How long can goose fat be stored? Goose fat

Many animal fats have a lot of healing properties, so they are actively used in medicinal purposes. One of them is goose fat, which contains many useful elements, helping to cope with various diseases joints, skin, gastrointestinal tract.

What are the benefits of goose fat? Compound

Poultry lard includes vitamins PP, E, D, B-group, as well as the whole complex polyunsaturated acids: oleic, stearic, arachidonic, myristic, omega-3 and 6. The product contains minerals: zinc, magnesium, selenium and others. It is completely natural and is formed naturally, it does not contain harmful cholesterol.

Use in folk medicine

Goose fat is quite easily absorbed by the body, accelerates the renewal of cellular structures, has immunostrengthening, anti-inflammatory, healing properties, effectively removes waste, toxins from the body, harmful substances. Has wound healing, warming, some antibacterial effect, warms the skin well, improves metabolism, stops the growth of tumors.

IN therapeutic purposes As a rule, melted lard is used. It can be used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, burns, frostbite, gynecological diseases. It helps relieve pain in joints and muscles, relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatism. The fatty product actively fights varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and helps reduce symptoms.

Cold ointment for children and adults

At colds lard based can be prepared medicinal ointment. For this purpose you will need:

  • natural bee honey or ;
  • cocoa powder;
  • leaf juice, goose fat.

Place all ingredients in a spacious container and heat over low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take the resulting composition 2 times a day, after dissolving a teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of low-fat warm milk.

This recipe is used to treat colds in children over three years of age. Positive Action The product appears the very next day.

Various compresses are no less effective in treating cough and other signs of acute respiratory infections.

Glycemic index (GI) – 0.

Calorie content – ​​889 kcal.

Goose fat - natural product, in demand in medicine and cosmetology. Used by humans since ancient times. Fat is obtained from the subcutaneous layers and connective tissues. Produced by rendering lard. It is divided into three types: superficial, gastric and internal. Residents of Asia claim that with its help even the most hopeless patient can be cured.

Useful properties

Goose fat is considered the best poultry fat and surpasses them in its chemical composition. Contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, ash, a small amount of acids: acetic, steoric, capric, butyric. Mineral compounds are presented in the form of sodium (545 mg), selenium, zinc, magnesium, copper, etc. Vitamins: choline, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, PP.

How it affects the body

Refined goose fat helps increase protective forces, stimulates metabolic and digestive processes, helps cleanse the body, remove toxins and radionuclides. Regular consumption helps in the fight against atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins, hemorrhoids, asthenia.

It prevents cardiovascular diseases and vitamin deficiencies. Effective for skin inflammations, infections and injuries: frostbite, burns, erysipelas, eczema. It has a beneficial effect on brittle and damaged hair, prevents baldness, nourishes and tones the skin.

It is important that raw fat does not lose its useful qualities when heating, when high temperature is applied for 3-7 hours. The concentration in the final product valuable substances increases.

How to choose correctly

You can buy goose fat in a store, market, pharmacy, or make it yourself. A quality product has a yellowish-golden color. If there are brown tints or admixtures of cracklings, then these are signs of burnt or expired goods.

If you want to render the fat yourself, you can use two options: in a “water bath” using a colander (5-7 hours) or in the oven (3-4 hours).

Storage methods

Fresh fat can not be melted immediately, but placed in the freezer. In this form, it will not lose its beneficial properties for 3-4 months. When melted, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 6-8 months, and in the freezer for 1 year. The jar should be tightly closed with a lid or foil.

What does it go with in cooking?

Possessing a delicate taste, goose fat is used in cooking. It makes any dish extraordinarily tasty and piquant. Especially popular among French chefs. Pates are produced on its basis. Goes well with fresh vegetables and cereal side dishes. Used for sautéing vegetables and root vegetables to create soups.

It is often used in conjunction with vegetable oils. To do this, when warm, it is combined with olive oil, etc., the product acquires new notes and is used for sauces and salads like ordinary vegetable fat.

