and strictly observing the dosage. Before starting treatment for allergic rhinitis in an adult patient or a child, it is imperative to consult a qualified allergist. It is he who will prescribe the necessary drug. The disease, left to chance, is fraught with the development of bronchial asthma.

About the treatment of thick snot

  1. Thick snot in a baby is a harbinger get well soon, however, it is at this moment that every effort must be made to facilitate his nasal breathing. Since thick nasal discharge is difficult to clear, it is necessary to rinse the child’s nose with saline solution as often as possible (at least five times a day).
  2. Before the procedure of rinsing the nasal canals, it is useful to drop three drops of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice into each nostril. Thick snot, slightly diluted healing juice, will begin to flow out of the nasal passages on their own, while the baby will begin to sneeze continuously.
  3. If you wash your nose regularly, thick snot will leave the child's nose after a couple of days of intensive care.
  4. Drug treatment is reduced to instillation of nasal medications prescribed by the treating specialist.
  5. At the stage of the appearance of thick snot, a caring mother should ensure compliance with a plentiful drinking regime.
  6. Humidifying the air in the children's room will help improve your baby's nasal breathing. To do this, it must undergo regular wet cleaning and ventilation. The same goal is pursued by the use of special humidifiers and home fountains. In winter, wet towels are hung on the radiators, and in summer you can simply spray the air with a spray bottle.

Transparent and thick snot in a child: medication and alternative treatment

  • The main stages of a runny nose
  • Therapy used
    • Application of additional procedures
    • The use of folk remedies

If a child develops thick snot, treatment is carried out taking into account the child’s well-being and the type of runny nose. There are physiological and respiratory rhinitis.

The main stages of a runny nose

In the first weeks of life, newborns develop light-colored snot, which goes away on its own after a few days. Treatment of rhinitis is carried out if the disease is caused by bacteria and viruses.

A runny nose in children goes through the following stages:

  1. The appearance of liquid and transparent snot as a result increased output secretion of the inflamed mucous membrane or against a background of bacteria. The baby’s general well-being worsens if the infection gets into the throat and respiratory system.
  2. The appearance of green and thick snot, which causes difficulty breathing.
  3. Formation of yellow secretion that irritates the nasal passages.

Thick and transparent snot appears with the development of pneumonia, bronchitis and allergies. Before treating thick snot in a child, it is recommended to find out the cause of its appearance. You cannot self-medicate, because each drug has contraindications and improper treatment can cause various complications.

A clear runny nose is treated with vasoconstrictor drops. Taking into account other symptoms of the disease, the pediatrician selects general treatment:

  • antiviral agents;
  • immunomodulators;
  • drugs that relieve swelling.

Liquid secretions can be sucked out from small children using an aspirator or rubber bulb. Similar procedure reduces the likelihood of bacteria entering other respiratory tracts. Pediatricians do not recommend constantly using vasoconstrictor drops. Otherwise, the child will get used to them. Such products are used for 3-5 days.

Difficulty in nasal breathing usually indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body. It is not always accompanied by mucus secretion, but this is not a sign of a mild pathology. Quite the contrary - problems associated with nasal congestion and occurring without liquid discharge or thick accumulations of secretion in the sinuses can turn out to be much more serious than a common runny nose. Therefore, if a child’s nose cannot breathe and there is no snot, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition.

It would be wiser not to look for it yourself, but to turn to qualified specialists.

However, it is necessary to become familiar with the factors that provoke this condition. This will allow you not to miss the onset of serious diseases that can lead to complications that negatively affect the baby’s health.

Briefly about the main thing

Nasal congestion without a runny nose cannot be called independent disease. This is a symptom of some pathological conditions, signaling a dysfunction respiratory organ carrying an important load. Namely:

  • preventing cold air from entering the lower respiratory tract;
  • a barrier from the effects of external irritants on the bronchi and lungs - dust particles and impurities contained in the air;
  • a kind of gate that blocks the penetration of pathogenic agents into the lower respiratory organs.


It should be noted that the absence of liquid secretion produced by the body in response to damage to the nasal mucosa by viruses and bacteria indicates the development of so-called posterior rhinitis, not associated with infectious nature pathological process.