Healthy combination of products

If you want to lose weight in your diet, it is better not to use goose fat. Can be used as a medicine. For example, a strengthening agent is prepared based on this product, which even children like. To do this, mix honey, goose fat, cocoa powder (1:1:1), 1 tsp. aloe juice The mixture is diluted in warm milk and drink 2 times a day.


Application in medicine and cosmetology

Goose fat is popular not only in cooking, it has found wide application for medical purposes. On its basis, ointments are created that are prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases, bronchitis, colds, tonsillitis, thrombophlebitis, frostbite, burns, and hemorrhoids. Recommended for inclusion in the diet for overwork, stress, apathy, and decreased performance. And also in case of poisoning, to remove toxins from the body.

It has been used in cosmetology for a long time to maintain beauty and preserve youth. In winter, goose fat can replace any nourishing cream, just lubricate your face with it before going out into the cold.

In combination with camphor oil it turns out effective mask for aging skin – nourishes, tightens, smoothes fine wrinkles, eliminates flaking, stimulates cell rejuvenation. To relieve irritation, prepare a mixture with chamomile, sage and chestnut powder. For brittle and dry hair, rub into the scalp – the structure improves and strengthens hair follicle, hair loss is eliminated.

The times when unofficial medicine was extremely popular, unfortunately, have sunk into oblivion. Today it is easier for people, if they have any ailment, to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy drug. Many simply do not trust folk remedies, being afraid to use them.

But the medicines from the people are the medicines with which our ancestors were treated. Pharmaceutical industry was not always so developed; at one time it did not exist at all. Plants, oils, water, fat - this is what helped in the fight against pathologies, and quite successfully. In addition, it is common knowledge that our grandparents were sick much less than us.

Many people believe that drugs alternative medicine ineffective and even useless. However, adherents alternative treatment also a lot. They definitely know about the benefits of goose fat. This bird has been bred since ancient times. In some nations she was even deified.

As confirmation of this, there is a legend according to which it was geese that saved Rome. When the enemy tried to enter the city, the geese made a noise and thereby woke up the residents. They woke up earlier guard dogs. Of course, now few people dare to use a bird as an alarm. But you should not refuse to use goose fat for medicinal purposes.

Previously, people used fat for therapy various pathologies, in particular diseases skin And respiratory system. In addition, the bird was bred for meat, and the down was used to make blankets and pillows. As for the fat, it was first melted and then stored in special containers. Later it was used not only for preparing dishes, it was, and still is, an integral component medicines. And here's why.

Medicinal properties

The benefits of goose fat are obvious. It contains significant amount useful and, importantly, medicinal substances:

  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • selena;
  • cholesterol.

Fat, due to the content of the above substances, has wound-healing, restorative, immunostimulating, antioxidant, regenerating, and analgesic effects.

Preparations based on goose fat contribute to:

  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of the lipid barrier and normal water balance dermis;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • eliminating pain and inflammation.

How to cook goose lard at home?

As a rule, goose fat is pure form inconvenient for medical use. It is more suitable for cooking. In medical and cosmetology practice, it is customary to use lard - melted fat. Properly made lard should have a viscous consistency.

The preparation is very simple. The process will not take much of your time. On average it takes half an hour.

  1. First, you need to collect the interior and subcutaneous fat from the bird.
  2. Next, chop it and put it in a small pot or saucepan.
  3. Heat over low heat for half an hour. There is no need to bring to a boil.
  4. After this, strain the mixture and pour into a glass container.
  5. The lard, cooled to room temperature, covered with parchment, is placed in the refrigerator, where it is stored.

Traditional medicine has many recipes for medicines made from goose fat. All of them are effective and, most importantly, completely natural. The products are recommended for use in therapy skin ailments, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, articular pathologies, gynecological diseases.

Medicines can only be used with the knowledge of the attending physician. You should not self-medicate, as you may harm yourself. In addition, you should not abuse medications and exceed the dosages indicated in the recipes.

Treatment of respiratory pathologies with goose fat

Cough treatment. Take one medium-sized onion, chop it with a grater and combine it in equal proportions with goose lard. Every day, on an empty stomach, eat a spoonful of the drug, and before going to bed, rub the same drug on your chest, then wrap yourself up and drink milk with honey - 200 ml.

Fat in the treatment of shortness of breath. Connect to equal quantities lard with quality honey and vodka. Infuse the composition in a warm room for two weeks. It is recommended to take 15 ml of the drug three times a day, before meals.

For skin ailments and burns

Anti-frostbite agent. To begin with, in order to accelerate blood flow, make several vigorous movements. Fill a basin with some water, not hot, but not cold. Dip frostbitten limbs into the container. Once sensitivity returns, increase the water temperature slightly. As soon as the pain is minimized or completely subsided, blot the affected areas with a soft towel and lubricate them with goose lard. Apply a bandage on top and cover with a warm scarf. Don't forget to wear something warm.

For burns. The product is recommended for use at the healing stage. Mix 100 grams of lard with sea ​​buckthorn oil– 15 ml. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the prepared ointment twice a day. Bandage the sore spot.

Combine the dried soapwort rhizome, crushed to a powdery consistency, with fat. Treat the affected areas with the drug several times a day.

Against pain in muscles and joints

Medicine for osteoarthritis. Grind a few aloe leaves. Combine the resulting mass with vodka - half a glass, fir oil, turpentine - 10 ml and goose fat - 100 g. Mix the composition thoroughly and set aside for three days in a dark place. Apply ointment to painful areas twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Course duration is a week.

Medicine for muscle and joint pain. Combine lard - 50 g with honey - 15 g, cinquefoil tincture - 20 ml, vitamin E - three drops, tincture hot pepper- with a spoon. Mix the ingredients well and place in the refrigerator. Rub the ointment on painful areas.

Recipes for use in cosmetology

The product is used both for the face, for improving the health of the dermis, and. If you want to restore the skin of your hands to their former softness, as well as eliminate small cracks, lubricate your hands with fat every day.

If you have dry skin, try using lard. Apply it to your face for about fifteen minutes. Remove any remaining product with a napkin. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before bedtime. Regular use of fat promotes healing, moisturizing and nourishing the dermis, cell regeneration and the elimination of wrinkles. It is recommended to use lard as a lip balm. This excellent remedy against dryness and cracking.

To improve the condition of your hair, try the following: heat a couple of tablespoons of lard, and then rub it into the dermis of your scalp. Distribute the product over the strands using a wooden brush, and then wrap with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, wash your hair and rinse with chamomile infusion.


There are no side effects or contraindications to the use of products based on goose fat. However, if you are going to use this miracle cure, you should be aware of some caveats.

  1. You should not use lard in hot weather, or before going outside. Fat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can become toxic when exposed to ultraviolet light. Perfect time To use lard – evening.
  2. The product is considered high in calories. In this regard, people with excess weight you need to be careful when taking medications.
  3. Do not abuse drugs from the people. Remember, everything is good in moderation.

Since ancient times, in Rus', and in many other countries, goose fat has been used both therapeutically and prophylactically (for colds, pneumonia, psoriasis, eczema, etc.), and cosmetic product. Here are just some tips and recipes.
Goose fat, according to Koreans, helps to resolve tumors. The collected goose fat was also used to treat skin diseases.


They took 112 grams of fat, mixed it with 20 grams of Auba plant bark powder, mixed it all well and made a plaster from the resulting mixture. This patch was then applied to the affected areas of the skin and changed 2-3 times a day. According to Korean doctors, it works especially well when purulent diseases skin.

Grind the soapwort root into powder. Mix a tablespoon of powder with three tablespoons of goose fat. Regularly lubricate the areas of skin affected by psoriasis with this composition, which cannot be compared in effectiveness with any hormonal ointment.