The explanation is simple: if a runny nose is bacterial or viral, snot will definitely flow from the nose. This is how the body gets rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

Nasal congestion in a child without snot occurs for the following reasons:

  1. An allergic reaction of the body to external irritants or taking medications. IN childhood A runny nose of an allergic nature is rarely observed.
  2. Congenital defect of the nasal septum or its curvature due to injury. With such deviations, the child constantly breathes through his mouth.
  3. Swelling of the mucous membrane, caused by thickening and drying of mucus in the posterior zone of the organ, is also accompanied by dry nasal congestion.
  4. Long-term use of nasal drops with vasoconstrictor effect. Their intake should not last more than 5-6 days. Frequency of use – no more than 3 times a day.
  5. Entry of a foreign object into the nasal canal. A distinctive feature of difficulty breathing in the presence of a foreign body in the nose is congestion in only one nostril, while breathing in the other will be free.

Attempts to eliminate nasal congestion in a child without identifying the cause only prolong the child’s painful condition. Its identification, subject to timely consultation with a doctor, allows you to eliminate the problem and prevent negative consequences.

Delays in the presence of objects accidentally lodged in the nose pose a particular danger to the health and life of the baby.

Other reasons

If a child has a stuffy nose, but the snot does not flow, this may indicate the manifestation of the first symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold. In this case, liquid discharge appears a little later - after a day or two.

Quite often, difficulty in nasal breathing without mucus secretion is observed in infants. This is explained by the physiological characteristics and imperfect functioning of the systems and organs of infants.

The narrowness of the nasal canals leads to dry mucous membranes, as a result of which the baby breathes poorly through his nose and snores in his sleep. This situation will normalize over time without the use of medications as the baby adapts to new living conditions.

Nasal congestion without a runny nose also occurs due to some unfavorable conditions created in most cases by overly caring parents. Among them:

  • room temperature exceeding permissible limits (norm – no more than 19-20°);
  • lack of compliance with basic rules that require daily ventilation of the room;
  • excessive dry air with a recommended humidity of 50-60%;
  • excessively wrapping the baby;
  • ignoring the pediatrician’s recommendations about the need for daily exposure to fresh air.

Such factors, which seem insignificant, create the preconditions for drying out the nasal mucosa, which causes difficulty breathing in the absence of a runny nose.

Daily wet cleaning, regular ventilation of the home, walks in any weather will easily correct the situation.

Possible complications

If a child does not breathe through his nose for a long time, this can create favorable conditions for the development of diseases associated with pathological changes in the organs of the respiratory system.

In addition, in children with prolonged nasal congestion the following are observed: negative symptoms and manifestations:

  • restless sleep, causing instability of mood, whims and even neuroses;
  • Lack of timely elimination of the causes causing difficulties with breathing through the nose leads to a violation olfactory functions and hearing;
  • changes in the blood vessels of the brain, causing cerebrovascular accident.

The task of parents is to immediately respond to any deviations in the child’s health. However, self-medication is the most serious mistake they make without seeking help. qualified help see a doctor.

How to treat

The fundamental principle of therapy in a situation where a child has a stuffy nose and has difficulty breathing is to alleviate the baby’s condition. The choice of methods directly depends on the causes, and treatment is aimed at eliminating them.

To quickly cure nasal congestion in a child, the doctor first of all recommends following hygienic requirements, which include keeping the baby’s nasal passages clean.

For this purpose, rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution is prescribed. The procedure should be carried out not 2-3 times a day, but every 2-3 hours. You can prepare the solution yourself. To do this, dilute 0.5 tsp in 1 glass of warm boiled water. salt.

Sanitation solution can be purchased at a pharmacy. Aquamaris and Ectericide products have proven themselves well.

Special attention addresses the need to maintain a normal microclimate in the baby’s room.

Drug therapy

If there is no positive dynamics, the doctor will suggest treating the pathology with medications. In this case, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed with minimum concentration main active ingredient.

Adrianol, Panadol Baby or Nazivin are most suitable for use in childhood. Pharmaceutical industry offers them in the form of aerosols and nasal drops.

Application vasoconstrictors involves strict compliance with the Instructions, which:

  1. Precludes their use until the child is two years old.
  2. Warns about duration of use up to 7 days and no more than 3 times a day.
  3. Concentration and dosage are prescribed taking into account the age of the child.