At wet eczema An ointment made from goose fat and fir oil helps. The ratio is 60-70% to 30-40%. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply to the sore spot, apply compress paper on top and tie. Do such compresses 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 12-24 days. Bedsores and diaper rash can also be removed with this ointment by wiping the sore areas with a swab.

Limb douse cold water and grease with goose fat. The fat must be rubbed in every night.

Apply goose fat to the affected areas of the skin and cover with a bandage. Change the ointment twice a day.

Goose fat is effective for the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Take the following composition: 150 g of aloe juice, 100 g of goose fat, 100 g of honey and cocoa powder mixed, take a tablespoon per glass of hot milk 2-3 times a day.

Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is the most a common complication after the flu.

For chronic, severe pneumonia, it is recommended to mix 100 g of grated garlic with 500 g of goose fat, put this paste on boiling water for a few minutes water bath. Then, thickly smear parchment paper with the mixture, apply it to your chest and carefully tie it with a woolen scarf. Apply the compress overnight.

It is useful to rub an ointment of this composition into the chest or back: grind and mix 1 part wax and 4 parts goose fat until a thick mass is obtained.
Honey, goose fat, vodka: pour 1 kg of honey and 1 kg of goose fat into a liter of vodka. Stir well and place in a warm place for two weeks. And then take one tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Take a large onion, peel, wash and grate. Mix with goose fat. Rub this mixture into the chest and neck area. Tie with a warm scarf. In the morning on an empty stomach, take a tablespoon of this mixture when coughing.

You should always remember that there is nothing better for health and preserving youth and beauty than winter walks, skiing, and skating. You just need to protect your facial skin from frostbite. If it does happen, then it is better to use traditional methods treatment - goose fat.
Before going outside, frostbitten areas should also be lubricated with goose fat.
This is the most reliable protection.

In addition, goose fat was also used in cosmetics. To do this, you do not need to use it in large quantities inside - here, most likely, beauty will be damaged, given the modern cult of harmony.
But outside - please. Korean medicine suggests lubricating your face and hands with goose fat to make them soft and tender. This product whitens the skin well and treats cracks on the lips and face.
By the way, here Korean doctors are in solidarity with the Russians.
Completely dry facial skin can be lubricated with goose fat at night. You are risking the condition of your pillowcase - get ready to change it in the morning! Remove excess fat immediately after application. Any fat can be used as a foot cream.


Goose fat and Kalanchoe ointment
Goose fat - 3 parts
Kalanchoe juice - 1.5 parts.
Mix the ointment and place in a dark glass jar. You need to cook a little. Apply to feet overnight, wrap with plastic wrap, and leave until morning.

Goose fat - 100 gr., honey - 100 gr., aloe juice - 15 gr., cocoa powder - 100 gr. Mix all ingredients, heat over low heat, but do not boil. While hot, pour into glass jar. Cool and dissolve 1 tbsp. spoon in 1 glass of milk 2 - 4 times a day, depending on general condition. Indications: general and special - tuberculosis, anemia, strong degree emaciation.

Attention!!! Official medicine recognizes goose fat as a useful dietary supplement, but does not consider it a medicine.

Goose fat to strengthen the immune system

To strengthen the body's defenses, prepare the mixture according to the following recipe:

  • Mix equal parts goose fat, honey, cocoa powder.
  • Add 15 g aloe juice.
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath.

Take the mixture orally, one tablespoon twice a day, diluted with a small amount of warm milk.

Goose fat for cough

When coughing, goose fat can be used for rubbing; warm goose fat is mixed with melted wax in a ratio of 4:1 and rubbed into chest front and back, excluding the heart area. This compress is best done before bedtime, then give the patient something to drink. warm drink and put you to bed under a warm blanket.

Goose fat for pneumonia

To treat pneumonia, you can prepare the following compress:

  • Mix 100 g of chopped garlic and 500 g of goose fat.
  • Place the resulting mixture in a water bath for a few minutes.
  • Spread the resulting warm mixture onto parchment paper.
  • Place it on your chest and tie it with a woolen scarf.