Other medicines

In addition to vasoconstrictor drugs, children are also prescribed other drugs that help relieve nasal congestion without the presence of a runny nose. Among the most popular and effective are:

  • nasal drops and sprays – DlyaNos, Rhinorus, Tizin;
  • antihistamines - Zodak or Loratadine;
  • ointments for topical use - Fleming, Doctor Mom.

The use of the listed medications is permitted strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

Surgical intervention

The indication for surgery is the presence of pathological conditions that cannot be eliminated by conservative methods:

  • deformation of the nasal septum;
  • polyps or other growths in the nasal passages;
  • foreign bodies stuck in the nose;
  • diffuse tissue changes resulting from chronic form rhinitis

TO surgical treatment resort only in extreme cases. The decision about the need for intervention is made by the doctor.

About traditional methods

Efficiency grandma's recipes is very doubtful, especially when it is necessary to help a small child. The use of medicinal herbs and plants can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

In this case, you will have to treat two diseases. Therefore, doctors are categorically against the use of traditional medicine methods for children.


Timely contact with qualified specialists allows you to eliminate nasal congestion in a child, subject to strict adherence to medical instructions regarding the microclimate in the room, compliance with hygiene rules and strict adherence to recommendations regarding the use of medications.

For an adult, a runny nose is not a big problem. In most cases, we know that the snot will go away quickly; it is important to regularly blow your nose and instill vasoconstrictor medications to ease breathing. A common runny nose caused by a viral infection goes away in 5–7 days. For a one-year-old child, everything is not so simple. Usually, children at the age of 1 are still unable to blow their nose on their own (with rare exceptions), and it is still difficult for them to switch to mouth breathing with nasal congestion. Therefore, they have a hard time withstanding a common runny nose.

  1. The baby becomes whiny and irritable.
  2. Difficult nasal breathing prevents the child from eating and sleep is disturbed.
  3. Streaming nose is annoying delicate skin around the mouth and nose, causing a burning sensation.
  4. In the absence of timely treatment, complications may develop in the form of otitis media and sinusitis.

Before treating snot in a child, you should consult a pediatrician.

What diseases can cause snot?

Most often, the appearance of snot in a child aged 1 year is associated with an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Snot appears suddenly, it is liquid and transparent. This is how the child’s body tries to cope with viruses by washing them away from the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Before fluid appears from the nose, dryness and burning in the nose and sneezing may occur. This indicates a viral attack of mucosal cells. Treat a runny nose viral nature is not required, and there is not yet a specific remedy against viruses that cause respiratory diseases.

It happens that a bacterial infection can accompany a viral runny nose. This occurs due to a decrease in the body’s protective functions and unformed immunity in children aged 1 year. Also, a bacterial runny nose can appear when you have scarlet fever, measles or diphtheria. Treatment of these diseases should be immediate and only under the supervision of a doctor. With a bacterial runny nose, the snot becomes yellowish or green in color, becomes thick, and is difficult to separate. A bacterial runny nose can be cured with the help of antibacterial drugs.

Another common cause of snot in a child is allergies. Allergic runny nose not associated with viruses or bacteria, occurs in response to the presence of an allergen (allergens) in the baby’s life. This type of runny nose manifests itself as a profuse flow from the nose. The liquid is transparent, viscous. More often it occurs together with allergic conjunctivitis. The production of a large volume of snot during a runny nose is aimed at washing away allergens from the mucous membrane. As soon as contact with the allergen stops, the runny nose disappears. Treatment of snot for allergies comes down to identifying the allergen and excluding it from the child’s environment.

A runny nose can occur when a foreign object enters the nose. This phenomenon occurs frequently among young children. These can be beads, toy parts, peas or beans, batteries and many others. etc. The mechanism of such a runny nose is the body’s desire to wash away foreign object and protect the mucous membrane from irritation. In this case, snot will be released only from the nostril in which it is located. foreign object. They can be transparent initial stage, with an admixture of pus and blood in the future, especially if the object has sharp edges and damages the mucous membrane. Treatment in this case should be carried out by an otolaryngologist. Using the tools, he will remove the item and assign additional therapy, if required.

Principles of treating runny nose in young children

Most pediatric doctors say that it is not advisable to treat snot in a 1-year-old child with medications. And this makes common sense. A runny nose is a protective reaction of the body aimed at neutralizing and eliminating viruses or other agents that provoke this disease.

The composition of snot is water, mucin protein and salts. The liquid state allows you to wash away viruses from the surface of the mucosa and create a protective film on it. Mucin can have a destructive effect on the viral cell membrane. Therefore, the more viruses, the more snot is produced and the thicker it becomes.

It is possible to cure a runny nose in a one-year-old child without the use of medications if its appearance is a symptom of an acute respiratory disease. To do this, you need to create several conditions.

1. The air that a sick child breathes should be moist and cool. This will help avoid drying out the mucous membranes. To do this, you need to ventilate the room more often, turn on the humidifier, or hang wet diapers around the room.

The mucous membranes of our body are designed in such a way that in order to carry out their functions they must always be moist. When dry protective functions mucous membranes weaken, which facilitates the introduction and reproduction of viruses in the cells of the body.

  1. Moisturizing is required directly by the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. A great way to fulfill this condition is to irrigate the nose with saline solution. To prepare the solution at home you will need a liter boiled water and a teaspoon of salt (table or sea), which must be mixed and instilled into each nostril, 1-2 drops several times a day.
  2. Regularly clearing the nose of snot and crusts. If a child of 1 year already knows how to blow his nose, then, as necessary, you need to ask him to “blow” the snot into a napkin or sink.

Many parents do not know how to properly “blow” their child’s nose. Under no circumstances should you pinch your baby’s nostrils with a handkerchief or napkin. This will create high pressure in the nasal passages and mucus will enter the ear canals, which can cause inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media).

When blowing your nose, you need to close only one nostril (preferably with your finger), and through the other the child should blow out the contents of the nose. Repeat the same with the second nostril. It is best to carry out this procedure over a sink so that nothing disturbs the baby, and the snot can be washed off immediately.

If you blow your nose into a tissue, it is better to use disposable ones and throw them away immediately. When using tissue handkerchiefs, the viruses along with the secretions remain there for a long time, and they may re-enter the mucous membranes.

Treatment of runny nose with medications

If you don’t want to prepare solutions for moistening your nose yourself, you can purchase ready-made ones at the pharmacy. Usually these are drops based on sea water. These include Aqualor Baby, Salin, Aquamaris, etc. They can be used for a long time, the drugs are absolutely harmless and do not cause side effects.

It is important to remember that children under 2 years of age cannot be treated with nasal sprays for a runny nose! Even if you bought the drug in the form of a spray, unscrew the spray mechanism and draw up drops with a pipette!

In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Otrivin Baby, Naphthyzin, Tizin, etc.). They must be used with caution. Drugs in this group can dry out the nasal mucosa, which makes it vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Vasoconstrictor drops addictive. Treatment with them should not exceed more than 5 days.

For viral infections, the doctor may prescribe drops with an immunomodulatory effect: Grippferon, Nazoferon, Derinat. Their action is aimed at increasing protective forces body in the fight against viruses. However, there are very contradictory reviews among doctors regarding the effectiveness and appropriateness of their use.

Treating your baby's snot with antibacterial drops is strictly prohibited! Antibiotics are used only if bacterial rhinitis, with other types they will only cause harm!

How to prevent snot

Subject to simple rules, you can prevent the appearance of snot or reduce its appearance to a minimum.

  1. Strengthen and strengthen your baby's immunity from the first months of life.
  2. Dress your child according to the weather. Do not dress your baby too warmly and vice versa. Particular attention should be paid to shoes. The child's feet should not sweat or get cold.
  3. During seasonal ARVI epidemics, do not appear with your child in crowded places.
  4. Moisten the nasal mucosa with saline solution during the heating season and during outbreaks of respiratory infections.
  5. Before going outside in cold weather, lubricate your nasal passages with Oxolinic ointment.
  6. Follow proper nutrition baby.

Treat a runny nose infants vital. To do this, you do not need to have a full first aid kit of medications or spend a lot of money on their purchase. Most often, treatment comes down to creating a favorable environment for the patient and nasal hygiene.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Pediatrician highest category
She graduated from the Gorky Medical Institute in 1977 with a degree in pediatrics.
I have great experience medical activities. For 25 years she worked as a local pediatrician in Nebit-Dag, Turkmenistan; in Ternovka, Ukraine; in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Worked as a pediatrician at the Center for 5 years social assistance family and children in Nizhny Novgorod, from 2003 to 2008.
Currently, I help mothers with children, write articles on topics that I understand as a professional - childhood diseases and child development. I am a site consultant



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