This compress should be done at night for 4 to 5 days.

Goose fat for tuberculosis

For pulmonary tuberculosis, prepare the following mixture: 100 g. goose fat, 100 gr. honey, 150 gr. aloe and cocoa powder are ground into a homogeneous mass. It is recommended to take the product 2-3 times a day, a tablespoon diluted in a glass of hot milk. Take for several months.

Goose fat for frostbite

In case of frostbite, lubricate the damaged area with melted goose fat 2-3 times a day, and at night make a compress of goose fat.

Goose fat for shortness of breath

For shortness of breath 250 gr. goose fat and 250 gr. honey is poured into a glass of vodka, everything is mixed and placed in a warm place for 14 days. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture 30 minutes before meals.

Goose fat for burns

Burns should be generously lubricated with goose fat and a bandage applied on top. Change the ointment as needed at least 2 times a day.

Goose fat for psoriasis

3 tablespoons of goose fat are mixed with 1 tablespoon of crushed soapwort root. The resulting composition according to its own healing properties not inferior hormonal ointments and has no side effects. To treat psoriasis, the affected areas of the skin are regularly lubricated with goose fat and soapwort.

Goose fat for eczema

Mix 2 parts of warm goose fat with 1 part of fir oil, mix thoroughly and the resulting mixture is applied thickly to the wet areas and tied overnight or for several hours. The course of treatment for weeping eczema is 10-20 days.

Used for wet eczema next remedy: goose fat and cedar resin are taken in fir oil in a ratio of 60%-70% fat and 30%-40% resin in oil. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to sore spots 2-3 times a day as a compress for 2-4 weeks.

Goose fat for thrombophlebitis

For thrombophlebitis and other diseases lower limbs mix 2 parts goose fat and 1 part Kalanchoe juice, leave for several days, store in a dark container and a cool place. The affected areas are lubricated overnight for a long time.

The use of goose fat in gynecology

In gynecology and for the treatment of hemorrhoids: Mix 100 grams of goose fat with 1 tablespoon of dried calendula flowers, heat in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, strain, use the remainder for moistening. gauze swabs. They are placed daily at night for 10 days, during treatment gynecological diseases The course of treatment is repeated twice more with ten-day breaks.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids It is recommended to mix 300 gr. Goose fat with 20 gr. chamomile and sage powders. The hemorrhoids are lubricated with the resulting ointment for a week, then week break. Afterwards the course is repeated.

Goose fat has long been used as folk remedy for the treatment of cervical erosion . The mixture should be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Place 100 g of goose fat in an enamel pan.
  • Add a couple of pinches of dried calendula flowers and mix.
  • Place in a preheated oven for half an hour.
  • Remove the pan and strain its contents through a sieve.

Lubricate a sterile gauze swab with the resulting fat and leave it overnight. Repeat the procedure in three ten-day courses with ten-day breaks.

The use of goose fat in cosmetology

To protect dry and delicate skin in cold weather cheeks and nose were smeared with melted goose fat. For cooking nourishing mask Mix 50 g goose fat with 5 g camphor oil, mix and apply to face for 20 minutes, blot excess oil with a napkin, then wash face warm water.

When the face becomes chapped It is recommended to melt goose fat in a water bath and apply it before each time you go outside.

To prepare a nourishing mask for aging skin Goose fat is mixed with a few drops of camphor oil. The mixture is applied to the face for half an hour, then washed off with warm water.

To nourish the skin of the lips Take crushed rosehip or rose petals and mix with goose fat. Thanks to this mixture, the skin on the lips stops flaking and becomes smooth and elastic.

To strengthen thin, brittle and dry hair Goose fat must be rubbed into the scalp for 30-40 minutes. Then the fat is washed off with shampoo, and the hair is rinsed with herbal decoctions or warm water with lemon juice.



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